Italy Forces Muslim Migrant Ship To Go To France – The French interior minister warned “there will be extremely severe consequences”

An update to the story that The Point discussed here.

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni vowed to resist mass migration. The low bar at stake here is the migrant smuggling operation in which NGOs pick up mostly Muslim migrants and “rescue them” by transporting them to Italy.

The new Italian government lightly put its foot down and refused to let the male migrants leave the smuggling ships and enter Italy.

The migrant smugglers claimed that Italy had an obligation to take them because the Muslim migrants were all vulnerable Italy allowed in women, children and anyone sick and said that the ‘flag states’ or the countries those ships were registered to had to take them.

The standoff proved successful with another migrant ship picking up and going to France.

France’s government has granted a safe port to the Ocean Viking rescue vessel carrying 234 migrants.

Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin said France would welcome the ship’s passengers at the military port in the city of Toulon on Friday.

The Norwegian-flagged vessel — operated by the NGO SOS Méditerranée — has been at sea for nearly three weeks.

Italy had refused to allow the migrants to disembark on Italian territory, sparking a dispute with Paris.

Darmanin said the 230 passengers on board the Ocean Viking subsequently would be divided among France, Germany and other European countries.

Resistance is not futile.

France has responded with angry threats.

The French interior minister, Gérald Darmanin, said Rome’s refusal to answer calls for help from the ship in Italian waters was “incomprehensible” and “unacceptable”. He said it was “obvious that there will be extremely severe consequences for bilateral relations” between France and Italy.

What’s incomprehensible is allowing countries to be invaded by those trying to destroy them.

The name Ocean Viking is appropriate since the passengers are ‘viking’ to raid Europe.

Foot soldiers for transatlanticists: Sticky climate cultists

In European countries, so-called climate activists have been gluing themselves to city highways, historical paintings and other objects in recent weeks. The reactions of the population range from incomprehension to anger and astonishment.

Hardly a day goes by without new actions by fanatical climate activists being reported by the mainstream propaganda organs. More and more frequently, works of art in museums are becoming the target of mostly young climate fanatics because they attract the most attention.

In the meantime, the so-called “glue climateers” on the roads and highways cause anger, frustration and dangerous situations for the public.

US Big Oil fund climate fanatics

A large part of the money for these climate sectarians comes from the US. There, a foundation founded in California in 2019 called the Climate Emergency Fundtransferred millions to groups that use civil disobedience to draw attention to climate change.

By the end of September, the fund had awarded 3,5 million dollars to a total of eleven groups from different countries, it reported. All movements had called for an “autumn uprising,” including the The Last Generation.

Neither the foundation nor The Last Generation wanted to reveal how high the payments to the activists in Germany were. The movement only said that the money was used to finance “recruitment, training and further education” by activists.

The goal is clear: the pressure must be massively increased on European politicians to ban oil. Psychologist Margaret Klein Salamon, director of the Climate Emergency Fund, also admitted this to journalists: “We give strategic grants to emerging organizations like ‘Last Generation’ that want to shake up the public to put enormous pressure on governments.”

All organizations supported by the Climate Emergency Fund now rely on provocations such as road blockades and attacks on works of art.

The groups supported by the Fund typically have a permanently-mobilized core group, task forces for organizational tasks, and activists for different roles: some are willing to be arrested, others do not want to go that far, and others just handle the logistical work.

The Last Generation is not registered anywhere as an association, company or brand. Their followers are financed by various companies whose names the group does not want to reveal. The various climate sects are well connected internationally and strategy meetings are held regularly.

The judiciary in Germany has so far not reacted to these obvious crimes. If charged at all, the conviction rarely results in more than a moderate fine which is paid by the Fund anyway.

Why now?

Since the beginning of 2020, Covid had dominated public fear, but the Greens quickly realized that their main topic was being pushed too far into the background. As of February 2022, the Covid fear still existed, but was replaced by the Ukraine war as the top existential fear. Climate change thus moved from second place to third or fourth place due to concerns about mass immigration restarted once again. With an alleged “climate catastrophe” downgraded, it has been hard to maintain focus.

Thus, with the start of the Ukraine conflict, the glue climateers began their public campaign. Their actions are obviously pointless and annoying and for that very reason they have managed to claw their way back into public view.

They have won no sympathy for their cause, but they serve to disguise actual real threats such as a war with Russia or the unavoidable loss of prosperity facing the countries in which they choose to operate.

The winners are the transatlantic political parties – the Greens – as they now make an extremely moderate and reasonable impression by comparison. Which may also be the reason why surprisingly few Green politicians publicly signaled approval for the new form of eco-terrorism on European soil.

Driving up the price of oil

Last year in June, the Wall Street Journal reported that climate activists were instrumental in driving up the price of oil, but it is rather the war in Ukraine which has been extremely profitable for US oil companies. US President Joe Biden even accused oil firms of “war profiteering” amid a global energy crisis.

With skyrocketing oil and natural gas prices, ExxonMobil, Chevron, Shell, BP, ConocoPhillips and TotalEnergy earned more during the last two quarters compared to their total profits last year.

The glue climateers rather serve as a vanguard for global control mechanisms such as an “environmental score” linked to banking and social grants. The paid “activists” nevertheless still appear to be oblivious to the breathtaking hypocrisy of their funders flying to a climate summit to discuss how to reduce carbon emissions.

There is no honor among thieves

By Jack Gleason

The American public has been polled about the 2020 election and only 25% were willing to express  confidence that it was “fair and honest.” That means the remaining 75% feel it was stolen, had no opinion, or were unwilling to respond.

The current election is looking even more corrupt, if that’s possible. At this moment, there are fences and barricades around the election counting offices in Maricopa County, Arizona along with sheriff’s deputies on the roof.

What are they afraid of? What are they hiding?

The Gateway Pundit has exposed scores of irregularities that call the entire electoral process into question. Who disabled 20-30% of the tabulators in the Republican stronghold of Maricopa County? Who made sure there was a shortage of ink in 20% of their printers?

What has happened to the many thousands of provisional ballots that were dropped into unsecured boxes to be “counted later?” Who told workers to hand out sharpies again that are known not to be readable by the scanners?

What happened to the cameras in Washoe County, Nevada? How come there are repeated “ballot dumps” late at night where the Democrat candidate gets 100% of the vote?

But there’s a flaw in the Democrat plan that is worth discussion. The amount of coordination involved in nationwide electoral corruption and the number of people needed to carry out each scheme is immense. In just this one tabulation center in Arizona there are probably over 100 workers, all of whom know that illegal activities are going on.

The problem is that when it comes to corruption, there is no honor among thieves. While some cheaters are all for the Democrat cause and are trying to “save the planet” or “rid the world of the evil Orange Man,” most do the cheating because they are paid or coerced. At some point they realize that they know too much. If they are arrested, they’ll spill the beans, but many may fear their leadership knows the risk of having too many people who know the truth.

We’ve seen lots of mysterious deaths labeled as “accidents” in the political world. If the media is unwilling to look into the circumstances and the authorities squash the investigations, you end up with a perfect crime.

Now that the Republicans are close to winning the House of Representatives, they will finally have subpoena power to compel witnesses to testify. This might explain why the Democrats are so willing to do anything to cheat in the elections this time around.

Already dozens of people from the FBI alone have come forward as whistleblowers to Senator Chuck Grassley. Who else is in contact with him and other Republican leaders preferring to save their own skins rather than doing time in prison while the people who are pulling the strings are getting away scot-free?

When the Republicans take power in the House (and possibly even the Senate) they need to embark on a campaign to encourage whistleblowers at all levels to come forward with what they know. Systems can be set up to protect themselves and their families from physical harm. Republican governors need to follow the lead of Florida and streamline the voting process and restore the safeguards that have worked so well in the past.

It’s typical that the Democrats claim to be “protecting democracy” while all of their election changes serve to make cheating easier and more undetectable. Whenever there is a close race, the ballots that appear at the end of the counting seem to almost always favor the Democrat candidate.

The last irony is that Democrats themselves have suffered from vote cheating in their own primaries. The “connected candidates” like Obama and Hilary won close races while upstarts like Bernie Sanders lost out.

How would Democrats like a world where the person they vote for in their primary is dumped by the leadership while the is loser pushed over the general election finish line with hundreds of millions of PAC dollars and shenanigans at ballot counting time?

Voter fraud is an issue that affects all Americans of all races and religions. Without fair elections we are no better than medieval serfs, being told by our masters how to conduct every aspect of our lives.

Experts in Brazil Use Benford Analysis to Identify Abnormalities in Election Results – In 2020 Twitter Censored Benford Analysis of Election Labeling It “SEXUAL EXPLOITATION”

India: Abducted minor girl’s mother accuses Muslim of kidnapping, says he is forcing her to convert and marry him

Members of various Hindu organisation sit on hunger strike, demand minor girl be rescued and abductor be punished soon

A mother of a 16-year-old, a resident of Hazaribag district in Jharkhand, filed a missing complaint on November 7, 2022. According to the complaint filed at Keredari police station in Hazaribag, she has accused a youth named Shahid Ansari and his cousin Arbaz Ansari of kidnapping her minor daughter.

She alleged that Shahid has abducted her with the intention to forcefully convert her religion and thereafter marry her. The minor reportedly went missing on November 4, 2022. OpIndia has a copy of the complaint submitted by the victim’s mother.

The copy of the complaint filed by the minor girl’s mother

The woman alleged that even six months ago, the accused sent his parents to threaten them that they would abduct their daughter if they did not concede to their demands. According to the victim’s mother, the accused’s parents were accompanied by the District Sadar of Anjuman Muslimeen Committee, Habib Miyan. Shahid’s parents and Habib Miyan then threatened them and warned that if they wanted to continue staying in the village, they would have to live on their terms.

After the incident gained traction, members of various Hindu organisations went on a hunger strike demanding prompt action against the accused. They expressed displeasure with the way the police have been handling the case and alleged that the police are not paying attention to the case and doing little to bring the minor girl.

According to the complaint, Mukhtar Ansari’s son Shahid, his cousin Arbaz, and four unknown accomplices abducted the 16-year-old minor girl on November 4, 2022, at around 2:30 pm. The victim’s mother alleged in the complaint that the accused, who arrived on two motorcycles, barged into their house and dragged away the minor. According to the mother, the abduction was carried out in order to force the minor to convert to Islam and marry Shahid.

The victim’s mother also wrote in the same complaint that the accused robbed gold and silver jewellery worth around Rs 3 lakh 30 thousand and cash worth Rs 25000 from the victim’s house during the abduction. The woman claimed she reported the incident to the police the same day.

The victim’s aggrieved mother told OpIndia that she is still waiting for her daughter to be rescued. According to local resident Sanjay Sharan, the victim and the accused’s families live in adjacent villages. He stated that the accused Shahid works somewhere in Karnataka and it is feared that he might have taken the girl there with him.