People ‘Afraid to Walk the Streets’ as One-Fifth of Irish Town Now Migrants

A video was widely shared on social media showing women being harassed by a group of men – believed to be asylum seekers – who were also engaging in threatening and abusive behaviour on College Square in recent days.

According to the Department of Children, Equality Disability, Integration, and Youth there are almost 600 International Protection applicants (asylum seekers) living in various accommodation centres in Killarney.

Outside of Dublin, county Kerry has the highest number of refugees and asylum seekers nationally which currently stands at 4,708.

The town has hosted International Protection seekers for the best part of 20 years but that has increased dramatically in recent weeks due to the Government’s commitment to house an uncapped number of refugees.

There was widespread controversy last month when Ukrainian families were given 48 hours’ notice to leave a hotel to make way for hundreds of male asylum seekers.

After a public outcry, the decision to move the Ukrainian families was reversed.

However, it has since transpired that the 217 male asylum seekers were also taken into a hotel in town, as well as 100 women and children.

“Nowhere else would take the asylum seekers, no one,” Mayor Niall Kelleher told this week’s Killarney Municipal District meeting.

Since the arrival of the most recent group of International Protection seekers locals have expressed their concerns for their own safety.

Several readers have contacted the Killarney Advertiser outlining their concerns while several more have been in touch with their local councillors.

“They [the new arrivals] are the ones causing all the trouble. They are not respecting our town. There are people afraid to walk down the Park Road,” Cllr Donal Grady told the Killarney Advertiser.

“I know for a fact that there are people actually afraid to walk the streets or walk down along the road. I’m not being dramatic. I’m telling you the truth,” Cllr Marie Moloney told this week’s Killarney Municipal District meeting.

Issues reportedly being experienced in Killarney come as authorities in Ireland make concerted efforts to loosen border restrictions on the island.

While working on getting hate speech laws passed in the country, Ireland’s Justice Minister, Helen McEntee, pushed through a near-blanket migrant amnesty allowing illegals in the country to gain permanent residency status.

Such an amnesty was made available to many migrants who even had a criminal record, with any accepted by the programme not only being granted permission to stay in the country, but being put on the pathway to gaining Irish citizenship.

The “soft touch” approach has since resulted in huge numbers of non-Ukrainian migrants claiming asylum in Ireland, with the state now struggling to house genuine Ukrainian refugees as a result of the large number of arrivals from various nations ranging from Albania and Nigeria, neither of which are active conflict zones.

Ireland’s handling of the crisis has been so poor that it has even attracted the attention of politicians abroad, with the country’s Prime Minister being chastised in the European Parliament this year for the country’s lax border policies.

“Do you think that mass amnesties for illegal migrants by EU member states is going to alleviate or worsen migration pressure on Europe?” Charlie Weimers asked the premier, telling Breitbart that the country could end up turning into a “migration Mecca” that would worsen the entire bloc’s illegal migrant problems.

Germany: Approximately 10 Arab-looking men harass the passengers in the public bus, some of them in a sexual way

On Friday evening, a group of youths mobbed several passengers in a public bus and sexually harassed a woman. When the group got off in the Wiesbaden district of Kastel, one of them sprayed pepper spray into the passenger compartment.

On Friday evening, a group of about ten young men boarded the bus of line 68 at the bus stop “Hochheimer Markt”. During the journey to Kastel, the young men mobbed several passengers. At the same time, a woman from Ginsheim-Gustavsburg was sexually harassed by one of the men.

The offender touched the 48-year-old woman several times in an indecent manner. When the group left the bus at the bus stop “Bahnhof Kastel” at about 9.25 p.m., it seemed as if they had stopped. However, one of the men suddenly turned around and went back to the bus. Through the still open door, the perpetrator sprayed pepper spray into the passenger compartment and then fled with the rest of the group.

Four passengers suffered minor respiratory irritations. They were treated by the emergency services.

An immediate police search for the group of perpetrators was unsuccessful.

The perpetrator with the pepper spray was said to be of Mediterranean appearance, about 12 to 16 years old and 1.70 to 1.80 metres tall. According to witnesses, he was wearing red Adidas jogging pants with white stripes and black outerwear. Unfortunately, the young woman was unable to describe the perpetrator who had molested the woman.

The other persons were also said to be of Mediterranean appearance, one of them was dressed in a white fleece jacket, black waistcoat and black jogging pants. Another of the individuals was reported to be wearing a black baseball cap and another a black Nike cap. One of the young men was described as stocky.

The police are asking for information about the perpetrators. The 2nd police station in Kostheim, which has already started its investigation, can be contacted by calling 0611 / 345-2240.

Once again a woman raped by an Arab in Chemnitz, Germany

In the centre of the Saxon city of Chemnitz, an Arab-looking man raped a 20-year-old girl on Friday evening. The crime took place in the open street. Despite the police search, there is still no trace of the perpetrator.

The 20-year-old was on her way home from the city centre at 9 pm when she was approached by an unknown man who had been following her for some time. At the corner of Moritzstraße/Zschopauer Straße, only 500 metres from the town hall, the relatively short man flung the woman to the ground and fell upon her. The perpetrator performed “sexual acts” on her, as reported by the Chemnitz police.

The victim of the rape finally managed to escape and ran away. Witnesses saw the perpetrator running away in the other direction and alerted the police. However, the police could not find the man. With a perpetrator’s description, the officers are now turning to the public in order to solve the rape. According to the description, the perpetrator is said to be of Arabic appearance, about 1.65 metres tall, wearing light-coloured jeans and a black and white T-shirt.

In Chemnitz, asylum seekers had stabbed one man and critically injured another at the city centre festival in 2018. This was followed by protest demonstrations, which were strongly condemned by politicians. The president of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Hans-Georg Maaßen, subsequently lost his post because he contradicted the claim by then-chancellor Angela Merkel ( Christian Democratic Union, CDU) that there had been “hunts” for foreigners in the city.

Vote Like Your Life Depends on It – Because it Does!

By Brian C. Joondeph

This is it, the “most important election of our lifetime,” which is how most national elections are described. But this year’s Congressional midterm elections may be just that important. Much rides on which party controls Congress, state legislatures, and many state governorships in terms of the country’s direction and what everyday life looks like for Americans over the remainder of the decade and beyond.

President Barack Obama described the original plan as “the fundamental transformation of America.” It was supposed to be eight years of Obama followed by eight more years of a President Hillary Clinton, to complete the “great reset” from freedom, liberty, and prosperity for much of the Western world, to a top-down command and control society, more in line with a George Orwell novel than the vision of America’s founding fathers.

Will it be a red wave, a blue wave, or a purple trickle? I already made my case predicting a red wave, but given the propensity for Democrat electoral shenanigans, Republicans and conservatives (not necessarily the same group) need to vote like their lives and well-being depend on it because they certainly do. Libertarians too.

Hugh Hewitt summed it up in the title of his 2012 book, “If It’s Not Close, They Can’t Cheat: Crushing The Democrats In Every Election And Why Your Life Depends On It.” President Biden hinted at such cheating in recent remarks at the Columbus Club in Washington, DC.

We know that many states don’t start counting those ballots until after the polls close on November 8. That means in some cases we won’t know the winner of the election until a few days after the election. It takes time to count all legitimate ballots in a legal and orderly manner. Huh?

Days to count ballots? Since when? Since any close election where the Republican candidate is ahead, beginning with Bush v Gore in Florida in 2000 to Trump v Biden in 2020. The Mega Millions lottery can identify the winner almost immediately and know where in America he purchased the winning ticket. Most countries, including a previously more honest America, know the election winner hours after the polls close.

Biden’s comment about “a few days” suggests that once the votes are counted the first time, if the Republican candidate is the winner, counting stops until additional votes can be found or manufactured, enough to put the Democrat over the top. This is why voting is so important and that every vote counts to so overwhelm the tally that cheating is impossible, as Hugh Hewitt described.

What’s in store for the country if Democrats control Congress and, in essence, all three branches of government? Yes, the US Supreme Court is supposed to be independent, but even the high court can be pressured and politicized. Court decisions are often ignored, as in New York City Mayor Eric Adams having no interest in following the ruling of a NY Supreme Court justice requiring reinstatement of municipal employees fired for not taking the COVID vaccine.

So how do your country and life depend on the November 8 election outcome? What would Democrat majorities in Congress mean for America? All tricks and no treats.

Abortion on demand, up to and perhaps even beyond birth, would be codified into national law. Democrats had 50 years post-Roe v Wade to legalize abortion legislatively, many of those years when Democrats controlled Congress and the White House, but they didn’t. After the recent SCOTUS decision repealing Roe, turning the decision over to the states as prescribed by the Tenth Amendment, expect a donkey Congress to legalize killing babies.

Censorship is the new norm, with unelected and unaccountable social media behemoths determining “truth” and acceptable conversation. Asking questions of or disagreeing with those in charge leads to censorship or worse. Noted cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Sherri Tenpenny may lose their medical licenses and board certifications over having the temerity to challenge Dr. Fauci, and the three-letter medical agencies, just as Galileo was imprisonedfor questioning the leading scientists of the day over the earth-revolving around the sun rather than vice versa.

Taxes will rise under a Democrat Congress. The government is spending money it does not have, now financing a $31 trillion national debt at an interest rate of 4 percent and rising. This translates to $1.4 trillion in annual interest payments on the debt, consuming 29 percent of federal tax receipts according to Zero Hedge. Given that Fed Chairman Jerome Powell suggested additional interest rate hikes to combat inflation, expect debt service to grow, leaving little money for other government spending priorities, with tax hikes as the only solution for Democrats to make ends meet.

Fentanyl is now the leading cause of death for US adults. Democrat open borders and sanctuary city policies are supporting the Fentanyl supply chain, while other Democrat policies are choking the supply chain for the essential and non-lethal goods and services that Americans depend on.

Speaking of the border, expect Democrats to leave the border wide open, flooding America with low-skilled migrants, unable to assimilate into American culture, bringing criminal activity and economic dependence, all of which will be supported by already overtaxed American citizens.

From Trump era energy independence, when America was a net energy exporter, to the Democrat President begging the Saudis for more oil and depleting our strategic petroleum reserves, expect this trend to continue spiraling downward. Remember gasoline under $2 a gallon during a Republican administration to a doubling of gasoline prices under the current Democrat cabal? With a deliberate effort to reduce energy supplies, expect energy prices to continue rising while Biden licks his ice cream cones “like a boss” according to ABC News.

What’s the Democrat solution to unaffordable gasoline? Electric vehicles, as if electricity and EV batteries magically grow on trees. California can’t keep its lights on, but the state has mandated 100 percent new EV sales by 2035. But don’t worry if the lights go out. President Biden claims that EVs can light your homes. Aside from such a practice voiding a Tesla warranty, how will you recharge your batteries during a brownout? How will you drive to work with a dead EV battery? This is what passes for Democrat leadership these days.

Democrats have no solution for inflation, other than calling it “transitory.” Or there’s Biden’s recent proposal of windfall profit taxes on oil companies, a tactic that has been tried and was an abject failure. Democrats in charge going forward means higher prices for virtually everything.

But rest assured, government tax revenues, when not supporting interest payments on the national debt, will be sent to Ukraine to finance a proxy war against Russia, an endeavor for which America has no compelling national interest, and that could possibly escalate into a nuclear holocaust that, by comparison, would make the COVID pandemic look like a day at the beach.

Don’t forget the children. Democrats want unnecessary COVID vaccines for your children. Drag queen story hour and encouraging gender confusion, followed by surgical castration, are Democrat priorities and likely to be codified into law if Democrats control Congress.

Lastly, Democrats want to defund the police, leading to increased crime and violence. How ironic that the husband of the US Speaker of the House, herself calling for police defunding, was “allegedly” violently attacked (the emerging details are becoming dodgier by the day) in his own home. With an election ahead, Democrats deny their calls for defunding the police, but here is a 7-minute video of them advocating for that from which they now run.

Democrats will turn America into, at best, a socialist state and, at worst, a communist dictatorship with a handful of them in charge, much like the capital city in the Hunger Games.

Electoral reform is happening, but will it be enough to ensure a fair and honest election? Election reform advocate and attorney Lin Wood cries, “Fix 2020 or bust.” Does this mean we shouldn’t vote as elections are still sketchy but likely better than in 2020? Or because every GOP candidate is not the perfect solution to our current problems? How can we fix anything without electing leaders who acknowledge the problem and have the cojones to actually fix the broken and fraudulent electoral system?

Perfect is the enemy of good, and that applies to candidates as well. An imperfect Republican official will do far less damage than any Democrat and may even do some good. Leave principles and convictions in the chatrooms and think tanks.

Voting libertarian out of conviction will only split the Republican vote and likely elect the Democrat candidate. This election is a call for action, or else there may be nothing of America left to salvage after two more years of Biden, Pelosi, and Schumer in charge. Vote Republican or get the government and country you deserve.

On election day, vote like your country and life depend on it because they do! America needs and deserves better than the modern Democrat party.

Italy’s Conservative New PM Stands Up to Migrant Smugglers

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni vowed to resist mass migration. The low bar at stake here is the migrant smuggling operation in which NGOs pick up mostly Muslim migrants and “rescue them” by transporting them to Italy.

The new Italian government lightly put its foot down and refused to let the male migrants leave the smuggling ships and enter Italy.

Cue Das Outrage.

Charities have branded the actions of the Italian government “illegal” after it prevented 250 people disembarking two migrant rescue ships.

They’re not “rescue ships”. That’s a legal fiction, they’re human smuggling ships. And Italy has said that they’re welcome to take their “rescuees” who are no longer in any danger, anywhere they please.

So long as it isn’t Italy.

Migrants set sail in small, overcrowded boats from North Africa – often they get into distress and are rescued by charity vessels.

Correction, they get into the boats as a starting point for a feigned rescue and transportation to Europe where they can rob, rape and bomb to their hearts’ content.

In total 144 people were allowed to disembark the Humanity 1, which sails under a German flag, on Sunday morning. In the afternoon, 357 people were allowed off the Medecins sans Frontieres (MSF)-run Geo Barents, which sails under a Norwegian flag.

Italian Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi said those who did not qualify as vulnerable would have to leave Italian waters and should be taken care of by the “flag state”.

Why can’t Germany, the home of Wir Schaffen Das, take them? Or Norway?

The charity, known in English as Doctors Without Borders, added that “a rescue operation is considered complete only when all of the survivors have been disembarked in a safe place”.

Both charities said everyone on board their ships was vulnerable as they had been rescued from the sea.

That’s how this legal fiction works. The migrants pretend to be in distress. The smugglers pretend to rescue them. And now suddenly the illegal migrants are entitled to invade Italy because all the men are “vulnerable”.

“Free all the people, free them,″ Italian lawmaker Aboubakar Soumahoro said, calling the government’s new policy “inhuman”.

“Italian lawmaker”.

Soumahoro, 40, arrived in Italy from Ivory Coast at age 19 and went to work in the fields picking crops. But he aimed higher. He enrolled in the University of Naples and earned a degree in sociology.

Just think of all the sociologists and politicians on board those boats.

Statement in French parliament about returning Africans to Africa leads to uproar

Another day, another (racism) victim… A French MP has been accused of racism for a remark he made aloud in parliament. During a speech by black MP Carlos Martens Bilongo on migration, Grégoire de Fournas of the Rassemblement National shouted, “Let them go back to Africa!”

However, the statement could also be interpreted as, “Let him return to Africa”, because in French the pronouns “him” (il) and “them” (ils) are pronounced the same. Critics maintain that the statement is racist anyway.

National Assembly Speaker Yael Braun-Pivet demanded that the agitator step forward and it turned out to be De Fournas.

As emotions ran high in parliament, the debate was suspended:

De Fournas said in a reaction that he had been misunderstood and that his utterance was not directed at Bilongo, but at boat refugees trying to get across the Mediterranean to Europe. Opponents of De Fournas do not accept that explanation.

Afterwards, Bilongo responded. “Today I was turned away because of my skin colour. I was born in France, I am a French MP,” said the MP from the leftist party La France Insoumise.

For his part, Grégoire de Fournas immediately reproached the “manipulation” of his words and said that he did not address his fellow deputy, but the discussion about a boat full of illegal migrants. “I expressed a perfectly legitimate sentence, which is not diabolical”, argued the man who is also a wine grower.

French Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne responded by saying racism has no place in a democracy. She called for measures to be taken against the MP.

On Thursday evening, the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron said he was “shocked” by “intolerable words”, according to his entourage quoted by AFP. “Racism has no place in our democracy,” Macron commented.

On Twitter, in the face of the outcry, Marine Le Pen defended her group’s deputy, saying that “the controversy created by our political opponents is crude and will not deceive the French.” And the RN leader considered that “Grégoire de Fournas obviously spoke of migrants transported in boats by NGOs that our colleague mentioned in his question to the government.”

Meanwhile, the speaker of parliament has launched an investigation into De Fournas’ statement. The right-wing parliamentarian risks temporary suspension. He has refused to apologize.

The highest disciplinary sanction entails the deprivation of half of the MP’s parliamentary allowance for two months and a ban on appearing at the Palais Bourbon for fifteen sitting days.

UK: Trans Paedophile Infiltrated Shelter for Abused Women and Their Children for Months

A transgender paedophile who tried to rape a 10-year-old girl in a public bathroom successfully infiltrated a shelter for vulnerable women and their children, living there for months.

In 2019, Katie Dolatowski, as the biologically male predator is called, was convicted after grabbing a 10-year-old girl by the face and forcing her into a cubicle in a public restroom at a supermarket in Kirkcaldy, Scotland, threatening to stab the child and claiming that a man outside would kill her mother if she did not address.

Despite this attack following an attempt to photograph another child as they were urinating at another supermarket, the Scottish courts — often curiously soft on paedophiles — did not send Dolatowski to prison, with judge James Williamson suggesting the public would be protected by the “stringent” community sentence and tagging order he handed down.

Whatever conditions were placed on Dolatowski, it has now been revealed that they were not enough to stop the paedophile from infiltrating a shelter for abused women, some of whom had their children with them, in Leeds, England.

Indeed, Dolatowski lived among the women there for over two months under an alias before finally being exposed, at which point the police were called and the predator taken into custody.

“We are appalled that someone with such crimes could come to a women’s refuge using a different identity,” said the chief executive of Leeds Women’s Aid, Nik Peasgood, in comments quoted by The Sun.

“We are aware a criminal using authenticated identification could access any housing provider’s services and we are not unique in being manipulated in this way,” Peasgood added, with the question of which state body or official “authenticated” the predator’s documents left unclear.

“It’s horrific. As a victim of sexual abuse myself, the whole thing is triggering. I came here with my kids because I thought it was a safe place and to find out there was a paedophile living a few doors away for months is just horrendous,” said one resident of the shelter in comments to The Sun.

“I saw her several times hanging around where the prams are parked, she is tall and skinny with long brown hair and always wore a blue surgical mask,” she said of Dolatowski, opting to use the biological male’s preferred pronounces.

“The whole thing makes my skin crawl.”

Dolatowski’s offending, reported by Breitbart London shortly after the restroom attack, gained a higher public profile in September 2022, when it was highlighted by Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling as an example of the dangers inherent in allowing transwomen access to women-only spaces.

“Safeguarding exists not because all members of a group are a threat to another group, but because sufficient are to justify protected spaces for the more vulnerable group. Trans women retain the same pattern of sex offending/violence as males,” Rowling argued.

Progressives love immigration, but only if it’s the right color

By Eric Utter

Colonizers.  Usurpers.

That’s us.  That is how the left looks at those who settled in the United States.  At least the paler ones.

Though we are told the Vikings made it to America first, they apparently inexplicably forgot to terrorize and enslave the indigenous peoples before leaving…almost without a trace.  (We do have the Kensington Runestone!)

Then Columbus “discovered” America, and things quickly went to hell in a handbasket.  Soon colonists would demand things like representative government; the right to freedom of assembly, religion, and speech; equal justice under the law; and protection from unwarranted searches and seizures.

The right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in a free-market, capitalist system and a limited government, of, by, and for the people soon begat a long sequence of racist products of the white, Christian, patriarchal society.  Such soul- — and Earth- — destroying inventions as electricity, the light bulb, the telephone, the radio, the computer, and eventually the internet joined with space exploration and rapid medical advances in essentially colluding to oppress peoples of color and other minorities.

So, say leftists and progressives, it would have been better for everybody if those damned Europeans had stayed in Europe, where they belong!  Although I guess they originally came from somewhere else, too, which probably upset the established locals/indigenous Europeans.  Will they never stop colonizing, enslaving, and oppressing?

Come to think of it, though, the so-called “Native Americans” also came from elsewhere, whether across the Bering Land Bridge from Siberia or from some other direction, possibly displacing the then-natives.

Moreover, if civilization actually did originate in the Fertile Crescent, and people spread out from there, could the first group to get to any given place then claim that others deigning to move there were naught but wannabe evil colonizers who should stay where they were for eternity?

And how come “progressives” and other leftist whackos believe that Europeans migrating to a vast, nearly unpopulated wilderness rife with natural resources many years ago was an inexcusable “original sin,” yet they simultaneously believe that the millions of illegal aliens currently pouring over the border into a now heavily settled nation rife with numerous social problems should be welcomed with open arms?

How is it that progressives consider those who came to America and built the freest and most prosperous nation on Earth between 1492 and, say, the mid-1900s the only “bad” immigrants?  Particularly while simultaneously deeming “Native Americans” exemplary humans, as they do those currently yearning to come to this systemically racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic nation?

Why do they afford “tolerance, acceptance, and inclusivity” only to certain groups?  By definition, that isn’t tolerance, acceptance, and inclusivity…it’s discrimination.

I’m sure it’s only coincidence that those happen to be the groups they believe will help them attain and retain power in the future.  Right?