Here is some scientific data that the UN, US government, the media and others won’t show the public

By Jack Hellner

For the last 40 years, after they stopped seeking to scare us about global cooling, the UN, media, Democrats, educators, scientists, and other radical leftists have sought to scare us that we were going to die soon because we use our natural resources to improve our lives.

They use easily manipulated computer models and made-up predictions instead of using scientific data to support the destruction of industries and forcing us to give up our quality of life.

Here are three tables that I have designed with actual data. Each table has only two variables so that most journalists, entertainers, educators, bureaucrats, and other leftists can understand. I have attempted to dumb them down enough so that even AOC, Biden, Harris, Kerry, Gore and supposedly intelligent people like Bill Gates will be able to understand them

The first table is temperature in comparison to cars and trucks on the road in the World.

YearTemperature Estimate (F)# Cars and Trucks worldwide estimate
189056.74Around Zero
193057.1243 Million 1938 
197057.20200 Million
200058.12500 Million
202058.81.5 Billion


Results of the graph: the temperature today is approximately the same as it was over 1,000 years ago while the number of cars is up by 1.5 billion. There is obviously no correlation between cars and trucks on the road and temperatures. When there is no correlation, there can be no causation. 

Our world was hotter 1,000 years ago

The years 900-1300 AD have been labelled the Medieval Warming Period, as global temperatures rose precipitously from the bitter cold of the previous epoch, the Dark Ages, to levels several degrees warmer than today. A sudden period of cooling then followed and lasted until the year 1850.

The second table is temperature compared to population

YearTemperature Estimate Fehr.World population estimate
100058.8400 million
186056.81.3 Billion
189056.741.6 Billion
193057.122.0 Billion 
197057.203.7 Billion
200058.126.1 Billion
202058.87.8 Billion

Results of the graph: the temperature today is approximately the same as it was over 1,000 years ago while the population is almost twenty times as high.  There is obviously no correlation between number of people and temperatures. When there is no correlation, there can be no causation. 


The third table is temperature versus world crude oil consumption.

YearTemperature Estimate Fehr.Estimated crude oil consumption
186056.8Around zero
189056.74Can’t find
193057.12Can’t find 
197057.2051 million barrels per day
200058.1276 million barrels per day ,.
202058.8100 million barrels per day

Results of the graph: the temperature today is approximately the same as it was over 1,000 years ago while crude oil usage was ro.  There is obviously no correlation between crude oil usage and temperatures. When there is no correlation, there can be no causation. 


Temperatures throughout history have fluctuated between cooling and warming many times — cyclically and naturally. There was a cooling period from 1940 to 1975 while the population, number of cars and trucks on the road, crude oil usage, and all the other things we are told cause warming were rapidly increasing. There is obviously no correlation between temperatures and the other variables. When there is no correlation, there is no causation.

It is also normal for the globe to warm after the little ice age ended in 1860 and one to two degrees of warming after an ice age ends is normal. That is obvious.

Falling global temperatures from 1940 to 1975 were one of the prime drivers of popular concern about global cooling (source)

Life expectancy in year 1000: around 35. In 1850 it was around 40. Today it is around 80. There is a significant correlation between life expectancy and our use of natural resources to improve our quality of life.

If there is a correlation, we may be able to find causation.

Life expectancy in Saudi Arabia around 76 while in Ethiopia it is around 68. Somalia’s life expectancy is 57.

Saudi Arabia is essentially a desert in a permanent drought, so why is its life expectancy high? Isn’t it most probable that the reason is they have used oil to greatly improve their quality and length of life?

Why do politicians and bureaucrats at the UN, US and elsewhere fight so hard to prevent poor countries like Ethiopia and Somalia from using natural resources? It appears they care little for the people in underdeveloped countries, while forcing other countries to move backwards. There is nothing progressive about moving backwards

People fly around in private jets and live in mansions while lecturing poor countries that they should stay poor. It appears they don’t care.

What we have is a massive fraud. There is no scientific evidence that humans and our use of natural resources have a material effect on temperatures, sea levels, or storms, and there is absolutely no evidence that politicians, bureaucrats, or anyone else can control the climate now or forever.

This is a shakedown of the American people by the government with kickbacks to leftist special interest groups. Those special interest groups then funnel some of the money back to Democrats to keep the money flowing.

India: A Muslim mob thrashed a Hindu youth over a minor accident

(Image Source : Panchjanya)

case of mob lynching has come to light in Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh. Here people of Muslim community thrashed a Hindu youth riding a car after a minor accident. Even after the young man fainted, the maddened crowd continued to beat him mercilessly. The youth has been admitted to the hospital in critical condition. The video of the lynching is going viral on social media.

The Police have registered a case against 30 to 40 people including Monis, Javed, Sajid, Ayub, Yunus, Parvez, under section 147, 148, 149, 307,308,394, 427.

While, on the other hand the Muslim community has lodged an FIR against the victim for injuring a Muslim bike rider through his car. The police have registered a case under sections 279, 377, 338 and 427 in this matter. Several local Hindu organizations have asked Police to take immediate action in this case, else they will initiate an agitation.

As per the sources, the victim Happy, who hails from Bukhara village, was going through this Muslim majority area. All of a sudden, his car was hit by the motorcycle of a Muslim youth in Subhash Nagar police station area of ​​Bareilly. After being sidelined, the Muslim boy called more than 50 youths on the spot and then thrashed Happy brutally. Dozens of youths from Muslim-dominated Kareli village kept dragging the Hindu youth to the middle of the road and beating him.

The victim has received several fatal blows on his head, and various other serious injuries as well. On knowing about the incident, two youths who came to the rescue were also attacked by the Muslim mob. The young man was beaten so much that he became unconscious and then he was thrown on the roadside.

The SP City Rahul Bhati said that after the video went viral, an FIR has been registered and action will be taken soon after arresting the culprits on the basis of the video.

France: ‘Shitty White filth!’ Young couple attacked by group of 10 migrants during evening stroll through Nice

Boulevard de Gorbella, Kurt Rasmussen, Wikimedia Commons 

Several migrant youths have appeared before a court in Nice after being charged with a heinous attack on a young White couple as they strolled through the city on Sunday evening.

The couple was walking down Boulevard de Gorbella in the southern French city when they were approached by two teenagers with whom they made eye contact.

The two suspects reportedly proceeded to utter racist insults at the young couple. According to the victims’ lawyer, Rudy Amsellem, the couple were called, “Shitty French filth, White filth.”

They were subsequently set upon by the two migrant youths, although the male victim, known as Noam, who reportedly has training in a combat sport, fended off his attackers who fled.

However, the two minors, dissatisfied with the outcome, contacted associates gathered in a nearby apartment who came to their aid, and the young couple soon found themselves the target of an attack by approximately 10 assailants.

The pair were savagely beaten and knocked to the ground. They were officially excused from work due to their injuries for seven and three days, respectively.

Eight suspects, including four minors, were referred by police to the public prosecutor on Tuesday and subsequently appeared before the Nice courthouse.

The adult defendants included three repeat offenders with previous convictions, all of whom protested their innocence at the initial hearing. All four individuals were released by the presiding judge.

The minors, however, who admitted their involvement in the attack will be prosecuted.

Philippe Vardon, a local nice counselor affiliated with Éric Zemmour’s Reconquête party, tweeted: “Will this young couple’s racist attack in Nice 06 make the headlines or will it be glossed over!?”

Local journalist Karen Adhar questioned the court’s decision to release the adult perpetrators and explained that the minors involved in the attack are unlikely to be incarcerated, meaning no one will go to prison for the attack.

“It would be good for the prosecution and Judge Christophe Legay to explain (his decision) to us. Because since the other four are minors, there is little risk that they will be condemned. So Noam was lynched in a racist attack by a pack and no aggressor will be sent to prison. Is this normal?” she tweeted.

“Eight young racists beat a young man with his girlfriend while using racial slurs because of their origin, because they were a Nice couple, and (they were) humiliated that Noam managed to defend himself against two of their own. The prosecution botches the case and puts it under a bushel,” she added.

UK: Tens of Thousands of Iraqi and Iranian Migrants to Have Asylum Claims ‘Fast-Tracked’ by Home Office

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In the latest amnesty-style scheme from the Conservative government to cover over its failures to deal with the ever-growing asylum backlog, tens of thousands of Iraqi and Iranian migrants will have their asylum claims “fast-tracked” by the Home Office.

Following a similar scheme launched in February to ‘streamline’ the right for thousands of migrants from Afghanistan, Eritrea, Libya, Syria, and Yemen to remain in the country after just filling out a questionaire rather than actually being interviewed by an immigration official, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s government is looking to do the same for up to 20,000 alleged asylum seekers from Iraq and Iran in the coming weeks.

Driven in large part by illegal boat migration across the English Channel, the asylum backlog in Britain has soared in recent years, with the current backlog — those applications submitted before June of last year — sitting at 92,601, although thousands more have applied since then. According to The Guardian, at the end of 2022 there were 8,909 Iraqi and 11,698 Iranian cases in the backlog.

In a letter seen by the left-wing paper, the Home Office said that it would be launching “a new phase in the programme to clear the legacy backlog” in which migrants will be grouped by nationality and will “either be called for a substantive interview or be sent a questionnaire and called for a targeted or shorter interview”.

However, the Guardian reported that if a decision can be made upon the questionaire and other evidence provided, the migrants may not need to be interviewed. Those that are required to have an interview are only expected to be grilled for 30 minutes to two hours before a decision on whether they are deserving of asylum status will be determined.

In a change from the scheme in February, those that fail to submit their questionaires properly within 30 days could have their asylum claim rejected outright.

The change comes after just 10 per cent of questionaires were filled out correctly during the February push to clear the backlog, which forced immigration officials to carry out interviews, 95 per cent of which resulted in asylum status being given to those from Afghanistan, Eritrea, Libya, Syria, and Yemen.

According to a report from The Times, the Home Office believed that pro-mass migration lawyers had advised the migrants to fill out the forms incorrectly in order to trigger an interview.

“We’re aware of lawyers actively briefing migrants to fill in the forms incorrectly so they can make sure there’s a longer process with more interviews and they get paid for that work. It’s a significant number of cases and totally obstructive, which is why we need to stop the boats and make sure we stop people travelling here illegally in the first place,” a government source told the paper last week.

The plan to fast-track tens of thousands more migrants into the country comes despite the proffessed desire to impose deterents to reduce the number of illegal migrants crossing the Enlgish Channel, which saw a record 45,000 cross last year, alone.

While this has been a consistent issue doggingt the administrations of Rishi Sunak and former Prime Minister Boris Johnson, it might be legal immigration that truly destroys the trust of the Conservative voting base, with the government reportedly expecting that legal net migration to the UK could top one million this year.

France: A graffiti on a wall in La Mulatière equates Islam with National Socialism and the police immediately take action

Police officers immediately intervened to remove the offending inscription, having been ordered to do so two days earlier by the mayor of the municipality, Véronique Déchamps (Les Républicains).

That day, the “s” of the word “Islam” was replaced by the two “s” in Gothic letters of the SS (Schutzstaffel), the personal protection of Adolf Hitler and later the main criminal organisation of the German Nazi regime (1933-1945).

This comparison is punishable under the offence of public incitement to hatred. An offence punishable by imprisonment of up to one year and/or a fine of up to EUR 45 000. Le Progrès

The Mufti of Jerusalem, Mohammad Amin al-Husayni, greeting members of the 13th SS Division with a Nazi salutein November 1943. The division included an estimated 1,000 Albanians from Kosovo and the Sandžak who later formed the nucleus of Skanderbeg.

On World Day Against Homophobia, a Directorate General of the European Commission promotes the Islamic veil

Islamic State throws man from a building for his alleged homosexuality ,

Without a Core Ethnicity, Nations Struggle for Stability

By Mike Konrad

When nations are composed of divergent ethnic groups, and such ethnic groups reach a level of demographic equivalency, instability occurs. This is a rule of civil society and does not depend on race.

The classic case that comes to mind is the island of Fiji. Fiji’s ethnic groups are roughly 60% Fijian and 40% Indian (chiefly Hindu). The Hindus were imported as indentured servants by the British to run things, and when Fiji became independent, the two ethnic groups collided. The Indians were better educated, and the native Fijians thought that their country was being taken away from them.

Ethnic tensions between the two groups were behind numerous coup d’etats.

Since independence in 1970, ethnic rivalry between Fiji’s indigenous and Indian populations has become increasingly manifested in the political arena, as demonstrated in the coups of 1987 and 2000. The root of this rivalry is seen here to lie in an ongoing ‘cold war’ for framing the defining qualities of the Fijian nation. — The Commonweath Journal

Police in Fiji mobilized In February 2019 on rumors of a coup (YouTube screngrab, cropped)

Of course, cries of ethnic supremacy have arisen. The Indians see themselves as superior to the indigenous Fijians, or so some Fijians claimed.

But these are both people of color, which according to Woke ideology should have made them compatible, agreeable, and united. What happened?

The other example is Belgium, which is roughly split between Dutch-speaking Flemish and French-speaking Walloons. (While there are some phenotypical differences, these are minor.) The people are all but genetically identical. They are both Catholic, yet language has driven then apart, and many of the Flemish want to secede.

They are certainly not united as whites are supposed to be – according to woke ideology.

Canada has been split between Anglophone and Francophones since its inception.  And the Francophones came from Brittany and Normandy, on the other side of the English Channel. The Normans who took over England came from Normandy. The ancient Britons who fled Wales for France landed in Brittany. The Quebecois and Anglophones again are all but indistinguishable. Denomination and language separate them, but not appearance.

The fact is that no group likes to be ruled over by another, whether white, black, Asian, whatever. When one group forms a demographic majority, it can afford to be generous to a minority that does not threaten it. When the groups approach 50/50, watch out, as they will vie for control.

This is not an issue of race, but of human nature. Africa’s civil wars are tribal. Lest we think this is a residue of tribalism, Norway and Sweden (can you really tell them apart?) are both Nordic and Lutheran almost repaired to arms in 1905 before Sweden finally conceded independence to the Norwegians.

Nations run best when they have an ethnic core. Families form relatives, which form tribes, which eventually form nations. There is a strong sense of social cohesion in such political structures.

Now, the core can change over time … but it takes time.

From 1776 to 1848, America was genuinely Anglo-Saxon in core. From 1848 to 1890, Irish and Germans flooded in, with accompanying social strife. Such strife is inevitable. Even the usually obedient Germans were at the core of the Haymarket Riot of 1886.

But in time, the Irish and Germans blended in, and were somewhat accepted (though their Catholicism made some nervous) at just about the same time as Southern and Eastern Europeans (Italians, Poles, Greeks, Russians, and Jews) started flooding in.

Arrogant Nordic supremacists influenced Congress to get the Johnson-Reed Act passed in 1924, which drastically reduced immigration. Their intent may have been bad, but it gave America the time to absorb and assimilate the recent arrivals. By the time the Johnson-Reed Act was overturned in 1965, American society had been stabilized and the core definition of an American had been expended to a more generic Judeo-Christian and white. America’s ethnic core had broadened. But it took a while.

And if one says white was too narrow a definition, by world standards: white was actually very broad. In Europe, whites fight among themselves. In Asia, Asians fight. In Africa, Africans fight. By the standards of history, an American definition of whiteness was unusually generous.

In the meantime, Jews were a minority, but they were winning respect, and civil rights were being given to blacks.

It took American almost 200 years to broaden identity beyond ethnicity.

John F. Kennedy, an ethnic Irish-Catholic had become president. Fiorella La Guardia, of Italian-Catholic and Jewish ancestry – though ironically raised Protestant – had become mayor of New York City, the biggest city in the country. Herbert Lehman, a Jew, became Governor of New York State. None of this would have been acceptable a century earlier.

But all of this takes time. If you smash differing peoples into each other too rapidly, social upheavals will occur. Fiji is a warning.

Tacking the issue of race was not going to work overnight, and yet this is what liberals demand.

Instability – when addressed wrongly – can go on for centuries until a common ground emerges. Belgium, Canada, and Catalonia are all examples of what can go wrong. Can you really tell the difference between a Highland and Lowland Scot without a scorecard? It took England centuries to figure that out, and it did so by brutally ethnic cleansing the Highlanders.

White supremacists may be idiots in asserting supremacy, and the leftist press surely overuses the term to demonize anyone who calls for reason, but the fact is that America needs time to digest its immigrants.

And there is nothing wrong with wanting an ethnic core. Germany should remain German. Japan should remain Japanese. Do we really want Norway to become like the rest of the world? Let Vietnam remain Vietnamese.

Dalai Lama says ‘Europe belongs to the Europeans’ and suggests refugees return to native countries — Independent

America started as an immigrant nation, so it cannot assert a native right to ethnic purity as say, the Greeks or Danish might, but it can ask for sanity.

Israel is a classic example. The Jews want to remain a Jewish majority state, which is why they resist enfranchising the Arabs in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza. The two groups are incompatible, as Ze’ev Jabotinsky, a right-wing Zionist knew.

A minority always suffers everywhere: the Christians in Turkey, the Moslems in India, the Irish under the British, the Poles and Czechs under the Germans, now the Germans under the Poles and Czechs, and so forth, without end. – The Ethics of the Iron Wall – Jabotinsky

It takes time to absorb different people, and the core must not be threatened.

In time, Hispanics will become a part of the American core. Many already are; but immigration laws have to change. Generous … YES! But not suicidal.

White supremacism is a reaction to leftist overreach. Common sense is the antidote.

It is not wrong for America to remain majority West European white, as long as everybody is treated equally. That may change in time, but it will take time.

Sweden must prepare to leave the EU, says influential Sweden Democrats party leader

Jimmie Åkesson, CC BY 3.0, Sverigedemokraterna

Sweden must fully prepare to leave the European Union in order to maximize its negotiating position with the bloc, stated Jimmie Åkesson, leader of the anti-immigration Sweden Democrats party.

In an article published by Svenska Dagbladet on Monday, Åkesson and his co-author, Swedish MEP Charlie Weimers, expressed their desire for Sweden to “maximize its influence” in the European Union, outlining three measures the Swedish government must take.

First, the government should seek to make constitutional changes in order to introduce a “referendum lock,” which would enshrine into law the requirement of a public vote before any further powers can be transferred from Stockholm to Brussels.

It is a mechanism previously adopted by both Britain and Denmark, and the Sweden Democrats leader believes it will provide a necessary safeguard against any attempted power-grab by Brussels.

“Only the knowledge that every decision on the transfer of power must be submitted to the citizens would slow down the worst abuses from Brussels,” the pair wrote.

Second, the Swedish government should make the necessary preparations to leave the European Union to ensure it is ready should the decision ever be taken to do so and to legitimize any threat to withdraw in future negotiations with the bloc.

“In order for preparedness to be credible, it is necessary that we remove the writings in the constitution that state that Sweden is a member of the EU.

“In addition, we should train a cadre of civil servants with the expertise to negotiate trade agreements and other things that we have delegated to the EU and study how Brexit could have been implemented better. The better we are prepared to leave, the more we will gain in future negotiations,” Åkesson and Weimers added.

The Sweden Democrats leader also wants an investigation to be launched into how the negative aspects of Sweden’s EU membership can be mitigated.

The right-wing party is currently an informal partner of the Swedish government. While it wasn’t offered the opportunity to help form Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson’s administration, it is a signatory to the four-party coalition Tidö Agreement in which the coalition parties agreed to adopt a more restrictive immigration policy in return for Sweden Democrats’ support.

Åkesson’s party has long been in favor of Sweden’s withdrawal from the European Union, but accepts this is not a majority view among the Swedish electorate at present. The party officially dropped its support for Swexit in 2018 in a bid to garner more electoral support and subsequently achieved 20.5 percent of the vote in last year’s general election.

UK Will See One Million More Migrants Before Next Election, UK Government Warned

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Over one million more migrants will end up in the UK before its next general election, an internal document has warned the government, a report claims.

An internal document produced by the UK’s Home Office and leaked to a British newspaper predicted that there will be over one million migrants entering Britain between 2024 and 2025 as a result of various open border policies implemented by the Conservative Party.

The figure means that the country will almost certainly see more than one million migrants land in Britain before the next general election, a vote which appears likely to see the open-borders party removed from power and replaced with an even more left-wing government.

According to a report by The Telegraph, the document — which was reviewed by government officials as early as last year — predicts the 2024-2025 period will see over 700,000 migrants enter Britain on student visas.

Another 320,000 are also expected to arrive within this same period on visas reserved for skilled workers, with other arrivals expected to push the total inward migration figure to upwards of 1.1 million.

The document also sets out a number of policy “levers” with which the UK government could limit inward immigration, though almost none of such levers have reportedly been pulled since the document was handed to Number 10 in 2022.

This analysis produced by the Home Office, if true, overwhelmingly confirms that the Conservative Party have broken their 2019 election manifesto promise of bringing overall immigration down.

This is not entirely surprising considering that the country post-Brexit has seen net immigration rise to new heights, reaching a record 504,000 last year, while the government is expected to announce that another new record as high as 997,000 was reached this year in the coming weeks.

Things are now so bad in the country that even the Labour Party — a hardline leftist group that usually encourages mass migration — has called for better border control, with leader Sir Keir Starmer saying that the records have shown the Tories have “lost control” of the influx.

“Like almost everything else under this government, there’s no plan, there’s no control and, just like everything else, it seems like the system is broken,” Starmer remarked.

The failures of the Conservative Party in grasping any benefits of Brexit whatsoever — many Britons believed the government could use Brexit as an opportunity to reduce immigration when voting — have now led “Mr Brexit” himself Nigel Farage to say the project had failed due to Tory incompetence.

Meanwhile, government politicians have opted to prance off to a Conservative conference taking place in London this week to espouse their supposed right-wing credentials, with one minister even having the audacity to criticise multiculturalism while actively enabling mass migration into the country.