UK: ‘Engaging in Prayer Is The Offence’ — Pro-Life Activist Arrested for the second time for Silently Praying Outside Abortion Facility

A pro-life campaigner has been arrested for the second time for silently praying outside an abortion clinic in England, with police officers being filmed saying that “engaging in payer” is an offence against the law.

The director of the UK March for Life, Isabel Vaughan-Spruce has once again been arrested for silently praying outside of an abortion clinic in Birmingham for allegedly violating a locally-imposed Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO), which prohibits protests within a certain vicinity of the facility.

In footage posted online by ADF UK, the faith-based legal advocacy organisation that has been supporting Vaughan-Spruce in her legal battles, showed police officers demanding that she vacate the area. When she replied that she was not protesting, an officer was filmed replying: “But you’ve said that you were engaging in prayer, which is the offence”.

“I am not committing an offence, I’m not intimidating or harassing anyone and I’m not protesting,” the pro-life activist said.

Nevertheless, Vaughan-Spruce was arrested and bail conditions have been imposed prohibiting her from returning to the area surrounding the abortion clinic, even beyond the initial “buffer zone”.

The arrest comes just weeks after she was cleared of any wrongdoing for a similar incident in December outside the same abortion facility.

“Only three weeks ago, it was made clear by the court that my silent prayers were not a crime. And yet, again, I have been arrested and treated as a criminal for having the exact same thoughts in my head, in the same location,” she said in a statement.

“The ambiguity of laws that limit free expression and thought – even in peaceful, consensual conversation or in silent, internal prayer – leads to abject confusion, to the detriment of important fundamental rights. Nobody should be criminalised for their thoughts.”

Anglican Deacon and GB News presenter Calvin Robinson commented: “These officers made it clear, it is prayer that is the offence. It doesn’t matter if it’s silent prayer or not, the act of praying is offensive.

“Thought crime has no place in a liberal society. It’s anti-freedom of religion/worship/expression/speech.”

The governing Conservative (Tory) Party has, despite it’s name, so-far been largely supportive legislation from a far-left Labour MP to impose a national ban on protesting outside of abortion facilities throughout the entire country. The legislation, which will be voted upon on Tuesday in the House of Commons, would criminalise advising, informing, influencing, persuading, or even expressing an opinion on abortion within a 150-meter protest-free zone surrounding all clinics, with a penalty of up to two years in prison.

Ahead of the vote, Conservative MP Andrew Lewer proposed an amendment that would make an exemption for those engaging in silent prayer or for consensual conversations with mothers from the exclusion zone legislation.

Commenting prior to the vote, the legal counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom UK, Jeremiah Igunnubole said: “MPs will for the first time in Modern British history be able to vote to make it abundantly clear that there is no room for ‘thoughtcrime’ in modern UK law. It is deeply concerning that the basic rights of freedom of thought, peaceful expression, and individual liberty are even up for debate.

“This isn’t 1984, but 2023 – nobody should be criminalised for their thoughts, for their prayers, and for a consensual conversation on a public street.”

Igunnubole went on to say that the arrest of Vaughan-Spruce and the “clear confusion on the behalf of police officers about the status of freedom of thought under the law” demonstrates why the idea of imposing such buffer zones are “not fit for purpose in a democratic society.”

“We all stand firmly against harassment on public streets. Harassment is already illegal. A government review in 2018 found that harassment near abortion facilities is rare, and peaceful prayer and offers of charitable help were the most common activities there. The government concluded at that point that censorship zones would be disproportionate. No further reviews have since been conducted. What has now changed?

“MPs should use their vote today to uphold freedom to pray, and have consensual conversations, on our streets.”

Germany is Now Communist’ Declares Co-Founder of Viktor Orbán’s Party (Video)

Veteran journalist and co-founder of Viktor Orban’s ruling Fidesz party, Zsolt Bayer, illustrates how Germany’s replacement migration policies are a replica of earlier Hungarian ones under Soviet rule.

The one difference is that Germans are being removed from their homes for migrants instead of the Party faithful. As recently reported by RAIR Foundation USA, this is happening not only in Germany but also in Sweden, Italy, and other Western European countries.

The title of Bayer’s video translates to German Commies:

France: Muslim terrorises a passer-by with a hammer and shouts “Allah Akbar”, threatens 3 gendarmes with death and then promises to “return with Al-Qaeda”; Abdlekader El Mechbouh, who has been convicted 25 times, is sentenced to 2 years in prison

A 41-year-old man who brandished a hammer in front of a passer-by in Le Tréport on Thursday March 2, 2023, and then threatened three gendarmes with death by glorifying terrorism, was sentenced to two years in prison in Dieppe on Monday March 6, 2023. He was taken into custody for.

Violence, insult, rebellion, threats, racial insults, glorifying terrorism… The file of a 41-year-old man sentenced on Monday March 6 in direct appearance before the criminal court in Dieppe is extensive.

Abdelkader, who was born in Feuquières-en-Vimeu and lives in Abbeville (Somme), terrorised a passer-by at the base of the Le Tréport funicular at around 6pm on Thursday March 2. ” You swing a hammer above her head. They shout out ‘Allah Akbar’ several times,” the judge recalled. “He’s either crazy or has been drinking,” concludes the pedestrian and alerts the gendarmerie.

(…) To check whether the man’s condition is compatible with police custody, the gendarmes take him to a hospital. “At the Eu hospital centre, you make allusions to the attacks at the Stade de France, the Bataclan and Nice,” the judge continues. The man in his forties shouted to them, “You got a lot off. We will blow you up!” and promised to return with Al-Qaeda. He also threatened the families of the gendarmes. His blood alcohol level at that time was 0.65 mg/l breath (1.30 g per litre of blood).

(…) He tries to appease: “Even in prison, I never radicalised myself. It is not part of my purpose in life to kill someone with a knife. At the age of 41, I have never killed anyone.” His criminal record shows 25 convictions.

(…) But the judges double the sentences demanded: Abdlekader El Mechbouh is sentenced to two years in prison without parole. Paris-Normandie

A tale of two French cities: Nantes before 10 years of pro-immigration socialism and Nantes today

Nantes’ Church of the Holy Cross, © Guillaume Piolle / CC BY 3.0

The news about two Catholic nuns having to leave Nantes’ city center after years of growing insecurity is just one more indication of how badly things have gone during the last decade in this formerly peaceful provincial French city of 300,000 inhabitants — 1 million if we include the surrounding metropolitan area — lying next to Brittany, to which it belongs historically and culturally.

“Just yesterday (on Tuesday, Feb. 28, ed.), during my teaching in the church, we had to ask the audience to expel a person from the street who had come in drunk. And it smelled like cannabis in front of the church. It’s a sad reality of our daily lives,” one of the two nuns told French Christian daily “La Croix.”

The two announced their decision to move to another city in a letter published on the parish’s website last Sunday.

Sister Marie-Anne Leroux, 56, and Sister Agathe Dutrey, 44, belong to the Fraternity of Benedictine Apostolic Sisters. In their letter to parishioners, they explain their decision with the climate of growing insecurity in downtown Nantes — a description that many French people throughout the country would say reflects their own experience as well.

As a local center-right opposition councilor told reporters from the weekly “Valeurs Actuelles” in an article that was published under the title “Nantes, a lost territory of the Republic” last September, the number of crimes and the level of violence in Nantes do not differ much from other French cities of that size. However, what is shocking is the metamorphosis this provincial city has gone through, with a sudden degradation of the situation during the past decade.

Two factors have led to this situation: uncontrolled immigration, with a growing number of “unaccompanied minors,” i.e., of illegal immigrants who claim to be under 18, along with an unusual concentration of radical leftist organizations, some of them with violent activists who have been tolerated or sometimes even encouraged by the authorities. This increased presence of the radical Left in Nantes dates back to the protests against the construction of an airport in nearby Notre-Dames-des-Landes in the early 2010s.

The city’s mayor, Johanna Rolland, was first elected in 2014. Since then, she has also been presiding over Nantes’ metropolitan area and serves as the French Socialist Party’s first deputy secretary. Her majority in the city council consists of a coalition of members of the Socialist Party, the Communist Party, the Green Party, and other smaller left-wing parties.

In spite of rising insecurity under her rule, some councilors belonging to her majority have participated in anti-police protests.

With a pro-immigration mayor and city council and with the presence in the city of many left-wing NGOs, including some which are active in the business of welcoming illegal immigrants, Nantes is among the French cities where the share of immigrants in the overall population has been increasing the fastest, overpassing the 10 percent mark in 2018 in a region that traditionally had little industry and very few immigrants.

Additionally, there are thousands of non-European illegal immigrants living in this former capital of the Dukes of Brittany. At some point, a thousand new illegal immigrants were arriving each month, and the City of Nantes, as one of nine founding members of the so-called “National Association of Welcoming Cities and Territories,” which it joined in 2015, is said to be among the top three French cities, after Paris and Calais, in terms of the overall number of illegal immigrants, although the exact figures remain unknown.

The local prefecture is also known for being more willing to deliver residence permits to migrants than others, which makes the city and its surroundings even more attractive to illegal immigrants. The city of Nantes and the Loire-Atlantique department, of which it is the capital, are both among those left-wing, pro-immigration local governments in France, which have donated big sums of money to the SOS Méditerranée NGO for the operation of its Ocean Viking ship transporting illegal migrants across the Mediterranean.

Nantes also has attracted a lot of Roma people coming mainly from Romania, with some 600 families living in slums.

According to police statistics, illegal immigrants account for over 50 percent of street criminality in the city. However, when asked by the media, the city’s mayor insists that the rise in criminality in Nantes is mainly due to the development of drug-trafficking networks and that this is a nationwide problem, not one that is linked to her management.

In the letter announcing their departure, Sister Marie-Anne and Sister Agathe, an author of songs and tales for children, quoted the manager of a security company working for bars and nightclubs who had been cited in the “Ouest France” regional newspaper.

“It was interesting to hear a professional express himself on this subject and to note that we had perceived the same evolution, knowing that we arrived here a little more than eight years ago,” the two Catholic nuns wrote. “He said: ‘About 10 years ago, we started with seven (people); we are about 45 today, in a city where people go out a lot, where the nightlife offerings are enormous. A lot of security businesses have sprung up in the last few years.’ To the question, ‘How have you seen the Nantes nights evolve in 10 years?’, he answers: ‘They have become less safe in the last five-six years (…).’”

The two nuns go on to say:

“For us, over time, it has become too tiring. When we are in the Church of the Holy Cross, we are always on the alert, always ready to react to any lack of respect for the place, the people, or the celebration taking place there. During the day, we sometimes have to intervene in the church in situations of bursts of violence. This is most often due to people in psychological distress or under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or all of these at the same time. This constant state of alertness prevents us from living prayer as it is lived in our Benedictine vocation. We are not ‘Franciscans of the Bronx,’ and it is not our vocation to be security guards, even if we have taken a few lessons in ‘self-defense.’”

A native of Nantes, TV commentator Philippe Guibert explains that 10 years ago the city was “extremely peaceful and quiet.”

“Drug trafficking has aggravated the situation a lot,” he says, “but there is a second phenomenon that is a little more recent: the presence of illegal immigrants. There is no need to be in denial and pretend this does not exist.”

This sentiment has also been echoed by citizens who have called the city home for years. After two Sudanese immigrants aged 17 and 27 raped a woman in her 40s on the street last September, one long-time resident on RMC radio said, “During the day, Nantes is pure joy; it is one of the most pleasant cities to live in. But as soon as night falls, it’s hell. I’ve seen the degradation as a taxi driver. There are gangs roaming around looking for a lonely person.”

As a university city, Nantes also features its fair share of students, many of who put themselves in vulnerable situations after a night out drinking. Many of them are considered easy prey by criminals, particularly in dark areas where they can be robbed, assaulted, and in some cases, sexually assaulted.

“It is scandalous that they have to move,” said Foulques Chombart de Lauwe, an opposition city councilor from Nantes, while speaking to Le Figaro regarding the news of the Catholic nuns’ departure. While saying this is not a normal situation, majority councilor Gildas Salaün, speaking on behalf of the mayor’s office, could only say that: “it is not our role to comment on this decision, which is theirs.”

Time for leftist media to terrify people with articles about snow!

By Jack Hellner

This article is in the tradition of articles that we have seen for decades saying we could look forward to snowless winters because of humans and our use of natural resources. 

What is missing from every one of these articles is a direct link connecting oil consumption, CO2 content, or any other such thing with temperatures and snow.  But the truth has never mattered to the media and other leftists when they have set out to destroy the oil industry. 

They cannot explain why we had a cooling period from 1940 to 1975, where essentially the same people who are warning of an existential threat of warming were warning of an existential threat that billions would die from an existential threat of a coming ice age.  Here is a hint for sycophant journalists who just repeat what they are told. 

Snow has been a no-show for some traditionally wintry cities

A big reason for the lack of snow has been the warmer conditions, Robinson says — conditions driven in part by human-induced climate change. The northeast is among the fastest warming regions in the country.

Another story in Yahoo on Monday, which published the indoctrination piece above, talks about record snowfall in California this year.  Can’t the journalists read or think?  If we have record cold and snow in some parts of the country and record warmth in another part of the country, humans and natural resources aren’t causing the warm temperatures and snowless winters.  The climate is and has always been cyclical and natural. 

Dramatic photos show aftermath of historic snowfall, winter storms blanketing California

This is the snowiest first five months of the snow season in the Sierra Nevada since 1970, almost fifty feet so far. 

Graphics show snowfall totals in California: Over 50 feet with more expected this weekend

Five months into this water year, counted Oct. 1 through Sept. 30, more than 44 feet has fallen there at the Central Snow Laboratory, a University of California, Berkeley field research station. That’s more than double the median of 21.7 feet by this time of year.

“We have had the snowiest October through February going back to 1970,” said Andrew Schwartz, lead scientist and manager at the snow lab.

“We’re within 3½ feet from the 2017 water year total of 47.77 feet, which is our third largest snowfall year on record in the last three decades,” Schwartz said. The lab record for a water year is 53.58 feet set in 2011.

It is a simple concept: humans and natural resources cannot cause both record snow and no snow.  Sadly, journalists don’t care.  They and other Democrats are the party of fear.  They want to scare children and others into capitulation, whether it is about the climate or COVID. 

Everything to leftists is about power.  They do not care how much damage they do to the poor, the middle class, or the overall economy.  They don’t care how much inflation they unnecessarily cause.  They don’t care that their destructive policies help Russia finance their war.

They are pathetic and dangerous!

India: Another minor Hindu girl shot at by Muslim stalker

Kasim shot at a minor Hindu girl in Delhi

In what appears to be yet another case of grooming jihad/stalking, a Muslim youth Kasim (19) has shot at a minor Hindu girl. The girl (16) has received a bullet injury on her shoulder and is currently in hospital.

The incident took place in Kodi colony of northeast Delhi’s Nand Nagri area on Monday night. As per police, accused Kasim shot at the girl because ‘he was infuriated with her for talking with another boy’. Kasim works at a mobile repair shop, while the girl is a Class 10 student whose mother works as a maid.

“On the day of the incident, the girl was talking to someone on the phone. Suddenly, Kasim reached there and snatched her phone,” a police officer said as per a Times of India report. He then redialed the last phone number from her phone, and some boy answered. “He disconnected the call, and an argument ensued between them over continuous talking with another boy. Kasim took out a pistol and shot at her,” the officer said. Hearing a gunshot and girl’s screams, the residents rushed to the spot and found her lying in a pool of blood. The accused had fled the spot. “Multiple police teams have been formed, and raids are on to nab the accused,” the officer said.

In a video shared on social media, the injured girl says Kasim had threatened her once before and this time he shot her.

Such incidents take place with sickening regularity in the nation’s capital, and in almost all major states. Here are some recent incidents from Delhi alone:

Class XI student Naina Mishra shot by stalker Arman Ali in capital

“Situation Normal” after Hindu Girl Priti Mathur Stabbed to Death by Muslim Stalker in Delhi

Muslim jailbird stalker stabs aspiring air-hostess Riya Gautam to death in Delhi

The gap between how Islamists prey on Hindu girls in Pakistan and Bharat is fast narrowing. Emboldened by the apathy of our secular State and bred on a diet of Islamic supremacism and superstition (like having sex with/converting a non-Muslim female guarantees jannat), indoctrinated Islamist youth are now brazenly targeting Hindu girls.

Austria: Asylum seeker chases underage girls on their way home – girls in fear of their lives, police powerless

Two teenagers were chased by an asylum seeker (23) across Leoben (Styria), the schoolgirls were scared to death. The mother of one of the girls raised the alarm, but the police were powerless. Chasing minors is not a punishable offence.

The incident in the early evening in the town centre of Leoben caused a stir in the social media. There, a mother warns of asylum seekers who have been following her daughter (14) and her girlfriend of the same age pushily across the city. What is also upsetting is that the police, who were on the scene in time after the call and acted correctly, allegedly have no further means of preventing a recurrence.

The underage teenagers were on their way home on foot towards Judendorf at around 5.30 pm. At first two young asylum seekers followed them, later only one. With every metre they walked, the schoolgirls’ unease increased and they kept turning around to look for their pursuer. When their fear was almost unbearable, one of the girls called her mother on her mobile phone: “Stay together, don’t leave the street,” she advised her daughter. At the same time, the teenager’s brother called the police.

The officers were quickly on the scene with several patrols and the asylum seeker (23) was apprehended. He is accommodated in the old Baumax hall in Leoben. “He admitted to chasing the girls, but could not explain why,” the district police commander of Leoben, Karl Holzer, confirmed the incident to the newspaper “Kleine Zeitung”. However, since there had been no criminally relevant incident, the police’s hands were tied. No further measures were taken.

Pakistan: Islamists attack Hindu students for celebrating Holi at Punjab University, at least 15 injured

Hindu students got attacked in Pakistan for celebrating Holi (Image: SS from viral videos)

On March 6, at least 15 Hindu students were injured after Islamists of Islami Jamiat Tulba (IJT) attacked them for celebrating Holi inside Punjab University, Lahore. IJT is a radical Islamic student organisation.

As per reports, around 30 students gathered to celebrate Holi. After the attack, when the victims protested against the attack outside Vice Chancellor’s office, the university guards thrashed them.

Kashif Brohi, a University student who witnessed the attack, said in a statement, “As students gathered on the lawns of the law college, the Islami Jamiat Tulba (IJT) activists forcibly stopped them from celebrating Holi, which led to a clash resulting in injuries to 15 Hindu students.” Reportedly, the University administration had granted permission to the Hindu students to celebrate Holi. In a video, guards were seen distributing batons among them.

Videos of the incident went viral on social media. Sindh Council, the organisation that had joined Hindu students to celebrate Holi, condemned the attack. Sindh Council general secretary Kashif Brohi was quoted by Dawn saying that the administration gave permission for the celebrations. He added the students who had posted invitations to the event on social media were also harassed by the IJT members.

One of the students who got injured, Khet Kumar, said in a statement that the university guards thrashed them when they protested against the attack outside the office of the Vice-Chancellor. He said, “We have filed an application with the police against the IJT and the security guards involved in thrashing and torturing us, but FIR has not been registered as yet.”

On the other hand, IJT denied the allegations and claimed none of the organisation’s members was involved in the attack. IJT spokesperson Ibrahim Shahid said, “None of the students involved in a brawl with the Hindu students belongs to the IJT.”

University spokesperson Khurram Shahzad denied that the students took permission to celebrate Holi at the law college lawns. He said, “There would not have been any problem had the celebrations been observed indoors.” The university administration has ordered an inquiry into the matter.

German anti-woke politician Sahra Wagenknecht leaves Left Party, may form her own political party

Wagenknecht screen grab

Although many may be unfamiliar with Sahra Wagenknecht outside of Germany, she often dominates the political discourse within the country. Known as being anti-woke, skeptical of immigration, and opposed to sending weapons to Ukraine, she became increasingly popular with German voters even if at the same time, a sizeable faction of the Left Party’s leadership wanted her gone.

Now, following Wagenknecht’s announcement that she will no longer run for the Left Party (Die Linke) after this legislative period, the party’s leaders have signaled their relief.

“She hasn’t been doing politics for the left for a long time,” said party deputy leader Katina Schubert. She said that Wagenknecht “has been working on her own account for a long time,” and her whole business model is “to agitate against the party, her whole book is based on it.”

Wagenknecht has long set herself against her party, or at least the young urban elite wing of the left. There were already voices calling for her expulsion after she released her book entitled “The Self-Righteous” (“Die Selbstgerechten”), where she delivered sharp criticism against some of her fellow leftists – namely those belonging to what she refers to as the “lifestyle left” – who she insists care only about the politics of identity, gender, climate change and sexual minorities. 

Since then, tensions have only risen due to Wagenknecht’s stance against Germany sending weapons to Ukraine and supporting sanctions that she argued were harming the German economy and its working class. The party’s leadership, for example, denounced her in the Bundestag after she described the Western sanctions against Russia as an “unprecedented economic war.” 

Recently, she co-wrote a “Manifesto for Peace” with author and feminist Alice Schwarzer, which was signed by over 700,000 people, including German academics, politicians, activists and intellectuals. Her corresponding anti-war demonstration was held in Berlin earlier this month.

Wagenknecth’s announcement that she is leaving the Left Party may be only the beginning of the story. Rumors have swirled for some time that Wagenknhecht would form her own party, and she may have a strong incentive to do so. While she may be unpopular with the Left Party’s leadership, she was extremely popular with the rank-and-file members of the Left Party, particularly in the east of Germany. Her popularity left the party leadership unable to take action against her out of fear that it could implode the party.

This fear may have been well justified. According to polling from Kantar, a new party from Wagenknecht could earn up to 19 percent of the vote. As Remix News has previously reported, she often polls as one of the most popular politicians in Germany. The Kantar poll also found that 50 percent of the Left Party’s voters would consider voting for her. However, it is not only the Left Party that’s worried about a Wagenknecht party. The same poll found that 60 percent of Alternative for Germany (AfD) party voters could see themselves voting for Wagenknecht as well.

Not everyone in the Left Party is happy to see Wagenknecht go. Bundestag MP Klaus Ernst, who is an ally of Wagenknecht, expressed his concern on Twitter: “It’s a shame that my party is disappearing into political insignificance. However, the encouragement that Sahra Wagenknecht receives shows us that prosperity, justice and peace are topics that will always be very popular. Or is the party leadership going into decline?”

He cited a poll from WK that showed Wagenknecht’s party would receive 14 percent of the vote and the Left Party only 2 percent, which would be a result low enough to kick the Left Party from the Bundestag. According to this specific poll, AfD does not appear to be particularly harmed by a Wagenknecht party, earning 13 percent of the vote.

Despite Wagenknecht’s popularity, it is far from certain whether she will launch her own party.

On Friday last week, Wagenknecht told Rheinpfalz newspaper that she either wants to withdraw from politics and work as a publicist and author, “or something new will arise politically.” In other words, she may be on the verge of political retirement.

The 53-year-old has been a member of the Bundestag for the Left Party since 2009, and between 2015 and 2019, she was co-chair of her parliamentary group. She currently serves as an MP for North Rhine-Westphalia.

Wagenknecht is also known for her opposition to immigration, writing in her book, “They talk about immigration as a great asset, but at the same time they work hard to ensure that their own children go to schools where they only get to know other cultures through literature or art classes.”

In the same book, she wrote that an individual on the “lifestyle left” regards the “nation-state to be an obsolete model and himself a citizen of the world who has little in common with his own country. “(They) find traditional values ​​such as performance, diligence, and effort uncool.”

The defamation of Michael Knowles, who made a humanist speech about the scourge of transgenderism among America’s youth

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The defamation of Michael Knowles, who made a humanist speech about the scourge of transgenderism among America’s youth

Last week, Michael Knowles appeared at CPAC, where he argued against the leftist-pushed social contagion encouraging our children to deny their biological reality in favor of the so-called “transgender” fantasy. He’d barely finished speaking before the leftist media, led by Rolling Stone and The Daily Beast, accused him of pushing for the “extermination” of people who claim to be “transgender.” Both Rolling Stone and The Daily Beast backed off that position, but their attack makes it more imperative to highlight Knowles’s analysis of what happened, especially because it’s an unusually elegant challenge to transgender madness.

During his CPAC speech, Knowles essentially said that transgenderism is a dangerous, damaging ideology and that we need to rid the public square of the concept. When he spoke of people who claim to be “transgender,” he said only that they’re acting upon a very damaging belief system and that the best thing for them is for the belief, not the people, to be wiped from the public square.….m/blog/2023/03/the_d