Sexual inequality is a permanent fact

By Robert Arvay

Inequality is not the same as unfairness.  For example, small children are not the equals of adults.  There is no unfairness in that.  On the contrary, try to imagine the disaster that would ensue if three-year-old children were expected to earn their own living.  

True, we are all equal in many respects, particularly in regard to our God-given rights (which are different from the contrived rights invented by the social left).  But there are also many inherent inequalities among people — so many as to make it obvious that we cannot reasonably hope for equal outcomes.  This is patently true of the sexes.  It always has been, and despite the cruelest efforts of the left, it always will be.  

There is nothing that can be done to make the sexes equal.  Indeed, attempts to do so have actually made matters worse for both sexes, especially for women.

Let’s be clear.  This commentary is not a set-up for a sexist manifesto.  Far from it, it is a call for true fairness — fairness to both sexes, fairness that provides for the greatest fulfillment of each individual life.

Again, it is necessary to depart from the myth that the sexes are equal.  Yes, there is considerable overlap in our abilities, in our emotions, and in our intellects.  There are also, however, many good and natural differences.   

Most of these differences used to be recognized, both in the general culture and in law.  That the distinctions have considerably faded was largely brought about by technology, which in turn was reflected in cultural norms, much of which is for the good.  Unfortunately, the social left seized upon the changes to enact, into both law and culture, the absurd ideology that sexual differences are at best irrelevant and at worst an injustice to women.  

Technology in the West has made life easier for most of us.  The daily chores of farming and housekeeping used to require many hours and much physical exertion for both sexes.  The introduction of powered appliances, such as washing machines for women and motorized tractors for men, enabled greater productivity.

While both sexes benefited from these inventions, the effect for women was revolutionary.  With fewer and easier demands on their time and muscles, women began to exercise more of their intellectual prowess.  Many women continued to be held back by the anachronistic mindset that women belonged only in the kitchen, but over the years, this mindset gradually gave way to the increased harnessing of women’s abilities in the fields of business, science, and engineering, among others.  

But then trouble began.  It seems that the sexes have different areas of interest and are thus unequally attracted toward particular careers.  Perhaps as a holdover from many thousands of years, the male brain remains more oriented toward physical endeavors, women more toward the emotional skills needed for caretaking, especially of children.  While there is overlap, the result is that men tend to dominate in fields such as engineering, while women do so in nursing.  There are important statistical variances, but by and large, the “sexual stereotypes” prevail.  

Unfortunately, this greater freedom of choice came to be misunderstood by egalitarians, who gained a great deal of political power.  They asked, why do not women constitute fifty percent of every occupation, and at every level on the pay scale?  The answer, according to them, had to be in the unfairness of the oppressor males.

There is not enough space here to detail all the ramifications, and we have not even discussed career fields that require the degree of physical strength that, with only rare exceptions, only men possess.  Most Americans are aware how the public debate went and how it continues.  

We are now at a crisis point — one in which radical leftist ideology is running roughshod over common sense and trampling freedom.  

The tiny proportion of people with various sexual identity disorders is being used as an excuse in the attempt to obliterate sexually defined roles from the social order.  This has reached criminal proportions, as very small children are being recruited by teachers into the ranks of sexual deviants (a term not necessarily a pejorative).  Same-sex “marriage” has been codified into an artificial legal right.  Abortion is being used in an attempt to eliminate the final, and greatest, perceived unfairness of all: the biological fact of motherhood.  

To be sure, no ideology can override natural law — neither the laws governing gravity nor the ones governing essential human nature.  But in its attempt to do so in the social realm, in its endeavors to contrive an unnatural form of equality and fairness, the social left is destroying society, and along with it the lives of men, women, and especially children.  

The ideologues will inevitably lose, but not until the horrific damage they are inflicting has reached the precipice of total destruction and awakened the sleeping giant.  Until then, we must resist.

Nigeria: Almost 200 children were tortured and raped in a Quran school, the youngest were “forced to perform homosexual acts”, among other things

Nigeria was shocked to discover on Friday the existence of a madrassa in Kaduna in the north of the country where numerous boys, including minors, were tortured and raped before being rescued by police.

In a raid on Thursday evening on a house in the Rigasa district, Kaduna police discovered pupils and students of “various nationalities” locked and chained in what the media has since dubbed the “house of horrors”. The figure verified by VOA Africa confirms the release of 190 children.

In the few photos that have been circulated in the Nigerian press, there are pictures of a child whose back is covered with open wounds obviously caused by whipping, another whose feet are chained to iron bars, and a crowd of boys crammed into an unhygienic courtyard.

Police also found a “torture chamber” where students were hung from chains and beaten if teachers thought they had done something improper.

The police raid was initiated following repeated complaints from neighbours who suspected that something was amiss inside the school.

“The victims had different nationalities and two of them testified during their interrogation that they had been brought from Burkina Faso by their parents,” the spokesperson added.

“They claim to teach us the Quran and Islam, but they do many things here. They force the youngest to have homosexual sex,” he testified. “Those who tried to escape from here were severely punished: they were tied up and hung from the ceiling.

“During my short stay here, someone died as a result of the torture. Others had died before because of health problems and the torture. They give us very bad food and we only eat twice a day,” Bello Hamza reported.

The school, which opened about ten years ago, housed students brought by their families to teach them the Quran, but mainly to bring petty criminals or drug users back on track.

In the predominantly Muslim north of Nigeria, there are numerous more or less formal “reformatories” where strict religious instruction is given.

[…]VOA Afrique

Germany’s new anti-discrimination commissioner labeled ethnic Germans ‘potatoes’

Ferda Ataman has become Germany’s new federal commissioner for anti-discrimination despite claims of racism and her past instance of referring to ethnic Germans are “potatoes” in a magazine column she wrote.

The controversial Ataman has built a career around identity politics, and has made a number of racist remarks in the past, including in a Spiegel column where she wrote that many German citizens “sometimes mutate into thin-skinned Emo-Germans” if they are called “potatoes.”

She further wrote: “A surprising number of people see this as insulting discrimination. Why?” She then proceeds to answer her own question, writing, “So the outrage about ‘potato Germans’ is about something else. It’s about the inner resistance to deal with yourself and your own privileges.”

She has also referred to Germans as “almans,” which is derogatory slang for Germans displaying “typical” German traits.

In her Spiegel column in February, she called out Germans to participate in “name guerrilla” actions and recommended that ethnic German parents name their children “Osman, Aliyeh, Khuyen” while migrant children, on the other hand, should be given traditional German names.

Ataman’s Twitter feed was full of posts about White privilege, migrant issues, and so-called discrimination, however, she proceeded to reportedly delete thousands of her Twitter posts once her campaign for anti-discrimination commissioner began. Ataman, whose parents were from Turkey, has also been accused of ignoring the issues of forced marriagesTurkish nationalism, and genital mutilation, all issues that have plagued Germany due to a rise in migration.

Ataman won her commissioner position after a vote in the German Parliament (Bundestag), earning 376 yes votes against 278 no voters and 14 abstentions. However, many politicians fiercely opposed her appointment, saying she was not fit to judge matters of anti-discrimination given her past history.

Christian Democratic Union (CDU) member of the Bundestag, Christoph de Vries, refused to vote for her, writing on Twitter. “Anyone who has to clean up their past by deleting thousands of tweets in order to hide their position should not bear any future responsibility in the federal government as anti-discrimination officer.”

However, there was also opposition from the Free Democerats (FDP) who belong to the coalition ruling government.

Ataman stands “in a special way for divisive identity politics, defamation of those who think differently and a lack of willingness to differentiate,” said federal board member Linda Teuteberg in the German newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung.

Ataman is co-founder of the lobby organization “Neue Deutsche Medienmacher” , which wants to place more migrants in journalism. Every year they award “the golden potato” for “particularly underground reporting.” Among other things, the 43-year-old has served as the deputy member of the advisory board of the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency.

Racism against Whites increasingly ok?

Ataman’s appointment is not exactly unique in the West, which appears to be increasingly tolerant of minorities who have made racist remarks against White people. For example, France’s controversial new education minister, Pap Ndiaye, was recently appointed to his position despite a history of racist remarks against Whites, attending events that were forbidden to White people, and authoring reports calling for less White people in the Paris Opera. Despite his history of racism, he also claimed that France was “structurally racist.”

In the United States, the situation is not much different. Despite Kristen Clarke writing that Black people were superior to Whites genetically in an article for the Harvard Crimson and hosting an anti-Semitic speaker at Harvard, she was confirmed to the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division under President Joe Biden. Many not only claimed that it would set an egregious precedent but also was a double-standard that any White candidate for the position would never be able to overcome had they written something similar claiming Whites were superior to Blacks.

Even hallowed liberal establishments such as the New York Times not only refused to let go one of their board members, Sarah Jeong, but even defended her in an editorial opinion piece after numerous racist Tweets emerged. For the Times, the fact that they were directed at White people made these tweets appropriate and acceptable.

“Are white people genetically predisposed to burn faster in the sun, thus logically being only fit to live underground like groveling goblins,” she wrote in December 2014.

Jeong also wrote July 2014: “Oh man it’s kind of sick how much joy I get out of being cruel to old white men.”

She also used the hashtag “#CancelWhitePeople” and voiced her anger about “white people marking up the internet with their opinions like dogs pissing on fire hydrants.”

Tariq Ramadan case: Prosecution files charges for rape of four women

A new twist in the case of Tariq Ramadan (photo). On Tuesday July 12, Paris prosecutors called for a jury trial for the Swiss Islamic scholar suspected of rapes he allegedly committed against four women between 2009 and 2016, Le Parisien reports. The 59-year-old had initially denied having extramarital sex before admitting to “dominance relationships” that were rough but “consensual”, the regional newspaper recalls. According to his lawyers, the plaintiffs claimed rape due to “sentimental or sexual disappointments” or a political conspiracy, which their client had made an issue of long before.

It all started in October 2017 with the complaints of Henda Ayari, a former Salafist turned secular activist, and a woman known as “Christelle”. Both had each reported a rape that allegedly took place in Paris in 2012 and another in Lyon in 2009, Le Parisien further reports. As a reminder, between February 2018 and October 2020, Tariq Ramadan had been consecutively charged with rape against these first two complainants, as well as three other potential victims. He had subsequently been imprisoned for ten months. Two of the alleged victims were identified by law enforcement authorities from photos and messages found on the Islamist’s computer. A third victim – the former escort girl Mounia Rabbouj – had accused Tariq Ramadan of committing nine rapes between 2013 and 2014.

“Despite the defendant’s repeated denials, the forensic investigation has revealed numerous incriminating evidence against Tariq Ramadan,” the prosecution said in its applications on Tuesday. Therefore, he requested a trial in the jury court for the rape of Henda Ayari, “Christelle”, Mounia Rabbouj and one of the two women identified in the photos, the newspaper remarked. The latter had spoken at a hearing in 2019 of a “consensual” physical relationship, but also of a “moral rape”. However, at the end of June 2021, she had withdrawn her complaint in a letter to the Paris prosecutor’s office.

The prosecution confirmed on Tuesday that it had “filed a final indictment seeking the indictment of the person concerned in the jury court for the rape of three complainants and the rape of another person by a complainant none other than ‘Christelle’.” In their applications, the prosecution also stated that the judicial investigations “did not lead to the actual occurrence of a conspiracy as denounced by Tariq Ramadan”, but rather “a shared awareness that enabled individuals to have the courage to report the incidents of which they were victims”. The final decision on a trial is a matter for the two investigating judges who have been assigned to the case.

Majority of Germans no longer support government’s course on Ukraine

That was to be expected: support for the German government’s Ukraine and sanctions policy is dwindling rapidly among the German population – even though Russia has not yet taken any active countermeasures and most of the consequences of the sanctions are still hypothetical.

Nevertheless, more than half of Germans now have doubts about the policies of the federal government. This was reported by German daily Welt with reference to a survey by the opinion research institute Infratest dimap.

Accordingly, only 39 percent of Germans currently support the course of the coalition in the Ukraine war. In contrast, an impressive 56 percent of Germans have concerns.

At the same time, more and more Germans are worried about the consequences of supporting Ukraine. Although seven out of ten respondents describe their own economic situation as “good” or “very good”, almost half of those surveyed view their future prospects “with skepticism and concern”. Above all, they fear energy bottlenecks and a loss of purchasing power. The mood is clear: almost half of those questioned (48 percent) fear that their personal economic situation will be worse in a year’s time than it is today.

The pollsters also register a similar change of mood in other countries. The German Institute for the World Economy (IfW) noted on July 6 that the momentum of support for Ukraine was losing momentum around the world. Since February 24, the IfW has been documenting the military, financial and humanitarian aid that has been promised to Ukraine.

According to a study published on the organization’s website: “The momentum of further pledges of support to Ukraine is slowing down. […] What is also striking is the large gap between the support that has been promised and that which has actually been provided. In terms of both military and financial commitments, performance is below what Ukraine has identified as its needs and what the country has been promised.”

According to experts, Germany’s involvement in the Ukraine conflict and its adherence to the West’s anti-Russia course are hitting the Germans the hardest, more so than other Europeans. If the sanctions are maintained, Germany is threatened with a massive energy crisis. Apparently, not only the affected citizens are aware of this, but also more and more politicians.

Last but not least, Russian observers are registering the change in mood in Germany. This is how the Russian political scientist Andrei Manoilo explained it on the Russian news platform RT: “Dissatisfaction is indeed growing because Germans by and large don’t care about Ukraine or the future world order when their own interests suffer. They only care about themselves and see the prices go up, straining their budgets.”

Alexander Kamkin, a researcher at the IMEMO Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, shared this view. The constant rise in prices, the decline in social stability and the closure of companies in many sectors in the midst of the Ukraine conflict do not help to strengthen the confidence of German citizens in the path taken by the government.

Kamkin elaborated: “In particular, there is already talk of the need to separate the economic and political components. Conventionally speaking, please support Ukraine, but why wage a sanctions war to the detriment of our own interests? This has become the main reason for dissatisfaction.”

A historic date – and an acute crisis warning signal

For the first time in about two decades, the euro is worth exactly one dollar. This is the preliminary final result of a downward rally that has lasted for years: In 2008 the euro was still worth 1,60 US dollars, in 2014 1,34 dollars and most recently 1,20 dollars for several years.

That was until noon on Tuesday, when the common EU currency reached parity with the US currency for the first time since 2002. The last time a euro was worth exactly one dollar was in October 2002 – shortly after the euro was introduced as cash.

On the one hand, the threat of energy shortages and the associated fears of recession and on the other hand, the monetary policy of the European Central Bank (ECB), have contributed to decline.

However, the main reason for the euro’s weakness is the weakening German economy. Since European currencies were merged into the euro, it has been an open secret that the strength of the EU currency has been primarily a consequence of the strong German economy.

For decades, it made it possible to “drag along” even weak partners like Italy or Greece. But that’s over now: the engine of European economic power is itself under extreme pressure. And not only because of the current crisis, but also because of the suicidal green energy policy pursued by German governments for years. Long before the current crisis, the price of electricity in Germany was already the highest in the world as a result of various strangulation instruments such as CO2 pricing.

Voters have had enough, however.

German swimming pools to feature more police to combat increase in migrant violence

Public swimming pools in Germany can expect a greater police presence in the future, including police potentially in bathing suits, to help combat a concerning rise in migrant violence.

In an interview with the German BILD newspaper, the country’s Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faesar vowed to deal with the growing problem after a number of high-profile mass brawls between gangs of predominantly foreign nationals were captured on film and subsequently went viral on social media.

One such incident last month at an outdoor pool in Berlin saw security personnel struggle to restore order following a fight between approximately 100 foreign nationals which left four people injured and a security guard hospitalized.

Violence at the outdoor swimming complexes has become so widespread that the President of the Federal Association of German Swimming Champions Peter Harzheim told BILD TV last month that he could no longer encourage families to visit such facilities. He told the news outlet that he would be “acting irresponsibly” if he attended an outdoor pool with his own three grandchildren.

Some on social media questioned why Germany increasingly needs a police presence at swimming pools, which were traditionally peaceful places.

“Why didn’t you need police in swimming pools 15-25 years ago? Should we maybe own up to the mistakes of the past? There must be a reason! Something is wrong when you can no longer send your wife and children to the swimming pool alone,” wrote Stephan Brock on Twitter.

As Remix News previously reported, violence involving migrants at Germany’s swimming pools is widespread, with notable also including a number of sexual assaults.

However, despite an already large police presence in Germany’s swimming pools, now the country’s interior minister suggesting police in bathing suits will need to be stationed around swimming pools.

“For me, it is important that the rule of law takes action, that there are enough staff on site so that something like this does not happen,” Faesar told BILD, suggesting that police officers in swim trunks standing guard at the edge of the swimming pools was now a possibility.

“Families and young people must be able to go to the swimming pool without any worries,” Faesar added.

Faeser has been criticized for her overt focus on right-wing extremism while ignoring migrant crime and cases of left-wing extremism despite the greater threat of violence from left-wing extremists.

Just today, Remix News reported how foreigners are responsible for over half of manslaughter convictions and 39 percent of all murder convictions despite making up a small portion of the German population.

Netherlands: Over two-thirds of jab recipients do not plan on getting boosted

Behind the scenes, preparations are being made to set up new shots against a virus that was designed for this purpose in a laboratory. Dutch Health minister Ernst Kuipers is calling on people to get yet another jab.

Last week, the Dutch health board, the RIVM, announced that the first shots against Corona no longer protect people. About a year after the shots, the so-called “vaccine effectiveness” has waned to zero percent, according to the RIVM.

According to official figures, 82,7 percent of Dutch people aged 12 and over have had at least one jab. But most people have had enough of this.

Seven out of 10

The campaign effect monitor of 7 July, commissioned by the government, showed that seven out of ten people who have not had a booster shot do not intend to get one. Of the people who have received an invitation letter for a second booster shot, more than five in ten do not intend to go.

The main reason for not taking the booster shot is that they are “done with all the vaccinations”. Other reasons cited are people’s trust in their own immune system to do the job of fighting off disease, doubts about vaccine safety, doubts about the effectiveness of these untested products, fear of long-term effects and fear of side effects.

Confidence has been shaken

Many people also do not want another shot because they feel that they have had it with vaccinations. In addition, many people seriously doubt the effectiveness and safety of the booster shot in the light of a marked spike in myocarditis cases.

Former nurse Marga Bult responded: “I’m glad to read this. I also noticed it with people around me. Many people got Corona despite the vaccines and are done with it. Trust has been broken.”

Haiti did not vaccinate its citizens. The current vax rate is 1,4 percent yet it remains the country with one of lowest Covid death rates in the world.

Italy: Young immigrants commit nearly 1 out of every 2 crimes in their age group

Young foreigners commit nearly half of the serious crimes in Italy in the 14-24 age group, according to data from the Italian government’s National Institute for Statistics (ISTAT).

The numbers are truly shocking since for this age group, foreigners make up 9.6 percent of the population. Nevertheless, young immigrants commit 50.2 percent of thefts, 48.1 percent of robberies, 47.7 percent of sexual violence, and 40.4 percent of assaults.

In the 18-24 age group, foreigners make up 11.2 percent of the country’s population, yet commit a whopping 89.7 percent of crimes involving exploitation of prostitution, 55.8 percent of cases involving sexual violence, 52.8 percent of robberies, 52.4 percent of thefts, and 43.6 percent of malicious injury cases, writes Giuseppe Valditara for Italy’s Libero newspaper. The data does not include crimes committed by second-generation Italians. In other words, Italians born to immigrant parents are not listed as “foreigners” and are instead seen as Italian citizens.

The data helps dispel the notion that immigrants have higher crime rates simply because they are mostly made up of young males. The data here simply compares crime rates between foreigners and natives who are from the same age groups, and it shows that foreigners account for a massively disproportionate share of the overall crime rate.

ISTAT also shows that the share of crime committed by foreigners has steadily increased in the last few decades. In 1990, foreigners represented 2.5 percent of those accused of crimes while in 2009, foreigners represented 24 percent of those accused of a crime. This troubling statistic has only grown worse over the years.

The data is especially troubling in light of recent cases, such as when 2,000 migrant teens descended on lakeside towns near Lake Garda last month and proceeded to riot, assault police, and rob people of their belongings. More ominously, six teenage girls were sexually assaulted on a train on their way home from the area by approximately 30 migrant youths, with the incident sparking outrage in Italy and an investigation in parliament.

However, the data does show some silver linings. For example, the immigrant group between 45 and 54 make up 11.8 percent of the population, but they commit only 16.7 percent of crimes. Researchers believe that their age and greater integration into Italian society accounts for the lower crime rate.