Month: December 2022
Pakistani children and teenagers make hateful comments towards India, insult Hinduism; scholastic hate-preaching exposed in a YouTube video

Pakistan’s hatred for India is not a new thing. A recent video on YouTube reflects the anti-India hatred seeping through educational institutes in Pakistan and among parents who feel no qualms about drilling hate into the minds of their impressionable children against India and Hinduism.
Pakistani YouTuber Sana Amjad shared a video from her YouTube channel on 8th December 2022. She interviewed several children who were attending a fair. She asked them what they feel like whenever they listen to the word ‘India’ or what they think about India. Most of them replied that they hate India while some of them also expressed their hatred towards Hinduism and said that religious difference is the prime reason for the hatred.
Though the hatred towards India and Hinduism forms the core of the reaction video, the prime anti-India and anti-Hinduism opinions start at around 3:38 in the video. A youngster said, “Indians lack intelligence. They think that they are going to get everything here only. Unlike them, we will get everything when we will go up there.” By this, he essentially meant that the Pakistanis will get everything in the Jannat that is heaven.
A friend standing with this youth said, “When we listen to the word India, we have a sense of hatred for them. Because we believe in our God and they just worship some idols.” When asked if religion is the only reason to hate the Indians, the young boy said, “Right now, it is the only reason.” Anchor Sana Amjad also asked him who taught this to him. Answering this question, the youth said, “Islam taught us this.”
Teenager girls studying in the ninth and eighth classes also said the same things and asserted that they learned this in their curriculum and also heard from the elder ones. They also said that India is doing injustice to the Kashmiris and that is one of the reasons for the conflicts. Besides, they asserted that two Muslims though separated apart by nations are brothers of each other and that they want to visit India to verify if whatever they have heard is true.
At 9:00 in the video, two school students said that India is bad, they are enemies and they are bad people. When asked about the reason for this much negativity about India being in their mind, one of them said, “It is because they are not Muslims. And they are Hindi.” The other boy in the pair resorted to the exact religious notions and said, “They have no belief in Allah. They take a stone or something and think that this is their God.” When asked if it is okay to make a bad opinion about someone or make a bad comment about someone based on religious differences, the boy said, “Yes.”
This is a classic example of how Hindu hatred and anti-India notion is the core of the education being imparted to Pakistani children. Along with the curriculum, conversations with and among the elders are also keenly listened to by the kids and they form an opinion about India and Hinduism without having an iota of direct experience. This hatred draws a profound basis from religious ideology, and one of the children clearly mentioned that. No wonder these representatives of the new generation of the Islamic country consider non-Muslims to be lesser human beings. This video explains the reasons behind the mentality in Pakistan that shields the heinous acts of persecution of Pakistani Hindus and atrocities on Hindu women in Pakistan.
Glimpsing Armageddon in Dutch cow culling

By John Klar
A bureaucratic scheme to eliminate some 3,000 small farms in the Netherlands foreshadows increasing efforts by technocrats and global food interests to dominate food production at the expense of local culture, local economies, and family cows.
In the name of “saving the planet,” such grand delusions will doubtless destroy it, and humans in the bargain. Perhaps that is the plan.
If so, the Netherlands is the best place to start. The rationale is chiefly that the region is home to numerous fragile ecosystems that must be protected, notwithstanding that the Dutch government has for decades encouraged farms to increase production. “Closing farms” does not entail relocating their bovine denizens to idyllic preserves, but to abattoirs – they are to be slaughtered by the thousands to terminate their flatulence and enteric fermentation (burping).
But why Dutch cows? Because Dutch cows must be slaughtered to rescue insects for the diet of wild birds. Farms there produce 60% of the nitrogen deposits in conservation areas:
Excess nitrogen deposits in these so-called Natura 2000 areas are the proximate cause of the crisis. They cause some plants, like grass, to grow faster, but others to wither and die. ….That can wipe out entire ecosystems. When plants die, so do the bugs that feed on them, which in turns kills the birds and ducks that eat the bugs — and a major impetus for the whole Natura 2000 program in the 1990s was to protect European bird species.
This rash rush to ration ruminants is spurious. Once destroyed, Dutch agricultural economies and systems cannot be reclaimed, and there is no plan to replace either the lost income to the Netherlands, or the lost food supplies to the humans that “feed on them.” Dutch farmers are some of the most productive – and efficient – in the world. Indeed, the tiny land of windmills is the second largest exporter of agriculture products (especially dairy products and meat) on the planet. Ag products constitute fully one-seventh of Dutch national exports.
Dutch farms are a target because they have the highest animal concentration on earth – 115 million animals in a country half the size of Massachusetts. They are also targeted by animal rights activists that label the efficiencies achieved as inhumane – that “Cows are artificially impregnated over and over again to continue producing milk.
Calves are taken away from their mothers within hours.” The proposed solution is to eliminate the cows via slaughter, so there are no calves or AI (arguably easier on the cows than having a one-ton bull mount them repeatedly), or cows. Will the planet-savers mandate that cows only be bred naturally, and that calves must be left on their mothers in between milkings? Nope – they will just extinguish them all.
Bill Gates is a big cow lover – he wants to eradicate them all to stop the belching, save the calves, and…. sell his patented fake meat made from toxic industrially-farmed soy grown on his 242,000 acres of American farmland. Synthetic fertilizer prices have more than doubled due to inflation and fossil fuel prices, and those synthetic fertilizers contribute substantially to soil erosion, reduced water retention, groundwater contamination, and oh yeah, nitrogen runoff – like the cows. Only, cows produce synthetic-fertilizer-replacing manure, the sole alternative to displace food dependency on Bayer-Monsanto and other conglomerated corporate chemical chimeras.
The mainstream media pooh-poohs the idea that there is a Great Reset being planned. In a piece revealingly titled: “Dutch Farmer Protests Show How Messy Climate Action Will Be,” Time magazine inveighs:
But far-right figures and conspiracy theorists have also gotten involved. Twitter is filled with posts linking the Netherlands’ nitrogen policy to the Great Reset—a theory that claims international elites are trying to use the COVID-19 pandemic to establish an authoritarian global government…. Populists in the U.S. and Europe, including France’s Marine Le Pen, are seizing on the protests to cast climate action as a conflict between rural heartlands, working people, and urban elites.
Oh no, not the populists! (Are the Dutch farm families not populists?) This sad effort to discredit sensible questions about this cow-destroying eco-policy ignores that the WEF & Co are very much trying to control all food production in a “messy climate action” takeover. The WEF says so, at its populist-if-Orwellian titled website 100 Million Farmers:
100 Million Farmers is a global platform driving and action-focused agenda anchored in regional and national coalitions that develop “lighthouse” projects led by multistakeholder public-private coalitions designed to reach a tipping point of farmers within the region to drive transformative change. ….Ambitious and integrated action across sectors is needed to rebuild the food and agriculture economy with climate, nature and resilience at its core.
Never mind that the Dutch produce vegetables, meat and dairy products for much of western Europe, or that the most environmentally-protective agriculture methods are smallholdings such as those 3,000 farms to be shuttered. Never mind that this system was developed in response to the World War II famine caused by Nazi blockades of the Netherlands in retaliation for support of the Allied Operation Market Garden. Never mind the economic losses to the Netherlands, or to the family farms there, of shuttering 3,000 farms and executing the cows as “humane relief.”
Never mind the layered ironies. Pay no attention to the climate-justified, WEF-designed, global famine being launched in the Netherlands by multistakeholder public-private coalitions. Europe’s ducks will soon have many bugs to eat again in Dutch safe bug spaces, while humans of the world also eat bugs, and Gates-meat made from chemical-saturated soy.
Germany: Climate hoodlums occupy Frankfurt University and demand the extermination of Israel and support for Hamas
The occupation of the University of Frankfurt in the name of the climate is becoming a bigger and bigger scandal. First, some hooligans beat up police officers. Now it comes out: the squatters distributed flyers supporting the extermination of Israel.
50 climate chaots stormed the lecture hall of the law faculty on Tuesday, demanding an end to fossil fuels just like the street stickers, motorway blockers, airport squatters and artwork thieves.
It did by no means end there. At the professors’ desk, they handed out flyers with harrowing messages: “We consider Hamas a resistance movement against Zionism and imperialism”.
Hamas is a terrorist organisation that is outlawed worldwide and wants to wipe out Israel. And further: “From this perspective, we unconditionally support Hamas in its military and non-military struggle against Israel.”
City councillor Nathaniel Ritter (24, Free Democratic Party) is stunned: “The occupation of the lecture hall by radical left-wing anti-Semites is a new level of escalation. That climate protection must not be at the expense of student education is one thing. Misusing it for illegal actions with an anti-Semitic background is another. I am shocked that something like this is possible at my university and that people are showing solidarity.”
The university occupiers are further supported by “Fridays for Future” and the teachers’ union GEW.
Calvin Löw (24), parliamentary group leader of the liberal university group: “Antifa flags were also hoisted. We call on the university to take consistent action against terror-glorifying, anti-constitutional and anti-Semitic groups. Such organisations must not find a place at a university.”
At 10 am on Tuesday morning, the climate hoodlums, who have given themselves the name “End Fossil: Occupy”, occupied the Goethe University.
Ten hours of siege followed, with sofas, hi-fi systems, refrigerators and lots of political and populist slogans. The activists are demanding a change in transport, the end of the fossil fuel age. They are supported by the AStA (the General Students’ Committee is the political representation of students and traditionally left-wing). Its members posted: “Solidarity with the lecture hall occupation.”
At 7.45 pm the police arrived. Evacuated for an hour. One by one they left the university building. The rest had to undergo identity checks. There was no trace of the AstA…
Outside the lecture hall: loud shouts, whistles. Supporters of the protest and other climate hoodlums felt taken by surprise and badly treated. In the process, they harassed Dr. Stefan Naas (49, Free Democratic Party), a member of the state parliament.
A police spokesperson: “Only four of them refused. The police initiated criminal proceedings against these four for trespassing. Two of them also have to answer for assault on law enforcement officers, as they had abruptly hit two police officers on the head and face, respectively, and thus injured them.”
And now the beating of police officers has been compounded by open hatred of Israel.
India: Serial grooming jihadi Aslam Khan (50) poses as Hindu to marry minor, exposed during marriage ceremony

A man identified as Aslam Khan posed as a Hindu and tricked a poor family to marry their minor daughter to him in Jharkhand’s Bokaro. His real identity surfaced after the Jaimala (garlanding ceremony).
He was beaten up by the people present at the venue but fled in his Scorpio before he could be handed over to the police. The incident took place in Kumhartoli in the Harla police station area in Sector-9 of Bokaro. The accused, aged around 50 years, is said to be a resident of Wasseypur, Dhanbad.
The girl’s father told the police that he was a vendor fending for the family of seven. He said that they first met the accused on a visit to Dena Bank for a loan, where he introduced himself as Sanjay Kasera and started visiting their house regularly on the pretext of helping them with the loan.
He alleged that Sanjay posed as a police officer posted in Latehar and tricked his daughter by promising her a better future and pressurised them for the marriage. He added that he agreed to his daughter’s marriage owing to their weak financial condition and threats by the accused.
The wedding was to take place on Wednesday night where Aslam aka Sanjay reached with some people. During the event, a labourer who set up the wedding pandal claimed that the groom was Aslam Khan who he knew from jail where they were lodged a year ago.
The news shocked the people. Bajrang Dal activists reached the venue after receiving information about it. The accused and the people who accompanied him fled before the police arrived at the spot.The police recovered an Alto car, a police uniform and a weapon from his belongings. An FIR has been registered against the accused on the basis of the girl’s relatives’ complaint.
District head of Bajrang Dal, Ajit Pandey demanded action against the accused, calling it a case of love jihad i.e. grooming jihad.
Preliminary investigation revealed that Khan had a criminal record. In May, 2021, Chas police sent him to jail on charges of fraud over money. He was previously lodged in Chatra, Ranchi and Jamtara jails in several other cases.
According to police, the accused had earlier tricked a tribal woman into marrying him.
Weak and corrupt criminal justice system of India is emboldening such criminals. Even in shocking cases of grooming jihad and murder of Hindu girls like Etka Deshwal, the accused are given bail on flimsy grounds; child rapists and murderers have their sentences commuted. ISIS terrorists are treated with kid gloves, as are Maoists accused of involvement in a plot to assassinate the PM.
Our judiciary, via an unconstitutional power grab 30 years ago, is virtually unaccountable to elected representatives and believes its role is to ‘transform’ society and enforce Western liberal ideologies, rather than deliver effective justice to common Bharatiyas.
How do serial criminals and fraudsters like Aslam Khan manage to run circles around the law and continue preying on ordinary, law-abiding citizens, should be the leading question in national discourse today. Instead, we have the nation’s top ‘commentators’ obsessing over a municipal poll or lying about govt. throttling free speech.
“Watch Out, You Bastards, Bolsonaro is President of Brazil!” – Charges Filed in Brazil for Arrest of Corrupt Socialist Supreme Court Justice
Oxford research fellow says vegans justified in letting meat-eaters drown

By Eric Utter
The College Fix recently reported on Michael Plant, a research fellow at Oxford University’s Wellbeing Research Center. The Oxford University “philosopher” argued, in the aptly named Journal of Controversial Ideas, that there is a “plausible” moral case for letting meat-eaters drown.
Not surprising, given that his last name is “Plant,” and radical vegan Peter Singer is on the editorial board of the Journal of Controversial Ideas.
Plant avers that, in a given hypothetical situation, it could be justified to let people who eat meat drown, rather than attempt to save them, because they cause “suffering” to animals.
Per The College Fix, Plant wrote that many people accept a duty to save strangers’ lives, such as a child drowning in a pond, while also accepting that it is wrong to cause the suffering of animals in factory farms. Ergo, according to Plant, this creates a major problem for those who accept and practice the vegan lifestyle. Why? Because these moral principles are in conflict with each other if the person in danger is a meat-eater and therefore the cause of continued animal suffering.
You’ve gotta be kidding me.
It is okay to let a fellow human drown because of his diet? Really? So is it similarly immoral to rescue a carnivorous or omnivorous animal? Or to prevent it from suffering?
It seems that the higher up one is in today’s educational system, the lower one’s I.Q. — and the more one lacks in wisdom, rationality, morality…and sanity. It appears that Oxford’s Wellbeing Research Center has a lot more work to do when it comes to its research fellows.
Or maybe it’s part of the illness, not the cure.
If the Journal of Controversial Ideas were really brave, really wanted to push the envelope, especially among the academic community, it would publish ideassuch as “is there a moral case for capitalism,” “is it plausible that there are two — and only two — genders,” or “could it be that people have inalienable rights granted to them by a Creator.” Maybe it could even purport to defend Christianity, federalism, the Electoral College, or Thomas Jefferson.
Nah. No academic journal could ever be that controversial, could it?
Italy: He sees the Christmas lights and frightens everyone by shouting “Allah akbar”

He shouted “Allah Akbar”, the Quranic phrase that says “Allah is the greatest”, several times in the direction of the workers who were installing the classic Christmas lights. It happened in the centre of Sora, the fourth largest city in the province of Frosinone, on the morning of Sunday November 27, 2022.
As Il Messaggero reports, there were real “moments of fear” in the old town in the Canceglie district. After leaving and literally terrifying everyone present by uttering the terrorist exclamation, which is just as typical, the man continued to rage against the lights that will soon adorn Sora.
Some in the town, however, are complaining about the municipality’s decision to put up the illuminations again this year. Perhaps even the Muslim gentleman who has been calling out the centre of Sora with sudden shouts. Indeed, many other municipalities, such as Frosinone, have decided to forgo the illuminations in order to counter energy price increases.
In any case, the police and the carabinieri were reported about the incident. In this case, he will have to answer for disturbing the public peace.
Vienna school sorts classes according to religious affiliation
Segregation is the new name of the game: A school in Vienna-Donaustadt now arranges the classes of a lower school according to affiliation to different religious groups.
This has no social but an administrative background, the school insisted. Parents however fear a social division of pupils based on their religion.
A grammar school in Vienna’s Donaustadt district includes the religious beliefs of its pupils as a decisive factor in the composition of classes. This was reported by a concerned mother who spoke to the Austrian daily Krone. She had heard rumours that the classes of the lower school are sorted according to religious belief and confronted the director of the grammar school on the open day.
Headmaster confirms segregation
The headmaster confirmed the procedure to the mother. The sorting of classes was necessary for administrative reasons, but other factors were also decisive. Religious teachers teach at several schools and pupils without a confession have to be looked after together.
The mother expressed her incomprehension to the daily: “I don’t think this is right. A social, linguistic and religious mix in a class is important,” she said. “It is not acceptable that a single subject determines the composition of a class. The school management, to which the concerned mother turned, denied any discrimination and segregation.
Instead it pointed out that the children’s first languages and gender also played a role.
India: Children from non-Muslim communities were being admitted to government-funded madrasas and were also being provided with scholarships

The National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) on Friday issued notices to all the Indian states and Union territories asking them to conduct a detailed inquiry into all the madrasas that get funds from the government. The organization also directed the state authorities to keep a record of non-Muslim children who are getting admitted to such madrasas and admit all such children to formal schools post-inquiry.
The NCPCR in the letter said that it had received several complaints that children from non-Muslim communities were being admitted to government-funded madrasas and were also being provided with scholarships. “This is a clear-cut violation of any contravention of Article 28(3) of the Constitution of India that prohibits educational institutions from obligating the children to take part in the religious instruction without the consent of the parents,” the letter read.
NCPCR Chairperson Priyank Kanoongo also stated that though madrasas as institutions are primarily responsible for imparting religious education, those funded by the Government are imparting both religious and to some extent formal education to children. He said that the state must provide free and compulsory education to children and ensure that the latter go to schools for availing of formal education as per section 6 of the Right to Education Act, 2009.
The NCPCR, therefore, asked the states and UTs to conduct a detailed inquiry into government-funded madrasas that are admitting non-Muslim students and also to physically verify children attending such madrasas. He further asked the authorities to admit all such children to formal schools after the inquiry.
The NCPCR in the notice issued on December 8 also said that the states shall undertake mapping of all unmapped madrasas and submit the report within 30 days for record and further necessary action. Earlier in November, it was reported that the Centre had stopped granting scholarships to madrasa students across the country from Classes 1 to 8. Madarsa children from Classes 1 to 5 were provided with a scholarship of Rs 1,000, while students from Classes 6 to 8 received the grant depending on their courses.
The decision by the Ministry of Minority Affairs, headed by Union Minister Smriti Irani, to stop scholarships for madrasa students was reportedly taken since the education of students of Classes 1 to 8 is free under the Right to Education Act, and since other essential facilities including mid-day meals and free books are given to them.
Also, in September the UP government announced that it would survey unrecognized madrasas of the state to ascertain information such as details of teachers and students, curriculum, and its affiliation with any non-government organization. The state then stated that the survey would be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the NCPCR, which wants to check on the basic facilities provided to students in madrasas. Accordingly, the survey identified over 7,500 unrecognized madrasas in the state.