We Are Jews Against Soros – His ethnic and religious background must not prevent us from calling him what he is

George Soros is an evil man. In fact, he is one of the most evil men currently shaping American and Western politics, and global events more generally.

To straightforwardly opine in this manner is not to traffic in antisemitism or noxious Jew-baiting. It is simply to share one’s perspective about one of the most influential political donors, “philanthropists” and social activists in the world — someone who doles out countless sums to undermine and reshape in his dystopian image entire countries, spreading across at least five separate continents.

It is frankly astounding that this even needs to be said. I am a Jewish columnist, podcaster and public speaker. As such, I routinely share my opinions as a basic feature of my job. I imagine some of those opinions are provocative — perhaps highly so — for a subset of the population, especially those of a left-of-center bent. Some (very) small percentage of my critics may hate me and hate my opinions because I am Jewish, but it is surely the case that the overwhelming majority of my critics disagree with me on the merits of my ideas and contributions to the public discourse. Unless I have a compelling reason to believe a specific critic is acting out of rank bigotry, I operate from a baseline presumption that the critic is not a Jew-hater, but simply disagrees with my position.

Again, this should be obvious. But for far too many, it is apparently not obvious — at least when it comes to criticism of George Soros.

For years, whenever conservatives, nationalists and traditionalists have criticized the absolutely sprawling influence of George Soros and his left-wing Open Society Foundations umbrella network, Soros’ praetorian guard in the elected official class and corporate press invariably shriek, “That’s antisemitism! You can’t say that!”

What utter tripe.

Soros directly spent $128.5 million during last fall’s U.S. midterm elections, making him that election cycle’s single largest individual donor. He has spent $40 million trying to elect radically left-wing “reform prosecutors” — something he has been fully transparent about, defending it under his own byline in a Wall Street Journal op-ed last summer — across the country. He has been dishearteningly successful in that endeavor, successfully electing 75 district attorneys — such as Alvin Bragg in New York City, Chesa Boudin in San Francisco (since mercifully recalled) and Kim Foxx in Chicago — who oversee a decivilizational (and oxymoronic) prosecutorial agenda of not prosecuting violent and property crimes. Simply put, Soros is more responsible than any man in the world for the descent of some of America’s most iconic cities into anarchic urban hellholes.

The globalist archetype has routinely given massive sums to anti-sovereignty groups that seek to obliterate national borders, from the U.S. to his native Hungary to Israel. Speaking of Israel, the Jewish Soros harbors a unique disdain for the world’s only Jewish state: He has been a massive bankroller of the antisemitic “Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions” global movement, his foundations have supported internationally recognized Palestinian-Arab terrorist organizations such as the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and he is the single largest donor ever to J Street and its affiliated PAC, which routinely peddle anti-Israel/pro-Palestinian agitprop and exist for the sole reason of providing “Jewish” cover for Democrats to bash Israel.

Who can earnestly contend that this is someone whose influence cannot be criticized on the grounds that it is “antisemitic” to do so?

Amichai Chikli, the Israeli government’s current minister of Diaspora affairs and minister for social equality, certainly objects. Following last month’s kerfuffle wherein Elon Musk compared Soros to X-Men archvillain Magneto (who, like Soros, survived the Holocaust as a child) and asserted that Soros “hates humanity,” the masses predictably accused Musk of making “baseless” claims and furthering “antisemitic conspiracy theories.” But Chikli defended Musk, writing in a May 18 tweet: “As Israel’s minister who’s entrusted on combating anti-Semitism, I would like to clarify that the Israeli government and the vast majority of Israeli citizens see Elon Musk as an amazing entrepreneur and a role model. Criticism of Soros — who finances the most hostile organizations to the Jewish people and the state of Israel is anything but anti-Semitism, quite the opposite!”

Chikli’s welcome sentiments brought to mind a powerful 2022 New York Post op-ed by Rabbi Dov Fischer of the exceptional Orthodox Jewish group Coalition for Jewish Values, who wrote that “it’s a mitzvah (a righteous act) — not ‘antisemitism’ — to castigate George Soros for his radical attempts to undermine public safety and the American republic.” Hear, hear. Many, many other Jews have espoused much the same, both before and since.

It is past time to formalize and operationalize this widely held sentiment. Last week, Will Scharf — a conservative activist, former federal prosecutor and current candidate for Missouri attorney general — and I cofounded a new group, “Jews Against Soros.” You can read more, and sign up for future updates, at our website: JewsAgainstSoros.com. As the website states: “We are Jews who have had enough of George Soros and his malign, leftist influence on American politics. We are Jews who are also sick and tired of the Left accusing anyone who criticizes Soros of being antisemitic. … Leftism isn’t Judaism, and being anti-leftist is not the same as being antisemitic. Period.”

That is not, of course, to say that there is no such thing as antisemitic criticism of Soros. Of course there are some devious memes, classic antisemitic iconography, and so forth. And when that antisemitism rears its ugly head — whether targeted at Soros or any other Jew — Will and I would be the first two to vociferously condemn it. But the overwhelming majority of the criticism of Soros is entirely legitimate on the substance of the dastardly causes he organizes and funds — indeed, that criticism is just and righteous. It is, as Rabbi Fischer wrote, a mitzvah.

You too can do a mitzvah by joining our cause, and by spreading the word that most Jews reject the risible claim that to criticize George Soros is to fan the flames of the world’s oldest bigotry, Jew-hatred. Patriotic, pro-America, pro-Israel, pro-sovereignty, pro-rule of law Jews the world over abhor this man. George Soros’ ethnic and religious background must not prevent us from calling him what he is: evil.


The Biden Admin Spent 2 Years Trying to Get FBI to Go After Trump Over J6

The Washington Post claims to have a major scoop, but as usual, the scoop inside the scoop requires reading between the lines of its lies.

The Washington Post found that senior Justice Department and FBI officials rejected or rebuffed early proposals to investigate actions taken by President Donald Trump and his close allies leading up to the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol… As a result, more than a year passed before federal prosecutors and FBI agents embarked on a formal investigation into nonviolent efforts within Trump’s orbit to steal the 2020 election.

What was causing the holdup?

The decision to charge militia members who were at the Capitol with seditious conspiracy — a step prosecutors thought could pressure them to implicate architects of the attack — was slowed as the Biden Justice Department waited months for Senate confirmation of senior leaders.

The Biden DOJ needed more political operatives on board to further weaponize the Justice Department and the FBI against its political opponents.

The FBI’s Washington Field Office twice in 2021 rebuffed federal prosecutors’ requests for agents — in February for the probe of whether Trump associates were linked to the riot, and then in November to investigate how Trump associates tried to overturn the election results.

The relevant question is how many of those Federal prosecutors were Biden or Obama appointees?

Key Justice Department officials ultimately pivoted after concluding they had sufficient evidence and that prosecuting rioters provided no clear path to examining the nonviolent efforts by the former president and his allies.

So the objective all along was to go after Trump. It was never about anything except hitting the political opposition and Biden’s likely 2024 opponent.

The Biden DOJ and its allies spent years pushing the FBI to go along with it.

The FBI did not join that probe until April 2022.

The FBI obviously needs a lot of housecleaning, but the key point to remember is that the ground zero of the weaponization has always been in the Department of Justice where political appointees have profoundly corrupted the system.


Polish PM requests extradition of migrant suspected of murdering Polish hotel worker on Greek island

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has called on the Greek authorities to hand over their prime suspect in the murder investigation of 27-year-old Anastazja Rubinska, whose naked body was found wrapped in a garbage bag on the Greek island of Kos on Sunday after a week-long intensive search.

A 32-year-old Bangladeshi migrant was arrested on Saturday, initially on suspicion of abducting the Polish woman, who had recently flown to Kos with her partner to work in a hotel for the duration of the summer.

The recovery of her body has now escalated the investigation into a murder inquiry, and the prime suspect attended a preliminary court hearing on Monday regarding his pre-trial detention.

In an extraordinary intervention, Morawiecki tweeted on Monday calling for the extradition of the suspect to Warsaw to face charges, despite the offense being committed on Greek territory.

“I am shocked by the brutal murder of 27-year-old Anastazja. The perpetrator must face very severe consequences. Therefore, we will ask Greece to extradite the suspect to a Polish court to receive the highest possible sentence,” he wrote.

The call was echoed by lawmakers of his own party, including Adam Andruszkiewicz, who tweeted, “An immigrant who brutally murdered a Polish woman must bear the highest possible punishment and spend the rest of his life in prison.

“A very good decision by Prime Minister Morawiecki to ask Greece to extradite the murderer to Poland. Justice is most important to us.”

There has been no official response from the Greek government regarding the matter.

Anastazja’s body was found in woodland approximately one kilometer from the prime suspect’s house. Her mobile phone was found around 500 meters from his property with the SIM card removed.

According to Greek media, the victim’s DNA was found in the home, and the suspect had scratches consistent with a struggle, which he insisted were sustained during a recent traffic accident.

Anastazja was reported missing by her partner on June 13 after disappearing the previous evening. She had called her partner asking him to pick her up after partying with friends and sent him her location; however, when he arrived, she was nowhere to be seen and her mobile phone was switched off.

The Bangladeshi migrant claimed to have picked up the victim on his motorcycle before returning to his home where they engaged in sexual intercourse.

On June 14, the prime suspect was spotted on CCTV at a mini market withdrawing a large amount of cash and booking a flight to Italy.

The investigation is ongoing.


Woke British Teacher Throws a Fit After Girl Mocks Student for Identifying as a Cat – Students Proceed Annihilate Teacher in Debate on “Gender Identity,” Causing Her to Melt Down Further and Issue a Threat (AUDIO)

Bangladesh: Hindu boy arrested over blasphemy charges 

Police arrested a Hindu boy named Dayal Hari Das Joni over blasphemy charges. He allegedly posted a photoshopped image that hurt the sentiment of Muslims. 

As per the received information, a resident of Ghargra village of Rangunia Upazila under the Chattragram district of Bangladesh, Dayal Hari Das posted a photoshopped image on his Facebook timeline on the 10th of June. In the image, he was standing upon Quran. Seeing the post, local Muslims got angry. 

Local Muslims led a huge protest and demanded to hang the accused Hindu youth. Police immediately intervened and detained the Hindu youth. Later, a case has been started against the youth under Digital Security Act. 

Later, Dayal Hari Das deleted the derogatory photo and posted an apology.  

Investigating officer of Rangunia police station, Moin Uddin said, “A case has been filed against the accused as per Digital Security Act. The accused posted an apology after the deletion of the post. The investigation is on”. 


French voters flock to Le Pen as anti-Macron sentiment fuels right-wing populism

French voters are increasingly more supportive of French nationalist Marine Le Pen and the conservative policies advocated by National Rally (RN), new polling suggests.

A new survey conducted by Ifop-Fiducial for the Journal du Dimanche (JDD) and Sud Radio revealed that more than four in 10 French voters (41 percent) want to see Le Pen dethrone incumbent French President Emmanuel Macron at the next election, an increase in popularity of seven percentage points from 2021.

Similarly, 42 percent of respondents confirmed they have voted for a candidate affiliated with Le Pen’s National Rally in the past, seven percentage points more than in 2021.

The numbers show a considerable swing towards the right of French politics, and they are a marked improvement for Le Pen who received 23.2 percent of the first-round vote in the presidential election last April.

She later received 41.5 percent of the second-round vote in a run-off with the victorious Macron, who was reelected with 58.5 percent of the vote.

The latest poll is consistent with other surveys that have shown the French electorate’s disillusionment with Macron, and more voters are seeing Marine Le Pen as a viable alternative to the status quo.

A poll published in April revealed that Le Pen would defeat Macron by double digits, with 55 percent of the vote, and members of President Macron’s Renaissance party are concerned at the current trajectory.

“I have the impression of a tsunami advancing,” said Jacqueline Macquet, a Renaissance MP.

Macron’s approval rating has failed to surpass 40 percent since May 2022, hitting a low of 27 percent last month before bouncing back to 30 percent. Much of the French electorate’s dislike towards the French president can be attributed to his widely unpopular pension reform, which has sparked mass protests and riots across the country for much of this year.

Marine Le Pen has reveled in the chaos that ensued following Macron’s decision to bypass a parliamentary vote on the dreaded pension reform. This, combined with her longstanding concerns about crime and mass immigration — albeit toning down her rhetoric to attract swing voters — has seen her popularity soar.

Specifically on immigration, Le Pen recently called for a referendum to enable the French people to have their say after polling published last week revealed that 63 percent of voters consider the country’s migration and asylum policy to be too lax.

“Opinion poll after opinion poll has shown that the French people overwhelmingly want a tightening of immigration policy,” Le Pen tweeted recently.

“The Macronie will not be able to lock itself in denial forever. The time has come to give the people back their say through a referendum,” she added.


Pakistan: Blasphemy accused to be tried under terrorism charges too

The slogan ‘Sar tan se juda’ originated in Pakistan. (Source: NewsBharti)

Pakistan is all set to charge the people accused of blasphemy under terrorism laws in addition to its penal code. The move has further cemented the South Asian state’s position as one of the most extremist and illiberal places in the world.

The government of Pakistan has conceded to the demands of the Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP), which signed a deal with the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) government led by the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) on Saturday. The Islamist group winded up its 25-day-long march protest in Sarai Alamgir, Gujrat district, around 200 kilometers from Lahore following the development. It started its “Pakistan Bachao March” from Karachi on May 22, with Islamabad being the final destination.

Rana Sanaullah, the federal interior minister, claimed that the government had acceded to ‘all legitimate’ TLP demands, including those relating to blasphemy legislation. The administration agreed to book anyone suspected of blasphemy and charged under Section 295-C (use of disparaging language, etc., in regard to the Holy Prophet) of the Pakistan Penal Code under the Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA), 1997, as part of a twelve point agreement reached on Saturday with the outfit.

It was signed by federal ministers Rana Sanaullah and Sadar Ayaz Sadiq from the government’s side and Dr. Mohammad Shafiq Amini and Allama Ghulam Abbas Faizi from TLP.

He informed, “Speedy trials of the blasphemy accused will be ensured. For the first time, a Counter Blasphe­­my Wing (CBW) will be established under the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA).” He added that the government would take action to prohibit offensive social media posts. The fundamentalist force has now also acquired political weight owing to the Shehbaz Sharif government’s decision to publish a letter declaring that the former is not a terrorist organization.

The latter has agreed to drop all political cases brought against TLP members and leaders along with removing the restriction on its broadcast and social media coverage. The PML-N leader noted that the TLP leaders whose names are withdrawn from the Anti-Terrorism Act of 1997’s Fourth Schedule will have the right to travel about as they like and the administration will provide instructions to provincial governments for the same.

Amnesty International and several international organizations have maintained that Pakistan’s blasphemy laws are frequently applied to people who belong to religious minorities particularly Hindus and other marginalised groups who are often falsely accused. They are now in a situation that is even more perilous and vulnerable as a result of the recent occurrence.

Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan coined “Sar Tan Se Juda”

Islamists in India have mastered the use of street protests and violence to accomplish their demands and instill terror in anyone who would dare to state unfavorable truths. However, recent rallies have escalated, growing more violent and incorporating the ominous chant “Sar Tan Se Juda,” which has come to characterize the anti-blasphemy wrath raging throughout the entire country.

The cry of “Gustakh-e-Rasool ki ek hi saza, sar tan se juda,” which translates to “There is only one punishment for disrespecting Prophet Muhammad, their head separated from their torso,” has become a staple of violent protests that have so far claimed the lives of multiple Hindus, including Kamesh Tiwari in Lucknow, Kanhaiya Lal in Udaipur and Umesh Kolhe in Amravati.

Following what they perceived as ‘blasphemy’ against the Prophet Muhammad, Muslim extremists turned to brutal attacks against innocent Hindus which was encouraged by the dog-whistling of Alt News co-founder Mohammed Zubair against former Bharatiya Janata Party spokeswoman Nupur Sharma.

Notably, the slogan which has now become a regular feature of Muslim demonstrations in India has its roots in Pakistan. Salman Taseer, the governor of Pakistan’s Punjab province, was assassinated in 2011 by Malik Mumtaz Hussain Qadri, his personal bodyguard, who disapproved of the former’s opposition to the country’s blasphemy law and referred to his gruesome action as a religious duty.

Mumtaz Hussain Qadri was found guilty and condemned to death by the court. He was hanged on 29 February 2016 and protests began immediately by Sunni organizations all over the country against the execution. On March 1, 2016, Mumtaz Qadri’s funeral was held at Liaqat National Bagh in Rawalpindi and over 100,000 people attended, including former federal minister Syed Hamid Saeed Kazmi.

The founder of TLP Maulana Allama Khadim Hussain Rizvi, praised Mumtaz Qadri for killing Salman Taseer and dubbed him a “Ghazi” (Muslim warrior) for the horrific crime. Thousands of people cheered the latter as a hero and raised aggressive slogans against the former governor in a procession led by the Islamic leader. The two main slogans were “Rasool Allah, Rasool Allah” and “Gustakh-e-Rasool ki ek hi saza, sar tan se juda, sar tan se juda.”

Although the maulana passed away in 2020, his slogans continue to be used by Muslim extremists in Pakistan, India and Bangladesh who often advocate for the execution of anyone who they believe has insulted or mocked the Prophet Muhammad in any way. In a sense, he provided them with a model by approving the execution of people who were deemed ‘guilty’ of blaspheming the Prophet of Islam.


Canadian High School Students Stage Walkout Against Gender Ideology Forced in Classes

High school students in Ottawa, Canada, reportedly staged a walkout to protest of gender ideology curriculum being implemented by their school district.

Students from Longfields-Davidson Secondary School walked out of class late last week in protest of gender ideology being taught in Ontario classrooms, according to a report by Rebel News.

Some in the crowd held signs opposing gender ideology and received supportive honks from people driving by in their cars.

Watch Below:

This protest reportedly marks the second demonstration in opposition to the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board’s curriculum in a week.

Chanel Pfahl, a former high school teacher who advocates against radical gender ideology being taught to young students, took to social media to write, “The kids at Longfields-Davidson Heights are just pure awesome.”

Pfahl previously fell under attack from the Ontario College of Teachers after talking about her opposition to Critical Race Theory (CRT) in a private Facebook group.

Critical Race Theory is an academic movement transpiring in schools, teaching children that the United States is fundamentally racist, and they must view every social interaction and person in terms of race in order to be “antiracist.”

Pfahl also shared a message that appears to be from Longfields-Davidson Secondary School.

“We want to remind everyone that during the instructional day, it is expected that students be in class,” the message read. “Student walkouts are one way to share a message, but there are also many other ways to respectfully show support for issues that are important to students.”

The Ottawa high school students walking out of their classrooms is just the latest example of students pushing back against LGBTQIA2S+ propaganda in schools.

As Breitbart News reported Thursday, middle school students in Burlington, Massachusetts, responded to a pride event at school by tearing down banners, wearing red, white, and blue, and chanting, “U.S.A. are my pronouns.”

Adults in the community reacted to the children by having an collective meltdown. Local groups held a town hall meeting, demanding that the school take “action” in response to the kids.

The school’s principal also issued a community-wide letter condemning the children, writing, “When one individual or group of individuals’ beliefs and actions result in the demeaning of another individual or group, it is completely unacceptable.”


Germany: Afghan and Syrian homophobically insult and beat gay couple on train and rob them

Federal police forces informed the Düsseldorf police on Saturday night about an incident in the regional express RE4 in the direction of Aachen, in which a gay couple was massively insulted homophobic and physically attacked by a perpetrator duo.

According to initial investigations, the train was traveling between the main station and the Bilk stop in the direction of Aachen. The two men, a 17-year-old youth with Syrian citizenship and a 28-year-old adult with Afghan citizenship, first insulted the couple massively. When one of the injured parties went to the toilet, the two suspects hit the partner and stole his wristwatch. According to the current state of knowledge, the man was slightly injured.

The police officers who were called to the scene discovered the two suspects still on the train and arrested them. The previously stolen wristwatch was found under their seats. A courageous witness rushed to the aid of the attacked man and was also slightly injured.

In the course of the investigation, it emerged that the two men suspected of the crime could be responsible for another robbery, which took place shortly before the attack on the train in the area of Düsseldorf’s main train station. After being brought before a magistrate, the two suspects had to be released. The investigation is continuing.
