Biden is guilty of ignoring the massacres of Christians

by Giulio Meotti

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and the Biden Administration are committed to working against “Islamophobia”. This is what emerged from the White House’s annual report on religious freedom in the world, just as news came from Nigeria of the killing of 50 Christians in a Catholic church in Owo. Others speak of a death toll of between 70 and 100 people.

The correspondent of the German BILD reported: “With weapons and explosives they broke into the Catholic church, killing up to 100 people and even shooting runaway children and pregnant women! The faithful lay motionless on the floor of the church, hoping to be spared”. On the BBC, a survivor said: “I saw whole families wiped out, friends, relatives, those I knew.”

But it is “Muslims who are being targeted with violence,” according to US President Joe Biden . At a reception in the White House to celebrate Eid al-Fitr, Biden appointed the first Muslim as ambassador for religious freedom, Rashad Hussain. Why give a Muslim such an important post as that of ambassador for religious freedom?

In recent months, Biden has even removed Nigeria from the blacklist of countries accused of participating in or tolerating religious persecution. “It’s a victory for terrorists and a defeat for anyone interested in human rights and religious freedom,” said Frank Wolf, a former congressman behind key laws requiring administrations to name religious freedom violators.

“Biden and the United States ignored the persecution of Nigerian Christians,” Johns Hopkins University economist Steve Hanke also writes. Three months after his inauguration, Biden immediately froze some programs for religious freedom. “This is a major shift away from religious freedom,” said Nina Shea, who serves as director of the Center for Religious Freedom at the Hudson Institute.

Not a word, in fact, from the Biden administration on Christians killed. Not even a symbolic gesture, like the rainbow flag that the American embassy in the Vatican had hung on its Roman palace the day before the massacre.

American Democrats have always had a policy of ignoring anti-Christian persecutions.

One Easter morning a church in Kaduna, Nigeria, was targeted by a car bomb that killed 39 Christians. There was no official comment from the Obama administration. On Easter day, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton railed against Europe, calling for it to become “more inclusive” .

When terrorists blew up a church in Baghdad, this is what the White House said: “The United States condemns the killing of so many innocent Iraqis.”

In Egypt, when two dozen Copts who were organizing a peaceful demonstration in the Maspero area of ​​Cairo were massacred, the White House declared: “Now is a time for restraint on all sides so that the Egyptians can move forward together to forging a strong and united Egypt ‘”.

When the Islamic State beheaded 21 Coptic Christians on the beaches of Libya, the US State Department refused to acknowledge that they had been murdered as Christians. It referred to them as “Egyptian citizens”.

When the churches of Sri Lanka were devastated by the attacks (269 dead) in 2019, former US President Obama and his former Secretary of State Clinton defined the victims of the attacks not as “Christians”, but “Easter worshipers”.

Democrats are flirting with a parallel reality, in which Islam is just a “religion of peace” and its victims don’t even exist. Israel, beware.

In France, ‘vive la différence’ is no more

By Andrea Widburg

France, the land of romance and the birthplace of the phrase “vive la différence,” which celebrates as something wonderful the differences between men and women, the so-called transgender activists are making headway, just as they are in the rest of the West. The latest institution to collapse is the Miss France pageant which was forced to admit Andrea Furet, a man, into the competition.

From the Washington Examiner:

The Miss Ile-de-France Committee announced Thursday that Andrea Furet, a transgender woman, will be one of the contestantscompeting for the title of Miss France 2023.

Furet, a biological man, is fresh off a successful run at Miss Paris, winning first runner-up. The national pageant changed its rules this past June, allowing women taller than 5 feet, 5 inches, mothers, smokers, and even those with tattoos to compete. Previously, the height requirement was what held Furet back from competing.

Rule changes came about after the feminist organization Osez le Feminisme sued the pageant system in October of last year. National laws that ban discrimination based on genetics or family situations helped tilt the new rules in Osez le Feminisme’s favor.

Laure Mattioli, who’s the president of the Miss Île De France committee, assured the world that there really was no difference in having a man compete in a traditionally female sphere: “For us, Andrea is a candidate like the others. This new rule does not change the treatment of candidates. She is female on her marital status. That’s all that matters. I do not enter the privacy of girls.”

If Furet’s Wikipedia page is anything to go by, aside from that boob job, he’s still all man (although he has been taking estrogen). Given that fact, while Mattioli may not want to intrude on “the privacy of girls,” Furet may do that for her. There’s nothing like having a naked, erect man in your dressing room pretending to be one of the girls. It’s like the X-rated version of Some Like It Hot, the 1950s classic in which Tony Curtis and Jack Lemon hide from the mob by dressing as women, joining an all-girl band, and spending the entire movie ogling Marilyn Monroe.

The fact is that when you look at Furet’s pictures, you instantly see that there’s something wrong with him. He’s got fake boobs, of course, but the rest of him is emaciated. The only way he can sort of look like a woman is to starve himself. His legs are long but anything but shapely, he has no hips, and his arm is the arm of an adolescent boy who hasn’t yet gained any muscle. It’s actually quite disturbing to look at this warped body in women’s clothing:

At first glance, Furet makes a convincing woman. But here’s the thing: He’s not. He’s a man and there is a difference even if the French are no longer inclined to recognize it.

Why does this matter? Because reality matters. For society to encourage this deep dive into a fantasy that can be kept alive only with hugely expensive hormone treatments and multiple, never-fully-successful surgeries is to consign a generation to the inevitable collapse of their world—a world that will be littered with mutilated bodies and tremendously angry people whose isolation and sense of otherness (common to all teenagers) has led them to turn themselves into Frankenstein’s monster.

Once, when homosexuality was becoming socially acceptable, the joke was that it was no longer “Adam and Eve” in the Garden of Eden but “Adam and Steve.” Now, we’re being told to accept that it’s “Adam is Eve.” But looking at that emaciated Furet, I can tell you that Adam will never be Eve.

‘Fiat money needed to hide Great Reset costs’

The failure to put the financial system on a solid footing after the financial crisis in 2008, the pandemic and sanctions due to the Ukraine war, have ensured that the cards are finally being reshuffled.

At a conference held this weekend in Vienna, which was attended by economic experts, the shortcomings of the Western monetary system and the Great Reset was discussed at length. This is a neo-Marxist ideology, as Thorsten Polleit made clear in his lecture. The first two speakers, Keith Weiner and Thorsten Polleit, dealt with the monetary system and the role of central banks, which Polleit describes as “an ingredient in the Marxist witch’s brew”. He sees a severe recession coming.

The first presentation was given by economist Keith Weiner, a leading authority on gold, money and credit and President of the Gold Standard Institute USA. He is a fervent advocate of rational monetary policy and addressed the ever-worsening inflation of energy and food. Central banks are under increasing pressure to take action, i.e. raise interest rates. The Fed has already started to do this, and the ECB has at least announced an initial rate hike. Because if interest rates are not raised, the political mood could soon change, according to Weiner.

Citizens are not happy about energy prices and when people can no longer put food on the table, the situation could finally escalate.

The second speaker, Thorsten Polleit, has been an honorary professor of economics at the University of Bayreuth since 2014 and has been chief economist at Degussa since April 2012. He focuses on money and capital market theory and the Austrian School of Economics and is the author of numerous articles and books.

Central banks: An ingredient from the Marxist witches’ brew

According to Polleit, behind climate change and the lockdowns during the Corona crisis was an attempt to finally smash capitalism or what is left of it. The central banks have become more and more powerful almost unnoticed in recent years and determine which government is to be removed or not. The central banks are also able to control whether and which companies receive loans. This corresponds directly to the centralization of credit according to Karl Marx. Therefore, for the economist Polleit, central banks are the main driver of the current economic mess.

He emphasized that the representatives of the Viennese school, such as Ludwig von Mises or Friedrich von Hayek, already foresaw this. For example, Hayek wrote of the central bank monopoly on money: “There is less reason than ever to hope that states will become more trustworthy as long as the people have no choice but to use the money that the state makes available to them.”

Fiat money [money printing, ed.] is inflationary, Polleit maintained. So it loses its purchasing power because it can be increased simply by printing money. It favors the few at the expense of the many. This unequal distribution is called the Cantillon effect.

The redistribution is particularly nefarious, because the state benefits from inflationary money as it is able to pay its debts more easily. On the other hand, fiat money causes the market interest rate to fall artificially. This in turn leads to society living beyond its means and becoming over-indebted.

Fiat money thus inevitably leads to a debt economy in which debt increases faster than income. The result: global debt has grown to a total of $350 trillion by 2021, according to Polleit. The money supply has been increased by 43 percent in recent years by the US central bank, the Fed, and by 20 percent by the European Central Bank, the ECB. The euro has therefore lost around 40 percent of its purchasing power over the past five years.

A system of economic dependence: Fiat Money

Supply bottlenecks, lockdowns and the war in Ukraine have caused a shortage . The “negative price shock” now meets a money supply hangover. Because this expansion of the money supply by the central banks has been leading to extreme inflation. According to the economist Polleit, the fiat money system is a unit made up of different actors. And these actors have an interest in the economic dependence of companies and the population. The majority is made dependent in what Polleit calls “collective corruption”. This is an existential interest for banks and the financial sector. Because they are known to print new money out of thin air.

In order to prevent the system from collapsing, trade bans are imposed or interest rates are manipulated. People are now noticing the rising prices of consumer goods. Terms such as “green inflation” are intended to hide who the actual scapegoats are. Because supply chain problems, greedy entrepreneurs or “Putin’s war” are not responsible for this, but solely the central banks.

When inflation rises, confidence falls

High inflation lowers confidence, Polleit explained. Central banks are therefore raising interest rates to maintain confidence in hiding the swindle. When hyperinflation occurs, as happened in Argentina, Brazil and Ukraine, for example, fiat money is destroyed. High inflation, on the other hand, can be used for years (5-15 percent per year), which Polleit has shown using the example of Turkey since 2008. The higher money supply led to sharply increased prices for goods. Inflation has fluctuated between 10 and 24 percent over the years and is now over 70 percent.

We are facing a serious crisis

The world is currently on the way to a particularly serious crisis. The “Western redistribution democracies, as Polleit calls them, are particularly badly affected. He considers a future hyperinflation similar to that in Weimar in 1922 quite possible. As a result, the unemployment rate rose from 2,8 percent in just a few months to 19 percent and then to over 28 percent.

Today’s markets are not free due to regulations, laws and also the high taxes, according to Polleit. People are controlled centrally via central bank money. This is a kind of collectivism. That is exactly the Great Reset and the great transformation that Klaus Schwab has in mind. According to Polleit, these are neo-Marxist ideologies and the fiat money is necessary for this agenda to hide the costs of this total social restructuring. To do this, the free market must be restricted more and more, ultimately ending in a command economy. A “Chinafication” is taking place, he said.

The worst recession of the post-war period is imminent

For the time being, Polleit fears that the situation will deteriorate and, due to the anti-capitalist mood in politics, anticipates the worst recession of the post-war period. Because interest rates will not be increased massively, purchasing power has nevertheless fallen by 40 percent, which means that savings are also shrinking. For Polleit, therefore, the end of the Fiat system has begun and the euro zone will be the big loser.

State money monopoly must be overcome

Politics will not be able to solve the problem, but only a free market for money. Inflation is the result of misguided policies. A change of mindset is needed, said Polleit. The “collective corruption” must be overcome because fiat money is a “horror without end” and will not abolish itself. The state money monopoly must be actively stopped.

Reflecting on ideas that have been neglected so far could help find a solution in the future, Polleit said. Thankfully, the term “fiat money” has now become a mainstream notion, and such a positive development can no longer be stopped. If a new and well-functioning system were to be established in a country, this could lead to a chain reaction, he opined.

France: A 30-year-old Afghan refugee has been harassing an 11-year-old girl he wants to marry every day “for 1 year”

After a stay in Sweden, it was natural for this Afghan refugee to get closer to his community when he arrived in France in 2020. One Afghan family in particular offered him their home in the Aube department out of solidarity. The man then fell in love with their young daughter.
The victim’s mother told the court: “He has been constantly harassing my daughter for a year (the accusations date back to January this year, editor’s note). Ever since we invited him to stay over one night because of the lockdown. My husband and I have told him to stop harassing our child”.

But the man continues his doings. Streets, school, club … “… He was everywhere my daughter goes. Today she is even afraid to stay alone in our house”. The headmaster of the high school made a report about this “prowler” near the school. In the courtroom, the accused responded ( recounted by a translator): “Everything is true. I apologise to the family and the court. But for him there is no harassment and he says he is aware that “with my 30 years and her age, this is not conceivable. I am not in love with her, but if her family agrees …”.

The accused’s lawyer stresses that his client was not aware that he was acting wrongly. ” He acted in the presence of the parents and did not molest the other girls.” She highlights his unblemished criminal record and her client’s culture. L’Est Eclair

Dolph Lundgren delivers scathing critique of Sweden’s immigration policy: “My home country doesn’t protect its women from rape”

Screenshot Youtube


Sadly, my home country Sweden still cannot protect their women from rape. In the past week three men were sentenced for gang raping a handicapped girl – one assailant got 4 years the other two 2 years prison term. Another man was sentenced to 4 years for repeatedly raping his daughter. At the same time another man was sentenced for selling recreational drugs on the internet: 11 years in prison. Sweden has the highest rate of rape per capita in Europe and one of the highest in the world.


Austria Scraps Coronavirus Vaccine Mandate Law

The Austrian government has scrapped a law that would force residents of the country to be fully vaccinated against the Wuhan coronavirus, with the country’s Health Minister arguing the omicron variant has “changed the rules.”

Health Minister of Austria Johannes Rauch of the Green Party and Austrian People’s Party club leader August Wöginger announced that the law would be scrapped as it was not effective in getting more people vaccinated and the omicron variant has led to milder cases of the virus.

“Omicron has changed the rules,” Rauch said and added, “the Corona vaccination obligation does not bring anyone to get vaccinated,” and argued that even if people were punished for being unvaccinated it did not have any impact on overall vaccination numbers, which had remained the same, Kronen Zeitung reports.

Minister Rauch also stated that the mandatory vaccination law had opened “deep rifts” among the general public and Austrian society. He added that Austria has gone from “disaster mode” to being able to live with the virus but noted testing and wearing masks were still important.

On Thursday, the leader of the populist Freedom Party of Austria (FPO) Herbert Kickl welcomed the removal of the vaccine obligation but went on to call for the Covid-19 measures act to be scrapped as well.

“The Minister of Health can use regulations at any time to reinstate measures such as 2G access regulations, lockdowns for the unvaccinated and thus the exclusion of unvaccinated people from public life,” Kickl warned.

Phillip Kucher, the health spokesman for the Social Democrats, was less pleased with the scrapping of the vaccine mandate, arguing that getting rid of the mandate was a “temporary culmination of government failure,” and requested a justification from the government for the move.

The Austrian government enacted the mandatory vaccine policy for all residents over the age of 18 in February after the Austrian parliament passed legislation in January.

Under the law, police would have been allowed to demand proof of vaccination during traffic stops and elsewhere, fining unvaccinated people up to 600 euros, although fines for people who contested their initial fine could reach 3,600 euros.

The measure was later suspended in March before any enforcement of the law started as Austria eased its various coronavirus restrictions.