UK: Allah invoked at Newcastle Cathedral

During a regular weekday service in Newcastle Cathedral, the name of Allah was invoked during the prayers of intercession.

Choral Evensong from the Cathedral Church of St Nicholas, Newcastle upon Tyne on Wednesday 7th June was broadcast live on YouTube. During the service, prayer requests from visitors were read by the minister. One such request was read without modification: “A Muslim visitor prays for his son who has died: ‘May Allah protect your soul, and grant me passage to be with you in the afterlife.’”

Church of England guidelines state: “A building and any attached land which have been consecrated are said, in the deed of consecration, to be set apart for worship according to the rites and ceremonies of the Church of England forever.”

It might be argued that ‘Allah’ here is doing duty for the name of God, in line with common usage by Arab Christians. However, with the announcement that the request came from a Muslim visitor, it can be argued that the context was thereby changed; ‘Allah’ here is not a reference to the Triune God, but the one whose prophet is Mohammed.

Article XVIII (‘Of obtaining eternal Salvation only by the Name of Christ’) of the Church of England states: “Holy Scripture doth set out unto us only the Name of Jesus Christ, whereby men must be saved.”

India: Conspiracy to burn bus full of passengers exposed, Islamist mob let passengers go after the driver told them he was a Muslim

When driver told the mob his name was Asif, the mob let the passengers leave (Image: File/OpIndia Gujarati)

Junagadh violence took place on June 16 after Municipal Corporation sent notice to an illegal Dargah. The violent Islamist mob attacked police, pelted stones and burned public and private property. Both government and private vehicles were damaged during the violence.

Among those vehicles, an ST Bus was going to Vijaynagar from Junagadh. In the attack, a bus driver, conductor and a senior citizen got injured. They were admitted to a civil hospital for treatment. ST Bus conductor and driver narrated the horrifying incident.

They said, “We left Junagadh depo at 10:15 PM on the Junagadh-Vijaynagar bus. There were 25 people on the bus. When the vehicle reached Majewadi Gate, the mob started pelting stones at the bus. Around 500 people attacked the bus and broke the windows. They closed the bus from outside and called for burning down the bus. The police reached on time and dispersed the mob.

Bus driver Asif Qureshi said, “The mob threw large stones inside the bus. The first stone entered the bus after breaking the driver-side window and hit me on the right elbow. They kept attacking the bust while passengers were inside. They saved themselves by hiding under the seats. We requested them with folded hands to let the passengers leave. They only let us leave when I told them my name was Asifbhai. They believed me and let us leave.”

The passengers were so scared that they ran away without luggage. The driver said the mob ransacked the bus after the passengers left.

As per reports, the Municipal Corporation had sent a notice to an illegal dargah located at Majewadi Gate to show documents within five days. On June 16, the mob started to gather outside Dargah and at around 10 PM, they attacked the police. The mob damaged vehicles and burnt some of them. They also pelted stones.

In New Zealand, since February, patient race must be taken into account when prioritizing surgeries – white people are last in line to receive them

Health Minister Dr Ayesha Verrall, screen grab youtube

Auckland surgeons are now being required to consider a patient’s ethnicity alongside other factors when deciding who should get an operation first.

Several surgeons say they are upset by the policy, which was introduced in Auckland in February and gave priority to Māori and Pacific Island patients – on the grounds that they have historically had unequal access to healthcare.

Health officials stress that ethnicity is just one of five factors considered in deciding when a person gets surgery, and that it is an important step in addressing poor health outcomes within Māori and Pacific populations.

Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand has introduced an Equity Adjustor Score, which aims to reduce inequity in the system by using an algorithm to prioritise patients according to clinical priority, time spent on the waitlist, geographic location (isolated areas), ethnicity, and deprivation level.

n the ethnicity category, Māori and Pasifika are top of the list, while European New Zealanders and other ethnicities, like Indian and Chinese, are lower-ranked.

Some surgeons, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said the new scoring tool was medically indefensible. They said patients should be prioritised on how sick they were, how urgently they needed treatment, and how long they had been waiting for it – not on their ethnicity.

One of the surgeons said he was “disgusted” by the new ranking system.

“It’s ethically challenging to treat anyone based on race, it’s their medical condition that must establish the urgency of the treatment,” the surgeon said.

“There’s no place for elitism in medicine and the medical fraternity in this country is disturbed by these developments.”

A document on the equity adjustor which was leaked to Newstalk ZB shows two Māori patients, both aged 62 and who have been waiting more than a year, ranked above others on the list. A 36-year-old Middle Eastern patient who has been waiting almost two years has a much lower priority ranking.

An email by Te Whatu Ora business support manager Daniel Hayes in April said: “Hi team, Heads up. This is going to be the new criteria for outsourcing your patients going forward. Just putting this on your radar now so that you can begin to line up patients accordingly. Over 200 days for Māori and Pacific patients. Over 250 days for all other patients.”

When contacted by ZB, Hayes said he would not comment until he had verified who he was speaking to. He did not return further requests for comment.

Health Minister Ayesha Verrall said when it came to prioritising healthcare, there were important reasons why ethnicity was a factor.

She pointed to the Government-commissioned, independent review of the health system in 2018, which found the system did not serve everyone well and produced unequal outcomes, particularly for vulnerable populations.

“The reformed health system seeks to address inequities for Māori and Pacific people who historically have a lower life expectancy and poor health outcomes,” Verrall said.

The French government could ban right-wing and conservative parties using ‘preventive’ censorship method, warns Journalism Observatory founder

You are the secretary of the Iliad Institute for the Long European Memory and it was you who spoke on behalf of this institute after the French government’s preemptive ban on its symposium, which had been scheduled for May 21. You spoke of a return to preventive censorship in France, as the Iliade Institute has never been convicted of any illicit activity or speech, but has simply been labeled “far right” by Emmanuel Macron’s governing team. Looking back, can you tell us more about this ban and what it means for freedom of expression and freedom of association in France?

I think we need to go back to the sequence of events that led to the ban. Our event was scheduled for Sunday, May 21, at 3 p.m. On Friday at 5 p.m. on the Médiapart website, which is a far-left general information site, an article by a French pseudo-historian, Nicolas Lebourg, appeared about Dominique Venner, the historian to whom we wanted to pay tribute with this symposium, on the anniversary of his suicide at Notre Dame Cathedral. This article was based on confidential police files. 

Two hours later, at 7 p.m., the Paris police prefecture prohibited our tribute, even though it was a private event held in a private venue. Attendance was to be by invitation only. In its ban, the police paraphrased the Médiapart article.

Strangely enough, we, as organizers, did not get informed of the ban until 3.30 p.m. the following day, less than 24 hours before the planned event.

In France, there is a fast-track judicial procedure that allows one to question this type of decision by authorities that could infringe on civic freedoms, and it can be filed with the administrative court on their website. So, we filed two such requests at 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. on Saturday, but the administrative court replied on Monday saying they were received too late.

With this ban, for which we were effectively deprived of any possibility to have it overturned, the police prefect was of course just carrying out the orders of Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin. And the reason for the ban was that comments could be made at our symposium against certain categories of the population based on race, religion, origin, sexuality, etc.

This means that in France, we have now entered a world of preventive justice, where the authorities speculate in advance about what people might think and say. This is a complete reversal of the rule of law and in particular of the 1881 press law, which protected not only freedom of the press but also freedom of expression.

In France today, they can decide that you might say something bad because your thinking is probably not very good, it is not in line with the standards of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen — that’s exactly what the police prefecture told us in its ban — and so they choose to ban you.

It is unique, and it is very worrying for the future of public freedoms, but also for private freedoms because it is no longer just freedom of expression that is at stake, but freedom of opinion. Since then, we have lodged three appeals through our lawyer: one against the administrative court, which should have ruled earlier on our petition to overturn the ban; a second before the Council of State, France’s top administrative court, to repeal the Darmanin circular, which is the legal basis for the ban; and a third against the police prefect for political discrimination.

At the same time, France’s Council of State is quite subservient to the executive since its judges are rewarded with positions in government ministries for their work as top administrative judges.

I am afraid that is true, but I think we should still make our position clear to the Council of State. We are fighting this battle not just for ourselves, but for everyone. Tomorrow, we could imagine an opposition political party such as Le Pen’s National Rally, Zemmour’s Reconquest, or Mélenchon’s France Unbowed holding a meeting, and that meeting being banned on the grounds that comments could be made there that might be contrary to the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen or contrary to the principles of the French Republic.

We can even imagine, I suppose, a dissolution like that of Generation Identity, which, after all, had committed no illegal acts.

Indeed, we can now imagine anything. The logic behind this ban is not legal at all, but political. President Macron no longer has a clear majority in the National Assembly. He doesn’t really know what to do anymore. We can see that insecurity and assaults are on the rise. There was this case in Annecy recently, where toddlers were stabbed by a Syrian refugee, but there are rapes, attacks, burglaries, and so on every day. President Macron spoke of decivilization, which is interesting. We are being absolutely flooded with immigrants.

And since Gérald Darmanin’s record as interior minister is hopelessly bad, he is using his communication skills to hit the right twice and the left once, as he did with the pseudo-dissolution of the leftist, ecologist movement, “Soulèvements de la Terre.” Basically, it is the extreme center that does nothing for security and nothing for immigration, but seeks to show the French that it is fighting against the bad guys of the extreme left and extreme right to send the message that good people need not worry, as they are protected. For that purpose, the authorities label different people as far right or far left as they wish.

The truth is that such behavior reflects a certain anxiety on their part. If this anxiety keeps growing, the repression could become even more severe. I believe that the authorities are becoming more rigid due to a growing feeling of weakness and a great concern: Will Emmanuel Macron be able to see his mandate through to the end?

After your symposium was banned in France, you went to take part in another Iliad meeting, albeit in Italy, I believe.

Yes, but it wasn’t a symposium, just a presentation of the Iliad Institute organized in a bookshop.

Could it be a solution for the future to organize Iliad Institute events in European countries that are freer than France?

It would really be a last resort, but why not? Freedom of expression seems to me to be much greater in Spain and Italy, two countries I know well. I am sure that applies to Portugal too, but I am not so sure about Germany. We could hold a conference abroad, which we could film and post on the Internet. But that would mean the situation is really dramatic if we are forced to go abroad to express ourselves freely. It is not out of the question, but it is really a last resort. We could also do it in Poland, Hungary, or the Czech Republic, for example, or elsewhere in Central Europe, where there is more freedom. But it would still be a defeat.

This is part one of a two-part interview with Claude Chollet, who in addition to his role as the managing editor of the Observatoire du Journalismealso serves as the secretary of the Iliade Institute, a conservative think-tank now censored by the French government.

Read the other half here for a deep dive into how the French system seeks to control dissent and free speech in the country, including Chollet’s experience with being forced to host his website on United States servers due to repression in his home country.

Chilling Crime Unveiled: The Shocking Murder of 27-Year-Old Anastasia from Poland – Bangladeshi migrant arrested

This afternoon at 2 o’clock, the 32-year-old individual from Bangladesh, arrested for the murder of 27-year-old Anastasia from Poland, will testify before the examiner.

Yesterday afternoon, the unfortunate girl’s body was discovered in the Alykes area of Kos. The forensic examiner is investigating the possibility that the 27-year-old was strangled, as there were marks on her neck.

According to reports, the corpse was found hidden in grass, beneath a tree, just 1 kilometer away from the residence of the arrested Bangladeshi, near a wetland, by a volunteer participating in the search.

The girl’s body was wrapped in a sack from the waist up, covered with branches and dried grass. Information suggests that the 27-year-old was naked, with her body wrapped in a sheet.

The body has been identified by the police and is expected to be formally identified by her relatives, her mother, and her partner.

Investigations are focused on locating the perpetrator of the murder, with the 32-year-old Bangladeshi remaining the primary suspect, as he was the last person the 27-year-old met before her disappearance.

Authorities believe it is almost certain that DNA evidence identifying the perpetrator of the crime will be found on the body of the 27-year-old.

Security cameras had recorded the 27-year-old entering the residence of the Bangladeshi on the fateful evening but not leaving it. Authorities speculate that the Bangladeshi removed the victim’s body from the back door, leading to fields, in order to be captured by the camera.

According to the same information, the suspect had purchased a ticket to leave the country.

Global Warming Accused of German Desertification

Not all ecofascist moonbattery can be ascribed to psychosis and hatred of humanity. A lot of it results from extreme cluelessness. Green Party Vice President of the Bundestag Katrin Göring-Eckardt demonstrates in Germany:


Desertification and drought are not phenomena of distant places. It’s happening right here on our doorstep. Instead of lush meadows, barren wasteland. Instead of living forests, dried-up trees. Instead of rich harvests, empty fields. We can still take countermeasures! #WorldDroughtDay

Whether civilization can survive the countermeasures is another question.

Background on the Lieberos Desert, via Allah’s Willing Executioners:

Anyone familiar with the history of this sandy area, 95 kilometers from Berlin, will have immediately recognized the Green politician’s gaffe – because it has nothing whatsoever to do with climate change. Created by a large forest fire in 1942, the area was used for many years as a Soviet military training area. Because heavy tanks constantly rolled through the area, the “tank desert” remained just that: a desert. Environmentalists are even fighting to preserve this area.

If Democrats start shrieking about climate change turning Germany into a desert, you will know what it’s about.

England is giving masturbation homework assignments to nine-year-olds

By Andrea Widburg

It’s not just in America that the powers that be are pushing hard to sexualize children. In England, it’s emerged that schools across the country are teaching very young children graphic and erroneous sexual content, which includes giving nine-year-olds masturbation homework assignments. If the government becomes your child’s sexual pleasure provider, you are out of the picture, and your child becomes a widget in an amoral system that is comfortable with sexually exploiting children.

As is often the case, the Daily Mail is the one with the story:

MailOnline has found graphic teaching material — including a sex manual for pre-teens — being taught to children in classes around the UK.


Colouring books, word searches and cartoon drawings have also been given to young girls and boys by ‘activist teachers’ in their ‘overarching mission to sexualise children in the name of inclusion’.

Since September 2020, Relationships Education has been compulsory in primary schools and RSE mandatory in secondary schools. The change left many teaching staff seeking guidance.

The void was filled by charities — some harbouring unconventional views on biological sex and sharing material on their websites that references underage sex.

MailOnline can reveal that some children are:

  • Taught that from birth until the age of one, babies can ‘experience pleasurable sensations’ by touching their genitals
  • Given ways for 12-year-old girls to orgasm while masturbating, including pinching or stroking the clitoris
  • Given ‘masturbation’ homework from a pre-compulsory RSE resource
  • Told that girls as young as 12 can find sexual pleasure from anal, vaginal and oral sex
  • Taught that it’s normal to want to masturbate during and even before they hit puberty
  • Informed that it’s normal for prepubescent children to be sexually attracted to anyone
  • Told that gender is different from sex but is a much more intrinsic part of who a person is
  • Taught that people can change their sex from being a man to being a woman
  • Also taught that some ‘non-binary’ humans are neither men nor women
  • Taught that men with the male Y chromosome can actually be women

You must go to the linked article to see get the full flavor of what’s being taught to England’s children. And then remember that exactly the same thing is happening at schools across America.

This isn’t happening just because it’s easier to teach about sex than math, grammar, nuanced history, civics, or anything else that children should be learning. It’s happening because sex is one of the fundamental human needs tied to survival. The others are hunger and thirst. If you control access to hunger, thirst, and sex, you control the people who must have those needs fulfilled to survive both individually and as a species.

The world’s leaders, from the sinister World Economic Forum on down, understand that withholding food and water would be a bridge too far for ordinary people. Doing so openly and abruptly would result in an instant uprising. That’s why they’ve been deploying the specter of Climate Change and the need for a “green” world to control food (e.g., no Golden Rice, plans to slaughter cattle, the press to eat bugs) and water (without fossil fuel, the systems to clean water in the West stop working). That’s a slo-mo coup.

What these same people can do affirmatively, though, is sexualize children. Most parents are unaware of what’s going on in schools. Indeed, the Daily Mail report explains that the only reason the information emerged was that both a school and a judge denied a mother the right to see what her 15-year-old daughter was being taught in England’s compulsory Relationships and Sex Education classes.

Children who are sexualized are perfect for despots: They hew to those who provide sex rather than to their family. (And the family is the most powerful unit standing against government tyranny.) Children are ripped away from the Judeo-Christian morality that has led the West to the apex of human sex.

The desire for sex will drive people’s decision-making so that they will support whoever promises this powerful pleasure. If the government confuses people about their sexuality, driving them to dangerous surgeries and drugs, these people will become dependent on the government for this false “healthcare.”

Also, children who are sexualized early become prey, and there seem to be many predators in the ruling class, with our pawing, sniffing White House occupant and his drug-abusing son as Exhibit A. Currently, only the pedophiles and the FBI know what’s in Jeffrey Epstein’s little black book. I suspect that (a) many of those pedophiles are well-known to the public and that (b) the administrative state, through the FBI, is not shy about using its knowledge to control those people. One of my favorite things about Vivek is that he promises to release the black book.

We have reached a tremendously decadent and dangerous stage in the West, with our children being weaponized against themselves, against the Judeo-Christian moral underpinnings of our culture, and against liberty itself. If we don’t act soon, we won’t be able to act at all.

Austria: Police thwart an Islamist attack on the Pride Parade. French Antifa leader Raphael Arnault claims, “Everywhere the far-right is attacking LGBTI rights, including in the streets. Let’s stop them!”

The LGBT+ event in Vienna was the target of an Islamist attack. Three youths, including a 14-year-old minor, were arrested by Austrian police.

Translation: ⚠️ In Austria, three young people (suspected of being close to Daesh) have just been arrested while planning an attack on the Pride march in Vienna. Weapons were seized.
Right-wing extremists are attacking LGBTI rights in the streets everywhere. Let’s stop them!

Three teenagers, including a 14-year-old, were arrested by Austrian police on Sunday, June 18, official sources said. They were suspected of planning an attack on the Vienna Pride Parade, also known as the Pride March. This LGBTQIA+ event was attended by hundreds of thousands of people.
The three men, aged 14, 17 and 20, suspected of being sympathizers of the jihadist organization Islamic State (EI), were arrested before the start of the parade, according to the head of Austrian intelligence, Omar Haijawi-Pirchner. Haijawi-Pirchner said there was no threat to participants in the Pride march in downtown Vienna on Saturday, June 17.

Le Point /