Prince Charles personally accepted suitcases and shopping bags stuffed with millions of dollars’ worth of cash from a controversial Qatari politician between 2011 and 2015, according to an explosive new report.
“Everyone felt very uncomfortable about the situation,” a former adviser to the Prince of Wales told the Sunday Times of London.
A series of at least 16 raids by the Belgian federal police Friday netted five people they said had committed “alleged offenses of criminal organization, corruption and money laundering.” The morning searches yielded €600,000 in cash, plus phones and computers…
By the evening, however, it was clear this wasn’t just a story of some has-beens and wannabes lining their pockets. Eva Kaili, a vice president of the European Parliament and vocal defender of Doha, landed in police custody, according to the Belgian federal police. The case also centers around an NGO that, until recently, counted some of the biggest luminaries in left-wing politics among its board members.
Kaili has also emerged as one of the most vocal defenders of Qatar. She recently called the country a “frontrunner in labor rights” after meeting with the country’s labor minister, despite deep international concerns about conditions for stadium construction workers. A member of the center-left Socialist & Democrat (S&D) party, her portfolio includes special responsibilities related to the Middle East.
Kaili’s partner and co-parent, Francesco Giorgi, has also been detained, according to police and people with direct knowledge. He’s an adviser on the Middle East and North Africa region in the European Parliament — and a founder of an NGO called Fight Impunity
Crucially, Fight Impunity’s president is Pier Antonio Panzeri, a central figure in the case. Panzeri, an Italian ex-MEP also from the S&D, was among those arrested Friday morning. By the evening, his wife and daughter were also nabbed by Italian police.
There’s a lot more of that. And there’s no need for Americans to look smug. In Europe, you can still publicly criticize Qatar. In America, criticism of the Islamic terror state linked to everything from Hamas to Al Qaeda to the Muslim Brotherhood to the Taliban simply does not exist.
The media is in Qatar’s pocket, from the Washington Post and its grand Khashoggi crusade, to MSNBC and the New York Times which vigorously defended it during the World Cup. Al Jazeera, Qatar’s state propaganda network, virtually defines the coverage of the region.
And politics? The Democrats are owned by Qatar, but few Republicans criticize it either. One of the few Republicans to regularly talk about Qatar’s control over our politics is Senator Ted Cruz.
Otherwise, crickets.
Recently, I had an article on the revelation that Qatar’s domestic operatives were spying on a Republican congressman who had been critical of the Muslim Brotherhood. What should be a major story has been fairly thoroughly buried.
The European media at least runs negative coverage of Qatar and is now busting up some of its hirelings. If we did that in D.C., I’m not sure anyone would be left.
From Brussels to Paris, people took to the streets after Morocco’s victory over Portugal in the World Cup, but perhaps the largest gathering featured 20,000 people ot the Champs-Élysées in Paris, with celebrations eventually devolving into running street battles with police.
In videos seen by hundreds of thousands on social media, crowds of revelers are seen throwing bricks and bottles and shooting firework mortars at police, who were forced to don riot gear and charge the crowd to restore order. In the videos, police strike rioters with batons and deploy tear gas.
Projectiles en direction des policiers puis charge et coups de matraque/pied sur un supporter au sol. #Marocco
Le Parisien reports that more than 1,000 police were mobilized on the streets of the French capital, and by evening, several main roads leading into Paris were closed to avoid traffic jams.
Morocco beat Portugal in the World Cup on Saturday 1-0 to reach the semi-finals of the World Cup, and France beat England in the evening’s match, which means France and Morocco will now face off against one another in the upcoming World Cup. The scenes of violence in the capital for a game that did not even involve France playing Morocco are raising fears that the upcoming game could lead to an explosive security situation.
In other French cities such as Lille, police were also attacked by Moroccan fans, who rolled trash bins into police lines and hurled projectiles. Police responded with stun grenades and tear gas.
In Avignon, a video of Moroccan fans looting a truck was uploaded to social media. It is unclear if any arrests were made in connection with the incident.
Critics of mass immigration have pointed to the ongoing riots that now occur every time Morocco wins a World Cup match, which have now hit Europe four times and have struck Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Spain, as part of the growing evidence that integration and multiculturalism have failed.
The French national team is now set to play Morocco on Wednesday, Dec. 14. Due to France’s large Moroccan population, a pattern of rioting, and the historic animosity some Moroccans feel towards France, police are reportedly preparing for mass unrest.
France has Europe’s largest Muslim population, and for many of them, the football match has taken on more than cultural and national significance, but also a religious significance. For example, Le Parisien reports that the Muslim world has increasingly embraced the Moroccan team as their own, describing how “Qatar fell in love with Morocco,” which is now “the team of Muslims around the world.”
Khaled Beydoun, a law professor at the University of Arkansas-Fayetteville School of Law who labels himself as an expert on Islamophobia and civil rights, also wrote that Morocco “took down 3 colonial European nations in 10 days,” and with a victory against France they will win “the hearts of formerly colonized people everywhere.”
Damien Rieu, a politician with the Reconquest party of France, wrote in response, “Where we see a simple match, they all see a historic rematch.”
Rieu went on to write, “Paradoxical that Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia play the victims of colonization. Their ancestors colonized Spain (and part of France) for centuries. They are taking demographic control of entire parts of Europe.”
Paradoxal de voir certains 🇲🇦🇩🇿🇹🇳 jouer les victimes ex-colonisées quand on sait que :
👉 leurs ancêtres ont colonisé l’Espagne (et une partie de la France) pendant des siècles.
👉 ils sont en train de prendre le contrôle démographique de parties entières de l’🇪🇺. #FRAMAR
Rieu was referring to the Moor conquest of Spain and parts of Portugal, which lasted for nearly 800 years in certain parts of Spain. In 711, a group of North African Muslims led by the Berber general, Tariq ibn-Ziyad, captured most of Spain and Portugal before this occupation army, over the centuries, was eventually driven out by Christians.
Furthermore, over the last 10 years, more and more research has shed light on the horrendous role of North Africans in the European slave trade, with much of the focus of these slave traders on White European women. For approximately 1,000 years, pirate corsairs from North Africa raided up and down the coasts of Europe, taking women, and selling them into sexual slavery. Many of the men who were captured were castrated.
Fertility, the number of children per woman, determines the long-term trend. The author believes that the explosion in Africa must be unconditionally contained by an impenetrable wall so that mass migration of black Africans does not in the long run flood and displace all other peoples. Source: Total Fertility Rate Map by Country 2020, Korakys, Wikipedia
According to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), we celebrated the 8 billionth day* on November 15. The planet’s population is still increasing dramatically, albeit at a decreasing pace.
Among Westerners and Japanese, however, the increase in population has been replaced by a decrease in population – we are thus becoming an ever-smaller minority on the planet. For Europe and the US, we are not only getting fewer, our place is being taken over by the population surplus from mainly Africa.
For utilitarians**, the 8 billionth day is a day of celebration:
“A milestone to celebrate diversity and progress while reflecting on humanity’s shared responsibility for the planet,” said António Guterres, UN Secretary-General.
“8 billion strong – a world of endless possibilities”, is a slogan for UNFPA’s #8billionstrong campaign.
You have to see everything positively, right? At the same time, everyone knows that there is a worrying amount of people, and that it eats away enormously at the earth’s life-sustaining biological system. Just producing the necessary foodstuffs requires massive inputs of fossil energy (diesel) and fertilizers (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium). Plant breeding and, more recently, purposeful genetic modification (GMO) have also had their importance in that the yield has increased without the cultivated area being able to increase at the same rate.
In 2011 we reached 7 billion, that’s only 11 years ago.
In 1999, 6 billion was passed.
In 1987 we were 5 billion.
In 1950 we were 2.6 billion, the growth rate was over 2 percent per year and those who had the overview began to understand that it could not end well if it was allowed to continue.
In 1972, at the UN’s first environmental summit, the population issue was at the top of the agenda. The warnings of what the population explosion could lead to were common knowledge. In China and India, harsh population programs were started in the 1970s. The Chinese one-child program can be considered quite successful, but at the price of a lot of cruelty. The Indian programs failed because people perceived it as attempted genocide and revolted.
At the same time, population growth had already slowed down spontaneously in Western Europe and somewhat later in Japan and the United States, in the latter case at least among European descendants. Why?
The population issue has become taboo
The panic that many felt in the 1960s and 70s over the “population explosion” has subsided. The acute disaster risks were averted by the industrialization of food production, the “green revolution”, i.e. mechanization, plant breeding and massive fertilization.
Leftists in association with neoliberals shut down the population issue and made it politically incorrect to even talk about. The red-green argued that it is the amount of rich “white men”, not “poor women”, that is the real overpopulation problem. Neoliberal capitalists (“white men”), on the other hand, promised that the market could drive technological solutions to all scarcity problems. We shall not talk about the religious ones. They meant that the more people, the more ingenious technical solutions we get. “Imagine if Beethoven’s mother had contraceptives! How many great opportunities are not lost because of abortion and birth control?” As if people conjured natural resources out of a hat.
Free women opt out of children
Today, it is pretty much agreed that coercion is a difficult method to reduce the number of children. In contrast, reduced birth rates seem to come naturally with women’s education, emancipation and freedom, of course supported by access to contraception and abortion. Free women who feel equal in all respects to men often choose not to have children and family. Health care, nutrition and vaccines that enable children to survive also reduce the financial and emotional demands of having many children.
These contexts have been understood in many parts of the world. Even relatively poor countries like India have seen more pervasive fertility reduction through education than ever achieved through coercion and fraud. This must be understood as hopeful.
The population issue has become the migration issue Slowly, the population issue has risen to the surface again, but now the issue is completely different than in the 1970s.
The nativity has plummeted in large parts of the world. Europe, Japan and Russia have a population decrease of the indigenous population – it is only immigration that causes Sweden and some other countries to increase their population.
In China, Iran, Pakistan, India, Indonesia and South America, the birth rate is often close to or below the stability level, but the population is still young and continues to grow because a large number of women from the last great litters are now having two children***. The population is also growing due to increasing life expectancy.
It is from Africa that the threat comes.
Africa is exploding
In Africa south of the Sahara, the population explosion is going on essentially unchecked. Despite health care, despite schools and despite contraceptives, people choose to have children as before. The continent today has around 1.3 billion people, in 1913 the whole of Africa was estimated to have around 125 million. If development follows current trends, Africa would quadruple its population from today to 2100.
Nigeria is the heir to the Benin Kingdom, black Africa’s most famous high culture. The developments in Nigeria should terrify every European. In 1963 there were 55 million people in Nigeria, the growth rate was then about 5 percent per year. Today, around 225 million are counted. The birth rate has actually fallen, but is still high, 4.6 children per woman. Today, growth is around 2.5 percent per year. At the current rate, it is estimated that Nigeria alone could grow to one billion people before the year 2100! Few believe it will happen, but what will stop it? War and famine? Migration to Europe? Or that Nigerian girls acquire European expectations about children and family?
Tanzania’s population pyramid shows aggressive exponential growth while Italy’s population pyramid provides a dramatic example of a people who have lost the will to live. When the last large generations, born in the 1960s and 70s, disappear, the population will be more than halved.
Tanzania has been an important recipient of Swedish aid. In the 1950s we had roughly the same population, 7 million. Today, Tanzania has 62 million inhabitants. Since 1962, Sweden’s aid has been in round numbers one billion kroner per year, or 66 billion over 60 years (2013). The aid seems to have had a very modest effect. The country’s growth is being eaten up by population growth.
Somalia is the heartland of Swedish “refugee” immigration in Africa. Somalia’s population has increased from 2.3 million in 1950 to an estimated 17 million in 2022. Fertility: 5.3 children per woman. The growth rate 3.2 percent per year, which doubles every 21 years!
Africans may have a human right to make their own reproductive choices, but then they are also obliged to take care of their offspring. It is not our responsibility. We Europeans must steel ourselves. If Europe is to survive, the door to immigration from Africa must be closed completely. Anything else would be demographic suicide.
Asia, Middle East, North Africa, South America
In much of the world, including the most densely populated parts of Asia, birth rates have fallen sharply over the past twenty years. Many countries have a young population that is still growing due to demographic inertia (people are living longer), but the long-term forecast is stability and slow decline if Europe continues. We shouldn’t have any immigration from the Middle East or Asia either, but that’s more because they are already so heavily populated.
Europe, Japan and North America
Currently, Europe and Japan have very weak fertility. Birth rates that go below 1.5 down to 1.3 indicate that the population has lost the will to live. And then you have to expect that it is actually even worse, as some immigrant groups greatly increase the statistics for birth rates.
It may have to be met with pronatalist policies such as in Hungary, where women are rewarded with tax exemptions if they have four children. Declining populations is not a problem in principle because we live on an over-exploited planet, but it is a very serious matter to try to keep growth going through immigration from expanding regions. It’s suicide!
Between 2007 and 2021, in just 15 years, 1,707,364 people have immigrated to Sweden. These make up over 16 percent of Sweden’s population. It’s fast! At the same time, the number of 1,707,364 represents approximately 5 percent of Africa’s population growth in a single year. In 15 years, Sweden has therefore received a number corresponding to approximately 18 days of population growth in Africa.
Will it have any noticeable effect on Africa’s overpopulation problem? No.
Our peoples, ethnicities and cultures must fight to survive and define our continent. That can only happen if we put an absolute end to all types of non-European immigration.
As Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has said: “We don’t just look at numbers, we want Hungarian children. Migration is for us to give up.”
* This is of course a rough estimate. Few countries have such a rigorous population count as Sweden and even here we don’t know when there are more than ten or twenty thousand how many there are (how many illegal immigrants and double identities are there?). ** Utilitarianism: The greatest possible happiness for the greatest possible number. Since happiness is difficult to measure, but numbers are all the easier, in practice it becomes: Largest possible number. This is called “the repugnant conclusion” and, in my opinion and that of many other thinkers, disqualifies utilitarianism as a moral guideline. The false premise is that only human life has value and that this value is always positive. *** This is called population momentum, demographic inertia.
Whether one believes that climate change is a matter of fate or not, there is no doubt that humanity has put the planet’s life support systems under severe pressure. Looting, poisoning, wilderness destruction and extinction are strongly related to the number of people, their lifestyles and technologies.
Population growth is thus still high, but the long-term trend is that the aggressive “population explosion” has stopped, the increase is slowing down and is expected to reverse, according to UN demographers, until we achieve stability or a slow population decline at the end of the century. However, it does not happen by itself.
The technologists always have a technical solution
There are those, especially among religious but also among radical nationalists, who believe that the globalist elite is secretly carrying out an evil plan to drastically reduce the earth’s population. Investments in “sexual and reproductive health”, contraception and abortion, as well as sometimes vaccination programs are interpreted as planned genocide. I don’t think so at all.
The globalists, for example the World Economic Forum, are quite explicit. They are so sure of their cause that they don’t exactly hide their intentions (for those who want to read more than the headlines). Their megalomaniacal vision, Agenda 21 (with sub-plan Agenda 2030), is a plan to solve all of humanity’s problems. But two major problem areas are missing, of which the population issue is one.
The other issue that is not dealt with in the Agendas is how people’s free life choices and personal integrity can be preserved. It’s not that weird. It is precisely freedom and privacy that must be sacrificed on the altar of technology. The “solution” is, by implication according to the WEF, to let the Machine take over.
Of course, everyone knows that population affects everything and that population is one of the most important factors that complicates all attempts to find a long-term sustainable economic-ecological balance, but it is not politically correct to talk about it.
F = W x H x D Humanity’s total impact, its ecological “footprint”, (F) is the product of population (P), consumption per person (K), modified by a technology factor (T). If F is to decrease from the current excessively high level, P or K must decrease or the technology to extract resources must be refined (so that T decreases). Preferably all three factors, but if two are held, it gives three different basic strategies:
1) WEF has the backing of all the biggest technology companies. They mean that if we let scientists and engineers free and equipped with artificial intelligences, T will go towards zero, that is, we can be as many as we want and get everything we point to without a single wilderness needing to be exploited. Fusion power is the holy grail.
2) Many of the so-called “greens” are in the technology-enthusiastic WEF group, but more radical “greens” (for example, Extinction Rebellion) want to specifically attack the consumption of the common man. If everyone settles for mini-consumption, veganism or an insect diet and virtual experiences, we can even become many more and at the same time save the biosphere, they say.
3) Finally, you can go to the core of the (P)udel. If only we could become significantly fewer, we could have a more relaxed relationship with both technology and consumption. The problem is that it would take a long time to significantly reduce P if you are to stay within the humanitarian acceptable. If the birth rates in Western Europe applied globally, it would take at least 500 years to reduce the world population to 500 million, in the meantime one would have to rely on reducing K and T according to the first or second track.
A fourth “solution” is to follow the short-term economic wishes of people, governments and companies, “business as usual”, until we create such an ecological mega-chaos that it destroys most of nature and kills a large part of humanity. Unfortunately, most things speak for that development. From the ashes, the survivors can perhaps rise a little wiser and more careful.
Le joueur marocain Sofyane Amrabat choque l'Espagne avec les photomontages guerriers qu'il partage après le match sur Instagram (~1M abonnés) comme celui légendé "qu’Allah te bénisse" où il apparaît armé d'un sabre razziant Gavi, joueur espagnol de 18 ans.
Translation: Moroccan player Sofyane Amrabat shocked Spain with his bellicose photo montages shared on Instagram (~1M subscribers) after the match, such as the one with the heading “Allah bless you”, in which he appears armed with a sabre and robs the 18-year-old Spanish player Gavi.
Michelle Obama, wife of President Obama, was one of the Democrat outsiders who pressed Twitter to make the unprecedented move to ban President Trump, then a sitting United States president, from that company’s platform.
That’s the latest revelation from the latest installment of the Twitter files, done by independent journalist Michael Shellenberger.
Former President Donald Trump was banned from Twitter the day after former first lady Michelle Obama and others demanded the company “permanently” remove him, according to the newest “Twitter Files” installment.
On Saturday, CEO Elon Musk and journalist Michael Shellenberger released the fourth batch of Twitter documents that show internal communications by the company’s executives between Jan. 6-8, 2021, including and shortly after the riot at the Capitol Building.
Among the files, Shellenberger reported “internal and external pressure,” including from the former first lady, fell onto the company calling for Trump to be banned from using Twitter.
“Now is the time for Silicon Valley companies to stop enabling this monstrous behavior—and go even further than they have already by permanently banning this man from their platforms and putting in place policies to prevent their technologies from being used by the nation’s leaders to fuel insurrection,” Obama wrote in a lengthy statement posted to Twitter on Jan. 7.
Being good puppets for the Democrats, Twitter did as it was told, and banned the president of the United States, happily leaving Vlad Putin, the Taliban, Hezb’allah, Antifa, child porno purveyors, assorted child groomers, and Iran’s mullahs to tweet their tweets without him.
Which pretty well puts paid to the line Michelle Obama has put out that she herself is outside politics, unambitious for the presidency herself, and only interested in high fashion, Hollywood movies and pop-tart singers.
Actually, she’s very much into politics — the politics of censorship of political opponents. Seems she can still only be proud for her country when an Obama is in the saddle, and some have speculated that her recent book tour is about more than raking in millions the better to decorate the palaces in Hawaii, Kalorama, or on Martha’s Vineyard. She may be running for Trump’s office.
Joel Gilbert, who’s written a book on the matter, has a fascinating contribution for AT dated December 1 here.
Guess Twitter didn’t dare consult its own policies when the dragon lady of the Obama empire was on the line.
What’s vile here is that Michelle Obama ought not have any power nor influence whatsoever. She’s somebody’s wife, for heavensakes, she has no political nor expert qualifications, she certainly wasn’t elected by voters, she’s never run for office, and she would not have the power she has were it not for who she married.
But somehow they didn’t dare cross her, and worse still, her interests resembled those of Herodias, demanding the head of Trump on a platter. It didn’t matter to her that Putin or assorted perverts were out there tweeting happily, all that mattered was that the one guy who could beat her or some Democrat for office was out there and still dangerous to Democrat prospects. Republicans, see, are the only enemy to Democrats of this kind, everyone else is unimportant.
It’s disgusting stuff and puts paid to the claim that she’s outside politics. No, she’s very much inside politics, playing like her ward-heeler pop, muscling Twitter, silencing opponents, and doing all possible to ensure Democrats’ permanent power.
Who needs this? Put Michelle Obama on the stand before Congress and let her explain her censorship demand before a live audience.
It was projected in the video as if Tahir Hussain, one of the main accused in Delhi Riots who allegedly used his house as launchpad, were innocent (Image: Poster of the event)
On December 9, an organisation named “The World Is Watching India” released a propaganda video titled “Global Actors Marking Two Years Since the Arrest of Anti-CAA Protestors under UAPA”. In the video, international activists from different organisations came together to whitewash Islamists accused of the anti-Hindu riots of February 2020. The video was based on an online webinar that took place on December 6. Interestingly, the video also contained remarks from the infamous so-called historian Audrey Truschke from her September address from a similar program.
The video claimed that it had been two years since 18 “students and activists” were arrested for terrorism by the Delhi Police. Those who were arrested were part of anti-CAA protests. The video claimed, “The protests came from their belief that the new law is a tool to disenfranchise Indian Muslims and was part of the powerful, nationwide anti-CAA movement.”
The so-called activists listed in the video were Sharjeel Imam, Ishrat Jahan, Khalid Saifi, Tahir Hussain, Saleem Malik, Mohd Saleem Khan, Meeran Haider, Shadab Ahmed, Tasleem Ahmed, Shifa Ur Rehman, Gulfisha Fatima, Athar Khan, Safoora Zargar, Umar Khalid, Natasha Narwal, Asif Iqbal Tanha, Faizan Khan, and Devangana Kalita. The group further said 12 of these accused are still in jail. They claimed, “Individuals and groups all around the world who believe that they are being persecuted for protesting against CAA spoke out in their support.”
It contained excerpts from the online discussion from the webinar that is currently available on its Twitter timeline.
— #TheWorldIsWatchingIndia (@right2dissent20) October 6, 2022
Mary Lawlor, UN Special Rapporteur, Human Rights Defenders, said, “I find it particularly distressing that those who have been denied bail in these cases are all Muslim. I understand that the Delhi high court has repeatedly cited the lack of any factual evidence, material in the charge sheets to back up the police’s theory that the anti-CAA protests were part of a larger conspiracy to cause Terror in India.”
Delhphine Reculeau, World Organization Against Torture, OMCT, said, “All over the world, we see anti-terror rules are being weaponised to target and silence human rights activists. As well as to undermine and degradabilize the numerous legitimate activities.”
Mark Heywood, Editor associated with The Daily Maverick, South Africa, said, “I am speaking for thousands of Human Rights activists not just in South Africa itself but in southern Africa and across Africa that we will work hard in this country to build awareness of what is happening in India and to make sure that the names of all of those who are imprisoned become familiar to us and familiar to people here. Just as 30 years ago, the names of people like Nelson Mandela, Walter Sisulu and all of the South African Liberation Heroes who the world stood up and fought for became known to millions of people. And we know that it was a solidarity that kept their names alive and that kept them alive. What we are seeing in India feels to us in many ways reminiscent of what used to happen in South Africa under apartheid. The retribution, the punitive nature, the Vengeance that is exacted by power on activists, and it has to stop.”
Shahidul Alam, photojournalist and activist from Bangladesh, said, “The family members, the activists, the students who come out in protest have shown tremendous courage and strength at a time in South Asia when there is so much repression, so much abusive human rights and some are disrespect for the rule of law their position is to be lauded.”
Lee Rhiannon, Former Senator of Australia, said, “From Sydney, Australia, we joined the growing worldwide call for the immediate and unconditional release of the human rights Defenders held in Indian jails. The child activists are to be congratulated for taking a stand against the citizenship Amendment Act 2019.”
They added a video clip from Audrey’s September address on a similar topic. She said, “That there’s always another in fascist thought and that other has to be hated and demonised relentlessly in order to define the self. And for Hindutva ideologues, the other are Muslims. Now the citizenship Amendment Act is one piece of this far larger project. But it’s a particularly important piece which is why we saw such brutal crackdowns on protesters against the CAA between December 2019 and February 2020.”
Now here is the link to the event where Audrey spoke. Who organised the event? Well, it was organised by none other than IAMC, the dubious organisation from the US that is known for its anti-India stand and allegedly has links to terrorist organisations.
Govind Acharya, Amnesty International, USA, said, “The decision to rest in jail activists is obviously a conscious effort to silence dissenters, and we actually must make sure that those who are deliberately silenced or unheard are actually heard.”
It also included statements given by several so-called intellectuals and activists who spoke their minds after screening a propaganda documentary titled “Delhi Riots Case: The Unknown Faces Behind Bars Under UAPA” by The Quint that was released on June 28, 2022.
These statements made it clear that they were told one-sided propaganda-inspired stories to whitewash the crimes of those who the Delhi Police arrested. For example, Prof Lyla Mehta said, “It is deplorable that so many committed students and human rights defenders who seek to retain the secular fabric of India are still in jail.”
Interestingly, it also had a quote from Indian American Muslim Council (IAMC) that allegedly has a connection to terrorist organisations. The organisation said, “If Gandhi was alive and with us today, would he have supported these detained activists, or would he have supported Narendra Modi and his BJP party members?” It was rich of IAMC to quote none other than Gandhi, who is believed to be a symbol of non-violence.
Similarly, Ania Loomba, Literary Scholar and Professor, said, “The 18 brave students and others were part of peaceful protests movements that arose at the end of 2019… Many of us were protesting in Philly… If we had been in Delhi, we could have been in jail for the rest of our lives.” It is unclear if she was told who Tahir Hussain was and what he did as per the court documents.
The list of names included in the video and the accusations against them
Sharjeel Imam: Imam is facing charges under IPC and UAPA for speeches he gave during the anti-CAA protests, including instigating Islamists to cut of North Eastern region from the rest of the country by blocking the ‘chicken’s neck’ in North Bengal.
Ishrat Jahan: Jahan was arrested on February 26 for the charges under sections 147 (rioting), 148 (rioting, armed with deadly weapon), 149 (unlawful assembly), 186 (obstructing public servant in discharge of public functions), 353 (assault on public servant), 332 (voluntarily causes hurt to public servant), 307 (attempt to murder), 109 (abetment), and 34 (common intention) of the IPC and relevant sections of the Arms Act.
Khalid Saifi: Saifi was earlier arrested by the Delhi police from the anti-Citizenship (Amendment) Act protest site at Khajuri Khas on February 26. He is charged under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act for allegedly plotting riots in the national capital.
Tahir Hussain: Hussain was arrested for instigating riots during anti-CAA protests. His house was used as a launchpad for the riots that he had earlier confessed in a disclosure statement. Given that his house was a high-rise building and was under construction at that time, it was easy to collect stones and bricks without raising any suspicion. He confessed that he and his co-conspirators had started collecting stones, bricks, and other ammunition, well in advance so that they could teach those, who were in support of the CAA, a lesson when the time was right. To that end, 2-3 days before the riots broke out, he had also got his licensed pistol released from the police station. Moreover, Tahir Hussain was a corporator and leader of AAP, not a student.
Safoora Zargar: Zargar was booked under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act for her alleged role in the conspiracy that led to the Delhi Riots in February 2020. She was arrested in April 2020. The Delhi Police had claimed that she was part of the conspiracy to “destroy, destabilize and disintegrate the Government of India in order to compel to withdraw the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and the alleged National Register of Citizens.” The Delhi High Court granted bail to Safoora Zargar in the Delhi Riots case in June 2020 on humanitarian grounds. After the Central Government said that it had no objections to her release, bail was granted. A regular bail was granted to Safoora Zargar after furnishing a bond of Rs. 10,000 on the condition that she will not leave the territory of Delhi without the permission of the Court and will not hamper the investigation.
Umar Khalid: The FIR filed against Khalid includes serious allegations such as Sections 13, 16, 17, and 18 of the UAPA, Sections 25 and 27 of the Arms Act, and Sections 3 and 4 of the Prevention of Damage to Public Property Act of 1984. He is also charged with several offences listed in the Indian Penal Code of 1860.
Delhi Riots 2020
The Delhi anti-Hindu riots that shook the capital city of India, Delhi, just as the then USA President Donald Trump was visiting, was a stark reminder of just how fragile India’s internal security is, with bloodthirsty mobs, protected by a deeply entrenched ecosystem, looking for a reason to unleash violence against Hindus. The first murder during the violence that erupted on the 23rd of February with Muslim mobs running rampage was that of Ratan Lal. Soon after him, Dilbar Negi, a young daily wager, was brutally murdered. His hands and legs were chopped off before he was burnt to death. OpIndia’s detailed reporting on the Delhi Riots of 2020 can be read here.
Condoms will be provided for free to children in French pharmacies, President Emmanuel Macron announced on Twitter on Friday.
Following a decision to make condoms free for all people aged between 18 and 25 on Thursday, French President Emmanuel Macron said that he would extend the handout to minors as well.
Speaking in a video posted on Twitter, Macron said that, after the announcement of free condoms for 18-25-year-olds, “I was attacked by several of you that many of our young minors had sex and that they also had to be able to protect themselves, that they could have the same financial constraints.”
“We will work to extend this measure to minors… I think it’s a very good prevention policy to allow all young people to protect themselves,” he added.
According to a report from Le Figaro, Health Minister François Braun said that the policy will allow for people up to the age of 25 to be reimbursed by the government for the full purchase price at taxpayer expense. He also said that the government will not require minors to have a prescription to purchase condoms.
It was not revealed if the government will require parental consent for the reimbursement of condoms to those under the age of 18.
In addition to the announcement on condoms, Macron said that the government will extend free testing for sexually transmitted diseases as a part of a government prevention policy.
“We will continue to strengthen our health prevention policy, regular diagnoses and screenings at old ages of life, [and] go further on vaccination against certain viruses. I’m thinking of papillomavirus (HPV),” he said.
In 2018, the French government began reimbursing the cost of condoms if they were bought from a pharmacy with a prescription from a doctor, and earlier this year it made contraception free for women up to the age of 26 after previously being only free for those aged 18 or younger.
Last year, the National Assembly unanimously voted to set the age of consent in France at 15 years old. The legislation did provide a ‘Romeo and Juliet’ carveout for consensual sex between those under the age of 15 and older people if the age gap between the two is under five years.
The law would not have criminalised the relationship between Emmanuel Macron and his wife Brigitte, who is 24 years his senior and began dating him when he was just 16 and she was his drama teacher.
The headlong rush by Western nations to not only abandon fossil fuels, but punish those involved in extracting and producing them is not only foolish, but suicidal. There is simply no way to quickly transition from abundant and inexpensive energy to solar, wind, and electric without causing massive disruption and pain for the vast majority of non-elites.
Combine this insane energy policy with the elites’ simultaneous threat to shut down thousands of farms if they don’t adhere to draconian measures to cut down on greenhouse gas emissions and you have a recipe for privation, and — at least eventually — for great fear, anger, and chaos.
And this at a time of severe economic uncertainty and supply chain issues. For no legitimate reason, the West is determined to transition from a time of wealth and plenty to one of probable privation and famine. Stunning.
The rulers of Western nations appear crazily determined to do everything in their power — or even outside their constitutionally permitted powers — to destroy the nations they lead. Canada’s Justin Trudeau brazenly and vilely violated the rights of thousands of Canadian truckers who were peacefully protesting the apprentice tyrant’s suffocating and endless COVID-19 vaccine mandates and restrictions earlier this year. He not only sicced the police on them, but pressured banks to freeze their accounts and insurance companies to cancel their policies. And Trudeau now says he expects police to snuff out another potential protest before it can occur. Is it ethical — or prudent — to so treat those responsible for delivering materials and goods to every corner of your vast and remote nation?
But wait, there’s more, as late-night infomercials often say. Our leaders and influencers are not content with simply depriving us “deplorables” of the energy, products, and food on which we depend. Heavens, no. Many are all in on our intellectual, cultural, and spiritual destruction as well.
By not pushing back on — or even embracing — the agendas of radical far-left provocateurs who openly wish to abolish the family and eviscerate all standards, they further reveal themselves.
Incredibly, there is an ongoing and all-out assault on competence, decency, discipline, achievement, communication skills, reason…and morality…all of which have been branded tools or vestiges of white supremacy. How could anything be more racist than that? Moreover, the Judeo-Christian work ethic has also been effectively mocked and dispensed with, as have traditional biblical values. (In fact, some parts of the Bible are now considered “hate speech” by the left.)
All of this has led us, inevitably and inexorably, to the place we find ourselves now.
Young people, as a rule, don’t want to work with their hands, get dirty, experience physical exhaustion, or risk the possibility of injury. Many have been indoctrinated to disdain achievers. The construction, extraction, and transportation trades may well be on their last breath.
Testosterone rates are falling almost as fast as sperm counts. Excellence is considered evil, and evil is considered by some to be excellent.
Those who have for so long held up the planet — striving, innovating, producing, and excelling — are now being chastised and demonized.
This cannot end well.
What will happen when we replace 10,000 miners with 10,000 gender studies majors and 10,000 farmers with 10,000 Antifa recruits? Will we be better off?
As Mark Steyn once noted, America was built by those with an 8th-grade education, and, like the rest of the West, is being summarily destroyed by those with an 18th-grade “education.” The one-room prairie schoolhouse of days of yore tended to produce far greater citizens than do the colleges and universities in America today. To the extent that there is true innovation today, it is largely computer-driven, involving computers, artificial intelligence, social media, or videogames. There are no more Franklins or Edisons, though Elon Musk comes close.
This assault on freedom, innovation, competence, and achievement can ultimately have only one result: total societal collapse.