India: Retired intelligence bureau  officer, who wrote a book exposing Jihad, murdered by unknown persons 

Retd. IB Officer R.N. Kulkarni killed by unknown persons

On Friday 4th November 2022, 83-year-old RN Kulkarni – a retired assistant director of the central intelligence bureau – died after being hit by a car in the Manasa Gangotri area of Mysuru. He was hit by the car at around 5:30 pm when he was going for an evening walk. While it was initially thought to be a case of hit and run case, the investigations after his death have now revealed that he was deliberately crushed by an unidentified car.

CCTV footage from a nearby camera has shown how he was walking by the roadside and how the car turned towards him with the sole purpose of hitting the veteran ex-officer and running away as he fell down. Kulkarni was thrown into the air by the speeding car before hitting the ground. He was rushed to a hospital but succumbed to his injuries later. The following video of the incident contains graphic images, viewer discretion is advised.

At first, it was thought to be a hit-and-run event, however CCTV evidence retrieved from the area around the scene reveals that a car intentionally ran him over. The visuals also show that the car didn’t have its number plate. The police are now investigating this as a case of pre-planned murder and not just a hit-and-run case. So far, the reason for the murder is not clear. A case has been registered at the Jayalakshmi police station in this regard. It is notable that RK Kulkarni retired from the services in 2000.

Mysuru’s police commissioner Chandragupta said, “We got preliminary information that an accident took place on November 4 at 5.30 pm at Manasa Gangotri where an 83-year-old person was killed after being hit by a car.”

He added, “When we investigated it thoroughly we arrived at the conclusion that it was not an accident but a murder, and accordingly, we started our investigation. Three investigation teams led by the Assistant Commissioner of Police Narasimharaja jurisdiction have been constituted. We got suspicious after we found that there were no number plates on the vehicle. There are some leads that we cannot disclose now.”

RN Kulkarni penned a book exposing Jihad

RN Kulkarni authored three books after his retirement. One of them ‘…and yet God smiles’ is a fiction narrating the tale of a family over its five generations. His other two books, however, were more discussed than this one. He wrote a book titled ‘Sin of National Conscience’ in which he went on to describe a sizzling account of intelligence operations.

His third book is titled ‘Facets of Terrorism in India’. This book was launched in 2019 at the hands of Nirmala Sitharaman who was then Defence Minister. In the book launch ceremony, she said, “There are two types of terrorism in the country today — one is the Red Corridor and another Jihadi Terrorism. Both these types have taken deep roots here and if it has to be uprooted, then every citizen in the country must join hands with the Central Government.”

Cover of two books by RN Kulkarni, Sin of National Conscience and Facets of Terrorism in India

The book emphasizes the fact that the Islamic rule and its expansion by Muslims in India centered around the doctrine called Jihad fi Sabilillah – Jihad in the way of Allah. RN Kulkarni explained in this book how India experienced the Jihad throughout the Islamic Rule over 1000 years.

The blurb of the book reads, “The people of India are distortedly called Hindus due to historic reasons and by the invaders. It got stuck hard, through the ages. This caused a disconnect with their roots and hence they suffer from an identity crisis. Among the many invaders, it is only the Muslims who made India their home, through the process of religious turbulence. Hindus tried to co-exist with them sadly without ever trying to know either their religion or political thought of Islam. The creation of Pakistan in 1947 again set in motion the Jihad. Pakistan even now continues to be the epicenter of Jihad, where Kashmir is its live and brutal battlefield. This, the Western world and media have described it as Islamic terrorism.”

Amnesty for COVID fear pushers? Forget it!

Image: Tom Hilton via FlickrCC BY 2.0.

By Mike VanOuse

On October 31, 2022, The Atlantic published an opinion piece titled “Let’s Declare a Pandemic Amnesty,” with the subtitle, “Let’s focus on the future, and fix the problems we still need to solve,” penned by Brown University economist Emily Oster.

The article began by rehearsing a litany of social measures that were taken in response to the pandemic, highlighting the animosity that arose between opposing factions.

I have been reflecting on this lack of knowledge thanks to a class I’m co-teaching at Brown University on COVID. We’ve spent several lectures reliving the first year of the pandemic, discussing the many important choices we to make under conditions of tremendous uncertainty.

“Uncertainty” is the crux of the issue, according to the author.  Since this was all new territory we were treading together, all parties should let bygones be bygones because none of us actually knew what the truth was (with the exception of those who were deliberately disseminating disinformation, whoever they are).

The exciting conclusion of the piece is as follows:

The standard saying is that those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. But dwelling on the mistakes of history can lead to a repetitive doom loop as well. Let’s acknowledge that we made complicated choices in the face of deep uncertainty, and then try to work together to build back and move forward.

It’s unclear what “dwelling on the mistakes of history” entails, or how that leads to “a repetitive doom loop.”

I could have summarized this op-ed without reading it (though I did read it).  The title alone raised red flags for me.  Why?  Because left-leaning media sources never extend an olive branch to those on the opposing side.  It’s a tendency I’d noticed but couldn’t articulate until I heard Sean Hannity say on his program, “Conservatives think liberals are wrong and attempt to argue with them.  Liberals think conservatives are evil and attempt to destroy them.”

This is obvious based on who has been canceled or silenced on social media, and who has pillaged and burned communities in the last two years.  The left assumes a false position of moral supremacy, which, in their mind, vindicates the ends justifying the means.  The right hamstrings itself continually by moral adherence to truth.

What brings about this uncharacteristic change of heart?  Why would the screeching Karens who accused anyone hesitant to accept an experimental vaccine of exacerbating the death toll suddenly decide to turn down the volume?

I have a hypothesis: it is becoming increasingly difficult for leftists to suppress evidence that they’ve been wrong all along, and they know it.  When you’re right, you sound the trumpet.  When you’re wrong, it’s “nothing to see here, folks, move along.”  If we begin to see more and more conciliatory gestures from the left, it means they’re transitioning to damage control mode.

Why do I suspect this?

Steven Crowder released what I consider to be a groundbreaking video on Rumble titled “Undertaker Explains ‘Mysterious’ Clotting Phenomenon!”  The video is an interview with British funeral director John O’Looney (unfortunate moniker), wherein he details anomalies discovered with cadavers since the pandemic.

To wit, embalmers attempting to drain cadavers that come to the funeral homes find that gravity and pumps don’t suffice.  There have been myriad headlines regarding speculation that the vaccines cause myocarditis or thrombosis due to blood clots, but, according to O’Looney, the blockages aren’t blood clots.

When the embalmers make incisions in the arteries to remove the blockages, they extract a heretofore unknown white, rubbery mass that resembles something from a “Ridley Scott movie,” that has the “texture of calamari” (squid).

When Crowder asked O’Looney if the anomalies were found exclusively in people who have been vaccinated, he deferred to material released by another funeral director, Richard Hirschman, published in the Epoch Times, stating that the only individual who hadn’t been vaccinated had received a blood transfusion from someone who had.

Before interviewing O’Looney (who has been pilloried by the press for his revelations), Crowder attempted to interview numerous domestic funeral directors and embalmers.  Mum.  So he asked O’Looney why he was going public.  He replied that if someone didn’t say something, there was going to be a “biblical death rate if they keep queuing-up for these poisons.”

Maybe.  All I know is pattern recognition.  The left is not prone to acquiescence.  If we begin to see more olive branches extended by traditional media, it means that these types of revelations can’t continue to be suppressed.  Perhaps amnesty for the culpable is inappropriate.  Kudos to the bold individuals who risk livelihoods and reputations to bring these revelations to the public sphere.

HUGE: Top Detroit Election Official Admits UNDER OATH that Thugs Tasked with “Security” in Upcoming Election at Detroit’s Former TCF Center Are “Volunteers” Who He Also Calls “Poll Workers” [VIDEO]

Pfizer Launches mRNA Flu Vaccine Study Even Though COVID Vaccine Study Still Isn’t Finished

Do you want corrupt bureaucrats to tamper with your DNA in the name of science? Pfizer has an opportunity for you! While the study to determine the safety and efficacy of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA vaccine has not yet ended, Pfizer has already moved on to a study for an mRNA flu vaccine. Because the first one was such a massive success.

In a call for participants in the mRNA flu vaccine phase 3 study, Pfizer says “The creation of the COVID-19 vaccine made history. Could you help us try to do it again with flu?” The appeal continues, “Recent advances in mRNA-based vaccines, like the COVID-19 vaccine, have taught us more about how mRNA technology can be used to develop vaccines. mRNA vaccines take less time to make.” Pfizer did not explain why the mRNA vaccines take less time to make. If the end date of its COVID-19 vaccine study and recent comments by a Pfizer executive are any guide, the shorter production time is due to the company putting quick rollouts and profit ahead of safety. says that the “estimated” end date of the study to determine the “efficacy” and “safety” of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA vaccine is March 15, 2023. So Pfizer has not yet finished the study to determine if its COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective, but it’s already launching a study to determine if its new flu vaccine is safe and effective. Maybe if we’re lucky, Pfizer will have determined whether its mRNA vaccines are safe and effective by the fifteenth booster.

Pfizer executive Janine Small also recently admitted to the European Parliament — with a laugh — that the company did not test if its COVID-19 vaccine stopped transmission of the virus before the vaccine was put on the market.

Interestingly, as of May 2021, Pfizer had already made $3.5 billion of revenue on its COVID vaccine — almost a quarter of its total revenue — in just three months, according to Yahoo News. The pharma giant recently anticipated a quadrupling of the price of its COVID-19 vaccine doses, Reuters reported. The vaccine remains emergency-use authorized rather than approved by the FDA.

But Pfizer seems more concerned with diversity than efficacy. Its call for flu vaccine study participants says, “By choosing to volunteer, you will represent people like you—in age, sex, race, and ethnicity and from communities like yours. Involving people from all backgrounds will improve the development of this investigational vaccine for everyone.” Whatever that means.

Multiple studies recently warned that the COVID-19 vaccines can cause serious injury and even death. Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo released an analysis in October that showed the relative incidence of cardiac-related death increased 84% in men ages 18-39 within 28 days of mRNA vaccination. That includes the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine — and quite possibly, in the future, the new flu vaccine.

India: Muslim, father of 9 children, poses as Hindu, rapes and forces Hindu woman to convert

A man by the name of Sakir Mohammad recorded a pornographic tape of a girl after befriending her and raping her while posing as Rajkumar.

A new case of attempted forced religious conversion has emerged from Indore, Madhya Pradesh. Here, a man by the name of Sakir Mohammad allegedly recorded a pornographic tape of a lady after befriending her and raping her while posing as Rajkumar. After that, he began to put pressure on her to convert to Islam. He allegedly threatened to make the video go public if she refused.

The victim sought sanctuary in the High Court since the complaint was not registered at the local police station. An FIR has been registered in compliance with the court’s order.

The matter pertains to Sakir Mohammad and a Punjabi woman from Shahdol. The widow filed a petition at the High Court, stating that her spouse perished in an accident four years ago. She was living alone after that. She was seeking a job at the moment. When she couldn’t find a job, she went to a bank to acquire a loan, which is when she met Sakir Mohammad.

The woman allaged that at the bank meeting, Sakir introduced himself as a Hindu named Rajkumar. He stated that his wife had died and that he was the father of a kid. Following this, Sakir took the victim in confidence and shot objectionable clips after raping her and intoxicating her.

Later, he used the footage to continue blackmailing the victim. Not only that, but after bringing the victim home, he would dress her in a burqa and physically assault her. In addition, after taking her to the madarsa and signing certain Urdu-written paperwork, he began pressing her for conversion.

The victim alleges that she protested when she learned that the accused’s wife is still alive and that he is the father of nine children. In response, Sakir stated that having more than one woman is a deed of Sabab (virtue) that leads to heaven. When the offender’s entire story was revealed to the victim, he began harassing her and pressuring her to convert with her little daughter.

Tired of Sakir Mohammad, the victim moved to Indore with her daughter and began living in a rented house in the Vijay Nagar police station area. Following this, Sakir arrived and threatened to make the video go viral.

The victim alleges she went to the women’s police station to file a complaint against the accused. However, she was instructed to proceed to Shahdol and register an FIR. The woman spoke with several additional policemen, but no one filed a case.

The victim was tired of the accused’s relentless harassment. She was forced to seek sanctuary at the High Court. In the hearing, the High Court admonished the police and ordered them to file an FIR. The court ruled that it is not required for the victim to report to the police station after filing a complaint with senior authorities. The victim’s statement should be treated as a formal complaint on her behalf, and appropriate action should be undertaken.

More German companies eye China as an investment opportunity

Only recently did the Ludwigshafen-based chemical giant BASF make headlines by announcing that it would be reducing its involvement in the European company locations and relocating to China because of the unaffordable energy costs. At the Ludwigshafen site, jobs would be cut in a “socially responsible” manner on an as yet unknown scale.

But BASF is just the beginning. Other listed companies from the leading German index (DAX) could soon follow. The carmaker VW, Nivea manufacturer Beiersdorf and the industrial giant Siemens are also ramping up their investments in China because production in Germany is becoming less and less profitable.

Meanwhile, Oliver Zander, head of the Gesamtmetall industry association, warned of “massive job losses” in the metal and electrical industry. The leading German economic institutes fear that unless the – essentially home-made – energy crisis is resolved, economic power could collapse by up to eight percent next year. The result would be a massive loss of prosperity.

According to calculations by the Bild newspaper, every German, from babies to pensioners, could lose an average of 5 000 euros.

SPD chancellor and CDU industrialists working together?

Volkswagen Group CEO Oliver Blume is certainly interested in investing in China as a measure to preserve its share of the world’s largest car market, insiders said. Blume is part of a high-ranking German delegation led by Chancellor Olaf Scholz to Beijing on November 4, although a VW spokesperson declined to comment.

VW’s performance in China, the company’s biggest market with roughly 40 percent of its sales, has come under pressure due to the microchip shortage and a lack of digital features that China’s tech-savvy drivers expect.

Berlin appears to be less interested in the American market and has been focusing on China in order to diversify supply chains and enhance security. Siemens CEO Roland Busch will also join the delegation, the German daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reported.

The industrialists appear confident that the Americans would not try to sanction China as the US tries to assert itself in Taiwan.

VW operates several vehicle and components factories in China and the company said it would invest 2,4 billion euros in an autonomous driving joint venture with China’s Horizon Robotics.

‘Germany is the biggest loser of the NWO’

There may be valid reasons for German industry to look east.

Most political theories assume that nations will act in their own interest. If they do not, they are satellite states that do not take their destiny into their own hands. Germany’s Atlanticists subordinate the country’s industry and standard of living to the dictates of US diplomacy and the self-interest of the American oil and gas sector. It does so voluntarily – not through military force, but out of an ideological belief that the world economy should be run by US Cold War planners, according to the American economist Michael Hudson.

Germany has become an economic satellite of America’s New Cold War with Russia, China and the rest of Eurasia. Germany and other NATO countries have been urged to self-impose trade and investment sanctions that will outlast today’s proxy war in Ukraine.

But Germany has been suffering the most “collateral damage” in this global divide. As Europe’s most advanced industrial nation, Germany is most dependent on imports of Russian gas, oil and metals such as aluminium, titanium and palladium for steel, chemicals, machinery, automobiles and other consumer goods.

But despite two Nord Stream pipelines being built to bring cheap energy to Germany, Germany has been urged to cut itself off from Russian gas and deindustrialize. This means the end of its economic supremacy. The key to GDP growth in Germany, as in other countries, is energy consumption per worker.

For this reason, Hudson pointed out, anti-Russian sanctions make today’s New Cold War inherently anti-German.

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has ordered Germany to replace cheap Russian pipeline gas with high-priced American LNG gas. In order to be able to import this gas, Germany will soon have to spend more than five billion dollars to create port capacities for handling LNG tankers.

This will mean that German industry will become uncompetitive. Bankruptcies will proliferate, employment will fall, and Germany’s pro-NATO leaders will bring about a chronic depression and declining living standards.

It is therefore no surprise that German industrialists have opted for China and not the US.

Macron admits but misrepresents foreign violent crime in Paris

On French public broadcaster France 2, President Emmanuel Macron explained that “at least half of the delinquency observed comes from people who are foreigners” in the capital. But his statement was not correct.

This statistic cited by Macron regarding foreign delinquency must be qualified. When contacted, the Ministry of the Interior specified that it referred to the first six months of the year 2022. According to the Paris police prefecture, “48 percent of those indicted for delinquency in Paris (all acts combined, attacks on property and people) were foreigners” over this period.

These foreigners include people in an irregular or regular situation on the territory, the ministry added. This is a slightly broader category than the one given by Emmanuel Macron.

In information transmitted on 29 October after publication of the article, the Paris police prefecture once again specified that in the first months of 2022 and for certain types of crime, the proportion of foreign suspects is higher than even this average. Some 70,4 percent of robberies with violence and 75,6 percent of simple thefts were committed by foreigners in Paris.

The data came from the police prefecture and the ministerial statistical service for internal security, the document stated.

Although the President of the Republic affirmed that he would “never make an existential link between immigration and insecurity”, he nevertheless shared the statistic on delinquency in Paris, albeit a slightly rosier version of the facts.

He explained that: “Yes, when we look at delinquency in Paris, we cannot fail to see that at least half of the delinquency we observe comes from people who are foreigners, either in an irregular situation or waiting for a permit.”

These contradictory remarks provoked a lot of ironic comments on social media: “To manage to say in almost the same sentence, as Emmanuel Macron did, that half of the crimes in Paris are committed by foreigners and that there is no link between crime and immigration, is quite an achievement.”

Criminologist Xavier Raufer called Macron an “idiot”. According to Raufer, France has constructed a “huge paper cathedral of laws”, but in reality they are not adhered to. Albania has more judges and the Netherlands convicts more drug crimes, Raufer pointed out.

Macron’s admission was likely related to his resolve to crack down on any anti-government protests by citing “insecurity” as an excuse. The first Centaure has been delivered to the Armoured Mobile Gendarmerie Group at Satory near Paris. The new 14,5-ton vehicle was selected by the French interior ministry to replace existing crowd control equipment, reported news portal Quartier Général.

The armored vehicle has a 30-shot grenade launcher, long range camera, tear gas diffusers and machine guns. Some 30 of the 90 armoured vehicles ordered will be delivered by the end of the year.

The future of the Islamicized UK as set in Leicester

by Giulio Meotti

“Nobody expected Leicester to become the most multicultural city on the planet”. So wrote TheIndependent, the English left-wing newspaper ten years ago. “Leicester in 1972 looked into the crystal ball and did not like what it saw: that within a generation or so it would no longer be a city dominated by white Anglo-Saxon Christians. In the past 40 years, Leicester has become the symbolic city of multicultural Britain, a place where the number and size of minorities are astounding: 55 mosques, 18 Hindu temples, two synagogues, two Buddhist centers and a Jain center are seen as not a recipe for conflict or a millstone around the neck of the city, but as a badge of honor”.

There are places that have visited the European future before others: Malmö in Sweden, Trappes and Roubaix in France, Neukölln in Germany, Molenbeek in Belgium, Ceuta and Melilla in Spain. Leicester in England is also one of them …

And last month Leicester burned.

Its famous multiculturalism, so praised by the system, has exploded. Attacks with knives, stones and bottles, destroyed cars, religious symbols were under siege and there were dozens of wounded, including policemen. The explosion of violence began after the cricket match between India and Pakistan last August 28, with the first country named the winners. Some members of the Indian community in Leicester celebrated with the choir “Pakistan Murdabad”, “Death to Pakistan”, dating back to the time of the partition.

Next: A Sikh is attacked in the street. Social media spread the false news that he is a Muslim. The house of a Hindu family that celebrated the Ganesh Chaturthi holiday is attacked and social media are unleashed with the false news of a “premeditated attack against a Muslim.” Then another fake news item: a Muslim girl allegedly harassed by three Hindus. Result: A Hindu hunt in the streets.

And to think that a year ago the city of Leicester advertised its model thus: “In Leicester churches, mosques and temples live side by side in diversity and harmony”.

Not long before the riots broke out, Claudia Webbe, a local MP, described Leicester as a “shining example of how people of different cultures can live side by side together.” Keith Vaz, former lawmaker from Leicester East, described his city as “one big happy family.” Leicester Mayor Peter Soulsbry wrote: “The rich past and vibrant multicultural present of Leicester is something to celebrate and enjoy”.

“In Leicester they are all minorities”, headlined The Guardian, enjoying “the end of the white and Christian majority in the city”. Christianity replaced by Islam: “In Leicester, a Deobandi mosque, built in 2000, overlooks the Edwardian church of St Philip, begun in 1909. The congregation of the church is of 30 people, mixed of whites, Indians and Africans; the mosque across the street holds 500 people”. The Independent also announced with triumphal tones: “Leicester, the first city where whites are a minority”. And The Economistsang “Leicester model”.

Leicester – once known as a center for the production of shoes and textiles – has seen the ethnic balance upset.

Muslim immigration has led to the proliferation of mosques in Leicester, which today has more than 200 mosques and madrassas. The city is home to several mega-mosques. The Leicester Central Mosque complex has a capacity of 3,000 worshipers. The huge Masjid Umar mosque has four towering minarets and a large dome that displays the Arabic calligraphy of the Quran.

What happened? The city became Islamized very quickly and today the Muslim population is 20 percent (in 2001, Muslims were 11 percent). Today Islam is the majority among the children in the city.

Tony Blair justified the intervention in Afghanistan after 9/11 on the grounds that ousting the Taliban would be an act of liberation: “I don’t think,” said Blair, “that anyone seriously wants to live under that kind of regime.” A year ago, Afghanistan was returned to the Taliban. But the question now is that posed by the Spectator: “Did Blair realize that the rules imposed in Afghanistan were adopted, voluntarily, in Leicester?”.

Antifa in Portland Is Boasting about Committing Regular Voter Fraud