After murder of schoolgirl Lola in Paris by illegal Algerian migrant with deportation order, data reveals only 0.2% of Algerians are successfully deported

Two Algerians were charged over the weekend for the murder and rape of Lola, a 12-year-old French schoolgirl, and despite the main female perpetrator having a deportation order, she was never sent back to her country. However, official data from the French government shows that the Algerian murder suspect is one of many who have avoided deportation, with the case showcasing how despite promises from the Macron government, French authorities have been unable or unwilling to enforce immigration law.

In fact, of the 7,731 Algerians set for deportation between July to January 2021, only 22 have actually been sent back to their home countries, a rate of a mere 0.2 percent. The overall deportation rate for those with deportation orders during the same period is only 5.7 percent, according to French news media outlet BFMTV, which utilized official government data in its report.

This extremely low deportation rate ties back into the murder of Lola, who police say was killed by a 24-year-old Algerian woman who was already supposed to have been deported. The young age of Lola, and the shocking details of how she was tortured, murdered, and later discovered stuffed inside a suitcase with her throat slashed, have made national headlines in France, sparking a debate about mass migration, insecurity, and the state’s failure to control its borders.

French President Emmanuel Macron famously said in 2021 that his goal was a 100 percent deportation rate. While that rate is only 5.7 percent according to the latest data, in 2020 it was 13.14 percent, indicating that the French state’s deportation efforts have actually dramatically deteriorated since Macron made his promise.

In light of Lola’s death, this deportation data is serving as a major black eye for Macron. National Rally parliamentary leader Marine Le Pen spoke about the death of Lola in parliament, tying back to the government’s policies on migration, with part of Le Pen’s speech translated by Remix News.

“Madame Prime Minister, on Friday, time stopped for a moment for every one of us. France was frozen by stupor, sadness, and horror upon learning of the torment of little Lola. The young girl that people took away in broad daylight, in the middle of Paris, in the worst possible way. The compassion of the country regarding her family makes everyone aware that it could be our family. This is profound.

Once again, the suspect of this barbarous attack should not have been on our territory, and this was the case for more than three years. One time too many. And you will not be able to avoid the topic as you do in all circumstances and which the minister of justice has just done by shouting about recuperation and attacking with this hackneyed argument those who are outraged.

Too many crimes and offenses are committed by illegal immigrants that you did not want or failed to send back to their country of origin.”

Le Pen also pointed to crime data from former Paris Police Chief Didier Lallement, who retired approximately three months ago, with Le Pen stating he “wrote himself in his book that one out of every two offenses in Paris are committed by a foreigner, often in an irregular situation.” Data from the French Interior Ministry also shows that 48 percent of all offenses in Paris are committed by foreigners.

The French government, now facing tremendous public pressure to take action on deportations, is hoping a new visa restriction policy will produce change, with the French government making it more difficult for foreign nationals from Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco to obtain visas, Minister of Public Action and Accounts Gabriel Attal announced on Tuesday.

“It is a drastic decision, it is an unprecedented decision, but it is a decision made necessary by the fact that these countries do not agree to take back nationals that we do not want and can not keep in France,” said the government spokesman on Europe 1.

According to the secretary of state, the attitude of these countries “hinders the effectiveness of deportations” to the border once the obligations to leave French territory (OQTF) are issued by the prefects.

Besides Algeria, there were 3,301 migrants slated for deportation to Morocco, but only 80 expulsions took place (2.4 percent). Of the 24,191 visas applied for, 18,579 were granted (77 percent), which were extremely low numbers due to the coronavirus health crisis. In 2019, 420,388 visas were requested and 346,103 issued (82 percent).

The rate of expulsion to Tunisia is slightly higher, with 9,424 deportation orders issued and 131 expulsions actually taking place (4 percent). Regarding visas, 12,921 were requested and 9,140 issued (71 percent). In 2019, 192,141 visas were requested and 145,917 granted (76 percent).

Images of gay gangbangs on life-size billboards in Dutch city

Children and unsuspecting adults exposed to dreadful images in Assen. Screenshot from Twitter

In the “rainbow city” of Assen in the Netherlands, it is no longer possible to go shopping with kids. Cultural Marxism of the Frankfurt School was expelled from Germany in 1933, then settled at Columbia University in New York and is now coming back to Europe to take revenge.

After a deluge of complaints from parents, the Assen municipality moved the vile “exhibition”, reported RTV-Drenthe.

Pride director Hein-Jan Keijzer accepted their decision. “It is not our aim to provoke or cause offence,” he claimed disingenuously. The new location chosen by the municipality appears to have been quite a cynical move.

Jaap de Jonge, chairman of the gay Assen Regenboog Alliance (ARA) foundation, also agreed with the municipality. But whether the new location is a more suitable spot, he added, remains to be seen. “Now the pictures are right in front of the entrance to the Drents museum, where school classes walk past all day.”

Attempted murder in Austria: Syrian wanted to “only disfigure” girlfriend with Stanley knife

A Syrian man has to stand trial today for attempted murder in a Linz court. He stabbed his partner in the face and neck with a Stanley knife in the street – in front of their children. The man denies that he intended to kill her, saying that he “only” wanted to beat and disfigure her.

The attempted murder trial of a 52-year-old Syrian begins today in Linz. In the summer, he stabbed his 42-year-old partner on the Obere Donaulände in Linz. Because the stateless woman had allegedly been in contact with other men on social media, he had freaked out. He stabbed the mother of two several times in the face and neck with a Stanley knife. The woman suffered severe injuries, but survived the attack because a passer-by administered first aid and a man fought off the attacker.

Especially sad: The Syrian did not even shy away from the presence of his two children (both aged 11) – they witnessed the crime. The jealous perpetrator admitted to beating his partner, but he did not remember the knife attack. If he had, he had “only” wanted to disfigure her anyway, there had been no intention to kill. A court of lay assessors will now decide on the sentence, he faces between ten and twenty years imprisonment.

Germany: The Islamist with the machete shouted “Allahu Akbar” before killing two passers-by – He cut off one victim’s hand with the machete

As the magazine SPIEGEL learned from security circles, the suspected perpetrator is said to be a 25-year-old Somali citizen. According to the report, the man shouted “Allahu akbar” before killing two people with knives. One of the victims had his hand cut off during the attack. The man then fled in the direction of a drugstore, where he seriously injured another person. The perpetrator himself was taken to the hospital for surgery, but is apparently out of danger.

Muslim vet treats dogs despite stigma & critics telling her to change her job claiming it’s forbidden

France: The management of Sciences-Po University had approved a poster in honour of Lola. It has since been torn down

The Paris Institute of Political Studies (FrenchInstitut d’études politiques de Paris, commonly known as Sciences Po [sjɑ̃s po] or Sciences Po Paris), is a publicresearch university, with the status of grande école and grand établissement, located in ParisFrance, with further campuses in DijonLe HavreMentonNancyPoitiersand Reims. Sciences Po offers courses and conducting research in political sciencehistoryeconomicslaw, and sociology.

The institute was established in 1872 by Émile Boutmy as the École libre des sciences politiques, a private and independent institution of higher education, founded in the aftermath of the Franco-Prussian War with the stated objective of renewing the training of the political elites and thereby contributing to ameliorating the nation’s fortunes after its defeat of 1870. Boutmy aimed at modernising education for French civil servants, by offering additional teachings than the classics, which had historically been taught in traditional universities,[8] to focus on the social sciences, a relatively new field of study at the time, as a medium to equip political leaders with competences enabling the analysis of the state of society.[9] In 1945, the school was nationalised and re-established as a public institution, after criticism of the attitude of its staff during the Second World War and subsequent calls for its closure.[10] From the Third to Fifth Republic, it acquired a substantial role in educating the growing number of people entering civil service.

After a reform in 1985, Sciences Po began offering full degrees in the social sciences as primary education for its students.[9] Since the mid-1990s, Sciences Po’’s curriculum has been substantially reformed to broaden its focus and to prepare students for the private sector as well as civil service, and has in accordance with the Bologna process implemented bachelor’s and master’s degrees as its education model. The Sciences Po curriculum has been expanded to social sciences such as economics, law, and sociology, in addition to its original curriculum in political science and history.[11] As of 2021, 80% of Sciences Po graduates choose careers in the private sector.[12]

The institute is a member of the Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs (APSIA) and CIVICA – The European University of Social Sciences.[13]

Sexualization of Education Leads to Sex Crimes Against Kids

Once an institution has been infiltrated by moonbats it is soon subverted. This has entailed the perverted sexualization of primary education. As Christopher Rufo has documented, this now features drag performances and hardcore pornography. This has done wonders to advance the LGBT aspect of the liberal agenda, with transsexual identification among children up by as much as 582% in 2 years. The resulting climate has led to an explosion in sex crimes against children by school personnel:

An analysis conducted by Fox News Digital found that from Jan. 1 to Sept. 30, at least 269 educators were arrested, which works out to roughly one arrest a day.

The 269 educators included four principals, two assistant principals, 226 teachers, 20 teacher’s aides and 17 substitute teachers.

At least 199 of the arrests, or 74%, involved alleged crimes against students. …

Arrests that weren’t publicized were not counted in the analysis, meaning the true number may well be higher.

Although these numbers represent a small percentage of education workers, Rufo reports that “nearly 10% of public school students suffer from physical abuse between kindergarten and twelfth grade.”

At least we don’t have to worry about our schools producing any homophobes, transphobes, or prudes.

Educators whose sexual abuse of children becomes known are allowed to move quietly along to different schools in a practice known as “passing the trash.”

Rufo notes that “the scale of sexual abuse in the public schools is nearly 100 times greater than that of the Catholic Church.” However, it is unlikely to generate as much attention from the media, for ideological reasons.

This intolerable situation has produced fissures in the Cultural Marxist coalition, generating a new coalition that aligns Christians, Muslims, and everyone decent against the degenerate social engineers running our schools:

Murdered by mob coming from the mosque’s vicinity’: mother of slain Hindu man says police are denying communal angle due to fear of Islamists

Nitesh Chaudhary’s mother, Babita Chaudhary

A 25-year-old Hindu youth and Bajrang Dal member named Nitesh Chaudhary, a resident of the Shadipur area in Delhi, died on Saturday night after he was assaulted by Ufiza, Adnan, and Abbas on October 12. One more person named Alok was assaulted by the three accused on the same day. The police have made no arrests in the case and have denied communal angle in the case.

On Monday, team OpIndia travelled to the Patel Nagar area of Shadipur in Delhi to meet the family members of the deceased. All of the shops on the road were bustling with their business as usual, although they were aware of the incident. A man operating a paan store on the side of the road asked the team to walk because the lanes in the Patel Nagar locality are quite narrow and better traversed on foot. The team parked the car near the Patel Nagar Metro station and headed off on foot.

The narrow streets of Ranjit Nagar, Delhi
Police and paramilitary deployed at Nitesh’s house

The team, while on the way to Nitesh’s home spotted a flex board that read: “Kab-Kab bata Bharat (When was India divided)”. The board was placed in one of the corners of the lane. They continued via the same narrow pathways and travelled about 1 kilometre inside Patel Nagar Metro Station to Nitesh Choudhary’s residence. Delhi Police and paramilitary personnel were seen stationed about 50 meters before Nitesh’s house. However, there were no restrictions on anyone’s movement. Some Hindu organizations and media people had gathered outside the house. The team then reached Nitesh’s residence and met his uncle.

Paramilitary stationed at Nitesh’s house

The team was requested to wait for a while at the gate. Meanwhile, they had a glance around the locality to notice the normal atmosphere. People were seen peeping from other houses. Nitesh’s residence was like any other normal residence. Many electric cables were seen hanging tangled with each other in front of the house. Some women could be heard crying from inside the house. 

Hindus here have given their houses on rent to the Muslims

Babita Choudhary, Nitesh Choudhary’s mother, spoke with OpIndia. She said that Nitesh, who was a member of Bajrang Dal, was supporting the family and looking after the family expenses after his father passed away. She told that her priority is not financial but judicial support and she wants to see the murderer of her son hanging on the gallows as soon as possible. She also advised her family to stick together and said that everyone should stick together in times of distress. 

Hindu organizations and media persons gathered at Nitesh’s house

Nitesh’s mother described her locality as Jatt-dominated and stated that many Hindus had rented out their homes to Muslims. She stated that no Muslim had ever been hired by her family. According to Nitesh’s mother, several Muslims were staying in the locality of the Jatt people but no Jatts were allowed to stay in the Muslim-dominated areas. She said that all the members in her house are not only religious but are also associated with various Hindu organizations.

Police are also afraid of Muslims in the area: Bajrang Dal worker Nitesh’s mother

Nitesh’s mother told OpIndia that the Muslim territory begins from the place where her son was killed. She said that there is a mosque nearby and that Nitesh was murdered by a crowd of two dozen individuals who rushed from the mosque’s vicinity. Accusing the police of failing to take appropriate and adequate action, she stated that the police are also afraid of the Muslims in Patel Nagar. “This is the reason why the Police are denying communal angle and are labelling my son a criminal instead”, she said. 

Nitesh’s mother further informed the team that the area where Nitesh was slain by the mob is populated entirely by Muslims. Sisters and daughters, she claims, are publicly abused by Muslims in that region, due to which girls shy away and fear going there. She went on to say that Hindus close their businesses on our side early in the evening, and Muslim-majority communities keep their stores open all night, especially for meat and fish.  She also added that at night, several individuals ride their bikes around the same place and engage in terrible activities, and no one is there to stop them.

Delhi Police’s take on the murder of Bajrang Dal worker

As reported earlier, 25-year-old Nitesh, a resident of the Shadipur area in Delhi died after he was assaulted on 12th October 2022. Youths from the Muslim community have been accused of killing the young man, however, no arrests have been made so far. Nitesh and his friend Alok were beaten up by the assailants who have been identified as Ufiza, Adnan, and Abbas.

Shweta Chauhan, DCP of Central Delhi, stated that those who were murdered were ‘criminals’ themselves. While speaking to Aaj Tak Chauhan said that Nitesh and his companion Alok are themselves ‘aggressors,’ and had criminal charges previously filed against them. She further claimed that both of them attempted to beat up the accused but were beaten up even harder by the three.

The police have described the incident as a dispute between two groups of boys.  According to Chauhan, two boys stopped the bike approaching from the front, dropped the people sitting on it, and began thrashing. According to the police report, the other gang led by the Islamists then beat them harder. The Police said that an FIR has been filed on October 13 under Section 308 IPC.