A leaked document shows the EU seeking to clear Jews from Judea and Samaria

By Andrea Widburg

Europe has always dreamed of being Judenrein (Jew-free). Even as countries that the Nazis occupied bemoaned their fate, most cooperated with the mandate to turn over their Jews, some more enthusiastically than others (Ukraine, I’m looking at you). The impulse lives on, whether it’s the way in which Europe has spent decades inviting in Arabs who hate the Jews every bit as much as the Nazis did or the way it has undermined Israel at every turn. Regarding the latter effort, a leaked EU document shows that the EU has a secret plan to turn the Jewish sections of Judea and Samaria over to the “Palestinians.”

I should explain why I put the word “Palestinians” in quotation marks. It’s because they are an invented people, a product of Yassir Arafat’s manufactured history for the region. The scant number of Arabs who populated the swampy, fever-ridden land that marked the Biblical nations of Israel and Judah–land that had been a continuous home to the Jews for almost 4,000 years–was a mix of Tunisians, Algerians, and random Arabs who drifted there beginning in the early 1800s when the land was a colony of the Ottoman Empire.

It was the Romans who imposed the name “Palestine” on the Jewish land they controlled as a colony. They did so as an insult, to remind the Jews under their rule of the hated Philistines. There has never been a Palestinian nation. It is a name that reflects only colonial rule, whether Roman, Ottoman, or British.

Ironically, when western and eastern European Jews began to pour into the land at the end of the 19th century, the Arabs were delighted to have them. Unlike the Ottoman Turks, who shamefully neglected the fringes of their dying empire, the Jews made positive changes: They brought modern medicine and farming techniques, as well as ideas about universal education, all of which uplifted a grateful Arab population. You can read how that changed here.

The reason behind the modern Zionist impulse that called for Jews to return to the land in which they are the last surviving indigenous people was the fact that Europe was decidedly inhospitable. Every country across Europe had, at one time or another, brutally mistreated its Jews. At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, the western part of Europe wasn’t killing Jews but was treating them as disfavored citizens, while the eastern part of Europe was committing bloody pogroms against them.

Under Hitler, the western European disfavor and the eastern European pogroms melded into the Holocaust. The shame of Europe is that, despite the citizens’ hatred for the Nazi occupation, many of them participated in the Holocaust by doing nothing to save the Jews. (Of course, individuals who are honored as Righteous Gentiles often did extraordinary things to protect their Jews, but the nations in which these admirable people lived…not so much.) Others were not just passive, they were happy to oblige when the Nazis demanded that they hand over their Jewish citizens.

In the years since then, Europe has been increasingly hostile to Israel. As someone once said, the Europeans have never forgiven the Jews for Auschwitz.

During the Cold War, Israel was a strategic ally against the Soviet Union. With the Cold War over, Europeans are freed from that obligation. And that’s how we end up with news about the EU’s secret plan to do away with a Jewish presence in Judea and Samaria, the heart of the ancient Jewish kingdom:

Judea and Samaria, also referred to in the media as the West Bank, was split into three “Areas” under the Oslo Accords of 1993. The Area A is to be exclusively administered by the Palestinian Authority (PA), the Area B jointly by the PA and Israel, and the Area C by Israel. The Area C is home to some 400,000 Israelis.

Citing the leaked EU document, the news agency Jewish News Syndicate noted that ” Brussels is actively working with and on behalf of the Palestinian Authority to take over Area C of Judea and Samaria, with the overall objective of integrating the region with Areas A and B.”

The EU also wants to undermine the historic Jewish claim to the biblical land. “The six-page document calls for mapping the territory in order to prove Palestinian rights to the land and monitoring Israeli archaeological activity, as ancient Jewish ties reinforce Israeli claims,” the JNS noted. (Read excerpts of the EU document summed up by the JNS here.)

This plan, if put into effect, would end a Jewish presence in Judea and Samaria, given that the “Palestinians” are open about their plan to rid Israel of Jews and have, in fact, cleared Jews (and most Christians) from those regions over which they have control.

Sunlight is the best disinfectant, and it’s to be hoped that news of this disgraceful plan puts a stop to it. Unfortunately, the Biden administration, like the Obama administration before it, is disgracefully hostile to Israel, even though it is the only liberal democracy in the entire region, one that gives full civil rights to all citizens, whether Arab, Christian or Jew; gay or straight; male or female. It’s not likely, therefore, that the Biden administration will do anything to stop the EU from acting against Israel in this way.


Brazil: Indios Storm Supreme Court to Demand Chief’s Release, Left Prepares Crackdown

World Cup in Qatar: Moroccan International Player Accused of Glorifying Salafism

Is Zakaria Aboukhlal a Salafist? This is what the Moroccan Arabic-language online medium Achkayen claimed in an article published on Friday December 23, reports La Dépêche. The digital medium published a long article entitled “Aboukhlal, a Salafist in the national team”, in which it explicitly accused the Moroccan international and player of the French first division Toulouse Football Club (TFC) of glorifying Salafism, an extremely radical movement of Islam that has largely inspired terrorist groups such as Al-Qaeda or the Islamic State.

Zakaria Aboukhlal, who played for the Moroccan team at the World Cup in Qatar and made it to the semi-finals, is specifically accused in the article of “propagating Salafism within the Moroccan national team and trying to win players to his cause”, as well as appearing in videos alongside European Salafist imams and another Moroccan player to convince non-Muslims to convert to Islam.

These accusations did not stop the Moroccan federation and the player’s Toulouse club from defending him. The Royal Moroccan Football Federation released a statement on Sunday December 25 in which it “categorically” rejected the allegations against its player. It stated “that it will exhaust all legal remedies to protect the members of the national team from all false accusations concerning their personal lives or their conduct in the performance of national duty”.

The club condemns the accusations made by this side, which are false, unfounded and derogatory (…) and reserves the right to exhaust all legal remedies to defend the image and integrity of Zakaria,” wrote the Toulouse club.


37 Die in Weekend Freeze – More than All of the Global Warming Deaths This Year Combined

Hungary: EU’s 22 billion euros are on hold


When it comes to corruption, the EU has enough on its plate, but instead it prefers to deal with the subject in Hungary. Brussels has now imposed 27 conditions on Viktor Orban’s government so that 22 billion euros can flow from the cohesion fund. Until then, the money will be withheld.

The EU has shown no mercy with Hungary in the dispute over alleged violations of the rule of law. With the withholding of 22 billion euros from the cohesion fund, the hated head of state Viktor Orban is the target. The European Union stated that the government in Budapest must meet 27 conditions.

It is concerned with the institutional and legal framework, which can only “be carried out in accordance with the rules and values ​​of the EU”, as the responsible EU Commissioner Elisa Ferreira explained, all too happy to deal with the issue of corruption… not in Brussels.

For Hungary, this is tantamount to blackmail, because it urgently needs EU money for its economy and inflation already at 26 percent.

“It is time to drain the swamp here in Brussels,” Prime Minister Orban stated in a recent video message posted on his Facebook account.


The drag queens’ dirty little secret: Their lack of talent is intentional

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by Andrea Widburg

Thanks to Libs of Tik Tok, we can all get glimpses of what passes for entertainment in the world of drag queens: strutting, writhing, and coyly obscene chit-chat as they crudely mock actual women. None of the performers whom Libs of TikTok highlights as they make exhibitionistic displays at schools, libraries, or “family friendly” events has any discernable talent—and that’s actually important. A significant part of leftism is to destroy aspirational beauty and is about getting us used to the brutalist ugliness of the world here and now.

The Judeo-Christian religions are aspirational. They urge us to a higher level of conduct because we have embraced a Being greater than ourselves, one who sees inside our souls and judges us for who we truly are. In that divine court, you put your best foot forward. This is why they so often achieve great things.

Whenever you walk into a pre-modern church or stare at a pre-modern painting depicting a religious subject, you are seeing the artists and craftsmen putting their best efforts into creating something of beauty. They are celebrating the uplifting of their soul and attempting to put into tangible form the glory of the divine. Even during the squalor of the medieval era (filthy, violent, and filled with pain), medieval men built cathedrals of dazzling, overwhelming beauty.

That’s not leftism. Leftism is secular. Spiritual uplift is forbidden. The whole point of leftism is to get people to embrace ugliness.

We live in a world that, thanks to modern technology, can be clean and shiny, but we’re encouraged to embrace filth, squalor, despair, pain, and violence. In other words, the cities filled with pathetic remnants of humanity drugging themselves into a stupor on fecal-laden streets are not an accident. It’s part of the plan. The same is true for crime, litter, graffiti, etc.—this is what leftism wants you to recognize as the reality—the only reality—of life.

In the sexual sphere—including getting kids hooked on sex even as they disconnect them from their core self-identity—the same is true: Endless, demoralizing pornography is available at the touch of a button. But that’s the secret, private stuff.

The public stuff is the gender madness. The kids are dazzled by their classroom’s brightly colored flags, their teacher’s wildly dyed hair, and the drag queen’s glitter but, behind all that lies ugliness and incompetence.

As Exhibit A, I give you the drag queens—ugly, awkward, and lacking any objective appeal or talent and, again, that’s the point. You will be made to like them. You will applaud their embarrassing, debasing performances. You will clap:

It doesn’t have to be this way. We can push back against the dissolute horrors of the left. If we bring care and beauty to the ordinary in our world, we are actively engaged in the fight against the totalitarian brutalism being forced upon our children and us.


Soros sponsors violent leftists and anti-police lobby as US crime surges

The mega-speculator and “philanthropist” George Soros remains true to himself – he has been sponsoring anti-police left-wing groups with billions of dollars.

The conservative US television station Fox News recently gained insight into the tax documents of Soros’ Open Society Foundations, which show the relevant cash transfers. According to this, left-wing extremist groups and anti-police lobbies received a total of 35 million dollars from Soros in 2021 alone – and that in the US alone.

Soros also supports activities against the government or in favor of open borders in numerous other countries.

In the US, the Hungarian-born speculator has been supporting organizations that advocate a “reform” of criminal law for years. These are predominantly left-wing extremist groups and candidates for political office.

The Soros Foundation defended its grants policy and said it was “proud to be among the earliest and strongest supporters of efforts to address the problems of crime and public safety while protecting the freedoms Americans hold dear”.

Laleh Ispahani, co-director of Open Society-US, told Fox News Digital: “Open Society supports the exploration and development of policies that actually work to reduce crime and defers to communities regarding what alternatives make sense to them”. But crime has exploded in cities where Soros has meddled.

The FBI in 2020 recorded its highest ever single-year increase in murders. A year later, the 12 US cities that had fully embraced the Soros agenda saw the most murders in their history. The activists are particularly keen on the police being lenient towards drug offenders.

“Not only has billionaire George Soros spent millions propping up pro-crime prosecutors, but now we’ve learned he’s spent the last year bankrolling efforts to defund the police as well,” Caitlin Sutherland, the executive director of Americans for Public Trust, told Fox News Digital.

According to Fox News, the Soros Foundation donated a total of $1,75 million in 2021 to the Washington-based New Venture Fund for the Community Resource Hub for Safety and Accountability. This organization has also set itself the goal of comprehensive police reform and advocates the abolition or cancellation of police funds.

Groups that back defunding police, hubs to dismantle law enforcement, and databases to track donations to police department foundations and unions have been used to actively discourage effective law enforcement.

“Virtually all the cities with the most notable crime outbreaks — San Francisco, Seattle, Portland and Los Angeles — are places with progressive prosecutors working to limit punishments for looters, organised thieves and the unruly, occasionally violent, homeless. The cities, with the exception of Los Angeles, are also among the whitest in the US, with a large population of educated people,” according to researcher Joel Kotkin.

Also, the nonprofit Open Society Policy Center, a branch of Soros’ Open Society Network, reportedly made a $500 000 grant to the Equity PAC. PACs are groups that support specific political candidates or parties. For example, the Equity PAC opposes the “hiring of new police officers” in Austin, Texas.

Soros is also considered an ardent supporter of the left-wing extremist and criminal movement “Black Lives Matter” (BLM), which, among other things, campaigns for discrimination against non-blacks. He also interferes almost chronically in the political affairs of other countries. Years ago, for example, he described the developments in Ukraine that led to the Russian military intervention in February as his “greatest success”.

In addition to defunding the police, the Movement for Black Lives (a coalition of 50 BLM organizations) has expressed support for cop killers. In 2021, a clemency petition was launched that included Sundiata Acoli, who was convicted of murdering New Jersey State Trooper Werner Foerster during a 1973 traffic stop.

Soros defended his prosecutor reform movement, citing a study that he said proves “no connection between the election of reform-minded prosecutors and local crime rates.” He blamed a “rise in mental illness” and “gun trafficking” for the crime spike in a Wall Street Journal op-ed published in August this year.

But Rafael Mangual, the head of the Manhattan Institute’s Policing and Public Safety Initiative, told the Washington Free Beacon that the study “doesn’t prove decarceration works”.


‘Merry Christmas’ is Haram and even good Christians have to go to Hell: Here are some of the claims of Zakir Naik

Islamist preacher Zakir Naik, who has been on the run from Indian law enforcement authorities, is not new to controversies. On Sunday (December 25), he took to Facebook to claim that modern-day Christians do not believe in the ‘virgin birth’ of Jesus Christ.

Coinciding with the occasion of Christmas, Naik posted a 12-second video on the social media platform to suggest that Muslims believe in the story of the birth of Jesus Christ more than Christians.

“Muslims believe that Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) was born miraculously without any male intervention, which many Christians today do not believe,” the caption of the video read.

Saying ‘Merry Christmas’ to your Christian friends is Haram: Zakir Naik

However, this bizarre assertion is nothing compared to his earlier statements on Christmas and Christians in general. In a video from April 2019, Zakir Naik was seen admonishing a Muslim boy named Adel Ahmed for committing ‘sin’ by wishing ‘Merry Christmas’ to his friends.

This is despite the fact that Ahmed was a resident of England, a Christian-majority country, and greeting people at festivals is a common practice throughout the globe.

“To reach your goals, you cannot use the wrong means brother. What is Haram to them is also Haram to you. When you are wishing Merry Christmas to them, you are agreeing that he is the son of God and that is Shirk (sin),” Zakir Naik was heard as saying.

“Because they (Christians) believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God. Irrespective of whether they are practising Christians or not, they celebrate the day because of His birthday,” he emphasised.

Zakir Naik is of the belief that Allah is the supreme creator of the world and thus the worship of Jesus Christ, aka anyone other than Allah, is, therefore, a sin.

The Islamic scholar informed that he invites (Dawah) Christians on December 25, only to dismiss their belief that Jesus Christ is the son of God by coercing them to cite verses from the Bible as proof.

“Is saying Merry Christmas wrong? I am telling you it is wrong. It is 100% wrong according to me,” he reiterated. Naik further added, “If you don’t know what Christmas stands for and happen to wish someone on that day, Allah may forgive you. If you drink alcohol, mistaking it for Pepsi, Allah may forgive you.”

He concluded, “But if you are doing it to build a relationship after knowing what Christmas stands for, you are building your place in Jahannam (Hell). Therefore, for reaching good means, you never have to follow bad means. You have to follow the guidance of the Quran and the Sunnah.”

Christians bound for Hell even if they are ‘good’ like Mother Teresa, claims hate preacher

In March last year, Zakir Naik announced that even Christians such as Mother Teresa would go to Hell by virtue of being non-Muslim.

On being asked whether ‘righteous’ and ‘good’ non-Muslims such as Mother Teresa would still go to Hell, he replied, “There are four ways of going to Jannah (paradise).”

He explained, “By the token of time, a man is in a state of loss except those who have Faith, those who are righteous, those who do Dawah and those who exhort people to do patience and perseverance. Minimum four criteria are required to go to Jannah.”

Zakir Naik then proceeded to compare the ‘four steps to Jannah’ to the subjects that he studied in 10th Std. He emphasised that even if someone got 99 marks in 5 subjects and managed to secure 10 marks in just one subject, then, it would imply that the student has failed.

While continuing with his irrational argument, Naik claimed that Jannah could only be achieved on the successful completion of all four steps.

“For the sake of argument, let’s assume that Mother Teresa was righteous. In Islam, righteous includes a lot of things, which I believe that Mother Teresa did not have. What about Imaan (Faith in Islam)? If she does Shirk (follow any religion other than Islam and thus prohibited)…” he said.

Naik alleged that committing ‘shirk’ is a crime according to Islam and Christianity. In his usual style, he quoted the Book of Deuteronomy, Book of Exodus and Surah Al Ma’idah.

The hate preacher claimed that ‘Allah’ will make paradise ‘haram’ (prohibited) for all those who consider Jesus Christ (the son of Mary) as God. “Fire (Hell) shall his dwelling place be and he shall have no help hereafter,” Zakir Naik cited the Islamic religious text.

He thus suggested that Mother Teresa will be condemned to Hell for mistaking Jesus Christ as God and putting Him at par with ‘Allah’. Zakir Naik concluded, “So, according to Jesus Christ, Quran and the Bible, if anybody does Shirk, be it Mother Teresa or anyone else, they shall not enter Jannah.”


Germany: Syrian stabs his wife to death and has to serve just 5 years in prison

He killed his wife, lost his daughter.

After Mohammad Sharif E. (49) stabbed his separated wife to death in Leeste on March 30, 2022, the 22-year-old no longer says dad to him, but only “the perpetrator.” On Thursday, the man was sentenced to five years in prison for manslaughter at the Verden Regional Court.

To the conviction of the 10th Grand Criminal Chamber, it was an “abrupt outburst of violence” by the man of diminished responsibility. The accused had once again appeared at the women’s flat.

They talked for about four and a half hours, they said yesterday. At first the three of them, later the parents alone. Quietly, until a scream startled the daughter. She found her dying mother lying on the floor in the bathroom. “I have done well.

Let her die”, “the perpetrator” had said and stopped her from stopping the bleeding on her neck. Any help came too late.


Christmas and the war on Christmas

Turckheim , Christmas Market, screen grab youtube

By Trevor Thomas

As the parents of four children (ages 20, 18, 16, and 14), my wife and I have had many years of joyous celebration at Christmas time.

Interestingly, we’ve done this without ever “doing” Santa Claus. In other words, we have never pretended with our children that the gifts under the tree and the goodies in their stockings were the result of the magical efforts of a jolly fat-man.

Don’t get me wrong, we don’t shun Santa. As the above implies, we embrace most of the traditions surrounding Christmas. We have a Christmas tree with presents underneath. We decorate the house inside and out with wreaths, bows, Nativity scenes, and the like. We have our “stockings hung by the chimney with care.” We send and receive Christmas cards, and so on. We’ve taught our children that some families, even Christian families, use the Santa Claus myth as a means of enhancing the joy and fun of the Christmas season.

Of course, we work hard at keeping Christ the center of Christmas. We’ve cautioned our children that “traditions” often can distract us from the profound Truth that Christmas presents.

In addition, those who hate the real meaning and message of Christmas will go to great lengths to keep us from this Truth.

Thus, as is almost always the case, at this time of year, we must endure again the “War on Christmas.” Why wage a “war on Christmas?” What’s so scary about Christmas? Is the birth of Jesus really that scary? Yes, it is. In fact, whether we would admit it or not, each of us, whether privately or publicly, at one time or another, has waged a “war on Christmas.”

Sometimes it’s as subtle as Clark Griswold at the end of the film Christmas Vacation. While staring at what he thinks is the Christmas star, with the typical Hollywood drivel, Clark declares: “That’s all that matters tonight. It’s not bonuses or gifts or turkeys or trees. You see, kids, it means something different to everybody; now I know what it means to me.” The moment is supposed to warm our hearts, but instead it’s just another lie about Christmas.

We lie about Christmas, because the real meaning and message of Christmas makes us confront a frightening truth. Christmas means one thing and one thing only.

As C.S. Lewis put it, Christmas is the story of how the rightful king has landed. When Jesus stood before Pilate, just prior to going to his execution, the Roman governor asked Him, “Are you the king of the Jews?” After some discussion Pilate concluded to Jesus, “You are a king, then!” Jesus answered him, “You are right in saying I am a king. In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world…”

Of course, He was not just any king. He was a king with a holy mission. He was a king who was born to die.

Amazing love, how can it be, that you my King would die for me?”

Jesus was, and is, our Savior King. Because, the “frightening truth” is that we are all in desperate need of salvation. As author Charles Sell put it,

If our greatest need had been information, God would have sent us an educator. If our greatest need had been technology, God would have sent us a scientist. If our greatest need had been money, God would have sent us an economist. If our greatest need had been pleasure, God would have sent us an entertainer. But our greatest need was forgiveness, so God sent us a Savior.

In Christian circles, it is often told that, early in the twentieth century, The Times(UK) either invited essays on, or ran a piece entitled, “What’s wrong with the world?”

Noted theologian, author, and apologist G.K. Chesterton replied:

Dear Sir,

I am.

Yours, G.K. Chesterton.”

As Chesterton implies, none of us is “innocent.” We have all gone our own way and done our own thing with disastrous results. In spite of the foolish notion often portrayed by some, no nation, no culture, no individual is “basically good.” This world is filled with evil, and at one time or another, we’ve all had a hand in it. As the prophet Isaiah puts it, “We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.”

Isaiah wasn’t merely painting a picture of sinful humanity. The above Scripture was a prophecy of the coming Messiah. Ultimately the world doesn’t have a poverty problem, or a crime problem, or a sexual problem, or a terrorism problem, or even (and of course) a climate problem. The world has a sin problem, and Jesus is the answer.

The most quoted portion of the Bible, John 3:16 declares, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” (Emphasis mine.) Less well known is the verse immediately following. John 3:17 says, “For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.”

Those wanting us to donate blood or organs do so by imploring us to “Give the gift of life.” With Christmas, God gave “the gift of life” as it has never before been given. How many dying individuals would say no to a lifesaving medical procedure made possible through the efforts or generosity of another? Yet how many reject the amazing gift of everlasting life that God offers through Jesus?

There’s no escaping this all important eternal truth: we are all in dire need of a Savior. Your life can be filled with treasures and pleasures, but if you ignore Jesus and His message, you will regret it for eternity. Your life can be riddled with poverty, sickness, and strife, yet if you repent and believe in Christ, the magnificent riches of eternal life await you. And whether rich or poor, sick or well, imprisoned or free, in good times or bad, we all need the gift that was given on that first Christmas. Merry Christmas!
