It Begins… Schools in The Netherlands Serve Mealworms and Insects to Children to Save Planet from Global Warming via @gatewaypundit
— Fred Alan Medforth (@FredMedforth) October 16, 2022
Month: October 2022
Staff writer for The Atlantic makes ‘scientific’ case that babies are parasites
By Olivia Murray
What kind of a monster looks at a cherubic infant, with rosy cheeks and perfect little features, and then declares that precious child to be “useless” or “pathetic”?
I’ll tell you who: nihilistic leftists, that’s who. The fact that they’re obsessed with targeting and dehumanizing the most vulnerable ought to be a massive red flag, and there’s plenty of historical precedent to attest to that. What is it with these deranged freaks categorically targeting everything that is wholesome for destruction?
Yesterday, The Atlantic published an essay titled, “Pregnancy Is a War; Birth is a Cease-Fire” (yes that’s the actual lead-in to this steaming pile of drivel). Laying the framework for an argument against the sanctity of human life, the teaser then read, “Fetuses want more than their mother can safely give.”
The author, Katherine J. Wu, starts her tale with a logical fallacy, building her house of cards upon the “scientific” and widely-accepted theory that humans evolved from single-celled organisms. Let me stress the word “theory” as this is not settled science (unlike human embryology, a discipline of which I’m sure Ms. Wu is willfully ignorant), because it remains unable to meet a standard of ‘beyond a reasonable doubt.’
Throughout, Wu sprinkled references to the animal kingdom, blurring the hard line which separates animal life from human life, one that renders humanity uniquely sacred; but aside from that, the entire essay sets the stage for a reality in which “mothers” — hey, I thought the correct term was birthing parent, or pregnant person? — are at enmity with their children, both before and after birth. Or, as the enlightened academic would say, “maternal-fetal conflict.” Get a load of this:
However you look at it, pregnancy is marked by intergenerational strife, if not an all-out war between an offspring and its parent. Birth, then, in addition to welcoming new life, can bring out an end to the harshest hostilities….
Really? “Harshest hostilities”? Pregnancy is “harsher” than being sawn in half by German machine gun fire? It’s “harsher” than the torture at Japanese POW camps?
She continues, including insight from a host of “experts,” all of whom declare that mother and child are at war with each other (thank goodness for the contribution of modern, leftist science). Wu spoke to Jessica Ayers, an evolutionary social psychologist (whatever the heck that is), and wrote:
Fetuses may maximize their chances of surviving after birth by extracting as many resources from their parent as they can. Their tool for mooching [emphasis added] is the placenta—technically, the very first organ that any human produces, Ayers said—which allows a fetus to access its mother’s blood vessels and siphon out nutrients. The human placenta actually entrenches itself so aggressively into the uterine wall that it sometimes leads to severe hemorrhaging at birth, Ayers told me, when the tissues starts to rip away.
When describing human babies, Wu refers to them as “offspring” or “fetuses” — accurate, but rather sanitized so as not to induce affection — but when talking about a baby wildebeest? The sentimental and colloquial “kiddo”.
Nothing is sacred to the left, not even eternal truths like agape love.
Wu should have at least acknowledged her apparent mentor, and given a hat tip to Mr. Saul Alinsky. From his notorious handbook for Machiavellian maneuvering, Rule Thirteen states, “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Wu picked her target (innocent babies), steadied the crosshairs and ignored all distractions, didn’t shy away from her target, and polarized it. We can already see where this is going next: Abortion isn’t wrong! Infanticide isn’t wrong! After all, maternal-fetal conflict is a legitimate scientific and academic observation! Babies and children will kill their mother (sorry, birthing parent) if given the chance! She’s only acting in self-defense! You’re a Second Amendment supporter aren’t you? Isn’t self-defense a right?
I actually debated on whether to write this or not, because the Bible does say “Do not answer a fool according to his folly, Lest you also be like him” — but I simply couldn’t resist.
Reform Party Launch MASSIVE Election Blitz
France: First conviction in connection with the murder of Samuel Paty: Girl sentenced to three and a half years imprisonment, of which eighteen months suspended, for “terrorist activities”

This is the first conviction in connection with the murder of Samuel Paty. Two years after the death of the teacher who was beheaded by an Islamist in the Yvelines department, a young woman was sentenced on Friday by the Paris juvenile court to three and a half years in prison, 18 months of which were suspended, franceinfo reported. The then 17-year-old was charged with “terrorist association that involves crimes” for forwarding the Islamist terrorist’s confession message.
According to franceinfo, she also had contact with a friend of the assassin. She is currently in custody and subject to compulsory therapy. At her arraignment, the young woman had expressed her desire to go to Turkey or Chechnya and had made statements suggesting radicalisation.
During the investigation, police officers had discovered research on her mobile phone about weapons, shooting and martyrs, reports franceinfo. However, in police custody, the teenager had stated that she condemned the murder of Samuel Paty. Le Figaro
UK: Conservative Party expels councillor for retweeting ‘Islamophobic posts’ on Twitter
Neil Oliver – ‘…new covid facts are starting to seep out…’
New Italian Speaker is pro-Putin, against same-sex marriage

Italian Lega member Lorenzo Fontana was elected Speaker of the House. The center-right voted for the deputy secretary of the Lega to fill the third highest position in the country.
Fontana is known for his socially conservative, Eurosceptic positions and has repeatedly praised Russian President Vladimir Putin, calling him in 2018 “a shining light even for us in the West”.
Fontana’s election was also greeted with long applause from the center- right deputies – the majority all standing to clap their hands while the members of the Pd and M5S remained seated and did not applaud the new Speaker of the House. There was no shortage of very critical voices from pro-war politicians denouncing Fontana.
Matteo Salvini however immediately congratulated Fontana and took his defense: “Being Catholic is not a negative value. Fontana is for Italy, not pro-Putin “. Giorgia Meloni said she was “very very happy that we are proceeding swiftly as we promised Italians”.
At the beginning of the session, some deputies of the Democratic Party displayed a large banner of protest against Lorenzo Fontana: “No to a pro-Putin, homophobic president” but were escorted out of the hall by security.
Fontana won 222 votes in the 400-seat chamber, securing support from a majority of the 237 lawmakers from the conservative bloc.
Case Report of a Pro-Vaccine Researcher Suggests mRNA Vaccine Might Worsen Lymphoma Cancer
European Public Prosecutor’s Office announces it is investigating Covid 19 vaccines
By Thomas Lifson
This report is tantalizing: (no paywall)
The European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) said it has an “ongoing investigation into the acquisition of COVID-19 vaccines in the European Union.”
“This exceptional confirmation comes after the extremely high public interest. No further details will be made public at this stage,” the office said in a statement. (snip)
“We cannot share more than we did in our statement. If there are any developments we can share, we will do so proactively (as we did today),
As The Epoch Times report above notes, the EPPO was created by the European Union last year and is responsible for investigating and prosecuting “crimes against the financial interests of the EU.”
It is only speculation, of course, but the report of this investigation follows by just a few days the revelation in testimony by a Pfizer senior executive before the European Parliament that its vaccine was never tested for efficacy in stopping transmission of Covid 19, despite being sold to EU members (for billions and billions of euros) on that basis. Here is a video from EU parliament member Rob Roos that includes his questioning of the Pfizer executive:
Roos also spoke to Tucker Carlson about it.
Indian Muslim president said: “People say we have three marriages. Even if we have two marriages, we give respect to both wives in society, but you (Hindus) marry one and have three mistresses without informing anyone and you neither respect your wife nor the mistress”

Shaukat Ali, the All India Majlis-e-Ittehad-ul Muslimeen (AIMIM) president for Uttar Pradesh, has made derogatory remarks towards Hindus while addressing a gathering in Sambhal in the state. Defending polygamy in Islam, Shaukat Ali saidthat if Hindus marry more than one woman, they become their mistress, however, this is not the case with Muslims.
Addressing the rally in the state, Shaukat Ali said, “People say we have three marriages. Even if we have two marriages, we give respect to both wives in society, but you (Hindus) marry one and have three mistresses without informing anyone and you neither respect your wife nor the mistress. But if we have two weddings, we keep them with respect and our children’s names are also on the ration card.”
The UP AIMIM State President also spewed venom on the Supreme Court’s ruling in the Hijab controversy. He said, “Hindutva will not decide who will wear what in the country, but the constitution will. Shaukat Ali further said that “the BJP is working to break the country by raising such issues.”
Shaukat Ali said that Muslims have been targeted by the BJP. “Because it is so simple to attack Muslims, issues like as madrassa, mob lynching, waqf, and hijab are being discussed,” Ali said. He claimed that when the BJP is weak, it promotes Muslim-related concerns.
Further spewing venom on Hindus, Ali said, “we ruled on India for 832 for years, and you were forced to say ji hujur by keeping your hands behind yours back in front of our Badshahs”, referring to Muslim rules from Sultans to Mughals in India.
This comes after AIMIM leader Asaduddin Owaisi compared the hijab to a bikini, and asserted that while other women may wear bikinis, Muslim women will not remove their hijab. Asaduddin Owaisi said, “If not hijab, should we wear a bikini? If you want, you can wear it. Why are you bent upon finishing off our religion, culture and traditions like hijab and beard.”
These politicians’ remarks follow after a two-judge bench of the Supreme Court issued a divided ruling on Thursday while hearing petitions challenging a Karnataka High Court verdict that declined to overturn a ban on hijabs in state educational institutions. The Karnataka High Court ruling, however, is not being stayed by the Supreme Court. The issue has now been submitted to Chief Justice of India (CJI) UU Lalit for the appointment of a new bench to listen to the matter.