Month: December 2022
India: A Muslim ‘Pir’ pressurises Hindu family for conversion, complaint filed against three for beating up victims for resisting

A Dalit family in Uttar Pradesh’s Balrampur district has accused a Pir of beating them up and forcing them to convert to Islam. The victim’s family has now filed a complaint in the court demanding action against the accused Pir. Apart from the Pir named Chhangur, a woman who converted from Neetu to Nasreen and another person who converted from Naveen to Jamaluddin, have also been charged in the complaint.
A Vishwa Hindu Parishad spokesperson has also called upon the police to intervene in the matter. At the same time, the police are waiting for the court’s direction. The victim’s family filed an application in court on December 12, stating that the incident took place on December 4, 2022.
This case is from the Kotwali Utraula area. The victim has filed a complaint in the court stating that he used to work as a labourer at the rate of Rs 12,000 per month in a hospital being built in Madhupur in the Utraula area. The hospital is being built by Nasreen, who lives with Pir Chhangur, and her husband Naveen.
The victim said in the complaint that on December 4, 2022, when he went to ask for his wages, the Pir started avoiding him. Meanwhile, Pir Chhangur asked the victim’s wife to convert to Islam in exchange for wages. When they did not convert, they were beaten up.
The complaint further states that the victims refused to obey Pir Chhangur’s words. Nasreen, Jamaluddin, and Chhangur Pir hurled abuses at the victims in anger when they were asked to pay the victims. The three accused also threatened to kill the victim couple. It is alleged that during this time Chhangur, Jamaluddin and Nasreen brutally beat up the victims, husband and wife, and also snatched Rs 2,000 from them.
The victim Dalit family has also accused the local police of not acting on their complaint. They approached the court on December 12, 2022. Vishwa Hindu Parishad national spokesperson Vinod Bansal tweeted, “Urging the Uttar Pradesh Police to take cognizance of the matter and take strict action.”
In response to this demand, on December 22, 2022, Balrampur police informed that the court’s order is awaited.
Nasreen converted to Islam with her husband and daughter in 2015
According to the information collected by OpIndia, the woman accused in this case, Neetu, converted to Islam in 2015. Along with Neetu, her husband Naveen also converted to Islam and became Jamaluddin. One of their minor daughters also converted to Islam with them. Neetu and Naveen lived in Mumbai with their daughter. All of them have settled in Utraula in Balrampur along with Pir Chhangur.
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India: Halal food takes the life of nine-year-old girl

Did Halal food claim another young life in Kerala? A nine-year-old girl undergoing treatment for severe vomiting following food poisoning died in Kozhikode NIT this Tuesday.
On the 17th, the child and her parents ate ‘Mandi’ from a fast food shop in Kattangal, inside the NIT Campus. The deceased was Khyati Singh, daughter of Jain Singh, a native of Telangana. Singh is an employee of the prestigious National Institute of Technology (NIT) at Kunnamangalam, Kozhikode.
Mandi is an Arabic dish prepared using meat, like lamb, chicken, or beef. It is a rice dish that differs from biryani in how it’s cooked and served. The meat is cooked separately and then piled on top of the rice before it’s served. The Arabs do not use spices, masala, or oil, but their Kerala imposters do.
The young victim started vomiting after consuming the food, and her parents took her to a private hospital in Mukkam. Her condition worsened, and they rushed her to another private hospital in Kozhikode. Doctors informed Jain that there were signs that the poison had affected the child’s internal organs.
Singh and his family arrived in Kozhikode just four months ago. Since they were not allocated official quarters, Singh and his family stayed in a rented house.
Following complaints from the parents, Kerala police registered a case of unnatural death. The distraught parents alleged that the food consumed by the child was contaminated.
Upon suspicion of food poisoning in Khyati’s death, Chuloor Family Health Center officials in Kattangal examined the region. Several shops and establishments that did not have adequate sanitation systems were closed down. Some hotel backyards were found to be mosquito breeding grounds, and plastic waste was strewn all around.
The inspection was conducted at hotels, bakeries, chicken stalls, fish markets, and labor quarters. Chuloor Health Inspector Siju K Nair, Junior Health Inspectors Sudhir Raj O, Abdul Rasheed E, and Femi Mol O led the inspection. Kunnamangalam Sub-Inspector A Ashraf assisted them, ASI Abdullah M. Officials collected fines from a few erring shopowners, and that was it.
An inquest was conducted on the body on Wednesday. While Khyati’s relatives blamed the food she ate from a fast food shop for the death, the Kunnamangalam police claimed she died of liver and kidney failure.
“Doctors who examined the body said the girl had symptoms of viral hepatitis, and her liver and kidney were damaged. She also had pneumonia. Any medicine she was having could have caused the death or due to the intake of any poisonous substance. However, the symptoms show long-term liver disease,” said Kunnamangalam SHO Ashraf A.
Justification came swiftly, but many locals were not impressed. An independent inquiry might unravel the truth, but it is impossible in ‘secular’ Kerala. A particular community owns most shops and establishments inside the Kozhikode NIT campus. Suspiciously, details about the erring eatery remain unknown.
In mid-November, HinduPost reported that around 1,500 dead chickens were found stored in the MKB Market owned by CP Rasheed near Eranhikkal in the Kozhikode district. Tools used for shawarma mixing and machines to slaughter and skin chickens were also found. Mandi is made using the same meat.
A mafia is importing sick chickens (called Tsunami chicken) from farms in other states into Kerala. The financial intelligence department had informed that a group evading taxes was behind this smuggling.
Dead chickens crossing the border are collected by wholesalers at half price. Such rotten meat is in high demand in wholesale centers as it can be sold at a lower price than the market price. Profits soar since they do not pay taxes.
Hotels and bakeries mainly buy contaminated meat from them. Dead chickens are primarily brought to the district from Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. No one notices as the goods are delivered in lorries early in the morning.
Such establishments then supply shawarma meat to many restaurants in north Kerala. By the following day, Keralite Hindus forgot the incident and queued to buy flesh from the same Halal meat shops. They deny the connection between the Halal economy, political Islam, and its consequences. The food industry is no longer in Hindu hands in so-called secular Kerala, and now hygiene and health are at stake.
In May, consuming contaminated meat shawarma led to the death of a 16-year-old Devananda in Kasargod, Kerala, and 52 were hospitalized. Those affected had stale meat from Ideal Coolbar at the Cheruvathoor bus stand. Eight victims are in intensive care units, and the condition of another young girl was severe. Doctors said that she was suffering from cardiac seizures.
Chandera police arrested Anas, a managing partner of Ideal Coolbar at Cheruvathoor bus stand, and a migrant cook named Sandesh Roy from Nepal. Another owner was in a gulf country. Such eateries have a history of selling old meat. Authorities did not initiate any strict action.
Thousands of eateries across the state are unlicensed or unregistered, and each stocks hundreds of kilograms of unclean meat. Restaurants like KC Halal restaurant in Kannur found storing food materials inside the toilets were let off with mere ‘fines.’
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Women Don’t Want Abortions

By Brian Garrison
Women don’t want abortions. Why would a woman get pregnant knowing she might end up having an abortion? Certainly, some women get pregnant knowing there’s a chance they might have an abortion. But abortion advocates would have us believe that women routinely choose — freely and without reservations — to have an abortion when, in fact, most abortions are coerced.
No one should be exploited or abused, including pregnant women. Abortion advocates, who claim to be “pro-choice,” proclaim that abortion is liberating and is a sacred right that must not be questioned or challenged. Yet in most instances, it’s the child’s father who chooses abortion. Coercion is cruel. Abortion is a cruel. Abortion promoters are waging a war on women. Pro-lifers should recognize that abortion is anti-woman and change their rhetoric and emphasize the sadistic nature of the war on women by focusing on helping helpless women who are forced to abort. By saving women unborn children will be saved as well. We must convey our empathy for new mothers and our disdain for murderous fathers.
Pro-life advocates and adoption agencies should consider increasing their advertising budgets. Agencies should by solicit and collect public and private donations earmarked for adoption advertising. Because birth fathers frequently make the decision to abort and persuade their partners to abort, advertising should be directed toward both men and women.
Switzerland declares a freeze on admission for ‘refugees’

More and more countries are readjusting their asylum and immigration policies under the current onslaught of asylum seekers. Switzerland is now also pulling the emergency brake and does not want to take in any more “refugees”. A “temporary freeze on admissions”, it is said from Bern, is necessary because capacities are exhausted.
Specifically, this means that Switzerland is suspending its participation in the United Nations refugee program. After the arrival of thousands of refugees from Ukraine, the reception capacities are currently exhausted, said the spokesman for the State Secretariat for Migration, Lukas Rieder. The Swiss are now showing the stop sign to migrants from other countries. This also affects “refugees who are particularly in need of protection” selected by the UN.
“The program is not in question, only the recordings are temporarily suspended,” it said. There is “high pressure” on the Swiss asylum system, especially with regard to the number of accommodations and staff.
The Swiss admission numbers are quite manageable – the Confederates (8,7 million inhabitants) wanted to take in a total of 1820 refugees in need of protection by 2023. By mid-December, 641 people had been accommodated as part of the program, and another 400 would be admitted by March 2023, according to Bern. Everyone else would have to wait for now.
Since the beginning of the year, a total of 100 000 migrants have applied for asylum in Switzerland, including 70 000 war refugees from Ukraine.