A 14-year-old student was brought before the public prosecutor’s office in Toulouse on Saturday. The young Syrian is charged with sharing beheading videos with classmates at his school in Toulouse.
The events date back to May 30 of this year. A young middle school student, born in Syria in 2009, had received a video via Instagram messenger showing a beheading with a knife. The latter then spread it to some classmates of his collège in Toulouse, according to our information, confirming revelations by the newspaper “La Dépêche”. (…)
A secondary school pupil finally confided to his mother that one of his classmates had forced him to look at footage of beheadings and then threatened him to re-enact this horror scene on his family. The parents of the 15-year-old high school student then filed a complaint, which led to the arrest of the suspected youth. He admitted to having distributed the videos, but denied any threats against the alleged victim and his family. (…) Le Parisien
AMERICAN JUSTICE: 69-Year-Old Grandma with Cancer Given More Prison Time for Walking Inside US Capitol than Hunter Biden for Sharing Classified Documents with Foreign Regimes and Multi-Million Dollar Bribery Schemes https://t.co/6aTwa1iO6g
Two men, aged 21 and 17, one of whom is a successful student of law, were indicted on March 5 and June 16 on suspicion of preparing a planned violent action. According to the DGSI investigation, various targets were allegedly considered.
[…] Despite the terrorist organization’s loss of influence in the Middle East and the diminishing impact of its propaganda, the two Frenchmen, aged 17 and 21, from the Alpes-Maritimes and Seine-Saint-Denis, allegedly planned a knife attack against various targets: Civilians, personalities designated as opponents of Islam, or churches.
[…] The minor with the first name A.N., follower of a radical Islam and socially isolated, is said to have confided to his virtual interlocutors that the desire matured in him to carry out an indiscriminate knife attack “against everyone”.
When he was arrested at his home in early March, the police officers seized stabbing weapons and a patch with the insignia of the Islamic State (IS) organization. They also discover that A.N. is in contact with numerous similarly radicalized youths across Europe in the jihadist scene: the UK, Belgium, Switzerland … All these sympathizers of the jihadist cause have one thing in common: they are young or very young, have little or no contact with jihadists in the Iraqi-Syrian zone and are very active online. Several of them, by the way, have been arrested in their respective countries thanks to information sharing between intelligence agencies.
[…] In his writings, Samy O.-M. harbors an obsession about the “need to strike a blow” against those he sees as hostile to his devout religion. Even more disturbing, investigators found a handwritten plan of a church in Paris in his home. The religious building could not be identified at this time. However, the document suggests that Catholic institutions were also targeted. Le Parisien
Germany’s Next Top Model’s first, second, and third place winners this year are raising eyebrows, with critics indicating that the series’ decision on who wins the reality show competition has little to do with beauty and everything to do with ideological and woke programming.
In one tweet, which has nearly 1 million views, Belgian historian and professor David Engels posts a photo of the three winners, all people of color, and writes: “No joke: There is at least one thing you have to concede to the woke German elites: they are coherent and deadly serious about their wish to totally reshape their country. Shakespeare would say: ‘Though this be madness, yet there is method in’t.’”
No joke: Germany's Next Topmodel 2023. There is at least one thing you have to concede to the woke German elites: they are coherent and deadly serious about their wish to totally reshape their country. Shakespeare would say: "Though this be madness, yet there is method in't." pic.twitter.com/YtGC6dAeYt
In a country with such a small Black population, commentators are speculating that this was an effort for Germany’s Next Top Model to uphold woke virtues and even promote acceptance of mass immigration in German society, which Germans are increasingly turning against, as polling shows.
It is not the first time that the show promoted controversial topics. German columnist Anabel Schunke posted on Twitter about 2021’s winner, which was actually a biological male who changed their gender to female and beat all the biological female competitors.
“Anyone who complains about first through third place in Germany’s Next Top Model has probably already forgotten that the beautiful Soulin (Omar) lost to a biological man in 2021,” wrote Schunke.
Wer sich über Platz 1-3 bei Germany‘s next Topmodel beschwert, hat wohl schon vergessen, dass die wunderschöne Soulin 2021 gegen einen biologischen Mann verloren hat. #gntmpic.twitter.com/Q7tICGXW0C
Schunke, however, stated that she did not take issue with the weight of the first-place winner in 2023. Instead, Schunke, who apparently watched the show, said that Vivien Blotzki, the 2023 winner, did not perform her tasks on the show, and in light of the show’s ideological direction, Blotzki’s victory further revealed the show’s ideological bent.
“By the way, I never said anything against the winner of #GNTM because she is overweight, either in my comment in Weltwoche or in my initial post. After all, there are now enough ‘curvy models.’ It’s just that she couldn’t get a single job and others were better. And if you look at the decisions in recent years against this background and the current winner, then I come to the conclusion that it is no longer about performance, but about diversity at any price,” wrote Schunke.
Ich habe übrigens nirgendwo, weder in meinem Kommentar in der Weltwoche noch in meinem anfänglichen Post etwas gegen die Gewinnerin von #GNTM gesagt, weil sie übergewichtig ist. Immerhin gibt es mittlerweile genug „Curvy Models“. Es geht einfach darum, dass sie keinen einzigen…
However, on the other side of the spectrum, a number of media outlets are praising the winner.
“I think it’s fantastic that Vivien was the first curvy model to become Germany’s next top model,” said Kerstin Schneider, the magazine editor-in-chief of the German edition of Harper’s Bazaar.
However, the trend of promoting diversity often to the explicit exclusion of White people has been seen in a range of cultural and political areas in Germany. For example, German taxpayer money is often tied to diversity initiatives, including funding for film, arts, and cultural projects. As Remix News previously reported, one German state-funded initiative from the MOIN Film Fund website states: “Applicants are now obliged to answer a questionnaire on the diversity of their planned project.” For example, applicants must answer whether there are “people of color” on the team. MOIN claimed, however, that the checklist does not affect “artistic freedom or labor law issues.”
While Germany has been one of the most welcoming countries to mass immigration in the world, many of the newcomers do not share such warm feelings towards the German population. Earlier this year, for example, German-Iranian author and commentator Behzad Karim Khani wrote statements about Germans who criticized migrant-fueled mayhem during New Year’s Eve, which were widely criticized.
“I think we’re at a point now where we should have an honest look at the situation. Let’s start with the simple statement that we — migrants, foreigners, people with … call us what you like — are not going to leave that easily. And neither will you, dear organic Germans, though, demographically, you’re definitely going away. You’re dying out, and your country needs about 400,000 new workers (every year) over the next 15 years, that’s about a million immigrants a year. We migrants will probably inherit this land. So we could play for time here, which is time you don’t have.”
In another case earlier this year where ideological concerns played more of a role than merit, a White male justice minister in Germany was removed from his position because he was White and male and replaced with a Black female. As Remix News reported, the Green party dismissed its own justice minister, Dirk Adams, in the German state of Thuringia. He was not found guilty of any wrongdoing, but instead was simply a male of the wrong skin color, which, by the Green party’s own admission, was the entire basis for his dismissal.
Adams fought hard to keep his spot but was replaced by Afro-German Doreen Denstädt. Thuringia’s Minister-President Bodo Ramelow, of the Left Party, fired Adams, who was the minister for migration, justice and consumer protection. The dismissal came about after the Green party directly requested him to be replaced by Denstädt, who has no law degree or political experience.
The Green party celebrated the dismissal of their own minister over gender and race, with a statement that indicated the new appointee demonstrates the “importance that the topics of integration and migration have for us Alliance Greens.”
In another example, a top German university posted a job, stating that White people should not apply in order to make space for people of color.
On Friday (June 16), a radical Islamic cleric from Bangladesh named Enayetullah Abbasi announced that he has reached the city of London and will participate in 7-8 Islamic conferences in the United Kingdom.
Abbasi informed that he has been invited to the country by a media channel named ‘ION TV’ and will take part in an Islamic event, which is scheduled to be held on Tuesday (June 20) in Birmingham.
The CEO of ‘ION TV’, Ataullah Farooq, said that he promised to organise an Islamic conference, which is meant to indoctrinate the Muslim youth about Islamic values. “I did not reveal this before but we have invited respected Dr Enayetullah Abbasi as the chief guest. Thanks to Allah that he has accepted our invitation.”
The development has left many people shocked, with some wondering about the circumstances that led the United Kingdom government to approve the visa of an infamous hate preacher.
Raise the flag of Islam in Delhi, provokes cleric
Enayetullah Abbasi is not an ordinary cleric. He is known for making genocidal speeches against Hindus, and the Ahmadi community. Abbasi has also made several anti-India remarks and called for the beheading of atheist bloggers and apostates.
In April this year, a video of the cleric went viral on social media. “The Islamists in this country will gouge their eyes out. If anybody comes to invade even an inch of Bangladesh, every madrassa will turn into a cantonment with weapons. Every Muslim will stand shoulder to shoulder with the Bangladesh army for jihad.”
“Myanmar is nothing in front of us. Bangladeshi Muslims have the capacity to raise the flag of Islam in Delhi as well. And we will show this in future,” the extremist cleric claimed amidst chants of Naara-e-Takbeer and Allah hu Akbar.
Bangladeshi Islamic Scholar Enayetullah Abbasi: Bangladeshi Muslims Will Fly the Flag of Islam in Delhi; We Will Gouge Out the Eyes of Our Enemies #India#Bangladeshpic.twitter.com/39xTDun5er
His fanatic supporters responded with more dangerous rhetoric, “The enemies of Islam are Kaffir. Beware, Beware.” In April this year, another video of Enayetullah Abbasi went viral wherein he made it clear that Bangladesh belongs to only Muslims and that the State religion will remain Islam.
“Bangladesh is only for Quran. Bangladesh is only for Muslims…Bangladesh did not become independent with the blood of 30 lakh Hindus. Bangladesh became independent with the blood of 30 lakh Muslims,” he claimed.
Bangladesh: Another video by Enayetullah Abbasi. Where he is threatening that this BD is only for Muslims. But most of those who died in 1971 were Hindus. But these extremist Muslims were supporters of Pakistan. There is not a single Hindu in Razakar's list, all are Muslims. pic.twitter.com/tnedWKtFqe
— International Hindu Voice (@ih_voice) April 9, 2023
While indicating that Hindus will remain second-class citizens in the country, Abbasi made it clear, “As long as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, Islam will remain the State religion of Bangladesh.”
Allah appointed China to punish India: Enayetullah Abbasi
“If 30 lakh Muslims can die for independence, then, 30 lakh Muslims can die for Islam in this country. Inshallah,” he brazened it out. In one video shared by a Twitter user (@BeerBangali), the Islamic cleric was heard saying that Allah appointed China to punish India.
Ironically, China is carrying out unspeakable atrocities against the Uyghur Muslim community in its Xinjiang province. But this did not stop Abbasi from claiming, “Allah has kept China ready to teach a lesson to India. Not only this, even Nepal and Bhutan are also against India.”
In a bid to create a sense of hysteria, he alleged, “Extremist Hindus of India are shooting and killing citizens of my country everyday…” Abbasi lamented, “We fail to protest like Nepal and Bhutan…Our lives are in vain. Our freedom is in vain. We also have to show courage like Nepal and Bhutan.”
Enayetullah Abbasi opposes the death penalty for Islamic terrorists
Human rights activist and exiled Bangladeshi blogger, Asad Noor, pointed out several instances where the Islamic cleric gave hate speeches against religious minority groups, atheists, apostates and blasphemers.
In one video, Enayetullah Abbasi was heard saying, “There is a law in your constitution to protect atheist bloggers. And if any mujahid (Islamic terrorist) kills such bloggers, then, you will award them a death sentence? The Muslim society will not accept such a verdict.”
“On behalf of all Muslims, I am telling the Bangladesh government that the mujahids took the law into their own hands due to the absence of any concrete blasphemy law. This is why we do not accept that such Islamic terrorists be hanged,” he emphasised.
“Before you think about taking their lives, you need to make a law that awards the death penalty to such atheist bloggers. Infidels (murtads) need to be given the death penalty,” Enayetullah Abbasi remarked amid a rousing support from his radical co-religionists.
Islamic Cleric calls for beheading of blasphemers, Ahmadiyyas
He vowed that none will be allowed to hang from the noose for murdering atheists. Abbasi also called for the beheading of blasphemers in one of his speeches. “If someone dares to criticise Prophet Muhammad, then, he should be declared as Kafir and his head should be chopped off,” he announced.
The Islamic cleric further added, “We will also not accept his apology…Let it be any intellectual, atheist, or blogger.” He had also called upon the Bangladesh government to release those Muslim men, who murdered atheist bloggers.
Abbasi has also called for the killing of Ahmadiyyas in one of his speeches. According to Asad Noor, 2 Ahmadiyyas were killed after Islamists, inspired by the dangerous rhetoric of the cleric, attacked them.
Religious extremists have attacked the annual convention of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Bangladesh and severely injured the participants. The fanatics are also lighting the homes of Ahmadi Muslims on fire. pic.twitter.com/7u5pXQALZS
“If there was Sharia law in Bangladesh, what punishment would have been handed over to the Ahmadiyyas? They are not just Kafirs but worse than non-Muslims. The only punishment that they deserve is murder.”
“If Sharia law is enforced, then, we will not need any more meetings. Under the ruling of Sharia courts, we can behead them wherever we find them.” His call for murder was approved and applauded by a frenzied mob of his co-religionists.
Abbasi urges Muslims to occupy Hindu lands, praises Osama bin Laden and Mullah Omar
He also encouraged his extremist supporters to encroach upon the land and properties of the Hindu community.
“If your Hindu neighbour is weak, then, occupy his house and land. But if you torture him as a fellow human being, then, you will be guilty of the act. Allah may punish you for this but you will at least not be condemned to hellfire (Jahannum),” Abbasi was heard saying.
“We have only one motto in life – Jihad. We will reach the Almighty by waging a war against the non-Muslims (also called Jihad).” Enayetullah Abbasi also heaped praises on the Taliban for defeating the United States in Afghanistan.
“These brave lions (Taliban) are the greatest Muslims of Middle Asia.” He also proudly claimed that he has been booked for glorifying the Al-Qaeda and other terror groups.
“The people who criticise Mollah Umar and Osama bin Laden must remember that even though these two people are different from us, the foundation in Islam is the same…Remember, even if you try for the next 50 years, you will not reach the shoes of these two great Muslims.”
“They sacrificed their lives for Allah, fought nations such as the United States just to establish the rule of Islam…They are the real fighters of Islam and we are the betrayers.”
‘Anti-science’ Islamic cleric spreads lies about Queen Elizabeth II
The extremist also spread falsehoods about the former Queen of England, Elizabeth II. He claimed that the novel concept of ’10 minute online school’ in Bangladesh was introduced by an atheist with funds from the Queen.
Enayetullah Abbasi brazened it out, “The children are taught about live-in relationships, homosexuality, transgenderism in the name of education. They are being transformed into disgusting human beings but no action is being taken against them.”
In another speech, the cleric could be heard dog-whistling against Christian missionaries in Bangladesh in the hopes of unleashing his Islamist lynch mob against them. “They will take away our hard-earned independence. We need to stop their activities if Muslims want to protect the dignity of Islam.”
As expected, Abbasi does not believe in science, which would challenge his fragile religious beliefs. Just like Zakir Naik, the Islamic cleric is a vocal critic of Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution.
“If children in Bangladesh are taught the theory of evolution, it will be a clear defiance of the Quran and its teachings. There is nothing more contentious and blasphemous as the concept of evolution.”
He claimed that the Muslim youth in the country were being converted to atheists in the name of science. “We will not tolerate such a conspiracy in Bangladesh,” Abbasi stated. “The children are being taught that we are not the children of Adam but that of monkeys,” he confidently displayed his ignorance.
According to Asad Noor, the Islamic cleric has strong ties with the Awami-league government and has thus remained immune to any action from the law enforcement authorities.
Despite his fanaticism, calls to murder, a diatribe against religious minority groups and falsehoods about the former Queen of England, the visa of the Islamic cleric was approved by the government of the United Kingdom.
After poisoning the minds of countless people in Bangladesh, Enayetullah Abbasi is now eyeing to spread radicalism in the UK.
Unpleasant situations occurred at a public swimming pool in Mönchengladbach: Several young people are said to have harassed and molested a group of young girls there.
As a police spokesman reported on Monday, investigations have been launched against three teenagers (17) and two young adults (19).
The group of young suspects is said to have harassed and molested a group of six girls aged between twelve and 13 years on Sunday afternoon in the ‘Vitusbad’ in Moenchengladbach.
According to the girls’ statements, they were suddenly harassed several times and touched under water from the group of young men while swimming, it was said.
“Who did what in detail of the suspects in the process and how the individual girls were affected is the subject of the police investigation,” the police spokesman said.
Five of the young men were of Afghan origin, he said. One was from Romania, investigators said.
After police recorded the facts, the girls were handed over to the custody of their parents. The suspects, meanwhile, were released after their identities were established and police measures were completed, he said.
The swimming pool issued the young men a ban on entering the premises. The investigations are continuing.
Reclaim Party leader Laurence Fox has defended burning several LGBTQ+ ‘Progress Pride’ flags in his back garden, saying that the flag represents “child mutilation” and stands against “biological reality” and “objective truth”.
British actor turned anti-woke campaigner Laurence Fox refused to stand down following social media outrage over a video of him burning several “Progress Pride” flags over the weekend. The video, which went viral on Twitter, was picked up in the legacy media, with multiplereports highlighting the “outrage” against the act.
However, the My Son Hunter star said that he would not be deterred by social media “pile ons”.
“I will always stand for biological reality, objective truth and the protection of vulnerable and confused children against those who would do their bodies irreversible harm,” the Reclaim Party leader said.
My friend brought me some child mutilation bunting.
“No one served under this child mutilation flag. No one fought under it. It’s a concocted piece of political artifice. It divides people down sexual and skin colour lines. It is antithetical to what a national flag represents. A national flag represents the values of a nation. This migraine flag represents an ideology,” Fox continued.
“I stand against everything this so called ‘progressive’ pride flag, which preaches inclusion, but not of all people stands for. It claims to stand for diversity, but hates diversity of opinion. It stands for equity, which is communism and forced equality. Dragging us all down to the lowest common denominator. I loathe what it represents. Especially since it has hijacked hard fought for gay and lesbian rights to push through its altogether more sinister objective.
“So if you think that a few mean tweets will stop me. Think again.”
In a separate video, Fox said that the so-called Progress Pride flag has “nothing to do” with the original rainbow pride flag, which he said represents the “hard fought for gay and lesbian rights” that “everybody” would support.
Fox went on to say that the United Kingdom already has a flag that “unites everyone: gay, straight, lesbian, white, black, yellow, red, green, thin and fat… It’s called the Union Jack and it represents us all, and it represents secular liberal democracy.”
The criticism of Fox stands in contrast to other footage claimed to have been recorded this month, of the national Union Flag being disrespectfully dropped on the ground by government workmen as they were replaced with rows of “Intersex-Inclusive Progress Pride Flag”. While not generally grabbing headlines, the video was picked up by Talk TV’s Piers Morgan, who said of it:” The rainbow flag has been posted over London’s Regent Street in place of the Union Jack… is Pride month more important than patriotism?”.
“You’re taking the wrong ****ing flag down, mate.” “You don’t think we know that?!”
In the video, a bystander could be heard saying: “You’re taking the wrong fucking flag down mate!” to which the Westminster council employee responded: “You think I don’t know that?”.
Fox, who is currently standing for Parliament for the Reclaim Party in the race to replace Boris Johnson in his vacated seat in Uxbridge, has previously run afoul of transgenderism proponents for criticising LGTBQIA2S+ flags, having been suspended by Twitter last year for posting a meme which combined four Progress Pride flags together into a swastika to mock the authoritarian tendencies of the woke movement.
The meme was later shared by a British army veteran, for which he was arrested for supposedly causing offence online, however, ultimately no charges were brought forward following steep public backlash against woke policing.
We must recognize that European environmentalists, and the far left in general, have an enviable ability to communicate. While conservative movements are still too often embodied in what seem like dehumanized caricatures of policies, European environmentalists, apart from a hysterical Greta Thunberg, have given themselves fresh and pleasant faces as spokespersons who state the worst horrors in an appealing, calm and articulate manner.
Take, for instance, the recently concluded Beyond Growth 2023 conference in Brussels, Belgium. Beyond Growth is the annual ideological gathering of European environmentalists, and their countless relays in the world of government-funded, supposedly “non-governmental” organizations (NGOs).
Beyond Growth does not meet in the lounges of a prestigious hotel or some country mansion, but confers and gathers directly in the European Parliament buildings. This does not happen by chance: when the press lovingly reports on the Beyond Growth conference, it broadcasts images of people gathered and speaking in the tidy rows of the European Parliament. What do most people remember when they look at the Beyond Growth report? The European Parliament. The link between Beyond Growth’s radical proposals and the European Parliament is presented as perfectly natural: If the European Parliament wants radical environmentalism, how could you, a small local voter, oppose it?
The star of the most recent conference was the Anuna De Wever, a Flemish Belgian representing the young greens.
You have to read and listen to what these activists are saying. Most announce what, if they attain power, they will do. Let us, then, listen to the “proposals” of the charming, smiling De Wever:
“We must redistribute the wealth”, De Wever begins. To whom, how? No details. This has been a standard feature of every self-respecting, moonstruck European speech for a century. Would it be out of line to suggest starting wealth redistribution with the salaries and assets of the Green Members of European Parliament (MEPs)?
“Cancel climate debt”: In the minds of environmental activists, countries in the “global North,” which have undergone significant development, have an ecological obligation to the countries in the “global South.” Even though Western capitalism has rescued the greatest number of people from poverty in the history of the world, apparently the West also created the greatest emissions of greenhouse gases. In addition, Europe and the US still allegedly “exploit” and “colonize” many regions in the “global South” through their multinational corporations, systematically depleting natural resources. Therefore, the “debt” to the “South” must be cancelled, even if this “debt” might have nothing to do with the climate.
Let us introduce a “universal basic income” immediately, tomorrow. One can imagine the eagerness of China, Russia, Japan, the U.S. and Cuba to introduce a common universal income — which is of course is probably only conceivable through the establishment of a “universal” world government: a mere formality.
The West must decline. Indeed, the West is evil. The proof is that it is “rich”. Therefore, the West must be punished, by throwing it into a collapse — a “degrowth” — while others not in the West will continue to grow, of course.
Universal public services must be increased (doubled? tripled?). How, in a context of decline, will this increase be financed? Those details are not specified.
“All this,” De Wever continues, to a great deal of applause, “will of course only be possible if we destroy… white supremacy.”
White supremacy? What does white supremacy have to do with economics, you might ask? It would seem that in the minds of many environmentalists, economic growth and white supremacy are effectively synonymous. After all, the reasoning seems to go, it was the West, embodied by Adam Smith in 1776, that “invented” economic growth, and the West at the time was largely white, so by destroying white supremacy we destroy the very idea of economic growth.
They seem to be into a kind of magical thinking which, seeing two realities in the same whole — “whiteness” and capitalism — they then postulate a causal link between them.
If, according to Adam Smith, economic growth for everyone is the key to being lifted out of poverty – with the goal of making the poor richer, not the rich poorer – then destroying growth does not appear as an economic model that will provide much help. Worse, there are now those pesky choices such as: Would you rather encourage growth by allowing people in poor countries to use fossil fuels — coal, oil and natural gas — or drive these people even further into poverty by denying them fossil fuels?
This strange goulash of Marxist remnants — imperialism, decolonization and badly digested Critical Race Theory — creates a program that is unlikely to unite the majority of Europeans. The program even has been given a name: Immediate European Suicide. If Europe engages in economic “degrowth,” as the Greens wish, this “degrowth” implies the destruction of entire sections of the European and Western economies. “Degrowth” and economic destruction are perfect synonyms. “Degrowth” means curtailing economic activities — or taxing them so punitively that they cease to exist.
These green advocates represent 10% of the seats in the European Parliament, and seem to be in the process of being electorally eradicated in many EU member states. No matter: the undemocratic, unelected, untransparent, unaccountable EU offers them a recourse: in the EU institutions, Greens are everywhere. The “Green 10,” for instance, is a coalition of ten of the largest environmental organizations and networks active on the European level. They work to ensure that the EU prioritizes the climate, the local environment, biodiversity and human health within and beyond its borders. To spread their ideas, these unelected NGOs are generously financed by the EU institutions themselves.
The fundamental problem with Beyond Growth is that “degrowth” — what happens next — is never defined. If Marxists, and before them socialists, including German national socialists, have always tried to define an economic theory — concrete projects, and the destruction of what exists — environmentalists have never bothered to do that. Or is throwing Europe into energy dependence on Russia the main agenda of environmentalists?
This reluctance to describe “the world after” is understandable. In the context of a Europe that is up to its eyebrows in debt and already taxing its citizens just to pay the interest on the debt, reducing economic output means facing the question of who will be left to die first. Healthcare, for instance, is already being rationed and has seemingly become more about cutting costs than delivering services, and more about growing an administrative bureaucracy with massive paperwork than investing in more doctors and better and timely patient care.
What would happen if there were “degrowth”? How, for example, how can we conceive of an obligatory decrease in economic activity without subjecting any technological innovation to control by an “administrative agency”? The dream EU of environmentalists starts to look like a version of Atlas Shrugged: a dystopian country in which private businesses suffer under increasingly burdensome laws, regulations and bureaucrats. Perhaps the Greens should ponder the message of the book: despite attempts by the state to enslave minds by force, people emerge victorious in their commitment to freedom. The human mind is the power that moves the world, not coercion.
In a speech in the German parliament, a leading Alternative for Germany politician, Dr. Bernd Baumann, said that the majority of Germans oppose unlimited immigration and the parallel societies growing in their country. He also stated that there is an ethnic German people despite denials that this exists from government officials and that these people have rights enshrined in the German constitution. This German people, argues Baumann, should be able to decide who enters the country and who should be forced to leave the country.
“(Germans) don’t want new parallel societies to keep emerging, from completely foreign cultures, with completely different values, from women’s rights to family honor and male violence to the tough Turkish-Arab clans. They don’t want that. The majority of Germans, the majority, want to preserve what is their own, their own values, their own culture, exactly what makes up the ethnic-cultural German people as part of European-Occidental civilization. That’s what they want, ladies and gentlemen,” said Dr. Bernd Baumann, director of the AfD parliamentary group in the Bundestag,
Baumann had begun his speech by criticizing the Christian Democrats (CDU), a party he accused of starting the immigration crisis in 2016 and misleading the German public now about what he said was the party’s true intentions around immigration. Baumann stated:
“The CDU demands more deportation with today’s application. As early as 2017, this party promised a deportation offensive. Repatriation, repatriation, repatriation. Today, the (CDU) is asking the same thing again, but there is a difference. At that time, the CDU ruled (in government). Did the CDU meet its own demands? Did the party keep its word? No, ladies and gentlemen, the number of deportations actually fell, rapidly, ever lower — so much for the credibility of the CDU. They don’t want deportations, just as little as today’s left-green government of SPD, Greens and FDP. (The CDU) had also announced a deportation offensive. Nothing had happened for two years
Baumann said that the current German government rejects the idea that a “German people” even exist unless it is in the context of someone who merely has a German passport. However, Baumann states that there is indeed an ethnic German people and the German constitution explicitly notes their existence.
“But there are politicians in the government today who don’t know what to do with this ‘people.’ I quote Vice-Chancellor (Robert) Habeck: ‘There is no people (and therefore there is no betrayal of the people).’ The term ‘people’ excludes ‘people.’”
Habeck reportedly made the comment, “There is no people and therefore there is no betrayal of the people,” in response to an interview where he was asked to comment on the phrase “traitor to the people.” He called the term a “Nazi” term.
The AfD’s Baumann said that Habeck’s comment was “totalitarian and exclusionary.”
The vice-chancellor replied to Olaf Scholz that he did not know any ethnically cultural people, only a people of the state. Of course, there is the people of the state. These are all citizens with a German passport, with the same rights and obligations, and that’s a good thing. But of course, there is also a German people ethnically and culturally. The fathers of our Basic Law knew that, too. Article 116 states that a German within the meaning of this Basic Law is someone who has German citizenship or who is of German ethnic origin — period, ladies and gentlemen. German reunification would not have happened without the cries of the GDR citizens (East Germans during communist rule): ‘We are one people.’”
Which people do you think they meant? For us at the AfD, there is a German people that is also worthy of protection, that they can assert themselves, that they have a say in who comes to us, who can stay and who has to go again, ladies and gentlemen.
Remix News has reported on the past on Article 116 of Germany’s constitution and the AfD’s argument that there is indeed a German people with a distinct ethnic and cultural heritage. The AfD’s support of the idea that ethnic Germans are a people with rights, including the right to represent themselves in the political and cultural sphere, has led the Office of the Protection of the Constitution (BfV) to label the party a “suspected threat” to democracy, which gives the BfV, a powerful domestic intelligence agency, broad latitude to surveil the group.
As Remix News wrote last year, the vice-chairman of the AfD party in Hamburg, Alexander Wolf, did not immediately dispute the court’s ruling that the AfD operated under such an ethnic principle. Instead, Wolf said that the ethnic concept of the German people is actually protected in the Basic Law.
“The German people are central to our Basic Law; the ‘German people’ gave themselves this basic law. This concept is something different than the ‘population within the borders of the Federal Republic of Germany,’” he said.
“Article 116 of the Basic Law expressly speaks of German ethnicity in addition to nationality. And for our citizenship law, [ethnic] descent was central until the year 2000.”
Wolf referred to Article 116 (1 and 2), which states, “Unless otherwise provided by law, a German within the meaning of this Basic Law is a person who possesses German citizenship or who has been admitted to the territory of the German Reich within the boundaries of 31 December 1937 as a refugee or expellee of German ethnic origin or as the spouse or descendant of such person.”
During Baumann’s speech, he references the growing disapproval of Germans at a time when the government is seeing record-low approval in polls.
“You saw that again yesterday. The only thing that is increasing, almost exploding, are the numbers of illegal immigrants who have not been deported, and here, too, there is crystal clear voter fraud. The majority of Germans don’t want any of that. Many even say they are afraid that so many people will come,” said the AfD parliamentary director.
A video from France’s Bordeaux where an alleged migrant of African origin was captured attacking an elderly woman and a child has been going viral on social media. The undated video shows the elderly woman and a child, who is possibly her granddaughter, being pulled down to the ground by the attacker.
The video also showed that no one was around to respond to the event or come to the help of the distressed duo.
The 30-second video begins with the grandmother-granddaughter duo staring towards the road by peering through the door. The attacker was lurking behind them and in a flash of a second he darted towards the pair, who at that time may have entered the room for some reason.
The attacker swiftly moves towards the ajar door and blocks it by planting on his feet, preventing the pair from closing the door.
The attacker manages to grab hold of the duo and then drags them violently onto the pavement almost single-handedly. He also drags the little girl on the pavement floor and then pulls her up and tosses her aside to pick some item that fell to the ground.
“How awful. Bordeaux today. This is what they have done to our country. French, wake up,” Reconquête chief and French presidential candidate Eric Zemmour said, sharing the video.
French news outlet Infos Bordeaux in a report said the suspect has been arrested.
Earlier this month, a 31-year-old Syrian, who had refugee status in Sweden, attacked four young children in a park in Annecy, in France’s south-east. He stabbed these four children and two adults.
The incidents have sparked discussion and debate regarding illegal immigrants in France. Police were quick to overpower the attacker and capture him.
The attacker is facing attempted murder charges and if convicted he faces a maximum sentence of life imprisonment.
Knife attacks are becoming common across Europe with such attacks occurring mostly in France and the UK. Attacks by migrants and on migrants have also risen in the past few years as well in several European countries.