Germany: Syrian arrested for murder of 17-year-old schoolgirl

It has become a sad certainty: Tabitha (17) is dead.

The schoolgirl had left her parents’ house on Tuesday and told them she was taking the bus to Ludwigsburg to go shopping.

The parents reported their daughter missing. When Tabitha still did not come home, the police decided to launch a public search on Friday. The newspaper BILD also reported. But even the public search did not lead to decisive clues.

From Saturday on, the police searched for Tabitha with helicopters, drones and search dogs. The focus of the operation: a wooded area near the water tower in Markgröningen at Leudelsbachtal.

At the same time, the police arrested a suspect (35). His flat was searched. He is said to be a Syrian.

On Sunday, the search continued. A female body was found. The post-mortem examination revealed that the dead woman was Tabitha E.

The 35-year-old suspect is now in custody. The police did not want to say whether he had confessed.

In addition, the police are looking for witnesses, for example to an older, grey-brown BMW 320 with Ludwigsburg licence plates (LB-NA 21). The car is said to have been “possibly occupied by the missing person and a man”.

Tommy Robinson Exposes ‘Hope Not Hate’ in New Documentary – Infiltrated Group with Insider – Group Accused of Lies, Smears, Threats and Sexual Abuse (VIDEO)

The BBC has a problem with the truth

During my childhood and into my teens growing up in the United Kingdom, the one and only source of general news output, domestic or foreign, emanated from the BBC. This bureaucratic monolith totally dominated mainstream news and indoctrinated or at least persuaded, through quite unsubtle propaganda, three generations of UK citizens.

Its global brand was generally respected and consequently had a far-reaching impact on those who watched or listened to its news output outside of the UK.

Fortunately, today we all have access to numerous other sources from which we receive world news. Propaganda is no longer monopolized by the BBC. As a political researcher, activist and now one of the foreign editors of this esteemed publication, I note with obsessive interest the output of mainstream media and comment accordingly when I deem it appropriate.

My specialism is Middle East affairs and for years now I have been of the opinion that the BBC’s geopolitical reporting in this area is biased to the point of knowingly facilitating an anti-Jewish State narrative and agenda which is eagerly promoted by its journalists, news editors and presenters.

Anti-Israel bias is nothing new to the BBC. As long ago as 2004 the BBC received so many complaints about its coverage of the Israeli Palestinian issue that Richard Sambrook a former BBC Director of news commissioned a journalist, Malcom Balen to report on the very subject of BBC bias specifically alluding to its Middle East reporting. Despite attempts to have this document ’The Balen Report’ made public, the BBC have successfully, legally challenged these efforts and to this day the report remains hidden within the BBC’s vaults. Hundreds of thousands of pounds have been spent and thousands of man hours have been wasted by the BBC to ensure that this report never sees the light of day.

But why, and surely for public interest and transparency the BBC should publish for all to see. Maybe the report confirms what many of us ‘ in the game ‘ and the general public have known for years – that the BBC’s Middle East output is biased to the point of promoting and facilitating Jew hatred.

It was therefore quite unsurprising that an incompetent BBC journalist, Alan Johnston whilst working for the BBC in Gaza was kidnapped in 2007 (3 years after the Balen Report) by Palestinian Arabs. Hamas, a terrorist group whose 1988 Charter commands the extermination of Jews, released various statements applauding Mr. Johnston as being a friend and subsequently forced his release from captivity. Mr. Johnston as far as I know is still employed by the BBC.

So, let’s recap. A BBC correspondent who is supposed to be impartial on the subject he is responsible for, is recognized as a friend of a terrorist organization in the area on which he is reporting and still remains employed by the BBC. And all this after an independent investigation on biased Middle East reporting has been commissioned and shelved. A Hamas Muppet on the payroll of the BBC.

It is also abundantly apparent that the ubiquitous BBC is very selective in what global news subjects it deems worthy enough to report on. Now one would have thought that perhaps a genocide is worthy of reporting by such a global news brand as the BBC. Not so as she ignores the genocide currently being perpetrated on Christians in Africa and the Sahel by Islamists. The BBC has a history of ignoring genocides in Africa – Rwanda in the 90’s and the Central African Republic in the 70’s and 80’s are just two more examples. It seems to me that not a week goes by when at least ten or more African villagers in Nigeria are butchered by Islamists which the BBC also totally ignores.

I’d wager if ten Palestinian Arabs were killed each week by Israelis the BBC would have opened another office in Jerusalem to accommodate its already overstaffed offices there. But Black Lives certainly do not matter to the BBC. I have written on this very subject several times in BLiTZ and wish that other activists would expose these atrocities as and when they occur and report on them as frequently as I try to.

The BBC sent scores of reporters to cover apartheid in South Africa pre 1990 – apartheid being the segregation of races. However, since the end of apartheid, tribalism has reemerged in South Africa whereby 64 tribal murders a day are committed, Xhosa on Zulu and Zulu on Xhosa. Apparently, these are just the recorded murders and there are estimated to be two to three times that number of unrecorded murders. The BBC has no interest in South African tribal atrocities reinforcing the view that Black Lives do not matter to the BBC.

So, what does matter to the BBC? Well in December 2017 a Muslim teenager whose family came from Bosnia, described herself as a Palestinian Arab and in a staged episode slapped an Israeli soldier who at first did not react. Her family, friends and the TV cameras were all miraculously on hand to witness the event. After repeated slaps on the soldier she was arrested. The BBC gave this minor event global, high profile news coverage and reported the story on all of its platforms for nearly six months.

When I complained to the BBC through its complaints system about such a minor and staged promotion being obsessively covered in a way only to create an anti-Israeli narrative, guess what happened? I was banned from complaining to the BBC.

So genocides and atrocities in Africa command no BBC attention but an ugly teenage kid with body odor and halitosis who slaps an Israeli and calls herself Palestinian, commands six months news coverage on numerous BBC platforms.

As at the time of writing, a BBC news item on the Israeli-Palestinian situation has just been aired and the reporter is the utterly incompetent, intellectually backward and bigoted BBC Muddled East correspondent Jeremy Bowen. He repeats the mythology of Israel being an apartheid state and the lie regarding the death of an Al Jazeera journalist blaming Israel. Bowen’s bias is paralleled only by his imbecility. Just another anti-Jewish State Muppet employed by the Bigoted Biased Corporation.

Very recently in the United Kingdom a story which should have received saturation news coverage was all but ignored by the BBC, reported quickly, inadequately and untruthfully and hidden, just like the Balen Report as soon as it was realistically possible to do so. The story exposed decades of pedophilia perpetrated on white, working class and underprivileged girls by Pakistani gangs in several locations within the UK. Police and social services within those towns had been aware of these atrocities for decades. The BBC are historically expeditious to expose police inadequacies, especially white police men and women, but not in this case. The industrial scale of the sexual abuse crimes committed were beyond appalling and have led to several victim deaths and suicides.

There was something else very sinister about how the BBC reported on this story. The BBC referred to the Pakistani pedophiles not as Pakistani but Asian. There were no Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Indonesian, Malayan, Taiwanese nor Thai men involved – only Pakistani. This was not made apparent and the generalization of the collective terminology did not explain the culture nor agenda of the responsible ethnicity. Pakistani men who were the perpetrators were not exposed but Asian men were. Why?

The BBC has a problem with the truth. The BBC has a problem with the Jewish State of Israel. The BBC has a problem with conservative ideology. The BBC has a problem with blacks and Christians slaughtered by Muslims. The BBC has a problem with exposing pedophiles when the pedophiles are Pakistani.

The war in Syria has claimed over half a million deaths including thousands of Palestinian Arabs butchered by Assad with help from Russia and Iran and yet no BBC reporting on this. This may appear odd given the obvious BBC sympathy for the Palestinian Arabs. Why no reports on this subject given decades of pro-Palestinian saturation coverage?

Don’t be fooled – it is not sympathy for the Palestinian Arabs but hatred for Israel. No one cares in the BBC about Syrians, Russians and Iranians killing 5000 plus Palestinian Arabs in the last five years as a direct consequence of the Palestinians supporting the Syrian opposition. There is no anti-Jewish state story here hence no reporting.

The BBC is unfit for purpose, it is morally indecent, has biased staff eagerly promoting certain agendas and is way past its sell by date.

Swedish Left Party abandons NATO opposition

During the NATO accession process, the Swedish Left Party was the only party in the Riksdag that had clearly taken a stand against Swedish NATO membership. Now, however, party leader Nooshi Dadgostar announced that the party was abandoning its opposition to the defense alliance, contrary to what was promised in its election programme.

“Now that the application has been submitted, so be it,” said Dadgostar. When Nooshi Dadgostar of the Swedish Left Party was interviewed by Mikael Sjödell at Ekot in Almedalen Week on July 4, she announced that the Left Party has in practice now abandoned the NATO issue and will not demand that it be withdrawn.

“You will not demand that Sweden withdraw its application to release a government. Why not? ”Sjödell asked.

“The government had denied that there were problems in Turkey. Now we see that it was wrong, and that Erdogan has directed very aggressive, critical moves against Sweden. So it’s clear, we do not think it was good. But now the application has been submitted, so be it,” she responded.

She tried to ignore the discussion about the party’s capitulation regarding NATO membership and emphasized that she did have “views on the Erdogan-Andersson agreement” but host Mikael Sjödell did not give up.

“In your election platform, which you are obviously going to the polls on, it says that you want Sweden to tear up the host country agreement that we have had so far. That you now choose to let through a full membership may seem a little strange, you might think, given that wording. Will you fight for this in any way? ”

“The background is that the Social Democrats and the Sweden Democrats changed tack, that the situation has changed since we wrote the election platform… Everything has changed, much has changed. And when we see that there is such a large majority in the Riksdag for this, I think it is honest to say that now that application has been submitted and we must also respect that.”

In the spring, Nooshi Dadgostar said that she “would not accept” that Erdogan makes demands on Sweden. She again ducked the question of what she intends to do next. Instead, she repeated some general, vague criticisms.

“Regardless of what one thinks of NATO, we can not agree that Erdogan exports his view on human rights, on freedom of expression and the press, to Sweden. It can not be that one should not be allowed to say certain things about Turkey, for example. It should not be the case that our own population should feel anxious. So what I have criticized the government for is that Magdalena Andersson does not gather the party leaders to tell what she promised Erdogan.”

Sjödell stated that all parties in the Riksdag were in favour of NATO, despite the fact that there are many voters who are not.

“If you as a left-wing voter are against Swedish NATO membership, there is really no party to vote for that promises to fight NATO, tear up a future membership, withdraw the application. Who should you vote for then?”

Dadgostar could not answer that question either.

“I think we should have a referendum on the issue, I have been clear on that. But there are too few parties that have voted for that proposal.”

In Statistics Sweden’s survey of NATO in June, the Left Party was the only parliamentary party where a majority of voters were against NATO with 57,5 percent stating that they were quite or very critical of NATO.

The other parliamentary party that has officially been against NATO – the Green Party – has been decidedly confused on the issue. This is assumed to be due to the fact that more environmental parties are for (47 percent) than against (37 percent) NATO, according to the same Statistics Sweden survey.

Green Party spokespeople Per Bolund and Märta Stenevi have announced that they intend to take on the task of Sweden working for nuclear disarmament in a defense alliance led by the world’s largest nuclear power, the United States. In addition to the United States, there are two additional nuclear armed countries in the alliance: France and the United Kingdom.

Fighting back against COVID and Climate Change tyranny

By Andrea Widburg

The phrase “New World Order” (“NWO”) is a loaded term. For starters, the people who are pushing for a single world government prefer to call it “The Great Reset.” Additionally, NWO sounds like the ultimate conspiracy theory, complete with indivisible dots, imaginary lines, and tin foil hats. And yet there’s no doubt that the self-anointed elites across the world have coalesced around a single vision that involves ending fossil fuel and achieving total control over individuals to “protect” them from COVID. Still, people across the globe are pushing back and one group has a global vision of what this pushback can look like.

During COVID’s first two years, we learned that most First World governments happily embraced tyranny. Even in the face of mountains of evidence that the lockdowns and mask and vaccine mandates did nothing to improve the situation, governments not only didn’t stop, but they also dug in deeper, systematically taking away people’s rights.

No person embodied this more than Canada’s Justin Trudeau, who went from fuzzy tree hugger to steely-eyed tyrant overnight. Canada is still in deep lockdown mode, right there with China, with millions of gleeful fascist apparatchiks happily imposing the government’s diktats:

With COVID losing its power to frighten people, the world’s budding dictators are reverting to Climate Change to clamp down on power. The most recent outburst of this madness was in Holland, where the government announced that it was shutting down farmland (i.e., the place where food is grown) essentially to stop fertilizer and cow farts. (I simplify a bit but you know what I mean.) The farmers pushed back hard.

And indeed, although it never makes it to the New York Times or Washington Post unless they can no longer avoid the topic, people all over the world are pushing back at COVID and Climate Change totalitarianism:

According to the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, which records protests worldwide, 11 countries are currently seeing protests of more than 1,000 people in response to the rising cost of living and other economic woes in 2022. As of July 5, Carnegie had recorded protests of more than 120,000 people in France, 100,000 in Spain, 10,000 in Greece, 10,000 in Kazakhstan, 10,000 in Sri Lanka, 10,000 in India, 5,000 in Iran, 5,000 in Peru, 1,000 people in Argentina, 1,000 in Morocco, and 1,000 in the U.K.

It’s Americans who are behind the curve on this one for two possible reasons. One, we believe our Constitution will protect us. And while it certainly offers protections in theory, there’s every reason to believe that the Democrats currently controlling the federal government have no intention of letting it offer those protections in fact. Two, the Democrats’ January 6 “insurrection” hysteria has frightened Americans into abandoning their First Amendment rights.

But just as the tech world offers governments unprecedented power to control individuals by monitoring their every word, thought, and move, technology also can still be used to bring people across the world together in one giant, peaceful “NO!” against the gathering forces of tyranny. That’s the goal of an organization called Reignite World Freedom.

The organization’s mission is simple: End the globalism that is wrapping itself around the earth like a giant chain, magnifying the power of world governments stealing away their citizens’ liberty. The organization hopes to have what it calls a “global walk out.”

A unified, global event and convoy to your capital city.

Unelected bureaucracies like The World Health Organization (WHO) and The World Economic Forum (WEF) should not have the power to dictate policies in our countries. 

Let’s send them a clear message they can’t ignore.

It’s time for governments around the world to consider replacing and leaving these ‘globalist’ organizations.

I.How will the Global Walkout work? 

1.A global WALK OUT from the society they’re trying to enslave us into, including an optional convoy to occupy your capital city. The length of the walkout will depend on the momentum built in each country.

2.We will not announce the walk out dates until we have enough pledges worldwide.

3.If you can’t participate in the convoy, that’s fine. You can still commit to walk out for as long as you can.

4.You can choose one or more of these options when you pledge;  

  • Walk out of work and have a holiday. 
  • Walk your children out of school. 
  • Walk away from spending money at corporations that support globalism. 
  • Walk away from consuming any mainstream media or streaming channels. 
  • Convoy to your capital city on the scheduled dates (yet to be announced). 

Read more here.

The organizers want people to sign a pledge before setting a date.  

I don’t know how well this fascinating idea will work in the U.S., especially because of the January 6 crackdown. Still, if people don’t push back against the COVID and Climate Change cudgels, we will enter a new dark age (literally dark, as in no fossil fuels) in which most Westerners, after decades of prosperity, live in squalor and despair.

France: Two young rugby players and a 16-year-old minor killed with a knife by a Sudanese “political refugee” who had sexually harassed two young girls before the rampage

Investigations have shown that the crime started after the accused sexually assaulted two young girls,” said the prosecutor. After initially leaving, he returned at around 2.50 a.m. armed with a knife and fatally stabbed three young people aged 16, 18 and 20. Three other people were more slightly injured by the same stabbing weapon.” Éric Bouillard requested that the accused be remanded in custody. Ouest-France

“Atama is my great-nephew and he used to hang out with Manolito, my girlfriend’s cousin. We are here to remember the memories we had with (them),” explains Toamisa, who was there on the night of the tragedy. All this was not because of the loud music”.

He explains that the three victims came to the aid of several young men and two young girls who were first attacked by the 32-year-old alleged perpetrator. “My grandcousins tried to defend them. We also think of young Ishmael who had defended (them) well.”

When the man later returned with a stabbing weapon, “I was on the scene and I didn’t even have time to react,” Toamisa recalls, “the stabbing had already been done.” Ouest-France