A food crisis in Europe soon?

The effects of the Russia-Ukraine conflict may soon endanger the food security of Europeans, because the two nations at war are top exporters of wheat. The military clash between neighboring Black Sea countries will unleash a food crisis that will hit the EU and the whole world with full force. Politically, however, little attention has been paid to the food supply. 

The hot war between Russia and Ukraine has already hit international grain prices. The two neighboring countries account for 29 percent of global wheat exports. Together they export 60 million tons of grain annually. In addition, Ukraine is one of the largest exporters of barley, corn and rapeseed and owns a third of the available “black earth”. This is considered to be the best soil in the world. In short: The most productive fields are in the Ukraine, the “granary of Europe”.

Annually in Ukraine more than 60 million tons of grain are produced. More than half is exported. Overall, the agricultural sector plays an important economic role, accounting for 18 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) and 42 percent of total exports. In 2021 alone, the country earned 12,3 billion US dollars from grain exports. When it comes to wheat, Ukraine competes directly with Russia for nearby markets such as Egypt and Turkey.

The main channel for international grain shipments from Russia and Ukraine is the Black Sea. The inland sea between Asia Minor and south-eastern Europe with the neighboring states of Ukraine, Russia, Georgia, Turkey, Bulgaria and Romania has already become another theater of war.

It was from here that the Russian Black Sea Fleet bombed the port city of Odessa on February 22, 2022, on the first day of the war. A possible disruption or even interruption of grain exports from the Black Sea region via this main channel, could lead to consequences that would be devastating: In extreme cases, deliveries of up to 16 million tons of wheat from Russia and Ukraine could be affected. Experts already consider supply bottlenecks to be possible in the coming weeks.

Further dramatic increases in wheat prices, which are to be expected, would not only cause food inflation to rise sharply, but would also trigger a food crisis in Europe, the Middle East and the rest of the world.

We are already living in a time in which food insecurity has increased due to the manufactured Corona pandemic with government-imposed measures creating distribution bottlenecks and the associated global supply chain disruptions. Food prices have already risen drastically. If this trend intensifies further, for example if bread prices continue to rise, this, together with the sharp increase in energy prices, would destabilize numerous regions of the world.

 The threat is real

A report by the European Journal of Public Health shows that the global economy is under enormous strain as a result of the Corona crisis. This will increase the risk of longer-term food insecurity. This is already widespread in many high-income countries. After the global financial crisis in 2008, an estimated 13,5 million European households were food insecure. However, the current recession is much deeper and is likely to last longer. The entire food supply could come to a standstill, as a representative of the agricultural association adds.

There are two interrelated threats to food security: On the one hand, there is a food shortage, which, as already shown, triggers price increases. And on the other hand, an unfair distribution of the available food. A warning sign of this is the increasing number of people turning to emergency rations.

Due to the shortage of agricultural raw materials, European farmers are already complaining about the high prices of staple foods such as wheat and rice, which are used to make bread, pasta and other products. Price increases have been up by 17 percent since the beginning of 2020. Not only do these increase consumer prices, they also hit those people who are already struggling to make ends meet even harder.

In addition to the fear of a further escalation of the war, there is also the fear of a comprehensive food crisis that is taking place right on our own doorstep. The conflict is also having a dramatic impact on the European and especially the German energy sector.

Although it is repeatedly emphasized that the EU’s gas supply is secure, this is a fallacy. For example, the chief economist at VP Bank, Thomas Gitzel, is more honest, admitting that Europe is dependent on Russian gas. The EU gets almost half of what it needs from Russia and these gas deliveries cannot be fully offset.


HORROR! Shocking Photos and Video From Soccer Riots at Corregidora Stadium in Mexico – 18 Reported Dead (WARNING – Very Graphic)

Because of new housing for refugees ? The French town of Foix wants to demolish buildings dating back to the 12th century

Les immeubles de la rue de Rival depuis la rive droite de l'Ariège
The buildings of Rue de Rival from the right bank of the Ariège – Association Sites et Monuments – https://www.francebleu.fr/infos/societe/ariege-un-projet-de-renovation-urbaine-a-foix-suscite-la-colere-des-defenseurs-du-patrimoine-1646318695
Un projet de réhabilitation urbaine à Foix, sur les rives de l'Ariège, suscite la désapprobation des associations de protection du patrimoine
Urban regeneration project in Foix on the banks of the Ariège meets with disapproval from heritage associations – Sites et Monuments de Franc – https://www.francebleu.fr/infos/societe/ariege-un-projet-de-renovation-urbaine-a-foix-suscite-la-colere-des-defenseurs-du-patrimoine-1646318695

The issue is causing a stir. In Foix in the département of Ariège, a demolition project for six old buildings has aroused the ire of heritage conservationists. As France Bleu reported on Sunday March 6, the buildings are to be demolished to make way for the construction of social housing. To achieve this, the municipality issued a regulation of hazard. This plan outrages several associations, including “Sites et Monuments”, who see it as “a serious attack on the picturesque fabric of these old buildings from the twelfth and eighteenth centuries”.

According to the city council’s decree submitted in March 2020, an architect of the French buildings would have “pointed out the habitability of the houses” on the street side and not on the shore side and clarified that the buildings had no “structural defects”. However, the Regional Directorate for Cultural Affairs has given its approval for the redevelopment of the town centre. The associations for the protection of cultural heritage denounced the “stubbornness of the city administration” and regretted that this urban renewal project “destroys the historic urban setting of Foix”. Currently, the new flats are scheduled to be handed over in the first half of 2024. In order to make one last attempt, the Sites et Monuments association has sent a letter to the Ministry of Culture, hoping that they can “have the works suspended for a year in order to design an alternative project”.


Austria: Migrants raped a defenceless 15-year-old girl at a party – The victim then had to watch a video of it

A gruesome accusation against a 27-year-old man from Afghanistan: He allegedly abused a girl who had been drugged by knockout drops.

The background: A Turk (then 18) had a fling with a 15-year-old girl. At a party 4.5 years ago in the Mostviertel district, a Syrian (16) allegedly administered a drink with knockout drops to the girl.

According to the indictment, the 18-year-old, the 16-year-old Syrian, a 14-year-old Austrian, a 15-year-old Romanian and a 27-year-old Afghan then laid the unconscious, naked girl on a mattress and each of the defendants raped the victim, sometimes several times. Two of the boys even filmed it. It was not until the next day that the then 15-year-old girl became conscious and had to watch the video.

The 27-year-old was initially only a witness, then was given a partial conditional sentence for narcotics, was granted asylum in France and moved to France in 2019. In the course of the investigations in the addictive drug milieu, the abuse case finally came to light, the Afghan turned from a witness to a suspect and was caught by international arrest warrant.

In court on Thursday in St. Pölten, the 27-year-old admitted to having abused the 15-year-old girl once: “I was drunk, I didn’t actually rethink.” The sentence: eight years imprisonment for abuse of a defenceless person and false testimony as well as seven months revocation.

In total, more than 8.5 years in prison (final).

The other four defendants were given much lighter sentences because of their age: Between 20 months of probation and 2.5 years of imprisonment.


They thought they were safe! Germany plans vaccinations for Ukrainian refugees

Germany’s Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) is planning Corona vaccinations for Ukrainian refugees. Ukrainians will be escaping a war zone just to face another hurdle to their well-being.

“There will be easy-to-understand information sheets in Ukrainian for this,” Lauterbach told German Spiegel magazine. The shots will be forced on refugees at every medical contact point in Germany, of which there may be quite a few.

He also wanted to “offer uncomplicated quick tests for refugees,” Lauterbach announced. “People who come from the war zone also need medical help and protection against infections,” said the minister without specifying these infections they would need to be protected from. “We will take care of that.”

According to the Federal Ministry of Health, only about a third of Ukrainians have taken the jab, but soon they will have no choice but to take the deadly experimental gene-therapy shot. A third of them received the Chinese vaccine Sinovac, which is not approved in the EU, reported German daily Die Welt.

American cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough has meanwhile called for an end to the injury-inducing Covid jabs. The “crisis is over,” the renowned physician said.

He warned of the danger of taking these shots. The products that Pfizer,Moderna and others have developed “are not sufficiently safe enough, nor are they effective enough, to have mandated upon us in our lives”.

McCullough added: “Over a million Americans have been injured as a result of Covid-19 vaccination, and sadly, thousands have died afterwards.” And the poor Ukrainian refugees thought they had finally made it to safety…


Two French high schools are attacked on Twitter for a video mocking Islam

This short, 10-second video was uploaded to Twitter on Friday evening, March 4. The video was called ” controversial” by the Twitter account of Tajmaât, a platform for cooperation and community for North Africans. It shows two youths lying on the ground and imitating a Muslim prayer. According to the Taâjmat account, these youths are “making fun of Islam by imitating Muslims”. It happens in a room that looks like a classroom. You can hear the word prophet, laughter and see an adult in a tie videotaping the scene. ” Their teacher,” Tajmaât says.According to this tweet, the incident took place in a school in La Roche-sur-Yon (Vendée). Tajmaât asks the school authorities in Nantes: “Isn’t there a problem?”.

At first it was said that this incident had been videotaped at the Lycée Mendès-France. At noon on Saturday, the school management had not yet reacted to our reports. Then the Tajmaât claim mentions the Lycée Notre-Dame-du-Roc in another post. Contacted by France Bleu Loire Océan, the director Serge Daniel denies it. He states that “this video does not concern the Lycée Notre Dame du Roc. It was not videotaped at the school. We will therefore file a complaint for defamation”.
The Académie de Nantes denies any involvement of the two high schools mentioned.

Shortly before 1 p.m., the Académie de Nantes informed in an email “that, after verification, the video was not shot in either of the two schools cited.”
The person in charge of the Tajmaât account replied at around 6pm on Saturday: “We don’t have any more details at the moment, but regarding this incident, we have received messages from internet users who want to denounce the behaviour of the students and the teacher to the school authorities.”
In October, police patrols had to be mobilised in Nantes near the Lycée Guist’hau after a video was posted on the internet of a private party where young people made a parody of a Muslim prayer.www.francebleu.fr


Eyewitness report: “Christian sluts” – “students” from Muslim countries tried to rape fleeing Ukrainian women

Master of Arts Christan Zeitz has maintained good contacts in Eastern Europe for many years, especially in Ukraine, and knows the situation there very well. Therefore, he was able to report to broadcaster AUF1 about the situation on the ground.

From minute 14:15: Christian Zeitz does not want to conceal a piece of information that he hinted at earlier.

There have been horrific scenes in the forests outside the border of Poland, where natives from Muslim countries, who have had the status of scholarship holders at universities there, from Syria, from the Maghreb and from Black Africa, who have thought, now we are improving, we will not stay in Ukraine, we will mingle with the refugees, with the Ukrainian women, and see that we get to Poland and from there to Germany or Austria, These people – you can’t generalise, but they are not isolated cases – have called Ukrainian women Christian sluts and subhumans and insulted them, and I know of cases that I can prove from first-hand experience that there have been rape attempts on a grand scale and that these people have behaved unbelievably in every respect, one must actually deny them any entitlement to be treated and called refugees.

The complete interview with Christian Zeitz from 4.3.2022 starting at minute 10:45.

Commentary Politikstube: And once they arrive in Germany or Austria, they whine about their suffering and discrimination during their flight from Ukraine, and the helpful do-gooders or organisations and the leading media believe every word they say.


Crusaders against crusaders: IS terrorists hope Ukraine war will destroy ‘enemies of Islam’

In its current issue, the weekly newspaper of the so-called Islamic State, Al-Naba, has had its say on Russia’s attack on Ukraine. It advises Muslims to stay out of the current conflict, saying it is about “crusaders against crusaders”. What’s more, the radical IS supporters hope that the war will last for a long time and wipe out the “enemies of Islam” in the West.

In the editorial of the March 4 pamphlet, the radical Islamists express their hope that the war will escalate into a protracted conflict “between the crusaders” that could gradually spread across Europe and lead to the destruction of Islam’s enemies.

This opposes the IS terrorist group to the alleged 10,000-strong fighting force from Chechnya that has left for Ukraine on behalf of Putin ally Ramzan Kadyrov. With the war, it has been proven how false the “values of the West” allegedly are, which can also be seen in the alleged unequal treatment of Muslims at the borders.
