‘The EU’s migration policy has failed’ – Austria’s chancellor condemns Brussels as his country prepares for record-breaking number of illegal immigrants

The European Union’s migration policy has failed mainly because there is a lack of interest in protecting the EU’s external borders, said Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer as a migrant crisis accelerates both in his country and other European nations.

“Austria is currently heavily burdened by illegal migration. The contribution that we are making in Europe is disproportionately high. The EU’s migration policy has failed. There is still no strong protection of the European Union’s external borders, and the reality of the problem is being ignored,” the ÖVP leader said Friday to Austrian newspaper Kronen Zeitung.

Europe’s illegal immigration numbers are exploding. By August, Austria had already received more than 56,000 asylum applications and the pace continued into September. Even after the refugee crisis in 2015 and 2016, security experts are expecting a new record this year.

Nehammer’s remarks came right before he held a meeting on Monday with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbánfocused on Europe’s growing migrant crisis. Orbán invited both Nehammer and Serbian President Aleksandar Vučič to Budapest where the three leaders condemned Europe’s inaction on illegal immigration and pointed to the growing social and financial burdens on their countries.

The influx of migrants via the Balkan route, who enter Serbia without a visa, is particularly problematic. Consequently, citizens of India and other Asian countries travel to Belgrade by plane, with flights sold out for months. As Remix News has previously reported, 12 out of 16 of Germany’s federal states have announced that they will reject any new refugees due to a lack of housing and overcrowded schools and kindergartens.

Due to this situation, “12 states have currently activated a block in the initial distribution system,” said a spokeswoman for the Federal Ministry of the Interior to the newspapers of the German RND media network in September.

“The burden on the federal states is resulting from the flight from Ukraine and general migration,” said the spokeswoman. “There is also currently an increase in the number of migrants on the Balkan route.”

Hungary has reported over 160,000 illegal migrant crossings since the beginning of the year, and Czechia has also called for increased border checks due to extreme overcrowding at migrant accommodation facilities.

Relations between Czechia and Slovakia are also strained due to the migrant crisis. Štefan Hamran, Slovakia’s police chief, called readmission agreements on the return of illegal migrants a “piece of paper.”

If Slovakia started taking back all migrants at the border with the Czech Republic, we would not be able to do it,” Hamran told Denník N yesterday.

Slovak Interior Minister Roman Mikulec called for Hungary’s help in guarding the external border of the Schengen Area.

According to him, Slovak police officers could help their Hungarian colleagues on the Serbian-Hungarian border.


The precipitous fall of the Facebook empire

Outpaced by the competition, targeted by the antitrust authorities, sanctioned for its privacy violations, the former Silicon Valley star no longer inspires confidence. Not for its users. Nor its customers. Nor the stock market. Will it succeed in reinventing itself?

Eighteen years after its creation, the social network is at the centre of all attacks. And rather than reassure, its founder continues to stir up political trouble: in American society, on the markets and even within his company, which now employs more than 83 000 people worldwide. Around three billion people spend every day on one of its platforms, Facebook, Instagram or WhatsApp.

Mark Zuckerberg is also known to have influenced the outcome of the most contentious US presidential election. The true extent of Zuckerberg’s financial contributions only became known after the voting had taken place. In a 40-minute documentary film from Citizens United Productions, Rigged: The Zuckerberg-Funded Plot to Defeat Donald Trump, the machinations of the billionaire were brought to light.

Unable to come up with an original idea

It is a phenomenal power, but Mark Zuckerberg seems to be at a loss for what to do next. His decision to focus all the group’s forces on virtual reality and the metaverse, accompanied by the change of Facebook’s name to Meta, has only added to the confusion within the teams and among customers.

This is perhaps because Zuckerberg has always been unable to generate original ideas. He is alleged to have stolen the plan for the social network platform from the Winklevoss twins, Cameron and Tyler. In fact, the twins eventually sued Zuckerberg, after he stole their project when the trio attended Harvard University. The lawsuit was headed for US supreme court when the parties reached a 2008 settlement which gave the twins $20m in cash and Facebook stock.

Zuckerberg also had to pay damages to another fellow student, Divya Narendra who had shared details of the project and confidential codes with him. Narendra and the Winklevoss brothers had entered into an oral contract with Zuckerberg to become a partner in the original blueprint for a social media platform called HarvardConnection.

Meta is going nowhere

The Californian social media giant no longer inspires confidence. At the beginning of the year, for the first time in its history, Facebook announced a drop in the number of its active users, and in the second quarter, another first, the group reported a drop in its turnover. The punishment on the stock market is severe: on 31 August 2021, its valuation exceeded 1000 billion dollars. It has since fallen by 60 percent.

For the founder of Facebook, the future of humanity lies in a virtual reality under construction, of which he has narcissistically proclaimed himself the chief architect. Zuckerberg has clearly come under the spell of the WEF’s freakish Yuval Noah Harari who believes in a post-human biotechnological world in which intelligent biological organisms are surpassed by their own creations: “Homo sapiens as we know them will disappear in a century or so”.

The problem is that the Federal Trade Commission has placed Zuckerberg under close surveillance.

The trouble began three years ago, on 19 September 2019, as Zuckerberg was facing Donald Trump in the Oval Office of the White House. Kept secret, the meeting was recounted by two New York Times journalists in their book L’Inquiétante Vérité (Albin Michel).

Surrounded by the president’s closest advisers, including his son-in-law Jared Kushner, the two men talked for a good hour, discussing the future of the world and in particular the threat posed by China’s technological power. And more particularly on the worrying success of the TikTok application, one of the most downloaded in the world.

Trump unable to stop TikTok

In the months that followed, and until the end of his mandate, President Trump would not stop trying to have the app banned in the United States. Without success, and to the great despair of Mark Zuckerberg, who saw the growth of his group seriously hampered by the rise of this young competitor. Unable to eliminate it, “Facebook ‘tiktokised’ itself, copying all their codes”, explained digital marketing specialist Stéphane Zibi.

This is a classic strategy in the tech world, but it has not prevented the Chinese rival from topping the rankings of Apple and Android app shops. And to put Mark Zuckerberg’s teams face to face with this damning observation: TikTok had hijacked their users’ available time.

Apple becomes transparent about its tracking, Facebook is blind

It was thus with weakened positions that the Californian giant took the real big market shock in spring 2021. For several months, Apple had been putting off a change in the rules of its App Store. On 26 April 2021, it finally introduced App Tracking Transparency: from that date onwards, users must consent to being tracked in an app downloaded from the Apple shop.

If the user refuses, the application publisher cannot access their advertising ID and therefore cannot collect any data on their behaviour.

However, by reflex, consumers will naturally tend to refuse to be tracked when they use their smartphone. Most iPhone users have said no to tracking by companies such as Facebook. This is where the problems really started,” says a former executive of the social network. From that moment on, Facebook became one-eyed.


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The Harm of the Hijab

By Ross Finnegan

Now is the time to juxtapose the reaction to the hijab in Iran with the attitude of the Western left.

For an “improperly” worn hijab, 22-year-old Mahsa Amini was beaten to death, sparking massive protests revealing deep anger against the Iranian regime.  A photo showed Hadis Najafi, another 20-year-old, tying her hair into a ponytail before joining the protests.  She had filmed herself dancing on a beach, pirouetting with swirling hair, so inflammatory to the mullahs.  A spray of bullets felled her.  A woman eating in a restaurant without a hijab was arrested.   

In striking contrast, the hijab, the symbol of women’s oppression in Iran, is the same piece of cloth the Western left considers “empowering.”  Woke companies like American Eagle and Nike hawk hijabs to woke consumers.  Nike could not resist virtue-signaling, saying its Nike Pro Hijab would “advance inclusive conversation around hijabs.” 

Surely, an “inclusive” conversation must extend to the left’s efforts to encourage the hijab in Western cultural and political life.  

Silence toward the hijab protests in Iran

Linda Sarsour, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib are high-profile Democrats, vocal defenders of Muslims’ rights, and constant critics of Israel.  In an article, Phyllis Chesler excoriated them for not speaking out for the women of Iran:

Sarsour and Omar continue to glorify their wearing of the hijab as a protest against white racism and alleged “Islamophobia.” None of the three women offered their own words in support of the protesters. They merely retweeted the briefest of remarks by others. All three, who are ordinarily so vocal, were suddenly tongue-tied.

Anyone familiar with the ways of the left would know that its orthodoxy requires promotion of the hijab.  Tellingly, President Biden’s “solidarity” with the Iranian women did not include the word “hijab,” nor any mention of Islam.

The E.U. and the Council of Europe have tried to foist the hijab on Europeans

In September 2022, in a decision that can be explained only by the left-leaning E.U.’s ideological insularity, arrogance, and incompetence, and after the Iran protests had started, the E.U. showed a young girl in a hijab promoting its Erasmus programme.  Outrage prompted its withdrawal.  In 2021, Europe’s top human rights body, the Council of Europe, pulled a poster showing the split image of one women wearing a hijab and one not, with the slogan “beauty is in diversity as freedom is in hijab.”

The American left finds a vivid portrayal of the burqa unacceptable in the U.S.

The burqa triggered a debate in the Democratic primary in New York’s 12th Congressional District in 2021.

Following the 9/11 terrorist attacks,  Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D) had worn a burqa on the House floor, railing against the treatment of women in Afghanistan.  After the disastrous U.S. pull-out from Afghanistan, the Taliban reimposed their tyranny on Afghan women.  The hijab-wearing Rana Abdelhamid, a progressive, founder of Hijabis of New York and a member of the Democratic Socialists of America, challenged Maloney in the primary, criticizing her 2001 decision to wear a burqa, stating:

Maloney … wore a blue burqa on the House floor to advocate for the invasion of Afghanistan, under this very Islamophobic narrative that Afghan women needed to be saved.

It clearly escaped Abdelhamid that Afghan women want to be saved, pleading, “We want the world to hear us, and we want our rights to be saved.”  The United Nations, too, would be surprised to learn that its attempts to help Afghan women are “very Islamophobic.”

Rather, Abdelhamid’s motives were murkier.  She wanted to dissuade other American infidels from having the gall of Maloney, a white woman (albeit a Democrat), from wearing the dehumanizing and grotesque burka on TV that could — and emphatically should — arouse revulsion in viewers.

Never mind that the burqa is an ambulatory prison, with an elevated risk of disease and social exclusion.  For the socialist Abdelhamid, the burka is exempt from any negative portrayal in non-Muslim lands.

The rules of the Congress made way for the hijab

The left’s genuflection to the hijab for reasons of “inclusiveness” is limitless.  In 2019, the Democrats changed an 18-year-old rule disallowing the wearing of religious headdress in Congress.  The impulse behind this change was Ilhan Omar with the cooperation of Nancy Pelosi and Jim McGovern (D-Mass.).  Omar celebrated lifting the ban, saying it was “more inclusive for all.”

The world’s first “feminist government” in Sweden dutifully wore the hijab in Iran

In 2017, Swedish female officials, belonging to the world’s first self-declared “feminist government,” wore headscarves during a trip to Iran.  They defended themselves from criticism, saying, “Failing to do so would have broken the law” and the “only other option would be to send an all-male delegation.”

These “feminists” could not cobble together enough collective spine and demand that Iran retract its conditions, failing which no agreement could be signed.  The hijab was insisted upon, and woke leftist Western women complied.

Following the Christchurch terror attacks on Muslims, New Zealand’s prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, could have chosen to hug Muslim women without the hijab.  But as a progressive, it was mandatory for her to wear one and give it wider currency. 

The left used the hijab as a symbol of democratic defiance in the 2017 Women’s March

The 2017 Women’s March saw a profusion of colored hijabs in the company of pink pussy hats and rainbow flags.  They morphed into — what else? — an effervescent example of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

The march also inspired Gisele Fetterman, wife of the mayor of Braddock, a certain John Fetterman, now a Democrat Senate hopeful, to dream up — what else? — hijabs for Barbies.  Mrs. Fetterman thought it “wrong” there were no dolls for the “mostly Muslim” refugee population and teamed up with a Saudi Arabian woman to create “Hello Hijab” dolls.   

Has any of our “journalists” asked John Fetterman what he now thinks of his wife’s doll creations as anti-hijab protests rage in Iran?

The hijab has links to violence, crime, and terrorism around the world  

The hijab is neither benign nor only a women’s issue.  In Nigeria, a Muslim group threatened barring female Muslim law students from wearing the hijab — “a dangerous situation capable of snowballing into a religious crisis whose consequences no one can predict.”  In Malawi, which is 13. 8 percent Muslim, the “Hijab Task Force” threatened to burn down Christian schools, angered by the refusal to allow female Muslim students to wear a hijab in school.  In India, two men threatened to kill a judge who had upheld a ban on Muslim female students from wearing the hijab.  In Mumbai, another Muslim killed his Hindu wife for not wearing the hijab.  In Pakistan, a hijab-wearing woman blew herself up, killing the Chinese director of the Confucius Institute.

Just observe the world of Islam.  You will know that the hijab is a tool for many Muslims that transforms Muslim women and their clothing into weapons for civilizational conquest.  As self-defense is the first and an irrevocable law of nature, we must protect our Judeo-Christian heritage and defeat the left’s unceasing efforts to mainstream the hijab in the U.S.


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Protest against the Iranian regime in front of the Blue Mosque in Hamburg, Germany

Hundreds of people demonstrated in Hamburg on Monday against human rights violations in Iran and against the Islamic Center (IZH). A police spokesman said the protest was peaceful. About 450 people took part in a rally. The Kulturbrücke Hamburg and the Verein Säkularer Islam Hamburg had called for the action within sight of the Blue Mosque on the Alster. It was only on September 26 that a man disguised as a parcel delivery man gained access to the building and soiled the foyer with red paint.

Several women cut their hair in protest at the rally on Monday, as a dpa photographer observed. A man with longer hair also symbolically had his hair cut off. Demonstrators posted signs demanding that the IZH be closed immediately. The Islamic Center, which operates the Blue Mosque on the Alster, is regarded by the State Office for the Protection of the Constitution as Iran’s outpost in Europe.

Feminist protest in Iran: Using violence against students – News in Germany

Belgian police arrest French-Moroccan imam fleeing deportation

A French-Moroccan imam accused of hate speech and anti-Semitism has been arrested in Belgium after trying to avoid deportation back to Morocco.

A police source said Hassan Iquioussen had been taken into custody “without incident” late Friday in Tournai, near the French border.

The Muslim preacher had been missing since the Council of State, France’s highest court, gave the green light for his expulsion to Morocco.

He was also the subject of a European arrest warrant.

Iquioussen stands accused of “a proselytising speech interspersed with remarks inciting hatred and discrimination and carrying a vision of Islam contrary to the values ​​of Republic”, according to the expulsion document.

Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin told AFP he was “delighted” with Iquioussen’s arrest.

“Evading expulsion from national territory is an offence,” he added.

The council said his “anti-Semitic speech” and his “systematic speech on the inferiority of women” constituted “acts of provocation … to hatred”.

Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin said the preacher, had been on the “S” file (for national security) by the DGSI “for 18 months” prior to the deportation order.

The 58-year-old’s lawyers had in July successfully applied to the Paris court to suspend the order, saying it would create “disproportionate harm” to his private and family lif

But this was effectively overturned with Tuesday’s decision.

Born in France but of Moroccan nationality, Iquioussen has five children and 15 grandchildren, all French.

When he came of age, he decided not to opt for French nationality and to keep only his Moroccan nationality, even if “he only knows his so-called country of origin through short vacations”, explained his lawyer, Lucie Simon.

Iquioussen claims to have tried twice to recover his French nationality without success since he turned 18 years old.

He says his second request was refused in 1999 because of his “very strong ties” with the Union of Islamic Organisations in France, which has since become Muslims of France (MF).

In a 29 July video, viewed 228,000 times on his YouTube channel, Iquioussen claims to be “French in heart and soul, in thought and in [his] culture”.

It is thanks to the famous online platform that he has built his reputation over the years: no less than 178,000 subscribers (for 33 million views) follow his courses and sermons on Islam in everyday life.


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