Month: November 2022
Light-Touch Policing of “Just Stop Oil” Must End Now. No More Selective, “Two-Tier” Policing
Let’s imagine Europe with 30% of its citizens Muslim – it’s almost reality
by Giulio Meotti
“What will Denmark be like if a third are Muslims? Here is a vision of a dystopian future. We are at a crossroads. We can passively watch as voluntary apartheid spreads, or we can have an honest conversation about how society will change as Democrats and Islamists segregate from each other”.
A few lines are enough to understand how sensational the essay beginning with this paragraph and published by the main Danish newspaper, the liberal Politiken, is. Birgithe Kosovic, multi-award-winning writer, wrote it.
“If you understand the gravity of this, then you will be afraid for yourself when you say these things out loud. Immigration from non-Western countries is in the process of dividing the national community in the once homogeneous Western European countries”
The elite can celebrate “diversity” in restaurants, away from the real world. “But integration is a utopian dream. And it is not the state that leads to division and segregation, but the reluctant population,” she writes.
Kosovic comes from a country, the former Yugoslavia, which was conquered by the Ottoman Empire in the 14th century. The occupation lasted 500 years. In other words, the novelist knows what she is talking about. “30 percent is the critical border, it is where the community collapses, you can see it from the schools. If the trend doesn’t stop, society will change. I issue a direct warning to politicians, the division between Muslims and non-Muslims can be fatal for our country, because conflicts are inevitable in a multicultural society.”
The shock of civilization is growing in the belly of the “happiest country in the world” (United Nations Index): Denmark is second place in the world for equal distribution of income, third for the index of democracy, sixth for environmental quality, seventh for wealth per capita and eighth for economic freedom. Denmark smiles from all its faces. This patient and happy people swim in abundance, working fewer hours a year than any other in the world, as uninhibited as in Lars von Trier’s films. An old Danish tourist poster called it “the land of smiles and peace”.
Denmark is a country that gives subsidies to mothers, considered by many to be a global model of welfare assistance for motherhood and gender equality. And where Christianity is in the terminal stage (200 churches will close in the next few years). Or to put it in the New York Times, “in Denmark the word ‘God’ is one of the most embarrassing. You would rather go around the city naked than talk about God”.
Denmark has recently announced that it will limit the number of “non-Western” residents in neighborhoods with a high migration density. And it points to a ceiling of 30 percent, because too many non-Western foreigners in an area “increase the risk of the birth of parallel religious and cultural societies”. Meanwhile, the Islamic countries are working in just that direction.
The Berlingske newspaper reported that Saudi Arabia has donated 4.9 million Danish kroner (660,000 euros) to finance the Taiba Mosque in the Nørrebro district, also known as “little Arabia”. The Great Mosque of Copenhagen instead received a donation of 30 million euros from Qatar. Meanwhile, Turkey has funded the construction of 27 mosques in Denmark. According to a new mosque mapping from the University of Aarhus, there were 161 mosques in 2017, a considerable increase from 115 mosques in 2006.
In Denmark there is a ghettolisten (literally, the list of ghettos). The government censuses point out 15 particularly vulnerable areas and 25 areas at risk. The former are characterized by high indices of ethnic heterogeneity (over 50 per cent of the population of non-European origin), unemployment, crime, low schooling and low income, while the latter are about to reach them in the short-medium term.
In Denmark today, Danish Jews take off their kippahs in areas like Nørrebro. The Danish Jewish community has lost 25 percent of its members in the past 15 years, President Finn Schwarz told the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten. “Hiding Judaism in Copenhagen,” headlines Tablet.
In Europe as a whole, we are not very far from the scenario described by Kosovic. We are only a generation away, but in major European cities we are already there: Brussels (where “Islam is the first religion”), Marseille (“40 per cent Muslim”), Birmingham (“30 per cent Muslim”), Cologne (” Allahu Akbar in Cologne was, the Bild title this week) and so on … Everywhere the same scenarios in Belgium, France, England, Germany, large semi-Islamized cities, where the muezzins call to prayer , in schools the children of immigrants are often the majority and the old streets are only a memory. A principal in Odensee, Denmark’s third largest city, advised Jewish students not to enroll in his high-immigrant school.
Beyond a certain point, cultural conflict can become armed, says Kosovic, who has received numerous accolades for his novel “Det Dobelte Land” based on his family’s past in the Balkans. “We already see this in the ghetto areas, where an alternative monopoly of violence has emerged. Here is the state within the state with its own laws, its own courts (sharia) and its own police (sharia). It is the gangs, the imams and the clan leaders who decide. And if you, as a stranger, come into contact with the state within the state, no one can protect you, because the nation state has lost its dominion over those areas. Nobody knows how to stop it. Nobody is talking about how it will reshape society. The enclaves are growing. It’s like watching a silent explosion. And everything happens voluntarily”.
And there is no alternative to the swooning, sleepy and suicidal fatalism of our elites.
Times Of India changes the headline of its report to hide the murderer Aftab’s name

On November 14, reports emerged that a man identified as Aftab Ameen Poonawalla allegedly killed his live-in partner, a Hindu woman identified as Shraddha, in May this year. He allegedly chopped her body in 35 pieces, stored them in a newly brought fridge, and disposed of them one piece at a time for several days.
Like other media outlets, Times Of India also published the report of the ghastly murder at 12:35 PM with the headline “Delhi’s interfaith love: Shraddha’s body cut into pieces by Aftab”. The story initially identified the killer in the headline. However, within a couple of hours, TOI had a change of heart, and changes were made to remove Aftab from the headline.

As per the records available on the Times Of India website, the story was updated at 03:07 PM. That is when the media house made changes in the headline and hid the name. The new title of the same report read, “Man chops live-in partner into 35 pieces, dump them in Delhi forest.”

Times Of India and misrepresenting crimes by a particular community
Times Of India has a history of misrepresenting crimes committed by a particular community. In June 2022, the Times of India also published a vague report instead of calling out the person responsible for the communal tensions. In its article titled “Curfew in J&K town after communal tension”, the Times of India refrained from including details of how a Muslim cleric in a mosque in Jammu insulted Hindus with gaumutra barbs, whipped up a communal frenzy by issuing death threats to former BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma and journalist Ashish Kohli. It went a step ahead and defended the murderous Islamists baying for the blood of Nupur Sharma and Ashish Kohli, stating that two miscreants provoked the community with objectionable comments.
In January 2022, TOI published numerous reports on the Kishan Barwad Murder case, all with ambiguous headlines in order to downplay the murder by radical Islamists. Interestingly, TOI is so meticulous with its plotline that it does not even reveal the victim’s name in the headline since it is a Hindu in this case, let alone the names of the Muslim perpetrators.
In November 2021, TOI reported an incident where an RSS worker was hacked to death by SDPI members. The report took a different turn in print versions. In one region, they said he was hacked to death, but in another region, they claimed he died in an accident.
In July 2021, Occult practitioner Afzal Malik and his aides gang-raped a minor girl in Amroha. While reporting, TOI used the word Tantrik insinuating that the culprit was a Hindu. However, in its report, the Times of India clearly mentions that the rape accused is an occult practitioner named Afzal. However, in an attempt to ‘secularise’ the crime, the ToI, in its report, misleadingly refers to the accused as a ‘Tantrik’.
Going further back, in October 2020, in a TOI report on an incident of Love Jihad that took place in Delhi, the name and identity of the Muslim accused were completely omitted. As per reports, an e-rickshaw driver named Dilbar Qureshi trapped a 13-year-old Hindu girl in a love affair posing as a Hindu man and later eloped with her on October 18. Both the headline and the body of the report of the TOI have no mention of the name of the culprit Dilbar Qureshi. The TOI report merely says that a 13-year-old girl was kidnapped by a 25-year-old man and was rescued from Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, by the police.
Looking at their track record, it is hardly surprising that the Times of India chose to remove Aftab from the headline to try and hide the identity of the murderer, however, it is intriguing why they added the name in the headline in the first place and who asked them to change it.
German Show Compares Musk to Nazi Propaganda Chief Over Free Speech Stance
Twitter CEO Elon Musk has been compared to Hitler’s former chief of propaganda by a German current affairs programme over his self-professed pro-free speech stance.
A comedic current affairs show aired by the German state-owned broadcaster ZDF has compared Elon Musk to Joseph Goebbels, the former chief propaganda for the Nazi party, over the Twitter CEO’s self-proclaimed pro-freedom of speech stance.
Since buying the platform late last month, Musk has come under sustained fire from left-wing activists and the legacy media, which have openly voiced disdain for the billionaire’s plan to make the platform more open.
Such criticisms appear to have reached a new and bizarre zenith on Friday after the German Today Show, a satirical programme that deals with current affairs, appeared to compare Musk to Goebbels in an image posted on the tech entrepreneur’s very own social media platform.
In the image, Musk is depicted wearing a brown shirt and standing in front of a number of banners familiar from history, bar from the fact that the swastika on the flags has been replaced by a Twitter logo.
The image’s caption “Do You want total tweets??” has also been linked by German newspaper Bild to Goebbels’ infamous “Sportpalast Speech”, during which the senior Nazi official asked a large crowd of supporters “Do you want total war?”.
The post itself reads: “Thanks to Elon Musk, everyone can now say anything on Twitter again! Total freedom of expression!”
While most comparisons between modern figures and historical Nazis are often misguided, the comparison between Musk and Goebbels is made rendered particularly bizarre by the latter’s specific role in the Nazi regime.
As the head of the German Ministry of Enlightenment and Propaganda, it was Goebbels in particular who was responsible for the mass censorship and speech control that took place in Germany, with news outlets being banned from publishing stories critical of the government.
“No matter how you feel about Elon Musk, but this public law Nazi comparison is just tasteless and clearly goes too far,” one German parliamentary MP, Florian Hahn, remarked, saying that a German publicly funded broadcaster, in particular, should know better.
Another politician, Christoph de Vries, described the image as being “anything but funny”, slamming the parallel being drawn as “completely wrong”.
“You don’t have to agree with Musk’s commitment to freedom of expression, but a comparison to Nazism, where people were killed for dissenting opinions, is completely wrong – even for a satirical show,” the Bundestag member said.
Meanwhile, one netizen replied to the post noting that Elon Musk had predicted that the legacy media would react extremely badly to the changes he is looking to make to Twitter, as such changes could threaten their business model.
“As Twitter pursues the goal of elevating citizen journalism, media elite will try everything to stop that from happening,” Musk remarked.
“Mainstream media will still thrive, but increased competition from citizens will cause them to be more accurate, as their oligopoly on information is disrupted,” he went on to say.
While Musk’s crusade on Twitter may be, on the face of it, commendable in practice it has veered towards the chaotic, if not outright shambolic. The move to rollout bluetick verification marks more widely was suspended last week after trolls used the newfound freedom to imitate personals and businesses, rather making a mockery of the idea of verification.
Massive Brazil Election Steal Protests Continue – Crooks from Brazil Sneek Off to New York, Are Greeted by Protesters
Macron’s former interior minister breaks silence in bombshell interview, warns that Macron accepting 234 Ocean Viking boat migrants marks major turning point

France’s decision to dock migrants from the Ocean Viking NGO ship after Italy refused to take them in has sparked a political firestorm in the country. The move has apparently prompted former Interior Minister Gérard Collomb to break his silence, revealing a number of politically damaging allegations directed at French President Emmanuel Macron.
Collomb gave France’s Le Point magazine information that contradicts the French government claim that taking in 234 illegal immigrants from the Ocean Viking ship was “an extraordinary” one-time decision. In fact, according to Collomb, Macron had actually been pushing to open a migrant reception center in Toulon already in 2018, which is the same port that received the Ocean Viking NGO ship.
“The European Commission had launched the idea of ’controlled centers’ to receive migrants. Shortly after, the heads of state, meeting especially to deal with migratory problems, resumed this project, with Emmanuel Macron showing himself to be one of the most favorable to it,” said Collomb. “Emmanuel Macron then proposed (in 2018) to open such a center either in Toulon or in Marseille, and he asked the prefect at the time, Pierre Dartout, to work there. I was minister of the interior at the time, and I was totally against this project.”
The magazine then asks Collomb why he was against the proposal, and he answered:
“All my teams were showing me that given French and European legislation, if we welcome migrants to this type of center, we won’t be able to get them to leave and we will end up in the same situation as Italy, Malta, and Greece, which are countries of first arrivals.”
However, perhaps the most revealing portion of the interview is that Collomb kept this information from the French public in order to deny Marine Le Pen an election victory. When asked why he did not speak out sooner about Macron’s intention to start accepting boat migrants, he responded, “I never intended to do that. If I had said that at the time, I would have seriously harmed Emmanuel Macron. If I had spoken before the presidential election, my intervention could have reversed the result of this election, and Marine Le Pen could have been elected. That’s why I kept silent.”
National Rally parliamentary leader Marine Le Pen wrote on Twitter that Collomb “confirms the immigrationist vision that Emmanuel Macron has in fact never ceased to have. We must now listen to the will of the French and put an end to this anarchic and massive immigration, which is creating chaos in our country.”
She further slammed Collomb for keeping quiet about Macron’s plans to create a new reception center to accept migrants in Toulon in order to deny her the election.
“He admits that he knew and that he kept quiet, deceiving the French in order to avoid my election. Know that many of them are betraying you!” she wrote while citing a passage from Collomb’s interview.
Collomb further described during the interview how Macron was “insisting” on opening the migrant reception center in Toulon or Marseilles, but that on Oct. 1, 2018, he attended a memorial for two girls, Laura and Mauranne, who were murdered by an illegal immigrant; Collomb detailed that there were concerns from politicians in Marseilles about how the French public would respond to the opening of such a migrant reception center.
Laura and Mauranne were two young French women murdered by an illegal Tunisian immigrant in 2018; one girl was disemboweled and the other had her throat slashed. The man had been released from jail just two days before.

“I then thought: ‘I don’t want this to happen again.’ And if I allow the installation of this (migrant) control center to take place, I will later feel responsible for acts that could lead to the death of people. This is why, two days later, I decided to resign. And immediately afterwards, I texted the father of one of the young victims to tell him that it was with his daughter in mind that I made this decision,” said Collomb.
Collomb said he is choosing now to reveal Macron’s ambitions because he “thought the matter was settled. We had refused to welcome the (migrant ship) L’Aquarius in 2018. Emmanuel Macron had then shown firmness and the subject of ‘controlled centers’ seemed to me to belong to the past. But now, welcoming the Ocean Viking, a new breach is opened, creating a precedent. For me, this can only encourage the networks of smugglers for whom migrants are a source of considerable earnings – the figures vary from €7 to €30 billion worldwide.”
“In the case of the Ocean Viking, we realize that it is these networks that have brought the migrants to Libya, and that downstream, those who want to reach England, for example, will be taken over by these same networks with the consequence that we have seen this summer, when an impressive number of migrants drowned in the English Channel.”
French politicians opposed to Macron’s government are pointing to Collomb’s new interview as a sign that Macron’s claims about getting tough on immigration are mostly political theater.
“Gérard Collomb’s confessions are profound: They confirm that our leaders know the dangers of being flooded with migrants (terrorism, insecurity, loss of identity) but deliberately choose to pursue it. For them, immigration is not a problem, it is a project,” wrote National Rally leader Jordan Bardella.
The issue of migration is once again at the forefront of the public debate in France following the murder and rape of 12-year-old Lola by an illegal Algerian migrant who has long had a deportation order. Further data revealed that less than 7 percent of migrants are deported despite Macron saying his aim was a 100 percent deportation rate.
Morocco: An LGBT person is chased in the street and beaten up while shouting homophobic insults (VIDEO)
According to local media Tanja7, five people, including three aged between 13 and 24, have been arrested on suspicion of being behind the attack. The attack occurred on November 12, 2022. The victim filed a complaint immediately after the attack, according to Moroccan activists who are currently caring for the victim. Tanja7
India: Muslim slaughters his Hindu live-in partner into 35 pieces for asking him to marry her, arrested

On Saturday (November 12), the police nabbed a man for murdering his Hindu live-in partner and disposing of her chopped body in the National Capital.
As per reports, the accused was identified as one Aftab. He met the victim, Shraddha, in Mumbai. The duo worked together at a call centre. Shraddha fell in love with Aftab and eloped from her home after her parents disapproved of her relationship with Aftab.
The duo, thereafter, began living together in the Mehrauli area of Delhi. Aftab was reportedly miffed with the victim for asking him to marry her. On May 18 this year, he strangled her to death.
The accused then purchased a refrigerator and stored her body in it for several days. He chopped his partner into 35 pieces and disposed them at 18 different locations in Delhi.
Reportedly, he would go out every night at 2 am to dump the body parts and destroy the evidence of his heinous crime. Shraddha’s family kept track of her whereabouts through her social media posts.
When she stopped posting updates, her family grew worried. Shraddha’s father went to Delhi but was unable to find her. Thereafter, he lodged a complaint with the police. The arrest of Aftab on Saturday (November 12) thus brought closure to the 6-month-old case.
In a statement, the Delhi police said, “Mehrauli Police solved a six-month-old case and arrested one Aftab for killing one Shraddha, chopping her into pieces and disposing of them. They fell in love while working in Mumbai and came here after families’ opposition. He murdered her when she started forcing him for marriage.”
Italy: Ukrainian woman, 23, stabbed to death by Egyptian ex hubbie
A 23-year-old Ukrainian woman was stabbed to death near Pesaro in Marche on Sunday and her Egyptian ex-husband has been arrested on suspicion of murder, local sources said Monday.
The woman, who worked in a restaurant in Fano, just up the coast, was found with signs of at least three stab wounds to her body in a field at Villa Giulia outside Fano.
Her ex was stopped at Bologna station trying to flee the country, police said.
An alarm was raised when the young woman failed to turn up at the restaurant on Sunday.
A search was launched and her body found Monday morning.
She had gone to her ex’s house to get some clothes back. An autopsy has been ordered.