Wall-Street quality research: Vaxx deaths and injuries will get serious soon

Its not even noon yet and I have had a number of depressing conversations with medical professionals and other people involved with the research of Vaxx consequences.

I heard of a little girl, 7 years old, who died shortly after getting one of the shots, sort of required in US schools. I say sort of because although the schools stopped short of mandates per se, they did get groups of nurses into the schools to inject children after a consent form was signed by parents.

The autopsy read: “Covid complications.”

The one thing vaxx death reports all have in common, is the Auschwitz level standard of cynicism. Like the gate to the slave labour/death camp said: “Work shall make you free”. Presumably meaning you will be free from slave labour work when we, or it kills you.

“Covid complications” in this case likely means, they gave her a shot they said would prevent covid and it killed her.

There is a lot more to report on today. But don’t let the Kabuki war distract you too too much. The Vaxx damage and Covid policy damage should still be front and centre.


Chernobyl and the Lies of COVID

By J.B. Shurk

The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (officially the Vladimir Lenin Nuclear Power Plant) in Ukraine lies just outside the abandoned town of Pripyat, about sixty miles north of Kyiv and ten miles from the southern border of Belarus.  It is the site of the catastrophic 1986 nuclear accident that took the lives of hundreds from acute radiation syndrome, left unknown thousands with cancer, and poisoned the surrounding environment.  It cost nearly a hundred billion dollars to contain, required over a half-million recovery workers to decontaminate the area, and killed or disabled a third of the Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Latvians, Estonians, and others involved in that cleanup.  Those workers, as well as the surrounding populations, have all experienced increased rates of miscarriages, cancer, and life-threatening ailments.  Had so many not sacrificed themselves to contain the fallout, however, Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, and much of Germany could have become uninhabitable for more than a century.

Chernobyl is back in the news because Russian troops have taken control of the area during their invasion of Ukraine.  The International Atomic Energy Agency and European nations throughout the continent are understandably nervous about this predicament, but this essay is not about those concerns.  It is about the lessons Western governments should have learned from that nearly apocalyptic event but instead ignored during the last two years of COVID mania.  

As details concerning the Chernobyl disaster became available after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the West reached the inescapable conclusion that the tragedy could have occurred only in a closed off socialist system in which the State preserves its authority by maintaining a false image of always being correct and never being wrong.  The lessons were clear:

(1) When “science” must be State-sanctioned, then the objectivity required to foresee and correct problems disappears. 

(2) When dissent and conflicting analysis are treated as “misinformation” or “disinformation,” then truth is routinely treated as a lie.

(3) When concerns for national security and a culture of official State secrets dominate all government operations, then censorship of facts and viewpoints prevent timely problem-solving. 

Institutional lies have life-and-death consequences.  The Chernobyl nuclear explosion was both a consequence of government lies and a blaring warning against closed socialist systems, “official truths,” and State-controlled censorship.  Still, the West disregarded all of this during COVID and followed the Soviets’ example.

HBO aired a five-part miniseries on Chernobyl in 2019, and the well done effort to catalogue the fateful events leading up to the nuclear blast masterfully exposes how State lies and State secrets lead to profound human tragedy.  As the series moves back and forth from conversations among engineers at the power plant to high-level discussions among political apparatchiks advising Soviet president Gorbachev, nearly everyone involved is incapable of processing the overwhelming evidence that a nuclear explosion had occurred because doing so would mean that the “system” had failed horrendously.  It was easier to embrace the lie that everything was fine than to acknowledge that the Soviet model was capable of error.  

When a dissenting scientist repeatedly expresses his belief that a reactor meltdown and explosion has occurred, the power plant’s director calls his analysis “disgraceful.”  “I understand you’ve been saying dangerous things,” he scolds the professor, before accusing him of spreading outright “disinformation.”  At another point during the series, as the team on the ground struggles to dispose of radioactive graphite, only to learn that the Soviet government has intentionally lied about the seriousness of the incident to the Germans providing equipment inadequate for the monumental task at hand, an exasperated party member (who already knows he will one day die from exposure) sardonically moans, “The official position of the State is that a global nuclear catastrophe is not possible in the Soviet Union.”  

It is impossible to watch this show, released over six months before people first heard about COVID, without concluding that it was a remarkably prescient description of Western governments’ reactions to the pandemic.  What has been the most terrifying aspect of these last two years of unconscionable lockdowns, mandates, maskings, and forced injections?  It was not the COVID-19 virus or the illness and death it has caused.  It was Western governments’ near-unanimous declarations that the State is always correct in its assessments of scientific problems and that the application of force against citizens is justified.  

When the pandemic was beginning and health officials declared cloth masks ineffective, State science was above reproach.  When health authorities changed their minds months later and declared cloth masks mandatory, State science was still above reproach.  Now that once again the weight of evidence has proved that masks did next to nothing to mediate the spread of disease, the State science has flipped but still claims a record of infallibility.  More and more evidence is proving that lockdowns and reckless government spending did nothing but destroy small businesses, family savings, and national economies.  Still, those who resisted house arrest, financial destitution, or other State-ordered threats to liberty were labeled criminals or worse, domestic terrorists.  Just as with Chernobyl, protecting the authority of the State by hiding its (often ridiculous) lies has been more important than saving actual lives.

When dissenting scientists repeatedly tried to warn about the harm lockdowns would have on childhood development, timely cancer treatment, drug and alcohol dependency, and rates of suicide, their concerns were dismissed as contrary to the mission of the State.  When dissenting scientists questioned the need for widespread dissemination of synthetic mRNA “vaccines” when evidence for the enduring effectiveness of natural immunity was increasingly strong, they were labeled “anti-vaxxers” and “science deniers” deserving of scorn.  When dissenting scientists warned about using mRNA “vaccines” without first performing critical long-term studies on their potential side-effects, they were deplatformed from government-controlled social media, censored on YouTube and Facebook, and scrubbed from internet search engines.  Yet an awful lot of what has been labeled as “misinformation” or “disinformation” by the West’s State-corporate globalist cartel these last two years has proven to be either likely or one hundred percent true.  For those COVID- or “vaccine”-related issues that remain uncertain, the CDC, the FDA, or individual pharmaceutical companies have taken it upon themselves to hide or bury the information from public view.  Still to this day, the question of whether COVID-19 was developed in a Chinese lab funded by American taxpayers has been shrouded by Intelligence Community obfuscation.  Were there any doubt before, it is indisputable that state secrets — Soviet or Western — always come before public health.

Nothing the West has done in response to COVID distinguishes it from the Soviets’ handling of the preventable Chernobyl tragedy.  After brute force used against citizens from Australia and New Zealand to Austria and Democrat-controlled cities in the U.S., Canada’s recent “emergency” declaration and bank account confiscation against protesting citizens proved just how Sovietized the West has become.  The worst part is that everything done against us has been repeatedly defended as for our own good

As an old communist in the Chernobyl miniseries exclaims before a rousing ovation: “The State tells us it wants to prevent a panic.  Listen well!  It’s true, when the people see the police, they will be afraid.  But it is my experience that when the people ask questions that are not in their own best interest, they should simply be told to keep their minds on their labor and leave matters of the State to the State.  We seal off the city.  No one leaves.  And cut the phone lines.  Contain the spread of misinformation.  That is how we keep the people from undermining the fruits of their own labor.” 

Tell me that doesn’t sound just like Justin Trudeau, Jacinda Ardern, or Joe Biden.


Indonesia: Anti-blasphemy law reinstated, 72 Christians imprisoned

Indonesia is not only popular for its scenic beauty, but lately it has also become notorious for arresting more and more people for “blasphemy”, Aleteia reported on Friday March 11. Muhammad Kacé and Jozeph Paul Zhang, two Christian Youtubers from Indonesia, have been arrested for this reason in recent months for advocating the Christian religion. The Indonesian internet is currently the scene of a war between Muslim and Christian preachers, Medium tells us. This conflict, which is not limited to mere exchanges of words, has already sentenced 72 Christians to long prison terms.

Although there has always been an anti-blasphemy law in Indonesia, it has been observed that convictions in this area have been increasing, which is evidence of the return of blasphemy as a social indicator that influences people’s way of thinking, analyses Aleteia. Indonesia, the fourth most populous country in the world with 264 million people, is the largest Muslim country in the world – ahead of India and Pakistan. And although the country is historically known for practising a moderate Islam, as the religion was introduced through trade relations rather than weapons, a radicalisation of Islam has been observed for a number of years. This was made possible by the arrival of successful preachers who introduced the rhetoric of Wahhabi Islam imported from the Gulf states.


Germany: Man and trans woman homophobically insulted and attacked by Arabs

On Sunday afternoon, a man (35) and a trans woman (21) accompanying him were attacked in the Mitte district in Berlin.

Shortly after 8 p.m., they were confronted by three young men at the intersection of Dircksenstraße and Karl-Liebknecht-Straße. One of them allegedly insulted them in Arabic in a homophobic manner, according to police on Monday.

A short time later, the suspect allegedly lashed out, punched the 35-year-old in the face and injured his lip.

The attacker then fled. The injured man was treated as an outpatient.


Iraqis and Africans rape 18-year-old Ukrainian woman on refugee ship in Düsseldorf, Germany

This crime will make you angry and stunned: A Ukrainian woman was allegedly raped in a refugee accommodation in Düsseldorf!

According to information from the newspaper BILD, the crime occurred on March 6: An 18-year-old Ukrainian woman was the victim of a sexual assault on the hotel ship “Oscar Wilde”, which is currently also used as accommodation for refugees from Ukraine. She was allegedly abused by two Iraqi and Nigerian men (37 and 26 years old) one after the other.

Both of them would also have Ukrainian nationality. The police initiated an investigation on “suspicion of rape”. Among other things, it has to be clarified how the two alleged perpetrators came into possession of the Ukrainian passport.

The politicians are shocked and outraged! Andrea Lindholz (51), parliamentary group leader of the CDU/CSU, to BILD: “The police authorities must specifically ensure the protection of Ukrainian women by checking the flats. The Düsseldorf case forces us to act immediately.

The head of the federal police union, Heiko Teggatz, told BILD: “Politicians should now do everything to ensure that such terrible cases of rape as on the hotel ship in Düsseldorf do not accumulate. Severe and swift punishment followed by deportation is the only language these perpetrators understand.”

According to information from BILD, police officers in the border area are increasingly encountering refugees who do not come directly from Ukraine, but from Africa, for example.Bild.de


Breaking: Russia Bombing In Ukraine Near Polish Border Kills Three British Ex-Special Forces Troops