Month: November 2022
Hotel in Welsh Village, Population 400, Rammed with 200 Migrants, Costing Taxpayers £6.8m
A hotel in a quiet Welsh village with just 400 residents is being rammed full of some 200 migrants, at a cost of £6.8 million to British taxpayers.
The 106-room Hilton Garden Inn in Dolgarrog, a sleepy community in the Snowdonia National Park, has been booked all the way to Spring 2023 — a “short-term solution” to the ever-worsening boat migrants crisis in the English Channel, according to Britain’s incompetent Home Office — at great expense, at a time when Britons are being told they can expect to have tax hikes and public service cuts inflicted on them in order to control inflation.

“This is a small village and we cannot cope. We weren’t told a thing. They just suddenly arrived,” one alarmed father said of the migrants who have inundated Dolgarrog in comments to The Sun.
“I’m shocked the migrants have been put here. They are all adult men. They belong in a city, not a village in Wales,” concurred a local mother.
Dolgarrog boasts few amenities, among them a post office, a single cafe, a single restaurant, two shops, and one pub based at the hotel itself — unlikely to be of much interest to the typical asylum seeker, given most currently hail from Muslim-majority countries such as Albania and Afghanistan, and no longer likely to be appealing to nervous local residents, if they are even still allowed at the hotel now it has been taken over by the government.
The move to pack the Hilton Garden Inn has seen the reservations of regular customers and events including wedding celebrations summarily cancelled, with one bride complaining of been having left mere days to make alternative arrangements.
A similar impact on paying customers has been seen elsewhere in Britain, for example at the luxurious Victorian country mansion Stoke Rochford Hall in Lincolnshire, England, where at least three weddings were cancelled as a result of what local media described as a “compulsory contract” to fll the venue with migrants.
Six local governments — namely Fenland District Council, East Riding of Yorkshire Council, Great Yarmouth Borough Council, Ipswich Borough Council, North Northamptonshire Council, and Stoke City Council — have already taken the central government led by Conservative Party leader Rishi Sunak to court over the Home Office inundating their areas with migrants, often with minimal or zero consultation, complaining public services are being overwhelmed at a time when their budgets are being constrained.
All told, the policy of hosting migrants in hotels at the taxpayers’ expense is currently costing the United Kingdom approximately £7 million a day and rising.
🚨 Albanian Migrants ATTACK Winston Churchill Statue 😡
Fatal shooting in Nuremberg, Germany: Suspected Turkish perpetrator arrived as alleged refugee from Ukraine

The suspected Nuremberg shooter Mert Akin (photo) had registered as a Ukrainian refugee only a few months before his crime. On the day of the crime, the foreigners authority refused him a residence permit.
More than two weeks after the fatal shooting in Nuremberg’s Landgrabenstraße, the suspected perpetrator, Mert Akin, has still not been caught by the police – he is still on the run. In the meantime, a surveillance video has surfaced and the investigating authorities are looking for witnesses who can be seen on the footage. Meanwhile, more and more background information on the suspect and the crime, which was committed in the street on the evening of October 24, 2022, is becoming known.
Among other things, it is now clear how Akin, who posed holding a gun on his Instagram profile, came to Germany in the first place – namely as an alleged refugee from Ukraine. “The person concerned is a Turkish citizen. According to his own information, he had previously stayed in Ukraine,” a spokesperson for the city of Nuremberg explained when asked by
In principle, “people who come to Germany because of the war in Ukraine are first registered in the reception centres”, the statement continues. In Akin’s case, this was the initial reception centre in Zirndorf. As the city confirms, the suspected shooter had registered there at the beginning of July – with the aim of getting a residence permit.
According to the administration, Akin then lived in Nuremberg. “Therefore, the foreigners authority of the city of Nuremberg was responsible. The person concerned was registered in Nuremberg. Such a stay is legal until the authorities have made a decision,” said the spokesperson. Due to the registration as a person who had entered the country from Ukraine, it was not an asylum procedure.
Media reports from Turkey at least confirm that Akin had previously been in Ukraine. Various references to the country can also be found on his Instagram profile, such as his name in Cyrillic script, hearts in Ukrainian colours and the hashtag #ukraineodessa.
Another detail that is likely to play an important role in the current investigations is a decision by the Nuremberg Foreigners Authority dated October 24, 2022 – the day of the horrific crime. According to the spokesperson, after Akin’s registration, the authority “made the decision regarding a residence permit”.
The decision was negative “due to a lack of requirements” and “was issued on October 24, 2022”, the report continues. As a consequence, Akin was ordered to leave Germany by November 24, 2022, as the city of Nuremberg confirms. “In the case of negative decisions regarding a residence permit, there is always a request to leave the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany within a set period of time, and there is always a threat of deportation in the case of non-compliance,” the spokesperson said.
India: 3 children separated from parents during lockdown converted to Islam, a complaint filed against children’s home operator

On Saturday (November 12), National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) chairman Priyank Kanoongo informed that a case of religious conversion of three children in a children’s home has come to notice in NCPCR’s recent investigation in Madhya Pradesh.
Kanoongo took to Twitter to inform about the incident and wrote, “During an inspection of a child welfare centre in Raisen, Madhya Pradesh, a case was found where the operator was changing the names and religion of three children,” he tweeted.
Haseen Parvez, the operator of the centre, changed the religion of the three children to Islam, changed their names to Muslim ones and got their Aadhar cards made. He also claimed himself to be their guardian of the children and put his name on their Aadhaar cards. One of the children was reportedly renamed Shahrukh.
The matter came to light during an inspection of the centre by NCPCR chairman Priyank Kanoongo after receiving an oral complaint. When he talked to the children, they said that their original names were different which have been changed at the centre. After that, Kanoongo ordered a probe and confiscation of records.
According to media reports, the incident occurred in the Gauharganj area. The three siblings who converted to Islam are all minors, aged 4, 6, and 8. The converted minors involved two girls and one boy. These children are said to be from Madhya Pradesh’s Damoh district and belong to a Hindu family under the OBC category.
During the lockdown amid the Corona pandemic in the year 2020, all three were separated from their parents in the Mandideep area. They were found roaming around near Bhopal, and they were sent to Raisen Child Welfare Committee by the Bhopal Child Welfare Committee. As the parents of the children could not be located, they were handed over to the Children’s Home in Gauharganj run by Navjeevan Samajik Sanstha. It was decided that they will stay at this centre until their parents can be located.
Taking benefit of the absence of their parents, the Children’s Home operator Haseen Parvez converted them to Islam. He claimed that the person who brought the children to the centre had said that they are Muslims.
An FIR has been filed against the centre’s operator Haseen Parvez. This child centre is a government-funded private entity. Kanoongo stated that the operator will be restricted from operating a similar facility in the future.
In meanwhile, the father of the children has been located, but there is no information of the mother yet.
Why green energy is not green at all

By Viv Forbes
“Green” policies are destroying the natural environment and changing local weather. This is part of a futile U.N. scheme claiming to improve the climate of the world.
All green energy degrades its environment.
Take wind power. Wind turbines steal energy from the atmosphere and must affect local weather. Turbines are always placed on the highest ground and along ridges to catch more wind. Natural hills already affect local weather by causing more rain along the ridge and a rain shadow farther downwind. Wind turbines enhance this rain shadow effect by robbing the wind of its ability to take moisture and rain into the drier interior. Promoting more inland desertification is not green.
Climatists also plan to defend Australia with offshore wind turbines — using bird-slicers to protect Australia from hang gliders, cruising pelicans, seagulls, eagles, and the occasional albatross.
Solar “farms” prefer large areas of flattish ground. They steal solar energy from all plant life in their solar shadow. This deprives wild and domestic herbivores of sustenance. Neither kangaroos, cattle, emus, parrots, nor sheep thrive in solar energy deserts.
Green energy is very dilute — thus, large areas of land are needed to collect wind and solar energy. Even more land is cleared for the ugly spider webs of power lines and roads needed to collect green energy in dribs and drabs and conduct it to cities, where it is needed. But for most of the time, every day, these expensive assets produce nothing useful.
Already there is a petition circulating in Australia calling for ugly, destructive power lines to be put underground to save farms, forests, wildlife, and scenery.
What a good idea.
Let’s bury the noisy, bird-chopping wind turbines, too.
Wind turbines and solar panels soon wear out and have to be replaced. Some have already reached their use-by date. Most of this “green” debris cannot be recycled. To calmly bury that complex toxic waste of plastics, metals, steel, and concrete is not green at all. Soon chemicals will be leaking into the groundwater and water supply dams.
Manufacture, erection, and final disposal of green energy generators uses more energy than they can produce over their short lives. Their whole-of-life net energy production is negative, and their net emissions are also negative.
Greens also worship biomass energy like wood. This is the fuel that cavemen used for warmth, cooking meat, and repelling wild animals. Primitive people like the British still burn wood for power generation, but too much of the energy is consumed in collecting, drying, chipping, and transporting this low-energy fuel from distant forests to power station boilers. Germans are now showing confidence that their massive wind-solar apparatus will cope with the coming winter without Russian gas — by gathering firewood. And anti-fracking, anti-coal Britain is forced to plan for week-long winter blackouts and shortages of gas.
Greens also promote world hunger by promoting ethanol made from plant foods to replace better motor fuels such as petrol and diesel. The hillbillies of Tennessee were specialists in distilling corn whiskey, which had many uses for recreation and medicine. Others found that ethanol could be produced from most plant material, especially grains, beets, and sugarcane. So Greens pollute good whiskey with a touch of gasoline to make it unfit for human consumption and then subsidize it and mandate its use in motor vehicles. While some people starve, food is used for motor fuel.
U.S. government biofuel mandates have also made the refining of diesel and other fuels more expensive.
Reliable electricity generators produce electricity when it is needed. But green energy needs batteries to keep the lights on when wind and solar fail (as they do every day). To charge those batteries while also serving consumers requires a very large increase in generator capacity. This increases the need for more spider webs of landscape-destroying power lines and roads between wind towers, solar farms, “Big Batteries,” pumped hydro, and electricity-consumers.
Not green at all.
Compare for a moment this ugly green energy mess with tidy, concentrated, reliable energy from long-life coal, gas, hydro, or nuclear power stations.
Of course Big Miners love Green Energy and electric cars because that consumes heaps of metals like copper, nickel, lithium, rare earths, cobalt, silicon, aluminum, molybdenum, silver, and steel as well as limestone and gas for producing cement. But every lithium battery in every electric car or bicycle is a spontaneous fire hazard — park them far away from anything flammable.
Finally, we have maybe the biggest green scam of all: Carbon Capture and Burial. Big coal and gas companies love this trick — it will consume far more coal or gas to produce the same usable energy, and the rest is wasted in gas capture, compression, pumping, piping, and disposal. And the whole silly scheme relies on the assumption that the buried gas will stay where it was put. In rare places, pumped CO2 can be used to increase the yield from depleting oil or gas reservoirs, but in general, this green hoax wastes energy, deprives the biosphere of plant food, increases electricity cost, and reduces the life of coal and gas reserves.
And what about the COP27 climate jamboree? Four hundred private jets attended. Even Saint Greta thinks it is a scam.
Green energy costs are large, obvious, and measureable. The climate benefits are illusory.
Not green at all.
The Liberal World Order Is Dead. National Conservatism Offers Our Best Hope for the Future
US expanding its military presence in Syria
For years, the Syrian government has been denouncing the ongoing US occupation of Syrian territory (which violates international law) at various international forums. Specifically, it concerns about a third of Syrian territory east of the Euphrates. The US is illegally exploiting Syrian oil deposits there.
There are currently an impressive 28 US military bases on Syrian territory. They were erected without the consent of the government in Damascus and serve to provide military security for the oil areas.
The existing 28 bases (17 in Hasakah Province, 9 in Deir Ezzor Province and 2 in Homs Province) will be joined by another one near the Al-Raqqa Bridge over the Euphrates River in Deir Ezzor. The eastern environs of Deir Ezzor are home to the most strategically important military bases, including the al-Omar oil field base – one of the largest in Syria – and the Conoco gas field.
The UK-based opposition Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) recently released photos showing the construction of the facility. According to SOHR, US forces have recently set up another military post in the village of Naqara, three kilometers from Qamishli in the northeastern province of Hasakah. As a result, the United States’ military footprint is growing.
The distribution of illegal US military bases corresponds to a cordon around the oil and gas wells east of the Euphrates, which make up most of Syria’s mineral resources. In doing so, they also prevent the Syrian government from accessing the important resources that would be important for the reconstruction of the pacified areas.
‘Hindus kidnapped Muslim girl’: Fake news spread by Islamists to stoke communal tension in Leicester

On November 3, a UK-based think tank debunked the false claims made by Islamists about the presence of ‘RSS terrorists’ and ‘Hindutva extremist organisations’ in Leicester city in the East Midlands region of England.
The disinformation was peddled by Islamists to rationalise their targeting of the Hindu community and camouflage their acts of aggression as violence perpetrated in self-defence.
The Henry Jackson Society (HJS), founded in 2005, released a 39-page report [pdf]on November 3 and concluded that the false allegations had exposed the Hindu community in Leicester to hate, vandalism and assault.

“Contrary to press reports at the time, the investigations did not find Hindutva extremist organisations operating in Leicester, but instead discovered a micro-community cohesion issue falsely presented as an issue of organised Hindutva extremism and terrorism,” the summary of the report read.
HJS emphasised, “It finds that false allegations of RSS terrorists and Hindutva extremist organisations active in the UK has put the wider Hindu community at risk from hate, vandalism and assault.”
“Some members of the Hindu community in Leicester imposed a voluntary curfew, some relocated to stay with family or friends until they felt safe to return, while still others were unable to return to work owing to fears for their personal safety,” it further added.
The report, prepared by research fellow Charlotte Littlewood, cited temporary Chief Constable of Leicester Police Robert Nixon, and pointed out that disinformation had been the greatest challenge in containing the unrest in the city.
“The allegations stoked tensions and were pivotal in the numbers that joined the anti-Hindutva Muslim marches, the violence that ensued and the wider impact then on the Hindu community in the UK,” she added.
“Beyond the claims of RRS terrorists and Hindutva extremists, there were accusations of attacking a mosque, kidnapping (the man accused of kidnapping was not in the country and approach of a 14-year-old girl by three men (later confirmed untrue by Leicester police),” the report concluded.
The origins of the disinformation campaign
On September 13, a conspiracy theorist and Muslim fanatic by the name of Majid Freeman alleged that 3 men had tried to abduct a teenage Muslim girl. “CONFIRMED: An incident took place this morning not far from a college in Leicester,” he tweeted.
“A Muslim teenager was approached by 3 men but she ran away into the school. The college & police are aware of it and the family have been given an incident number by Leicester Police,” he claimed.

The conspiracy theorist even claimed to have met the family of the girl, who was traumatised by the alleged kidnapping attempt. “The girl is very shaken but she is ok alhamdulillah. They’ve reported the incident to the police. Hopefully, we’ll get to the bottom of this and the people behind it are caught,” he said.

The fake news was then amplified by other Islamists, who alleged the role of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) in the alleged abduction attempt. The Hindu man, falsely accused of kidnapping the Muslim girl, was doxxed on Facebook and his residential address was leaked on social media.
The fake news was then amplified by other Islamists, who alleged the role of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) in the alleged abduction attempt. The Hindu man, falsely accused of kidnapping the Muslim girl, was doxxed on Facebook and his residential address was leaked on social media.
On September 14, the Leicester police debunked the disinformation through a press release. It said, “Yesterday we issued an appeal following a report that a teenage girl had been approached by three men in the area of Richmond Way, Leicester, on Monday morning.”
“A full investigation has been carried out. Following extensive enquiries, we have established that the incident did not take place and no offence was committed,” the cops confirmed.
The deliberate attempt by Majid Freeman to stoke hysteria in the Muslim community and lay the foundation of violence against the Leicester Hindus did not stop the city Mayor to arrange a meeting with him.
A similar modus operandi during the 2002 Godhra carnage
It has been 20 years since 59 Hindus, travelling by Sabarmati Express, were burnt alive by Islamists in Godhra. However, soon after the carnage unfolded, the usual suspects began peddling conspiracy theories to rationalise the brutal killing of the karsevaks returning from Ayodhya.
One of the fake stories that was doing the rounds in mainstream media was the alleged abduction of a young Muslim girl by the karsevaks over a dispute with her father (who happened to be a bearded tea seller).
“Hearing the chaos, the daughter (16) of the old man who was also present at the station came forward and tried to save her father from karsevaks. She kept pleading and begging them to stop beating her father and leave him alone,” a report in Outlook read.
“But instead of listening to her woes, the karsevaks lifted the young girl and took her inside their compartment (S-6) and closed the compartment door shut. The train started to move out of the platform of Godhra railway station,” it continued.
“The old man kept banging on the compartment doors and pleaded to leave his daughter. Just before the train could move out completely from the platform, two stall vendors jumped into the last bogey that comes after the guard cabin. And with the intention of saving the girl, they pulled the chain and stopped the train,” it said.
Later, the Nanavati Commission, probing the case, junked the allegations. After careful scrutiny of her evidence, the Commission came to the conclusion that the version of the supposed victim did not appear to be true.
“The alleged attempt to abduct her was made while they were near the bookstall. That would mean that they were almost in the middle of the covered portion of the platform and very close to the offices of the railway staff. The evidence discloses that there were many persons on the platform,” it noted.
“Apart from passengers, many Muslim vendors were there. The railway staff was present in their offices. Some policemen were also present. If she had raised shouts to save her then they would have been heard at least by some persons who were near about but not a single vendor or anyone else has come forward to support her version,” the Commission emphasised.
“Her explanation that she was much frightened and had giddiness and, therefore, they had decided not to go back to Vadodara on that day, does not appear to be true,” it further stated.
The parallels between the two incidents of violence targeting Hindus and the fake stories floated of a Muslim girl being abducted, harassed by Hindus which triggered violence in a bid to justify the same is alarming. In both the cases, Leicester as well as Godhra, the Islamists and their apologists conjured up fake stories to make the Hindus come across as aggressors and justified the violence perpetrated on them as ‘retaliation’ to save honour of a woman of Muslim community. However, as can be seen, in both the cases, no such incident of harassment of the Muslim girl took place and a fake narrative was created to simply unleash violence on Hindus and obfuscate the facts to further propaganda.
WATCH: Albanians Protest Potential Migrant Crackdown in London, Cover Churchill Statue with Albanian Flag

Thousands of Albanians protested in London on Saturday in response to Home Secretary Suella Braverman characterising of the migrant crisis in the English Channel as an “invasion”.
As the United Kingdom was in the process of honouring the fallen soldiers in World War I, thousands of Albanians demonstrated in central London, briefly blocking off Westminster bridge and draping the statue of wartime leader Sir Winston Churchill in the Albanian flag.
The protest was condemned by Brexit leader Nigel Farage, who said: “Remembrance weekend in London and Albanians have taken over Westminster Bridge for a protest. This is what our politicians have done to us.
“These people care nothing for our country or the sacrifices of the past. What is happening in London today is a disgrace!” Farage added in reference to the Albanian flag being tied to the Churchill statue in Parliament Square.
According to local news outlet MyLondon, the protesters objected to Home Secretary Suella Braverman calling the waves of illegals crossing the English Channel and “invasion“. Last month, the government revealed that despite Albania being a safe and peaceful country, over 12,000 illegal boat migrants that landed in Britain this year have come from Albania.
Of those, approximately 10,000 are said to be military age males, with the government estimating that the figure represents 2 per cent of the entire male population between the age of 20-40 in the Balkan country.
Some Albanians have argued that it is necessary for them to flee from their country due to the high level of corruption, however, others have noted that they have no need to flee to the UK from France, where the majority of illegal boat migrants set off from.
Iranian-heritage British political commentator Mahyar Tousi commented that “Iranians are not flying the Islamic regime’s flags. They’re flying the Persian flag because they want a revolution so they could go back home. Albanians claim they’re against Albania then come here to protest UK government and fly Albanian flags.”
The protesters also reportedly objected to being perceived as criminals, with placards being seen reading that Albanians “are not criminals but work and pay taxes,” according to the Albania Daily News.
However, at present, Albanians represent the single-largest population of foreign-born criminals in British prisons.
A BBC investigation earlier this month found that drug gangs from the south eastern European nation are using the migrant camps in France as recruitment hubs, offering to pay for their way to the UK in exchange for agreeing to work in underground criminal networks in Britain.