Month: October 2022
Italy: One dead, four hurt including Spanish footballer in Milan knife attack
One person was killed and four others were injured, including Spanish footballer Pablo Mari, in a knife attack in a shopping centre near Milan on Thursday, according to media reports.
A 46-year-old Italian, apparently suffering with psychological problems, was arrested immediately after the attack at Assago, on the outskirts of Milan, according to the ANSA news agency.
According to media reports, he grabbed a knife from a shelf and started randomly attacking people.
The person who died was a 30-year-old employee of supermarket Carrefour, located inside the shopping centre where the attack took place, according to ANSA.
The news agency reported that four others were seriously injured.
Among those hurt was Mari, the Spanish defender for Monza football club, on loan from Arsenal. A source close to the club told AFP he was in hospital, conscious and able to speak.
“Dear Pablo, we are all close to you and your family, we wish you well, keep fighting as you know how to do, you are a warrior and you will get well soon,” said Monza chief executive Adriano Galliani, in a message tweeted by the club.
Meanwhile in Europe: Man Jailed for Three Years Over Killing Violent Home Invader
A 21-year-old man has been jailed for manslaughter in progressive Ireland after he killed a violent home invader as a teenager.
Dean Kerrie has been sentenced to three and a half years behind bars, with one further year suspended, after being found guilty of manslaughter.
The sentencing has generated significant controversy both in Ireland and abroad, with one local publication branding the decision to jail the man — who was only 17 at the time of the incident — as disgraceful.
According to a report by the Irish Independent, the then-teenager is said to have stabbed 25-year-old Jack Power after the man broke into his home with a rock during the early hours of July 26, 2018.
With Power said to have been drinking at the time, the court heard that the man proceeded to attack Kerrie in his bedroom, with it also being suggested that Power was also looking to attack Kerrie’s mother as well.
Kerrie claims to have then located a knife at the side of his bed, with which he stabbed Power, though Mr Justice Paul McDermott said that he doubted Kerrie’s telling of events in this regard.
While taking into account that Kerrie had been attacked in his own home by an older man with a stockier build, and that Kerrie had expressed much remorse for the incident, Justice McDermott went on to say that the force used by Kerrie was “excessive”.
The judge justified this statement by claiming that Power, despite his build, was unarmed.
While the judge claimed that Kerrie’s sentence was lenient considering that an adult under similar circumstances would face a headline sentence of seven years, others both in Ireland and abroad have expressed frustration at the decision to jail Kerrie.
“It is very easy for Judge McDermott to sit, after the event, and pronounce that the force used was excessive. He was not there, after all,” John McGuirk, a pundit for Irish media site Gript, wrote in an opinion piece on the “disgraceful sentencing”.
Meanwhile, former Brexit Party MEP Martin Daubney compared the case to that of Manzoor Akhtar, a grooming gang member who was sentenced to just over four years in jail for raping a 13-year-old child.
“Ever get the feeling the judiciary is on the side of the criminals?” he asked, contrasting the two sentences, which occurred in two different legal jurisdictions that both operate under a similar common law system.
India: Islamists assault Tamil family, abuse women and children for celebrating Hindu festival

On 24th October 2022, at around 8:30 pm, a group of Islamists attacked a Tamil family in Muvattupuzha in the Ernakulam district of Kerala for celebrating the Hindu festival Deepavali, Organiser reported. The attack was led by one Rafeeq who is a police officer in the Armed Reserve Police, who along with his three accomplices barged into the house of the Tamil family and attacked the members of the family including women and children.
Thankapandyan lives in the marketplace area of Muvattupuzha with his family. His family members include his parents Meena and Bhaskaran, his wife PT Pandyan, and his two kids who are seven and five years old. The family earns their living by cooking and selling snacks. On October 24, the Islamists attacked them because the family burst firecrackers on the occasion of Diwali.
Attackers demolished their stoves while they were cooking Deepavali sweets and snacks. All the family members were brutally beaten as well. The kids, ages five and seven, were slammed to the ground. Bhaskaran was attacked by a small knife, causing him to incur an injury below his eye. A woman’s gold chain was also attempted to be snatched.
The injured, including women, are being treated in hospitals. The Tamil family complained to the police that they had been assaulted for lighting fireworks in celebration of Deepavali. The “Tamilian Collective” complained to the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu and the Muvattupuzha Police. Police officers initially refused to register the case as local political leaders took the lead and lured the victim with some compensation money. As the senior police officers arrived, these people left the spot and the case was registered.
The incident is seen with severe concern by the locals. These kinds of acts come as no surprise to anybody because Kerala is a stronghold for religious extremists who enjoy the support of both the Left Democratic Front, led by the CPM government, and the United Democratic Front, led by the opposition Congress.
GREEN COLLAPSE: World’s Largest Chemical Producer Permanently Downsizing In Europe – Blames High Energy Costs
‘Hand skeleton spells out Allah’: Bangladeshi professor publishes research paper claiming parts of human skeleton represent Islamic phrases

On October 26, a portion of a research paper titled Structure Of Human Skeleton Exhibits The Mysterious Love Of Allah (SWT) To Prophet Muhammad (SAW) went viral on social media where the author of the paper claimed that different parts of the skeleton represent holy Islamic words or phrases. For example, author Mohammad Abul Hossain of the University of Dhaka claimed that the skeleton of the human hand forms the Arabic word ‘Allah’.
Claims made in the research paper
OpIndia accessed the complete research paper available on the reputed scholar website researchgate. The DOI number of the paper is 10.20859/jar.v5i1.191, and it was published in June 2018 in Ar Raniry, International Journal of Islamic Studies. Dr Mohammad Abul Hossain is a professor in the Department of Chemistry, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
The author said in the abstract of the paper that it represents a “scientific explanation of a very important verse (Ayat) 95:4 in the Quran that says “Verily, We created man in the best statue (mould)”.
The author claimed, “In response to the “best statue”, a mysterious observation is proposed by correlating the four oaths of Allah (Sobhan wa tawla: SWT) which imposed before starting this verse, with the help of physical structure of oath materials, knowledge of medical science and other verses in the holy Qur’an. That is – the statue of human body (Adam) represents the combined structure of the Arabic words Muhammad (Peace be upon him: PBUH) and Allah (SWT), which made his (Adam) superior to all others. Thus humans became the topmost creature in the whole Universe, and his body structure was created in the best statue, mentioned in the verse of the holy Qur’an. Actually, the creation of such structure of the human body is the outlooks of the infinite love of Allah (SWT) to His Prophet Muhammad (SAW).”
Furthermore, he claimed that as there was a lack of modern scientific tools like electron microscope and other “high technical instruments” in the 7th century, it was difficult for common people, except for the Prophet Muhammad, to understand the meaning of several verses of Quran, that he has mentioned in the paper. He said, “It is true that people knew the verbal meaning of the words but could not understand the hidden meaning, which was possible only after the discovery of the Electron microscope and other high technical instruments used in modern laboratories.”
According to the author, Fig, Olive, The Mount Sinai and ‘This City Secured’ (probably Macca) mentioned in some of the verses refer to locations, and their shape can be represented in different parts of the human skeleton. He claimed Fig refers to Mount Judi, where the legendary arc of Prophet Juh landed. Please note that Christianity has a similar story about Noha’s Arc. Olive, according to him, referred to Palestine, where Jesus was born and Olives grew. He gave similar references to locations etc.
He claimed that Olive’s spherical shape could be compared to the shape of the human head representing the Arabic letter Mim.

Furthermore, he claimed the shape of Mount Sinai is similar to the rib cage of a human being, and it has the shape of Arabic letter Ha. He noted, “Concave with plane land shaped Mount Sinai is similar to the shape of a left side view of human’s rib case which is the representative of the shape of Arabic letter Ha.”

He compared the shape of the fruiting fig to the Arabic letter Mim and claimed it looks like the pelvis of a human skeleton.

Finally, he compared the geological structure of the position of the holy Kabba on the earth’s surface to the shape of the Arabic letter Dal which was further compared to human leg bones.

When he combined all four letters, it made “Dal Mim Ha Mim” or Mohammad in Arabic.

The author did not stop here. He further claimed that the skeleton of the human hand is shaped like the Arabic word Allah. He said, “The shape of the 5th finger (Little finger) is like the Arabic letter Alif, the 4th finger (Ring finger) is like the Arabic letter Lam, the 3rd finger (Middle finger) is like the Arabic letter Lam and the 2nd finger (Index finger) along with 1st finger (Thumb) are like the Arabic letter Haa.”

‘Everything is made of light’ claimed another paper by the author
This was not the first time Mohammad Abul Hossain gave an “innovative” way to link science to the Quran. In 2013, he published another paper titled “Everything of the Universe is Made of Light: Theory for Everything”, where he used “ALLAHU NURUS SAMAWATE WOAL ARTH” “(Earth and Sky is the light of Allah) in the Holy Qur’an (Sura: An-Nur, Ayah: 35) and connected it to theories given by Einstein et al. to prove what scientists were discovering in today’s time was already mentioned in Quran.
He theorized the cycle of light in the Universe. The paper read, “The sun is the well-known source of light. Plants produce mass particles from the photon of light through the photosynthesis process. Mass particles convert into radiation and/or electricity by nuclear reaction. The electricity transfers through the metal wire and converts into photons by the fugue filament of the electric bulb.”

He concluded, “from the above evidence of the special theory of relativity, quantization of energy and photon like dual nature of atomic particles like electrons, protons and neutrons, it is clear that everything of the Universe is made by bundle of light or photons. This is the output of modern science, which was pointed out in the Holy Qur’an “ALLAHU NURUS SAMAWATE WOAL ARTH” (Sura: An-Nur, Ayah: 35) about 1400 years ago. Again, Prophet Muhammad (SAW: peace be upon him) said, “I am from the light of Allah (SWT), and everything has been created from my light” (Hadith-e-Qurchi).”
It is unclear why a Chemistry professor wrote papers on “Biology” and “Physics”.
Orbán slams Germany’s left-wing parties, praises Hungarian ideology and insists country is open and welcoming to Western refugees sick of multiculturalism

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán recently sat down for an interview with Budapester Zeitung, a German-language Hungarian newspaper. In the wide-ranging talk, Orbán discussed among other topics his recent work visit to Berlin, the state of ongoing German-Hungarian relations, and the future of Western Europe’s identity.
German-Hungarian relations
The Hungarian prime minister said German-Hungarian relations are strong in almost all areas, but insisted that politically there was work to be done, as the ideologies of the two countries’ current administrations are “worlds apart.”
Germans living in Hungary are doing well. From kindergarten to university, you can learn German with us. In Hungary, there is no resentment towards the Germans. A country in which there are more positive than negative feelings towards Germans is rare in Central Europe. The Germans are still held in high esteem in Hungary. Last but not least, the Hungarian Germans living in Hungary have contributed a lot to this. You are valued citizens of Hungary.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán
While saying that socially and economically diplomacy between Germany and Hungary is well, Orbán admitted there is “a lot to do” on the political front. His conservative administration finds working with Germany’s traffic light coalition of greens and liberals challenging to say the least.
“Before my trip, I studied the government program of the federal government,” Orbán revealed. There are worlds between this and ours! The two governments need to find points where we can work together, aside from the obvious differences. It’s a big job,” he added.
Orbán went further, calling the governing Social Democratic Party under current German Chancellor Olaf Scholz “the most hostile party (toward Hungary) in Europe today” and admitting it would take “great efforts” to cultivate German-Hungarian relations on a political level.
Similarly, he revealed he harbored no hope that the CDU opposition, with which Orbán’s Fidesz party previously had a working relationship, would once again become a reasonable conservative force. The CDU “goes its own way, which is not ours. From a Hungarian perspective, the CDU is now a left-wing party,” Orbán said.
And while the current conservative Hungarian government may find a sympathetic ear toward its policies in the camp of the right-wing populist Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) party, Orbán insists that Hungary is “forced to sacrifice relations with the AfD on the altar of the best possible intergovernmental relations.” He claimed any solidarity with the AfD would “affect international relations,” and Hungary has a strong interest in “maintaining good relations with the incumbent federal government.”
Germany is moving “more and more to the left”
The Hungarian prime minister elaborated on this point when asked how his recent work visit to Berlin was received. He said he travels to Germany every two years for a work visit and therefore sees the progressive change in the country, which he now confirms has become a “multicultural society… This is no longer a question of a political program, but a fact.”
Orbán said the “German world is moving more and more to the left” and expressed his surprise “by the many armed security forces in front of synagogues.” He called the German society he witnessed on his trip a “very different” world than the one Hungarians live in “and in which we want to continue to live.” He also said “great efforts” are required by Germany’s political leaders to bridge the differences between the two countries to “ensure that the traditionally good German-Hungarian cooperation continues.”
When asked what he and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz discussed, Orbán explained that a major disagreement between the two nations currently is that the Germans want the European Union principle of unanimity in voting on foreign policy issues to be overturned in favor of a qualified majority system.
“We don’t agree with that because no matter what we do, we can’t get a blocking minority together,” Orbán explained. “If this proposal goes through, the new practice would mean that the Germans and French could push through all their foreign policy ideas even against the resistance of smaller countries,” he added.
The Hungarian prime minister said such a move would “ultimately result in the surrender of a substantial part of (Hungarian) sovereignty,” and claimed it was unfortunate that Germany, a country that already carries “a lot of weight in EU decision-making” should want to “increase this weight even further.”
When questioned why he chooses not to counter some claims among German media and politicians that Hungary is in social and political decline under his leadership, Orbán replies by insisting he respects Germany and “that’s why I refrain from criticism here.”
He does, however, have a few choice words on the point, telling the newspaper:
“Compared to Germany, Hungary is now an island of peace and freedom. A liberal hegemony now prevails in Germany. Only one narrative has space in public. Anyone who deviates from this no longer exists for this public. In Hungary, on the other hand, we have a pluralistic structure in public dialogue. There are liberals and conservatives. Through the media, they are almost equally represented in public discourse. Hungarian society is significantly more pluralistic, freer, and more peaceful than German society.”
But Orbán doesn’t believe in interfering in the internal affairs of other EU member states, and expressed hope that someday other politicians would respond in kind.
“We firmly believe that German problems should be solved by Germans. We would be happy if the Germans would also come to the conclusion that the Hungarians living here are primarily responsible for solving Hungarian problems,” he told the newspaper.
He lamented the fact that German interference in Hungary’s internal affairs had now reached “enormous proportions,” something that was being met with a “strong negative response” in his homeland.
“We Hungarians are a freedom-loving people. We don’t like it at all when someone outside tells us how we have to live. The fight against external interference in our internal affairs runs like a red thread through Hungarian history,” Orbán said.
More Europeans will move to safe Hungary in the next 20 years, predicts Orbán
The Hungarian prime minister agreed with the interviewer that more and more Germans are seeing their future in Hungary, and Orbán encourages “Germans and other Western Europeans to come to us.”
“In the next 10 to 20 years, more and more western Europeans will come to us who would rather live with us because Hungary is a safe, Christian, and tradition-conscious country.”
He insisted that emigration to Hungary from Western Europe is “extremely good and welcome,” and believes that Europeans “who want to live freely and in a different environment than at home should move on to us.” Orbán said they will be welcomed with “open arms.”
“Hungary is a country where many more people could live than currently live here. We are happy when foreigners who like our way of thinking come to us,” the Hungarian leader said. He added that while Hungarian isn’t that easy to learn, it is a “fantastic language” that newcomers will be happy to use when they have learned it.
In short, Hungary remains open to citizens “who treat us and our traditions with respect,” Orbán said, concluding with the phrase: “Western refugees welcome!”
President of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution in Germany: ” Energetic action against opposition members up to and including killing”

Here is an excerpt from:
“Public Hearing of the Presidents of the Federal Intelligence Services” (Monday, October 17, 2022, Berlin, Paul-Löbe-Haus) in accordance with Section 10 (3) PKGrG (
Thomas Haldenwang, President of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution:
“Autocracy versus democracy. And what Russia is currently doing in Germany has democracy-destroying relevance… Apart from that, every topic is used for propaganda and disinformation that is suitable to divide society… And that is now this current development on the energy market, the rising prices, inflation… And here Russia uses all the possible means to influence… such as influencers who are on Moscow’s pay list somewhere…
It is important to react to this… The federal government has done this… And the recommendation to the citizens would be: Please do not inform yourselves one-sidedly in the media bubbles you have known so far, but use a broad range of media… Then you will get a clearer picture of what is happening in the world.
Briefly on the conspiratorial stories…: The citizen won’t notice too much… That’s our job, to analyse it: … Where are the attempts at contact, where is classical espionage taking place…?
There is also a danger that there will be much more observation of the opposition. And that possibly also energetic action against opposition members, up to and including killing, appears conceivable.”
BREAKING: PayPal Has Reinstated its Policy to Fine Users $2,500 Directly from their Accounts if they Spread “Misinformation”
Giorgia Meloni Vows to Restore Order to Italian Immigration

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni assured Parliament Tuesday her government would rein in the country’s chaotic immigration situation and restore order and legality to migratory flows.
In a policy statement ahead of a confidence vote in her new government, Meloni told the Chamber of Deputies that security and legality are tied to the correct management of immigration, summed up in a simple principle: “in Italy, as in any other serious state, you do not enter illegally.”
Meloni pointed to the many casualties of unregulated migration caused by the country’s past inability to secure its borders.
“In these years of terrible inability to find the right solutions to the various migration crises, too many men, women, and children have met their deaths at sea trying to get to Italy,” declared Italy’s first female prime minister. “Too many times we have said ‘never again,’ only to have to repeat it again and again.”
The total number of migrant sea deaths reached its highest point in 2016 under the leadership of leftist Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, with 4,578 migrants declared either dead or missing.
At that time, Professor Anna Bono, who teaches African History and Institutions at the University of Turin, noted that most of the migrants coming to Italy were not refugees escaping from war or even poor people fleeing hunger, but young, middle-class males.
Traffickers in African countries have vigorously promoted emigration to Italy through extensive propaganda campaigns, she asserted.
In 2018, thanks to policies enacted by interior minister Matteo Salvini to curb unregulated immigration, the number of migrant deaths in the central Mediterranean Sea plummeted by more than 50 percent over the previous year, falling from 2,258 to just 1,058 in the same six-month period.
In Tuesday’s address, Meloni said her government will pursue a path of halting illegal departures from North Africa, “finally breaking the trafficking of human beings in the Mediterranean.”
“We intend to propose it at European level and implement it in agreement with the authorities of North Africa,” Meloni said, “accompanied by the creation of hotspots in African territories, managed by international organizations, to examine asylum requests and discern who has the right to be welcomed in Europe and who does not have that right.”
“We do not intend in any way to question the right to asylum for those fleeing war and persecution,” the prime minister insisted. “Our goal is to prevent traffickers from being the ones to decide who will immigrate into Italy.”
Meloni also said her government intends to directly address “the causes that lead migrants, especially the youngest, to abandon their land, their cultural roots, and their family to seek a better life in Europe.”
The introduction of “a virtuous model of collaboration and growth between the European Union and African nations will also serve to counter the worrying spread of Islamist radicalism, especially in the sub-Saharan area,” she noted.