Booming Bovine: Spanish Farmer Fined 300 Euros After Cow Moos Too Loud

The local council of the Spanish municipality of Siero has handed out several 300 euro fines to local farmers because one of their cows mooed above the allowed decibel limit.

The 300 euro (£261/$293) fine was handed down to local farmers in the municipality after a neighbour complained that one of the cows kept by the farmers was mooing too loudly.

The booming bovine, named Carmina, was just several months old when the loud mooing took place last December, but the fine was not handed down until this week, the Spanish newspaper El Mundo reports.

While the owners of the cow stated that the loud mooing had only gone on for a few days, the neighbour claimed that the noise had gone on for several months. The farmers claimed that the cow had mooed and moaned more than normal but added, “it sounds ridiculous to have to justify the mooing of a cow.”

The police of the town, meanwhile, measured the mooing of the cow and found it to be 74 decibels, far above the maximum limit of 55 decibels allowed by the local government’s noise laws.

Similar stories of odd noise complaints by people unwilling to put up with the normal pattern of life in the countryside have been seen in recent years, including a small town outside of Madrid that considered fining a local church around 16,000 euros in 2016 because the church’s bells were deemed to be too noisy.

The bells of Our Lady of the Assumption Church in Mostoles were found to be around 30 decibels above the 55-decibel limit, the same limit as in Siero.

Just a year later, the bells of St Peter’s in Sandwich, Kent, South East England, which had rung every 15 minutes since 1779, were silenced by the local government following a single noise complaint.

The decision by the Siena local government is also just the latest bizarre government decision regarding cows and comes as New Zealand’s leftist Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and her government proposed taxing cow burps and urination to fight against climate change earlier this month.

France: At Science Po, a veiled woman tears down posters for Lola!

The twitterers are freaking out. They can’t take it any more …

Some don’t seem to know it yet: The dhimmi politicians have rushed to make no mention of the headscarf ban at the university… which has been left to the free will of the governing boards, the majority of which are in the hands of the left…. So, yes, there may be Sciences po veiled who remove the image of the little martyr Lola.

By the way, in what way does this poster, this image of Lola, bother a veiled person, huh? Aha, because the murderer is from Algeria and therefore probably a Muslim? Hatred of France drives this unsympathetic to prefer the murderer to the victim. Of course that is so. That’s why Islam is incompatible with France.

Christine Tasin

Four German states are repealing rules on water purification

Sewage treatment plants in Germany are running out of chemicals. Four federal states are therefore taking drastic steps and they have been allowing the phosphate limit values ​​to be exceeded.

The European production of the “precipitants”, which are essential for the chemical cleaning of sewage water, has fallen by more than 50 percent due to the self-imposed energy crisis. A quarter of German sewage treatment plants have since reported delivery failures.

The chemical industry currently has its back to the wall – more and more companies are threatened with bankruptcy. Wolfgang Große Entrup, General Manager of the industry association VCI, said in an interview with ntv recently: “The skyrocketing energy prices are hitting our industry brutally.”

The VCI boss added: “We are therefore looking extremely critically and with deep concern into the future”. And that has serious consequences, not only for the employees of the affected companies but also for the public in general.

Many sewage treatment plants in Germany no longer have enough iron and aluminum salts to comply with the strict guidelines for phosphates. The so-called precipitating agents, which bind the phosphates and are disposed of with the sewage sludge, are normally a by-product of the production of hydrochloric acid.

This production, in turn, is in trouble. There are two reasons for this: Firstly, the production of hydrochloric acid is energy-intensive and therefore very expensive in times of high electricity and gas prices. Secondly, as the economy suffers because of inflation, there is also less demand for products that normally use hydrochloric acid in their manufacturing process. These are, for example, paints and varnishes.

The German Association for Water Management, Wastewater and Waste (DWA) reported after a representative survey in September that a quarter of the sewage treatment plants had already reported delivery failures of the urgently needed chemicals. For October it was expected that the delivery bottlenecks would affect every second sewage treatment plant operator in the country.

In order for sewage treatment plants to be able to continue to work despite the shortage, decrees have been issued in North Rhine-Westphalia, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein, which allow the plants to exceed the phosphate limit values. Comparable regulations have been announced in Thuringia, and a corresponding decree is being prepared in Saxony-Anhalt.

What does all this mean?

Sewage treatment plants have to pay a wastewater fee to the state for discharging phosphorus compounds – which in turn is passed on to the public in the form of wastewater fees. The higher the phosphorus levels, the higher the fees. So water treatment could become significantly more expensive.

In the long term, higher phosphorus discharges into water bodies, whereby the substances could reach the sea via rivers, could also lead to eutrophication. If there is a lack of precipitants, the operators can no longer bind enough phosphates from the wastewater.

When this poorly treated water is discharged into rivers, the phosphates become a problem because they serve as nutrients for algae, for example. This in turn could deprive other plants and animals in the water of nutrients and oxygen. Some types of algae also excrete toxins into the water that are harmful to flora and fauna. If too many phosphates get into the sea, algae carpets can form there, which also block sunlight and thus harm other living beings.

In this context one speaks of “dead zones”.

Another problem

Drinking water is also affected: Not only sewage treatment plants, but also the drinking water suppliers are reporting a lack of chemicals – the flocculants, which are necessary to free the water from so-called suspended matter, are also becoming scarce. This could have serious consequences. “In the worst case” without flocculants, the water could become cloudy, “which would no longer make it possible to supply it as drinking water,” the Association of Municipal Enterprises (VKU) told the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung (NOZ).

According to the VKU, the drinking water suppliers which are affected, are especially those who get their water from dams, for example. This water must be treated for suspended matter

At the request of NOZ, the four federal states confirmed that they had issued decrees allowing the sewage treatment plants to exceed phosphate limits and added that the operators were required to report exceedances to the authorities.

Higher phosphate concentrations in rivers are possible in winter because algae hardly grows in the cold season but if the emergency continues in the coming spring or even summer, it could become a major headache.

Unvaccinated Single Women Say ‘No’ To Vaccinated Single Men

By Laura J. Wellington

Ask any single woman about the ease of dating in today’s world and they will most certainly roll their eyes and groan. As a single woman myself, I can vouch for how tough the dating climate is for every one of us. But unvaccinated, single women now have it that much harder. The reason? The decision as to whether or not they will date vaccinated men is now on the table. And I can tell you first-hand, which has nothing to do with the viability of the candidates, themselves, as rich and interesting prospects, but rather “sex” to put it bluntly.  

The overriding concern that the harmful effects of this vaccine may, ultimately, enter these women once the raincoat comes off.

As these women chose to remain unvaccinated for a reason, mitigating any risk by eliminating candidates based upon vaccine-status has become their new norm. Doing so isn’t without its issues, admittedly. Qualifying single men by such a standard makes the pool in which to select from additionally small, especially if one is living in a blue state. On top of that, plenty of single men don’t shine to the notion that they aren’t being considered simply because they decided to get vaccinated. Among the most disgruntled, hostile men tend to be those who succumbed to the vaccine by force. Feeling penalized twice over for a vaccine they never wanted to begin with, many of these men don’t handle these women’s rejection well.  

Guilt, annoyance, diminishment, and just plain rudeness are known to occur in relation to these women’s decision to stay committed to their particular stance. “I have been called names for stating that the vaccine is a dealbreaker for me,” said Anika Janis.

For these women, there is simply not enough information about the vaccine or its effects to warrant consideration. No one knows the ramifications or what is to come for those who took the vaccine.

Where men might take being vetoed personally, women don’t see it that way. Women see it as an act of self-preservation and safety in the face of reality, given the nature of a large portion of men presently. Most will not want to keep that raincoat on for longer than absolutely necessary. With this in mind, until much, much more is uncovered about how this vaccine impacts lives, the decision ‘not to date’ vaccinated men remains steadfast for numerous unvaccinated women. 

Although some may see these women’s extreme caution as being foolish, others point to the “intense criticism experienced, extreme pressure imposed by vaccine mandates, and the physical anomalies shared by outspoken vaccinated — people no longer the picture of health after receiving the vaccine” that validate their decision. For these women, science ‘speaking to the efficacy of the Covid-19 ,vaccines’ does little to remove the fear associated with what they are observing all around them simply because “no one knows who to trust anymore” in their opinion. That, in itself, is the only consistent truth these women feel that they can count on.  

And if you think they are alone in this assertion, think again. Plenty of unvaccinated parents agree and are cautioning their teenage and adult children to adopt that same form of thinking when it comes to dating. Single, unvaccinated men are also following suit and running into the same issues as their single, unvaccinated, female counterparts. Calling themselves “Purebloods,” they too are only looking for unvaccinated partners to date. And even unvaccinated, married women have taken a stand with regards to their husbands’ decisions to take the vaccine or not. Several have noted to me that “divorce has been become an option” if their husbands buckled to the pressure of being vaccinated. All in all, the dilemma is resonating strongly across the unvaccinated board, beginning with single women. 

As each person’s health is truly their own responsibility, the stance so many unvaccinated, single women are taking when contemplating future partners holds implications that span everything from ‘lost opportunity’ to ‘potentially moving to red states boasting larger pickings’ to the possibility of ‘remaining alone’ forever. That said, there is also the factor of time that may soften their positions. As more information comes out and more is understood, some of them may change their minds. But many say “No,” citing differing vaccination statuses and ‘overall perspectives between vaccinated and unvaccinated’ being just too great. The same holds true for blood transfusions, which they are also avoiding like the plague due to concerns over “vaccinated” blood being given to them. 

“The Decision to Live. Unfortunately the blood supply is contaminated too, so no blood transfusions,” said Moa Refm.

“It (the vaccine) says a lot about who these men are at the core, including their level of awareness and definition of life,” said Kathy McPherson.

Fear over the exchange of bodily fluids (including saliva) combined with worries about the ramifications of shedding adds a further layer and deterrent beyond mere ejaculation. It isn’t one element alone that screams, “Stop,” rather many woven together — all of which make complete sense in their particular view.

For now, dating for single, unvaccinated women has just become even more insufferable than before. Who would have ever thought that “vaccine status” would become so central to cultivating new friendships and love relationships for much of our nation? The divide is here to stay because the damage that caused it has already been done. Nothing can put that genie back in its bottle.

Italy’s Meloni and Polish conservatives see eye to eye on common values and European security

Italy’s prime minister in-waiting, Giorgia Meloni, thanked Polish President Andrzej Duda for his words of support during his interview with Italian state TV RAI. In her Twitter post, she also added that she is convinced that “Italy and Poland can enhance cooperation to defend common values and European security.”

In his interview for RAI2, Duda said that Meloni’s views were fully in line with those of Poland when it came to both global matters and also traditional values. He paraphrased Meloni’s now famous words, “I am Georgia, I am a woman, I am a mother, and I am a Christian,” by saying “I am Andrzej, I am a man, I am a father, and I am a Catholic.” 

According to Duda, there is a striking affinity of ideas between Meloni and his own when it comes to matters such as defending the family, faith, and Christian values. He gave Poland’s pro-family program of universal child benefits as an example and argued that it was not aid or a payoff but an investment in the future. 

The Polish president said that he hoped Italy and Poland could cooperate together to change Europe in the desired direction, saying, “We want a strong Europe based on the partnership of free nations and equal states that are sovereign, national-based, and working together rather than interfering in matters of religion and culture.” 

Meloni’s Brothers of Italy party is part of the same European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) Group that was co-founded by Poland’s ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party for whom Duda stood for president in 2015 and was re-elected in 2020.

Meloni’s views on culture and society and her support for Europe’s alliance with America are a mirror image of those of PiS, according to Duda. The Polish ruling party had previously been courted by Matteo Salvini but has found Meloni’s views on key issues such as the war in Ukraine far more to its liking. Meloni has from day one supported Ukraine and unequivocally condemned Vladimir Putin’s invasion.

Serbian police raid again uncover armed asylum seekers

Peaceful villages in Serbia are overrun by illegals who locals say are aggressive and destroy their property. Many are armed.

In a special police raid, which took place in the early morning hours of October 4, 200 foreign citizens without legal residence permits on the territory of the Republic of Serbia were detained in the village of Srpski Krstur. According to the police officers’ report, firearms, knives, a large sum of money and an AK 47 Kalashnikov automatic rifle were seized.

In July, operational teams in the area of ​​the Police Administration for the city of Belgrade, as well as the police administration in Kikinda, Subotica and Sombor, took measures against 85 illegal migrants, six of whom were arrested, the police reported.

The statement stated that criminal charges were filed against the two migrants due to the suspicion that they had committed various criminal acts. The police confiscated three automatic rifles, a rifle, four pistols, 12 pieces of different knives, machetes, sabers and boxers, as well as 182 pieces of ammunition of different calibers.

Marijuana and pills included in the list of psychoactive substances, 12 mobile phones, three forged ID cards and three forged passports were seized.

A large presence of illegals from India, Tunisia, Burundi, North Africa and some other countries is visible on the streets of Belgrade. They also arrive in the city on regular flights and enter the territory of Serbia without restrictions, as they are allowed visa-free entry and exit. According to the first estimates, 300 “tourists” arrive by this route every day, but according to rumors it could be more than a thousand.

These migratory movements were also noticed by the EU, prompting the Austrian Interior and Foreign Ministers Gerhard Karner and Alexander Schallenberg (both ÖVP) and the Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijarto to visit Belgrade. There they met with Aleksandar Vulin, Minister of Interior of the Republic of Serbia.

At the meeting of European home affairs ministers in Luxembourg on October 14, 2022 , Home Affairs Commissioner Ylva Johansson announced that European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen had been in contact with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. She said a commitment had been received that Belgrade would harmonize visa policy with the European one. Johansson did not rule out the possibility of reintroducing visa requirements for citizens of Serbia entering the EU due to the situation.

The Serbian authorities responsible for the care of immigrants indicate that around 6 000 illegals are currently registered on Serbian territory in their lists.

Unofficial estimates put the number at more than 15 000, and to that number must be added 16 000 people who have fled Ukraine. These were recorded in a separate statistic and they are housed and looked after according to a different system.

The American Stasi State – Unity for the Left means conformity … or else

I do not take the topic of this week’s missive lightly, and it comes from experience. Back in the mid-80s, I was a young Army Paratrooper Lieutenant assigned to the 325th Airborne Battalion Combat Team in Vicenza, Italy. Each January-February, we did training exchange rotations with the famed Berlin Brigade. They would come down to Folgaria, Italy, and participate in our cold-weather mountain warfare training course. We would deploy to take advantage of their MOUT (military operations in urban terrain) facility. While in West Berlin, by agreement, members of our military could travel into East Berlin through Checkpoint Charlie.

I remember receiving the safety brief about being situationally aware of the East German secret police, known as the Stasi. They would be shadowing us and ensuring there was no conversational contact with East Germans, beyond purchasing goods. The Stasi was part of a brutal regime that imprisoned its political opposition; many of whom were never to be heard from again. What I witnessed as a young 24-year-old Army officer was something I never wanted my country to experience.

Sadly, what I did see then has now infiltrated our country. When Joe Biden stands before an ominous and extremely dark backdrop to castigate millions of Americans as extremists, fascists, threats, and enemies, we have crossed an extremely dangerous Rubicon. This is the mantra of the real fascists, socialists, Marxists, and yes, communists, to disparage their political opposition, dehumanizing them, and setting them up for a “by any means necessary” agenda of suppression, silencing, and eradication.

America is becoming a Stasi state.

Over the past year, we have seen parents who resisted the indoctrination of their children be attacked. How interesting it is that the National Association of School Boards, of which many state school boards are members, wrote a letter to the U.S. Attorney General demanding that parents showing up at school board meetings be designated as domestic terrorists. And even in the Lone Star State of Texas, we had two dads arrested in their homes, before their families, at night, in Round Rock, Texas, all because they spoke up about transparency and their disagreement with the current superintendent.

Recently, the American Medical Association sent a letter to the U.S. Attorney General. Their letter demanded that anyone, including journalists, who speaks out against child gender modification, mutilation, surgeries, puberty blockers, and hormonal therapies be investigated. So, in other words, a medical association, which we all know is quite leftist, does not want any speech against surgically mutilating young children. Based upon a video from Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, it appears that this is a lucrative business. Matter of fact, Planned Parenthood has opened up a new line of business in child gender mutilation surgery. Take note that a gender mutilation surgery center in San Francisco sought to sponsor a drag event at a gay bar in San Diego for children.

Speaking of California, its state legislature just passed a law, which will surely be signed by Gov. Newsom, that will punish medical professionals spreading so-called Covid-19 “disinformation.” Since when were elected officials smarter than medical professionals? The most severe punishment is the revocation of a medical license. The state government is now interjecting itself into the doctor-patient relationship.

The U.S. Department of Justice just announced it will begin an investigation into Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter. Why not investigate Kroger acquiring Albertsons? Oh yeah, Twitter is an information platform that the leftists, and fascists, do not want to lose. I guess the world’s richest man is not out of reach for the American Stasi state. And the same DOJ is opening an investigation on Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis for transporting 50 illegal immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard…but no investigation into the Biden administration doing (which it still does) the very same thing all across the nation?

Indiana congressional candidate Jennifer Ruth-Green had her military personnel file illegally accessed and given to Politico for a hit piece that revealed her sexual assault while in Iraq. The U.S. Air Force has come out publicly and stated that it had no record of anyone requesting under FOIA to obtain her personnel file, which Politico said they did. Jennifer Ruth-Green is an Air Force Academy graduate, but sadly, she is a Black female conservative. To the American Stasi state, she is the enemy for being a black woman that is not a socialist or Marxist.

And so it goes when an 83-year-old pro-life volunteer, Joan Jacobson of Michigan, was shot because she believed in the very first unalienable right, life, for the unborn children of America. Or what about 80-year-old Julie Jaman of Port Townsend, Washington, who was banned from her YMCA for complaining about a gender dysphoric male staff member being in the women’s locker room and heckled by the Stasi state brown shirts? Or how about the unfortunate story of 18-year-old North Dakota teenager, Cayler Ellingson, who was run down by a triggered Marxist believing the kid was a Republican extremist? None of these stories received any coverage from the American Stasi state media propaganda wing.

Americans deemed the political opponents of the Stasi state are being targeted and having their homes raided…yet not one single black-clad and masked Antifa leader has been arrested. And even if they were, the Stasi state, meaning Kamala Harris and her ilk, will raise funds and advocate for their being released. And even in our nation’s capital, a new Bastille has arisen, a place to unlawfully detain and hold Americans with their due process constitutional rights being violated.

This is all the result of constitutional conservatives, concerned parents, and those who believe they have a right to free speech, free expression, peaceably assemble, and petition their government for a redress of grievances being labeled as domestic terrorists, fascists, and the enemy. If you are burning down city blocks, attacking law enforcement, and entering the country illegally, that is permitted by the American Stasi state, along with releasing violent criminals back onto our streets.

The midterm elections will determine whether or not our constitutional republic survives or if the American Stasi state expands.

Who knows, perhaps one day, I will have the late-night banging upon my door because I dare to cower in fear, intimidated into silence, afraid for my family. Perhaps I will have my bank account suspended as have so many others. The funding of 87,000 new IRS agents is not in the interest of the American people. It is in the interest of the American Stasi state, to be weaponized against political opponents.

Unity for the progressive socialist leftists and Marxists means conformity…or else. I find it funny because during the Trump presidency, all we heard from the left was “Resist.” Thanks, y’all, that is exactly what I plan to do…Steadfast and Loyal.