Lola, the face of Europe’s barbarism

by Giulio Meotti

Horror hits France every day and it’s almost impossible to keep up with the news. A war of blood and conquest, often quietly, is declared against its inhabitants. Students are subjected to the law of numbers and humiliations are daily fare in the “neighborhoods”.

Any Frenchman, on the street and in transport, can be verbally assaulted, stabbed or murdered, because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. The elderly, regardless of their age, are attacked with impunity. Younger girls are sexually assaulted.

A new red line has just been crossed with the murder of 12-year-old Lola Daviet in the 19th arrondissement of Paris. Her body was found in a plastic crate, a few meters from her home, from where she was kidnapped. She had her arms and legs tied, deep throat wounds.

Four men have been in custody for the torture and murder of Lola and they were all born in Algeria and live in a banlieue.

Horrible and ever more numerous episodes of violence have occurred in France for years and every day. The perpetrators are young immigrants from the Muslim world (even when, as in Lyon, Algerians torture another Algerian to death and put him online).

In Rennes in recent days, a priest was attacked on the street, while in Nanterre a high school has just been closed due to the violence of Islamic students.

According to a study by the National Observatory of Delinquency and Criminal Responses, 44,000 victims of stabbings have been registered in two years, more than 120 per day.

“It is always the same people who attack and always the same people who are attacked,” says the philosopher Michel Onfray. “There is a low-intensity civil war fought by one side”.

Why did they kidnap and nearly behead Lola? For fun? To ask for a ransom, as they wanted to do with Ilan Halimi, the young Jew who was then burned alive? For organ trafficking? And what were these Algerians doing in France? Who brought them? Who protected them?

Who deliberately favored the arrival of millions of people knowing their hostility, their hatred, their barbarism? Samuel Paty would not have been beheaded by a Chechen two years ago if borders had not been opened to everyone.

“Let’s protect our children, Lola”, attacked Eric Zemmour.

Let’s take what has happened in the last six months alone:

-Military doctor Alban Gervaise was slaughtered at the cry of “Allahu Akbar” as he went to pick up his two 3 and 7-year-old children from the Catholic school in Marseille (where a Jewish teacher is attacked with machete by a student who said he wanted to “behead a Jew”).

-René Hadjadj, an elderly Jewish man, was thrown from the 17th floor of his building by the Muslim neighbor (another Jew named Jeremy Cohen was killed by a tram after fleeing from a beating, Sarah Halimi was thrown out of the window by a Muslim neighbor, just as Mireille Knoll was murdered in her home by one).

-Meanwhile, Catholic faithful were attacked in the street and threatened with death at the cry of “kouffars” (unbelievers) and “on the Koran we will cut your throat” (like the slaughtered in the basilica of Nice).

-A high school teacher in Thanne, near Mulhouse, has just been threatened with death by a student and her family, who presented herself in front of the school because “one should not talk about the Prophet Mohammed in class”. The girl’s uncle threatened the teacher referring to Samuel Paty.

-A few days earlier, a boy was arrested for threatening another teacher who asked a student to remove her veil on a school trip. This time in the third arrondissement of Paris. “I will come and destroy you, you will see what will happen to you, I am coming”, a brother of the girl tells the teacher. “If anyone asks my sister to take off her veil on the street, I will kill him.”

In France alone in September there were 313 “attacks on secularism” in public schools. And as Professor Didier Lemaire wrote in Le Figaro – under escort and forced to resign two years after Paty’s murder – “fear and cowardice have taken over and with few exceptions, there are no teachers willing to speak face to face…discovered the constant pressure that is exerted on the school, a pressure that pushes self-censorship, silence, resignation ”.

France is the only country in Europe where a teacher was beheaded on the street with a butcher knife because a student accused him of “disrespecting Muhammad”.

France is the only country in Europe where a priest was murdered in a church while celebrating mass.

France has the largest number of “no-go zones” (more than 750) in Europe.

Just three months after his resignation as Paris police chief, Didier Lallement warns that France is headed for such a “collapse” that one day he will require troops to garrison the Elysée Palace, the president’s residence.

In the book “L’ordre necessaire”, Lallement describes a country “devoured by individualism, conspiracy, Islamism.” The former police chief writes that “one out of two crimes is committed by a foreigner, who is often in the country. illegally … It is clear that some of the newcomers are integrating for delinquency. All my experiences make me foresee a dark, very dark future for our children and grandchildren. The social convulsions will be intense and destructive … One day it will be necessary to amass troops in front of the Elysée “.

We imported barbarism into Europe and called it “coexistence”.

BREAKING: UK Prime Minister Liz Truss Resigns After Just 6 Weeks in Office

100 Dutch schools forced to serve insects

The Netherlands has become a testing ground for the globalist Great Reset being pursued by the World Economic Forum. In the process, people’s diets are being switched to insects. After most farmers in the Netherlands were officially ruined by suspect “nitrate laws”, insects are currently being introduced in schools.

A project was launched to manipulate public opinion and many people are playing along. In a Twitter video the project in which insects and mealworms are served in 100 schools showed how children were being introduced to the “new normal” of the Great Reset.

It is not known whether their parents agreed to these questionable nutritional experiments. It’s a tried and tested method to introduce behavioural change through uninhibited children.

The Dutch news site rtvoost reported that children were being encouraged to eat mealworms on the menu of canteens of a hundred primary schools in Overijssel.

After initial hesitation, the pupils of the Octopus primary school in Zwolle carefully put the worms in their mouths. And as they try the unfamiliar food, only a few find it appetizing. The “teaching pack” on nutrition however is presented as “healthy and sustainable eating”.

At Octopus school, mealworms were not the only item on the menu. The Grade 7 pupils could also try dishes with lupine worms and other insects.

The province distributed the insect food

The Province of Overijssel made one hundred of these teaching packs available to one hundred primary schools throughout the region, known as the Taste Mission Adventurous Proteins, as part of the Dutch Food Week campaign by farmers and gardeners. The teaching pack was developed in collaboration with Wageningen University & Research (WUR).

The (dis)information campaign has been overwhelming. Member of Parliament Gert Harm ten Bolscher from the Reformed Political Party (SGP) saw the Octopus experiment as an opportunity to exit the provincial government building and try the new menu for himself.

With manipulative formulations, insects are presented as wholesome, desirable, and even tasty food. In doing so, they openly admit that by manipulating children, the new “food” could gain approval. Not a word is mentioned about toxins, pollutants and parasites associated with breeding insects.

The “taste week” – proposed as a stand-alone experiment – may soon become reality. Some agricultural sections have already been converted to insect production and the choice is presented as a solution to the “world’s food problem“.

Sick children

Australian schools have also been feeding children insect chips even though this kind of nutrition is by no means harmless.

An article from the Australian Daily Telegraph hidden behind the paywall  reported that at least 1 000 Australian schools were already selling chips made from insects for the sake of the “climate”. Even more alarming, however, is an accompanying video, which showed an adult trying to convince very young children that these chips were particularly healthy for them.

parasitological evaluation of so-called “edible” insects has highlighted their role in the transmission of parasitic diseases to humans as well as animals.

The study pointed out that in the vast majority of cases, crickets from insect farms were teeming with parasites. An investigation found such parasites were present in more than 81 percent of the insect farms tested; in 30 percent of the cases, the parasites found could cause diseases in humans.

What does an insect farm look like?

Entomo Farms in Canada currently produces 50 million crickets per week, which it mills into around 4000 kilograms of “protein”. The owners plan to triple production within a year. Some of the “cricket flour” goes into pet foods, is added to foods made for human consumption and used intact as seasoned snacks.

ActuallyFoods, maker of chips and other snack foods, has been writing “sustainable” on the packages for some time already. The word can also be found in the SDG 2030 program of the United Nations, which is working hand in hand with the World Economic Forum on a new world order.

In the small print you will then find “Organic Cricket Flour” listed – which means “derived from crickets”. Other companies are camouflaging the new ingredient with the term “achetas domesticus” – which is the scientific name for domestic crickets.

Sustainable does not mean healthy, although these terms are constantly and intentionally confused as is seen with a project proposing to recycle wind turbine blades into gummy bears at the end of their service.

Researchers at Michigan State University have made a composite resin for the blades by combining glass fibres with a plant-derived polymer and a synthetic one. Once broken down, they could become chewy sweets.

Microsoft founder Bill Gates, the largest private owner of farmland in the United States, in 2019 invested $100 000 into an insect-farming start-up and is known as an advocate of “synthetic meat”.

India: Muslim urinates on Hindu shrine in Meerut and is arrested after CCTV footage goes viral

Mohammad Shoaib urinates on Shivling, get arrested

A video wherein a young man is seen urinating on the Shivling in a Mahadev temple in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh has gone viral on social media. The despicable incident reportedly occurred on Tuesday, October 18, 2022, in a 200-year-old ancient Mahadev temple in Rasna village, which falls under the jurisdiction of Sarurpur police station in ​​Meerut, Uttar Pradesh. The youth desecrating the Shivling has been identified as Mohammad Shoiab.

In the CCTV footage, that has been doing the rounds on Twitter, Mohammad Shoiab can be seen entering the temple and peeing on the Shivling. On Tuesday (October 18, 2022) morning when the priests reached the temple for worship they saw the main entrance open. A foul odour was emanating from within the temple premises. The priest summoned a local youth named Mohit, who arrived and played the CCTV footage in which they saw Shoiab committing the despicable act.

Meerut police also took to Twitter on October 20 to inform that Mohammad Shoaib had been arrested based on the CCTV footage and sent to jail. In this regard, a case has been filed against the accused at police station Sarurpur.

Speaking about the accused, the police said that Shoaib was “mand buddhi” or mentally retarded and also a drug addict. They confirmed that he was intoxicated at the time he entered the temple premises and peed on the Shivling.

For the uninitiated, in Hindi, mentally challenged individuals are referred to as ‘mand buddhi.’ Such people are typically slow in their understanding and cannot comprehend things properly.

Recently, OpIndia reported how the ‘mental instability’ trope is used regularly to downplay a crime where evidently the perpetrator belongs to a particular community. It is a time-tested formula that keeps resurfacing from time to time. Be it the attack on the Gorakhnath temple or the incident in Telangana where two Muslim women wearing burqa tried to damage temple and church idols, the corporate English media, the left-liberals, Islamists, and their apologists, have been unrelenting in their use of the ‘mental illness’ trope to justify Muslim-committed crimes.

It is almost like a new addition to their old strategy wherein they cherry-pick cases in which the victim-perpetrator equation suits their narratives. It is essentially tailor-made to show Muslims as overwhelmingly the victims and Hindus overwhelmingly as the perpetrators. Thus, creating a false perception among minorities that they are under attack from ‘fascist’ Hindus with active cooperation from the state machinery.

Coming back to the aforementioned case, Radharaman Das, the vice president of Kolkata-based ISKCON was the first to share the video of the incident on the microblogging site Twitter. The video soon went viral. Taking cognisance of the viral video, Meerut police immediately arrested the accused.

Along with this video, Das also shared another video in which a youth is seen threatening Hindus. The youth identified as Mustafa Arshad Khan is heard saying, “Kaafir’s, y’all will be buried when the time comes.”

Sharing the video, Radharaman Das wrote, “When the time comes, they will wipe out all traces of Hindus. This is an Islamic Influencer. He has more than 14,000 Instagram followers. Muslims are certain of what they will do to Hindus when the time comes. What are you going to do?” he questions the Hindus.

Empty Shelves in German Supermarkets as Inflation Leaves Products Unprofitable

Supermarkets are being left with empty shelves throughout Germany, as spiralling inflation renders the sale of a wide variety of products unprofitable.

Products ranging from Kellogg’s cornflakes to Coca Cola have disappeared from supermarkets throughout Germany, with many shops being left with empty shelves as products become simply unprofitable to sell due to differentials in inflation.

It comes as overall inflation hit 10 per cent in the country in September, with EU-wide inflation for the month falling just short of 11 per cent as a result of the ongoing energy crisis, which has in turn hiked the cost of food and other essential goods.

According to a report by Handelsblatt, such surging inflation is now having a significant knock-on effect on the supply of food products within Germany, with companies warring with each other over the pricing of various items.

With the hike in production costs, food giants including the likes of Coca Cola, Pepsi, and Mars have been pushing for German supermarkets to pay higher prices for various products in the hopes of preserving their own profitability.

Retailers in the country however have strongly resisted this, with one supermarket chain in the country going so far as to accuse major companies of “price gouging” and “usury”.

“Not only Mars, but also many other international brand groups such as Coca Cola or Procter & Gamble are currently trying to ride the wave of inflation with excessive price demands in order to increase their returns,” a spokesman for the Edaka chain of supermarkets claimed.

Things do not appear to be much different at other supermarkets throughout the country, with supplies being cut off as retailers refuse to purchase products from various well-known suppliers at increased prices.

“The situation in the industry is critical to catastrophic,” Federal Association of the Food Industry general manager Christoph Minhoff remarked regarding the feud, which has seen some individual rows even reportedly ending up in court as companies are unable to come to a compromise.

As a result of these ongoing hostilities between supermarkets and producers, a wide variety of well-known brands have disappeared from supermarkets throughout Germany, leaving many shops with empty shelves.

The likes of Coca Cola, Pepsi, Snickers, Kellogg’s Cornflakes, Milka Chocolate, Ritter Sport chocolate, Wrigley’s chewing gum, along with many other products ranging from mayonnaise to pet food have all been affected, though availability reportedly varies between supermarket chains.

Such shortages however will be the least of concern for many in Germany as they enter the winter months, however, with many in the country expected to be left unable to adequately heat their homes either as a result of the ongoing gas shortage.

Organisations in the country are now taking radical measures to cut consumption, with the likes of some universities in the country even promising to push for energy savings of up to 27 per cent in the hopes of relieving strain on the system.

It remains to be seen whether these targets are hit, however, with one 3rd level institution in the west of the country seemingly relying on the voluntary actions of staff and students in order to hit its target.

How much more evidence does the press need that global warming is otherwise known as ‘the weather’?

By Jack Hellner

For 150 years, there has been exponential growth in the use of coal, oil, crude oil, gasoline, propane, and heating oil. There has been a massive increase in the use of cars, trucks, CO2, methane, the population, and numerous other things we are told cause an existential threat of rapid warming of the Earth. 

If all of the things that we are told cause warming actually did that, we would not see the record cold temperatures throughout  significant portions of the U.S. in October 2022.

Such as here:

Cold blast to bring record-breaking temperatures to large part of U.S. this week

The chilly temps could affect more than 60 million people as far west as Colorado and south into Florida, according to the National Weather Service.

High temperatures in Midwestern, Northeastern and even Southeastern states are expected to be 10 to 25 degrees below average, with low temperatures near freezing possible as far south in cities like Atlanta and Jackson, Mississippi.

How many pieces of scientific data are necessary that show the climate has always changed cyclically and naturally before this fraud ends, or before the media asks questions and does research instead of just repeating talking points?

John Kerry, Al Gore, Joe Biden, Bill Gates, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and others should be asked the simple question: How do we have record cold temperatures after 150 years of the exponential growth of natural resources if that causes warming? 

If there is no correlation, there is no causation. 

A major existential threat to our survival as a great country is when educators, journalists, students, politicians, and bureaucrats just repeat talking points instead of doing research and asking questions. Basically they are encouraged to ignore critical thinking. They are being indoctrinated on a continuing basis. The entertainment industry and a whole lot of others are major contributors to indoctrination.

The Green Energy Profiteering Scam: “Green” Profits Can Only Rise if Citizens’ Freedoms Fall

In free markets, commodities bought and sold possess perceived value. When a buyer and seller reach an agreed upon price for any product, there is a “meeting of the minds.” The value of any natural raw material is proportional to its scarcity. The more of it there is, and the more easily it can be obtained, the less value it holds. A vendor who sells ordinary rocks cannot make a living when his product is found freely all over the ground. If he transacts in gold or silver, diamonds or rubies, however, his hard-to-find “rocks” are worth a small fortune. If only there were a way to turn ordinary rocks into valuable commodities!

There are, in fact, two well-known ways to do so. An unscrupulous vendor could simply paint ordinary rocks gold and pretend that common minerals are rare, and an unsuspecting customer might never be the wiser. Through fraud, the seller can hijack the perceived value of his goods and undermine the agreed “meeting of the minds” between himself and any deceived customer. His “precious” rocks actually hold no value but provide him with ill-gotten gains. Over time, however, this type of fraud does not last. More discerning customers eventually catch on to the ruse, and that information is shared among prospective buyers. And unless he is quick to move on to a new town with new buyers yet to be deceived, old swindled customers are likely to end his livelihood or much worse. Engaging in fraud comes with serious personal risks.

There is another, safer way, however, to turn ordinary rocks into valuable commodities. The vendor could petition the king of the realm for the exclusive right to gather and sell ordinary rocks. If granted such an extraordinary license — whereby ordinary rocks may only be possessed if first stamped with the vendor’s mark — then an abundantly available natural resource becomes scarce overnight. What was once free now costs whatever the vendor and the king’s tax-collecting chancery decide to charge for the use of regulated rocks. Perhaps citizens with special status or recognized allegiance to the king will still get their rocks for next to nothing. Yet the classical mechanics of supply and demand still come into play for everyone else. Even if the price charged for an officially sanctioned rock is kept low, its value on secondary markets is determined entirely by the scarcity of available vendor-stamped rocks.

How much are licensed rocks worth if they are the only ones that may be legally owned? When a king and vendor conspire to make only a small fraction of available rocks “legal,” then their manufactured “unavailability” makes them extremely valuable. Legally imposed scarcity comes with much fewer personal risks. Licensed monopoly on high-demand commodities is a license to print money.

From this lens, it is easy to see why so many investors love government intervention in energy markets.

Governments possess the power to conjure artificial value from nothing by creating laws that make it impossible to participate in the market without first paying for the privilege. One such scheme is to take an essential raw material needed for all industrial production and commerce — energy — and regulate it to the hilt. When abundant sources of hydrocarbon fuels are heavily regulated, ownership of government-approved, hydrocarbon-based assets becomes much more valuable. When governments limit drilling and mining for hydrocarbons in the ground, they manufacture scarcity. When governments set strict limits for how much oil, coal, and natural gas may be used commercially, such energies’ broad industrial usefulness ensures increasingly high demand. When companies are forced to limit their “carbon footprint” or purchase “carbon credits” (ordinary rocks) from licensed “green” vendors, then the government’s preferred business partners reap windfalls (and the government’s treasury mushrooms, too).

When only certain wealthy individuals and companies can afford artificially expensive hydrocarbon energies as regular business costs, then budding entrepreneurs and small firms can no longer compete. Those at the peak of society’s wealth pyramid have a much easier time staying on top when the same natural sources of hydrocarbon energy once used to amass fortunes are now denied to those who would do the same.

A war on “fossil fuels” is a superb tactic for protecting private market share. It is a profitable ideological cause for fattening government revenues. And it is a constant source of income for environmental “nonprofits” and other special interests that are more than willing to feed from the government’s spending troughs in exchange for promoting the government’s profitable “green” game.

Are electric vehicles as powerful as their internal combustion engine counterparts? Can wind and solar energies really provide nations with reliable power grids robust enough to avoid rolling blackouts? Can plastics, heating oil, and most synthetic materials found around a home be magically manufactured without petroleum?

Can the global population stave off famine and starvation if farmers are forced to overhaul agricultural and livestock production methods in order to abide by “green” laws limiting the use or release of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen, and phosphate — molecules and compounds essential to basic farming and high crop yield fertilizers?

Or will these “green” initiatives wind up looking remarkably similar to the example of the unscrupulous vendor above who learned how to swindle his customers by treating common minerals as rare and painting ordinary rocks gold — or perhaps now, a resplendent green?

Is that not what the imposition of Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) standards upon markets accomplishes? Is ESG not a concerted effort to warp trading markets with acutely political aims that seek to reward companies and capital investments for their pledged commitment to ideological beliefs rather than their likelihood for generating future profits?

When boardrooms and investors distort free markets by treating stocks and other assets as more valuable than they really are, simply because they are painted a shiny “green,” then ESG overvaluation turns misguided yet “politically correct” fantasies into gold. Ideology hijacks the market’s natural direction toward an objective and transparent “meeting of the minds.” There is an unspoken but unmistakable fraud.

Until governments, including hostile adversaries such as Russia and the United States, conspired to limit the use of hydrocarbon energy and “go green,” the idea that anybody could turn a profit from the wind or sun would have seemed as absurd as a vendor selling rocks freely available all around us. On the other hand, making a fortune from bottled water once seemed absurd, too.

Government-enforced environmentalism has created its own class of “green” billionaires. Whenever and wherever governments have mandated that citizens purchase certain goods or suffer legal consequences, the producers of those goods have made financial killings.

Anyone once blissfully unaware of that kind of crummy crony capitalism surely learned a thing or two watching global vaccine mandates drive up pharmaceutical industry profits, while government-granted indemnification clauses rendered vaccine makers free from financial liability for any resulting injuries.

When governments subsidize entire industries, force citizens to purchase those industries’ products, and protect those industries from the legal consequences of their products’ harm, then money flows into the pockets of those with ownership stakes.

When kings mandate that all internal combustion engines be scrapped and all consumer vehicles run on lithium batteries, then electric vehicle manufacturers are licensed, like our royally sanctioned rock-vendor above, to print money, too. For those who jumped on the “green” bandwagon early and invested in technologies that would be touted as necessary replacements for traditional hydrocarbon-dependent machines, vast fortunes have been made. The principal driving force behind much of the “green” revolution appears not to have been environmental concern but rather good old-fashioned greed.

Sure, going “green” has been lucrative for some, but can that lucre last? That is the magical thing about hydrocarbon regulations and carbon credit requirements. Should the government’s preferred “green” vendors need more wealth, then politicians can simply ratchet up the energy pain for everyone else. The fewer hydrocarbons that companies and citizens are “allowed” to consume, the more money they will be willing to pay for “credits.” Through self-dealing mandates, governments create artificially appreciating “green” assets. The sky is the limit!

Or rather, is it not the total confiscation of one’s wealth and the fruits of one’s labor that is the inevitable end point here? Should ordinary people not be able to abandon their consumption of hydrocarbons as easily as government agents demand, they will simply have to go without automobiles, modern technologies, ordinary comforts, air conditioning, or even heat.

No personal cost, it seems, is too high to meet the Green New World Order’s demands (or to ensure that preferred “green” vendors and their government friends remain flush). “Green” profits can only rise if citizens’ freedoms continue to fall.

Does that sound remarkably similar to another political philosophy that is predicated on the abolition of all private property? What is that old saying somewhat apocryphally credited to Vladimir Lenin? “The capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.” Or perhaps today it is the “green” capitalists who make money by rendering food and fuel scarce, virtue-signaling “green” advocates who cheer the one-sided transaction, and the increasingly impoverished Western citizens who end up worse off than ever.

This much is certain: irrespective of prevailing politically correct Western “wisdom” and the current environmental “madness of crowds,” should the hydrocarbon bedrock of the global economy be traded for worthless “green” rocks, neither wealthy capitalists nor poor citizens will long survive.

New data shows immigrants are driving down wages for German workers

The left-liberal German government’s immigration policy is depressing wages for skilled German workers, says Alternative for Germany (AfD) social affairs expert René Springer. He adds that even though the government poses as a left-wing champion, its actual economic policy is aggressive neo-liberalism.

“The state is now only a vicarious agent of a neo-liberal policy to lower wage costs on the backs of employees,” the member of the Bundestag told German news portal Junge Freiheit.

Springer’s request to the federal government inquiring about the wage differences between Germans and foreigners, which the government answered, was made exclusively available to Junge Freiheit. According to the government report, German employees earned an average of €3,643 in 2021, more than €900 higher than foreigners, who have an average salary of €2,728. The gap has more than doubled since 2012, when it was €400 per month.

The AfD politician is now warning of politics at “the expense of employees.”

The wage differences with employees from the main countries of origin of asylum seekers are particularly large. Here, the salary difference was almost €1,400. Among Bulgarians, the wage difference was even higher, at €1,479 per month. According to the German government, 70 percent of full-time skilled workers receive wages that are lower than those of German skilled workers. Even 43 percent of foreign skilled workers earned less than unskilled German workers.

This disparity in incomes is also reflected in pension payments later. About 28 percent of foreign workers received a wage in 2021 that was insufficient to receive a pension above the basic income support level after 45 years of work. For people from the main asylum countries of origin, this is 44 percent. By comparison, wages for German workers are only 11 percent below what would be needed for a pension above the minimum wage.

For Springer, the figures have a clear message:

“The state is now only a vicarious agent of a neo-liberal policy to lower wage costs on the backs of employees,” he said. The AfD rejects “the wage-depressing import of a foreign reservist army (…) just as much as the mass immigration of precarious and unskilled workers,” said Springer.

Paris police warn tourists against fake petition scams

The Paris police prefecture has warned on its Twitter account against scams with false petitions, particularly targeting the many French and foreign tourists in the capital. These scammers sometimes ask for money.

The prefectural services have called on tourists to be wary of “people who cannot claim to be from a recognised association and who approach you, petition in hand, to make you sign a document or ask for money”.

Particularly popular with these scammers, are some of the capital’s most touristy spots, such as the Champ-de-Mars or the Champs-Elysées, are often the target of large-scale police operations aimed at reassuring Parisians and travellers against street sales, theft and crime in general.

“There are 20 million tourists who come to the Champ-de-Mars site and seven [million] who visit the Eiffel Tower. Inevitably, this is an attractive public for criminals,” said Isabelle Tomatis, head of the Parisian local security department (DSPAP), speaking to BFM Paris-Île-de-France last April.

With the end of the health crisis, tourists are back in the capital, prompting the police to repeat this type of operation frequently. According to responses on social media, most of the false petitioners were from the Roma community. The police would not comment on the ethnicity of the perpetrators however.

Eva Vlaardingerbroek: ‘Climate Transition’ Is Globalist Pretext to ‘Starve’ and ‘Freeze’ Europe

Dutch commentator Eva Vlaardingerbroek said on Tuesday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow that left-wing globalist interests use what they they say is the threat of “climate change” as a pretext to “freeze” and “starve” people.

“[Globalists] are the ones that say we need to transition into renewable energy and all these things, and just starve to death and be hungry, basically, and freeze to death in our homes, because energy prices are skyrocketing,” Vlaardingerbroek stated. “But they themselves never have to deal with any of the consequences of the policies that they’re pushing, and that’s just what is so incredibly sinister — but also evil — about this.”

“It’s really a ‘Do as I say, not as I do’ type of situation. [Supranational organizations] all basically have the same globalist agenda, [and] are pushing for what they call a ‘climate transition.’”

Vlaardingerbroek recalled the recent promotion of Dutch children eating insects — ostensibly to combat “climate change” by lowering carbon dioxide emissions with insect production relative to animal husbandry and meat processing — as an illustration of leftist premises used as pretexts for government control over food production.

She noted how proponents of insect eating describe the practice as an avenue to “alternative proteins” relative to dairy, eggs, wild game, livestock, poultry, and fish.

Vlaardingerbroek said it was “evil” and “sinister” for the left to use children as political props as part of its “climate change” campaign. Such political messaging, she added, preys on children’s innocence.

“These adults know exactly what they’re doing,” she said. “They’re corrupting the youngest [with] ancient techniques, especially from the communists, to get to the minds of children first.”

She concluded by warning that Europeans are at risk of being frozen to death in the winter as energy costs continue to be artificially inflated by government edicts and decrees — including supranational organizations such as the European Union and United Nations — marketed as measures to mitigate “climate change.”