WATCH: Cologne Mega Mosque Blasts Islamic Call to Prayer over Loudspeakers for First Time

Cologne’s massive central mosque broadcast the Islamic call to prayer for the first time ever this week following a German court ruling granting permission to do so.

The Islamic call to prayer was publicly broadcast from the mosque for Friday prayers this week for five minutes at a time between noon and 3 p.m. determined by the position of the sun in the Ehrenfeld district of Cologne.

The call to prayer is part of a new pilot project by the Cologne city government and is required to be only loud enough that people in the vicinity of the mosque can hear it, Le Figaro reports.

Cologne Mayor Henriette Reker labelled the pilot project a “sign of respect” and stated that is was an example of the acceptance of other religions in the city.

Last year in October, the local government granted 35 mosques in the city the option to publicly broadcast the call to prayer, with Mayor Reker stating: “Those who arrive at the main station are greeted by the cathedral and accompanied by church bells. Many Cologne residents are Muslims. To allow the call to prayer is a sign of respect for me.”

Abdurrahman Atasoy, vice-president of the Turkish-Islamic Union of Religious Affairs (Ditib), the association that runs the mosque, said he was pleased that the broadcast of the call to prayer was going ahead.

“This is an important step in the perception of Muslim religious communities as part of society,” he said.

Cologne is not the first Western European city or town to allow the Islamic call to prayer to be broadcast in recent years. In Sweden, police in the town of Växjö gave the go-ahead for the local mosque to broadcast the call to prayer in 2018, despite criticism by some local politicians.

Prior to the permission being granted, Church of Sweden bishop Fredrik Modeus stated that he not only approved of the idea but claimed he was looking forward to hearing it, saying: “I welcome the application and look forward to hearing both church bells and prayer announcements in our city.”

Happy heavenly birthday, Sir Roger Moore

By Rajan Laad

Sir Roger Moore was among the old-fashioned movie superstars from an era in Hollywood that has vanished.

He was flawlessly handsome, he stood over six feet, two inches tall, and rich baritone voice (with an uppercut English accent). Consequently, Sir Roger would be typecast as the gentleman ‘hero’.

Always impeccably dressed, always charming, always getting the loveliest of girls, always eliminating the most sinister villains of all shapes and sizes, usually unflappable while mouthing the wittiest of one-liners. 

Roger Moore in 1973 (Photo credit: Allan Warren CC BY-SA 3.0 license

He is most known for playing Simon Templar in the famous TV series The Saintand for playing James Bond in seven hugely enjoyable films.

But Sir Roger did play many roles beyond Bond and Templar.

On what would have been his 95th Birthday, here’s an attempt to revisit some of his rare and overlooked works.

Sir Roger played a London businessman who discovers that a doppelganger has tried to take over his identity. This film is dark and terrifying. Moore delivers a sterling performance in both roles as the man that was devoid of any heroism. Watch him play the everyman whose life unravels.

Delinquents take over petrol station near Paris

In Villiers-le-Bel (Val d’Oise), a group of “youths” requisitioned a Total petrol station this week while filtering access to motorists.

The scene was hardly believable. Several individuals with a migration background (known as “youths” in France) took control of a petrol station in Villiers-le-Bel and to ensure the distribution of fuel to their own advantage.

Thus, while the inhabitants of the neighbourhood were allowed to help themselves freely, the others were offered cans filled by the delinquents, the price of which was set by them. Some motorists who refused “their services” were assaulted and asked to leave the queue, CNews reported. Some even had their vehicles pelted with rocks.

The police were alerted and intervened. A young man of about 20 was arrested and taken into custody. The fuel crisis in France has caused huge lines to petrol stations in the country. Three out of six refineries are currently shut down in France, due to worker strikes that have cut production by sixty percent.

France: Teacher Stéphane Didier, accused of Islamophobia by a parent and threatened with death, denounces the cowardice of his superiors who “did not support him at all”. He has since left the region

In December 2020, two months after the murder of Samuel Paty, a history and geography teacher in a secondary school in Cognac (Gironde) was threatened by a parent and testified to the CNEWS television channel. The cause: a lesson on the Third Reich.

The events date back to December 2020. That is two months after the murder of Samuel Paty. Stéphane Didier, a history and geography teacher in a priority education zone, noticed the suspicious behaviour of one of his pupils.

During a homework assignment, the pupil refused to answer questions about the Third Reich. The teacher then demanded an explanation from the pupil. However, 48 hours later, the girl’s mother wanted to meet the teacher.

“She directly attacked me verbally and told me that I was a racist, Islamophobic teacher. She reminded me not to forget and above all to understand well what happened to Samuel Paty. It was very clear. The message was extremely clear,” Stéphane Didier recounted.

However, the teacher deplored the lack of support from the headmaster after this event: “He completely abandoned me in relation to what had happened. He absolutely did not support me. Above all, he did not draw any consequences.

He did not want to make a fuss about this story “, he explained.

(…) Since this incident, Stéphane Didier has not only left the school, but also the region. CNews

India: “The mob intended to kill Hindus”

Tahir Hussain is a former AAP councilor. Image Source: The Indian Express

On Thursday, 13th October 2022, a Delhi Court framed charges on former Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Councilor Tahir Hussain, his brother Shah Alam, and four other accused in connection with the anti-Hindu riots that took place in North-East Delhi in 2020. Justice Pulastya Pramachala, Additional Sessions Judge (ASJ) heard the case in the Karkardooma District Court of Delhi and framed charges against former AAP councilor Tahir Hussain, his brother Shah Alam, Tanveer Malik, Gulfam, Nazim, and Kasim.

All six accused were charged by the court under Section 120B, read with Sections 147, 148, 149, 153A, 302, and 307 of the Indian Penal Code, while Gulfam and Tanveer were additionally charged with crimes punishable by Section 27 of the Arms Act.

ASJ Pramachala noted that the mob’s actions were the result of a criminal conspiracy, and all defendants are subject to trial for conceiving a plot to commit riot, kill Hindus, and damage Hindu property. Ajay Jha was shot as a result of the same conspiracy. The court stated that the indiscriminate firing at others ‘clearly demonstrates that this mob intended to kill Hindus, and it cannot be claimed that the accused were unaware of the mob’s goal.’  

Notably, Ajay Jha was injured by a gunshot in the Chand Bagh Khajoori Khas neighbourhood, according to an FIR filed in February 2020 at Dayalpur Police Station by the Shushrut Trauma Center in Delhi. While being examined, Jha informed the ASI that he was wounded on February 25, 2020, when he reached Tahir Hussain’s home and was heading towards Chand Bagh. At that time, he spotted a group of individuals on Hussain’s terrace tossing petrol bombs and stones at surrounding homes while also shooting bullets.

According to Jha, Tahir Hussain, his brother Shah Alam, and others were “raising religious slogans” while hurling petrol bombs and flinging stones at Hindu residences. Jha testified that three youngsters approached him and began throwing stones at him, while a resident Gulfam fired shots at him, injuring his shoulder and chest. He identified Gulfam and named the other members of the mob who are the subject of the FIR. Jha said that he did not provide his statement on the day of the incident because he was injured.

Acknowledging this, the court said, “Just because statements of the eyewitnesses were recorded in the case at a belated stage, without affording an opportunity to the prosecution and the witnesses to explain the reasons, the court cannot declare them to be unreliable.”

The court added, “Secondly, one must not forget that at the relevant time riots continued in Delhi for some days. Delhi Police and other security forces were pressed into service to stop the riots. Hence, the focus of the police was more on the aspect of controlling the riots rather than start investigating each incident of the riots.”

Even victims and witnesses lacked the confidence to lodge accusations against anybody, according to the court, thus it was clear that nothing could be expected to go according to plan during a crisis. Their personal security was more important to them. Following that, there was a complete lockdown as people battled the Covid epidemic.

The court further said, “Indiscriminate firing at others makes it clear that this mob consciously wanted to even kill Hindus. It cannot be said that the accused persons were oblivious to the objective of this mob. Apparently, this was an unlawful assembly, acting in pursuance of the aforesaid object. Therefore, if police are prosecuting accused persons separately for separate incidents, it cannot be said that they are being prosecuted for the same facts and the same cause of action in different cases. Accused persons have to be prosecuted for every criminal act and incident, which took place because of their indulging in a riot with a particular common object.”

Role of Tahir Hussain in the Delhi riots

It is notable to mention that Tahir Hussain had earlier confessed in a disclosure statement that he chose his own house as a launchpad for the riots. Given that his house was a high-rise building and was under construction at that time, it was easy to collect stones and bricks without raising any suspicion. 

He confessed that he and his co-conspirators had started collecting stones, bricks, and other ammunition, well in advance so that they could teach those, who were in support of the CAA, a lesson when the time was right. To that end, 2-3 days before the riots broke out, he had also got his licensed pistol released from the police station.

Scottish ‘Harry Potter’ Actor Robbie Coltrane Dead at 72

Robbie Coltrane defends JK Rowling in trans row

Europe’s death wish: Euthenasia for survivors of terrorism

By Giulio Meotti 

Her name was Shanti De Corte. She was 23. This Belgian girl was euthanized, surrounded by her family, after legally obtaining euthanasia. Six years earlier, Shanti was at Brussels International Airport. She was to fly to Rome after graduation. She was in the departure lounge when Islamic terrorists blew themselves up. Shanti was a few meters away from them. She was taken away alive from the airport that morning, but she would never really get out of that nightmare.

She took eleven antidepressants a day and attended a project by Myriam Vermandel, who was also a victim of the attacks in Brussels, and which offers medical and therapeutic care to the victims of the attacks. Shanti did not hold up so she filed a request for euthanasia for “psychiatric suffering”. She might have improved eventually, but two psychiatrists granted her request. An investigation into Shanti De Corte’s euthanasia has now been opened at the Antwerp prosecutor’s office. But it will be archived, like all the other investigations.

Marion Marechal, the niece of Marine Le Pen who is trying to construct a conservative alternative in France, is right when she comments: “The traumatic shock of an Islamic attack leads a Belgian girl to the euthanasia that our government would like. A cruelly symptomatic double tragedy of our time”.

But since we live in a society that automatically transforms every desire into law, the state is now also being asked to pay for the last injection, in the name of “social justice” and “compassion”. There is, in a certain sense, a new fundamental right to demand from the state the medicalization of one’s death.

Opponents of euthanasia are not numerous, which does not mean that they are marginal. But most of them make arguments that never make themselves heard. Because the era is deaf compared to those who try to separate good and evil.

Shanti was not the case with Christian de Duve, the Belgian Nobel Prize winner for medicine who chose euthanasia at the age of 95. In Shanti’s case we are on yet another level. That one described by Michel Houellebecq: “I must be very explicit, when a country – a society, a civilization – comes to legalize euthanasia, it loses, in my opinion, every right to respect. Then it becomes not only legitimate, but desirable, to destroy it, so that something else – another country, another society, another civilization – has a chance to be born”.

Now the euthanasia of a 23-year-old girl for “psychological trauma” shows us how far the idea of ​​a “life without dignity” can be extended, a life that ultimately belongs to the state or, more precisely, to the medicine that it shortens it for “humanitarian” reasons, and for “civil society” which decides with diabolical persuasive means what is right or wrong.

What a paradox! The Western public spirit that boasts of having outlawed the death penalty glorifies it when it is no longer imposed to punish, but to “alleviate” and “cure”, thus regaining all the trappings of nobility.

We have fallen into horror and have gone from the banal slogan “you will not have my hate” of some survivors of Islamic attacks to the much more terrifying “you will have my life”?

Chanti did not commit suicide, as happened to other victims of terrorism. A state, its doctors, its “bioethical commissions” and bureaucrats gave her legal death not knowing how to offer her a moral and human alternative.

Are we Europe trapped between Islamist barbarism and the culture of death? Do the nails that hold back all our “progress” fall off instantly when we discover the funeral cloth resting on our old shoulders?

Haven’t we ended up in humanitarian barbarism, where man is erased precisely in the name of the ideals we claimed to uplift, “dignity” and “humanity”?

Did we come out of a painting by Hieronymus Bosch?

And what will honest historians say about this period of madness? Those who come out in their right mind will be lucky, but it will be our children who will have to see the sequel.

If it continues like this it will no longer be just decadence, but the apocalypse of civilization.