India: Muslim student chooses to leave exam instead of ‘showing ears’ hidden by her hijab after teacher wanted to check for Bluetooth device

Representative image. (Source: India Ahead News)

A group of female college students reportedly raised trouble at a college in Bihar after being asked to take off their hijab in the examination hall. The incident occurred at MDDM College in Muzaffarpur. The students claim that during the exam, they were asked to take off their hijabs so that officials could check for Bluetooth devices.

Reportedly, the girl students objected to standard checking to prevent malpractice during exams. They were then asked to leave the hall by the authorities, as per reports.

“We were in the classroom & were writing the exam when the teacher asked to take off the hijab saying that we might be wearing a Bluetooth device. On not taking off hijab the teacher asked us to leave,” the girl students said.

The college administration characterized it as a routine inspection, but the students made it into a larger controversy by exaggerating it over religious grounds. MDDM college principal Dr Kanupriya said that a student got “aggressive” when asked to take off her hijab so that it could be checked to determine if she was concealing a Bluetooth device. “She said that she won’t write the exams but won’t show her ears. Then she started raising this issue on the basis of religion,” the principal said.

She further added, “It’s shocking that a class 11th girl will behave like this. It seems somebody has misdirected her in the name of religion and hijab. There’s no discrimination based on religion or caste on school premises.”

The college administration had to call the police to get things under control. The MDDM College principal reaffirmed that there is no discrimination based on caste or religion on school premises and that the student was incited in the name of religion over the matter. Pertinently, the issue of hijab in educational institutions, which was first raised in Karnataka, seems to have reached the state of Bihar.

It is worth noting that exam cheating is a widespread problem in Bihar that is yet to be addressed. Bihar board examinations have gained a reputation in recent years as a result of bogus topper controversies. Ruby Rai supposedly topped the Bihar Board examinations years ago, only to be revealed that she could not even tell the names of the subjects she had topped in.

Another Bihar Board exam topper a year later was illiterate in his subjects.

Parents were caught on tape in 2015 assisting their children in cheating on Bihar Board examinations.

France: 12-year-old Lola found with her throat cut and locked in a suitcase, two Algerians put on trial – Judicial investigation launched for “murder, rape and torture”

Dahbia B., suspected of being involved in the murder of 12-year-old Lola in Paris on Friday, and a man suspected of being the driver of the vehicle, were brought before the court on Monday morning awaiting arraignment. The prosecution had ordered them to be remanded in custody.

The schoolgirl’s body had been found on Friday evening in a suitcase in the courtyard of a building in the 19th arrondissement of Paris where she lived with her parents. On Monday morning, an investigation was opened for the murder of a minor under the age of 15 in connection with rape committed with torture and barbaric acts, rape of a minor under the age of 15 with torture and barbaric acts, and hiding a body, according to the Paris prosecutor’s office.

During the night, investigators arrested three people near the scene of the crime, then on Saturday morning a woman in Bois-Colombes (Hauts-de-Seine), near Paris. She had been witnessed on CCTV holding the young high school student. Two other people were also arrested. The role of each person has yet to be determined. Le Parisien

Germany saw mass protests over the weekend as cost-of-living crisis grows

Germany saw numerous demonstrations at the weekend by union workers protesting the rise in energy bills and the cost of living.

Protests were particularly prevalent in the east of the country where alliances from both the right and the left of the political spectrum have called for industrial action and protests.

Under the slogan, “This is enough, we won’t freeze for profits!” the German Federation of Trade Unions (DGB) and the Left Party have called for a rally in Leipzig. The large-scale demonstrations, attended by thousands of people, were timed to coincide with the protest walks organized by the Alternative for Germany (AfD) and citizens’ initiatives in the new German states. In Jena and Zwickau, pro-union initiatives have called for similar rallies.

Craftsmen demo calls for tax cuts

Already on Thursday, craftsmen in Dresden and Bautzen had called for a reduction in energy taxes. According to organizers, around 5,000 people gathered in front of the Frauenkirche church in the Saxon capital.

Meanwhile, Thuringia has invited the interior ministers of all Germany’s eastern states to a conference on radicalization tendencies in the energy protests. The meeting, which is part of the “Security Cooperation East,” is to take place in Erfurt in early November, according to MDR radio.

Most recently, AfD, Free Saxony and various citizens’ movements have again organized numerous demonstrations in eastern Germany. In Berlin, the AfD had mobilized over 10,000 people, while in Thuringia and Saxony, according to Junge Freiheit research, more than 50,000 people took to the streets. Also in more rural regions such as Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, the number of demonstrations has recently been high.

‘Visegrad is more important than Benelux countries’

Czech president Milos Zeman shakes Viktor Orban’s hand at the V4 summit. Facebook

In the past few months of the war in Ukraine, cracks have also become noticeable in the so-called Visegrad Group.

While Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic support Ukraine, Hungary keeps a strict distance from the western war drive and values ​​its neutrality. Now the Visegrad heads of state met in person for the first time after a year and a half – and tried to reach unity.

At a V4 press conference on October 11 in Bratislava, Czech President Zeman stated that the V4 are at least as important, if not more so, than the Benelux countries. The group has shown in the past that it can work, especially when it comes to fighting illegal immigration. Zeman also called on Slovenia to join the V4 format.

The Czech president criticised the EU’s Green Deal, which is contributing to the high energy prices in Europe. “Renewable resources must be backed by conventional sources,” Zeman said. Czechia is one of the most energy dependent EU member states on Russia.

Zeman took the opportunity to meet with Slovak ex-premier and Smer-SD party leader Robert Fico, as well as parliamentary speaker Boris Kollar, leader of the governing We are Family party, Zeman’s spokesperson Jiri Ovcacek said on Twitter.

Hungarian President Katalin Novák underlined that the four countries form the center of modern Central Europe. In the current conflict, the Visegrad Group’s aim is to achieve a just peace as quickly as possible and to ensure that Europe remains an island of peace.

A Hostile Takeover of the Catholic Church?

In a recent interview on EWTN’s The World OverCardinal Gerhard Muller, the former head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, warned that the Synod on Synodality was engaged in a “hostile takeover of the Church.”

If you’re not sure what “synodality “means, don’t feel bad, very few know what the Synod of Synodality is all about.  As best as I can tell, it’s a multi-year process consisting of numerous meetings and consultations which will culminate in the Synod of Bishops next year in Rome.  It has to do with “walking together,” listening to one another, and gathering opinions from the faithful and not-so-faithful.

They haven’t gotten around yet to asking my opinion, so I’ll offer it here in case they never do.

My opinion?  I agree with Cardinal Muller that the Synod is intended to be a “hostile takeover” of the Church.  The first giveaway is the vagueness of it all.  It’s about “listening to the Holy Spirit,” “listening to everybody,” and “not excluding anyone.” It’s the kind of language an HR department uses when it wants employees to think that their opinions are highly valued.

When the Synodal leaders do get more explicit, it only reinforces Cardinal Muller’s charge of a takeover.  In speaking of divorced and remarried Catholics receiving Communion, or same-sex couples receiving a blessing, Cardinal Mario Grech, the Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops, said they should be listened to because “this [might] be an opportunity for the Church to listen to the Holy Spirit speaking through them also.”

Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, the Realtor General for the Synod (i.e., the man in charge) seems to already know what the Holy Spirit will say about these issues.  Earlier this year, he said that the Church’s teaching on homosexuality is “no longer correct.”  “It’s about time,” he said, “we did a fundamental revision of the doctrine here.”

Of course, if the Synod can revise one doctrine, what’s to prevent it from revising a few more?  Or even two dozen?  There are all sorts of pressure groups within the Church who favor changes to doctrine—changes that will make them feel more comfortable, but may cause enormous damage to the Church.

To get an idea of how the synodal way will likely proceed, it’s useful to consider an example of another “hostile takeover.”

About five years ago, I wrote a piece about the “hijacking” of the Catholic-Muslim dialogue in America by Islamists.  Perhaps “hijacking” was too strong a word.  “Influence operation” might have been more accurate.  In any event, the initial goal of the dialogue—to learn more about each other’s religion—shifted, in the words of one Catholic official, to “advocacy” for Muslims.

Thus, Anthony Cirelli, associate director of the USCCB’s Secretariat for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs told Catholic News Service that “there is an “urgency to engage more in a kind of advocacy and policy in support of the Muslim community.”  He added that U.S. bishops are “coming to stand with our Muslim colleagues…in trying to change the negative narrative surrounding Muslims in our popular media.”

In short, instead of Catholics learning more about Islam, the aim of the dialogues shifted to Catholics helping Muslims to improve their image.  The “urgency” was not to understand Islam, but to “stand with our Muslim colleagues…”  Against what?  Against a supposed tsunami of “Islamophobia.”

But there was very little evidence of any real Islamophobia.  Much of the data on anti-Muslim attacks was based on false reports.  Moreover, Muslim-on-Muslim attacks (which are relatively frequent) were counted as instances of “Islamophobia.”  And the media, far from pushing a false negative narrative about Islam, had instead painted a false positive image—namely, that Islam is a “religion of peace” that has “nothing to do with violence.”  If the media was guilty of anything, it was guilty of covering up the massive scale of global Islamic terror attacks.

Nevertheless, Catholic leaders in America and elsewhere fell for the “Islamophobia” scam, and they threw money and resources into the anti-Islamophobia campaign—a campaign that was already well-funded by Arab Gulf States.

It would be a mistake, however, to conclude that Catholic dialoguers had been innocent victims.  For most of them, the “Islamophobia” narrative was the narrative that they wanted to believe.  It fit nicely into the Catholic narrative about Islam that had developed in the wake of Vatican II—namely, that Islam was a fellow Abrahamic religion that shared much in common with Catholicism, especially a desire for peace.

This focus on shared beliefs provided two main benefits to the Catholic dialogue participants.  First, it allowed them to avoid the unpleasant business of discussing major theological differences with Muslims and, second, it gave them an opportunity to signal their virtues.

If Muslims could be portrayed as victims of Islamophobia, then Catholic prelates who “stand with our Muslim colleagues” could portray themselves as protectors of the victims—older brothers who would defend their younger siblings from the bullies of the world.  As Bishop (now Cardinal) Robert Mc Elroy said at one USCCB dialogue event, Catholics need to take up the fight against “the scourge of anti-Islamic prejudice.”

However, as anyone who is acquainted with recent history ought to know, Islam is hardly a defenseless younger brother.  The number of Muslims in the world dwarfs the number of Catholics.  And Islam is far more a victimizer than a victim.  Anyone who doubts this ought to consult Raymond Ibrahim’s detailed record of the persecution of non-Muslims by Muslims in recent years.  Yet, despite this abundant evidence, Catholic bishops seem more interested in protecting Muslims from imaginary crimes than in protecting Christians from real crimes at the hands of Muslims.

I bring up the “hijacking” of the Catholic-Muslim dialogue because what Cardinal Muller calls the “hostile takeover” of the Church by the Synod of Synodality seems to be proceeding by the same method.  The Synod organizers are not interested in debating the merits of new movements within the Church, but rather of presenting various dissenting groups as “victims” who deserve justice.

In other words, the aim is not to discuss the pros and cons of women priests or same-sex unions or the LGBT agenda but to convince ordinary Catholics that they must stand with their “persecuted” and “powerless” younger brothers and sisters in Christ.

So just as bishops have come to believe that they have a mission to protect Muslims from “Islamophobes,” they also believe they have a mission to protect dissenting minorities in the Church from “homophobes,” “transphobes,” and every other type of “progressivephobe” (a word which in all probability will soon be added to the lexicon). Moreover, the 24/7 focus on the needs and grievances of these supposed victims deflects attention away from the harm they do to Church and society

As in the case of Muslim “victims” of Islamophobia, these “excluded “groups are presented as beleaguered and powerless minorities when, in fact, they wield considerable power.  As is well-known, Pope Francis has stacked the College of Cardinals with progressive prelates who share his own agenda.  Moreover, many, if not most, of the top positions in the Vatican are currently held by pro-LGBT and pro-communion-for-everyone cardinals and bishops. It is they, not Cardinal Muller and the handful of other conservative prelates, who are calling the shots.

In this regard, traditional Catholics need to learn a lesson from current political realities in America.  In the wake of Joe Biden’s presidential victory, it turned out that the deep state bureaucracy and the Democratic machine had amassed far more power and control over American society than any, except for a few, had imagined.  The “hijacking” of America was much further advanced than most had supposed.

Likewise, traditional Catholics should not be surprised when they discover that the “deep Church” of the dissenters wields far more power than they had thought possible.

They also should not be surprised to discover that the supposed “victims” of the Church’s “exclusivity” will turn out to be victimizers.  The main victim of the “hostile takeover” will be the Church itself and the gospel revelation entrusted to it.  The next set of victims will be all those Christians who have come to rely on that revelation for hope and guidance.

A recent piece in the National Catholic Register puts the matter bluntly: “Some faithful German Catholics are already talking, not of the synodal way, but the suicidal way.”

According to some Catholic officials, the word “synod” derives from two Greek words meaning “to walk together” or “walking together.”  Unless it makes a sharp course correction, the current Synod on Synodality may be more accurately described as “walking together over the cliff.”

Meloni’s Brothers of Italy party plans to expand its presence in Romania

Giorgia Meloni’s Brothers of Italy (FdI) party has the ambition to expand its Romanian presence, Lino Elicona, head of FdI Romania told Romanian sports and lifestyle portal Fanatik in an interview.

Given the special provisions of the Italian constitution regarding elections, boosting the party’s presence in the country with a large Italian community has a direct goal that could translate into parliamentary mandates, Elicona says.

“We, the Brothers of Italy, are present all over the world and represent the interests of the Italian community in Romania. The Italian legislation allows the registration of candidates for each continent: one from Europe, one from South America, etc. They can run for election in Italy. Out of them, five people will be elected to Parliament: two to the Chamber of Deputies, three to the Senate,” said Elicona.

Under the direction of Meloni, FdI opened its first chapter in Romania back in 2020, established by Italian businessman Alessandro Console. Elicona, an art critic and head of an Italian company in Romania employing 160 people, took over this role in May.

FdI does want to boost its presence in Romania, but is not interested in gaining representation in Romania’s legislative branch, says Elicona.

“The Italian community is getting bigger in Romania every year. These people live here, have families and are represented in your parliament, which is normal,” he says. “Now, in Romania, we want to open “circolo” (circles) in Brasov, Cluj, Timisoara (three of the country’s five largest cities after the capital, Bucharest). There is a huge demand and we prefer not to stay only in Bucharest. We intend to open a center for each county.”

“As a Romanian, you can join the party, but you don’t have the right to vote in elections. We are not talking about a party that competes with the Romanian parties,” explained the president of Fratelli d’Italia Romania.

Italy has the largest Romanian community of all EU member states (followed by Spain and Germany) of about 1.14 million official residents, but the real figure is closer to 2 million. Elicona says that while FdI is against illegal immigration, it has no problem with the Romanian citizens living there.

“Everyone says that Meloni is a leader who does not want strangers in her house. It’s not that, it’s not the 1800s anymore. The problem is illegal migration, which must be stopped. There are 2 million of you (Romanians) in our country, you are already part of the Italian state,” Elicona said in the interview.

“With such a large population, it’s normal that there are some problems, someone doing something stupid, but these are isolated cases. The Romanian people have adapted very well in the Italian state.”

Investigation launched into Ursula von der Leyen’s vaccine procurement

The EU’s multi-billion dollar Corona “vaccine” purchases, which were sealed by the EU Commission under the leadership of the Germans, have come under the scrutiny of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office.

German daily BILD Aktuell reported that “the European Public Prosecutor’s Office confirmed that it was investigating the purchase of Covid-19 vaccines in the European Union”. The authority announced this on Friday. This probe is “due to the extremely high level of public interest”.

During the “pandemic”, the EU Commission negotiated and concluded contracts worth hundreds of millions of vaccine doses on behalf of the member states. This was led by Ursula von der Leyen, who has been President of the Commission since December 1, 2019. “The procedure was repeatedly criticized because the contracts were only partially made public or because there were delays in the delivery of the vaccine,” according to the daily.

A deal for up to 1,8 billion doses from Biontech/Pfizer from spring 2021 was criticized in particular. The contract volume was estimated at 35 billion euros at the time. And as the New York Times reported, the personal contact between EU boss Ursula von der Leyen (64) and Pfizer boss Albert Bourla (60) was decisive for the deal. They are also said to have exchanged text messages.

The EU Commission has refused to give journalists access to the text messages in question. According to a September report, the authority did not provide the European Court of Auditors with the requested information about the transaction. The European Ombudsman Emily O’Reilly sharply criticized the actions of the EU Commission.

This week, MEP Mislav Kolakušić also questioned the EU Commission’s vaccine deals and said that “the purchase of 4,5 billion vaccine doses for 450 million EU citizens is the biggest corruption scandal in human history”. It suggests that even “every child in the EU should be given ten doses of something whose effectiveness and safety has not been proven”.

This is not Von der Leyen’s first scandal. The French newspaper Le Mondereported already in 2019: “Three weeks after taking office as President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen was caught up in an affair that had severely weakened her during her last year at the German Ministry of Defense.

“The parliamentary commission of inquiry created in Germany to shed light on the conditions under which her ministry used highly paid external consultants, learned on Thursday, December 19, that the data on Ursula von der Leyen’s former cell phone had been deleted – the members of the commission wanted to consult them as part of their investigation.”

Pandemic of the Vaccinated: New Data from Walgreens Reveals Vaccinated People are More Likely to Test Positive

UK Cop Who Made Indecent Images of Children Spared Jail Weeks After Fellow Cop Jailed for George Floyd Memes

A now-former British police officer has been spared prison after being convicted for making and possessing indecent images of children, mere weeks after another ex-cop was locked up for sharing George Floyd memes.

Daniel Babbs, formerly of the Forensic Services department of London’s Metropolitan Police, came to the attention of the authorities after “allegedly uploading an indecent image on a social media platform”, according to an official police statement.

Babbs ultimately pleaded guilty to “three counts of making an indecent photograph/pseudo-photograph of a child and one count of possessing a prohibited image of a child” in July but, having finally been sentenced by Guildford Magistrates’ Court, he has not been imprisoned, received a mere six-month sentence, suspended for 18 months.

This means he will not be locked up unless he commits further offences during the time period — although sometimes criminals already serving suspended sentences who are caught on convicted again while serving suspended sentences still escape jail.

The paedophile’s light treatment comes despite the fact another former police officer wasimprisoned for sharing offensive memes about George Floyd in a private WhatsApp group mere weeks ago.

James Watts had “posted racist WhatsApp memes mocking the death of George Floyd” in a group with former colleagues at a prison where he had previously worked as a guard, according to a BBC court report.

He pleaded guilty to “10 counts of sending a grossly offensive or menacing message by a public communication network” — with being “grossly offensive”, at least on communications networks, actually qualifying as a criminal act in Britain.

“The hostility that you demonstrated on the basis of race makes this offending so serious that I cannot deal with it by a community penalty or a fine,” said the sentencing judge, deputy chief magistrate Tan Ikram, as he jailed the 31-year-old for 20 weeks.

Legal free speech protections in Britain are not meaningful, due to the fact that they derive from a European Convention on Human Rights article which supposedly guarantees freedom of expression but allows the imposition of “such formalities, conditions, restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society, in the interests of national security, territorial integrity, or public safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, for the protection of the reputation or rights of others, for preventing the disclosure of information received in confidence, or for maintaining the authority and impartiality of the judiciary.”