Canadian Pastor Gets Violently Removed From A Children’s Drag Queen Story Hour (VIDEO) https://t.co/OdY6rIxLAW
— The Gateway Pundit (@gatewaypundit) February 28, 2023
By Jack Hellner
Leftists are pushing an agenda to destroy industries that produce reasonably priced energy by claiming those industries cause an existential threat of warming, that is causing extreme changes to the climate, that is threatening our survival.
Record cold temperatures, along with record snow and rain are obviously causing skepticism, so the pushers of the theory decided it was necessary to put out a piece of pure propaganda: that record cold temperatures occur because the earth is warming. I call B.S. From David Knowles in an article published yesterday:
California has been hit with an especially cold and wet winter, in which low temperature records have been set and the Sierra snowpack is poised to eclipse its all-time high.
People claim they can control and predict temperatures 100 years out, yet they somehow failed to predict this wet and cold winter. Their dire predictions in the past have been completely wrong; why should we now enact tyrannical policies based on future predictions?
If everything that we have been told caused warming actually caused warming, we would not see record cold and snow. We would not have had a 35-year cooling period between 1940-1975.
Temperatures have always fluctuated and always will. California had extreme droughts over 1,000 years ago, and it was these droughts, not humans and crude oil production, that created the state’s expansive desert landscape we see today.
It is no wonder people, including journalists, want to dumb down children so they don’t ask questions and do their own research. The left doesn’t mind that American children can’t read or do math at grade level — unthinking masses capitulate to government control. Also from Knowles:
But the whiplash from one extreme to another is consistent with climate change, experts say. Since the start of the Industrial Revolution, California’s average temperatures have risen between 2-4 degrees Fahrenheit, and the dramatic variability seen in recent years is a consequence of that fact.
Here is an article that people most likely won’t see. A former Reuters reporter, who was a bonafide climate cultist, now sees the truth. Reported on over at NewsBusters with the headline, “Former Reuters Reporter: I Was Wrong to Blame CO2 for Rising Temperatures” the text read:
My Reuters credentials meant that I had easy access to the world’s finest climate scientists. To my amazement, none of these would say categorically that the link between CO2 and global warming, now known as climate change, was a proven scientific fact. Some said human production of CO2 was a probable cause, others that it might make some contribution; some said CO2 had no role at all. Everybody agreed that the climate had warmed over the last 10,000 years as the ice age retreated, but most weren’t really sure why. The sun’s radiation, which changes over time, was a favoured [sic] culprit.
Maybe someday an enterprising reporter will also admit that there is also no correlation between oil, coal, natural gas, methane, and all the other things we are told cause warming and temperatures, sea levels, and storm activity. When there is no correlation there can be no causation. That is actual science.
Many of the same people who seek to control us by destroying affordable and reliable energy are the same ones who set out to destroy us with COVID edicts.
When Trump and others said we should consider the lab-leak theory, the media, bureaucrats, and others sought to silence them by saying that was a disproven conspiracy. They had to shut that down because Dr Fauci, the National Institute of Health and others would be implicated.
We were told that all the government edicts were based on science — but that was a lie.
There was never any scientific data that said masks, Plexiglass, or six-foot social distancing would block the disease. There was no scientific data that supported closing schools and businesses. They downplayed the true science of natural immunity, which as it turns out, is far superior to the “vaccine.” The destruction of America, due to government edicts based on lies, is immeasurable.
People who so willingly lied continuously about COVID, and who can’t define the difference between men and women, would seemingly have no qualms lying about climate change in order to push their radical agenda: to remake, or destroy America. Every solution for them is a bigger and more powerful government, with less freedom and prosperity for the people.
Saying that humans and natural resources cause warming or climate change is the biggest fraud ever. It greatly harms the poor and middle classes, but it makes perpetrators of the theory, like Al Gore, extremely rich.
People should stop pretending that Democrats are the party of science. Science has nothing to do with their policies. All they want is power.
It is difficult to convict someone in his absence, especially on charges as serious as sexual assault of minors. However, 53-year-old Abdoulaye D. did not feel the need to appear before the criminal court in Senlis on Monday. The courage to do so could only be found on the other side of the witness stand, where one of his young victims was standing.
She is now a young adult, but when she appeared with her mother at the police station in Creil (Oise) on April 25, 2012, it was a 10-year-old child who filed a complaint because she and three of her friends had suffered for several weeks. The man, who called himself “Uncle Abdoulaye” and lived in the former Adoma home on Avenue Saint-Exupéry in Nogent-sur-Oise, which has since been demolished, attracted little girls with the guinea pig he owned.
However, as soon as he was in the room, the door of which Abdoulaye locked, the animal lover turned into a monster who took turns sexually molesting the four children, some of whom were raped, which eventually led to a conviction.
(…) To neighbours who were surprised that children aged 9 to 11 regularly came to see him, Abdoulaye D. replied that he was teaching them the Koran.
(…) Even more worrying, his criminal record already includes two convictions for sexual assault and the deputy prosecutor reports “that a case is underway at Creil police headquarters in which Abdoulaye D. is suspected of raping a 14-year-old girl.” (…) Le Parisien
Approximately 500 local residents in the German city of Greifswald attended a demonstration on Monday evening against the district council’s decision to spend €9 million on the construction of a container village to accommodate asylum seekers.
A large police presence was deployed at the site of the planned accommodation where a meeting among local authorities was taking place. A counter-demonstration by 50 pro-refugee activists caused tensions to rise, and verbal altercations between the two groups were reported, as was an allegation of one counter-protester being physically assaulted.
German newspaper Die Welt also reported that Stefan Fassbinder, the Griefswald mayor who had been in attendance, was also the target of abuse by one protester. According to the Anklam Police Inspectorate, police intervened to stop an attempted assault on the German Green politician “by using a baton against a single person.”
At the meeting, Fassbinder reportedly called for more time to discuss how to move forward with the housing plans. “The schedule was originally different,” said Fassbinder, but the district council apparently put pressure on local officials to ensure the city is complying with federal refugee distribution quotas.
Some council members voted against the plans, objecting in particular to the location of the planned accommodation, which is in the immediate vicinity of a school. “We don’t want the accommodation at this location,” said Chairman Uwe Liedtke (CDU).
Nonetheless, the district council voted through the proposal by 25 votes to 19. A total of 10 council members abstained.
District Administrator Michael Sack said the council had no choice but to approve the plans, saying, “We’re running out of time because we’re constantly being assigned new refugees.”
Protests against local government decisions to import significant numbers of new arrivals into areas where public services are already struggling to cope are becoming commonplace across Germany and fellow northern Europe countries.
Remix News reported on a similar protest in the German town of Upahl last month where 700 people gathered in front of the local administration building to protest against the construction of a container village for 400 asylum seekers. The town itself currently has just 1,662 inhabitants.
Protests were also reported in France where local government officials plan to build a new reception center for asylum seekers in the small town of Beyssenac to house 40 migrants where an old inn had operated.
Meanwhile, widespread demonstrations are taking place in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, whose asylum systems have been completely overwhelmed by a large influx of new arrivals.
Protests escalated in the Merseyside borough of Knowsley earlier this month where demonstrators clashed with police resulting in 15 arrests. Concerned parents had been objecting to the continued exclusive use of a nearby hotel for asylum seekers after video footage went viral of one of the hotel’s residents propositioning a schoolgirl.
A sex education syllabus launched by a school on the Isle of Man in September has been suspended after parents complained their 11-year-old children were being taught about anal sex, and a drag queen guest speaker told pupils there are 73 genders.
The Isle of Man government has ordered an independent review after a petition was launched by parents concerned about the “graphic, disproportionate, and indecent presentation” of sexual acts being shown to their children at the Queen Elizabeth II High School on the island.
The petition expressed the parents’ anger at the “complete failure of safeguards, training, curriculum assessment and consideration of the Isle of Man education policy in respect of the delivery of PSHE (personal, social, health and economic education)” at the school.
“What we find wholly unacceptable and consider unsafe and placing children at risk of harm is the graphic, disproportionate, indecent presentation of sexual acts, materials and different gender identities (including graphic detail of transgender operations) within Key Stage 3,” it added.
Parents were shocked to learn their children were being taught how to masturbate, how to engage in oral and anal sex, and were learning in detail about sex-change operations including how skin grafts can be used to create an artificial penis.
Another group of children was subjected to a talk by a drag queen who claimed there are 73 genders, and when one child responded to say there are “only two,” they were told to leave the classroom. The parents told local authorities that having a drag queen in class was “wholly inappropriate.”
Charlotte Clarke, the school’s head teacher, confirmed an independent review of the curriculum will now take place “given the concerns being raised, and in order to be open and transparent.”
“As such, I am happy to take part in the independent review which is being deployed by the Department of Education, Sport and Culture and would encourage our community to avoid speculation at this time,” she added.
“Schools must make sure all content they use is factual and age-appropriate, and engage with parents so they are aware of what their children are being taught,” said a Department for Education spokesperson.
“We will write to all schools this term to emphasize the rights of parents to see teaching materials being taught to their children in schools.”
In a horrific incident, teenage boys at Camp al-Hawl in northeast Syria were forced to have intercourse with dozens of ISIS women held in Syrian detention camps. The women forced young boys to forcefully impregnate them to enhance the Islamic population.
The incident came to the fore when two young boys named Ahmet, 13, and Hamid, 14, approached the guards at the camp and said, “We are being forced to have sex with the ISIS women, to impregnate them. Can you get us out of here?”
After ISIS was defeated in 2019, the Syrian government detained roughly 8,000 women and children who were associated with the terrorist organization. Adult male ISIS terrorists are however housed in separate camps.
While some of these women no longer want anything to do with ISIS, others remain steadfast in their violent devotion to the Islamic state, insisting on upholding ISIS’s misinterpretation of Islamic law. Some of these ardent supporters of ISIS have objected to their children’s voluntary return, which is permitted by their countries of origin.
Ahmet and Hamid disclosed to the personnel of the recently established Orkesh rehab facility that they had been the victims of sexual exploitation by several ISIS women. One of the boys was made to have intercourse with eight ISIS women in a matter of days, according to center workers.
According to officials, the ISIS women allegedly informed the teenagers that they wanted to get pregnant in order to boost the population of the Islamic State. Some of the boys were only found and saved after the SDF entered the camp and discovered them buried by the women in underground tunnels.
The Daily Beast reports mention that the victim boys were given viagra like drugs to boost their energy levels to execute the task. One of them even collapsed and had to be hospitalized. There were numerous pregnancies in the camps, according to SDF intelligence who monitored the camps, however, no one is sure about the precise number.
Some ISIS women in Camp al Hawl conceal this practice by giving birth without the assistance of the camp’s authorized medical staff but with the help of other inmates who work as physicians and nurses.
Security personnel confirmed that teenage boys in Camp al-Roj, located in the same northeastern region of Syria, had experienced a similar form of exploitation. Several mothers at the Roj camp pleaded with the camp officials to send their kids to treatment facilities so they could keep them away from these ladies.
The UN meanwhile, criticized SDF and Autonomous Administration of North East Syria (AANES) for their action saying, “We are extremely concerned that serious harm may befall these boys and fear they may be forcibly disappeared and subject to sale, exploitation and abuse, torture, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment.”
The boys were, according to the camp director, always formally transferred from camp authority to the AANES’s judicial and reforming authorities. The director stated that they will thereafter be sent to the rehabilitation facility and declared that “the boys are definitely not for sale.”
Adam Graham, who claims to be a transgender woman named Isla Bryson, has been sentenced to eight years in prison by the High Court in Edinburg on Tuesday after being found guilty of raping two women.
The 31-year-old rapist — who was widley credited with taking down the local government of far-left Nicola Sturgeon in Scotland after she was unable to say whether Graham was a woman or not — was convicted in January of raping two women in 2016 and 2019, while still identifying as a man.
Shortly after being put on trial, Graham would go on to claim to be a transgender woman named Isla Bryson, and was therefore innitially afforded the privilege of staying in a female-only prison. After widespread public backlash over concern for the saftey of women prisoners, the Scottish government reversed its decision and moved Graham to a male prison.
Sentencing Graham (Bryson) on Tuesday, Judge Lord Scott told the defendent: “You are not yet ready at this stage of accepting what you did or the serious harm you have inflicted on vulnerable women.”
“You raped two women who could both be regarded as vulnerable,” the judge said according to the Daily Record, noting that Graham had “preyed on these women because of their vulnerabilities and raped them in their own homes”.
The judge said that he would placing the rapist on a sex offenders register “indefinitely” because of the “high risk” of sexual reoffending and the “significant risk to any woman with whom” the rapist formed a relationship with.
In addition to the eight year prison sentence, Judge Scott also sentenced the supposedly transgender convict to three years supervision on liscence following release from prison.
The court heard during the trial that the first victim was preyed upon when Graham stayed at her mother’s house in 2016 after going through a divorce.
Providing evidence in a pre-recorded video to the court, the victim, 30, said that she was raped for a half an hour, saying: “All I said was ‘no’ over and over and over again,” and adding: “At the time I was so scared. Sick to the stomach. I just didn’t know what was going on.”
The other victim, who testified via video-link, said: “I said to stop but he (Graham) just kept on going, and that’s when I just closed my eyes and I am doing what he wanted to do.” The court went on to hear that the victim was penetrated by “her (Graham’s) penis”.
During the trial, Graham (Bryson) said that both women had consented to having sex, and claimed that they had “colluded” to contrive the charges, however, provided no evidence to this effect.
Although no legal gender recognition certificate was provided, the rapist claimed to have started identifying as transgender at the age of four and later made the decision to transition to a woman at the age of 29, shortly after charges were levied. The court did hear, however, that the convicted sex offender has since begun taking hormones and will seek a sex-change surgery.
Earlier this month, the Scottish Prison Service (SPS) went on to follow the lead of the UK government in Westminster, in removing the Sturgeon-era policy of allowing prisoners to “self-identify” with the gender of their preference.
The issue of prisoners self-identifying as females has continued to be a central issue in the leadership race to replace Nicola Sturgeon as first minister, with finance minister Kate Hobbes, a leading contender, coming under critism from the left in her own party for openly declaring that Graham is not a woman. Though he has supported the self-identification policy, her chief opponent, Humza Yousaf, has also expressed doubt that the convict is actually a “true trans woman”.
After two Moroccan migrants and an Algerian migrant became involved in an argument with a Ukrainian woman inside an asylum center in the southwest German town of Bensheim, they began to beat the woman, with one of them hitting her in the head with an iron bar.
At that point, a large confrontation involving 50 residents of the asylum center ensued, which resulted in them throwing stones and other objects. Private security called police to the scene after being overwhelmed by the violence.
The Moroccan attackers, aged 16 and 23, and an Algerian aged 16 were reportedly arrested by police, along with other suspects. One of the attackers was injured during the ensuing brawl and transported to the hospital. The 44-year-old female Ukrainian victim, who had only recently arrived at the center, also received medical treatment, according to Bild newspaper.
The Bensheim emergency shelter was erected just a year ago to house up to 1,000 Ukrainians. Currently, about 750 people live at the shelter, but the majority of them come from Afghanistan, Somalia and Syria.
Green Party politician Matthias Schimpf, a member of the district council, criticized the accommodation conditions, saying the “long period of time spent in the accommodation” and the “lack of information regarding transfer to another, smaller accommodation” has sparked frustration among residents.
The district administrator of the county, Christian Engelhardt, who belongs to the Christian Democrats (CDU), laid the blame on Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD).
“The situation is getting worse and worse,” he said, adding that there is a lack of “spatial and personnel” resources. Engelhardt said he hopes “these facts will finally be noticed in Berlin.”
As Remix News previously reported, the country’s ongoing migration crisis has left cities and municipalities overwhelmed and led to a sharp increase in rental and housing prices.
Asylum centers in Germany routinely experience conflicts that result in severe injuries. Just last month, the “green” university city of Freiburg saw multiple mass riots break out at an asylum center, which often involved dozens of men attacking each other with knives, sticks and iron bars.