Month: November 2022
Denmark: Two Afghan Muslim migrants plot murder of pregnant woman, then slit her throat outside of her workplace
German Holocaust-Nakba event postponed until after Kristallnacht
The Goethe Institute has postponed a German government-sponsored event drawing comparisons between the Holocaust and the so-called Nakba which had been scheduled for the anniversary of Kristallnacht following backlash from the Israeli Foreign Ministry.
The event, titled Understanding the Other Side’s Pain: The Shoah, the Nakba, and the German Remembrance Culture. was sponsored by the Rosa Luxembourg Foundation of the German Die Linke party and was originally scheduled for tomorrow, November 9. The event has now been pushed back to November 13.
Israel’s Foreign Ministry stated that it was “shocked and disgusted” at the event, calling it a “cynical and manipulative” attempt to use the memory of the Holocaust to attack Israel. The ministry called on all parties involved to cancel the event.
After the event was postponed, the Ministry reiterated its position that it be cancelled altogether: “Our position is that this event is shameful and disgraceful and should not take place on any date, not just Kristallnacht.”
The event was criticized by several Jewish and Zionist organizations.
Rabbi Abraham Cooper, associate dean and director of global social action at the Simon Wiesenthal Center (SWC) said: “It is despicable that any German would utter Shoah and Nakba in the same breath. There is nothing wrong with exploring the feelings of Palestinians, but to link the Palestinian-Israel conflict in any way to Nazi Germany’s ‘Final Solution’ that murdered 6 million innocent Jews, among them 1.5 million Jewish children, is a monstrous insult to the victims of the Shoah, to the Jewish State of Israel, to survivors of the Shoah and to historic truth.”
“Convening such a discussion in Israel — on the anniversary of Kristallnacht — by the foundation of a left wing German political party, at the respected Goethe Institute, is an odious provocation. The SWC calls on the Goethe Institute to cancel its hosting of the event and urges Israel Prime Minster Lapid to demand that this event be canceled.”
Matan Peleg, CEO ,of Im Tirtzu and author of the book ‘A State for Sale’, which reveals the depth of involvement and influence of foreign countries on what is happening in Israel, said: “The new government must reassess relations with the German government. We thank the Germans for assisting in our defense, but it is not possible that at the same time Germany promotes, in bodies funded by the federal government, a narrative of Nakba and the Holocaust. This is something that must stop immediately and is related to German funding initiatives to change our soldiers’ open-fire policies, the funding of anti-Zionist organizations that persecute IDF soldiers, and more. Put an end to it.”
Merav Hajaj, from The Choosing Life Forum that represents bereaved families who will participate in tomorrow’s protest, said: “The German government dishonors the memory of the Holocaust, dishonors the fallen soldiers, and the bereaved families. The Nakba is an invented concept whose purpose is to negate the existence of the State of Israel. We paid a very heavy price in the defense of this country, the German government must intervening in Israel’s right to exist!”
‘I was hunted by Qatari police and raped’: Gay expatriate alleges sexual harassment by authorities in Qatar
A gay man who had resided in Qatar alleged that the police there “hunted” him before gang-raping him in a hotel room. The incident reportedly took place in 2018.
The victim, a Filipino, alleged that while employed as an office assistant in the nation hosting the Football World Cup, he was approached by six men. He said that a different individual sent him a message on a gay dating app posing as a Turkish worker and offering him a sizeable sum of money in exchange for visiting his hotel room. The victim was then confronted by six men who were later identified as Qatari police as he entered the room on the eleventh floor. He said that he was trapped there and later sexually assaulted.
“I really wanted to jump the window but I can’t, it’s too high and I’m already cornered inside the room. They catch me and threw me on the bed. They started to rape me,” he said.
A British news outlet called “I News” first reported on November 2—just two weeks before the FIFA World Cup in Qatar—that Ali, a Filipino office worker in Doha, had made the decision to go public with his claims that he had been gang raped at a hotel in 2018.
He alleges that as soon as one officer stopped harassing him, another began. After searching his suitcase and accusing him of being a prostitute, another gay male arrived after being persuaded into the hotel as well. Both were subsequently transported to a police station and fined 300 Qatari Rial. Ali was held in custody that night before being taken to a deportation centre and having his visa terminated.
“I slept in the jail for one night and when I woke up, they took me to the deportation centre. There I waited for two days to receive my passport and ticket to go back to the Philippines. They cancelled all my papers,” he said.
Recently, there has been widespread coverage of the alleged gang rape of Ali by Qatari security personnel in both the LGBT+ media and the British press.
Reports allege that several other LGBT persons were also similarly ‘hunted’ by Qatar’s police personnel. LGBT+ campaigners have been told not to travel despite Al Khater’s claims that the territory is safe. According to the country’s penal code, homosexuality is illegal in Qatar and is punishable by up to seven years in prison.
Qatar is hosting the next FIFA World Cup despite its appalling record on human rights. The anti-homosexual laws in Qatar, which put lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people in fear of jail time or perhaps the death penalty, are one of the biggest causes for concern.
‘France doesn’t need another immigration law, but a moratorium on immigration,’ says French-Algerian author and former politician

The French government’s immigration policy has been failing since the 1980s, and an immigration moratorium is needed, said Malika Sorel-Sutter, an author and academic with Algerian roots who previously served as a French politician, during an interview with Le Firgaro. She says that given the vast majority of the French populationconsistently supports a halt to immigration, the government’s open borders immigration policy is “surreal,” “unacceptable,” and “incomprehensible.”
“We don’t need laws on immigration, we need laws on non-migration, meaning how to suspend the influx of migrants. This means putting the idea of a moratorium on immigration in place, putting into practice what we experience. Every Frenchman can see that this (immigration) causes us a series of difficulties in every respect, meaning that among the migrants and their descendants, unemployment is twice as high as in the rest of the population,” she said during her interview.
Sorel-Sutter, who was born to Algerian parents and lived in Algeria for 15 years, was once a member of the French Integration Council. However, she points out that integration for the migrants who already live in the country has “failed miserably,” and used France’s increasingly segregated school system and the country’s soaring crime rate as two areas that illustrate how multiculturalism simply has not worked.
“We can also experience that integration has failed miserably, and we are reminded of that every day, including (through) what’s happening in schools. We can see that France is losing ground in the economy, has been losing ground for the past 40 years in parallel with the rise of immigration. And, as the latest talking point, President Emmanuel Macron says that half of the crimes are attributable to foreigners. He was speaking of (crime) in Paris.”
Sorel-Sutter is referring to Macron’s statement last month that half of crimes are committed by foreigners in Paris, which he said during an interview on the Europe 2 channel. However, in the same interview, he also refused to make any connection between immigration and crime, a seemingly contradictory statement widely mocked by his political rivals. New data also shows that foreigners are responsible for 70 percent of violent robberies, illustrating that a small segment of France’s population is responsible for a significant share of serious crimes. According to French historian and essayist Laurent Obertone, two out of three crimes are committed by foreigners and French citizens with an immigrant background.
Sorel-Sutter slammed a new law being put forward on immigration, which Macron’s left-wing government is pushing. The government is aiming to pass the bill in 2023, which would create a residence permit for undocumented workers already on French soil and be used by big business and the trade industry to reduce the so-called labor shortage.
“This bill must be denounced, fought, and rejected. France, given its state, does not need yet another immigration law, but a moratorium on immigration. I can prove it,” she wrote on her personal website after her interview with Le Figaro, which she also thanked: “Thank you to Figaro, which is one of the very few media that continues to give me the floor when so many others have applied themselves over the years to censoring me.”
Most French want immigration to end
During the interview with Le Figaro, Sorel-Sutter points out that the vast majority of French are against continued immigration, and describes the country’s approach to allowing more and more migrants in as “absolutely surreal.”
“So what does the government want? It is both incomprehensible and unacceptable. The majority of French are against immigration. We have northern European countries that take initiatives to respect what their population looks like, and we in France do the opposite… The approach to immigration is absolutely surreal. We have several million unemployed in the country. Why not attempt to put them back to work? (France) is legalizing the status of illegal immigrants, meaning that it is in fact rewarding those wrongdoers who have managed to stay on French territory illegally.”
Sorel-Sutter said that France’s inability to deport migrants, its generous social benefits, and the political classes’ support of mass immigration has left the country unable to enforce even the immigration laws it already has. This, in turn, encourages more migrants to journey to France.
“So, when you have behavior like this, you can’t make yourself respected. In order to be respected,
you have to show and demonstrate that you are capable of enforcing your own laws,” she said.
She also said that it is very hard to obtain accurate data on the scale of immigration France is facing, pointing to her own experience at the Integration Council.
“I was at the Integration Council; you have to be very careful with the (immigration) figures because what I found at the time was that already the figures given to the public were wrong. The immigration figures were already significantly higher than from the Insee (National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies),” she said. She added that the data from 2017 “shows that 44 percent of the increase in population was from immigration.” She says this rapid growth in foreigners has fueled the cultural and societal problems the country is now facing.
As Remix News has previously reported, the demographic transformation in France has been extreme, with new data showing more than two-fifths of young children in France are immigrants or the children or grandchildren of immigrants. French academics, politicians, and policy experts have increasingly referred to the Great Replacement, which describes European populations being replaced with non-European populations throughout the West.
The former politician also noted that there are tremendous costs allocated to migration and integrating new arrivals despite the country facing a massive economic burden.
“Nearly 10 million people on French territory are poor. How can we continue with the massive reception?” she asks.
Sorel-Sutter is a trained engineer and holds an MBA from the prestigious Sciences Po university. She has written a number of popular books, including “The Decomposition of France.”
Switzerland: Albanian Muslim migrants kept four women as slaves for 16 years
Brazilian Leaders and Military Reportedly Planning to Release Evidence of a Corrupted Election This Week
Qatar foreign minister calls European nations ‘arrogant and racist’ for raising objections over human rights and anti-LGBTQ laws ahead of World Cup

Qatar, which will host this year’s Football World Cup, has been under fire for its position on LGBTQ+ rights and use of “slave labour,” with voices raising from many Western countries such as Germany asking for a boycott of the upcoming event in the Arab country. Qatar’s Foreign Minister, HE Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani, has responded to the criticism by calling the opposing countries “arrogant” and “racists.”
Last month, Qatar had summoned the German ambassador over the concerns raised by his country over the alleged human rights violations in Qatar. Speaking to media, HE Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani accused Germany of ‘double standards’. He also reminded the people that the European countries have no problem with Qatar when it comes to energy partnerships or investments.
“It is ironic when this tone is struck in countries in Europe that call themselves liberal democracies. It honestly sounds very arrogant and very racist,” the minister was quoted as saying to the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.
“It seems difficult for some to accept that a small country, a small Arab country, should be allowed to host the soccer World Cup. Racist clichés also keep cropping up. But that is not the case everywhere for a long time. There are fewer than ten countries from which such sharp criticism comes. The rest of the world is happy for us. 97 per cent of the tickets have already been sold. That is a clear sign.”
In an interview with Sky News, the minister further lashed out at the critics and pro-LGBTQ activists and human right watchers
“Preaching from a distance is not a solution. Calling to boycott the World Cup or those who are not coming to the World Cup, it’s their decision at the end of the day, but why to deprive the people and the public of attending and enjoying the World Cup,” said Qatar’s foreign minister.
Meanwhile, according to a poll conducted, a large majority of people in Britain think the World Cup should not be held in Qatar because of its position on LGBTQ+ rights. According to the Guardian, 62% of British people believe Qatar’s stance on homosexual rights should have been enough to disqualify it from hosting the event.
Qatar won the right to host the summer World Cup in December 2010 against all odds in 50 degrees celsius temperature, before FIFA moved the World Cup to winter for the first time in history to protect players from that heat. The tournament will now be held from 21st November to 18th December in the small Arabian country.
LGBTQ+ rights aren’t the only problem with Qatar hosting the World Cup, there have been some concerns raised over the use of “slave labour” and poor working conditions in the Gulf state. Thousands have reportedly died while working on the infrastructure for the World Cup due to poor working conditions.
However, the football governing body FIFA, which has banned Russia for the Ukrainian invasion, has chosen to overlook all these human rights abuses. In a recent press statement, FIFA had asked participating teams to focus on the game and not to drag the game into issues of politics and ideology.
Two-thirds of Italians support government decree on migration row

Almost two-thirds of Italians agree with their newly elected government’s decree for humanitarian vessels to leave Italian ports after vulnerable migrants have disembarked, leaving healthy adult males on board.
A survey conducted by the market research agency Eumetra for the “Quarta Repubblica” talk show revealed that 63 percent of respondents agreed with the hardline approach by Giorgia Meloni’s administration, while 34 percent disagreed.
The public was asked: “The Minister of the Interior has decided to maintain a line of rigor, allowing only women and minors to disembark and asking the countries of Europe (in particular Germany, which is the nationality of the ship in question) to take charge of these immigrants. Do you agree?”
Almost a third (32 percent) emphatically agreed while 31 percent broadly agreed.
Journalist Giuseppe de Lorenzo, writing for Il Giornale newspaper said the results show that “either the majority of Italians are accused of xenophobia and racism, or some commentators should understand that welcoming (migrants) is good and right, but it cannot be translated into a free-for-all. And above all not without rules. Private NGO ships cannot dictate migration policies to the state.”
The migration row between NGOs and the Italian government reignited over the weekend when the government, which had initially refused humanitarian vessels carrying migrants picked up in the Mediterranean permission to dock, eventually gave authorization for vessels to drop off only the vulnerable, namely women, children, and those with medical issues.
Captains of the humanitarian vessels, which were flying under German and Norwegian flags, were told to leave the port of Catania with the remaining migrants on board and to take them to the vessels’ host country.
The German captain of Humanity 1, an NGO vessel funded by the SOS Humanity charity, refused to leave the Italian port, and the charity has since commenced legal proceedings against the Italian government for alleged breaches of international law.
Meloni ran on an election pledge to crack down on the levels of immigration into Italy after 82,000 migrants arrived in the country so far this year. If the survey above is accurate, it would appear the Italian people are broadly supportive of her administration’s initial response.