Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson and Energy and Industry Minister Ebba Busch talking to police officers. Facebook
In Sweden, following the recent parliamentary elections in September, a conservative government took power, which – for the first time in the country’s history – is tolerated by the right-wing Sweden Democrats. As a result of this political constellation, the new government is now decreeing a migration policy U-turn in the country.
After the violent excesses leading to a civil war by migrant gangs, especially in larger cities such as Stockholm and Malmö, in recent years, there are now to be drastic changes. Permanent residence permits for asylum seekers are to be gradually revoked. This was announced by the new Swedish migration minister, Maria Malmer Stenergard.
“Asylum immigration must now be kept to a minimum,” said the minister. Transit centers, which could even be set up abroad, are also being considered. Minister Stenergard therefore wants to work more closely with countries outside the EU – a path that has already been taken by the Scandinavian neighbor Denmark. Family reunification should also be restricted.
Basically, the motto in the future should be: first integration, then naturalization. Sweden has “a huge task” ahead of it when it comes to integration. The requirements have been tightened accordingly. First, migrants should accept the Swedish way of life for at least eight years, not five as before.
The deadlines for naturalization are thus extended and the requirements tightened. If the immigrants are not willing to take these steps, they would lose their permanent residency permits. The director-general of the national migration agency, Mikael Ribbenvik, told TV channel SVT that permanent residence permits may be changed to temporary ones.
At the same time, the immigration of qualified workers should be improved: “We want to focus on the highly qualified workers who come to Sweden and improve the rules to shorten processing times,” says Stenergard. People who come to Sweden to work and to contribute “to Swedish society, to Swedish companies and to the development of Sweden” are more than welcome.
The government and the Sweden Democrats have also been tasked with investigating new security measures. They held a joint press conference this week where a new “security package” linked to the Tidö Agreement was presented. “We have promised to do what is required to break the criminal trend,” said Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson (M).
According to Jimmie Åkesson (SD), the “paradigm shift” that was talked about in the election campaign must now begin. “It must be really difficult to be a criminal in the Sweden we now govern,” said Jimmie Åkesson.
The government will therefore investigate the possibility of introducing the use of anonymous witnesses in Swedish legal processes. The investigator will be the marshal and former president of the Court of Appeal, Fredrik Wersäll. A first proposal is to be presented in October next year.
In connection with that, the application of a Crown witness system and early interrogations will be examined. “Anyone who has witnessed a crime must be able to feel safe in providing information in criminal investigations and in court,” said Energy and Industry Minister Ebba Busch.
“As I said, we are now adding an investigation into anonymous witnesses to add another tool to the box to deal with serious organized crime,” she added.
The government also intends to give the municipalities statutory responsibility for crime prevention work. A bill must be submitted to the Riksdag in the near future, according to Ebba Busch.
At the same time, the crime prevention council, Brå, will be given SEK 42 million per year to develop national support in crime prevention work.
Kanhaiya Lal and his two killers, image via ABP News
Months after Kanhaiyal Lal was brutally murdered in the Udaipur district of Rajasthan, the National Investigation Team (NIA) filed a chargesheet against two Pakistani nationals and 9 others in connection to the case on Thursday (December 22).
As per a report by Hindustan Times, the two Pakistanis were identified as Abu Ibrahim and Salman. It has also come to light that one of the killers of the Hindu tailor, Riyaz Attari, was associated with the Pakistani-based Islamist outfit Dawait-e-Islami.
Attari along with his accomplice Ghous Mohammed were also invited to visit Pakistan by senior officials of Dawat-e-Islami in the year 2014. Reportedly, Salman, one of the Pakistani nationals named in the chargesheet, had directed the duo to avenge the insult of Prophet Muhammad in a spectacular manner.
He also told the killers of Kanhaiya Lal that ‘peaceful protests will not ‘yield any result.’ The NIA informed, “Investigations have revealed that the accused persons, operating as a terror gang module, conspired to take revenge.”
It further informed, “The accused were radicalized and took inspiration from incriminating audios/videos/messages being circulated from within and outside India
As per a report by Republic TV, the Union Home Ministry had been suspecting a ‘Pakistani angle’ in the gruesome murder of Kanhaiya Lal and had therefore sent the NIA to Udaipur for further probe.
Kanhaiya Lal murder case
On June 28 this year, a Hindu tailor named Kanhaiya Lal was brutally murdered by two Islamists, Riyaz Attari and Ghous Mohammed for an alleged post in support of former spokesperson of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Nupur Sharma.
It later came to light that his name, photograph and location were leaked and made viral by his neighbour Nazim who had also filed a complaint against Kanhaiya Lal for the alleged post
.Nazim and his co-religionists also conducted a recce of his shop. Kanhaiya Lal’s appeal for security fell on deaf ears and the Udaipur police did not take any action, ultimately leading to his killing. A video of his brutal killing went viral on social media.
It is been two years and nine months since the start of the COVID pandemic. In my region of Pennsylvania, the newest milder omicron variants are certainly about, but in greatly reduced numbers compared to last year. There is relatively little morbidity. Nonetheless, we are still forced to mask at the hospital, and once a week, symptomatic or not, because I’m unvaccinated, I am expected to be tested for the virus. Unfortunately, I see no end to this.
Regarding the pandemic, I feel like one does after a dangerous storm passes through your town. You spent time in preparation, boarding the windows and staying indoors. The winds and lashing rain have passed, leaving downed trees and limbs, flooded areas, and damaged homes. There is a sense of relief mixed with a feeling of sadness over what has been lost.
In a metaphorical way, this is where we are in the aftermath of COVID. The panic and hype concerning the virus have slowly waned as people come out of their homes to survey the aftermath. Business have closed, jobs have been lost. There has been significant psychological damage, with some people experiencing residual anxiety about not just COVID, but now influenza and RSV, which have recently become prevalent. The prospect of masking during the winter respiratory virus season has been floated by health officials. and I’m once again seeing more faces hidden behind cloth.
Another measure of “COVID Concern” is the number of boosters obtained by those most obsessed. I’ve encountered people that have undergone six separate injections and will be happy to have more. They are generally not receptive to alternative information.
A new “bivalent vaccine is being offered to the public. This vaccine was hurriedly approved, essentially without any testing. It injects you with two types of mRNA. Half of the vaccine codes for spike proteins for the long-since extinct alpha variant. One suspects this mRNA was included mainly to facilitate the inappropriately rapid approval of the new inoculation. It means that half of the mRNA load in the most recent booster codes for a toxic spike protein that no longer infects anyone.
Unfortunately, the other half of the vaccine codes for spike from an omicron variants that are also no longer prevalent (the BA.1-5 variants). The current XBB and BQ1 variants are said to evade even the bivalent vaccine immunity. There is more and more data to suggest that the majority of hospitalizations now occur in vaccinated versus unvaccinated people.
Despite this, HHS has bizarrely suggested that we get boosted every three months. Can we finally admit that the vaccine has failed? It certainly appears that those who have been preaching the futility of a vaccine strategy for a rapidly mutating coronavirus have been right all along.
In the meantime, VAERs data compiled by the CDC as of this week there have been 72,699 hospitalizations and 15,732 deaths related to the COVID-19 vaccines since January 2020. By comparison, there have been 40,005 hospitalizations and 5,468 deaths reported in that same system for all other 26 monitored vaccinessince VAERS began in 1990.
Meanwhile, insurance actuaries and the funeral industry have recorded significant increases in the number of working-class deaths since early 2021. We have begun discussing an entity called Sudden Adult Death syndrome (SADS) where young people without a history of cardiac disease are dying of cardiac arrhythmias. Every day, it seems, a young athlete or otherwise fit person succumbs. Since spike proteins created by the vaccines are known to create endothelial damage, and myocarditis, perhaps we should stop vaccinating, and start investigating the possible connection
There have been two oral medications developed for the treatment of COVID-19. Pfizer developed the drug Paxlovid, which certainly looked promising, but has suffered from its many drug interactions, reports of poor patient tolerance and recurrent infection after the drug is stopped. Merck’s Molnupivinir is more modestly protective for severe disease and death but comes with some unusual precautions. At least from this physician’s viewpoint, it has sort of fallen off the radar as a treatment. This of course has happened even though the U.S. government purchased $2.2 billion worth of this medication.
So what about the virus? From the CDC data appears that the current number of infections and deaths has been low and so far rather flat, particularly when compared to last year at this time. This probably reflects a variety of effects, including the tendency for the most recent variants to induce mild upper respiratory symptoms. There is also the increasing immunity of the populace, brought on by both vaccines, but also by the large number of omicron infections last winter. By some estimates, roughly 95% of people now are likely immunologically protected by vaccine or previous infection.
It’s important to remember, though, that much like the other endemic cold viruses, this coronavirus will continue to mutate, and we will continue to be somewhat susceptible. As viruses do, it should mutate to less virulent forms, and our pre-existing immunity should protect most of us from serious symptoms. It is important to remember, however, that even the previous endemic cold viruses can cause hospitalization and death in susceptible patients.
The result of all this is that the public is slowly awakening to the reality of this illness, and the futility and even risk of vaccination. The percentage of people who have opted for the new bivalent vaccine has dropped considerably from previous booster efforts. The patients I see in my clinic, are fed up with the mask requirements and are relieved when I request that they be removed for an examination.
COVID-19 will likely be with us for the foreseeable future. It is, however, no longer a pandemic. And it is not the same virus as when it appeared in the winter 2020.
The storm is over. It is time to pull the last of the plywood down, repair the damage and move on.
Two churches in the cities of Bordeaux and Paris were attacked this week, with the latter seeing the vandals write far-left anarchist slogans on the doors.
On Tuesday, the Church of the Trinity in Bordeaux was found with at least 17 “impacts” found in the windows of the church, with six steel balls found near the windows which managed to impact but not break the glass.
Father Samuel Volta, vicar general of the diocese for Bordeaux commented on the attack telling the newspaper Le Figaro, “In the current context, we were initially very scared and thought of the worst when we heard the news. Finally, it looks more like terrible ‘stupidity’.”
Father Volta added that “living together is a bit of a daily challenge,” in the neighbourhood where the church is located but said the parish is peaceful and the local Catholic community has not had any prior hostilities.
In Paris, another church was attacked in the heart of the city near the famous Louvre museum. Vandals spray-painted slogans on the doors of the 17th century Eglise Saint Roch, tagging the church with anarchist symbols, with one slogan stating “Nazis, Frenchs, Pro-Deutch, Fuck Off.”
Ariel Weil, the mayor of central Paris, commented on the church attack connecting it to a rally held by sovereigntist former National Rally (RN) politician Florian Phillipot saying, “A few days before Christmas, scandalous inscriptions on the Eglise Saint-Roch, no doubt on the sidelines of the demonstration by Philippot’s supporters this weekend.”
“Complaint was filed at the police station and cleaning started by the city’s cleanliness teams. Thanks to the officers,” he added.
The attacks are just the latest anti-Christian attacks to take place in France this Christmas season and come after a nativity scene in Illkirch-Graffenstaden, a suburb of Strasbourg,was set on fire in an alleged arson attack last week by two unknown perpetrators.
Just days later in Lormont, a town located in the suburbs of the city of Bordeaux, a man was arrested after cutting down a local Christmas tree installed by the town hall while yelling the phrase “Allahu Akbar” as he committed the act.
À quelques jours de Noël, scandaleuses inscriptions sur l’église Saint-Roch, sans doute en marge de la manifestation des partisans de Philippot ce week-end. Plainte a été déposée au commissariat et nettoyage démarré par les équipes de propreté de la ville. Merci aux agents. pic.twitter.com/XVjfxfytMF
Edinburgh, Scotland – January 18, 2020: Aerial view of main chamber of Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh city (Credit: Shutterstock)
The Scottish Parliament passed controversial new legislation on Thursday that will make it easier for people to legally change their gender and reduce the minimum age to do so from 18 to 16.
The Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill was approved by 86 votes to 39 after two days of debate in Holyrood, which were disrupted on Wednesday by protesters who object to the gender reforms.
Following the bill’s enactment, a medical diagnosis of gender dysphoria will no longer be required in order to apply for a gender recognition certificate (GRC) to legally change gender. Furthermore, the time an applicant must live in their preferred gender will be slashed from two years to three months with a three-month reflection period.
The radical law will also lower the minimum age at which a person can apply for a GRC from 18 to 16 years old — a longer reflection period of six months will apply to minors.
The bill was passed by Nicola Sturgeon’s devolved government despite polling results published earlier this month by YouGov that revealed as many as two-thirds of Scots aged 16 or over oppose the plans.
The YouGov survey commissioned by The Times newspaper showed that 59 percent of respondents objected to reducing the time a person should be required to live in their preferred gender; 60 percent opposed removing the requirement for a doctor’s diagnosis of gender dysphoria; and 66 percent opposed reducing the minimum age required to apply for a GRC from 18 to 16 years old.
As MSPs debated final amendments to the bill on Wednesday, women’s rights campaigners voiced their protests in Scotland’s parliamentary chamber, many of whom are concerned the bill will impact the safety of women and children and that it fails to protect women’s rights and single-sex spaces.
Protesters temporarily brought a halt to proceedings in Holyrood as cries of “shame” rang down from the public gallery aimed at the presiding members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs).
Prominent women’s rights campaigner and children’s author, J.K. Rowling, described the reforms last week as “the single biggest assault on the rights of Scottish women and girls in my lifetime,” calling the bill “Nicola Stugeon’s poll tax,” a reference to former British Conservative Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s hugely unpopular tax reforms.
The UN’s special rapporteur on violence against women and girls had expressed concerns the gender reforms could allow violent males to “abuse” the system.
Commenting on the result in the Scottish Parliament, one proponent of the bill, MSP Pam Gosal, said it is “a sad day to be a woman in Scotland.”
She apologized to “all women and girls that we were not able to throw out the SNP government’s flawed bill,” but insisted campaigners “won’t give up.”
Adding to her last point, U.K. government’s Secretary of State for Scotland Alistair Jack said following the vote: “We share the concerns that many people have regarding certain aspects of this bill and, in particular, the safety issues for women and children.
“We will look closely at that, and also the ramifications for the 2010 Equality Act and other UK wide legislation, in the coming weeks — up to and including a Section 35 order stopping the bill going for Royal Assent if necessary.”
A Section 35 order references the power reserved by the U.K. government in the Scotland Act 1998, which can be used to prevent the Scottish Parliament from submitting a bill for Royal Assent — the final hurdle to passing legislation in the United Kingdom — should it believe it has “reasonable grounds” to do so.
Such a move would likely be contested as a constitutional matter, which could see a long delay to the enactment of the bill passed on Thursday, if it would be enacted at all.
The German Minister of Foreign Affairs, Annalena Baerbock, handed over 22 of the 1 130 looted artefacts to the Nigerian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Geoffrey Onyeama, and the Minister of Information and Culture, Lai Mohammed. Facebook
She knows of countries that are “hundreds of thousands of kilometers” away and speaks of tank battles in the 19th century. Germany’s Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock is now reporting on the dark colonial history between Nigeria and Germany. Nigeria was never even a colony of any European power.
The fact that history and geography are not necessarily among the strengths of German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens) has been known at least since her last reports about tank battles in the 19th century or countries that are “hundreds of thousands of kilometers” away. The circumference of the Earth is just over 40 000km, so such countries remain an enigma.
Now Baerbock has added to fresh suspicions about her educational background in a new statement via Twitter. “Today we are taking a step that was long overdue: we are bringing twenty Benin bronzes back to their native Nigeria. That will not heal all wounds of the past. But we are showing that we are serious about coming to terms with our dark colonial history,” wrote the Foreign Minister. The problem: Nigeria was not colonized by Germany, but by Great Britain.
The Benin Bronzes are a group of several thousand metal plaques and sculptures that have adorned the Royal Palace of the Kingdom of Benin since the 16th century. In the era of the colonization of Africa, they were sold as looted art by the United Kingdom in 1897 – to Germany, among others.
Very little is known about Baerbock. The name is a very unusual one in Germany, and there are no other families with this name. Her “biography” and “family” appear to have been fabricated. In his book that has just been published, bestselling author Gerhard Wisnewski has revealed the gaps in the Foreign Minister’s story.
Baerbock herself dismissed her suspicious CV in an “interview” with a kindergarten child, calling herself a little “forgetful”.
The German Foreign Minister might have no clue what she is talking about most of the time, but she is determined to create “good optics” nonetheless. Baerbock employs a personal stylist who receives a monthly flat rate of 7 500 euros. This was first reported by the Bild newspaper. Accordingly, the make-up artist Claude Frommen has been working for the politician for four years.
“Ms. Frommen takes care of Foreign Minister Baerbock’s make-up and hairstyling for picture and television appointments,” confirmed a spokesman for the Foreign Ministry. The stylist also accompanies her on her trips abroad. “I let you shine” is her professional motto.
Frommen is a renowned make-up artist from Berlin whose clients include executives from politics, the media and business. On her website, Frommen lists film productions and photo studios as well as the Green Party among her clients. “Years of traveling all over the world have shaped my thoughts and feelings.”
Previously, Baerbock’s cabinet colleague and party colleague Robert Habeck also drew attention to himself with his tax-financed vanities. The Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology employs a personal photographer for almost 100 000 euros a year.
When 12-year-old French girl Lola was raped and murdered in Paris by an Algerian migrant, the story was initially ignored by the mainstream press, but outrage grew so great that the story eventually gained international attention. In contrast, few outside of Sweden know of the case of the 9-year-old girl Luna, which Remix News originally covered in July of this year. She is one of the many who blink across the headlines and then fade from memory, like countless other victims of Europe’s open borders policy.
Now, Luna’s family has given an exclusive interview to Swedish newspaper Expressen about the daily disaster they are living with after the young girl was stripped naked, molested, strangled with her own shoelaces, tied to a tree, and left for dead in the woods as she traveled home from school.
In a case that has played out countless times across Europe, the perpetrator was a foreign national, this time a 15-year-old from Ethiopia with a history of sexual assault and viewing strangulation pornography on school computers. Although officially listed as 13, it would later be revealed that he was actually two years older than his parents had originally told school authorities.
Luna’s day at school on July 7 ended like many others. The little girl put on her backpack and helmet, said goodbye to the staff at the school, and got on her bike to ride home to Morö Backe in Skellefteå.
What happened next destroyed a family and left Luna without the ability to speak or move her limbs.
Authorities do not know how the migrant teen got Luna to stop her bike or how he managed to drag her naked body through the rough terrain of the woods where she was later found strangled by a shoelace — moments away from death.
The parents do know what happened next though — in fact, they have to live with it every day.
The girl was found alive, but the teenager’s efforts to strangle her had deprived her of oxygen, leaving her with permanent brain damage.
Luna is now confined to a wheelchair and struggles to move her limbs. Source: family photo)
Now, she cannot speak and cannot move her arms or legs. She is trapped in her own body, unable to express herself or move her limbs. After months of rehabilitation, the only word the girl has ever said was “mother.”
“It’s like a black hole we’re falling through. There is no bottom,” said Emma, the girl’s aunt, who was authorized to speak on behalf of the entire family.
Emma told Expressen that a week after the murder trial, she experienced the same dream night after night — or what she said was more like a vision — that jolted her awake in the early morning hours.
In the dreams, Emma is flying directly above Luna, who is alone on the ground of the forest floor with a noose around her neck. Her aunt wants to lie down next to her niece but cannot bring her body down from the air. All she can do is look at Luna from above.
According to doctors, Luna was close to death when she was discovered. This photo, provided by Luna’s family, shows the girl in a coma that lasted 11 days.
“I felt that I wanted to go down to her on the ground, I didn’t want her to lie alone in the forest and be afraid,” she said.
Police are unaware how long Luna lay on the forest floor naked with her own shoelace wrapped around her neck. When she was discovered, she was tied to a tree, and her breath was little more than rasps. Medical services raced to save her life, with a police officer forced to drive the ambulance as the two paramedics worked on the girl at the same time in the back. Doctors managed to keep her alive but were unable to save her from catastrophic brain damage.
For Luna’s closest family, all energy has gone into taking care of the young girl. They are speaking to the press now, six months after the attack, to let the world know what the family and Luna have gone through.
Warning signs, a troubled boy
The Ethiopian teen had been a menace nearly from the moment he arrived in Sweden. The boy had been in and out of neighboring schools and had a history of documented sexual assaults, viewing graphic pornography on school computers, and assaulting a woman near an underpass where Luna’s body would later be found. More of the details of these incidents will be covered later in this piece.
On the day of the murder, the boy ripped off Luna’s own shoelaces and strangled her. He then used the other shoelace to tie her hands around the tree so tightly that it damaged the bark. There is no indication he knew who Luna was or interacted with her before the incident.
The boy returned to the schoolyard shortly thereafter to raise the alarm. He even participated in the ensuing search.
The family of Luna has provided photos of the little girl, including periods of her life when she was much younger.
Luna was found first by a woman near the side of the road in the forest near the school.
Police noticed what they said was strange behavior from the Ethiopian teen and questioned him about the case that evening. It was then that he told the police he was 15, although the school had him listed as 13. Remix News also had initially reported that the boy was 13 but wrote there were doubts about his true age already at that time.
The teenager initially told police he had nothing to do with the attempted murder, but the next day admitted to his parents what he had done. The father then called the police. An investigation by Sweden’s Forensic Agency also confirmed that the teen was 15 at the time of the attempted murder.
Under subsequent police questioning, the boy expressed surprise that Luna survived. Although, he admitted to the assault, the details of the story changed time after time, and he had difficulty explaining why he attacked the girl.
A brutal trial
Luna’s aunt told Expressen that the trial was extremely difficult, saying, “Time stood still, the air ran out of the room.” The details of the trial were “brutal,” and both lawyers and prosecutors apologized to the family for the details they were exposed to over the course of four days. However, Emma said that not being there was never an option, and she knew she must bear witness for her niece.
“I wanted to be her witness, to be her eyes and ears. Maybe one day she will want me to tell her,” says Emma.
On Oct. 19, the Skellefteå district court handed a guilty sentence to the 15-year-old for attempted murder and aggravated rape. On Nov. 30, a forensic psychiatric investigation determined the 15-year-old “suffered from a serious mental disorder both when he assaulted Luna and now.”
The investigation also concluded that there is a high chance the 15-year-old could commit another serious crime if he were released.
On Dec. 14, the 15-year-old was sentenced to forensic psychiatric care with a special discharge examination by the Skellefteå district court. It is unclear how long he will be detained at the facility.
If the teenager had committed the crime as an adult, he would have faced life imprisonment.
“You had silk ribbons in your hair, a stray ray of sunshine dancing on your cheek.
Luna could once do many things. She sang a solo in the Christmas choir in the local church. Her aunt describes her as artistic, “a child that loved to sing and dance.”
She rode her bike to school and watched her little sister while playing outside. She had a dream of becoming a Youtuber.
On Ascension Day this year, she went to Stockholm with her two cousins and saw the pop band Mares. The concert and the bus from Djurgården was full of young people. Emma described it as a happy crowd, one that stood up for those who needed a seat on the bus and sang loudly.
Emma said the crowd of older teens sang Mares’ hit song “Sunnavind,” which translated to English reads:
“You had silk ribbons in your hair, a stray ray of sunshine dancing on your cheek.
You were the most beautiful thing in spring, you were the most beautiful thing in spring.
And it’s easy to understand That we were happy, That we were happy, That we were happier then.
Emma describes how Luna and her cousins watched with wide eyes as the teenagers sang aloud. She then said to the children, “One day maybe you’ll be the ones standing and singing on the bus.”
‘It feels as if we are walking barefoot on a sharp knife with a precipice on each side’
Luna was on a respirator for 11 days. Her brain damage is irreversible. Emma described to Expressen that when Luna woke up, many people told the family how lucky and nice it was.
“Sure, she’s alive, but it’s far from good. She is alive in the sense that she breathes on her own but she can’t move, can’t talk, can’t do anything,” Emma said.
During another interview, Emma tried to express the daily horror the family finds itself in.
“It feels as if we are walking barefoot on a sharp knife with a precipice on each side,” she said.
A short time later, before the indictment and trial, the family learned that Luna’s brain damage was irreversible, a message that sent shockwaves through the family.
“We really understood that it was like that, but when we got it in black and white, it hurt so much,” said Emma.
The girl is confined to a wheelchair, must take medication for epilepsy, and cannot express herself verbally.
However, Luna can still express fear and sadness. At times, Emma said Luna becomes “inconsolable, sad and upset.” The family believes she can remember what happened to her in the forest. They then drop everything and try to calm her.
“We know. We know what happened to you, you don’t have to struggle to tell us,” they say.
Emma says she is gripped with anger, and she wakes up in the middle of the night biting through her bite guard, which she uses to protect her teeth while she sleeps.
She says she does not direct her anger at the 15-year-old — she cannot even think about him.
Instead, her anger is directed against the adults in the schools and the social services — the same ones who knew the boy’s problems and past record but did nothing to protect the children. She said there were “signals” that authorities could have acted upon.
A previous investigation from Expressen found that the boy had a long record of issues with various schools and social services. In 2019, he was reported for three separate incidents where he grabbed girls’ breasts and buttocks in school and called the girls a “whore.” While the school addressed the issue with the parents, no reports were ever made to Swedish social services.
In June 2021, the teen assaulted a woman at an underpass at Moröhöjden, not far from where Luna’s body would eventually be discovered.
The woman said she and the teen were in a “wrestling match” when she managed to break free. Police investigated the attempted assault and believed there was a sexual motive behind the attack. The woman pointed out the boy from a lineup, but he was too young and had no official criminal history, so the case was simply sent to social services. It was never reported to the school district.#
The teen came from Ethiopia in 2018 and received a temporary residence permit with his mother and three siblings. At the time of the murder, the boy had just received permanent residence. Since then, the family has added a fifth child.
The boy’s age was listed incorrectly when he came to the country, and although staff at the school knew his age was not correct, they did nothing to fix the situation despite the severe problems he presented in school settings with younger children.
The trial revealed that the boy had also surfed the computers inside the school, where he viewed violent websites and pornography, and appeared to watch a number of pornography videos featuring strangulation. The school traced the content back to the teen, but only warned him that he would no longer be able to use school computers if he continued to view such content.
“Society could have prevented this,” says Emma.
Expressen writes, “The boy has also met with psychologists and the municipality’s rehabilitation team to get help. But when his parents did not want to participate in the investigation, the social services stated that they ‘found no reason to investigate against the parents’ will.’”
The Social Welfare Board in the district admits no wrong-doing and “has not discovered any shortcomings” in how the teen’s case was handled.
‘The only thing that remains is the love for Luna’
Luna remains in the hospital, but will be sent home for Christmas — the whole family gathering to be with her. However, she faces an uncertain future, and she will only be allowed a short leave from the hospital. Once she is eventually sent home, she will need around-the-clock assistance.
People in Sweden have sent money to the child and her hospital room is overflowing with donated stuffed animals, but it is unclear what standard of living she will have over the long-term if donation money dries up.
Luna has shown some progress but at the same time, her anxiety is increasing, which affects the whole family. Despite these struggles, the family says Luna must not be hidden away. They share updates on her progress on Instagram, and they are indicating they are willing to speak to the press.
Expressen writes that “of all the feelings of hatred, anger, hopelessness and deepest sorrow that Luna’s family has gone through and still struggles with, there is still one feeling that rises above the others. Like when Emma in the dream floats above Luna’s body in the forest.”
“The only thing that remains is love for Luna,” says Emma.
Luna is one of many
Sweden is dealing with a massive crime wave related to its immigrant population, reaching a record high of gun-related firearm murders in 2022 after breaking a previous record in 2021. Bild newspaper has now labeled Sweden the “most dangerous country in Europe.” Numerous young people have been gang raped and murdered in tandem with the country’s growing migrant population, and these cases have crept their way onto the front pages and evening news as the cases become more and more unavoidable. In fact, the issue of mass immigration was perhaps the number one defining issue of this year’s Swedish elections.
As 2022 comes to a close, the rape and murder of 12-year-old Lola in France by an Algerian migrant along with the trial over four Afghan migrants for the rape and murder of 13-year-old Leonie in Austria’s Vienna are the type of cases that have fueled anti-immigration sentiment. While Luna’s family has up until now made no comment on the immigration situation facing Sweden, many conservatives see the case as a wake-up call for the country.
There is no way to say whether any of these cases are connected to the growing support for anti-immigration parties in Europe, as these cases only play a limited yet tragic role in Europe’s growing migrant crisis. But in France, National Rally finally has a strong force in parliament while in Sweden, conservatives have taken control after national elections gave them a slight majority. In Austria, the patriotic Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) is now the strongest party, and analysts are predicting that the party’s leader, Herbert Kickl, could be the country’s next prime minister.
It is unclear what 2023 will bring, but the murders of Lola, Leonie, and the attempted murder of Luna — who are only a small sampling of the children who have lost their lives to migrant violence — are unlikely to be the last such cases seen in Europe.