The recent elections in Brazil and Israel brought a change of government in each country. Lula’s win in Brazil was greeted with enthusiasm by Brussels and Washington. Neither hid their satisfaction at the defeat of Jair Bolsonaro, who for them is a climate and Covid-19 denier; he is also a staunch supporter of the free market and demanded the right to develop areas of the Amazon rainforest. U.S. President Joe Biden even lectured Bolsonaro on how he should not challenge the result of the election.
The reaction to Benjamin Netanyahu’s nationalist, right-wing coalition in Israel, however, was viewed as catastrophic by the very same people drooling over Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. Every liberal establishment newspaper focused on the figure of the religious right, Ben Gvir, and even before the official results were known, the U.S. was warning that to allow the right-winger into the government would mean deteriorating relations with the United States.
Both Lula and Netanyahu have been in power before and have both faced charges of corruption. The charges against Lula were serious charges of systemic bribery. Netanyahu, on the other hand, was accused of doing favors for the media that supported his government. By those standards, most of Poland’s prime ministers and cultural ministers would be in jail. But if you read the Western media, you get a picture of Lula having been wronged by the judicial system, whereas Israel is facing the return of the depraved father of Jewish corruption.
These are just two more examples of how in the last few years the EU and U.S. establishment have become increasingly intolerant of any victory by the political right, regardless of the country in which it happens.
This intolerance is evidenced via threatening, bullying, and attempting to isolate countries that dare to elect right-wing governments. This all began back in 2000 when the Freedom Party entered a coalition government in Austria. The EU attempted to ostracize it, but that went nowhere. However, since then the world has changed radically and right-wing governments are increasingly being blackmailed, pressured, and even sanctioned.
There are two possibilities as to the direction in which this will now move. The first is that support for the right will be strong enough for it to cope with the pressure. The second is that the pressure will be so brutal that right-wing parties will be pushed out of the electoral spectrum across the free world; but then, we will be witnessing the atrophy of democracy and its transformation into a soft tyranny, featuring a tacit ban on using nationalist and religious ideas in public life and political discourse.
Nine members of a Muslim family renounced Islam and came back to Hinduism in the Muzzafarnagar district of Uttar Pradesh. The members of the family, residents of Saharanpur did Gharwapsi into Hinduism in presence of Mahant Swami Yashveer Maharaj of Swami Yashveer Ashram Parishad at Bagra, Muzzafarnagar.
Swami Mrigendra Maharaj of the Ashram Parishad brought the nine members back to Hinduism after performing the havan and puja rituals. All nine members of the family have now become Hindu amidst the chants of holy mantras and by doing Achamana of the holy Gangajal.
After embracing the Sanatan faith, the family members got new names. Vadil, who reverted to Hinduism, has been named Vivek Saini, Alisa as Ananya Saini, Rabia as Pallavi Saini, Nazia as Neetu Saini, Varisa as Manisha Saini, Gulistan as Ravita Saini, Sania as Nisha Saini, Akil as Rohit Saini and Rukhsana as Babita Saini.
Swami Mrigendra Maharaj of the Swami Yashveer Ashram Parishad performed the puja and havan with Veda mantras in presence of Mahant Swami Yashveer Maharaj to execute the ‘Gharwapsi’ of 9 persons. Akil, now known as Rohit Saini said that his ancestors were Hindus, but around 150 years ago they had to accept Islam under some pressure. “Now we’ve all returned to Hinduism”, he said.
Swami Yashveer Maharaj of the Ashram also confirmed the incident and said that all these people were Hindus earlier but their ancestors were forcefully converted to Islam around 150 years ago. Now they have voluntarily accepted Sanatan dharma culture and returned to Hinduism. Earlier, Yashveer Maharaj had allegedthat people were being converted to Islam in a madrasa which is located in the Phulat village of the district. He had alleged that so far lakhs of Hindus have been lured and converted to Islam. He also demanded that the madrasa should be thoroughly investigated and action should be taken against the authorities there.
Notably, in April this year, Swami Yashveer Maharaj and Swami Mrigendra Maharaj of Swami Yashveer Ashram Parishad had brought back eight members of two Muslim families to Hinduism. “I have been learning about the Hindus who had converted under greed or pressure. Then I decided to get such people back into their original faith”, Swami had said back then.
“After independence, from 1947 till the BJP government came to power in the country, all the governments have done the work of promoting conversion in a very vicious manner. The clerics often visit the houses of poor Hindus and ask them to convert to Islam by luring them in all kinds of ways. When poor Hindus don’t agree to convert, they are also threatened”, he added. To date, Swami Yashveer Maharaj has brought hundreds of such people back into the Sanatan dharma.
Before you read this sad story, hail back to an earlier era, before transnational social media lords suppressed the truth and helped doctor elections. It seems that the techno-leftists might have done their dirty work…again.
The media are back to spinning an election theft.
One report (at the 13-second mark) says, “They [the Brazilian protesters] took to the streets of São Paulo in their thousands.”
Tens of thousands of people in nearly every major city in Brazil took to the streets on Wednesday to protest the election of hardline socialist and ex-convict Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva to the presidency[.]
There seems to be a discrepancy in what numbers are worth reporting.
A few thousand can be dismissed as malcontents of no repute, but tens of thousands in every major city is a bit more disconcerting.
They arrived by the tens of thousands on Wednesday, angry and draped in Brazilian flags, massing outside military bases across the country. They were there, they said, to save Brazil’s democracy from a rigged election, and there was only one way to do so: The armed forces needed to take control of the government.
This TikTok video seems to show a good portion of a municipality’s population showing up.
Altogether, it looks as though millions — not a few thousands — of Brazilians are upset.
Why are Brazilian media downplaying events like this?
Not One Media Outlet Is Covering Protests In #BRAZIL, As Millions Of Protesters Hit The Streets, Questioning Electoral Integrity.
This Brazilian reporter, Paula Schmitt, says the whole situation is dystopian. She blames Big Tech, the old media, their Supreme Court, and academia.
Ms. Schmitt continues to report here. She has this to say (translated by Google):
Power columnist Paula Schmitt says that Lulas left and the corporatocracy have become inseparable in state capitalism[.]
She is a leftist but is disgusted with Lula. Notice the term “state capitalism” — the very definition of fascism. She is starting to realize that the left is actually fascistic. The light is breaking through.
But the elite were not unprepared for this contingency. They had a cover story ready-to-go. Just before the elections, the public was warned.
Apparently, the Brazilian people were alerted that social media might not censor the results adequately enough to screen out right-wing agitators posting unreliable reports. But how did these right-wing disinformation agents get millions of people to show up for those protests?
Rather, Brazilians are complaining that social media are blocking information. So, if anything, one has to wonder if the social media groups were censoring too much.
It seems one man had been given power to censor the internet in Brazil.
To Fight Lies, Brazil Gives One Man Power Over Online Speech
Brazilian authorities granted the country’s elections chief broad power to order the takedown of online content in a bid to combat soaring misinformation ahead of this month’s election.
It seems the elections chief was an anti-Bolsonaro judge.
Of course, Google searches are not so helpful. They were not helpful in finding information about the real safety of COVID vaccines, either.
In spite of the left’s efforts, the truth is leaking out.
Cesar Carvalho … is returning back to Brazil for vacation on Monday, Nov. 7, when The Forum reached him. …
He talked about online censorship and corruption at the highest levels of the judicial system, adding he believes the election was fraudulent. …
Cris Calil believed the same election failures occurred in the U.S. “There was no way that Biden won the election. I think he won because everyone voted by mail,” she said.
Apparently, Cris Calil has started to notice a pattern.
So what happened?
For one, some Brazilian Indians have claimed that their votes went missing.
Benford’s Law Analysis Applied To Second Round Of Brazilian Presidential Election –’Red Flags’ Even More Overwhelming
The newest report, much like the first one, shows similarities with previous Venezuelan and Iranian elections as well.
There were claims that millions of votes were stolen — in this case, a charge fielded by Mike Lindell. Okay, he has been forced to retract claims in the past, under threat of bankrupting lawsuits, but I think he is more reliable than his detractors.
There were claims that certain districts returned zero votes for Bolsonaro. But if one does a Google search to validate the claim, almost all of the results are warnings to ignore such right-wing news. The media powers-that-be don’t even want you to consider such a possibility.
How does one say “pay no attention to that man behind the curtain” in Portuguese?
The right wing seems to have won the other elections in Brazil but not the presidency? How does that make sense?
Bolsonaro was a Brazil-first, anti-globalist, anti–LGBT agenda, pro-Israel politician. Someone was out to get him.
Well, Bolsonaro did not officially concede defeat, but he has agreed to a peaceable transfer, much like what Trump did in 2020. What Bolsonaro should watch out for is a staged faux coup, like Jan. 6, which may have been led by Antifa provocateurs. Though the Antifa connection is officially denied.
In Brazil, it seems the far left has already been caught infiltrating right-wing protesters.
What we are witnessing is a globalist worldwide takeover.
Despite many green agenda-loving bigwigs pushing for countries to ration the use of heating and cooling to save energy, the COP27 conference is reportedly blasting its elite attendees with air conditioning in 80-degree Egyptian heat.
Despite sweltering temperatures in Egypt, there is said to be very little sweating going on at the COP27 climate conference, with green agenda officials attending the event reportedly being blasted with air conditioning while pushing for more to be done about carbon emissions.
The energy use of temperature control technology has been a hot topic in Europe in recent months, with authorities in the likes of Italy and Germany having implemented various rationing measures on how much certain buildings can be heated or cooled over gas shortage fears.
However, while others have also pushed such rationing with reference to climate change, no such restrictions appear to be in place in Egypt, with German publication Bild reportingthat attendees of COP27 are being kept quite cool by air conditioning at the conference.
In fact, despite outside temperatures in the area often reaching up to 27 degrees Celsius (~80 degrees Fahrenheit) in the early days of November, journalists for the publication describe some people resorting to wearing scarves inside the conference in order to keep warm.
Despite air conditioning reportedly being blasted into the COP27 conference rooms, many in attendance — especially from Europe — have been keen to ration their population’s use of such equipment to reduce their energy footprints.
For example, Italy banned most public and government buildings from being cooled below 25 degrees Celsius (77 degrees Fahrenheit) back in April of this year, justifying the move as necessary in the face of the gas crisis caused by the ongoing war in Ukraine.
A similar restriction has now been implemented by the country on heating, with both Germany and the European Union also rationing the use of central heating in a variety of public buildings.
Germany in particular has implemented extremely strict rules, banning the heating of hallways in a variety of public buildings and offices, with exceptions being granted for the likes of hospitals, all in a desperate attempt to prevent the country from running out of gas.
Even tap water in public buildings used for washing hands will no longer be allowed to be heated using a boiler over the winter months, while contract clauses legally mandating that landlords heat their buildings to a certain minimum for the sake of their tenants have also been suspended.
A French teacher who says he is receiving death threats from a parent is asking to be transferred out of the school, saying he fears being killed just like French history teacher Samuel Paty, who was beheaded by a young Chechen migrant Islamist last year.
The teacher, employed at Val-de-Seine high school in Grand-Quevilly, near Rouen, said a parent threatened to kill him. The teacher has since filed a complaint with police and the threat is being taken seriously. Teachers suspended all classes Nov. 7 following a crisis meeting.
The incident actually took place on Oct. 20, right before school holidays, but the school was shut down only after students returned.
“It was 5 p.m., and we were in a parent-teacher meeting. While waiting for the next meeting, I was correcting my papers and at one point, I saw a burly man come up to me and say ‘What have you got against my daughter?,’” says the teacher.
The father then allegedly told the teacher: “You take my daughter for sh*t, you talk badly to your students.” Another teacher intervened to try to calm the father down.
“Before leaving the room, he points at me and yells: ‘If you continue like this with my daughter, I’m going to take your head off!’ The witness said the father was furious and his gaze was threatening,
Since this event, the teacher has been on sick leave. His psychological state was deemed too fragile to resume classes.
“I don’t want to be a second Samuel Paty. I don’t see myself coming back to this establishment. I asked the rector to change my location to protect me.”
A complaint was filed, and the student’s parent has been interviewed by the police.
French teachers have often faced death threats in the past, including one teacher who faced multiple death threatsfor asking a student to lift her Islamic veil to check her identity. Schools in the most diverse areas of the of country, such as France, increasingly see White parents, including many liberals, segregating their children in private schoolsdue to dangerous classroom enviroments. In October, 14 students were arrested for rioting over the right to wear religious garb in their school in Paris.
An alarming German study revealed how the “vaccine” rollout coincided with a sudden and dramatic drop in fertility rates in Germany and Sweden.
“Following the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, several countries faced short-term fertility declines in 2020 and 2021, a development which did not materialize in Scandinavian and German-speaking countries. However, more recent birth statistics show a steep fertility decline in the aftermath of the pandemic in 2022.”
The study provided data on the unexpected birth decline in 2022 in Germany and Sweden and examined how pandemic-related contextual developments could have influenced the post-pandemic fertility development. They relied on monthly birth statistics and present seasonally adjusted monthly Total Fertility Rates (TFR) for Germany and Sweden.
The researchers related the nine-months lagged fertility rates to contextual developments regarding Covid-19 mortality and morbidity, unemployment rates, and Covid-19 vaccinations.
Germany's Federal Institute for Population Research: "there is a strong association between the onset of vaccination programmes and the fertility decline nine months after." Found no association w/COVID or unemployment– only jabs!
The seasonally adjusted monthly TFR of Germany dropped around 14 percent. In Sweden, the corresponding TFR dropped almost 10 percent. “There is no association of the fertility trends with changes in unemployment, infection rates, or Covid-19 deaths. However, there is a strong association between the onset of vaccination programmes and the fertility decline nine months after this onset.
“The fertility decline in the first months of 2022 in Germany and Sweden is remarkable. Common explanations of fertility change during the pandemic do not apply in its aftermath. The association between the onset of mass vaccinations and subsequent fertility decline indicates that people adjusted their behaviour to get vaccinated before becoming pregnant, as societies were opening up with post-pandemic life conditions.”
The study provided novel information on fertility declines in countries previously not affected by any Covid-19 baby bust and a first appraisal of the Covid-19-fertility nexus in the immediate aftermath of the pandemic.
The Atlantic would like to “declare a pandemic amnesty.” Stepping outside her field of expertise, Brown University professor of economics Emily Oster implored, “We need to forgive one another for what we did and said when we were in the dark about COVID.” Brown doesn’t have a Department of Theology in which she could learn in any systematic way the thinking God wants us to have based upon His general and special revelations. So, she must not know the prerequisite for forgiveness is repentance. Unfortunately, her article nowhere expresses remorse for the unconstitutional and illegal medical tyranny perpetrated on Americans. Oster never explores what the superior recourse of accountability would entail.
Most medical tyranny was political in nature, so it is left to voters to provide recourse at the ballot box. For sure, there were totalitarian zealots pushing mandatory shots, lockdowns, preferential medical care for coronavirus patients, capacity limitations, curfews, social distancing, and mandatory masking. But there were many other fellow travelers unwilling to acknowledge either the concept of limited government or our constitutional rights.
Dr. Anthony Fauci should be investigated for criminal infractions of pharmaceutical stock ownership in tandem with his advocacy of government mandates. Ill-gotten gains should be forfeit and penalties assessed, as appropriate. There should be criminal investigation into whether Fauci lied to Congress under oath. Apart from judicial recourse, his government position and pension benefits should be assessed in light of criminal actions.
Belatedly, Dr. Deborah Birx admitted that she, “…knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection. And, I think we overplayed the vaccines…” Well, this was not the contemporary message when she stood shoulder to shoulder with Fauci and President Biden. Were any of her statements in an official capacity criminal?
The experimental vaccine products would never have been allowed on the market except for the issuance of Emergency Use Authorizations by the FDA. The principal benefit to pharmaceutical companies of an EUA is shielding from product liability lawsuits. It is doubtful that a single COVID-19 vaccine product or booster would be offered commercially if pharmaceutical companies had to gain conventional FDA approval. Note that the FDA has approved the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine marketed as Comirnaty, but CVS and Walgreens know nothing of its availability. This FDA-approved product appears to be a phantom. Not only do adverse reactions and deaths militate against FDA approval, but pharmaceutical companies would be open to financial lawsuits for the damage and deaths they cause. It is easy to imagine class action lawsuits brought for products that are not safe and effective. EUA’s for COVID-19 products should be rescinded immediately. And, a review is needed of EUAs in general to raise the bar significantly for this designation coupled with a short duration.
The tyrannical World Health Organization should be defunded completely. If Republicans win the House this month, this can be done unilaterally. A bill need not be passed in the Senate nor signed by the President. The WHO’s takeaway from COVID-19 global medical tyranny wasn’t that government responses caused economic calamity, medical harm, and even excess deaths, but that more is better. The WHO is a threat to liberty and prosperity everywhere.
Last year, the Supreme Court vacated the Center for Disease Control’s eviction moratorium. As with the WHO, House Republicans should declare a pox on the CDC and defund them completely. All CDC technocrats and bureaucrats who had any hand in devising this unlawful and unconstitutional order should be fired for cause losing both their jobs and pensions. Our Constitution provides no delegation to the federal government to exercise any such powers as the CDC has grasped. The states can decide if there are any useful activities being done by the CDC and pick those up.
Tort reform needs to provide financial recourse by parents and children against school boards, superintendents, principals, teachers, and the American Academy of Pediatrics for educational malfeasance for learning and sociability based upon school closures and masking. From excellent studies, it was corroborated what was known before the pandemic, that no mask, not even form-fitted N95 masks, can prevent viral infection. A silver lining to the school closures has been parental recognition that schools were prioritizing indoctrination, which is easy to do, instead of education, which is difficult to do. Many candidates nationwide have picked up the parental concerns by stating the obvious: Schools should be concerned only with the ABCs and 123s, not CRTs and LGBTs. It was recognized early that masking would cause learning disabilities, and even sociopathies, particularly with the very young who needed to associate facial expressions and mouth and tongue movements with speech and understanding. Although school children get sick less frequently, sickness is less severe, and there are fewer deaths in this age group, mask fascists persist.
What recourse is there against a wealthy individual like the idiot savant Bill Gates, who was responsible for funding efforts turning traditional epidemiology on its head with an advocacy that a pandemic could be managed by coercion? Where is the expose from Oster on how global coordinated totalitarian methods were rolled out for COVID?
Fascism embraces socialist control of businesses through regulation plus totalitarianism attendant with violence and intolerance of dissent. We have lived through two years of progressive fascism. Medical tyranny is just one tentacle of this form of fascism. Oster never apologizes for medical tyranny or her role in perpetrating it. She just advocates whitewashing it now. Would it be asking too much perhaps for her to apologize for the rest of progressive fascism’s reach into Americans’ lives?
Where is accountability for never-ending assaults on the lives of the innocent unborn, government and Big Tech infringement of First Amendment rights, censorship of challenges to climate alarmism, censorship of doctors providing independent scientific and medical information, persecution of political opponents of progressivism by the DoJ and FBI, violations of parental rights and authority over their children, indoctrination of children into sexual deviancy and the racist and divisive Critical Race Theory, sanction of gender transitioning of minors causing irreparable harm, Environmental Social and Governance protocols, profligate spending, open borders, sympathy for criminals, and unconstitutional legislating by the regulatory state and executive orders?
Catharsis for progressive fascism, such as the medical tyranny we endured, is achieved with accountability. In some cases, this will be political, in others financial, and still others prosecutorial. After the midterm elections, let the healing begin.