Entitled Illegal Aliens Set Up an Occupy-Style Camp at Palais Royal in Paris with NGO Assistance Demanding Free Housing – Police Respond (VIDEO) https://t.co/4LPHdyHEFx
— The Gateway Pundit (@gatewaypundit) June 21, 2023
A police officer was brutally attacked to within an inch of his life by three assailants while a 13-year-old accomplice watched on in fascination, a German court heard on Monday.
The Ulm District Court was told how two Turkish brothers, Batuhan B. (24) and Emirkan (18), and a 25-year-old Serbian named Nikola L. indiscriminately attacked their victim, who happened to be a police officer in civilian clothing, in the early hours of Feb. 8 in the city of Ulm.
They are all standing trial for attempted murder.
Prosecutor Janina Möller told the court how the trio approached the man as he walked home from work. They were wearing balaclavas and had the sole objective to “beat up any person” that evening.
The victim reportedly called the police as the group had been behaving suspiciously but had sought to keep his distance before the group engaged in an altercation with him.
“At that moment it was clear to me that I had to take up the fight and had no choice,” the victim told the court.”
A 13-year-old Syrian named Mohammad M. was also with the group, and the prosecution accused the minor of cutting off the victim’s escape route and even striking the victim himself. The case against the minor, however, was dropped by the public prosecutor in May on account of him being under the age of criminal responsibility in Germany at the time of the attack. The age limit is currently 14 years old.
The police officer suffered several fractures to his head, as well as a broken nose and jaw. He was hospitalized in intensive care for eight days and had to undergo several operations as doctors tried to save his life.
“My upper jaw was detached from my skull,” the victim told the court, admitting that he had longed for his mother during the attack as he wished for it to end. “It doesn’t matter in which direction. Whether in the direction of heaven or whether the perpetrators let go of me and I survive,” he added.
The victim told the court how his best friend didn’t recognize him when he arrived to visit him in the hospital and instead walked over to his roommate. His sister also broke down in tears upon seeing the extent of his injuries.
The police officer sustained significant trauma from the incident and still suffers mentally from the ordeal. He has since returned to his job but is not permitted to work night shifts yet.
A court verdict is expected in August.
Hands in his pockets, Fuwad O. (presumably 29 years old) seems to sit bored in the courtroom. For him, everything is at stake before the Frankenthal Regional Court: the prosecution accuses the Afghan of two attempted murders.
A 29-year-old suspected “refugee” from Afghanistan almost stabbed to death with a knife a 36-year-old woman and her daughter, who was 16 at the time of the crime, in Speyer, Rhineland-Palatinate. The crimes were committed in October 2022, and the attacker’s motive was apparently jealousy, as the daughter refused to have a relationship with the Afghan. After the attacker had already stabbed the daughter three times with a kitchen knife, the mother rushed over, whereupon the Afghan also attacked the mother with 13 stab wounds.
BILD / https://www.fdesouche.com/2023/06/21/nous-lavons-accueilli-comme-un-ami-en-allemagne-un-migrant-afghan-poignarde-une-mere-et-sa-fille-mineure-apres-avoir-refusait-davoir-sexuelles-avec-lui-maj-ju/
We had five years to stop using fossil fuels to prevent wiping out “all of humanity” from June 21st 2018, Greta Thunberg claimed in a now-deleted Tweet.
Today is the anniversary of a doomsday prediction made by Swedish climate campaigner Greta Thunberg when she was just 15 years old June 21st 2018, stating the human race had five years to end fossil fuels or face certain death. She wrote then:
A top climate scientist is warning that climate change will wipe out all of humanity unless we stop using fossil fuels over the next five years.
While these alarming, but later forgotten warnings with very definite and certain sounding timescales are a major part of green propaganda, this particular instance has taken on a life of its own due to the Streisand Effect, given as the deadline date approached Thunberg was caught having deleted the claim.
As previously reported, remembering these deadline predictions are dangerous for the left because if civilisation really is beyond the point of no return, they lose all their political power. Fact-checkers have tried to neuter the Tweet-delete by pointing out she said humanity would merely run out of time to save itself this year, not that humanity would actually end in 2023, pointing out what is obvious to anyone with basic reading comprehension.
As for Thunberg, she certainly isn’t acting like anything changes today. Indeed, as reported she was spending this week getting picked up by police for sitting in front of oil tankers, hardly the act of a woman who believes all hope is now lost.
An individual was arrested and subsequently jailed in the Huelva municipality of Lucena del Puerto for his alleged relationship with crimes of terrorism.
According to a statement released by the Guardia Civil this Tuesday, June 20, the detainee used the internet to show his interest in favour of the jihadist theses of the terrorist organization DAESH.
By creating numerous accounts on social networks, he participated in groups and channels whose main objective was the dissemination of jihadist content from DAESH’s official propaganda apparatus.
The presumed commitment acquired with the said terrorist organisation was revealed in the communications made by the detainee through encrypted instant messaging applications.
In this process of religious immersion, he indoctrinated in the most radical theses of DAESH and related to people convicted of joining a terrorist organisation in Spain.
During the investigation, police officers detected that the detainee exerted a strong ideological and religious influence on the Muslims of his community.
He expanded the jihadist ideology through the speeches and sermons that he gave in oratories or mosques in the town of Lucena del Puerto, where he served as a spiritual leader as an unofficial imam.
His strong feeling of inadequacy, hatred of Spain, and rejection of Western culture in general, together with the rest of the elements found during the investigation, painted him as a subject who could exert great influence on the Muslim community, both physically and virtually.
According to the investigators, the determination of the detainee, immersed in the last stage of a radicalisation process, led him to swear allegiance to the leader of the terrorist organisation DAESH.
The risk that this represents in the face of activities as a terrorist recruiter and indoctrinator, led to the arrest of said subject and his being made available before the National Court.
At the same time, a house search was carried out in the town of Lucena del Puerto, where evidence was found that proved his participation in criminal activities.
The detainee was placed at the disposal of the Central Court of Instruction No 3 this Tuesday, whose head ordered his admission to prison.
Two-thirds of federal tax offenders get prison time. The average sentence is 14 months.
In some ways, Hunter Biden is average. The average federal tax offender is a 52-year-old white male, Hunter is 53. But Hunter is special in one way and only one way: his last name.
And so Hunter walks away with probation after pleading guilty to tax evasion charges.
Hunter was allowed to plead guilty to two misdemeanor tax offenses with no mention of the felony count of tax evasion that prosecutors had been reportedly considering.
What happened to that felony charge? The same thing that happened to the other charges.
Tax evasion penalties are supposed to punitively rise when sophisticated schemes are used to evade taxes. The House Oversight Committee recently exposed dozens of shell companies and millions of dollars in wire transfers. These “sophisticated” setups have not been addressed. Unlike other tax evasion cases involving international financial transfers, the question wasn’t even raised. Nor are any of Biden’s partners or family members facing investigations or charges. This is far from the norm, but that’s true of the entire Hunter Biden investigation.
IRS whistleblowers had come forward accusing the government of ‘slow walking’ the case. The only possible justification for taking this long to work on the Hunter Biden investigation would have been if investigators were actually unraveling a complex web of international connections, assembling a list of shell firms and flipping Hunter’s financial partners. There was no reason to spend years on little more than assessing a baseline tax penalty that could have been managed by a single IRS agent, let alone a 12-man investigative team, inside of a month. If even that.
The FBI had finished its work in 2022 while the IRS had wrapped its work even earlier. There was no reason to continue dragging out the case except to give Biden’s appointees time to get through the Senate and exert their influence on the proceedings.
In March, Republicans voted to confirm Danny Werfel: Biden’s nominee for IRS commissioner.
Werfel had previously been brought in under Obama after the IRS was caught targeting the administration’s political opponents. The former IRS acting commissioner had promised to get to the bottom of things only to conduct a cover-up of the political targeting.
By May, the IRS investigative team had been suspended from the Hunter Biden case.
Once members of the IRS investigative team came forward they were suspended on orders from Biden’s Department of Justice. The 12 member team was pulled from the case even while the facade of the investigation went on even though nothing was going on except the cover-up.
Whistleblowers had claimed that Justice Department political appointees were blocking charges.
The Hunter Biden laptops had provided federal investigators with graphic evidence of numerous alleged crimes, financial, sexual and drug-related, but the whistleblowers alleged that, much as the Durham report had shown in Russiagate, proper protocols were not followed.
Any of Hunter’s individual alleged crimes would normally have led to years in prison.
Former U.S. Attorney Brett L. Tolman stated that, “diversion would not be available for you or me if convicted… we would get 39 months on avg in prison for same offense.”
Tolman noted that the pretrial diversion used to give Hunter a pass is not available to those accused of offenses involving child exploitation or offenses related to national security and foreign affairs. By excluding the alleged sexual materials on Hunter’s laptop and the national security implications of his dealings with foreign nationals, the DOJ gave Hunter a pass.
A DOJ press release claims that, “Federal Prosecutors Aggressively Pursuing Those Who Lie in Connection With Firearm Transactions”. People who lie about their drug use on firearms forms have been locked away with a possible penalty of as much as ten years in prison.
Imagine for a moment if Hunter Biden were a black man named Kenta Quenshawn Hopson Jr.
When Hopson was asked to fill out a form asking whether he was a drug user, he lied. According to his arrest affidavit, Hopson is a “known marijuana user and marked that he was not a marijuana user on the form.” Hunter Biden was a known crackhead and lied about it. Nobody is arresting him. And no one will. The problem isn’t that Hunter is white, it’s that he’s a Biden.
The much more serious failure to register as a foreign agent charges haven’t even been touched. Neither has there been any meaningful examination of the shell companies.
The federal investigation calculatedly stripped away any elements that might have led to Joe Biden or other members of the family. The case was reduced to its barest essentials: a limited payoff for a failure to pay taxes was arranged, so that the case could be disposed of even while officially continuing in order to allow the FBI, the new Biden IRS tax commissioner and the DOJ to reject any congressional oversight on the grounds that it might harm the investigation.
By narrowing down the case to Hunter’s taxes and gun charge: any pathways leading to the rest of the Biden crime family were cut off. The deal not only gives Hunter a pass, but more importantly makes sure that the investigation will not affect the family or its corrupt patriarch.
This investigation was about protecting Hunter, but more importantly about protecting Joe.
Like banks and industries, a former small time Delaware politico has become too big to fail. And his son, who many have alleged was merely acting as his bag man, is also along for the ride, alternating the crack cocaine, hookers and foreign cash with a “Get Out of Jail Free” card.
In the years since Hunter was palling around with Chinese and Ukrainian oligarchs, he stopped just being the son of a vice president and then ex-vice president, and became the weak point of the man on whom the hopes of the Democrats were riding on. Now that weak point has been sealed. The Democrats may not do much for their constituents in Newark or Detroit, but if you happen to be the president’s son, you can violate as many laws as you want.
And if that’s true of his son, how can it not be true of Joe Biden?
A few days after the controversial case of Muslim prayer practices in schools in Nice, a new incident involving a group of middle school students happened Tuesday morning at the Saint Roch church in the east of the city. Around 11 a.m., the teenagers entered the place of worship and doused themselves with holy water before one of them shouted “Allah Akbar” (…).
According to a police source, the teenager’s profile is not believed to belong to any Islamist movement. “It is more of a joke in bad taste,” the source said. However, this is not the first time the group of middle school students has been involved. “The same employee of Anthony Borré confirms that it has been happening repeatedly for a month (…) Le Figaro
Polish media outlets have revealed that the 27-year-old Polish woman Anastazja Rubińska who was found dismembered inside a plastic bag on the Greek island of Kos was gang raped by migrant suspects before being murdered.
Rubinska, who was working in a hotel restaurant, was reported missing on June 12. Her partner informed the local police about her disappearance.
On June 18, Greek media reported that the young woman had been found dead. Her body was naked, placed in a sack and covered up with branches. The remains were found close to the home of a 32-year-old man from Bangladesh who had been arrested on suspicion of having kidnapped the woman the day before.
The DNA of the dead woman was found in the suspect’s home. According to Greek media, the man contradicted himself during police questioning. He first alleged that the woman had consented to sex with him, but later said that no contact had taken place. CCTV camera footage confirmed that the woman had been at the house of the suspect.
TVP Info has reported that the man had scratches on his face and hands, suggesting that the young woman had tried to resist her abductor.
It has also been reported that the woman was the victim of a gang rape in which other migrants participated. It is additionally alleged that the woman had her drink spiked. The police are investigating the role played by a 32-year-old Pakistani who had helped to shelter the suspect.
The Polish justice ministry has initiated an investigation of its own. Polish prosecutors will demand access to all the evidence. On the afternoon of June 19, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said that Poland will demand that the man currently in custody be handed over to the Polish authorities to face trial in Poland.
An Irish politician has called out the government’s immigration and asylum policy, declaring the system not fit for purpose and suggesting a number of his colleagues agree with him in private but are scared to go public with their concerns for fear of being labeled “far right” or “racist.”
Sinn Féin councilor Fionntán Ó Súilleabháin, who sits on Wexford County Council, voiced his concerns during a council meeting to discuss the future of Slaney Manor in the area, a grand estate and former wedding venue that was purchased in April by a company contracted to provide migrant accommodation in Ireland.
The estate is expected to be used imminently as an emergency migrant center, accommodating up to 213 people.
Some councilors lamented the lack of public consultation over the plans; they suggested that local residents have been silenced and their concerns over changes to their local community are being sidelined.
“A lot of communities feel unheard and like they have no control of their local areas,” Cllr Ó Súilleabháin told colleagues. “They’re told they don’t have any say. Aren’t we supposed to have some say over what happens in Wexford? People feel that decisions are being imposed upon them.”
He explained that 20,000 people arrived under schemes organized by the International Protection Accommodation Services (IPAS) last year, “and the main country of origin is Georgia, which is not deemed a country where there’s a safety risk. We’re being fed this narrative that everyone is fleeing war and persecution and nobody wants to be seen as being against that.”
The Sinn Féin councilor explained that 40 percent of new arrivals in recent times have come to Ireland without any formal documents, “so we know nothing.” He further suggested there is “a lot of emotional blackmail going on and we have no say in the matter.”
Following the meeting, Cllr Ó Súilleabháin issued a staunch defense of his comments, calling the government’s asylum policy a “cash cow” that has enabled scores of undocumented migrants, many of whom have arrived in Ireland “for economic reasons,” to claim asylum.
“They are now disingenuously and emotively classed as ‘refugee.’ This then shuts down any rational and legitimate discussion or questioning of this dysfunctional system.
“While politicians will agree in private that the system is a farce, they are terrified to call it for what it is due to a fear of ridiculously being labeled ‘far right’ or ‘racist.’”
He compared the current public discourse where genuine concerns are silenced to “a sketch out of Father Ted,” a popular Irish sitcom that revolves around a group of priests who live together in rural Ireland. In one episode, news spreads around the community that the leading character is a racist after innocuously impersonating a Chinese man with a lampshade.
Discontent over the government’s liberal immigration and asylum policy has been brewing in Ireland for some time, becoming more intense in recent months after a record level of new arrivals last year.
In March, government data obtained via a Freedom of Information request revealed that 84 percent of asylum seekers whose applications had been rejected over the past five years had not been deported and currently have an “unknown status.”
Despite deportation orders being issued upon the rejection of the applications, 3,887 of the 4,631 individuals had not left the country, either voluntarily or involuntarily.
Earlier this month, Mattie McGrath, an independent MP called for a referendum on immigration after recent polling revealed that 75 percent of Irish people think the country is taking in too many refugees.
“This is total open borders. We have 12,000 homeless ourselves. And the money we are spending on this situation is unbelievable,” he told the Gript media outlet.
“Under the surface, people are being silenced. Cancel culture. The national media is just disgraceful, they’ve all bought into this disastrous policy of flooding our country, changing our culture, and not having space or room, and not looking after properly the genuine refugees taken in.”
He also warned against incoming reforms to the country’s hate speech legislation, which could further prevent individuals from speaking out on politically sensitive issues over fears of recrimination.