The head of the SPD parliamentary group, Rolf Mützenich said the Ukrainian government put him on a “terrorist list” because he had called for a cease-fire in Ukraine. He added that he had also “received threats”.
The criteria according to which Kiev differentiates its friends from its enemies has irked the president of the group SPD in the Bundestag, Mützenich. German politicians are particularly indignant that their names are now on the list of people who “promote narrative people in accordance with Russian propaganda”.
This document is published on the website of the Center for Combating Disinformation to the National Defense and Security Council of Ukraine.
“I was irritated that the Ukrainian government had put me on a terrorist list on the grounds that I was working for a cease-fire or for the possibility of taking new diplomatic measures,” he told the German news agency dpa. According to him, he has since also received “secondary threats, so to speak, which are not easy to manage either”.
Mützenich stressed that if the commitment to a cease-fire is a criterion for inclusion on this list, then the UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, must also be included. He complained of “discrimination” against those who, like him, campaign for diplomacy as a means of ending the conflict.
He also accused the partners of the SPD coalition, namely the Greens and the FDP, of resorting to the same discrimination. “I oppose this rigorism. The fact remains that most wars did not end on the battlefield.”
The deputy has been on the list since July. As proof, the Ukrainians cited an article published on the website of the German information agency RND.
The article indicated that the deputy found it “normal” that the German Chancellor, with the American and French Presidents, discussed ways to end the war in Ukraine. According to the article, Mützenich referred to the sanctions packages, but also to the attempt to achieve humanitarian ceasefires.
Globalist elites will be dining on a gourmet selection of meats, fish, and dairy at the United Nations COP27 climate change conference in Egypt, as they push supposedly more sustainable foods like bugs.
Beef medallion with mushrooms sauce, chicken breast with orange gravy, and salmon with creamy sauce and chives are some of the menu options that world leaders, diplomats, bureaucrats, and industry bigwigs will be chomping down on at the COP27 meeting in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt this week.
The COP Gourmet service also offers an hour and a half of bottomless cocktails for £110 ($125). Attendees are also offered delivery service for items such as paper cups, plastic water bottles and wooden coffee stirrers.
Screencap, COP Gourmet
The menu flies in the face of the stated goals of the United Nations, with a 2018 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report saying: “Meat analogues such as imitation meat (from plant products), cultured meat, and insects may help in the transition to more healthy and sustainable diets.”
The World Economic Forum, which has partnered with the UN at COP27 has also been at the forefront of the meat-free future movement, arguing that people should opt for more “climate beneficial foods” such as algae, seaweed and cacti.
Hypocrisy has become something of a staple for the annual meeting, however, with around 40,000 globalist figures being flown on jets from around the world to lap up the luxury of the seaside resort, as average people are told that travelling by plane is causing the alleged climate crisis.
Scottish author and political commentator Neil Oliver said: “They’ve come to lecture us about eating less meat while they sit down to menus featuring beef, chicken, salmon, and sea bass and cream sauces. This is not leadership that we are seeing now, it’s desperation, it’s trolling us proles on a galactic scale.
“The policies that they are preaching are condemning hundreds of millions of the world’s poorest to poverty, starvation, death on a global scale and at the same time, in their cynicism, they are ensuring that the populations of their own countries are plunged into fuel and food poverty for the first time in generations.”
The menu was also criticised by activists on the left, including Animal Rebellion’s Nathan McGovern who told the Daily Mail: “These world leaders need to look like they believe them. This just looks like do what I say and not what I do.
“North Africa has some brilliant plant-based foods, like falafel and couscous, why do they need to ship in Salmon from the Atlantic?”
A Vegan Society spokesman added: “It’s really disappointing that such a significant climate change event as COP27 is serving up high environmental impact meat and fish sourced from another continent.”
Those in favour of a cashless society will be pleased, however, that due to the “risks associated” with paper money, COP27 will only allow food to be purchased with credit or debit cards or other digital wallets.
On Tuesday, Qatar which is all set to host this year’s Football World Cup slammed a cartoon published by a French satirical newspaper showing Qatari football players as terrorists. The caricature has sparked outrage on social media with many Qatari users calling it ‘racist and Islamophobic’.
According to the reports, the cartoon was published by a French newspaper named Le Canard enchainé in its October issue. The image specifically focused on Qatar and its role as the host of the FIFA World Cup 2022. The Qatari users on social media slammed the cartoon and also questioned the ethics of the publication for illustrating a derogatory depiction of racism, supremacy, and Islamophobia.
The image published by the French newspaper shows seven bearded men with “Qatar” emblazoned across their shirts above large numerals. They appear to be playing football through the dunes, armed with machetes, rifles, and rocket launchers. One can also be seen wearing an explosive belt. Five are dressed in blue robes, while the other two are dressed in black shirts and trousers with black masks concealing their faces, resembling ISIS terrorists. Five guys in white robes stand on the sidelines, watching the game.
The controversial image in the French magazine
One of the enraged users criticized the publication and said, “Le Canard Enchaîné published a despicable cartoon showing its blatant racism and hatred of Islam. They describe Qatar as an authoritarian emirate and its national team as terrorists”.
One of the enraged users criticized the publication and said, “Le Canard Enchaîné published a despicable cartoon showing its blatant racism and hatred of Islam. They describe Qatar as an authoritarian emirate and its national team as terrorists”.
نشرت Le Canard Enchaîné الفرنسية كاريكتور حقير يظهر عنصريتها الفاضحة وكراهية الإسلام يصف #قطر على أنها إمارة استبدادية ومنتخبها إرهابيون. #قطر
“A special issue issued by the French newspaper Cannar Enchaine about Qatar. You cannot imagine the extent of the hidden French hatred, contempt and insult to Qatar, its people, its government and its symbols. I wonder why the Qatari ambassador is still in Paris”, another user tweeted.
عدد خاص اصدرته جريدة لكنار انشينيه الفرنسية عن قطر لا يمكنكم أن تتخيلوا حجم الحقد الفرنسي الدفين والاحتقار والإهانة فيه لقطر وشعبها وحكومتها ورموزها. اتعجب لماذا لا يزال السفير القطري في باريس؟؟؟!!!
Meanwhile, Hamad Al-Kawari, a minister of state and the president of Qatar’s National Library also took cognizance of the incident and asked France to show some sportsmanship. “Even caustic satire is welcome!!! But the Canard Enchaîné decided to resort to lies, hatred and grudges to attack Qatar and denigrate it,” he tweeted.
La satire même caustique est bienvenue!!! Mais le Canard Enchaîné a décidé de recourir au mensonge, la haine et la rancune pour attaquer le Qatar et le dénigrer. Gardez un peu de loyauté et d’esprit sportif au moins
Earlier last month, Qatar’s Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani had criticizedan ‘unprecedented campaign’ of criticisms against the country ahead of the World Cup. “It became clear to us that the campaign continues, expands, and includes fabrication and double standards until it reached a level of ferocity that made many questions, unfortunately, the real reasons and motives behind this campaign”, he had said. He also added that no other country had faced this level of criticism in the past.
He also slammed several Western countries like Germany on November 8 after they called for a boycott of the upcoming event in the Arab country for its position on LGBTQ+ rights and use of ‘slave labor’. “It is ironic when this tone is struck in countries in Europe that call themselves liberal democracies. It honestly sounds very arrogant and very racist,” the minister was quoted as saying to the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.
Reports mention that several cities in France, including the capital Paris, will not broadcast World Cup matches, citing concerns about migrant workers’ rights and the game’s impact on the environment. Qatar’s management of migrant workers and human rights record have been under question since the country has been given the privilege to organize the 2022 FIFA World Cup.
Recently, Qatar’s Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani accused Germany of ‘double standards’over the reports of criticism for the country being allowed to host the World Cup. He also reminded the people that the European countries have no problem with Qatar when it comes to energy partnerships or investments.
Qatar won the right to host the summer World Cup in December 2010 against all odds in 50 degrees celsius temperature, before FIFA moved the World Cup to winter for the first time in history to protect players from that heat. The tournament will now be held in the small Arabian country and about 1.2 million international visitors are expected in Qatar during the Nov 20- Dec 18 tournament.
It is notable here that Qatar has been linked with Islamic terrorism and has been accused of spreading Wahabism by many sources. Its links to numerous organisations that fund the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Al Qaeda etc have been highlighted in recent times.
The United Nations’ weather agency says the state of Earth’s climate is bad and getting worse faster than before, especially with sea level rise accelerating.
In its annual state of the climate report, the United Nations’ weather agency said that sea level rise in the past decade was double what it was in the 1990s and since January 2020 has jumped at a higher rate than that. Since the decade began, seas are rising at 5 millimeters a year (.2 inches) compared to 2.1 millimeters (.08 inches) in the 1990s.
The last eight years have been the warmest on record, the WMO said in a report that didn’t break new ground but was a collection of recent weather trends, data and impacts in one central place.
The only reason that the globe hasn’t broken annual temperature records in the past few years is a rare three-year La Niña weather phenomenon, he said.
The data on sea level and average temperatures are nothing compared to how climate change has hit people in extreme weather. The report highlights the summer’s incredible flood in Pakistan that killed more than 1,700 people and displaced 7.9 million, a crippling four-year drought in East Africa that has more than 18 million hungry, the Yangtze River drying to its lowest level in August, and record heat-waves broiling people in Europe and China.
The purpose of all of these reports is to scare the public into submission and spend massive amounts of money supporting the extremists’ green agenda. As always, the media just regurgitates this information without any questions. They don’t care that previous reports have been wrong.
A humorous sentence from the report says that the Earth would have been warmer if not for Mother Nature.
There are a large number of variables that affect the climate and temperature. There is no scientific data from the last 150 years, when the temperature has gone both up and down, that justifies blaming a couple degree rise, after a little ice age ended to oil or coal.
As for the Pakistan flood:
There have been massive floods throughout the Earth’s history. It is pathetic that so many people pretend that floods are worse than ever and further pretend that they can pinpoint the cause to humans, oil, coal, methane, and CO2. They are just making it up.
The 1887 Yellow River flood in Qing China began in September 1887 and killed at least 930,000 people.[1][2] It was the single deadliest flood in China, in turn making it one of the largest disasters in China by death toll.
A cataclysmic flood cleaved Britain from France hundreds of thousand years ago, in a violent act of nature that carved out the white cliffs of Dover and set the course of history for a new island.
Then they talk about a four year drought in East Africa as if long droughts haven’t occurred throughout history. How do these people believe that the Earth got covered by so many deserts?
The 1820s-1830s drought was probably the worst of the last 200 years. Lake levels fell in central Kenya (with Lake Baringo drying up completely), and reports from European travellers describe prolonged famine, possibly lasting as long as 20 years, affecting areas including Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.
The Sahara desert used to be very fertile until an eight thousand year drought began natuarally. The people and animals learned to adapt.
9,000 years ago most of the Sahara was covered by large lakes and savannah that were populated by herds of wild game…
As for the ocean rising 2/10 of an inch per year: Oceans average more than 12,000 feet deep. It would be impossible to measure that close and then adjust for all the natural variables. There is no possible way to attribute the changes to the use of oil and coal.
The climate as a whole has always changed cyclically and naturally and always will. It is arrogant to claim that we can pinpoint the cause of current changes and impossible to believe that politicians and bureaucrats can control all aspects of the climate if we just give them money and destroy our quality of life.
If we had an honest, and curious media they would ask questions and do research before they just repeat what they are told. They are essentially lobbyists for leftists.
One simple question would show it is a scam because the pushers of the green agenda couldn’t answer it:
Where is the scientific data that shows a direct relationship between crude oil use and temperatures?
Housing accommodations are running out across Germany due to a massive influx of migrants, but the pressure is perhaps nowhere greater than in the capital city of Berlin. As a result, the city is planning to construct a massive tent city for up to 4,000 migrants, according to a paper from Social Senator Katja Kipping of the Left Party within the Berlin Senate.
Kipping wrote in a new paper that in a “very short time a large number” of emergency shelters “for up to 4,000 people” would have to be found in order to temporarily defuse the situation and “avert acute homelessness among refugees.” The State Office for Refugees (LAF) is “not able to absorb the extraordinarily sharp increase” in asylum seekers, the paper explains.
Kipping warned that there is hardly any capacity left, and a spokesman for Kipping said the accommodation situation is “increasingly more complicated.”
The large tents required to set up this “tent city” were already purchased in the spring, but have not yet been deployed. However, such tent cities have already been erected in other German cities such as Leipzig, Bremen, and Munich.
Possible locations for Berlin’s new tent city include the large park at Tempelhofer Feld, the Olympic Park, the city’s exhibition center, and open spaces at the former Tegel Airport, as well as inside terminals A and B, according to a report from German news outlet Taggespiegel. However, other senate departments would also have to agree to these plans.
Berlin has seen a large influx of refugees from Ukraine as well as from Africa and the Middle East. However, Ukrainians are not required to apply for asylum. According to the State Office for Refugee Affairs (LAF), 9,036 people applied for asylum in Berlin in the first nine months — none of whom were Ukrainians.
Approximately 150 migrants are arriving a day, according to Kipping. If the trend continues, the left-wing politician expects space to be needed for up to 10,000 more foreigners by the end of the year. However, if that number is true, even her tent city will not be enough to hold all the newcomers.
New data from the Alternative for Germany, obtained after a senate request, found that the main countries of origin of the migrants arriving in Berlin in recent times were Syria, Georgia, Turkey, Afghanistan, and Moldova.
Viktor Orban interviewed by the Budapester Zeitung. Facebook
Another controversial message from Viktor Orbán: the Hungarian Prime Minister has now expressed concern about developments in Germany in an interview with the German-language Budapester Zeitung – and in this context expressly invited German citizens to emigrate to Hungary.
Orbán also took the opportunity to settle accounts with the established parties. Orbán was asked by the publisher and editor-in-chief of the Budapester Zeitung, Jan Mainka, whether the Hungarian government was aware of a migration movement from Germany and whether it was planning countermeasures.
Orbán surprised his audience with a frank reply: “On the contrary! We know about this development and encourage Germans and other Western Europeans to come to us. In the next 10 to 20 years, more and more western Europeans will come to us who prefer to live with us because Hungary is a safe, Christian and tradition-conscious country. We don’t think that’s bad, but rather extremely good and welcome. […] Western Europeans who want to live freely and in a different milieu than at home should move to us. We welcome them here with open arms. Hungary is a country where many more people could live than the number of people currently living here. We are happy when foreigners who like our way of thinking come to us.”
Mainka wanted to know whether this should be understood as “Refugees Welcome!” – the much-maligned slogan under former chancellor Angela Merkel in 2015 to open the borders to 2 million illegal foreigners. Orbán replied: “Yes, exactly!” But he quickly added: “But from the West! Western refugees welcome!”
In the further course of the conversation, the Hungarian head of government recalled that in European history it had always been beneficial for the receiving countries when immigrants came from the West. He spoke of the advantage of welcoming the French Huguenots in Germany and the Germans in Hungary.
Orbán made it clear that he “respected” Germany. But compared to Germany, Hungary is now “an island of peace and freedom”. In Germany, on the other hand, freedom to speak out has been completely censored. “There is currently a liberal hegemony – only one narrative has space in public. Anyone who deviates from this no longer exists for this public.”
Referring to a recent visit to Berlin, Orbán was amazed at some of the observations there. For example, he was surprised by the many armed security forces in front of synagogues. Once again it became clear to him “that Germany has become a multicultural society”.
The Hungarian Prime Minister did not hide his disillusionment with the established German parties, the SPD, CDU/CSU and the EPP group in the European Parliament. And he did not even bother to mention the Greens in his evaluation.
The SPD is “today the most hostile party in Europe”. And the previously conservative CDU – including the Bavarian CSU – is actually “a left-wing party”. He has no hope that the Union would ever again become a sensible, conservative party like it used to be under Helmut Kohl: “The CDU is going its own way, which is not ours.”
In the same vein, he said the CSU under Prime Minister Söder was also “difficult for us to understand”. And the EPP group in the EU Parliament (the association of European Christian Democrats) under its boss Manfred Weber (CSU) is even “doctrinaire left”.
Orbán took the opportunity to once again refuse any foreign interference in Hungarian affairs. “Outside powers kept coming and wanting to dictate how we should live. When something like this happens, resistance forms instinctively in the Hungarians,” he said.
“Today, the German left wants to dictate to us through the EU Parliament how we should live and think, about migration, about genderism, the nation, the family and so on. It’s none of your business – that’s our business!”