Road accidents to stop Putin: Augsburg to switch off traffic lights

In its sanctions policy against Russia, EU leaders are increasingly overstepping boundaries – also against their own people. 

One of the most active globalist trendsetters is once again the German State of Bavaria. CSU Prime Minister Söder already distinguished himself with particularly drastic measures during the Corona crisis. Citizens are now expected to accept questionable measures in the fight against Russian President Putin.

In the Bavarian city of Augsburg, for example, it has been calculated that energy costs are likely to rise by almost 80 percent in the current year. That is why everything that can be switched off, including traffic lights, will soon be switched off.

Mayor Eva Weber (CSU) explained: “The situation is serious.” Therefore, room temperatures in municipal offices are to be lowered in autumn and winter, and some buildings will be left completely cold through “effective room management”.

Water temperatures in swimming pools will be reduced. The façade lighting on historical buildings and museums will be switched off, and fountains will also be turned off. Street lighting will be dimmed. Switching off of traffic lights will also be considered.

The city and the police will be explaining which traffic lights are most relevant to safety – all others could be switched off without further ado. There are no longer any taboos when it comes to saving energy in the state.

The taboo, however, is to demand an end to the self-imposed energy shortage. This could be done quickly and easily: by ending sanctions against Russia and by opening the Nord Stream 2 Baltic Sea pipeline, which has long been completed.

Chancellor gets carried away

Chancellor Scholz has now let himself be carried away into making an extremely partisan (and possibly illegal) statement about the AfD. He called it the “party of Russia” during the government’s questioning in the Bundestag on Wednesday.

The chancellor was responding to a question from AfD MP Steffen Kotré, who had called sanctions against Russia “useless” and called for the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline between Russia and Germany to be put into operation. Scholz responded, “I stand fast: the AfD is not only a right-wing populist party, but also the party of Russia.”

Scholz reiterated that Germany was preparing to do without Russian oil and gas and was also building the necessary infrastructure to do so. He added: “This is real energy security for Germany in the interest of all citizens.” Scholz’s argument does not sound convincing in the face of the many hardships that ordinary Germans now have to struggle with.

In the past, the AfD had filed a lawsuit against similar statements by then Chancellor Angela Merkel before the Federal Constitutional Court (BVerfG) in Karlsruhe and won the case. As recently as June 15 this year, the BVerfG ruled that Angela Merkel was not allowed to comment on the outcome of the Thuringia state parliamentary election, in which FDP politician Kemmerich had been elected with votes from the AfD, among others, as “unforgivable” and a result that “must be reversed”.

That ministers are obliged to neutrality when they make public statements in their function as members of the government has been cast in stone by the BVerfG. Politicians must therefore remain neutral towards all parties as a matter of principle.

This also applies to a Federal Chancellor, the Federal Constitutional Court ruled. If the Federal Constitutional Court sticks to this assessment, Scholz should also expect a similar rebuke from Karlsruhe.

Is the EU driving the first nails into the Green Energy coffin?

By Andrea Widburg

One of the most obvious effects of the Green Energy movement is that it is profoundly regressive insofar as it returns those nations that embrace it to a pre-modern era. That would be an era that looks pretty in BBC productions but that was, in reality, filthy, disease-ridden, and both very cold and very dark. A recent European Union vote to classify natural gas and nuclear energy as sustainable (i.e., “green”) energy suggests that, having gotten a glimpse into the abyss, pragmatism is beginning to triumph over the mindless “green” ideology that has governed the left for so long.

Germany, which dominates the EU, is also the nation that has made the greatest strides in implementing the “green” agenda. The results of abandoning reliable fossil fuel and replacing it with renewables have been problematic. For some years now, Germany has been facing rolling blackouts and, in 2021, it decided to teach people how to use flowerpots and candles to provide heat during the winter when the electricity is gone:

It’s not just Germany, although it’s been the first and the worst. In early 2021, when a cold snap caused a huge demand for power across Europe, the entire European electrical network almost collapsed. While that specific power outage wasn’t due to problems with renewables, people paying attention to the push to end coal and go to renewables got very worried:

While this event hasn’t been linked to a surge in renewable power, as Europe replaces big coal and nuclear stations with thousands of smaller wind and solar units — just as sectors electrify to reduce emissions — incidents like this will become more frequent.

“It is not a question about if a blackout in some European regions will happen, it is only a question of when it will happen,” said Stefan Zach, head of communication at Austrian utility EVN AG. “A blackout might happen even in countries with high standards in electricity grid security.”


Large amounts of intermittent electricity create huge swings in supply which the grid has to be able to cope with. The issue isn’t confined to Europe. Australia has had teething problems in the transition to a cleaner network. Wind power was blamed for a blackout in 2016 that cut supply to 850,000 homes. The nation is looking to storage as a solution and was the first country to install a 100 megawatt megabattery in 2017.

With the Ukraine war, things really changed. Suddenly, Europeans realized that, just as Trump had said, they had made a terrible mistake when they closed down their coal plants and relied on Russia for their energy. The Germans have therefore begun to reactivate the coal plans that they so smugly shut down.

The EU as a whole has decided to be proactive about getting itself back to a fully functional and reliable energy system. Last week, it voted to make sure that both natural gas (which Israel has in abundance) and nuclear power are considered “sustainable sources of energy.” Naturally, environmentalists are outraged but it’s a smart move unless Europe is really committed to returning to that pre-modern era of dirt, disease, darkness, and death.

Of course, this moment of sanity hasn’t affected the elitism that permeates the West in 2022. Last month, while debating a new minimum tax on aviation fuel—to fight “climate change”—the EU let it be known that both cargo flights and private jets would be excluded. Cargo flights might make sense but private jets, which produce a disproportionate amount of emissions? That’s strictly New World Order stuff, with the hoi polloi bearing the costs as the elites fly around unincumbered.

We the People really need to wrestle the entire energy grid back from the selfish and short-sighted elites. These smug know-nothings imagine they’re bringing in a bucolic paradise (at no cost to themselves). However, what they’re really doing is ensuring a Hobbesian world for most of us.

A young British victim of a gang of Muslim sex offenders tells a medium about what they did to her, the police then come to her house and intimidate her

“I Could Be Dead Now – I Want to Know Why They Shot at Me” – Dutch Farmer Boy Jouke Speaks Out, Displays Bullet Holes in Tractor after Attempted Assassination by Police

Spain: The Catalan Public Linguistic Authority for Terminology has published an interactive infographic to distinguish seven types of Islamic veils “at a glance”

TERMCAT is a public Catalan institution created in 1985 in order to ensure the development and integration of Catalan terminology for the preparation of terminological resources, standardization of terminology neologisms and advice on a regular and ongoing dialogue with users specialists. Since 1998, its terminology notices are obligatory in the scientific and technical publications of the public administration of the country. Neologisms are approved and published in the Official Journal Diari Oficial de la Generalitat de Catalunya.[1]

It was created in Barcelona in 1985 as a joint initiative of the Ministry of Culture of the Generalitat of Catalonia and the Institute of Catalan Studies (IEC). Since 1994 the Consortium for Standardization language was added to the management of the consortium.

The terms for Islamic veils, featured in a new interactive infographic.
Let’s talk about it here
TERMCAT shows the terms referring to seven types of veils used mainly in Islamic culture in a new interactive infographic.

The illustration allows you to distinguish at a glance between amira, burqa, hijab, khimar, nicab, xador and xaila, with links to the corresponding entries in Cercaterm where you can read the definition and equivalents in Spanish , French and English.

These are adapted forms of the original Arabic words, after an examination of each case, taking into account the opinion of various transcription experts. The dissemination of these Catalan forms is a response to various requests from journalists, translators and other professionals who require accurate and appropriate use of these terms.

The infographic complements the graphic and multimedia offer of the TERMCAT website with over a hundred resources that provide access to terminology of all types of sectors in a visual and attractive way. Termcat

Prominent French animal rights activist accused of Islamophobia is threatened with death

Despite intimidation attempts, he will not remain silent. Hugo Clément, who is known for his commitment to environmental and animal protection, posted on his Twitter account on Thursday July 7 that he had become the target of “death threats and hate messages”. And this after he had spoken out about the conditions under which stunning ritual slaughter is practised on Eid-el-Kebir. Describing the situation in detail, the journalist said: “For the past few hours I have been receiving an enormous number of death threats and hate messages just for pointing out the scientifically proven cruelty of ritual slaughter without anaesthesia. Before clarifying shortly afterwards that he had no intention of giving in: “I will continue to do so without hesitation. It is a question of steadfastness”.

Hugo Clément, who has been accused of Islamophobia by some internet users, also wanted to remind people that he fights against all forms of violence against animals. “For many, to be ‘Islamophobic’ is to speak out against ritual slaughter. It is shameful to argue like this,” he posted at length on his Twitter account. Throughout the year, animal rights activists mobilise around 1000 issues: Bullfighting, factory farming, cruel hunts, industrial fishing, ‘classic’ slaughterhouses.” Defending his position, he concluded: “There is no reason not to fight a practice that adds unnecessary suffering just because it is done in the name of religious beliefs.”

On Wednesday July 6, the journalist – who is regularly criticised for his opinions – had shared on the same social network a post by the Brigitte Bardot Foundation denouncing ritual slaughter on Eid. “He recalled that slaughter without anaesthesia, in which an animal’s throat is cut while it is fully conscious, is a cruel practice that is already banned in several countries,” he pointed out. No religious belief can justify such ill-treatment”.

France: An Afghan, already convicted of raping a 12-year-old child, is again convicted of sexual assault and sexual harassment of minors

The man had already been sentenced to 15 years in prison for rape in June 2021. The crimes for which he was sentenced on Thursday July 7, 2022, also happened a few weeks before the rape in Saint-Brieuc (Côtes-d’Armor).

On Thursday July 7, 2022, the criminal court of Saint-Brieuc (Côtes-d’Armor) sentenced Mohammad Rahman Arsala, a 32-year-old Afghan, to three years in prison without parole. He was found guilty of a sexual assault on a 15-year-old minor born in 2002, committed on April 16, 2018. And of the offence of sexual assault of a 15-year-old minor committed on May 22, 2018.(…) Ouest-France

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