Iranian Chess player competes at tournament without hijab

Chess player Sara Khadem, screen grab youtube

Iranian Chess player Sara Khadem, also known as Sarasadat Khademalsharieh, recently took part in a tournament without wearing a hijab, CNN reported on Wednesday citing Iranian news agency Jamaran. 

Since the start of anti-government protests in September, Khadem is the most recent athlete to compete without a hijab. The protests in Iran were triggered by the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini after she was detained by the police force. 

According to reports in the local media, Khadem was photographed competing in the FIDE World Rapid and Blitz Chess Championships in Almaty, Kazakhstan, without wearing the headscarf, which is required by Iranian law. 

According to the International Chess Federation, the chess player was born in 1997 and is currently ranked number 10 in Iran among active players worldwide (804th overall), as per CNN. 

Iranian climber Elnaz Rekabi competed in South Korea earlier in October without wearing the required hijab, later explaining that it had fallen off inadvertently. It’s not clear, though, whether Rekabi was coerced into saying what she did. 

According to CNN, Iran’s deputy sports minister Maryam Kazemipour, in a statement said earlier that athletes who violated Islamic principles afterwards “regretted” their behaviour and “are searching for a chance to make up for their error.” 

According to Amnesty International, as of November, Iranian authorities are seeking the death penalty for at least 21 people in connection with the protests. 

Last year, in Iran, at least 333 people were executed, according to the Iran Human Rights. The report further revealed that 55 executions, which contribute 16.5 per cent, were announced by official sources.

As many as 83.5 per cent of all executions included in the 2021 report (278 executions in total) were not announced by the authorities. At least 183 executions (55 per cent of all executions) were for murder charges, according to the report. 

Iran has suspended its so-called morality police, which penalised women for not adhering to a stringent dress code, the Iranian prosecutor general said after the anti-hijab protest continued into the third month, triggered by the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini after she was detained by the police force. 

Iran’s Attorney General Mohammad Javad Montazeri said the morality police “was abolished by the same authorities who installed it”, The New York Times reported. 

Notably, Amini was arrested in Tehran on September 13 for dressing “inappropriately.” Three days later, she died while in custody. It sparked demonstrations and clashes with security forces where many people lost their lives.

Tyranny Down Under: Aussie Cops Demand Public Rat Out Neighbors Who Are “Anti-Government Or Believe COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories”

Oxford residents will soon be prisoners of their own neighborhoods

By Andrea Widburg

This is one of those stories that you’re certain is from the Babylon Bee, and that is stunning in its implications when it turns out to be the truth. In this case, the truth is that, in accordance with UN and WEF climate recommendations, the city of Oxford (home to the famed university) approved plans mandating that citizens may not drive more than 15 minutes distance from their homes without permission. It’s called the “15 Minute City” and is intended to reduce auto emissions. Mostly, though, it will reduce liberty, which is what climate change madness has always been about.

In many ways, the 15 Minute City (which the WEF and UN approvingly tout) is an old, unexceptional idea: Even in big cities, people like vibrant neighborhoods that allow them to travel very short distances (walking, riding a bike, or driving) to fulfill their daily needs (food, clothing, haircuts, etc.). Indeed, there are lots of people who pick homes based on their proximity to amenities. They don’t want to spend their lives in their cars or on public transportation chasing from one thing to another. And that’s fine. Making choices based on lifestyle preferences is a perfectly sound, market-based way to go through life.

But the marketplace is not what globalists want. They want control. Certainly, that’s the case in and around Oxford, England. Word is trickling into America that both the leftist Oxfordshire County Council and the Oxford City Council have plans. Big plans.

Spiked got wind of the planned changes in October. The ostensible push behind the plan is to end traffic problems, which certainly makes sense, but the plan will be implemented with the chain and jackboot:

… Oxfordshire County Council, which is run by Labour, the Liberal Democrats and the Green Party, wants to divide the city of Oxford into six ‘15 minute’ districts. In these districts, it is said, most household essentials will be accessible by a quarter-of-an-hour walk or bike ride, and so residents will have no need for a car.

On the surface, these 15-minute neigbourhoods might sound pleasant and convenient. But there is a coercive edge. The council plans to cut car use and traffic congestion by placing strict rules on car journeys. Under the new proposals, if any of Oxford’s 150,000 residents drives outside of their designated district more than 100 days a year, he or she could be fined £70.


Run by a Labour administration, Oxford City Council takes a similar line.

Since Spiked wrote the above, the Oxford City Council went from theory to fact by a council vote on November 29 to implement trial traffic filters as of January 2024 that will require residents to get permission to leave their neighborhoods, all in the name of saving the planet:

Oxfordshire County Council yesterday approved plans to lock residents into one of six zones to ‘save the planet’ from global warming.  The latest stage in the ’15 minute city’ agenda is to place electronic gates on key roads in and out of the city, confining residents to their own neighbourhoods. 

Under the new scheme if residents want to leave their zone they will need permission from the Council who gets to decide who is worthy of freedom and who isn’t.  Under the new scheme residents will be allowed to leave their zone a maximum of 100 days per year, but in order to even gain this every resident will have to register their car details with the council who will then track their movements via smart cameras round the city. 

In 1992, Rush Limbaugh appeared on ABC’s Nightline to engage in a debate with Al Gore regarding Gore’s charge, in his then-new book Earth in the Balance, that the earth was facing imminent climate death. After Gore blathered on “a global ecological crisis that is more serious than anything human civilization has ever faced,” Rush cut to the heart of the matter:

The environmental movement as fueled by the militants who lead it, I think, is the new home of socialism. I think it is. They’ve adopted a constituency here which can’t speak — that is trees and rocks and so forth — and can’t reject the so-called help and concern that the advocates are giving it, and gives them a stage from which to constantly launch attacks at capitalism.

Rush was right, of course. Socialism is totalitarianism, which exists under many names (theocracy, military junta, fascism, communism) but, no matter the name, the goal is always the same: Completely control a population for the benefit of a small, well-defined group of elites. In Oxford, England, with its new plan to trap people near their homes and spy on them wherever they go, we’re seeing the latest phase in the socialist crackdown that Rush identified 30 years ago.

The British Thought Police Claim Another Victim

In the beginning there was Tommy Robinson. Well, not in the beginning, perhaps. But it was Tommy, a working-class lad from Luton, England, whose outspokenness made him the first major face of bold truth-telling about Islam in a country whose entire political and media elite, it seemed, was intent on purveying pretty fictions about its ever-growing Muslim minority – and on continuing to cover up the facts that Tommy insisted on publicizing. Among them: that the Koran preaches violence against non-believers; that mosques all over Britain provided financial support to terrorists; and, most famously, that working-class girls in many English cities were being systematically raped by the members of Muslim “grooming gangs” even as local police, politicians, and social workers turned a blind eye to this barbarism for fear of being called racist.

The attempt by the British establishment to destroy Tommy Robinson reached a climax on May 15, 2018, when he was arrested, tried, and imprisoned – all within a period of a few hours – for the crime of reporting on a grooming-gang trial in Leeds. The contemptible characters behind this miscarriage of justice were obviously hoping that a stint behind bars would finish Tommy off for good – or at least silence him. They almost succeeded. But released after two months when a Court of Appeal found his conviction unfair – he would otherwise have served for over a year – Robinson was wan and weak, but still alive and kicking. Instead of giving up, he returned to the battlefield, and early this year released a powerful documentaryThe Rape of Britain, about the grooming gangs in the city of Telford.

If the police went after Tommy for kicking up a fuss over Islam, Harry Miller found himself in their crosshairs because of his views about transgenderism. In January 2019, a police officer showed up at his home in Humberside to inform him that several items on his Twitter feed making light of transgenderism (“I was assigned mammal at birth but I identify as fish”) “caused danger” to trans people. For this reason, contended the cop, “I need to check your thinking.” The officer of the law proceeded to explain that tweets like Miller’s represented “stage one of a five-step journey”; from mere tweeting, Miller would, barring police intervention, proceed to insulting trans people in person, beating them up, murdering them, and then participating in anti-trans genocide.

When informed that he now had a police record for a “non-crime hate incident” – a record, mind you, that police would be free to use against him (in order, for example, to warn away potential employers) – Miller sued the College of Policing, which, established in 2012 to educate police officers in England and Wales, had waited only two years before pushing on constabularies the utterly un-British idea of “non-crime hate incidents.” Miller lost in a lower court but won on appeal, with the judge, Dame Victoria Sharp, writing that “[t]he recording of non-crime hate incidents is plainly an interference with freedom of expression.” Since the verdict, Miller has founded Fair Cop, a group focused on addressing “police attempts to criminalise people for expressing opinions that don’t contravene any laws,” and (with Laurence Fox) the Bad Law Project, a organization designed to fight “political ideology disguised as law.”

All of which brings us to yet another victim of “political ideology disguised as law.” In this case, the offender challenged the official orthodoxy not on Islam or transgenderism but on abortion. And she wasn’t targeted by the police for making noise in the streets, like Tommy, or for tweeting, like Harry Miller, but for standing on a public street in Birmingham near an abortion facility (which was closed at the time). It happened earlier this month, on December 6. The woman, a pro-life activist named Isabel Vaughan-Spruce who heads a group called March for Life UK, was alone on a sidewalk in Birmingham, quiet and motionless, apparently lost in thought, not bothering anybody. Nor, as the website noted, was she “carrying any signage or religious symbols or expressing any opinion whatsoever about abortion.” But a police vehicle drove up and a uniformed officer stepped out and approached her anyway.

All this can be corroborated by a now-viral video of the encounter. The police officer asks why Vaughan-Spruce is there. She admits that it’s because of the abortion facility. He asks if she’s praying. “I might be praying in my head,” she replies. Pointing out that the spot where she’s standing is located in an area covered by a Public Service Protection Order (PSPO) – meaning that anti-abortion protests are prohibited within its boundaries – he asks if she’ll come along voluntarily to the local precinct for questioning. She says no; he places her under arrest.

When this video surfaced on December 22, it was retweeted by a number of prominent Twitter users, including the Free Speech Union (founded two years ago precisely to address outrages like this) and actor Laurence Fox (whose Reclaim Party, established in October 2020, stands for free speech and the rule of law). To be sure, the video seemed so over-the-top that Fox wasn’t entirely sure it was the real thing: “Please tell me this is a well made fake?” he wrote.

Fox, needless to say, was on Vaughan-Spruce’s side. But a depressing number of Twitter users sided with the cop, agreeing with him that Vaughan-Spruce, simply by praying silently, was in violation of the PSPO. “She’s in breech [sic] of a PSPO and therefore should be arrested. Otherwise, why have PSPOs?” read one tweet. Other Twitter users praised the cop for being “[v]ery professional and courteous” and for handling the situation “brilliantly” and in a “completely sensible” fashion.

It’s always useful to be reminded how many people who live in a historically free country actually love the idea of living in a police state.

Eventually, Twitter – yes, Elon Musk’s Twitter – inserted into at least one of the threads on the topic a text box providing what it called “context.” Vaughan-Spruce, explained Twitter’s contextualizing text, “was not arrested for silently praying. She was arrested for breaking a temporary Public Space Protection Order on four separate occasions which was used to ban protests outside of an abortion clinic due to safety concerns.” What a splendid job of totalitarian hair-splitting! To quote the translation of Twitter’s “context” by one sane Twitter user, Luke Bonanno: “Isabel’s physical presence in the public space protection order (PSPO) area wasn’t a crime in itself; it was the contents of her private thoughts that were prohibited. If Isabel had stood in the same place thinking about another topic, she would not have been arrested.”

Yep. Thought Policing, pure and simple.

Appearing on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News program on Friday, Vaughan-Spruce provided some useful addenda about her arrest. She pointed out that the original purpose of the law under which she’d been taken into custody had been to deal with matters like public drunkenness, but that it was now being used to punish people like her. She informed Carlson that during the interrogation at the police station, she’d been asked explicitly about the content of her silent prayer. And she disclosed that, when the interrogation was over, she was charged with four counts, including “antisocial behavior.” She will go to trial in February.

The day after Vaughan-Spruce appeared with Tucker Carlson, I watched a service of lessons and carols from Westminster Abbey hosted by the Princess of Wales and attended by the King and Queen and a glittering assortment of other nobs. You might almost have thought that the U.K. was still a Christian country. For over an hour, there was wall-to-wall singing and talking – and praying! – about Joseph and Mary and the baby Jesus. I kept waiting for a SWAT team to bust in and haul Charles, Camilla, and the whole gang off to the hoosegow. Why not, after all? If silent Christian prayer is now verboten in the land of John Stuart Mill and John Milton, why should this kind of in-your-face worship be permitted? Shouldn’t the monarch set a good example of not offending the unfaithful?

Yes, Vaughan-Spruce’s arrest is appalling. But it’s nothing new. Aside from Tommy Robinson and Harry Miller, countless other Brits have been hauled into court for holding the wrong opinions, mostly about Islam. And speaking of Islam: it’s illuminating to note that while Vaughan-Spruce was arrested for praying silently, all by herself, nobody was arrested when (just to mention the first couple of hits I got in response to a quick online photo search) scores of Muslims blocked a London street to pray in February 2012, or when, in Birmingham itself, hundreds of Muslims prayed publicly last May to celebrate Eid. It’s also worth remembering that every man-hour that British police spend tormenting innocent people like Vaughan-Spruce is a man-hour not spent bringing to justice members of grooming gangs.

Plainly, groups like the Free Speech Party, Reclaim Party, Fair Cop, and the Bad Law Project have their work cut out for them. Of course, reforming this situation – if at all possible – isn’t just a matter of retraining lummoxes who’ve been fed toxic ideologies by the College of Policing. It’s a matter of taking down the College of Policing itself, along with other core institutions that target dissenters from progressive ideology and that don’t mind having the coppers do their dirty work for them. The very fact that Tommy Robinson, on that dark day in Leeds, was whisked straight to a courtroom and then to a prison suggests a degree of unholy collusion that brings to mind the current revelations about systematic connivance against American citizens by U.S. intelligence agencies and social-media platforms. We can only hope that in 2023 valiant free-speech champions like Laurence Fox and Harry Miller will begin, at least, to turn the tide against the heartless traitors to British liberty who want nothing less than to crush the good and decent likes of Isabel Vaughan-Spruce.

Bruce Bawer /

Austrian defense minister warns Europe of impending blackouts

screen grab youtube

Austria is preparing its military for the inevitable blackouts Europe will have to endure. defense minister Klaudia Tanner told Die Welt in an interview.

“The question is not whether it (the blackout) will come, but when itwill come” – Tanner pointed out. She added that the risk of widespread blackouts has again increased significantly because of the war in Ukraine.

The Austrian defense minister also pointed out that “for Putin, hacking attacks on Western power supplies are a tool of hybrid warfare. We must not pretend that this is just a theory. We must be prepared for blackouts in Austria and Europe.” 

Austria plans to establish self-sufficient barracks

Tanner also stresses that “one-third of citizens would not be able to supply themselves on the fourth day of a blackout at the latest.”

Therefore, the Austrian armed forces plan to establish a total of 100 self-sufficient barracks by 2025, capable of sustaining themselves for two weeks. In addition, they would act as so-called “safety islands” and would be “points of contact for civilian helpers and law enforcement forces in an emergency,” outlined Klaudia Tanner.

German energy minister invents new unit of measurement

Robert Habeck. Facebook

In a German mainstream newspaper, on December 26, Economics Minister Robert Habeck was allowed to use a curious term without being contradicted.

In the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), Habeck coined the term “climate watt hour” without correction. What that means is completely unclear.

Have the Greens invented a new unit of measurement for energy? Habeck was allowed to elaborate quite unchallenged on “climate watt hours” on Boxing Day.

In a kind of advertising article for the country’s Renewable Energy Plan [Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz, abbreviated to EEG], the FAZ invited the energy minister to rant on about utopian wind turbine targets. He expressed the desire to add an additional 10 gigawatts of wind power per year. That means about 2000 more windmills per year. However, this is technically impossible because eight new wind turbines would then have to be constructed every working day.

In addition, municipalities should benefit from the profits of the wind farm operators. In this context, Habeck used the term “climate watt hour”. He admitted that “ten gigawatts of new construction per year is of course a really high number – we’ve never done that in Germany, we’ve never been there – and that’s permanent”.

In addition, of course, the article did not inquire as to where the electricity should come from when there is no wind.

The FAZ reported verbatim:

The municipalities have now been given the right to share in the profits of the wind farm operators. “The municipalities can then use this financial participation of the municipalities in the amount of 0,2 cents per climate watt hour for other things, for example to renovate the swimming pool or outdoor pool. We are strengthening regional value creation through renewable energies.” Habeck also referred to a location advantage: “Companies will seek out and prefer regions that have a high density of renewable energies.”

The article in the FAZ is still online without correction.

Almost half of the electricity in Germany in 2022 came from renewable sources, he said. The goal of the government is to increase the share of electricity generated from renewable energies in electricity consumption to at least 80 percent by 2030.

People are dying because of the cold

With their ideological lie about the “energy transition”, the Greens have driven the country into the coldest Germany in its democratic history, according to former Bild editor Julien Reichelt.

“Because of high energy prices, because of low heating, people are dying,” he said.

“Cold is life-threatening. Much more dangerous than heat. Around 4,5 million people die every year as a result of the cold. Nine times more than the 500 000 people who die as a result of heat. You can tell that cold is far more dangerous than heat by the fact that our language knows the word ‘freeze’ but no word for dying from heat.

“Cold is dangerous, among other things, because our blood pressure rises when it is cold. Blood pressure is an absolute killer.

The less heating, and that is exactly what the Green Party is asking us to do, the more people die as a direct result. There are countless ways to die from the cold, you don’t have to freeze to death straight away.”

Reichelt demonstrated how the “cold horror curve in Europe” showed the direct impact of energy prices being pushed up by green ideology.

“High energy prices will claim lives. Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of lives. The curves were calculated by the data analysts of the Economist, the best business magazine in the world.”

Meanwhile there has been an excess mortality of 60 573 deaths in England and Wales, which can be attributed to the cold. This compares to 791 deaths that can be attributed to heat: A ratio of one heat death to 76,8 cold deaths. This is the stuff with which climate hysterics want to construct a health catastrophe from heat, an undertaking that can no longer be surpassed in terms of cynicism.

In the course of their decarbonization fervor, the traffic-light coalition has also been touting green hydrogen. But because hydrogen changes the composition of the atmosphere, the climate impact could be much more serious than that of carbon dioxide. This is never questioned, and the traffic-light continues to subsidize the hydrogen industry with billions of taxpayers’ money.

European court criminalizes criticism of Islam

by Giulio Meotti

“Islamophobia is not an opinion, but a crime,” exulted left-wing senator Danièle Obono at the news that the European Court of Human Rights – whose decisions are legally binding on the 28 member countries of the European Union – condemned right-wing journalist Eric Zemmour for “discrimination and religious hatred against the Muslim community”.

“The Court considers that the interference in the applicant’s exercise of his right to freedom of expression was necessary in a democratic society in order to protect the rights of others,” the judges explained.

The independent journalist candidate for the French presidential election had made the remarks on television on September 16, 2016. Zemmour said Muslims should be given “the choice between Islam and France”, assimilate or return to their own countries, that France she lived “for thirty years under an invasion”, that “in countless suburbs where many girls are veiled there is a struggle to Islamize a territory” and “a jihad” was taking place.

Convicted for telling the truth?

The European Court, which is the judicial arm of the Council of Europe, ruled that “such remarks given the context of terrorist attacks include a discriminatory intention towards the Muslim community”. In the same hour as the sentence was given down, in France, a thirteen-year-old student was arrested after having praised “killing all unbelievers”.

Zemmour is France’s most loved and hated polemicist. Islamic organizations and those of the anti-racist left have been dragging him to court for years, while Islamic fundamentalists are forcing him to go around with an impressive security escort. Now the European judges are also removing the word from the “most threatened man in France.”

But I am confused. Is it the European Court of Rights or the Pakistani court that sentenced Asia Bibi to death for “blasphemy” or was it one of the hundred Sharia Courts that legally exist in England?

But no scandal: the sentence of the European Court of Rights against Zemmour is in line with the others of the Strasbourg Solons on Islam.

This is now open submission to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the large bloc of 57 Muslim countries that has long been calling for the EU to punish “freedom of expression’ (read: criticism of Islam). And the Organization for Islamic Cooperation is in fact rejoicing over the sentences of the European Court.

I don’t believe in coincidences: Strasbourg is the city where Erdogan incites the Turkish community.

In September, the European Court condemned France for repatriating the families of ISIS terrorists. The European Court has condemned the Italian government by ordering it to pay thousands of euros to a group of immigrants pushed back to the Libyan coast. The court has again convicted the Italian government of pushing back migrants. The Court also condemned Spain for having decided to proceed with the expulsion of a group of migrants from the enclave of Melilla, a European territory. The Court has always condemned France for having violated the freedom of expression of pro-Palestinian militants who in supermarkets invited customers to boycott Israeli products.

Freedom, but not for you!

We come to the case of Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, the Austrian activist who was found guilty of “denigrating Islam” after giving a series of lectures on the dangers of fundamentalist Islam. She had no right to freedom of expression, she ruled the European Court of Human Rights. Her statements represent “an attack on the Prophet of Islam which could arouse prejudice and threaten religious peace,” the European court said. In a seminar, not inside a mosque, Sabaditsch-Wolff had called Muhammad a paedophile because of his marriage to 6-year-old Aisha. An Austrian court had convicted her of “denigrating” Islam.

The European Court ruled that European states must limit the right to freedom of expression enshrined in Article 10 of the Convention if what is expressed “risks disturbing religious peace” (a similar sentence has never been issued in defense of Judaism or Christianity). Instead, a sentence that the lawyer Thibault de Montbrial describes, in his book “Osons l’auteur”, as “the recognition on a European scale of the crime of criticizing Islam”. “A shovel of dirt on the grave” of Charlie Hebdo journalists, according to public law professor Roseline Letteron.

A shovel of earth on our freedoms. Hamlet, there is something rotten in Brussels and Strasbourg. Dear Emir of Qatar, Europe is ready for you!

France: He threatens his neighbours with death and shouts “Allahu Akbar” before fleeing over his balcony and being arrested

The accused 30-year-old was placed under police supervision before he has to answer for his actions in court.

Not far from the water sports centre in the Moulin-à-Vent district of Perpignan, the night of Monday December 26 to Tuesday December 27 was at times turbulent. At around 11pm, residents in the Rue de Théza called the city police to intervene with a neighbour who was insulting them from his balcony, threatening them with death and shouting “Allahu Akbar”. During the act, his partner was allegedly in the flat.

When the officers of the Brigade Anti-Criminalité (BAC) arrived, the 33-year-old climbed over the façade of the building where he lived and went to the balcony of a neighbour on the lower floor. There he was arrested. During the arrest, he allegedly resisted the law enforcement officers.

L’Indépendant /