Embarrassing panic over desert: German Green politician “proves” climate change with picture of military training area

 “© Raimond Spekking / CC BY-SA 4.0 (via Wikimedia Commons)”

Barren wasteland, empty fields, hostile desert – and in the middle of Germany! With an embarrassing panic tweet, the Green Party’s Katrin Göring-Eckhart, who is, after all, Vice President of the German Parliament, has caused astonishment – and incredulous head-shaking.

Alarm! Due to man-made climate change, desertification is already beginning in the middle of Germany. The drought catastrophe already has our latitudes firmly under control. This is what Gatrin Göring-Eckhart (Greens) wanted to suggest on Twitter. To do so, she posted a link with a picture showing such a desert right on our doorstep – the “Lieberos Desert”.

Anyone familiar with the history of this sandy area, 95 kilometers from Berlin, will have immediately recognized the Green politician’s gaffe – because it has nothing whatsoever to do with climate change. Created by a large forest fire in 1942, the area was used for many years as a Soviet military training area. Because heavy tanks constantly rolled through the area, the “tank desert” remained just that: a desert. Environmentalists are even fighting to preserve this area.

Many pictures of the desert on Wikipedia
Wikimedia Commons , J.-H. Janßen, CC-BY-SA-3.0,2.5,2.0,1.0


US: Woman sues hospital, doctors who removed her breasts at 13 after influencers made her believe she is a transgender

Victim Kayla Lovdahl, image via Youtube/ Chloe Cole

An 18-year-old woman named Kayla Lovdahl in the United States is taking legal action against ‘Kaiser Foundation Hospitals’ and four doctors involved in a ‘transition procedure’, which resulted in the removal of her breasts at the age of 13.

She has filed a lawsuit in California State Court, asserting that the medical professionals prioritised financial gain over her well-being. The victim accused the doctors of pushing her into believing she was transgender and facilitating the ‘transition procedure’ for profit.

According to court documents filed on Wednesday (June 14), Lovdahl informed that she was influenced by online influencers at the age of 11. This led her to entertain the mistaken belief that she was transgender.

Her parents, unsure of how to handle the situation, sought assistance from medical professionals who swiftly affirmed their daughter’s transgender identity.

Lovdahl further added that she was prescribed hormone blockers and testosterone without undergoing a proper psychological evaluation by the age of 12. She also underwent a single 75-minute transition evaluation.

The victim recalled the doctors telling her family, “It is better to have a live son than a dead daughter.’” According to her, the procedures she underwent were driven by ideology and profit, amounting to medical abuse.

Doctors paid no heed to mental health issues before the transition procedure: Kayla Lovdahl

At the age of 17, Lovdahl de-transitioned back to a woman and now holds the doctors responsible for their negligence, asserting that she was never truly a transgender.

The victim pointed out that any reasonable physician could have determined that she would not maintain a permanent transgender identity.

The lawsuit emphasised that the doctors should have recognized her mental health issues and paid attention to medical studies indicating that transitioning might not significantly improve the mental well-being of young girls.

Victim accuses hospital of medical negligence, seeks unspecified damages

“There is no other area of medicine where doctors will surgically remove a perfectly healthy body part and intentionally induce a diseased state of the pituitary gland to misfunction based simply on the young adolescent patient’s wishes,” it added.

Moreover, Lovdahl accused the hospital and doctors of failing to provide her with proper informed consent, which would have involved comprehensive therapy—an essential step that she claims was overlooked.

Lawyers representing the victim have described the procedures as “an insane form of child abuse.” Attorney Charles Limandri stated, “We believe cases like this are the best way to stop them, especially in liberal states like California, where reckless ideologues are pushing this radical agenda.”

Reportedly, Kayla Lovdahl is seeking unspecified damages for the physical and emotional wounds she has suffered for undergoing a ‘gender transition procedure’ at 13.


Why are Muslims overrepresented in Western prisons?

(Image Source : Hindu Dvesha)

For those of us living in freedom, it is easy to forget that there are more than 10.35 million people incarcerated worldwide, with the majority of them – over 2.2 million – being in the United States.[1] These prisoners may be out of sight and out of mind, but studying them and where they come from is important because prison statistics provide a deeper understanding of how well various ethnicities and religious groups integrate into society.

Muslims Grossly Overrepresented in Prisoner Population

One of the startling facts about the prison population in the West is that the number of Muslim inmates is disproportionately large compared with other immigrant groups and the wider society. According to the latest available data, Muslims are only about 1 percent of the US population, but they make up about 9% of state prisoners and as many as 12 percent of federal prisoners. This means out of the more than 1.3 million state prisoners and roughly 200,000 federal inmates in the American prison system,[2] approximately 141,000 are Muslims. Interestingly, of the 1.5 million names in the FBI’s Terrorism Screening Database, 98 percent, or roughly 1.47 million Muslim names.[3] 

In contrast, Hindus, who are also around 1 percent of America’s population, comprise just 0.2 percent of the prison population. Putting it differently, Muslim immigrants have a much higher propensity for crime than other communities, whereas Hindus are one of the least crime-prone communities.

This seems to hold true consistently across the globe.  

For instance, across the border in Canada, Muslims are 4.9 percent of the total population, yet they comprise 6 percent of the adult population in correctional services. In comparison, Hindus, around 2.3 percent of the population, are the lowest contributor to prisons at 0.2 percent.[4]

In France, an estimated 50 percent of prisoners are Muslims, despite the followers of Islam being only 8-10 percent of the country’s population.[5] A Brookings Institution report says: “Muslims are greatly overrepresented in prisons, and within the 18- to 24-year-old age group in particular, they make up only 8.5 percent of that age cohort in France, yet 39.9 percent of all prisoners in the cohort.”[6]

France is not the only country in Europe with a serious problem with Muslims integrating themselves into society. In Britain, Muslims comprise 4 percent of the population, but their numbers in prison have reached a record high, with nearly one in five prisoners now followers of the Islamic faith. According to a report provided to the British Parliament, 18 percent of prisoners in England and Wales recorded their religion as Islam in 2021.[7]

In London, the figure is a shocking 27 percent, more than double the 12 percent of the capital’s Muslim population. In two prisons, Feltham and (the ironically named) Isis, a third of the inmates are Muslim. Half of the top British prisons with the highest Muslim populations are in London, including Belmarsh (29 percent), Brixton (24 percent), Pentonville (28 percent), Thameside (25 percent), and Wormwood Scrubs (27 percent).[8] By contrast, while Hindus represent 2 percent of the population in the UK, only 0.4 percent of prisoners identified as Hindu, the lowest of any religious cohort. In 2021, there were just 329 Hindus in British prisons.[9]

In Europe’s largest country, Germany, which accepted a whopping 750,000 Muslim refugees in 2015 alone, the Muslim population now stands at more than six million, or 7 percent of the overall population of 82 million. By contrast, roughly 20 percent of the 65,000 inmates in the German prison system are Muslim, according to data collected from regional justice ministries.[10]

In the city-states of Bremen and Hamburg, the proportion of Muslims among the prison inmates is particularly high at 29 and 28 percent; even large federal states such as Hesse and Baden-Württemberg report a high proportion of Muslims at 26 percent.

A similar picture emerges in next-door Austria, where 22 percent of the inmates are Muslim, compared with 8 percent of the total population.[11]

Down under, the story is the same. A 2015 report in The Australian stated that Muslims made up 9 percent of prisoners but just 3 percent of the general population. In Victoria, 8 percent of the prison population identified as Muslim (versus 2.2 percent). By 2018, the proportion of Muslims in the prison population had increased to 10.3 percent, while the community formed 4 percent of Australia’s total population.[12]

Is poverty the reason?

The Muslim Council of Britain admits the number of Muslims in British prison is an “unwelcome social reality” but claims that offending was more common among younger and poorer people, which are “both factors affecting Muslims in the UK.”[13]

Zubaida Haque, a researcher on race disparity for equality think-tank, The Runnymede Trust, who has studied the experience of ethnic minority men in prisons, says poverty is a major factor in explaining why so many Muslims are in prison, to begin with.

While it is true poverty is a big contributor to crime globally, it doesn’t explain why poor Hindu immigrants don’t embark upon careers in crime. The vast majority of Hindus who migrated to the West arrived virtually penniless. The Ugandan Hindus, for instance, had lost everything after being expelled by dictator Idi Amin. Yet, today those Hindus are part of thriving British communities, and one of them, Rishi Sunak, is now the Prime Minister of Britain.

A major driver of Muslims into prisons is the increasing number of the faithfuls dabbling in extremist activity, including terrorism. As far back as 2006, a British official warned that one of Britain’s highest-profile jails –Belmarsh maximum security jail in London – could barely cope with the deluge of Muslim inmates facing terrorism charges.[14] Said the then-Chief Inspector of Prisons Anne Owers: “The prison’s high security and special security units were at full stretch, holding, among others, those suspected of the failed suicide bomb attempts of July.” Her report also raised concerns about the intimidatory behavior of some of the younger Muslim prisoners.[15]

Crime wave

Is the unprecedented increase in immigrants from a particular region or community causing a law-and-order problem in the West, thus contributing to these immigrants ending up in prison?

Ayaan Hirsi Ali writes in her book ‘Prey: Immigration, Islam, and the Erosion of Human Rights’, that alongside the increase in arrivals to Europe, sexual violence has proliferated on the continent. “Between 2017 and 2018, there was a 17 percent increase in instances of rape and a 20 percent increase in other forms of sexual assault in France. In French public places, 3 million women have experienced unwanted sexual attention and advances. In Germany in 2017, the number of victims of ‘sexual coercion’ rose by 41 percent.”[16]

Hirsi Ali reminds readers of the 2015 New Year’s Eve incident in Cologne, after which 661 women reported to the police that they had been sexually harassed by hundreds of Arab, African, and foreign-looking people. The attacks were carried out by groups of young men ambushing lone women. While such gang rape is condemned and viewed as socially unacceptable in Europe, Hirsi Ali argues that in Muslim societies, it is a commonly reported phenomenon, and it is called taharrush gamea in Arabic or the rape game.

Hirsi Ali says [Muslim] immigrant men commit these crimes not because they feel oppressed or disenfranchised in Europe, but because in the countries they come from, they get away with such crimes and believe they can do the same in Europe as well.

Again, the UK’s “grooming gang” scandal is a phenomenon that the American media have almost entirely ignored. The scandal has affected thousands of young girls, who were “groomed” by [Muslim] men from mainly Pakistani communities for sexual abuse, prompting a senior official to acknowledge that “cultural reasons” could be at play in the behavior of perpetrators.[17]

Radicalisation in prisons

The radicalization of inmates in Western prisons is another serious problem. According to a study funded by the US Department of Justice, ‘Terrorist Recruitment in American Correctional Institutions: An Exploratory Study of Nontraditional Faith Groups,’ there are cases where religion has been used for breeding terrorists. For example, Kevin Lamar James recruited more than a dozen fellow prisoners into a terrorist group called Jam’iyyat UiIslam Is-Saheeh (JIS).

James convinced these men that his interpretation of the Koran (called the JIS Protocol) was the true version. Members of JIS were also recruited outside prison walls. Prospective JIS members outside the prison were instructed to blend into society by marrying, getting a job, dressing casually, and needed to acquire two pistols with silencers, and learn how to make bombs. These men were later instructed to attack government agencies and military stations throughout the US.[18]

Michael Radu, a terrorism analyst at the Foreign Policy Research Institute, says the cycle of “criminality and Islamism” is closed when radicalized ex-prisoners re-engage in terrorist activity. Two of the men involved in the 2004 Madrid train bombings fit that mold. Incarcerated for petty crimes, Trashorras, who was a nominal Christian, and Jamal Ahmidan, a nonobservant Muslim, were both indoctrinated into radical Islam in prison and joined an al-Qaida-linked Moroccan group that used drug trafficking to fund terrorist activities before taking lead roles in the bombings that killed 193 commuters.[19]

Richard Reid, known as the ‘shoe-bomber,’ who attempted to blow up an American Airlines flight between Paris and Miami in 2001, also converted to Islam while serving time for a string of muggings.

A survey of prison chaplains in all 50 US states by the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life found that a sizable minority of chaplains say that religious extremism is very common (12%) or somewhat common (29%) among inmates. Religious extremism is reported as especially common among Muslim inmates.

In 2021 the UK’s Ministry of Justice published research findings that showed that more prisoners convert to Islam than any other faith and that some convert in order to join faith-based gangs in their prison. In some cases, non-Muslims were threatened with violence if they refused to convert. The researchers said: “Becoming Muslim while in custody was often seen as a mechanism for surviving in prison either through the comfort and support that religion could offer, through protection, friendship, and support from fellow Muslims, or as an opportunity to engage in gang behavior by associating with the Muslim criminal gang.”[20]

[1] https://nicic.gov/resources/nic-library/all-library-items/world-prison-population-listeleventh-edition#:~:text=There%20are%20more%20than%2010.35,100%2C000%20of%20its%20total%20population
[2] https://www.npr.org/2019/07/25/745226402/muslims-over-represented-in-state-prisons-report-finds
[3] Report reveals 98% of names on FBI watchlist are Muslim (aa.com.tr)
[4] https://www.statista.com/statistics/562631/distribution-of-adult-population-in-federal-correctional-services-canada-by-religion/
[5] https://www.adamsmith.org/blog/are-70-of-frances-prison-inmates-muslims
[6] https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/integratingislam_chapter.pdf
[7] https://www.firstpost.com/world/at-4-per-cent-of-uks-population-muslims-make-up-18-per-cent-of-criminals-in-jail-11281491.html
[8] https://bcbn.org.uk/blog-post/post-title-date/
[10] https://web.archive.org/web/20190213103811/https://www.huffingtonpost.de/entry/muslime-haft_de_5a2a8c24e4b073789f6910f2
[11] https://web.archive.org/web/20190117010116/https://www.huffingtonpost.de/ramazan-demir/ehrenmoerder-islamisten-w_b_18620412.html
[12] https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-08-21/fact-check-fraser-anning-muslim-crime-nsw-victoria/10133028
[13] https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/lammy-review-muslim-prisoners_uk_59afcaa0e4b0b5e531022f26
[14] https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/muslim-prison-fears-1526646
[15] https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2006/mar/08/july7.uksecurity
[16] https://www.hungarianconservative.com/articles/reviews/the-influx-of-immigrants-into-europe-and-the-increase-in-sexual-violence/
[17] https://nypost.com/2021/02/13/when-europe-ignored-sex-crimes-of-immigrants-all-women-suffered/
[18] https://www.ojp.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/220957.pdf
[19] https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna13733782
[20] https://insidetime.org/one-in-six-prisoners-is-muslim/

Hindudvesha.org  / https://hindupost.in/dharma-religion/why-are-muslims-overrepresented-in-western-prisons/

Today’s right to asylum is the road to barbarism in Europe

by Giulio Meotti

Éric Zemmour: “Today in France there are between 120 and 140 knife attacks a day! Per day! Look at the stats: in the 1960s there were 3 or 4 stabbings every two years. This is a change of population”.

French Senator Valérie Boyer reported 44,000 knife attacks in two years.

And now even Emmanuel Macron evokes “decivilization”.

A few days ago in Annecy, a wandering and disoriented man from Syria terrorized a park by stabbing several children. An asylum seeker who was first received as such in Sweden ten years ago, and claimed the right to protection in Europe, where he has committed the worst acts of barbarism.

In the twenty years following the signing of the Geneva Convention on the right of asylum in 1951, France received 300 asylum applications a year. South Americans fleeing military dictatorships or Eastern Europeans fleeing communist tyranny. Leftist and anti-communist activists.

But everything has changed since the 70s. The number went up to 20,000 and 60,000 in the 1990s. In 2016, the figure passed the 100,000 mark. Now they come from Africa, Asia and the Middle East; a nonstop stream of mostly Muslim single men. These figures are found in the book by Smaïn Laacher, “a sociologist at the National Asylum Law Court”.

In 2014, then Swedish Prime Minister Fredik Reinfeldt invited fellow citizens to “open their hearts” to refugees from all over the world: “I ask the Swedish people to show solidarity, we will create a better world”. A year later, the then Foreign Minister, Margot Wallstrom, said that Sweden was on the brink, not of a better world, but of the “collapse” of ours due to migration flows.

In Sweden they took in 10 men for every woman. Result? Almost every day there are attacks with explosives, shootings and stabbings. In early May 2023, Police Commissioner Anders Thornberg said that more than 1,000 people are initiated into criminal gangs across Sweden every year. Thornberg estimated that more than 30,000 people are now involved in gang violence in Sweden. The number of police officers in Sweden is 22,600. In Sweden, therefore, there are more criminals than policemen.

European law forbids the rejections of illegal immigrants crowding our borders: each person must be able to have their file examined before being eventually expelled. The illegal immigrant immediately becomes an “asylum seeker”. They often destroy their documents as soon as they arrive in Europe. And when it is decided that they do not have the right to asylum? In 2020, there were 107,500 orders to leave French territory: less than 7 percent were carried out.

Meanwhile, asylum seekers show little love for Europe.

Instead, they are enforcing sharia law on the streets of Berlin, according to police, cited by the Tagesspiegel. The self-proclaimed “morality police” is made up of Chechens who use violence to discourage migrants from integrating into German society and promote the creation of a “parallel Islamic legal system” in Germany. The members of the gang, who also come from Russian Dagestan and Ingushetia with an Islamic majority, attack Muslims and non-Muslims, including Christian asylum seekers staying in reception facilities in Berlin.

On a regional train between Hamburg and Kiel, a Palestinian Arab asylum seeker stabbed two sixteen- and nineteen-year-old girls to death. Prior to that, an asylum seeker in Illerkirchberg, near Munich, killed a school-going girl (and seriously injured her friend).

Meanwhile, in Spain, a Moroccan Islamist struck two churches, killing the sacristan. Why is a Moroccan entitled to asylum?

The Tunisian (do Tunisians have the right to asylum?) Jamel Gorchene arrived as an illegal immigrant in France and was regularized in 2019. With two stabs to the throat and while shouting “Allahu akbar”, the terrorist killed Stéphanie M., a police officer with two children aged 13 and 18.

-Lola, a young girl from Paris, was kidnapped and cut to pieces by a gang of Algerians.

-The military doctor Alban Gervaise had his throat cut to the cry of “Allahu Akbar” as he went to pick up his two children aged 3 and 7 from the Catholic school in Marseilles (where a Jewish teacher was attacked with a machete by a student who said he wanted to “to behead a Jew”).

-René Hadjadj, an elderly Jew, was thrown from the 17th floor of his building by his Muslim neighbour.

-Another Jew named Jeremy Cohen was killed by a tram after escaping a beating,

-Sarah Halimi was thrown out the window, also by a Muslim neighbor, as was Mireille Knoll.

England does not know how to contain all the bounty of asylum seekers and also thought of a ship in the port of Liverpool. Social Democratic Denmark would like to send them to Rwanda.

Former Paris police chief Didier Lallement warns that France is headed for a “collapse” that will one day require troops to garrison the Elysée, the president’s residence. In the book “L’ordre necessaire”, Lallement describes a “devoured” country, where “one out of two crimes is committed by a foreigner, who is often in the country illegally..It is clear that some of the newcomers are integrating to delinquency. All my experiences have me predicting a dark, very dark future for our children and grandchildren. The social convulsions will be intense and destructive… One day it will be necessary to mass troops in front of the Elysée”.

But for our elites, the only way for Europe to stay true to its identity (and fall into the scenario described by the former French police chief) would be to welcome without reservation all those who knock on its door and even those who don’t bother knocking.

There is a great unease even at the very idea of questioning the right to asylum or at least its terms. Conversely, anyone wishing to limit migratory flows would be betraying European identity.

“The adoption of the word ‘migrants’ as if it were self-evident, when instead the words ‘refugees’ or ‘clandestine’ had to be used because they belong to the political register, implies a duty to welcome and suggests, quietly, a right of credit towards us, weighed down by such a sense of guilt that we could redeem ourselves only with the opening of the borders to refugees from all over the world”, explained Georges Bensoussan, historian and essayist former editorial director of the Mémorial de la Shoah in Paris, hauled to court for denouncing Islamic anti-Semitism.

The next step? Already accomplished. The city of Ghent, in Belgium, has removed the wording of “autochthonous” (indigenous rather than descended from migrants, ed.) to be more inclusive of minorities, which are increasingly demographically strong.

In 1961 a young Soviet prodigy, protagonist of the Leningrad ballet Kirov, who had just performed in Paris, refused to return to Moscow and rushed into the arms of the French policemen asking for political asylum. Asylum granted to him the same day. Rudolf Nureyev, with this stroke of genius, made the French proud of the asylum offered, of the welcome to those seeking refuge and protection.

It is enough to retrace the philosophical evolution of the right of asylum to understand how much it has become a weapon aimed at the European peoples. The right of originally asylum had the function of welcoming the great political dissidents, forced to leave their country because they were persecuted. From the Soviet Union: Andrei Sinjavski, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Iulij Daniel, Josif Brodsky, Vladimir Nabokov. From Poland: Czeslaw Milosz. From Romania: Mircea Eliade; Emil Cioran; Vintila Hora. From Albania: Ismail Kadaré.

But the human rights revolution, combined with the great migratory waves, has completely distorted the right to asylum, which has become a real migratory channel with the complicity of a cultural, political and journalistic class that sees the arrival of migrants as a sign of the times in line with their desire for “diversity”.

In 2022 alone, the European Union accepted 1 million asylum seekers (pre-invasion of Ukraine). The problem is that a quarter of the world’s population could claim the same refugee status.

In his book “Immigration et Intégration: avant qu’il ne soit trop tard”, former Belgian senator Alain Destexhe reveals that from 2000 to 2010, Belgium welcomed more than 1 million migrants out of a population of 11 million. The right to asylum has turned into a “demographic time bomb”.

Even Michel Barnier, the former EU chief Brexit negotiator and former Euro-Commissioner for Industry and the Internal Market, thus anything but a bad “populist”, said we should ‘stop all immigration from outside the EU’ EU for five years” and push the bloc to strengthen its external borders. “I think we need to take three or five years to suspend immigration,” Barnier said. Asked if his comments challenge his reputation as a moderate, Barnier concluded: “Immigration issues are not moderate.”

The right to asylum has become a dangerous farce. It subverts a procedure foreseen for the reception of persecuted individuals to let in masses who are not persecuted: Tunisians, Egyptians, Pakistanis, Albanians… They use the language of the victims because today in woke parlance, the language of the victim has become that of the master.

And there is a penitential reflex. The West would have developed by plundering the world for five centuries: it owes its prosperity not to its own civilizational dynamics, but to its predatory behavior. Therefore, in a “decolonized” West, it would be simple justice for the South to return to the North. It would be a form of historical reparation.

What to do? The former head of the French secret services Pierre Brochand (Direction générale de la sécurité extérieure) explained it to the Senate: “Contain irregular immigration, dividing visas by 20 or 30, no longer accepting any asylum applications. Reducing the duration and number of residence permits and excluding automatic renewals. Strengthen our Christian secularism to adapt it to the challenge of Islam. If, on the other hand, we persist in our blindness, we will go to countries where, at the very least, life will no longer be worth living, or, at the very least, to a country where, by dint of explosions, we will no longer be able to live at all”.

Let’s rewrite the immigration rules or Europe will fall into “atmospheric barbarism”.

The German thinker Norbert Elias, who coined the word “decivilization” evoked a few days ago by Macron, said that humanity emerged from its violent past only when it realized that societies to be peaceful require rules, order and trust. The eighteenth-century palace seat of the French president bears the name of the Elysian Fields, which in Greek mythology were the final resting place of the dead. While fine wines are served in the Salon Murat, where Macron meets ministers every week, rules, order and trust are collapsing outside.

Today’s right to asylum is the road to barbarism in Europe | ערוץ 7 (israelnationalnews.com)

27-year-old woman missing in Kos, Greece: Her mobile phone and the belongings of the 32-year-old are being examined in Athens – In Greece, her mother is searching for her with private investigators27-year-old

Anastasia-Patricia Rubinska’s mobile phone, which went missing in Kos, as well as the personal belongings of the 32-year-old man from Bangladesh, are in Athens for examination in the police forensic laboratories.

According to the website kosnews24.gr, experienced forensic police officers have been in Kos since Saturday to assist in the search for her.

The partner of the 27-year-old wrote on social media that her mother is in Greece and will be searching for her with private investigators.

“Tomorrow (Sunday), with Anastasia’s mother and a team of detectives, we will search for Anastasia. If anyone wants to help us search for her or knows people who can help us in the search, please contact me, every hour counts! Share wherever you can,” wrote Michal Slevinski.


“A woman must accept her husband’s violence if she wants to maintain domestic partnership”: In Manosque, France, an illegal Syrian beats his wife with sticks and a belt; his lawyer points to a cultural difference

Iman, a young woman with black eyes and wearing a hijab (Muslim garment that exposes only the face), has been in France for three months. On June 13, she appeared shyly before the criminal court in Digne-les-Bains. With the help of an interpreter, she explained that she had just married religiously to 26-year-old Louai Alali, who is in the country illegally and is a member of a Syrian family that has been settled in Manosque (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence) for five years.

Ten days earlier, she had appeared at the police station to complain about the violence of her cohabitant, who allegedly beat her every day with sticks and belts, and she showed investigators numerous hematomas on her thighs and arms.

According to the young woman, Louai is a jealous, drug-addicted and often violent man who forces her to have sexual intercourse. Since Iman is also abused by her mother-in-law, she wants to press charges and move in with her sister, who lives near Toulouse.

At the trial, the defendant admits to slapping her once because, in his opinion, she had insulted her stepfather. She made a mistake that made me angry,” the young man explains according to the interpreter’s translation. A woman must accept her husband’s violence if she wants to maintain domestic partnership.”

“In France, it is forbidden to beat your wife or anyone else,” reminds the judge, asking about the legal conditions of this marriage and the behavior of the defendant, who was in possession of the phone, credit card and identity documents of his partner.

The young Syrian woman, who had obviously been under duress, now wanted to withdraw her complaint and refused to cooperate with the doctors who were supposed to examine her. “I love my husband and want him to be released from prison. He only hit me once, the interpreter translated my words wrong,” says the victim, who is clearly overwhelmed by the turn this hearing is taking. “The violence has become clear and the punishment must be drastic to protect the victim,” says the prosecutor Rémy Avon, who asks for 12 months of imprisonment, including 8 months on simple probation and the maintenance of detention.

Defense attorney Huilen Grotti, who has only been on the case for a few hours, tries in vain to claim a procedural error committed after her client was in police custody. She pleads a unique gesture of anger recognized by a defendant who was himself a “victim of a great cultural divide between Syria and France” and the ” example of a violent father and a submissive mother.” The defendant takes the floor: “I don’t want to live with my wife anymore, she brings me too many problems”. He is sentenced to 12 months of imprisonment, 7 months of which are suspended, obligation to undergo therapy, prohibition of contact with his victim and maintenance of imprisonment.


India: ‘Will there be Hindu prayers in a Madarsa,’ Parents protest after Mumbai school plays Muslim prayer during assembly, school apologises and suspends teacher

Image source: Mid-Day

On Friday, June 16, the Kapol Vidyanidhi International School in Mumbai came under fire after a video of Azaan being relayed during the school’s morning assembly session went viral on social media.

The incident led to a massive uproar among the parents who gathered outside the school premises, demanding action against the school authorities. The parents alleged that Azaan was played purposely to create communal tensions.

Kapol Vidyanidhi International School is a privately owned school in the Hindu-majority area of Kandivali (West) in Mumbai, Maharashtra. The majority of the students studying in the school are Hindus.

Reports said that students as usual reached the school around 7 am. However, a teacher who was responsible for playing the regular prayers at school is said to have played the azaan on the speakers. One of the protesting parents said, Most of us come here for morning walks. Hearing the Azaan during the morning prayers was quite unusual.”

As the matter escalated, BJP Mumbai general secretary and local MLA Yogesh Sagar also reached the site with other party members and joined the protesting parents to demonstrate against the school authorities. The BJP leader also demanded prompt action against the concerned teacher.

BJP MLA Yogesh Sagar said the prayer was played intentionally especially since it was a Friday. He accused the school authorities of shielding the teacher who was behind the fiasco.

BJP Mumbai unit also tweeted about the protests that broke out outside the school.

All classes were dismissed due to the protests held outside the school following the row.

Notably, the morning assembly was being attended by students of classes 4 to 10 when the teacher began playing the Azaan. Reshma Hegde, the principal of the school, initially justified the conduct by claiming that it was done to educate the students about various religions. She asserted that the matter a being blown out of proportion.

However, after the controversy escalated, the school principal apologized and said that the concerned teacher has been suspended. He also apologised and assured that such an instance would not be repeated in the future, Dr Hegde also said that an internal probe has been initiated into the matter.

While addressing the protesting crowd, Dr Reshma Hegde said, “The teacher has been suspended and an enquiry has been initiated. This is a Hindu school and our prayers include Gayatri Mantra and Saraswati Vandana. We assure such an instance will not be repeated in the future.”

The agitated parents, however, denied having any prior information about such an initiative. “None of us were informed about it,” said one parent, adding that they would have objected if they had been informed. “We send our children to this Hindu school. There was no need to play an Islamic prayer. Will there be any Hindu prayer in a Madarsa? questioned another irate parent.


France: Submission to Islamism Quickly Gaining Ground


May 16, 2023. The French examining magistrates in charge of the case of the murder of Samuel Paty, a high school teacher savagely beheaded on October 16, 2020 in Conflans Sainte Honorine, a small city in the suburbs of Paris where he taught, reveal the list of those they have decided to indict.

The list of 14 people does not include the murderer, Abdullakh Anzorov: he was shot dead by police. Prior to Paty’s murder, his name was in the database of the Central Office for the Fight against Crime, but he had not been placed under police surveillance. He was a Chechen Muslim, age 18, with refugee status in France, and had sought to join Islamic terrorist organizations in the Middle East. Two young French radicalized Muslims, Azim Epsirkhanov and Naïm Boudaoud, had accompanied him to a store where he bought a hunting knife to cut off his victim’s head. Both men told the investigators that they knew what Abdullakh Anzorov wanted to do and that they approved of it. They are being prosecuted for “criminal association”. Their prison sentence will not exceed 10 years; they will be eligible for release after seven or eight years — dismayingly little.

Two other men, indicted for “incitement to murder,” are Brahim Chnina, the father of Zohra, a schoolgirl who lied about what Samuel Paty had said in a class on secularism and tolerance, and Abdelhakim Sefrioui, a man who posted videos on social networks that showed Chnina calling to kill Paty.

Chnina admitted to investigators not only that his daughter had lied, but that she had told him she had not even attended Paty’s class. Even though Chnina quickly learned that his daughter had invented the story, he nevertheless continued to spread her lie. He had instigated the murder of a teacher while knowing that his accusation was based on a falsehood. Brahim Chnina and Abdelhakim Sefrioui will probably receive relatively light prison sentences, four to five years at most. Priscilla Mangel, a young woman who converted to Islam, is also being prosecuted for incitement to murder: she had posted messages on social networks saying, “Anyone who insults the Prophet deserves death” and pointing to Paty.

Several Muslim adolescents, aged 14 and 15 when they studied at the high school where Paty taught, admitted to having pointed out Paty to Abdullah Anzorov while knowing that Anzorov wanted to kill him. According to the investigators, none of them expressed any remorse. They are being prosecuted for “non-denunciation of a criminal” – failing to expose an imminent crime. They risk no punishment, just reprimands and the obligation to take courses teaching secularism and tolerance — exactly what Paty had taught.

Two trials will take place in 2024, one for the adults, the other for the minors.

The shock is the lightness of the penalties for murder. The French justice system is extremely lenient: for being directly complicit in a premeditated murder, or inciting people to commit murder, an adult will spend a few years in prison; if you are 14 or 15, merely simple reprimands and compulsory courses. Being in a police database does not require monitoring by police services or cause anyone to lose his refugee status.

Five days after Paty was murdered, French President Emmanuel Macron paid a solemn tribute to him: “Samuel Paty was killed because the Islamists want our future and they know that with quiet heroes like him, they will never have it”.

Since then, Islamism has gained ground in France, particularly in high schools. Teachers today are not “quiet heroes”: all investigations show they are afraid, and practice self-censorship. For 10 years, teachers have not taught about the Holocaust. They have also given up on addressing the subjects that led to Paty’s murder: secularism, tolerance and the right to criticize religions.

Throughout France, Muslim students openly threaten teachers by telling them that they are “risking a Samuel Paty“. In a recent book, Ces petits renoncements qui tuent (“These little disavowals that kill”), journalist Carine Azzopardi gave the floor to a teacher who describes his own experience as well as that of many of his colleagues. Many topics can no longer be addressed in a classroom. In geography lessons, saying that the earth is round has become dangerous: many Muslim students say that Islam teaches that the earth is flat. In biology class, discussing evolution or Charles Darwin is equally unsafe.

Teachers have been resigning in increasing numbers, and recruiting new ones has become a problem. The number of people registered for the annual French high school teacher recruitment exam has fallen by more than 30% from January 2008 to January 2020. In the autumn of 2022, thousands of high school teaching positions were vacant; the French government had to recruit people who lacked the required diplomas.

Recently, anthropologist Florence Bergeaud-Backler in a book called Le frérisme et ses Réseaux, l’Enquête (“The Brotherhood and its Networks: The Survey”), explained in detail the way the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist movements in France use social media networks and mosques to incite Muslim children and adolescents to challenge the education provided in high schools to push the French educational system to submit to their vision of Islam.

The French authorities are aware of what is happening, but do nothing. Apparently, government officials are afraid, too, and do not want to take any risks. They know that more than 750 no-go zones exist in the country, and that riots frequently erupt. Demonstrations against the government’s pension reform took place throughout the spring of 2023 in the main cities of the country. Most ended in violence by young people from no-go zones who burned cars and looted shops.

On September 29, 2020, two weeks before Paty’s murder, Macron gave a speech in which he denounced the rise of the Islamist threat as well as the emergence of entirely Muslim neighborhoods that separate themselves from the rest of French society. He said he wanted the National Assembly to pass a law to combat what he called “Islamic separatism“. French Muslim organizations immediately protested.

In several Muslim countries, demonstrations against France also sprang up. Macron quickly sent Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian to Cairo to meet Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb, the grand imam of the al-Azhar Mosque, presumably to find a way to calm the situation down. After the meeting, Le Drian announced that he was eager both to clear up any misunderstandings, and that France was imbued with a “profound respect” for the Muslim religion.

Macron’s proposed law, called the “Law confirming respect for the principles of the Republic“, has since been rewritten. All references to Islam and Islamism have been removed from the text. Passed on August 24, 2021, it does currently not contain any measure likely to combat the Islamist danger. A paragraph speaks of the need to “protect teachers”, but teachers are still not protected. The Islamist movements in French high schools continue to exist.

During the 2022presidential election , only one candidate, Éric Zemmour, spoke of the vulnerable situation in which the country now finds itself — the increasingly disturbing Islamic pressure in French educational institutions and the threats that weigh on teachers. He spoke of the Muslim neighborhoods in France from which non-Muslim have fled and where police no longer go. He spoke of the escalating number of attacks by gangs of young Muslims on non-Muslims. He denounced the laxity of French justice towards murderers and terrorists, and said that if nothing changes, there will undoubtedly be other teachers murdered. He received seven percent of the vote.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon — a far-left candidate who, in November 2019, was one of the organizers of a “march against Islamophobia” that ended with shouts of “Allahu Akbar!” (“Allah is the greatest!”) — received the support of the main French Islamic organizations and 21.95% of the vote. He won more than 34% of the vote among voters aged 18 to 24, and 69% of the vote of French Muslims.

The proportion of Muslims within the French population continues to grow. About 400,000 legal immigrants arrive in France from the Muslim world every year, according to the latest informati0on available. These do not include the thousands who arrive illegally. In 2016, France’s population consisted of 8.8% Muslims and was the main Muslim country in Europe.

A Pew Research Center study in 2017 showed that, taking into account immigration and the birth rate, the number of Muslims in France would double to about 18% by 2050 — possibly even higher. Polls show that French Muslims are integrating less and less, and that non-integration is particularly high among young Muslims. A study in September 2020 showed that 74% of French Muslims under the age of 25 placed Sharia above the laws of the republic. The figure for Muslims over the age of 35 was considerably lower: 25%. Another study published a year later showed that two-thirds of Muslim high school students also placed Sharia above the laws of the Republic. The same survey showed that 9% of young Muslims said they “share the motivations” of Paty’s murderer.

A recently published book by journalist Stephane Simon, Les derniers jours de Samuel Paty (“The Last Days of Samuel Paty”), provides insights into the decaying situation overtaking France. Simon conducted an investigation detailing everything that happened during the eleven days between the moment Paty taught a class on secularism and the moment he was murdered. No teacher from the high school where he taught supported him: instead, they distanced themselves from him. Some accused him of putting them in danger. The Ministry of Education also blamed him, for having offended the sensibilities of Muslim students.

The police took note of the threats but offered Paty no protection. Even though Anzorov’s name was in a police database, and even though the police and Paty’s colleagues knew he was threatened, Anzorov was able to spend hours in front of the high school where Paty taught. Anzorov spoke with students and asked them to point out Paty when the school day was over and the teachers were going home. Anzorov chased Paty through the streets, stabbed him, slit his throat, beheaded him, photographed himself next to the severed head, and posted the photos on social media networks around the world.

Almost an hour went by between when Anzorov murdered Paty and when he was shot dead by the police officers trying to arrest him. Motorists passed by the body and the head of Samuel Paty but no one reacted, no one called the police.

The day of his murder, Paty had placed a hammer in his satchel to defend himself in the event of an attack, but he did not have time to use it. Messages calling for the death of Samuel Paty had begun to circulate on social media from the evening of October 16, 2020, and continued with impunity until the day he was murdered.

Six days after the beheading, columnist Ivan Rioufol wrote:

“Sleepwalking leaders must wake up to unleashed Islam. Otherwise, the French will have no choice but submission or civil war: those who refuse to comply with the prohibitions of Islamofascism will only be able to count on their own forces to resist.”

He could write the same warning today.
