France: 12-year-old Lola found with her throat cut and locked in a suitcase in Paris – The four suspects currently in police custody were all born in Algeria

On the left: Lola. On the right: a suspect

Four people were still in police custody on Sunday morning as part of the investigation launched by the Paris prosecutor’s office. According to our information, they are two men and two women, aged 26 to 43, charged with “murder of a minor under 15 with torture and barbarity”. All were born in Algeria and at least one of them is of no fixed abode.

Huddled and bound, she bears a deep wound on her neck and her body is covered in writing. According to the autopsy performed on Saturday, death was due to suffocation.  Le Parisien

The parents spread a missing person’s report concerning their daughter Lola on social networks, showing photos of the child and a suspected person. They wrote that she was “last seen in our residence at 3:20 pm in the company of a female person we do not know”. This person, as the poor quality pictures posted online by the parents show, is “dressed in white jeans, a white jumper with a hood and her grey backpack”. Finally, it says: “Help us find her”.

The investigation into the murder of 12-year-old Lola, who was killed in the north of Paris on Friday, is gaining momentum. It is suspected that the crime was motivated by a hypothetical organ trafficking. The mental health of the main suspect, arrested this morning, raises questions.

Is this the same woman – North African, mid-30s – who was reported to the police by a neighbour? According to his statement, she had asked him twice to help her carry a heavy “box”. Despite the promise of money, which she said was related to “organ trafficking”, he refused, as he was shocked to see a bloody cloth in the box. The woman had eventually hired an Uber driver. (…) Le JDD

Crisis of refugees in Austria: Migrants stand in gardens and plunder the harvest, the population hides

For the hunters, the forests have already become worthless – for the asylum mafia they are a gold mine. What is currently happening on Austria’s borders is unbelievable. The population is unsettled, politicians are at a loss. The only thing that is clear is: “It can’t go on like this” …

“There is a route across the forest area and you can see a strategy of the traffickers’ mafia. First small groups come across the border to tie up forces, and then large groups cross the border somewhere else,” explains Roman Kainrath ( Social Democratic Party of Austria), mayor of Lutzmannsburg. “I am not someone who says ‘we shouldn’t help’, but how should this continue?”

In the forest, the migrants often leave clothes and rubbish behind. “The hunters are already desperate, the area is worthless. They already did a rubbish collection, there were tons of clothes,” Kainrath reported. He was also told by a resident that she was surprised by a refugee in the garden, eating grapes: “He didn’t steal them, he was hungry. But these individual cases are unsettling.” Another, she says, was hiding in the woods on a walk when 15 to 20 young men came towards her.

Those apprehended are transported onwards by coaches every day. “The conditions are unimaginable, day after day,” the mayor said and sees the police and the armed forces at the limit of their capacity.

Johann Weber ( Austrian People’s Party), mayor of Eberau (district of Güssing), also lives in a border municipality, but he does not consider the situation to be as dramatic. Apart from one incident in which a trafficker is said to have shot at soldiers, he is not aware of any incident in his locality. “There are refugees all the time, but because of the presence of the Austrian Armed Forces, the population does not notice so much. You often see them sitting around waiting to be transported on,” Weber said.

In Eberau, the “green border crossings” like field paths have been made impassable for vehicles. They can now only be used by cyclists or hikers. The army and the police were doing a good job, and as mayor he was also kept informed.

The strong presence of the army and the police would give the inhabitants security. He also noticed a greater number of people in the past weeks. “The Balkan route was closed, but at the moment it is very active. It would be better if they didn’t come at all. But it is difficult to get a grip on this,” Weber also sees the need for a solution at the European level.

Dutch Farmers Promise Fresh Protests After Govt Backs Plan to Forcibly Seize Farmland

Dutch farmers’ organisations have vowed to launch more protests in the Netherlands in response to advice from the government’s mediator, who has called for the forceable relocation of farming firms and the seizure of up to 600 farms deemed to be the heaviest nitrogen emitters.

Farmers Defence Force leader Mark Van den Oever announced this week that Dutch farmers will once again take to the streets after the government expressed its intentions to adopt the plan presented by former deputy prime minister Johan Remkes to meet the nitrogen standards demanded by the European Union.

Remkes, who has been serving as the chief mediator between farmers’ organisations and the government in the ongoing dispute over nitrogen emissions, laid out a plan last week that would see farms located close to protected environments forcibly relocated and a scheme for the government to seize up to 600 farms that emit the most nitrogen.

In response to the plan, Van den Oever said that the scheme was “completely wrong” and that the farmers of the nation would “give the old-fashioned gas again, count on that” — in reference to the widespread tractor protests by farmers over the summer.

The Farmers Defence Force leader said that ministers have ignored the concerns of farmers and that the globalist government of Prime Mnister Mark Rutte “imposes far too much on businesses”.

The plan to relocate farms has drawn particular ire from the organisation, with spokesman Sieta van Keimpema describing the measure as a “red line” for farmers.

Defending his proposals, Remkes said last week that, as a result of the European Union’s green agenda, “the Netherlands will be locked up because it will be legally almost impossible to issue permits. Not for houses, not for farms, not for roads.”

“I write this with a heavy heart, but I see no other way,” he said, adding: “I don’t expect the agricultural sector will be happy with this report.”

Earlier this year, Prime Minister Mark Rutte announced his intentions to cut nitrogen emissions from livestock farms in half by the year 2030 in order to satisfy goals laid out in the European Union’s Natura 2000 scheme, which requires that all EU member-states remove industry or farming from areas deemed to be of ecological importance.

The government has asserted to meet the EU goals, some farms may have to reduce their emissions by as much as 95 per cent and that up to 30 per cent of all livestock farms may be shut down permanently.

Following the announcement of the scheme, thousands of farmers staged protests throughout the country, with tractors being used to block highways and other critical infrastructure, and farmers dumping manure, tyres, and hay on motorways in defiance of the green agenda.

Speaking to Breitbart News Daily on SiriusXM in July, Dutch political commentator Eva Vlaardingerbroek said that her country was being used as a testing ground for the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset, saying that “all these policies are out of those institutions and they are being implemented in our country first, we are sort of the pilot country together with Canada for this agenda.”

Vlaardingerbroek went on to claim that the push from the government to seize farmland was, in fact, more a result of the migrant crisis than the alleged climate crisis, explaining that the government wants the land to house migrants. While not widespread as of yet, this has already occurred, with the province of Flevoland buying up land in Noordoostpolder to build an asylum processing centre on the site of a former farm.

Transgenderism, the left’s offensive against Western Civilization

By Patricia McCarthy

Who among us could have guessed a few years back that today gender ideology would be the clearest, most divisive matter of contention separating the American left from the right?  To those reasonably grounded in reality, the notion that gender is fluid, that a Supreme Court Justice would be unable to define the word “woman,” that men can give birth, and that children can and should be mutilated if they are confused about their own gender identity is not only sheer lunacy, it is barbaric.  

But the left’s commitment to those ideas is total; it’s the hill on which they are willing to die.  Those who disagree with them are vilified as transphobic, haters or terrorists.   Trans activists may well be the least tolerant “community” in the country.

Recently, a young trans girl/boy posted a video of what five years of testosterone have done to her; she regrets her transition.  The comments posted below her video are vicious.  There are probably hundreds of similar regret videos but there are many more videos that promote gender transitions, even for the very young.  Planned Parenthood promotes cross sex transition and has become a giant of the industry.

Matt Walsh, who made the film that asks “What is a Woman,”  began taking the film to college campuses this past week, and shockingly, is filling  auditoriums.  But the events draw angry protesters, some of them Antifa, who scream and chant their profanities in their attempt to disrupt the screenings.  They have not been successful.  

The film is a must-see; the damage done to young people by the doctors and psychologists who see themselves as advocates for those suffering from  gender dysphoria, a mental condition, is catastrophic and irreversible.  People who submit to the “top surgeries” (breast removal) or bottom surgeries (genital reconstruction)  become patients for life.  They will live with pain the rest of their lives.

In the meantime, leftists are busy stocking school libraries and classroom bookshelves with all manner of pornography, especially promoting homosexuality and normalizing transgenderism.  As parents across the country have become aware of this subterfuge, they are fighting back, showing up at school board meetings to complain.  According to AG Garland, these parents are to be designated as “domestic terrorists.”  If reported, he will sick the FBI on them.  

Someone, some organization, is paying for “family friendly drag queen shows” in cities and towns all over America.  Small children are encouraged to watch, even touch, drag queens dressed in provocative outfits in which they twerk and otherwise behave in sexually inappropriate ways.  Who are the parents who take their small kids to such events?  Likely the same ones who embrace the transgender movement as “compassionate” rather than devastatingly pernicious. 

So just who is paying for those drag queen shows in the most unexpected places?  Candace Owen’s spectacular documentary, The Greatest Lie Ever Sold,” tells the true story of George Floyd’s death, and the millions donated to Black Lives Matter that have never been used to benefit any black lives but those of the insiders.  The film documents that of the many millions of the nearly $90m taken in, much of it has gone to transgender groups of vague and mysterious origin.  In the film, Owens calls many of them; only one had a phone number in use.  Owens seems to prove that BLM is a fraudulent organization that has benefitted no one but the grifters who founded it.   The film is a must-watch.  Our corrupt media crafted the George Floyd story and little of it had any resemblance to the truth.

As if the damage done in the name of transgenderism were not enough, the Democrat party has single-handedly destroyed women’s sports by allowing trans women (men) to compete against girls.  Young female athletes simply cannot win in any sport against competitors who were born male.  And as an added feature to this brand of moonbattery, males who identify as female must be allowed in women’s restrooms and school locker rooms.  Any discomfort caused for young girls?  Too bad.  It is as if these people who claim to value women’s rights are actually trying to erase women altogether.  Or is their agenda the erasure of gender, male and female?

Three years ago Peter Skurkiss wrote here that “…transgenderism is being forced on society not from the ground up but from the top down by the ruling elite.”  He rightfully cites the “media, academia, the entertainment industry, major corporations as the soft power behind transgenderism with its incessant propaganda” and big tech’s willingness to censor any opposing views.   The Democrat party is to blame for the laws they get passed, the judges they appoint.  

Read the whole column.  Skurkiss blames George Lukacs, the father of Cultural Marxism; Lukacs advocated for “cultural terrorism.”  And that is exactly what we are dealing with at this moment in time.  The Democrat party has perfected cultural terrorism.    They do not care who many lives they destroy in the process.  They have brought us to the edge of an abyss.  Along with the globalists, the Democrats intend to transform America into something it was never meant to be.  They cannot be allowed to win. 

“You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension.”  Nikola Tesla

“The further a society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.”  George Orwell

India: Imam rapes a minor girl in a mosque in Amroha, gets arrested

Maulana Abdul Qadir was arrested for raping a minor girl. Image Source: Twitter handle of Sachin Gupta

An Imam named Maulana Abdul Qadir of a mosque in Amroha of Uttar Pradesh was arrested on 15th October 2022 for raping a minor girl in a mosque. The girl used to come to the mosque for religious studies. She studies in the eighth standard. The accused Imam has been taken into custody by the Didauli Kotwali police.

The incident took place in a village in the Didauli Kotwali area. The minor girl was part of a truck driver’s family that lives here. The driver had gone out of the station while his wife and children were at home. His 15-year-old elder daughter is a student of Class 8 in the school in the same village. Every day, she used to go to the village mosque with other children for religious training.

Maulana Abdul Qadir Imam, a resident of village Racheta under the Police Station Asmauli of Sambhal district works as an Imam in this mosque. It is alleged that 15 days ago, Imam let other children go home and stopped the minor girl on the pretext of sweeping. He later took her to a room and raped her. He also threatened to kill her if she told anyone. After the incident, the victim went home and did not tell anyone about this incident out of fear.

On Friday, when her father returned home, the daughter informed him about the incident. Late on Friday evening, the truck driver reached Kotwali with his daughter and lodged a complaint against the Imam. Inspector-in-charge Parvez Chauhan said that an FIR had been registered and the accused Imam has been arrested and sent to jail. The medical examination of the victim is being conducted.

In Uttar Pradesh and other states, many such incidents have been reported earlier in which a Maulana is arrested for raping minor girls or boys. Now, a similar case has happened in Amroha and the accused Maulana Abdul Qadir has been arrested by the police.

Biden Attacks UK PM for Cutting Taxes

The Biden regime had previously used the IMF to pressure the British government over tax cut plants. Now its figurehead has further escalated the ugliness with a direct attack.

Biden on Saturday called embattled British Prime Minister Liz Truss’ abandoned tax cut plan a “mistake,” and said he is worried that other nations’ fiscal policies may hurt the U.S. amid “worldwide inflation.”

The main cause of inflation in the United States is Biden’s corrupt spending spree to finance his special interests. Fed rates hikes have hammered the economy while doing nothing to stop inflation, as the latest numbers show, because the administration knows it’s a one-termer and is spending as much as it can while it has the opportunity.

“I wasn’t the only one that thought it was a mistake,” Biden said. “I disagree with the policy, but that’s up to Great Britain.”

Except that Biden’s IMF campaign shows that he doesn’t believe that’s the case. Biden is acting as part of a coordinated leftist pressure campaign against Truss. What we’re seeing really is the old leftist international at work in which leftists in various nations coordinate together in pursuit of a global takeover. Biden is obviously far too out of it, but his administration people tend to be leftist radicals.

While the Biden administration courts Iran, despite its atrocities, it goes after our allies in the UK. Murdering people (as long as they’re not terrorist allies like Jamal Khashoggi) is fine. But conservatives cutting taxes is a major political emergency.

French fuel debacle spills over to Senegal

The recent events at the French embassy in Burkina Faso were yet another demonstration against France on the African continent after France was ousted from Mali. All it took was a rumour to attract the sympathy of the population and demonstrators to head to the French Embassy.

Many reactions have been heard in favor of legitimising and approving the movement to kick out the “colonizers”.

In the wake of the Burkina episode, it was in Senegal that Guy Marius Sagna, focused on French fuel coupons. The leader of Frapp-France dégage, an anti-imperialist activist accustomed to stays in prison, was appointed as technical adviser by the new mayor of Dakar, Barthélémy Dias. Sagna has decried “the monetary occupation of our countries by France through the CFA Franc”.

President Macky Sall’s credibility has meanwhile been dented by the fallout from a BBC programme aired in June 2019 that alleged corrupt payments in the oil sector involving his brother. Setbacks have left Sall with a razor-thin majority, while he faces an outcry over a suspected third-term bid.

Subsidiary legislation relating to local content in the nascent hydrocarbons industry was not ultimately a vote-winning measure ahead of the legislative election in July 2022. Senegal has set an ultimate target of 50 percent local content by 2030.

Asking France to leave Senegal

Many Senegalese have applauded Guy Sagna’s actions, no doubt in good faith, in defending their country, stating that a “plundering” was being orchestrated by France.

The activist now turned MP, has refused the fuel voucher from Total or Shell. According to him, the National Assembly has favoured private companies to the detriment of local people. “I am in the National Assembly and the National Assembly wants to give me my fuel allocation as follows: 400 litres of fuel to be taken from Total or Shell; 100 litres of fuel to be taken from Elton.

“I can’t take the 100 litres and leave the 400 litres. You have to take the whole package. I refused to take my fuel because I refuse to support Total or Shell by leaving out Elton. I want my 500 litres of fuel exclusively to support Africans in Senegal.

“No wonder Senegal and Africa are the last of the last with foreign preference instead of national preference. No wonder young Senegalese are unemployed. A Senegal and an Africa that has created a paradise for France and other imperialists by digging their own grave, the grave of their children: it’s over!”

The French state collects 440 billion euros in taxes from its former colonies every year. France relies on the revenue to avoid sinking into economic insignificance, former President Jacques Chirac had warned in 2008.

The problem for France however is thousands of Senegalese in France. Their contribution to Senegal’s national wealth via remittances is estimated at more than 1 600 billion CFA francs per year, or 10 percent of GDP, and 60 percent of the total comes from France, which is considerable.

Guy Sagna has been stigmatising a company legally established in Senegal and which employs Senegalese with dividends that are distributed to the shareholders, and the added value belongs to Senegal, whatever the nationality of the shareholders, French pundits say. Many French have argued that in this context of globalisation, GDP is a more relevant indicator than GNP or GNI.

Pro-French voices argue that states compete with each other in their ingenuity to attract foreign capital, while in Senegal Sagna’s supporters threaten “boycotts and plundering”.

Denouncing CFAs

In particular, Sagna has denounced Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) as instruments of the IMF and World Bank. “EPAs  are economic agreements that are being negotiated between the European Union (EU) and the Africa Caribbean Pacific (ACP) states. These agreements are diverse because the EU chose to split these countries into sub-regions like East Africa or Southern Africa. In West Africa, the EU’s objective is to export 70 percent of its goods tariff-free, which will deprive West African states of customs revenues.”

He explained that these deals have been preceded by the IMF and the World Bank’s structural adjustment programmes that imposed liberalising African economies and opening their markets. “It’s part of an international labour division scheme that makes our ‘underdeveloped’ countries consumers of goods from other countries whose role is to produce those goods. The EPA reinforces this process, which will impoverish our countries even more.”

Senegal will lose 75 billion CFA Francs per year in the first 20 years of the agreement, and from then on, 240 billion CFA Francs annually. According to Sagna, this has been contributing to mass immigration. “Removing tariffs for European goods in West Africa is a hidden subsidy to European corporations.”

And Sagna is not about to betray his constituents, and has remained true to himself in what some have described “his sick monomania against France”.

Blaming Russia and China

“Some of them do not hide their sympathy for Putin who, according to them, resists the West, the society that welcomed them,” complained opinion writer Mouhamed Camara.

“Let’s be clear, this is not to say that the relationship between France and its former colonies is irreproachable, far from it. But is this hatred justified and, above all, who benefits from it? In this tense geopolitical context and trade war, should we not ask ourselves who benefits from all this? Is the increasing presence of the Chinese and Russians pure coincidence?”

Some politicians declare that if they were elected, they would call into question certain agreements with France.

Camara added: “It is also urgent that France calls itself into question both in the integration of its sons and daughters of immigrants.”

Austria: Moroccan man held Tyrolean woman captive for hours and abused her

She was beaten again and again, was not allowed to leave the flat. What a woman in Innsbruck had to go through on Saturday is unbelievable. In an unobserved moment she was able to call for help by mobile phone.

The Austrian woman ( aged 28) was held by a Moroccan man ( aged 42) in his flat between 10. a. m. and 4.30 p. m. on Saturday. The man blocked the doors, used considerable force against the woman and also threatened to kill her, reports “”.
Only when the suspect was inattentive for a moment did the woman manage to get help, according to the police. She sent a message to her mother. The mother called the police. The officers forced their way into the flat and were able to free the woman. She was taken to the Innsbruck hospital with serious injuries, the man was taken into police custody on Sunday morning.