Germany: Knifeman “Elias” is actually named Mohammed

This trial is a mystery. And it already starts with the name of the defendant.

Because Elias S. (25), who has been standing trial for dangerous bodily harm and drug trafficking at the Dresden District Court since Friday, is not called that at all, but Mohammed.

He is also not from Libya, but from Tunisia. And whether he is married to an Italian woman, as it says in the asylum application under the false name, is also unclear. Elias or Mohammed denies this.

There are not only many questions about the person, but also about the events on Albertplatz square in June 2021, for which Mohammed is on trial, among other things.

According to the indictment, the 25-year-old attacked a man there with a knife, stabbed him three times and seriously injured his victim.

While the accused remains silent on the charges, his victim cannot be questioned. The victim ran away shortly before he was deported. Whereabouts: unknown.

And so only a policewoman called as a witness reported what the victim had said in the hospital on the night of the crime.

The victim’s version was that Mohammed had gone berserk and suddenly attacked him. He did not give a reason. Witnesses, on the other hand, reported that a larger group of people had argued and pushed each other before the knife attack took place.

Pepper spray could also have been used. So the judge has a lot to clarify. The trial will continue.

“An irresponsible crime against humanity”: Former head of state office for criminal investigation and Europol official warns German MPs against compulsory vaccination law

A former senior official of the State Office of Criminal Investigation (LKA) and Europol writes an
open letter to the German Parliament. In it he warns the members of parliament against the planned compulsory vaccination law and its consequences – from a medical point of view for the people and from a criminal law perspective for the MPs. EPOCH TIMES

Connecting the Dots on COVID-19: The Origin

By Antonio R. Chaves

The origin of SARS-CoV-2 is yet to be definitively resolved.

Nevertheless, the following facts are indisputable:

  1. The animal reservoir for COVID-19 has yet to be identified and computer modelling from Finders University showed that the COVID-19 virus, SARS-CoV-2 “is most ideally adapted to infect human cells—rather than bat or pangolin cells.”
  2. The closest known relative of SARS-CoV-2 is the bat virus RaTG13. Unfortunately, nobody outside of China has ever observed a biological sample of RaTG13 because “no more sample” allegedly remained after the virus was sequenced.
  3. Based on in vitro binding studies RaTG13 viruses interact poorly with ACE2 receptors from bats and display a stronger affinity to receptors from mice and rats.
  4. The spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 contains a sequence of 4 amino acids that enables removal of the S1 portion of the spike by “furin” (an enzyme found on cell surfaces). Cutting the spike at this “furin cleavage site” allows viruses to enter these cells via the ACE2 receptors.
  5. To date, no close relatives of SARS-CoV-2 are known to possess a furin cleavage site. Consequently, numerous scientists regard the anomalous presence of the FCS on SARS-CoV-2 as evidence this virus was engineered.
  6. For decades, genetic insertion of the furin cleavage site has been used as a means for studying its role on viral pathogenicity. This research is known as “gain-of-function.”
  7. Dr. Ralph Baric of the University of North Carolina pioneered numerous “gain-of-function” techniques for coronaviruses. This included both genetic engineering and “serial passaging” (a guided form of “natural selection”).
  8. In 2002 Dr. Baric pioneered a gene slicing strategy known as “No See’m.” This technique makes it possible for scientists to generate “seamless reconstruction of an exact sequence” by removing tell-tale “junctions” formed by standard splicing procedures. This minimizes evidence of genetic tampering.
  9. Numerous times prior to the pandemic Baric collaborated with Zhengli Shi(aka “bat lady”). Dr. Shi also carried out gain-of-function research in Wuhan without Baric’s involvement.
  10. On April 16, 2020 NIH Director Francis Collins wrote in an email to NIAID director Anthony Fauci, “Wondering if there is something NIH can do to help put down this very destructive (lab leak) conspiracy.” Fauci went on to assure him by saying, “It is a shiny object that will go away in times.”
  11. In October 2021 NIH grudgingly admitted to having funded gain-of-function experiments at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in 2018-2019. These experiments generated coronaviruses that made infected mice much sicker. Most importantly, these mice had been genetically engineered to express human ACE2 receptors.
  12. 19-base portion of the SARS-CoV-2 genome coincides with the reverse compliment of 19-base genetic portion of US Patent 9587003. Most importantly, this portion of the viral genome includes the aforementioned furin cleavage site (12 of the 19 bases). No other virus in the NIH contains this 19-base sequence. The probability that this exact 19-base sequence appeared my means of random mutation is less than one out of a trillion.
  13. On Dec. 12, 2019 Dr. Baric signed an agreement to investigate “mRNA coronavirus candidates that were developed and jointly-owned by NIAID and Moderna” (emphasis mine).

These facts beg the following questions:

  1. Why is SARS-CoV-2 so ideally adapted to infect humans?
  2. Where is the missing link that preferentially infects bats and pangolins?
  3. Where is the missing link with a partial furin cleavage site?
  4. Why does RaTG13 preferentially infect mice and rats?
  5. Was RaTG13 generated in a lab to support the “natural origin” narrative?
  6. Do the benefits of gain-of-function research ever outweigh the risks, or is it just an excuse for illicit bioweapons research?
  7. What is the purpose of developing technology for removing evidence of genetic engineering if you are not trying to hide anything?
  8. Why did lawyers need to obtain a FOIA request to obtain documents showing that NIH funded gain-of-function research in China?
  9. Why did Fauci repeatedly deny NIH funding of this dangerous research when he was questioned by Sen. Rand Paul?
  10. Why did Collins and Fauci collude to suppress legitimate questions about the origin of SARS-CoV-2?
  11. Why did NIAID choose a world expert in “seamless” gain-of-function technology and extensive ties to the lab that generated the virus to play a leading role in vaccine development?
  12. How did SARS-CoV-2 end up with a compliment of a 19-base sequence from Patent 9587003?
  13. Was this 19-base sequence inserted by means of genetic engineering?
  14. Was this 19-base sequence “accidently” picked up when the virus was cultured on a patented cell line?
  15. If a patented cell line was involved, were virus cultures subjected to the process of serial passaging?
  16. If any of these last three scenarios occurred, did they happen with or without Moderna’s consent?
  17. A viral genome contains a 19-base sequence owned by the same company that is later first in line to make the vaccine. What are the odds this happened by chance?
  18. Why does Moderna have such a cozy relationship with NIH?

Prior to February, the homology between SARS-CoV-2 and Patent 9587003 was discussed on the fringes of Twitter and Substack. When this discovery was officially acknowledged in late February, it got minimal coverage in mainstream media. When Fox News host Maria Bartiromo boldly confronted Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel on the air, he shifted towards the more general topic of a “lab accident in China” before awkwardly claiming that his scientists were “looking into it to see if it was real or not.” Now with the war in Ukraine serving as cover, nobody in mainstream media has followed up and Bancel has yet to release any official statement on Patent 9587003.

Anyone who still claims SARS-CoV-2 came from nature at this point is either a liar or a fool. The legitimate questions at this point are whether or not the synthesis and/or release of SARS-CoV-2 were the result of an accident.

After witnessing two years of lies that were used to justify unprecedented cruelty to children and the elderly, I am no longer inclined to believe the pandemic was brought about by a series of careless mistakes.

Turkish Interior Minister: NATO is bankrupt and EU under Soros’ control

In view of the Ukraine conflict, Turkey is in the process of repositioning itself in foreign policy. A recent statement by Turkey’s Interior Minister Soylu is all the more noteworthy in this context given that Turkey is still a NATO member.

In an interview with the Turkish pro-government daily Sabah, Soylu underlined that “Turkey has not surrendered to globalization”. Rather, it has “well-established regional trade links, presented to it by history”. Had Turkey “surrendered” to globalization, it would have gotten the country into more trouble than Ukraine.

In an interview on March 14, Soylu said: “We are altogether seeing the collapse of global organizations like the United Nations and NATO… I also think Europe carries no meaning as a community. Europe is being managed with Soros’ rules.”

He added: “Soros is the one responsible for all children who die at war.”

Soylu further stated: “We all see the bankruptcy of the UN, NATO and global organizations in the world. They no longer have value. I’ve been saying that for years. I also think that Europe as a community has no meaning.” Rather, Europe is “governed by Soros rules”. And: “I will say this very clearly, no country in the world will accept Soros again. Soros is responsible for all the children who died in the war (…) Look at the problem of Ukraine, Soros has been there from the beginning. He is a murderer.”

Ukrainian TV Host Calls For Genocide of Russian Children

Ukrainian TV host Fahruddin Sharafmal took to the airwaves to demand the genocide of Russian children, quoting top Nazi Adolf Eichmann as he called for “killing children.”

Yes, really.

Sharafmal uttered the vile comments during a segment on the Channel 24 news station.

“I know that as a journalist, I have to be objective, I have to be balanced, in order to report information to you with a cold heart, but to tell you the truth, it’s very hard to hold on now, especially at a time like this, and since we are called Nazis, fascists, and so on in Russia — I will allow myself to quote Adolf Eichmann, who said that in order to destroy a nation, you must destroy, first of all, children. Because if you kill their parents, the children will grow up and take revenge. By killing children — they will never grow up and the nation will disappear,” Sharafmal said.

He then went on to assert that he would personally kill Russian children.

“The Armed Forces of Ukraine cannot kill Russian children because it is forbidden by the rules of war, and it is prohibited by various conventions, including the Geneva Convention. But I am not from the Armed Forces of Ukraine. And when I get the chance to take out the Russians, I will definitely do it.”

“Since you call me a Nazi, I adhere to the doctrine of Adolf Eichmann, and I will do everything in my power to ensure that you and your children never live on this earth.”

And if you were left in any doubt as to Sharafmal’s intentions, he again made clear that he wanted to “slaughter” Russian families.

“We need victory,” Sharafmal said. “And if we have to slaughter all your families to do it — I’ll be one of the first to do it. Glory to the nation! And hope that there will never be such a nation as Russia and the Russians on this earth again. Because they are just scum who are destroying this land. If the Ukrainians have the opportunity, which they are basically doing right now, to destroy, to slaughter, to kill, to strangle the Muscovites. And I hope that everyone contributes and whacks at least one Moskal.”

Young men dance to brutal song – Palestinian singer wants more pain of war: “So we can marry Ukrainian women” (VIDEO)

No matter what their personal classification in the Ukraine war is: most people in Europe wish for peace. This is not the case everywhere: at an event in Palestine, a singer intones a cynical song. He hopes for many female war refugees from Ukraine. According to his idea, the displaced women should then marry Palestinian men. He also wants China to attack Taiwan.

To oriental sounds, the wedding band whips up for war. While the singer sings his brutal verses with a smile, the guests do not seem to take offence at the bloody content of the song. They dance merrily to the sounds. The leaked video sequence begins with the refrain: “Harden your heart, Putin, intensify your attacks! Expel them to Palestine so we can marry Ukrainian women.”

But his wish list also extends to the Far East. For he goes on to sing, “We also say to China: invade Taiwan! Why don’t you attack Taiwan? With that, we’ll punch the Americans in the nose who build the fighter planes for Israel!” The singer is introduced as a “wedding singer”, but there are only young men dancing in the room. It is therefore possible that this is a bachelor party.

Multiculturalism and History

By John Kline

Late last month, Boris Johnson’s conservative government announced a new plan to overhaul Britain’s national history curriculum in order to, according to the Daily Mail, “push ‘diversity, migration and cultural change’ over ‘classic’ topics like the Tudors or the Second World War.” As his education minister said regarding the change: “This is about the range of opportunities there are within the curriculum to teach world history and the relevance of that to modern Britain.” In other words, less British history for Britain’s future generations.

Britain has actually been watching a social revolution of sorts over the issue of historical “inclusiveness” for some time. Recent British films and TV dramas, for instance, have portrayed mixed-race couples strolling the streets of 18th-century London and depicted numerous historical figures as black, including Roman soldiers who occupied the isle in ancient times, King George III’s wife from the 18th century, and Henry VIII’s wife, Ann Boleyn. Such attempts to normalize Britain’s “multicultural past” (which ironically would seem to blunt its “racist” past) has spawned a popular (and regularly suspended) YouTube channel, History Debunked, partly premised on challenging these false perspectives.

“Revising” national history by distorting and also negating it has, of course, been taking place in the U.S. for some time. In her 1999 book, Losing Our Language: How Multicultural Classroom Instruction is Undermining Our Children’s Ability to Read, Write, and Reason, former education professor, Sandra Stotsky writes: “Beginning in the early 1980s, the most effective way to upgrade the status of students whose academic performance in school had barely changed… was not so much to enhance it positively through celebratory readings but to reduce the moral and cultural status of the mainstream. (emphasis mine).” To do this, she writes, teachers began to “load the history and literature curriculum with literary works… that stressed the flaws and failings of the United States.” As she concludes, many educators believed it was useful to “highlight a group’s victimization by white Americans because it served to elevate a minority group’s moral status and create guilt in white students.”

Education historian Diane Ravitch reached similar conclusions in her own book on the issue: 2003’s The Language Police: How Pressure Groups Restrict What Students Learn (2003). She found, for instance, “sensitivity guidelines” of textbook publishers McGraw-Hill to be filled with “barely-concealed rage against people of European ancestry” and designed to inculcate in students the idea that whites were “uniquely responsible for bigotry and exploitation in all human history.”

Bracing stuff (back then, at least), although it’s almost humorous when conservatives and centrist liberals express shock at such pedagogical pivots. It should seem pretty natural to most.

With enough demographic change, it is possible for new countries to take the place of old ones, and new countries require new histories. For instance, in order to make newcomers feel welcome, it would seem almost necessary to at least downplay the history of the founding stock and traditional majority. So, it’s puzzling when supporters of the immigration status quo from the right get exercised over multiculturalism and the revising of our national history. This basically includes the entire neoconservative establishment. Neocon godfather Irving Kristol, for instance, railed against multiculturalism all the while staying silent on mass immigration from non-traditional source countries — Linda Chavez being another good example.

While assimilation is always possible (even for the most culturally distant immigrants, but more on this later), as the late British MP and mass immigration-critic Enoch Powell said throughout his career: ‘It’s all about the numbers.’

Try and name a Western country today with record-breaking foreign-born populations (all, mostly) which does not have ethnic enclaves and integration problems generally. An illustrative example of Powell’s lesson is the Southwest’s small, multi-generational Mexican-American population. In the last U.S. presidential election, among those Hispanics who voted Republican (the party of national pride and patriotism, of course), it was this cohort which predominated.

There’s another reason why neocons shouldn’t be surprised. As Stotsky and Ravitch intimated, “building up confidence” in today’s immigrant and minority kids by breaking down other kids from the traditional majority would seem to be most “needed” for those most culturally distant i.e. non-Europeans. For a lot of them, the history of civilizational development is unarguably lopsided and, for many, the results can be painful. As the late National Review columnist Joseph Sobran once wrote: “The charge of racism [from non-whites] puzzles whites who feel not hostility, but only baffled good will, because they don’t grasp what it really means: humiliation.”

There is something to the idea that many non-European newcomers feel, at least subconsciously, a certain amount of envy towards their hosts — after all, why else would they have come here? And if there is gratitude, too often it’s gone in their kids’ generation. So, the problem of weak assimilation and the clash of historical narratives would seem to be not just numbers, but cultural distance as well.

The reasons why erasing and negating Western history is so serious are manifold. According to Ernesto Caravantes, Hispanic students subjected to curricula that pushes them “to feel sorry for themselves for perceived wrong-doings in the past” works to “perpetuate[] an activist and negative mentality…” The same, of course, can be said for other minority groups; most of whom, thanks to textbooks like Howard Zinn’s A Peoples’ History of the United States, have grown increasingly sensitized towards America’s past.

With the ubiquity of public expressions of resentment today, we’re starting to see where such attitudes lead to. One British professor writing about the increased sensitivity over Britain’s history of black slavery rightly notes that “stigmatizing an entire ethnic group [i.e. indigenous Britons] because of the sins of a small minority is a textbook example of racism.” In other words, mass demonization of the traditional majority. And if left unchallenged, we all know where it can further lead.

Few have tackled how else historical negationism might affect targeted majorities’ own self-confidence and what it might portend, but it would seem hard to match former National Review contributor Lawrence Auster on this question. As he rhetorically asked years back in response to character assaults made against the Founders: “What happens to a nation when the figure most closely associated with its own origin is demonized? What happens to children, too young to absorb the moral complexities of history, when they are told that this national grandfather figure is a monster?” The answer, he writes, is:

Alienation and suspicion are implanted in their souls. Their ability to love and trust, to feel themselves a part of something larger than themselves — whether their own family and nation, or a transcendent moral order — is corroded… [Furthermore, they will] tend to see every further act of aggression against them and their culture as getting its just deserts. They will be rendered morally incapable of defending themselves or their country.

In other words, they will begin to resemble what so much of the West has become today.

In discussing the conflict in Ukraine recently, celebrity British historian David Starkey contrasted the Ukrainians deep sense of national pride with that of his own countrymen. Broken-down and deracinated Britons today, he said, would likely never defend itself with such resolve. And no state, he said, can survive which cannot defend itself. This includes its own history.