Germany: Stations of the Cross vandalised in the diocese of Augsburg (VIDEO)

Unbekannte Täter haben fast alle 14 Stationen eines Kreuzwegs in Wettenhausen im Bistum Augsburg verwüstet. Screenshot: YouTube/ katholisch1tv
Unknown perpetrators have vandalised almost all 14 stations of a Stations of the Cross in Wettenhausen in the diocese of Augsburg. Screenshot: YouTube/ katholisch1tv

Unknown perpetrators have vandalised almost all 14 stations of a Stations of the Cross in Wettenhausen in the diocese of Augsburg. The local parish priest Soni Abraham Plathottam, who comes from India, estimates the damage at at least 150,000 euros.

He told the IDEA news agency that he was shocked by the “blind vandalism”. It was a deliberate destruction of a Christian place with gross violence. During the attack in the forest at Calvary on the night of March 18-19, holy figures were overturned and partially destroyed, and leaded mosaic panes were damaged. According to the priest, there had already been two similar incidents in 2021 in April and September – with damage of about 20,000 euros. At that time, the police had not been able to identify a perpetrator.

The police in the neighbouring town of Burgau said about the current incident: “We do not rule out hatred of religions and the Catholic Church as a motive.” Meanwhile, restoration work has already begun. The priest: “The Stations of the Cross proclaim the deeds of Christian salvation history and give great strength to many people who visit it.” That is why they want to make it accessible again as soon as possible. Because the parish had not insured the Stations of the Cross, it was dependent on donations.

Germany: Islamist wanted to kill and injure as many people as possible, inspired by the Boston bombers

The Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office has brought charges against a suspected Islamist who allegedly planned a major terrorist attack in the Hamburg region. The trial is to take place at the Hamburg Higher Regional Court, as the Karlsruhe authority announced on Friday. The indictment still has to be admitted there.

The German-Moroccan Abdurrahman C. has been in custody since the end of August. However, the Hamburg security authorities only informed the public about the suspected terrorist in December. A short time later, the Federal Public Prosecutor took over the investigation against the then 20-year-old – because of the special importance of the case.

The preparations for the attack were said to be already well under way. The young man wanted to kill and injure as many people as possible, according to the indictment. The bomb-making materials found in his possession would have been sufficient to have a devastating effect.

According to the Federal Prosecutor’s Office, the attack was to have taken place in the context of the 20th anniversary of the Islamist terrorist attacks of 9/11 in the USA. The man had intended to model his actions on those of the Chechen brothers who had carried out an attack on the Boston marathon in the United States in 2013.

The accused had been caught by undercover investigators while trying to buy a hand grenade and a semi-automatic firearm on the Darknet. During a faked handover by the police in the car park of a fast food restaurant on Kieler Street in Hamburg, the German-Moroccan was arrested by a special task force.

According to the security authorities, large quantities of chemicals for the production of black powder and several hundred metal screws and nuts were found in a flat he used in Hamburg. He is said to have been planning the attack since January 2021 at the latest. He is charged as an adolescent.

Google Ads Bans Articles on Ukraine It Disagrees With

Big Tech enforcement and deplatforming is ever more obviously becoming political and subjective. Despite running it by any number of lawyers, the only real standard for the political stuff is the Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart metric, “I know it when I see it”.

Here’s Google’s latest mandate.

 Alphabet-owned Google will not help websites, apps and YouTube channels sell ads alongside content that it deems exploits, dismisses or condones the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict, the U.S. company said Wednesday.

Obviously, Google has no such standard for say publishers that run articles claiming that America was to blame for 9/11. There Google either agrees or doesn’t give a damn. But Ukrainian patriotism is at least temporarily mandatory. 

Let’s break down that sentence, “alongside content that it deems exploits, dismisses or condones the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict”.

Deems is the key word. It’s a subjective value judgment. Condones is arguably reasonably clear. Exploits? Is there an organization that isn’t “exploiting” it. Are the endless charity ads for Ukraine exploiting the conflict? Maybe, but not according to Google. What about ads for news organizations promoting their coverage of the war? You know what the answer should be and what it will be. But what about “dismisses”? Conveniently, it could mean anything.

It’s convenient to have a term like that in there that covers a lot of ground when the real goal is to provide a blank check for deplatforming opponents. 

Now, as a thought experiment, suppose Google were to apply this standard to any of America’s wars against Islamic terrorism? Every single lefty and media org (but I repeat myself) would be screaming about censorship and free speech. Especially the ones smugly lecturing us about how speech cartels silencing political opponents with their monopolistic power has nothing to do with free speech.

France: A 17-year-old Chechen refugee who has been in contact with terrorists planned an attack on Mila, he was charged and then released… Mila’s family, worried, confronts the justice system

A young Chechen man was arrested in August after death threats against Mila. In September, he was charged with, among other things, glorifying terrorism, but he was released and placed under judicial supervision, which worries the young woman’s family.

“It is time to take action against this woman Mila who insults Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, in the worst possible way, she dares to insult him and she becomes known for it. (…) Where are you, Mujahideen? She insults your master and walks peacefully on the earth? You have a problem to solve here, do as your brother Abdullah Ash Shishani (a Chechen jihadist who died in Syria, note) did, may Allah accept martyrdom from him. Prepare a wise plan,” he wrote.

(…) For Mila’s family, which has been beset by worries ever since, the punishment was a little too lenient. “Did the justice system assess the case correctly?” the young woman’s mother asks.

“This young man has called for action in precise and well-written words. We are dealing with someone who is not stupid. Many terrorist actions have started like this. This approach is reminiscent of others,” she continued.

“Compared to all those who have threatened Mila, this behaviour is clearly a more dangerous escalation,” said her lawyer Richard Malka.

Since the indictment against the suspect seven months ago, Mila has not been summoned by the judge to be informed about the progress of the case. The young man, on the other hand, is free. His lawyer was contacted by BFMTV and did not respond to our enquiries.BFMTV

Joe Biden: Expect “Real” Food Shortages in Europe and the United States (VIDEO)

Sweden’s Unequal Hospitality: Millions to Muslim men, not a cent to Ukrainian women

Question: What’s scarier for Ukrainians at present than being in Ukraine? Answer: Being in Sweden.

Because of an incident that took place early last week, according to the alternative Swedish website Samnytt, some of the Ukrainian women and children who’ve been housed at a hostel in the city of Örebro want to go back home. It began when two tall, slim black men, apparently Somalis, came knocking at the hostel’s front door at 3 A.M. and claimed to want to see a friend who was living there – but the person they named, if he or she exists at all, was not, in fact, a resident. After a third Somali man appeared, one or more of them managed to enter the hostel, by which time the women had retreated to their rooms and locked their doors. One of the Somalis knocked on one of the doors and addressed the woman inside, presumably in Somali, causing her two-year-old child to scream in fear. Then, at five A.M., some Arab men showed up and tried to force their way in.

In standard Swedish fashion, the hostel’s managers played down the episode and didn’t report it to police. But several of the women, according to Samnytt, “are so shaken by the events of the night…that they regret that they fled to Sweden.” One of them said, “I’m so scared that I want to go home. When there are bombs, I know at least that I can go down to the basement and hide there.”

None of this should be terribly surprising. As has been widely reported, many of the Muslims who came to Western Europe as refugees are resentful of the new wave of refugees now coming from Ukraine. As I wrote earlier this month, many of them have charged native Europeans with racism because, they claim, the Ukrainians are getting a warmer welcome than they did. (This is like complaining that your dad gave your brother a Lamborghini but only gave you a Ferrari.) It’s probably closer to the truth that Western Europeans are responding to the fact that the new arrivals are virtually all women and children, whereas the tsunami of Syrians that swept over Europe several years ago consisted almost entirely of aggressive-looking young men of military age.

Surely the sex of the refugees in that hostel was what brought those Muslims out in the dead of night. How do you say “sitting ducks” in Arabic? One imagines that for those late-night callers, the hostel full of unaccompanied European women looked like an unattended candy store.

These are, after all, people with a well-nigh unbounded sense of entitlement to whatever might cross their paths in the land of the infidels. Their common view of their relationship to Sweden has been succinctly articulated by Basem Mahmoud, a Jordanian-born imam in Malmö. “Sweden is ours,” Mahmoud proclaimed in a recent sermon. “It’s ours, whether they like it or not. In ten to fifteen years, it will be ours.” Mahmoud has also called Jews the “offspring of pigs and monkeys,” and two years ago he defended the decapitation and butchering of the French teacher Samuel Paty – who’d used the Danish Muhammed cartoons in class to illustrate the principle of free speech – on the grounds that he was “unclean” and had “sinned by insulting the Prophet.” Like many a Muslim paterfamilias, and in accordance with his holy book, Mahmoud is something of a domestic bully: his ex-wife has unsuccessfully sought restraining orders against him, and his teenage daughter claims to have been “mentally and physically abused” by him “for a long time.” But Mahmoud has paid no price for any of it.

Needless to say, Mahmoud’s number is legion. Western Europeans are accustomed to Muslim immigrants who, having supposedly fled chaos in their homelands, have for decades accepted Swedish government largesse with one hand while punching Jews, gays, and their own wives and children with the other. Quite a difference from the thousands of Ukrainian men who, until last month, were working in Western Europe – and making real economic contributions to the societies in which they were living – but who, when Russia invaded Ukraine, packed their bags at once and valiantly went home to fight. Anton Zheleznov, who had been employed by a building management company in Södertälje, told The Local, “What do you do if your country is invaded? You fight. You protect your country. For me, this is not a question.”

The contrasts between the Muslims and Ukrainians in Sweden, then, could hardly be starker. The Ukrainians are fleeing an invasion of their country; the Muslims have been prosecution their own invasion of Sweden for nearly half a century. Here’s another contrast. For years, as Hege Storhaug noted the other day, Swedish government and media pretended that Muslim immigration was an economic boon for Sweden. That was a lie: it was, in reality, a massive burden, and many of the new arrivals were serious criminals. The Ukrainians who’ve come in recent years to Sweden and elsewhere in Western Europe to work, however, have been a boon. They fit in and they kept their noses clean. And yet now that Ukrainian women and children are pouring into Western Europe, guess what? The media, politicians, and academics, which considered it sheer racism to talk about the costs of taking in refugees, have decided, Sweden Democrats politician Johan Nissinen complained last week, that “it is suddenly OK to talk about how much it costs.”

Thus it wasn’t too surprising when Swedish Labor Minister Eva Nordmark announced on Monday that the new Ukrainian refugees, unlike the Muslim refugees who preceded them, will be expected to support themselves financially. Got that? Women who’ve just arrived, probably with children in tow and perhaps with bad cases of PTSD, will have to register as job-seekers and go out on interviews if they want to put food on the table. So it turns out that, yes, Sweden is discriminating among refugees, apparently on the basis of race: to Ukrainian women, it’s saying: “Get a job, you bum,” while to Muslims who’ve lived in Sweden for decades on public assistance and never worked a day, it’s saying: “Don’t worry, boys. Soon enough these Ukrainian women’s tax payments will be helping to cover our welfare disbursements to you.” As they say in Somalia, Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.

Germany: 40 Islamists released on parole

In the coming months, there is a threat of “mass releases” of up to 40 Islamists from German prisons who have served all or most of their sentences. Some of them are self-confessed IS sympathisers – yet they will probably soon be at large. Especially with regard to undetected “sleepers”, a serious security problem looms.

In Hamburg alone, there are ten people who could benefit from much shorter prison sentences or even early release. Two of them were convicted of offences in connection with the terrorist organisation “Islamic State” in Syria. Also, of the 21 “dangerous persons” currently in custody in Bavaria for Islamist offences, five are scheduled for release. In total, around 100 of the 551 Islamists recorded by the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) as dangerous persons are currently in German prisons.

In Baden-Wuerttemberg, five persons are to be released from prison who are ” monitored for religiously motivated extremism”. It is unclear whether this concerns religious extremism in the Islamist sector. In Hanover, the number of Islamist prisoners released this year is said to be in the “low single digits”. Among them is Safia S., who in 2016, at the age of 15, was sentenced to five years in juvenile detention for stabbing a policeman in the throat. This crime is considered the first IS assassination in Germany.

Regarding her case, a justice official explains: “Safia S. is celebrated as a martyr by Islamists outside, outside the prison. She is one of the few women in Germany who has committed an Islamist crime, she has a role model function.”

Even in the more “provincial” federal states, Islamic terrorists and ” faithful criminals” can look forward to a life in freedom in the near future. In Rhineland-Palatinate, for example, the Ministry of Justice refused to give journalists any information on how many of the eleven people imprisoned there for supporting a terrorist organisation, establishing relations to commit or instructing a serious act of violence that endangers the state and financing terror are scheduled for release this year. The only thing that is certain is that there will be such releases.

Only in Hesse are “all Islamists in pre-trial detention” suspected by the authorities to be a risk of absconding. Among them are also IS returnees who have not yet been convicted. Therefore, according to the judicial authorities there, no releases from prison are currently planned. On the other hand, the two Islamist criminals currently imprisoned in Saarland, both convicted of crimes committed in Germany (!), are to be released this year. The same applies to three prisoners in Schleswig-Holstein who also committed their crimes in Germany.

While German courts regularly find that many domestic crimes and serious crimes without ideological motives, but also right-wing extremist offenders, are particularly guilty (which rules out release after serving the sentence and either special security detention or hospitalisation is ordered), Islamist offenders continue to be treated with kid gloves by the judiciary. In the case of many of the offenders, there is a considerable risk that they may have become even more radicalised while in prison.

In addition, the state is blind to the real threat of terror posed by Islamists: of the several thousand German citizens who have left for Syria since 2013 to serve as IS henchmen or followers of jihadist fighting forces, the German government knows of just 350 returnees. It is therefore completely unknown how many other people are in the country without being detected.

It is therefore considered likely that the criminals now scheduled for release could join already existing networks or found new ones. Especially the current renewed mass immigration also of Muslim young African men as supposed “Ukraine refugees” allows a huge dark field of potential Islamists to infiltrate unnoticed into Germany and the EU. Corresponding threat prognoses by the authorities, if they exist at all, are withheld from the public.

Over 100 people’s homes raided across Germany for ‘insulting’ politicians

German police have launched a nationwide crackdown on what they say is “hate mail” and “insults” targeting politicians, German Criminal Police Office (BKA) President Holger Münch announced in a tweet.

The action was directed against more than 100 suspects in 13 federal states, as BKA in Wiesbaden and the Frankfurt Public Prosecutor’s Office jointly announced.

All of those who have been targeted with raids published their comments in connection with the federal elections last September and concern politicians of all parties. The BKA said the investigators had analyzed more than 600 statements and checked them for criminal content, according to a report from Taggespiegel.

As in other nations, politicians in Germany face legitimate threats from online users, however, German law enforcement has also often targeted people for merely insulting a politician. For example, left-wing Berlin Mayor Michael Müller became angered after someone posted a satirical photo of him on Twitter. Müller then arranged for Berlin prosecutors to ascertain the man’s identity and issue a warrant for a house raid in a case that received widespread media attention and criticism from opposition parties.

The definition of “criminal hate speech” has been widely expanded to include a range of “insults” which would normally fall under the category of free speech in many Western countries, including the United States. There is concern that the police may be weaponizing the law to target those exercising legitimate political speech or simply making fun of a politician. It is unclear why certain individuals are being targeted with house raids and arrest, and whether their mail or online comments were serious threats or merely insults.

The house raids are heavily supported by a range of German institutions, including 100 General Administrative Offices, and the Frankfurt General Administration offices. However, these are not the first raids of this type, with the most recent raid marking the eighth time German police have partaken in such raids. The previous one was last December.

The mass raids illustrate the fact that politicians are “insulted, slandered and threatened” on the internet, claimed Hesse’s Attorney General Torsten Kunze.

“In order to prevent the withdrawal of those affected from reaching a level that endangers democracy, we are prosecuting these crimes consistently and in close cooperation with the public prosecutors of the other federal states,” he said.

BKA President Holger Münch also affirmed: “Freedom of expression reaches its limits as soon as it comes to defamation, insults and threats.” Anyone who posts ‘hate messages’ must expect that the police will then be at the door.”

Germany has become increasingly authoritarian around the issue of free speech, and the latest left-wing government has sought to enact an entire ban on the popular messaging app Telegram, which is one of the few popular platforms still dedicated to free speech. It is also frequented by supporters of Germany’s opposition party Alternative for Germany (AfD) and others opposed to coronavirus mandates, which has angered Germany’s ruling establishment. In a sign of a tightening crackdown, the AfD was recently cleared to be labeled a “suspected threat to democracy,” which opens up the possibility to actively surveil all party members and politicians regardless of whether they have committed any wrongdoing.

The German government is also launching an entirely new agency to monitor “hate speech” and make arrests, with 150,000 “hateful comments” on social media expected to be criminalized every year. The left-wing politician running the country’s interior minister, Nancy Faeser, has launched a 10-point plan to combat right-wing extremism, with many of the objectives appeared to be aimed at the country’s opposition AfD party.