Australia’s central bank ditches British monarchy

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For decades, Elizabeth II accompanied Australians in their daily shopping – on the five-dollar banknote. But the popular monarch will be removed, because the central bank of Australia now wants to bring the culture of “First Australians” to paper money.

The Australian central bank no longer wants to depict the British monarchs on its paper money, the state financial institution said on Thursday.

The back of the bill will continue to be the Australian Parliament in Australia’s capital, Canberra. The Social Democratic government under Prime Minister Anthony Albanese (Labour) supported the move. They will consult with representatives of the indigenous peoples of Australia on how to proceed. The culture of the so-called First Australians has already been depicted on the $1 bill, the $10 bill and the current $50 banknote.

Australia’s Greens: ‘It’s time for a republic’

“This is a major victory for the grassroots movement of Indigenous Australians who have fought to decolonize this country,” tweeted Australian House of Lords Senator Lidia Thorpe (Greens). The First Nations will never cede their sovereignty to a king or queen. “It’s time for a republic,” affirmed the Green Party.

Traditionally, the British monarch is honored on various banknotes and coins throughout the Commonwealth. In Great Britain, the new design of the five pound note with the likeness of King Charles III.

Hitler’s Spiritual Descendants – When it comes to race, “Woke” is the new Nazi

On Jan. 30, 1933, Paul von Hindenburg, the beleaguered president of Germany’s Weimar Republic, reluctantly appointed a former corporal to be chancellor of his politically chaotic nation. Ten weeks later, Adolf Hitler and his Nazis began codifying a series of anti-Semitic laws that would culminate in the Holocaust. Yet few realize that the Nazis’ anti-Semitic ideas came primarily from two intellectuals from the 19th century.

Ninety years later, that fact should provide a sober warning for Americans.

Arthur de Gobineau and Houston Stewart Chamberlain were men of “immense erudition, deep culture and wide experience of travel,” wrote William L. Shirer, the former CBS Radio correspondent who authored The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. De Gobineau, a former French diplomat, and Chamberlain, a British philosopher living in Germany, wrote two works that gave racism a respectable, pseudo-scientific facade.

De Gobineau’s An Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races, published between 1853-1855, not only asserted race as the fundamental criterion of civilizational development. The work also argued for the white race’s inherent superiority and cited racial intermarriage as a major cause of civilizational decline.

“The racial question dominates all the other problems of history,” de Gobineau wrote.

“The inequality of races suffices to explain the whole unfolding of the destiny of peoples. History shows that all civilization flows from the white race, that no civilization can exist without the cooperation of this race.”

De Gobineau even used the term “Aryan” to describe what he called “the noblest among the white races.” Though he traced Aryan roots to Central Asia, de Gobineau showed particular fondness for the Germans.

“The Aryan German is a powerful creature,” he wrote. “Everything he thinks, says and does is thus of major importance.”

Predictably, de Gobineau’s views found a home in Germany, where they influenced Chamberlain, who intensified de Gobineau’s views in Foundations of the Nineteenth Century,published in 1899.

“Certain anthropologists would fain teach us that all races are equally gifted,” Chamberlain wrote. “We point to history and answer: that is a lie! The races of mankind are markedly different in the nature and also in the extent of their gifts, and the Germanic races belong to the most highly gifted group, the group usually termed Aryan … Physically and mentally the Aryans are pre-eminent among all peoples; for that reason they are by right … the lords of the world.

Yet unlike de Gobineau, Chamberlain injected toxic anti-Semitism.

“The Jew,” he wrote,

“is the teacher of all intolerance, of all fanaticism in faith, and of all murder for the sake of religion; that he only appealed to toleration where he himself felt oppressed, that he himself, on the other hand, never practiced it nor dared to practice it, for his law forbade it as it forbids it today and will forbid it tomorrow.”

Chamberlain shaded his anti-Semitism with racial victimization. Both elements would define Nazi ideology.

“The Indo-European, moved by ideal motives, opened the gates in friendship,” he wrote. “The Jew rushed in like an enemy, stormed all positions and planted the flag of his, to us, alien nature.”

Hitler reinforced that theme in a speech in 1934:

“We do not have the feeling that we are an inferior race, some worthless pack that can and may be kicked arounds by anyone and everyone. Rather, we have the feeling that we are a great Volk that only once forgot itself, a Volk that, led astray by insane ideals, robbed itself of its own power and has now once more awakened from this insane dream.”

For Chamberlain, as it was for the Nazis, Jewish identity contained implications far beyond biology.

“The term Jew rather denotes a special way of thinking and feeling,” he wrote.

“A man can very soon become a Jew without being an Israelite; often it needs only to have frequent intercourse with Jews, to read Jewish newspapers, to accustom himself to Jewish philosophy, literature and art.

Not only the Jew, but also all that is derived from the Jewish mind corrodes and disintegrates what is best in us.”

Chamberlain’s views defined the Nazis’ approach toward modern art and music, capitalism, socialism and Communism, all allegedly having Jewish roots. They called his work “the gospel of the Nazi movement,” as the party newspaper proclaimed in 1925. Hitler briefly mentioned him in Mein Kampf. Chamberlain wrote to Hitler in 1923 and met him and Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels just before his death four years later.

The Nazis intended every area of German society, especially education, to reflect their anti-Semitic ideology. As C.A. Hoberg, a Nazi educational bureaucrat, wrote:

“National Socialist scholarship must organize itself across all disciplines into a new totality that will inform policy-making on the Jewish Question.”

Today’s educational bureaucrats follow a similar directive.

Compare Hoberg’s statement with this one from Mount Sinai’s Icahn School of Medicine: “There is no priority in medical education that is more important than addressing and eliminating racism and bias.”

Or this assertion from UC Berkeley’s College of Engineering that “excellence in advancing equity and inclusion must be considered on par with excellence in research and teaching.” Or the California Community Colleges’ demand for faculty to create course content that “promotes a race-conscious and intersectional lens” and to evaluate those same faculty, as well as administrators and staff members, based on “competencies” in “diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility.”

Just like the Nazis, the “woke” ideologues who promote “diversity, equity and inclusion” are committed racists. It makes no difference that their racism reflects different ideological roots, neo-Marxist critical race theory, and supposedly benefits and opposes different groups than the Nazis’ variety. By making race the fundamental intellectual and moral criterion — and by systematically segregating anyone outside of their criteria — those “woke” ideologues fit the classical definition of racism.

Compare Chamberlain’s words about Jewish identity as “a special way of thinking and feeling,” along with his sense of racial victimization, with these from the Smithsonian Institution:

“Whiteness and white racialized identity refer to the way that white people, their customs, culture, and beliefs operate as the standard by which all other groups are compared. Whiteness is also at the core of understanding race in America. Whiteness and the normalization of white racial identity throughout America’s history have created a culture where non-white persons are seen as inferior or abnormal.

Whiteness (and its accepted normality) also exist as everyday microaggressions toward people of color. Acts of microaggressions include verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs or insults toward nonwhites. Whether intentional or not, these attitudes communicate hostile, derogatory, or harmful messages.” (Parentheses in original)

Just as the Nazis promoted courses and majors in racial studies and racial hygiene, the “woke” do likewise. Undergraduates at GeorgetownDavidson and Northern Arizona must take courses in “diversity, equity and inclusion.” Bentley University in Massachusetts and Penn’s Wharton School even made the subject its own major.

Just as Nazi academics rejected Einstein as “Jewish physics” and tried to restructure disciplines into their ideology, so do “woke” academics reject the foundations of Western culture as “white supremacy” and try to redefine even the physical sciences in ideological terms.

In September, UC Berkeley reorganized 10 major courses in the departments of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management (ESPM); Integrative Biology, and Nutritional Sciences and Toxicology “to better incorporate inclusive and anti-racist approaches to course design and teaching practices,” a university release stated.

Individual courses cover such subjects as fish, freshwater and wildlife ecology; evolution’s role in ecology and “plant diversity,” and even “climate justice.”

The new requirements reflect the guidelines of a resource called Advancing Inclusion and Anti-Racism in the College Classroom, designed to “orient curricular materials explicitly toward social justice.” Specifically, instructors must “focus curricular materials toward anti-colonialism,” “make curricular materials anti-racist,” and “include Indigenous perspectives.”

Just like the Nazis, the “woke” want their ideology to dominate society. Before its All-Star Game in suburban Miami, the NHL promoted a job fair with this now-deleted tweet: “Participants must be 18 years of age or older, based in the U.S., and identify as female, Black, Asian/Pacific Islander, Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous, LGBTQIA+, and/or a person with a disability. Veterans are also welcome and encouraged to attend.”

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis issued this response:

“Discrimination of any sort is not welcome in the state of Florida, and we do not abide by the woke notion that discrimination should be overlooked if applied in a politically popular manner or against a politically unpopular demographic.”

The NHL capitulated.

But the truly frightening link between “woke” racism and Nazi racism appears in these statements:

“The future of life on the planet depends on bringing the 500-year rampage of the white man to a halt. For five centuries his ever more destructive weaponry has become far too common. His widespread and better systems of exploiting other humans and nature dominate the globe,” wrote Frank Joyce, a white Marxist who contributes to Salon and calls former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson — an African American — a “white supremacist.”

“Whiteness is not humxness. In fact, white skin is sub-human. All phenotypes exist within the black family and white ppl are a genetic defect of blackness,” wrote Yusra Khogali, who founded the Toronto chapter of Black Lives Matter.

“Why do white people have a right to affirm their life? Why does white life have value? Why should I care about your life, anyway? Your life ain’t worth affirming,” said an African-American debate student from the University of West Georgia to a white opponent in a debate at Harvard. The teams were supposed to debate renewable energy but West Georgia’s all-minority team arbitrarily changed the subject to exterminating whites.

“…how we are going to exterminate white people because that, in my estimation, is the only conclusion I have come to. We have to exterminate white people off the face of the planet to solve this problem,” said Kamau Kambon, an African-American professor from North Carolina State.

The Nazis said and did the exact same things with people they viewed as undesirable.

“History’s most savage ideologies have been those that called for the extremely rapid and radical transformation of society,” political scientist Benjamin Valentino wrote. “Such transformations have almost always come about at great cost in human life.”

The evidence is clear. Although they brag about being “inclusive,” “anti-racist” and “anti-fascist,” today’s “woke” promoters of “diversity, equity and inclusion” are the Nazis’ true moral and spiritual descendants.

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After EU legalized insect proteins in food, Hungary introduces strict labeling so consumers know they’re eating bugs

The Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture is amending the food labeling regulation to ensure that products containing insect proteins are clearly distinguishable and separable on the shelves of stores, in order to provide accurate information to consumers.

Minister of Agriculture István Nagy announced the new labeling guidelines on Wednesday, where he pointed out that traditional dietary habits could be at risk.

He noted that Brussels is allowing more and more insect species to be sold as food. The European Commission’s decision means that with house crickets, there are now four species of insect that can be sold commercially as food and food ingredients in the European Union. István Nagy pointed out that Hungary was the only member state to not support the EU decision, as there is no need to fear either food or protein shortages in the EU.

Separate marking, separate shelves

The minister also said the Ministry of Agriculture is amending the food labeling regulation to provide consumers with authentic and accurate information. This will allow products containing insect proteins to be clearly distinguished and separated on the shelves of shops. Under the tightening, the ingredients will have to be clearly indicated on the packaging. These products will then have to be displayed on separate shelves in shops.

István Nagy stressed that public opinion polls also show that “Hungarian people do not want to eat insects.”

According to a survey by the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih), less than 5 percent of consumers would like to eat food made from insects, and more than 70 percent are strongly against it.

“Thanks to the diligence and perseverance of Hungarian farmers, Hungary has plenty of high-quality raw materials, fresh, healthy and good quality food, and therefore we do not need to eat rubbish,” said István Nagy. “It is important that we preserve our gastronomic traditions and do not allow our eating habits to be changed,” the minister added.

Christian mother sues 4-year-old son’s school for refusing to excuse child from LGBT march despite her religious beliefs

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A devout Christian mother in the U.K. is suing her son’s school for compelling her 4-year-old child to participate in an LGBT pride parade without her consent.

The case, which is the first of its kind, relates to an event in June 2018 at the Heavers Farm Primary School in South Norwood, southeast London. The school’s headmaster reportedly told the child’s mother, Izzy Montague, her son could not opt out of the pride march despite her staunch Christian beliefs.

The mother is seeking legal action against the school on the grounds of direct and indirect discrimination, victimization, and breach of statutory duty under the Education Act 1996 and the Human Rights Act 1998.

On Wednesday, the Central London County Court heard how the school sent a letter to all parents before the event detailing how the LGBT march intended to “celebrate the differences” of the school’s pupils “that make them and their family special.”

However, when Mrs. Montague replied to the letter asking for permission to excuse her son from attending school on the day in question over fears he would be “involved in a public display of adherence to views which she did not accept,” the school refused.

The presiding judge described Mrs. Montague and her husband as “devout born-again Christians, and they bear a belief that sexual relations should be abstained from or take place within a life-long marriage between a man and a woman and any activity outside those confines is sinful.”

The judge stated it was the complainant’s belief that homosexuality is “considered to be the most serious of the deadly sins.”

During the court hearing, Mrs. Montague expressed her concerns not only about the pride march, but also about the educational content being shown to her 4-year-old son during lessons. In one book the children had been reading, there had been references to a same-sex family.

When questioned by the school’s lawyer on the content of the letter detailing the pride event, the mother said she felt it was an attempt “to indoctrinate it onto us by passing it off that it was part of law or part of British values, or it was part of the national curriculum; it was trying to sell something no one wanted to buy.”

“It felt like it was lecturing me about something to do with British values and somehow we weren’t adhering to British values,” she added.

She told the court she acknowledged the importance of promoting diversity and equality, but believes this can be done without infringing on individuals’ religious beliefs. She dismissed the notion that the letter was sent out during pride month, insisting, “A month that celebrates sexual lifestyles is a problem in any month.”

Mrs. Montague is being supported during the hearing by the Christian Legal Center.

The scheduled eight-day hearing continues.

Murder of Sihem: Islamic milieu in France adds a veil to photos in honour of the girl to “preserve her modesty” (awra)

Translation: A young Maghrebian woman, #Sihem, was murdered by a serial killer.
The concern of the Islamosphere? The demand for the removal of photos in which she is not veiled in order to “preserve” her chastity (awra). A murder victim also continues to be persecuted. All is well.
Translation: Even in horrible death, they put the veil on you by force. Poor #Sihem…