Month: March 2022
Because she wears a hairstyle of “black people”: German climate activists exclude musician

Actually, the performance of singer Ronja Maltzahn at the Fridays for Future (FFF) climate protest was already booked. But now the musician has been uninvited by FFF: Her performance was no longer wanted as long as she wore dreadlocks. This would contradict the anti-racist narrative.
Singer Ronja Maltzahn ( 28 years old) would have loved to perform at the Fridays for Future protest event in Hanover. Her bad luck: she has the wrong hairstyle. This does not fit the “anti-colonialist and anti-racist narrative” of the event, as the climate protection movement informs the baffled musician in a letter. Because of her appearance, Maltzahn will therefore not be allowed to participate on Friday when demonstrations for climate protection will once again take place in all German cities.
Ronja Maltzahn’s appearance had already been confirmed. But a few days before the event, she was uninvited because of her dreadlocks. According to the Fridays for Future group in Hanover, “white people should not wear dreadlocks”. Maltzahn would “culturally adopt” the hairstyle without experiencing the systematic oppression of black people, according to the message Maltzahn shared on Instagram.
Her only option: “Should you decide to cut off your dreadlocks by Friday, we would of course welcome you to the protest and let you perform,” FFF Ronja Maltzahn addresses in a shared message. “We hope you will deal with it.” Meanwhile, a spokeswoman for FFF Hannover confirmed the authenticity of the letter.
The singer is appalled: “It’s a shame that we are excluded from this because of external characteristics. We don’t want to discriminate against anyone on the basis of his/her cultural background, but rather to give cultural diversity a stage, to appreciate and celebrate it”. She is disappointed: “We were looking forward to being able to set an example for peace and against discrimination with our music.
Users on the internet do not understand why: “narrow-minded”, “double standards”, “own goal”, some say. “If there is no real tolerance behind political correctness….”, declares another. Some go even further: “Prime example of discrimination. A real genuine certifiable own goal.” One fan considers racism – exactly as it is defined – to be present here right now.
TV presenter Kena Amoa (51), the son of a Ghanaian, writes: “What nonsense. How can a hairstyle be cultural appropriation?” One commentator refers to an article by FAZ journalist Leonie Feuerbach in which she warns against the idea of cultural appropriation. Allowing only members of certain peoples to use cultural characteristics is reminiscent of the world view of right-wing movements, which assume clearly delimitable cultures and fail to recognise that cultural mixing has been going on for centuries.
Arson attack against German church – church burnt down to the foundation walls
In the night to Monday, the church in Singen burns down completely to the foundation walls. The police and the public prosecutor’s office do not rule out arson.
The church in Singen (Konstanz district) may have been set on fire. This was announced by the police and the public prosecutor’s office on Tuesday. The church burned down completely to the foundation walls on Monday night. The parish hall of the Evangelical Free Church congregation in Singen was also destroyed.
“As there was another fire during the night on the street “Inselwiese”, which is in the immediate vicinity of the first scene of the fire, the investigators do not rule out arson,” the police and the public prosecutor’s office reported. No one was injured in the fire. Police estimate the damage at around 1.5 million euros.
Hungarian swimmer dismisses trans victory as an ‘unfair biological advantage’

Transsexuals and transgenders competing in sport are praised in Western countries for their “courage”. But Hungarian female swimmer Réka György does not think it is fair for men to compete against women. She was banned from Twitter for expressing a popular view.
György complained about the participation of transsexual swimmer Lia Thomas in the US college championships. “I think it is disrespectful to biologically female swimmers,” she said in a letter to the organisers, the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA).

Thomas finished first in the 500-yard freestyle (457.2 metres) on Friday. The male swimmer was born a man but “identifies as a woman”. In past competitions, when he competed against men, he finished poorly. By changing gender, he was able to significantly increase his chances of winning.
The top 16 women qualified in advance for the discipline at this year’s championships. György, who competed for Virginia Tech University and was at the 2016 Summer Olympics, missed out by one place.
“I feel the last spot was taken away from me because the NCAA decided to allow someone who is not a biological female to participate,” her letter continued. The Hungarian tried to sugar-coat her complaint by sympathising with Thomas, who had prepared “just as hard” for the competition. Her criticism, she said, was only about the biological component.
Former Czech tennis player Martina Navratilova also commented on the case. “It’s not about her personally. It’s about the fact that she finished 200th, 300th, 400th as a man. Now she is finishing first. The rules need to be changed. This is not a fair fight,” she told US broadcaster NewsNation.
Even before the competition, there had been protests against Thomas’ participation. Several women demonstrated in front of the swimming hall in Georgia and chanted: “Save women’s sports”.
Twitter suspended the Hungarian swimmer’s account after her tweet exploded with likes.
Governor Ron DeSantis from Florida meanwhile issued a proclamation on Tuesday rejecting the victory of UPenn trans swimmer Lia Thomas.native advertising
In a letter bearing the governor’s seal, DeSantis declared that his state would not perpetuate a fraud by accepting Thomas’ performance as a true victory. Instead Florida would consider second-place finisher, University of Virginia student and former Tampa Bay-native Emma Weyant as the genuine champion of the NCAA Division 1 500-yard freestyle race.
“By allowing men to compete in women’s sports, the NCAA is destroying opportunities for women, making a mockery of its championships, and perpetuating a fraud,” tweeted DeSantis on Tuesday. “In Florida, we reject these lies and recognize Sarasota’s Emma Weyant as the best women’s swimmer in the 500y freestyle.”
He said at a press briefing that the NCAA was destroying women’s athletics. “They’re trying to undermine the integrity of the competition, and they’re crowning somebody else the woman’s champion.
“We thought it was very important that young girls and women athletes in the state of Florida had the ability to work hard, to realize their dreams and to compete fairly whether it’s in swimming, whether it’s in track and field, you name it. And that’s something that was really meaningful to a lot of people in Florida, particularly people like me who are parents of young girls.”
Zemmour to deport 1 million foreigners from France through creation of ‘remigration ministry’ if elected
French presidential election candidate Éric Zemmour has vowed to create a “Ministry for Remigration” and deport 1 million foreigners if elected on April 24.
With just two full weeks to go before the first round of voting on April 10, Zemmour has stepped up his campaign to take back control of France’s borders, telling French broadcaster broadcaster M6 on Monday that his administration would deport 100,000 “undesirable foreigners” every year. He added that his aim was to deport 1 million of them.
“The reason for my candidacy is that I see French identity threatened by a population exchange. I want to stop this,” Zemmour told viewers, warning the electorate that France will “be a Muslim country” by 2060 if it continues on its current trajectory.
“When someone comes to your house and trashes everything and assaults you, you kick them out of your house and you send them home,” he added. “You shouldn’t be afraid of words that upset a small [journalistic] environment.”
The ministry would be responsible for the removal of “illegal, delinquent and criminal foreigners,” as well as those deemed by French intelligence services as posing a security threat.
Zemmour has sought to differentiate himself from the National Rally leader Marine Le Pen, a fellow conservative candidate he currently trails in the polls. Both Zemmour and Le Pen have promised a national referendum on the issue of immigration if they win, but Zemmour has been more willing to describe mass immigration as a Great Replacement. The French public overwhelmingly supports a halt to immigration, making the issue a key campaign issue for all French candidates.
Zemmour, however, faces an uphill battle. The latest estimates suggest conservative essayist Zemmour could acquire between 9-13 percent of the vote in the first round, while Le Pen is tipped to receive between 16-19 percent. The incumbent Emmanuel Macron remains at the top of polls and would be a heavy favorite against either in a second-round run-off vote.
Le Pen’s niece, Marion Maréchal, sparked debate last week by defecting from the National Rally leader’s election campaign and endorsing Zemmour. Maréchal has subsequently promoted Zemmour’s hard-hitting immigration reforms on her social media platforms.
“The objective of the Ministry of Remigration will be the departure of one million foreigners over the whole of the mandate in order to arrive, in the long term, at a negative migratory balance on French soil,” Maréchal posted on Twitter.
Zemmour will hope to improve his fortunes at a mass rally in Paris’ Place du Trocadero on Sunday, which marks exactly two weeks until the French head to the polls.
“Allah” struck back “against the one who blasphemed”: The revelations of the murderer of Yvan Colonna
Three weeks after the brutal attack on Yvan Colonna in Arles prison, investigators are trying to learn more about the attacker’s motives. Franck Elong Abé, charged with “attempted terrorist murder”, has told more about the eight minutes before the Corsican nationalist’s death, the newspaper Libération reports. The man with a now well-known personality profile, who had been with the Taliban in Afghanistan, among other things, told investigators at the Marseille criminal investigation department that he had acted according to God’s will. “I am of the opinion that Allah killed Yvan Colonna using my hands. God used my hands to act against the one who committed blasphemy,” he announced.
His act was due to a hatred he had been growing for several days, reports Libération. Franck Elong Abé, who calls himself the instrument of “the creator of the earth and the sky” and of “Mektoub” (destiny), says that the day begins unfriendly between the two men on March 2. As Yvan Colonna is present in the gymnasium, he sees him coming and greets him. The latter, however, does not answer. He then ” attacks ” him. In one of the hearings, the transcript of which was made available to Libération, Frank Elong Abé stated: “Immediately the order came to me to act […] I jumped at head height, feet forward. [He shouted [the warden’s name] three or four times. Then he continues in detail: “He said ‘wanker’ to me, something like that. I think he was surprised and taken aback. […] I kicked him in the neck and his head hit the floor and that’s when he lost consciousness.”
Libération notes that the suspect’s narrative is detailed, “almost robotic”. Among other things, he describes how he tried to strangle the man. When he saw that the man was “breathing”, he used a rubbish bag “to suffocate him”. This account is supported by CCTV footage, which was also available to Libération. The rest is even more macabre. When he hears a warden coming, he tells investigators that he “acted like a child who had just done something stupid” and even thought of doing “mouth-to-mouth”. He told prison guards on the scene that Yvan Colonna had suffered a fainting spell and he remained very calm from beginning to end. According to Libération, Franck Elong Abé goes back to his cell and adorns himself with a Qamis, an Islamic head covering, as he is aware that he would be recognised by the video surveillance cameras.
After viewing the images, the deputy prison warden in charge of detention described a ” smear campaign ” against the Corsican nationalist. While there was nothing in the prison to suggest such an attack, according to the former Taliban, there were a number of elements that would have convinced him of the crime, including two phrases uttered by Yvan Colonna: “I spit on God”, he is reported to have said at one point, and “If Allah exists, let him let me die now”, he is reported to have uttered during a debate on faith. Another man close to the two inmates told investigators that Franck Elong Abé had said to him, “I don’t speak to Yvan anymore because he made fun of my religion.” In front of investigators, he was visibly aware of what he had done and concluded with a certain fanaticism: “I’d rather be in prison all my life than have to answer to Allah for my cowardice in not defending him. Many people kill for love and you understand them, I defend the cause of God and there you don’t understand me.”
Germany: Somali randomly stabs passers-by – Policeman shoots at attacker
A 32-year-old man attacked and injured several people with a knife in front of a driving school in the city centre of Mainz.
A 48-year-old man was critically injured on Tuesday afternoon – at least two other men aged 28 and 48 suffered minor injuries, the public prosecutor’s office and the police reported.
A police officer who had been recording a traffic accident nearby rushed over immediately, they said. “He was only able to stop the attack by using his firearm and fired several shots,” the investigators’ statement said. In the process, the 32-year-old Somali was injured. It was initially unclear with how many shots and how seriously the attacker was injured. He is being guarded at the hospital.
The attack was probably caused by a domestic dispute. There are no indications of a rampage or a terrorist background. The police are investigating an attempted homicide.