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New data shows that migrants account for nearly half of French food aid recipients, bolstering critics that assert that migrants, on the whole, are not actually a net benefit to Western economies but end up being an enormous financial burden.
Data from France’s National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE) shows that migrants are vastly overrepresented among applicants for food benefits, with 44 percent being immigrants, compared to 10 percent of any metropolitan population on average. However, this share may be actually higher than INSEE indicates, as the agency is basing this figure only on the number of people who filled out the Food Aid survey; it also only included those who could answer their surveys in French. A self-administered questionnaire in English was offered to non-French speakers, but too few people agreed to even fill it out, so INSEE decided not to use the data.
However, these non-French speaking applicants are estimated to be some 420,000, which means this group of immigrants constitutes some 14% of immigrant applicants. The INSEE reports that there are between 3.2 and 3.5 million French people who have utilized food benefits in the last year, which means approximately 1.5 million of them have been migrants.
In recent years, neoliberal economists and open border advocates have attempted to argue that the West needs migrants to help ensure it can meet future pension obligations and shore up the workforce. In France, however, research from acclaimed academic Jean-Paul Gourévitch has shown that migrants are costing the French state €25 billion every year, and that approximately only a quarter of migrants have jobs while another quarter work in the informal economy. Another half have no job at all.
As Remix News has reported, other European countries face similar circumstances. For instance, Germany has indicated that it plans to spend €36 billion on migrants alone this year, and an extraordinary amount of these migrants remain unemployed for years.
However, mass immigration continues to be a big business, keeping select business owners well funded with state contracts — or in the case of activist organizations and NGOs — simply employed and sometimes very well paid. Data shows, for example, that French associations took in €750 million in grant money just in 2021 to help clothe, feed, and shelter new migrants.
On Thursday (June 22), former US President Barack Obama courted controversy by virtue-signalling India about its ‘human rights’ record.
Obama, who has a notorious record as a potential war criminal, suggested that the Indian Prime Minister must be told by the Biden administration about protecting the ‘Muslim minority in a majority Hindu India.’ He also hinted at another ‘partition’ if India, under the Modi government, did not mend its ways.
The former US President made the contentious remarks during an interview with CNN news host Christiane Amanpour, just hours before PM Modi made his historic address at the joint session of the US Congress.
He said, “If President (Joe Biden) meets with Prime Minister (Narendra) Modi, the protection of Muslim minority in a majority Hindu India is something worth mentioning.”
Barack Obama also claimed, “If I had a conversation with Prime Minister Modi, then, part of the conversation would be that if you do not protect the rights of minorities, then there is a strong possibility that India at some point starts pulling apart…That would be contrary to the interests of India”
The former US President, who is now mouthing platitudes about protecting the interests of Muslims in India, has been single-handedly responsible for the death of 100s of innocent people in Muslim-majority countries.
Barack Obama scripted history in 2008 by being the first African-American man to become the President of the United States. In 2016, he also created another record of being the only President to take the country to war during the entirety of his 8-year term.
As per a report by the ‘Bureau of Investigative Journalism’, Obama oversaw more drone strikes (54) in his first year than George W Bush did in his entire term. Prior to his Presidency, he would talk about ending ‘dumb wars’ but did the opposite when he came to power.
Barack Obama, who holds the distinction of being a Nobel Peace Prize Winner, reportedly launched airstrikes in at least seven Muslim-majority countries of Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, Iraq, Syria, Libya and Pakistan.
He sanctioned the use of a whopping 563 drone strikes and killed 3797 people in this process. In one instance, a CIA drone strike targeted a funeral in Pakistan, which led to the death of 41 civilians in Pakistan.
More than 89 civilians in the same country were killed by the Obama administration over the course of 128 targeted drone strikes. The US President was aware that the drone strikes were far from accurate and were increasingly leading to the death of civilians.
But this did not stop him from continuing with such attacks in Somalia (2010) and Yemen (2011). Reportedly, 21 children and 12 women (five of them being pregnant)were killed by the Obama administration’s first strike in Yemen, with the aim of targeting Al-Qaeda.
It also came to light that in 2016 alone, the US government under Obama carried out at least 26,171 bombings, which translates to 72 bombings every day on civilians in other countries.
Mass civilian casualties were also reported in Afghanistan. An average of 582 people were killed annually in Afghanistan by the US, its allies and the Afghan government in Kabul between 2007 to 2016.
The Obama administration has also been accused of conducting ‘double-tap drone strikes’, which means that the site of a drone strike is attacked again. This is despite knowing the fact that such follow-up strikes lead to the death of first responders, which is against the guidelines laid down by the 1948 Geneva Conventions.
During the tenure of Barack Obama, the US government warmed up to the radical Islamist outfit ‘Muslim Brotherhood’ in Egypt during the Arab Spring. It was a complete departure from the approach undertaken by previous US administrations.
According to author Hany Ghoraba, Barack Obama believed that he could separate the terror outfit ‘Al-Qaeda’ and Muslim Brotherhood. “Empowering the Muslim Brotherhood would, according to Obama, weaken Al-Qaeda in a decision that can be considered as one of the severest cases of political naiveté in modern times,” he noted.
“The core fault of the Obama administration was its adoption of a false rhetoric, presented for years by Islamist activists and later liberal Western politicians and pundits, that there is a distinction between the Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Qaeda,” Ghoraba pointed out.
The Arab Spring led to significant political changes in several countries, including the ousting of long-standing autocratic leaders. In Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood’s political arm, namely, the Freedom and Justice Party, emerged as a major political force.
In 2011, the Obama administration thought it was a great idea to engage with the Muslim brotherhood-led- government, mistaking it to be a ‘new democratic force’ and looking past its radical Islamism, dangerous ideology and its mistreatment of religious minorities.
Later when protests erupted against the government in Eqypt, the Obama administration quickly took a U-turn and called for the removal of the Muslim Brotherhood-backed-Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi. Documents now reveal that the US government funded anti-Morsi activities.
The Presidential tenure of Barack Obama was also marked by the rise of the dreaded terrorist organisation, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria aka ISIS.
One of the major contributing factors was the withdrawal of the US troops, failed negotiations with the Iraqi government and lack of residual US military presence in the country. The security vacuum left in Iraq gave opportunities for radical Islamist groups to expand.
Barack Obama has been at the helm of building secret drone bases in the Middle East and Africa and increasing the deployment of warships and troops in the Western Pacific and Eastern Europe.
He has been accused by his first three Defense Secretaries at the Pentagon of micro-manging the military from the White House. Through the killing of dictator Muammar Gaddafi, Barack Obama ensured that Libya plunged into complete chaos.
Later, the oil-rich nation became a magnet for terrorist groups. Despite his active war-mongering and mass killing of civilians in the name of drone attacks against terror groups, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009. With the left media acting as his PR agent, Obama has been able to keep up with the false image of being a ‘great ex-President.’
At the time of PM Modi’s visit to the US on the invite of the incumbent President Joe Biden, Barack Obama is pontificating the Modi administration about human rights and peddling the distorted narrative of ‘Muslims being in danger in India.’
The Dutch government has chartered another cruise ship to accommodate up to 1,500 refugees in the port of Rotterdam as the country struggles to cope with the housing demand following a high number of new arrivals.
The MS Silja Europa, a German-built vessel that is the tenth-largest cruise liner in the world, will dock in the Dutch city and house refugees while the local government constructs 1,125 flexible homes and converts office buildings into another 375 homes for the migrants, paid for by the Dutch taxpayer.
The accommodation is reserved for status holders. These are refugees with a temporary asylum residence permit who are entitled to housing in the country. They are allocated a municipality that is obligated to provide adequate housing, and the offer of accommodation must be accepted by the status holder as per the conditions of their residence permit.
Rotterdam has been ordered by the Dutch government to receive more than double the number of refugees it accommodated last year after an influx in the number of new arrivals. Last year, the city found homes for 861 newcomers, this year that figure has increased to 1,795.
Rijnmond, a local television broadcaster in Rotterdam, called the increase in the number of new arrivals a “problem,” because if the city meets its target, “there will be less room for other Rotterdammers looking for a house, including vulnerable target groups and entry-level home buyers.”
“After all, there is only a limited amount of social housing available. This would increase the wait tim for a home seeker even further,” its report added.
Alderman Faouzi Achbar is preparing for the new arrivals, which the city expects imminently. Regarding longer-term accommodation, Achbar believes that 500 flexible homes can be built this year with the remainder completed in 2024, meaning some refugees could spend more than 18 months on board the ship before they are relocated.
It is unclear where these flexible homes will be built, but Achbar explained that residents living in the vicinity of these locations will be informed “in good time,” although they do not appear to have the right to object or block the plans.
“I think we have to be creative,” Achbar said when asked how Rotterdam will continue to fulfill its obligations to accommodate greater numbers of refugees in the future.
Conservative politicians have criticized the move and highlighted it as another example of newcomers to the Netherlands being given preferential treatment over those living on Dutch streets or struggling with the cost of living crisis.
Party for Freedom (PVV) leader Geert Wilders slammed the decision to allow 1,500 “fortune seekers” to live on board a “five-star cruise ship” in the Netherlands’ second-largest city.
“Free luxury meals, free healthcare, free groceries, everything for free,” he tweeted. “They get better and more luxurious than millions of Dutch people. Own people last!”
Last year, when the Dutch government resorted to using temporary accommodation including hotels and cruise ships to house migrants, officials pledged to resolve the matter expediently and keep the costs to the Dutch taxpayer to a minimum.
Eighteen months later, however, it appears to be pursuing the same policy as it struggles with a record backlog of asylum applications and an influx of new arrivals all expecting housing.
“About 60,000 permanent places for asylum seekers are needed in the Netherlands, but structural shelter has not yet been arranged. It is, therefore, clear that emergency shelter is still unavoidable,” Dutch Security Council Chairman Hubert Bruls warned back in March.
The Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) currently has 53,497 people on its books with a right to accommodation, according to its latest report published on Monday. Of those, 30,163 are in regular COA housing, 16,294 are in emergency accommodation, and 7,040 are located in crisis shelters or making use of an accommodation scheme run by a municipality.
by Giulio Meotti
Guillaume Cuchet, who teaches at the Sorbonne and is the author of key books on religion including “How our world has ceased to be Christian” (Seuil), tells La Vie about the end of this world:
“The rise of Islam (from 8 to 11 per cent, plus 37 per cent in 12 years), the collapse of Catholicism (from 43 to 25 per cent) and the rise of atheists (from 45 to 53 per cent hundred). If we extend the curves, we can clearly see the landscape that will prevail. In these conditions, if nothing changes, it is not impossible that Catholicism will become, one day not so far off, the second, even the third religion. What yesterday was unimaginable or considered a school hypothesis has become possible, indeed probable, and tomorrow will be certain”.
It is truly a historic moment: there are more practicing Muslims than practicing Catholics between the ages of 18 and 59 in France. Reading the latest report from Insee, the French Statistical Institute, helps us understand the change of civilization we are experiencing. “In forty years, France has become the nation in Western Europe where the population of Muslim origin is the most important”, wrote Vatican Radio. “It is not difficult to hypothesize that we are now close to overtaking Islam over Catholicism (French)”.
Macron’s adviser on Islam at the Montaigne Institute, Hakim El Karoui, also reveals that Islam is the first religion practiced in France. “There are more practicing Muslims, between 2.5 and 3 million, than practicing Catholics, 1.65 million”.
Cuchet portrays a France at the end of its history and culture, the twilight of a Christianity that becomes a prelude to the European one.
Over the centuries, Islam has made several attempts to conquer Europe, managing to conquer the western flank (Spain), all of the southern Mediterranean, the eastern flank (from Constantinople to the Balkans) to be stopped in the north. Here Islam failed because it faced Christians strong in faith and ready to resist. But this time things could be different.
Islam has numerous advantages which it lacked in the past. For one thing, the Islamic threat is less obvious today. The process of Islamization is hidden and operates with the power of demography and propaganda rather than force of arms. Furthermore, Islam, which sees its confrontation with the West as a spiritual struggle, is now facing a culture in which the influence of religion has been violently eradicated.
The other problem is the so-called “secular people”. They demolish Christian symbols from the public space, which is increasingly submerged by those of Islam.
In the city of Bourbon-Lancy, the statue of King Louis IX and the cross that adorns the school will be removed. The building was purchased by the socialist-led municipality from the diocese to be transformed into a center for social and cultural activities. “On condition that the statue of St. Louis and the cross be removed”.
Who did the statue of the king and the cross annoy? The same people who vandalized a Paris church four times since the beginning of the year?
-Meanwhile in Rennes, the symbolic city of Brittany, a new Great Mosque to accommodate 4,000 faithful is under construction on land made available by the city.
-Meanwhile, the court of Rennes has decided that the statue of John Paul II, erected in a square, had to be removed for “violation of secularism”. A Pope was treated like Lenin after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
-Meanwhile, the cathedral of Rennes has caught fire…
The monthly L’Incorrect tells us that “until recently, immigrants in Brittany were mainly… English! Brittany is now experiencing an accelerated version of colonization. Basically, everything that Seine-Saint-Denis has experienced in fifty years is happening in ten. Locminé, Auray, Châteaubriant, Pontivy, Loudéac, Redon, all these small villages famous for their fabrics and which used to be the charm of Brittany are now half African, half Afghan and half veiled enclaves”. Throughout Brittany, the number of mosques has doubled in just ten years.
The paradox is well expressed by the sociologist Mathieu Bock-Coté on Le Figaro: “Secularism will never survive the demographic change in France. They give the impression that in France the mythical battle between ‘enlightenment’ and ‘obscurantism’ is being reproduced, when in reality it is a question of the invasion of one civilization into the territory of another, which by the end of the century will have profoundly transformed the face culture of the country”.
But the scenario described by Cuchet is also European.
We read in L’Echo, the main Belgian business newspaper, that “the first religion in Brussels today is Islam”. Islam is the first religion in Amsterdam, where the Fatih Camii Mosque was once the Church of St. Ignatius. In a generation, Islam will be the first religion in all of England.
The same scenario in Sweden. We read from the Dagen of a few days ago:
“Over the past two decades, the Muslim part of the Swedish population has increased significantly. 8.1 percent of Sweden’s population was Muslim in 2016, with a rapid increase expected in the coming years. In many districts in Sweden, the Muslim part of the population is the majority. I live and work in Helsingborg and am one of the leaders of the house church network. From time to time I visit Friday prayers in one of Helsingborg’s mosques. If you visit the largest mosque, you are greeted by a room packed with over 400 men gathered every Friday. That’s more than double the number of people in the largest church in Helsingborg.”
Cuchet concludes: “An announced downgrading which, strangely, arouses few comments in the Church, as if the bishops only knew how to witness, silent and powerless, the collapse”.
Not all bishops.
“In the largely Muslim context which is that of the Church of Africa and which is also increasingly becoming that of Europe itself, we are seriously threatened by the ever growing power of Islam”, writes Cardinal Robert Sarah in his latest book, “The Catechism of the Spiritual Life” (Cantagalli).
There is a Church that knew how to warn about Islamization. The Church of Cardinal Carlo Caffarra, archbishop of Bologna, who spoke of “a challenge to our civilization which aims to Islamise Europe”. By Carlo Liberati, archbishop of Pompei, who said that Italy and Europe “will become Muslims” because of our “stupidity”. Of Cardinal Raymond Burke, for whom “if this continues, in countries like Italy, the majority will be Muslim because Islam is accomplished in conquest”. Of the missionary Piero Gheddo, for whom “Islam will sooner or later conquer the majority in Europe”. By the primate of the Czech Republic, Miloslav Vlk, for whom “if Christians do not wake up, life in Europe could be Islamized”.
There are fewer and fewer clergymen (not to mention leaders of secular, comatose culture, except for a few white flies venturing where they shouldn’t) with such courage. But on the other hand, as Alessandro Manzoni said, “courage [often] falls short of the promises it makes so confidently.” . And this really seems like the time of cowards who are afraid even of their own shadow.
A German former EU commissioner has claimed that Germany is “a relegated country” in decline due to a lack of innovative capacity and a low willingness to reform.
Speaking at a congress of the Media Association of the Free Press in Berlin on Thursday, Günther Oettinger said the EU powerhouse is “a sick case” in need of “rehabilitation.”
He called for a radical change in tack from the federal government akin to the Agenda 2010, a legislative package introduced in Germany in the 2000s that aimed to reform the German welfare system and labor market.
“Back then, we gained a head start in terms of competitiveness and have now used it up,” he told attendees.
“If you descend or are on the descent, there is a risk of a loss of prosperity,” said Oettinger, who is a former prime minister of the German state of Baden-Württemberg and former EU budget, digital economy, and energy commissioner.
“For me, Germany is on the decline, it is a relegated country,” he added.
The German economy entered a technical recession last month after two consecutive quarters of contraction. It remains the only major global economy that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimates will shrink this year, sparking fears over its long-term future as the leading European economy.
Oettinger also lamented the quality of political debate in Germany and questioned the extent to which political leaders had the capacity to handle the economic concerns facing them.
The CDU politicians claimed that political discourse was stagnant throughout the country, and claimed that it isn’t just the federal government that is responsible for the current failings, but also the weak opposition, of which his CDU party is the largest, failing to adequately hold the government to account.
Public disillusionment with the status quo is palpable and evidenced by the rise in popularity of the right-wing conservative Alternative For Germany (AfD) party which hit a polling high of 20 percent last week.
It puts the party on par with the Social Democrats (SPD), the largest party in the traffic light coalition, and gives the AfD a serious chance of having considerable sway in the formation of the next German federal government.
In “Biden Handed Over South America to China“, I delved into some of the administration’s intervention on behalf of Lula, a radical leftist, over Jair Bolsanaro, a pro-American conservative, in Brazil’s election.
“Both our nations’ strong democracies have been tested,” Biden falsely claimed, and “both in the United States and Brazil, democracy prevailed.”
Media accounts compared Biden and Lula who had both faced mass public protests over their stolen elections. Biden had been one of the first to congratulate Lula on his stolen election and invited him to the White House despite the Brazilian Marxist’s longtime enmity to America.
The Biden administration and the media had worked hard to bring Lula to power despite the fact that he was an ally of geopolitical enemies like Xi in China and Putin in Russia.
Lula’s most significant statement was a call to end the use of the dollar as an international currency. And this was not just talk. In March, Brazil agreed to use the Chinese Yuan currency for its purchases.
The Financial Times however reveals the shocking extent of Biden’s illegal coup in Brazil.
The fact that the election was not seriously challenged is a testament to the strength of Brazil’s institutions. But it was also in part the result of a quiet, year long pressure campaign by the US government to urge the country’s political and military leaders to respect and safeguard democracy, which has not been widely reported.
This is predictably titled as “defending democracy”: a euphemism that has come to mean protecting and installing leftist regimes by any means necessary whether in America or abroad.
The Financial Times has spoken to six former or current US officials involved in the effort, as well as to several key Brazilian institutional figures, to piece together the story of how the Biden administration engaged in what one former top state department official calls a “very unusual” messaging campaign in the months leading up to the vote, using both public and private channels.
“Very unusual”. Is that what we’re calling masterminding pro-China coups in South America now?
The solution was a concerted but unannounced campaign across multiple branches of the US government, including the military, the CIA, the state department, the Pentagon and the White House. “This was a very unusual engagement,” says Michael McKinley, a former top state department official and ex-ambassador to Brazil.
So they’ve decided to go with the “very unusual” brand. We very unusually overthrow a pro-American government and installed a leftist criminal allied with China and Russia. How unusual this is. Brazilian truckers patriotically protested our coup and we very unusually suppressed them.
Just another day of very unusually defending democracy from the voters.
The effort began, according to former top state department official Tom Shannon, with the visit of Biden’s national security adviser Jake Sullivan to Brazil in August 2021. An embassy statement said the visit “reaffirmed the longstanding strategic relationship between the United States and Brazil” but Sullivan left his meeting with Bolsonaro worried, according to Shannon.
“Bolsonaro continued to talk about fraud in US elections and continued to understand his relationship with the United States in terms of his relationship with President Trump”, says Shannon, who is also a former US ambassador to Brazil and maintains close contacts in the country.
So Biden’s people came away believing that Bolsnaro was more pro-Trump than pro-Biden. Time for a “very unusual” coup to “defend democracy”.
In private, Austin and other officials spelt out to Brazil’s military the consequences of supporting any unconstitutional action, such as a coup. “There would be significant negative ramifications for the bilateral military-to-military relationship if they were to do something and they needed to respect the outcome of the election”, a senior administration official says.
Remember when the Left was outraged over the U.S. military intervening in South America? But it’s okay because this was a “very unusual” coup to “defend democracy” by illegally intervening in another nation’s elections.
Further reinforcement of the message to Brazil’s top brass came from General Laura Richardson, head of US Southern Command which covers Latin America, during visits last September and in November 2021, officials said. CIA chief William Burns also came and told the Bolsonaro administration not to mess with the elections
The US also provided some practical help to the election process, helping to overcome supply chain difficulties to obtain components, especially semiconductors, needed to manufacture new machines. The former US ambassador to Brazil, Anthony Harrington, was able to leverage connections inside chipmaker Texas Instruments to, he says, “distinguish semiconductor needs and give priority to the impact on democratic elections”.
The US state department and some senior Brazilian officials also asked Taiwanese authorities to give priority to Brazil’s need for semiconductors(opens a new window) made by Nuvoton, a Taiwanese company, which are used in the voting machines, according to two sources.
If you thought Zuckerbucks was big, here you have the State Department colluding to ensure that Brazil used voting machines from a specific source, not paper ballots for the election to ensure the election of the leftist candidate.
But it’s okay, this is not a coup, just some very unusual democracy defending.At the same time as the US was conducting its own messaging campaign, key figures in Brazil’s institutions were holding their own private meetings with military chiefs to try to persuade them to stay within the bounds of the constitution and raising the alarm abroad about the risks of a coup. Some of those involved have spoken to the Financial Times, requesting anonymity because of the sensitivity of the discussions. Many still prefer to avoid any mention of their roles.
A future Republican administration should declassify everything and expose those involved in this corrupt coup. And no one involved in this, in the military, State or the CIA, should ever be allowed to play any role in the government after they betrayed their country to bring a pro-China regime to power.
A senior Brazilian official who was closely involved recalls that Bolsonaro’s navy minister, Admiral Almir Garnier Santos, was the most “difficult” of the military chiefs. “He was really tempted by more radical action,” says the official. “So we had to do a whole lot of dissuasion work, the state department and the US military command said they would tear up the [military] agreements with Brazil, from training to other types of joint operations.”
At a tense dinner in late August with military chiefs lasting until two in the morning, key civilian figures attempted to persuade them that the voting machines were not rigged against Bolsonaro and that they should respect the election.
As the election neared, senior US officials believed that Bolsonaro also needed to hear from more voices within his own circle.
They identified key lieutenants and political allies, not all of whom were happy about the president’s attempts to stay in power whatever happened, to urge him to respect the results of the election.
Coup accomplished.
Now in the past something like this may have been done to benefit American interests. Perish the thought now. Bringing Lula to power only benefited Russia, China, Iran and other of America’s enemies.
Unfortunately, America’s enemies are in charge in Washington D.C. Treasonous acts like this are just a symptom.
Lula showed little public recognition of the US campaign to protect the election. His first official visit to Washington in February was a low-key affair lasting a day.
In April he took a big delegation to China for a three-day, two-city tour. On that trip, Lula rejected US sanctions on Huawei, the Chinese tech company, lashed out at the west’s military support for Ukraine and endorsed Beijing’s drive for alternatives to the US dollar.
Why should China even bother to overthrow governments in South America to install ones more friendly to Beijing when our treasonous governments do it for them?
By Olivia Murray
If there is any one indicator that those comprising the political establishment are nothing more than self-interested wannabe celebrities, you’d be hard-pressed to determine whether it is their over-the-top infatuation with big time actors and reality television personalities, or their devotion to the high life, despite their failure to legitimately earn it.
Nearly two months ago, an organization called Global Citizen held a ritzy, star-studded anti-poverty function in New York City, an event at which Canada’s Justin Trudeau can be seen next to Hollywood heavyweight Hugh Jackman in an embarrassing display of fanboy-ism; see the tweet below:
When you see an aging has-been (a debatable term assuming Trudeau has actually “been”) desperately clamoring for celebrity recognition and relevancy, it’s hard not to feel pity — but this is Trudeau about whom we’re talking, and the context of the photo will have you fuming.
According to a reporter for SaltWire Network:
The prime minister’s trip to a star-studded, two-day summit in New York City cost taxpayers over $61,000 in hotel costs, say newly released documents….
Held in New York City on April 27 and 28, the Global Citizen NOW summit was billed as an opportunity to unite celebrities and activists with business and political leaders — all to take ‘urgent action’ to end extreme poverty.
Need I remind you, Trudeau’s regime is ahead of the power curve with “urgent action” to “end extreme poverty” — it’s already euthanizing Canadian citizens seeking reprieve from the dystopian and distressing world created by the godless behemoth we know as “modern government.” From Daily Mail via an American Thinker piece published this past December:
A Canadian pensioner seeking euthanasia because he fears homelessness has received approval from a doctor despite admitting poverty is a major factor in the decision to end his own life.
Les Landry, 65, told assessors for the procedure he ‘doesn’t want to die’ but has applied for medical assistance in dying (MAID) because he can’t afford to live comfortably.
Via Western Standard News, federal director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation Franco Terrazzano rhetorically asked:
‘How many people were lifted out of poverty because Trudeau and a band of bureaucrats stayed in a fancy hotel in Manhattan?’
Western Standard also reported that ancillary costs like food, incidentals, and the private, chartered travel were not disclosed; additionally, the outlet asserted the financial scandal is just one of many (Trudeau has a lengthy rap sheet detailing his less-than-upright official conduct).
Canadian blogger Spencer Fernando aptly summed up the whole affair in just 130 cutting words:
In essence, Trudeau’s trip makes it obvious that we are paying for the PM to hobnob with celebrities while we are simultaneously paying for a public service that isn’t at work.
Pay more, get less. That’s Canada under Justin Trudeau. After all, he also tells Canadians we need to sacrifice to save the planet, yet that sacrifice never seems to involve him doing events like the Global Citizen Summit through Zoom instead of flying over there.
Individual rights are being taken away, and we are being told to accept a future that is less prosperous. Meanwhile, when he’s not arrogantly lecturing the rest of us, Justin Trudeau flies around the world and lives it up at our expense.
This is a failing country, and Trudeau is a failed leader.