“.. As if I am an animal. If I eat a cucumber from their plate, they throw away the entire food”: Hindu woman narrates religious discrimination she faces in Pakistan

Hindus, a minority in the Islamic country of Pakistan, are frequently targeted with hatred, kidnappings, rapes, forced marriages, and death. In one such recent incident, a Hindu girl was mentally tortured after being inducted into a company in Karachi, Pakistan. She said that she was being treated miserably for being a Hindu.

The incident was brought to light by Narain Das Bheel, the founder and chief organizer of a Hindu organization named the ‘Hindus Organization of Sindh’. He said that the victim girl was his friend and that she was being tortured in a company in Karachi for being a Hindu.

“I have a Hindu friend who got a job in a new company in Karachi. Today she told me about her pain”, Bheel said sharing the screenshot of his Whatsapp conversation with the victim girl. The girl in the conversation said that nobody in the office talked to her because she was a Hindu. “I was crying yesterday. My dishes in the office are kept separate and nobody touches them”, the girl informed during the conversation.

She also said that the Islamists in her office were treating her like animals. “..Jaise mai janwar hu. Agar mai plate me se kheera utha ke kha lu to puri plate dustbin me daal dete hai (.. As if I am an animal. If I eat a cucumber from their plate, they throw away the entire food)”, she said.

A local political worker Sarman Brohi (as per Twitter bio) also took to social media to post about the incident on October 13. He stated that the woman had joined in the company as a textile designer and was tortured for belonging to the Hindu religion. The girl further said that she would leave the job and that she was looking for a better opportunity.

Hindu people residing in Pakistan have been facing adversities and severe institutionalized discrimination in Pakistan. Hindus in the country are targeted with hatred, forceful conversion, kidnappings, rapes, and even death. Recently amid the floods that erupted in the Sindh province of Pakistan, a young girl was gang-rapedby two Pakistani Muslims in the flood-hit area on the pretext of providing grocery items and food. The two accused have been identified as Khalid who is an auto-rickshaw driver and Dilsher. The duo who belong to the Macchi caste allegedly drugged the victim woman and raped her brutally for two days.

Also, on August 31, a video from Pakistan had gone viral over social media where a man could be seen complaining of attempted rapes of their women by the Pakistani goons. Further, in September this year, a heart-wrenching incident was reported from Sindh where an 8-year-old Hindu girl was gang-raped amid the devastating floods. The suspects scratched her entire face and also gauged out her eyes.

Later a journalist was also arrested from Ghotki for covering the plight of Pakistani Hindus trapped in the floods in the Sindh province of Pakistan. He had covered the heart-wrenching story of Pakistani Hindus belonging to the Bhagri community in Mirpur Mathelo of Sindh. The journalist reported that the local administration had expelled the Bhagri community people from the flood relief camp for being Hindus.

To note, many of the Hindus living in the Sindh province of Pakistan are among the poorest sections of Pakistani society. They face human rights violations in cases regarding land grabbing, abduction, and conversion. They have fewer employment opportunities and many still live as bonded laborers under Muslim landlords. Hindus also suffer routine exploitation which they dare not report to the police.

Pakistan’s courts have continuously failed to provide justice for Hindus in Pakistan. A 2019 field investigation report by the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan has reaffirmed an unpleasant reality that is already known for far too long—minorities in Pakistan live under constant fear of persecution as their perpetrators enjoy court sanctions, support from the influential and affluent section of the society and patronage from political leaders.


Mask for Thee, Not For me: President of Germany Captured Travelling on Train without Mandatory Covering

The President of Germany has come under fire after he was pictured travelling on a train in the country without wearing a mask, something mandated by local COVID lockdown rules.

Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the Federal President of Germany, has been accused of flouting lockdown rules after images were released of him travelling on a train without wearing a mask.

While many countries across Europe and the wider rest have largely put the issue of COVID to bed, German politicians are still up in arms about the pandemic, with a wide variety of lockdown rules — including mask mandates — still being in place to this day in the country.

However, while government ministers in Germany will frequently harp on about the importance of mask mandates, they do not always seem to be forced to follow them themselves, with the President of the country himself seemingly being videoed ignoring rules mandating the wearing of masks on regional trains in the country.

According to a report on the controversy by Bild, two videos were published showing the President not wearing the mask while on the train, the first being uploaded to Steinmeier’s own website, with the second one being posted to the politician’s Instagram.

To make matters worse, in the individual state the President was reportedly in at the time, the publication notes that masks are also required on all local forms of public transport too.

While a spokesman for the President has insisted that the head of state only took his mask off to film those videos, and put it back on after, many have expressed outrage at the politician’s actions.

Others have seen his actions as an opportunity to push for Germany to join large swathes of the rest of Europe and abandon its mask mandates.

“Do it like Steinmeier. Take off the mask!” one MP for the populist Alternative für Deutschland party, Joana Cotar, wrote online, tagging a picture of the maskless president with the hashtag “vorbild”, or “idol”.

Others have meanwhile been very quick to point out that this is not the first time that a senior politician has managed to evade their own government’s forced masking rules.

For example, a whole host of government ministers — including the country’s leftist Prime Minister, Olaf Scholz — were caught earlier this year travelling maskless on a flight from Germany to Canada despite having insisted on the extension of forced mask wearing for another half-year starting in October.

When pushed on the issue, the members of the “Traffic Light” coalition government revealed that — due to a legal loophole — they were not actually required to wear masks, as the rules they themselves passed does not apply to flights operated by the German Air Force.

“There is no mask requirement on Air Force flights,” a government spokesman at the time while attempting to justify the rule by saying that all on board were tested for COVID.

However, German national carrier Lufthansa later confirmed that even if someone is tested for COVID-19 before boarding, they would not be able to bypass the mask requirements for commercial flights.

“The pictures of the Federal President are reminiscent of the Traffic Light government plane,” Tino Sorge, the health expert for the opposition Christian Democratic Union party, remarked.

“Either there is a mask requirement, in which case it must apply to everyone – or not,” he continued. “Politicians have to be consistent. The Federal President in particular has a role model function.”


German government set to burn nearly €6 billion worth of expired face masks during energy crisis

By Olivia Murray

What does a Green nation do when they can’t get fuel? Well they burn chemically-laden and toxic masks of course!

If you will, follow this (very brief) timeline of events: Trump warned them, they scoffed, and now they’re burning Covid masks for heat.

So who are they?

“They” are the elitists at the helm of the German government, running the country into the ground all in the name of climate alarmism.

But who do the German people think they are, placing undue expectations on public servants to prioritize citizens’ prosperity over Big Government altruism. “They” are from the government, and “they” are only here to help. The audacity.

According to Bloomberg, the federal health ministry called for nearly 800 million unused surgical masks to be “thermally dispose[d]” of, and get this, the taxpayers footed the bill to the tune of…. Six. Billion. Euros. But the government incompetence (or corruption) gets worse:

Former Health Minister Jens Spahn was criticized at the time for excessive procurement and for using personal connections to buy [the] masks[.]

Fortunately, another federal agency independently came to the rescue, ensuring the masks wouldn’t simply go to waste, but rather could be used for…. Energy! 

Sure is convenient given the fact the politicians have created quite the predicament as the country rolls into a cold winter…. Per the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection, “Waste incineration also offers the possibility of generating electricity and heat.”

So what can we learn from the abovementioned chronology?

First, Trump was right — a quick, but obvious observation worth noting, because it’s one more data point in a glorious trend (especially as we consider that Trump may soon be testifying in front of the J6 theater).

Secondly, premature gloating is a fool’s errand. How embarrassing it would be to have your most ignorant moments captured on video, and then broadcast across conservative media as the  butt of every joke. For a refresher, see below:

Thirdly, “Green” energy is not the solution to affordable and independent energy, and any efforts to paint it as such are at best, half-baked, and at worst intentional, and ushering in another wave of totalitarian subjugation at the hands of the German government.

Hey, at least this time, the German leftists are burning garbage and not books.


Germany: Moroccan murders woman with knife and walks through the city covered in blood

First he killed his wife, then he walked through the town of Barth in Western Pomerania covered in blood – until passers-by called the police. At least, that is how the police are currently reporting the case.

A 42-year-old man is alleged to have killed his wife in Barth, in the Western Pomerania region, at noon on Wednesday. This was announced by the police in a brief statement. The man, who comes from Morocco, was arrested.

After the crime, the suspect apparently ran through the city covered in blood, whereupon passers-by alerted the police. According to initial investigations, the police assume that the man killed his wife with a knife.

The police and the public prosecutor’s office did not give any further information. The investigations are still at the very beginning, they said.


UK: Britain-based Hindu group writes to PM Liz Truss over targeted hate crimes against Hindus, seeks urgent action

Trouble in Leicester as groups of young men pelt police with bottles (Photo Credits: LBC)

In the wake of the violence in Leicester in which a large number of Hindus, their places of worship, and their cultural and religious symbols were wantonly targeted and damaged by Islamic extremists and hoodlums, Insight UK, a social movement of the British Hindu and British Indian (BHI) communities, wrote an open letter to Liz Truss, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, drawing her attention toward the targeted hate crimes against Hindus. The letter is signed by 180 Hindu organisations.

In a letter dated October 14, 2022, Hindu organisations, representing the voices of Hindus residing in the UK, expressed grave concern about targeted hate crimes committed against the Hindu community in the country and urged authorities to take appropriate and prompt action against the same.

Members of Insight UK, an umbrella organisation working on the issues concerning British Hindus, wrote, using examples from recent attacks on Hindus in Leichester, Birmingham, and other towns across the country, that hatred of the Hindu community is at an all-time high in the UK.

“We write to draw your attention to the recent disturbances in Leicester, Birmingham and other towns which have greatly distressed the Indian and Hindu communities in the UK. Hatred towards the Hindu community is at an all-time high, to the point where there has been open violence, intimidation, and abuse levelled at Hindus through physical assaults, harassment on social media, and most recently through soft targeting in schools and the workplace,” read the letter.

The letter sought to draw the Prime Minister’s attention to the fact that, despite constituting less than 2% of the UK population, British Indians contribute significantly more in terms of socioeconomic contribution to the British economy, social integration, and upholding our progressive British values. It read that though the Hindu community is one of the most law-abiding, as evidenced by the imprisonment statistics, it has been under constant attack by radical Islamists.

“Today, we feel like a community that is under siege. As a last resort, we write to you to draw your attention to our plight, and the long-term consequences of what is unfolding,” the letter read.

The letter further read, “You must be aware of the violence in Leicester and the aggressive protests outside a temple in Birmingham as well as the vicious attempts to harass the Hindu community in Nottingham and outside London’s iconic Sanatan Mandir in Wembley. Although the causes of what happened in Leicester are many and complex, the bottom line is that a marginalised Hindu community has been targeted through violence and intimidation. This Hindu community now lives in a state of fear. While some families have already left the neighbourhood, many more are preparing to relocate. It is worth noting that a small, but highly organised band of radical Islamists took full advantage of the community tensions that existed between this marginalised Hindu community and their Muslim neighbours which previously lived in peace.”

The Hindus further drew the PM’s attention towards the anti-Hindu propaganda being peddled in the country. They wrote in the letter how on social media, a storm of misinformation was purposefully manufactured, with open incitement to violence against Hindus. As a result of this aggressive campaign, countless Hindus have been physically beaten, Hindu residences have been targeted, and cars with Hindu symbols have been vandalised. While the media largely characterised it as a clash between the two faith communities, it neglected to explain why the Hindus bore almost all of the brunt of the destruction, the letter said, adding that it is frightening for Leicester’s embattled Hindu population to know that the perpetrators of these crimes are still free to roam.

In the open letter, the Hindus further raised concerns about how those who ventured to express the truth in the media or on social media have always faced threats.

“Many Hindu speakers from Leicester who spoke to the media now live in fear and have had to seek police protection while carrying panic alarms at all times. Sections of the Hindu community are, in practice, being deprived of the basic rights of freedom of speech and freedom of religion which are central to our liberal way of life,” the letter further stated.

While making a few appeals before the PM, the Hindus stated how in the given situation, they shudder to think what would happen to them when extra police patrol is lifted.

The six appeals put forward by Hindus in the UK
  • To ensure that the Police are actively investigating the most recent crimes against the Hindu community as set out In this letter
  • To declare and ensure financial support is provided for the victims of these riots, Including businesses in Leicester that have been vandalised during the riots
  • To commission an Independent investigation into anti-Hindu hatred and its causes, which will go a long way in raising awareness of this problem amongst the key institutions of our society
  • To recognise the threat of British homegrown extremism and how certain parts of Britain have become hubs of radicalisation.
  • To help us fund training for teachers so that they are aware of and can Identify and deal with anti-Hindu hatred in schools.
  • To ensure that sufficient security Is provided to the Hindu community both In the short-term and the long-term, including sufficient security during the celebration of Diwali around the UK.

“The above proposals and/or recommendations will go a long way in repairing the damage that has been done to so many by an extremist few. We truly hope that you will take our concerns seriously and act upon our appeal. We are prepared to work shoulder-to-shoulder with you to make our country a leading light in the world,” wrote the 108 Hindus as they ended their letter to the UK Prime Minister.

Leicester violence

In August 2022 after India vs Pakistan match in Asia Cup when India defeated Pakistan, an Islamist mob reportedly attacked Hindus in Leicester after a scuffle during the celebration by the Indian community. A week later, the violence repeated and the Islamists attacked Hindus for days, starting from the 4th of September. Subsequently, the Indian community in the UK, especially Leicester, has been the victim of Islamist mobs reportedly vandalising and desecrating Hindu symbols. However, a certain section of the ‘liberal’ and leftist media along with Islamists and their apologists have been trying to paint the Indian community, especially Hindus, as aggressors.


Unhinged Climate Activists Throw Soup at Van Gogh’s Sunflowers Painting and Glue their Hands to Protest Oil and Gas Production

India: Hindu man forcibly converted to Islam in Karnataka and circumcised by ex-Congress Corporator

Image: ANI

Five people have been arrested in Karnataka for forcibly converting a Hindu man to Islam. The arrested individuals have been identified as Ansar Pasha, a former Bengaluru Corporator from Congress, his brother Nayaz Pasha, Haaji Saab, Ataur Rehman, and Shoib. Two of the accused were arrested earlier, and the other three were arrested on Thursday. Nayaz Pasha was apprehended in Tamil Nadu. 

Police investigations reveal that Sridhar, who is from Mandya, was initially interested in converting to Islam because he was lured with money. The accused had the circumcision ritual performed on Sridhar as well. Reportedly, the victim was also given Rs 50,000 by the accused. According to the police, Sridhar did not want to go any further after that, but the accused forced him to convert.

25-year-old Dalit man Sridhar has filed a complaint where he alleged that his name was changed to Mohammad Salman without his consent. Police have registered a case on 12 people based on Sridhar’s complaint and so far have arrested 5 people.

Ansar Pasha, a former Corporator from Banashankari ward, is reported to be a close aide to a city MLA. He was a Congress party Corporator and KS Layout resident.

Victim Sridhar revealed that the accused have formed a group named ‘Nava Muslims’ and people visiting from Iran and Iraq were introduced to the newly converted Muslims in order to attract funds from them, of course, to convert more non-Muslims into Islam. The group also has been working on the mission to convert India into an Islamic country, Firstpost reported.

Sridhar Gangadhar described his ordeal, saying, “I knew this person named Rehman for the past two and a half years.” I told him about my poor financial situation and the financial problems I was having. He then told me that he would take me to meet someone who could help me solve my problems.”

“He took me to Bengaluru’s Banashankari mosque and introduced me to Aziz Saab, who first disparaged Hindu gods and goddesses and then claimed that Allah is only one true god.”

He went on to say that he was taken to many mosques in Bengaluru, Tirupati, and other nearby places and forced to learn the Quran and pray in an Islamic manner.

Sridhar also stated that he was asked to drink some black liquid which made him unconscious. Upon gaining his senses back, Sridhar questioned what was done to him and the accused fearing that the victim might cause trouble, forcefully circumcised him, tormented him, and fed him beef.

After Sridhar resisted, the accused threatened him with a revolver and forced him to hold the weapon. After taking photos of him holding the weapon, the accused threatened to make his photo viral and label him a terrorist.

The victim also claimed that he was punched in the testicles and that a screwdriver was inserted into his anus until he started bleeding. He was also asked to convert three Hindus every year and was threatened that if he complained to the police he will be killed.

Sridhar also told that he lived in a Muslim-dominated locality and was thus, afraid of filing a police complaint. However, he later filed a complaint with the assistance of Bajrang Dal, in which 12 people were accused.


TORY TURMOIL: Jeremy Hunt new Chancellor after PM sacked Kwasi Kwarteng

Faruq Shami, the alleged mastermind of the murder of Samuel Paty still operating in Syria, no arrest warrant against him

Lawyers for Abdelhakim Sefrioui, an Islamist activist accused in the case, do not understand why the judiciary is not trying to catch this man who was in direct contact with the murderer of Samuel Paty.

He is overshadowing the investigation. What if Faruq Shami was the man who really ordered the murder of Samuel Paty? Officially, he is a blogger based in Syria, but he is the man to whom Abdullakh Anzorov, Samuel Paty’s murderer, first sent the photo of the teacher’s severed head on October 16, 2020, just moments after he had beheaded him in the streets of Conflans-Saint-Honorine. He also addresses his confessions to him in an audio message. Faruq Shami congratulates him warmly and replies with “Allahu akbar”.

According to information from BFMTV, however, neither a manhunt nor proceedings have been initiated against this Russian-speaking jihadist from Tajikistan. These circumstances raise questions among those familiar with the case.


France Télévision / Lumni

On Wednesday July 28, 2020, the US Treasury Department announced new sanctions against a terrorist fundraiser and recruiter who had provided material support to the Hay’et Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS) organisation.

The recruiter and fundraiser was identified as Farrukh Furkatovitch Fayzimatov (alias Faruq Shami), a 26-year-old citizen of Tajikistan. In fact, he allegedly used social networks for his propaganda in favour of terrorism and organised fundraising campaigns to finance the activities of HTS involved in the Syrian civil war.

Le Journal du Coin


Switzerland to impose $1,000 fine on those violating ‘Burqa Ban’

On Wednesday, the Swiss government sent a draft law to parliament seeking to levy fines up to $1000 (Rs 83,000) from people who violate the national ban on face veils in an effort to implement the ‘Burqa ban’ in Switzerland.

Notably, the proposal to ban face veiling in public was passed in a referendum last year. The right-wing Swiss People’s Party (SVP) members who constitute the Egerkinger Komitee, which claims to organize “resistance against the claims to power of political Islam in Switzerland”, are behind the initiative to outlaw face veils.

Contending that “free people show their faces” and “the burqa and niqab are not normal clothes,” the group amassed the necessary 100,000 petition signatures in 2017 to push a referendum on the issue. 51.2% of Swiss voters approved the proposed ban.

The draft law, which was sent on October 12, comes after a 2021 referendum on banning face coverings. Following deliberation, the cabinet softened earlier demands to include the ban in the criminal code and impose fines of up to $10,000 on violators. 

Despite the fact that the cabinet’s proposed sanctions did not directly mention Islam and also aimed to prevent violent street protesters from donning masks, local MPs, the media, and activists refer to the measure as the “burqa ban.” According to a formal statement, face coverings are prohibited in the community to maintain peace and safety, while punishment is not the main focus.

A number of legitimate exceptions were also included in the draft. Aircraft, diplomatic locations, and religious sites may all be exempt from the ban. Health, safety, climatic, and regional customs coverages would remain in effect. It would not apply to commercials or artistic acts.

Except for Switzerland, facial coverings are outlawed in France, which made wearing a full-face veil in public illegal in 2011. In Denmark, Austria, Bulgaria, and the Netherlands, facial coverings are either completely or partially banned.

Muslims make up about 5% of the Swiss population, with the majority having roots in Turkey, Bosnia, and Kosovo.

Egerkinger Komitee

The Egerkinger Komitee proposed a ban on minarets in 2009 on the grounds that they are a manifestation of political Islam. Despite the opposition of domestic Muslim organisations, it was approved by 57.5 percent of Swiss voters.

The SVP first sought to outlaw full-face coverings through a parliamentary initiative to amend the Federal Constitution in December 2014, claiming that burqas pose a threat to national security. However, in March 2017, the Swiss Council of States rejected it.
