France: Moroccan knifeman, already subject to deportation order since 2015, sentenced to two years in prison and another deportation order

A Moroccan national has been sentenced to two years in prison and received an obligation to leave French territory for ten years after being found guilty of a violent stabbing attack on a man and his brother, despite already being ordered to leave France back in 2015.

Yahya Glaa, a Moroccan immigrant in his twenties was sentenced on Monday, along with two accomplices, for the attack in March 2021 during which one victim was heavily beaten and left with several stab wounds. The incident occurred at the foot of an affordable housing block in Castelsarrasin, Tarn-et-Garonne, in southwestern France.

The victim fortunately received swift first aid from two nurses helping to save his life.

Following his arrest, it transpired that Glaa had been subject to an OQTF, an obligation to leave French territory imposed on him in 2015 for acts of violence with a weapon. It is unclear why authorities did not ensure this order had been complied with, nor does it suggest with any certainty that the new OQTF imposed on the assailant for the attack last year will be adhered to after completion of his prison sentence.

Ossam E. and Dhafir H., both 21, were both tried alongside the accused in connection with the attack during a special hearing of the criminal court. Despite a full judicial investigation, it remains unclear what the motive was for the violent assault, with Glaa still maintaining his innocence.

Following a 45-minute deliberation, the court sentenced Glaa to a two-year custodial sentence and a deportation order. Ossam received 12 months imprisonment, and Dhafir was sentenced to six months.

France along with other European countries struggles to enforce deportation orders, with less than 40 percent of migrants ordered to be deported from the EU actually leaving European territory.

Did the University of Leicester Destroy an Archive Documenting Communist Terrorism?

“I took a pack of Tarot cards. I had found out that they were very superstitious. On arrival at a commune I would ask for their astrological birth signs and tell them mine,” Jillian Becker described her process of investigating the Marxist terrorist Baader-Meinhof Gang.

Officially, the Red Army Faction, but popularly known for its two leaders, Andreas Baader and Ulrike Meinhof, the leftist terrorist group had carried out a string of attacks, including the killings of a number of American military personnel. Becker’s investigations of Soviet backed terrorism had taken her around the world, and now the South African Jewish journalist was in Berlin.

The Baader-Meinhof gang had come out of the communards. The Communards, even more degenerate and deadlier versions of American leftists who flirted with terrorism and terror trolling, embraced Mao and experimented with everything, were not easy targets for journalists.

“I would offer to read two or three fortunes with the cards, saying that for me the process was exhausting so I could not do more than that. They would decide who were to be the lucky ones, and I would go through a routine of getting them to shuffle and lay out the cards in a certain pattern. Then I would pick them up one by one and “tell their fortune”. Becker told me.

“I can see at once that you are a very sensitive person.”  “Ah, I see you are having some serious difficulties  at the moment.” (Who isn’t, at any moment?) “But you are going to overcome them quite soon.” That sort of thing. After that they felt they could trust me, and I would ask my questions and get my answers.”

The answers went into Becker’s bookHitler’s Children: The Story of the Baader-Meinhof Terrorist Gang, and later into the archives of her organization: The Institute for the Study of Terrorism. The Institute closed down due to lack of funding a decade before 9/11 and the collected archive covering a range of Soviet-backed terror groups around the world was transferred over to the University of Leicester. Now it’s gone missing even as the university has made the shift over to politically convenient wokeness. And Jillian Becker fears the worst.

In her original account of what took place on her own blog, Becker explains that the value of the Institute for the Study of Terrorism archive lay in the original material painstakingly collected at great risk which “established that almost all the terrorist groups in the First World and its allies between 1969 and 1990 were supported with training, and/or funding, arms, asylum, by Soviet Russia. (A few were affiliated with China.)”

Beyond playing fortune teller to Marxist terrorists, Becker mentions “picking the documents out of the rubble of bombed PLO headquarters” in Lebanon.

“They were blood stained and soiled but legible,” she recalls. “They went into transparent plastic covers to be photocopied before they could be translated and the translations filed. That was almost the only documentation there was about the PLO years in Lebanon to help me write that history.”

That led to her next book on terrorism, The PLO: The Rise and Fall of the Palestinian Liberation Organization. Those PLO documents, like so much else in the archive, are gone.

What happened to them?

Two years ago, the University of Leicester informed a Republican activist seeking information about the archive that they had no idea where it was. An extensive search turned up nothing.

A response from a sociology professor informed her that the university, “prioritises collections in their care which are most pertinent to contemporary research and teaching”, that a search for “material relating to the IST proved inconclusive” and that any material from the Institute for the Study of Terrorism “located in future will be appraised by a professionally-qualified archivist and, if appropriate, transferred to the care of our University Archives and Special Collections.”

To Jillian Becker, the email is a confession. “They keep what is most pertinent to contemporary research and teaching,'” she writes. “What is “most pertinent to contemporary research and teaching”? They declare unequivocally, ‘Ethnicity, sexuality and diversity.’”

The archives of the Institute for the Study of Terrorism represented a diversity of a very different kind. Becker recalls uncovering information about an IRA bomb that nearly killed Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and her co-director, Bernhard (“Adam”) Adamczewski, and finding a wanted Baader-Meinhoff terrorist who had been visiting a commune in Vienna.

“I came upon the deserted camp of one west African terrorist organization where, in the rows of desks in the classrooms, there were exercise books in which students had taken down lessons extolling Soviet Communism as the ideal system. The course had been run by graduates of Moscow’s Patrice Lumumba University. Those proofs that the organization was serving the interests of the USSR went back to London with me and entered our archive,” she relates.

Becker blames the “woke academics” at the University of Leicester who “threw away the archive of the Institute for the Study of Terrorism (IST) – compiled painstakingly over many years and often at personal risk by me and my fellow researchers – as unwanted trash”

In her latest update she concludes that the archive. “recording thousands of instances of the savage crime of terrorism – almost all of it by organizations on the Left, with support from the USSR and some from Communist China, through the Cold War years 1968-1990 – was an affront to the ideology of the ‘woke'”

Becker sees this as part of a larger great erasure of information, ideas, and the entire western past. “Most universities in the Western world now are conscientiously trying to erase history.”

While the University of Leicester can’t find the archive documenting Communist atrocities, its librarians promote the original papers of Karl Marx, materials from the Marx Memorial library, and rhapsodize about the ongoing process of digitizing issues of the Daily Worker.

One librarian excitedly promotes the fact that “the British Library has a digital copy of parts of the original Communist Manifesto – only 26 are believed to have survived worldwide!”

The University of Leicester has had no trouble retaining a special collection of socialist and anarchist memorabilia from the 19th century that includes notes and handbills. Or an oral interview with a Communist party member, and other leftist ephemera which have been painstakingly preserved even while the archive indicting Communism has disappeared.

These are “pertinent to contemporary research and teaching” at the University of Leicester.

“Once when I was in Beirut during the IDF incursion to drive the PLO out of Lebanon in 1983, I came to one end of a long street on which a gun battle was being fought,” Jillian Becker recalls.

Bernhard (“Adam”) Adamczewski, the deputy director of the Institute, quickly intervened.

“I had only just seen the yellow flash when Adam , who had been talking to someone, noticed where I was standing, rushed to me and seized me to drag me off. ‘Adam, you are obscuring my view!’ I said, trying to turn him out of my way.”

“He hung on to me, and we turned round twice again before I heard what he was saying –  that I was in danger of being shot dead. Then I ran with him back to the safety of  the sidewalk. When the adrenalin had ebbed, I said to him, ‘You’ve always told me that you cannot dance, but there we were waltzing in the crossfire!'”

Adamczewski passed away in 1993, having lived long enough to witness the fall of the Soviet Union, but the crossfire has only intensified. While it can still come in the form of terrorist bullets, the shots are even more often taken with words, with lies, and the destruction of memory.

And yet, like Jillian Becker, sometimes we can waltz in the crossfire, tell the truth, and fight to keep it alive.

Canadian Truckers Continue Protest – Demand Trudeau’s Resignation – Full Freedoms Back

Syrian on trial for planning one of the worst terrorist attacks in Germany

This terrorist attack was supposed to have the dimension of terrorist attacks that had already shaken people in Europe. But the man is arrested beforehand. Now the suspected Islamist is on trial.

A 29-year-old man is on trial in Berlin for allegedly planning an Islamist terrorist attack. According to the indictment, the man had plotted specific attacks in 2019 to kill or injure as many people as possible. His arrest in November 2019 prevented the implementation of the attack, the prosecution said on Wednesday during the reading of the indictment at Berlin’s Superior Court. It accuses the Syrian of preparing a serious act of violence endangering the state and terrorist financing.

The 29-year-old, dressed all in dark clothes, calmly followed the reading of the indictment. In response to questions from the presiding judge Detlev Schmidt about his person, he only nodded mutely. His client would not comment on the accusations, said his defence lawyer. The accused is currently already in prison for other crimes. In May 2020, the Berlin Regional Court had sentenced him to three years and two months in prison for instructing the committing of a serious act of violence endangering the state.

The charges in the current trial partly coincide with those from the final conviction, which was already about instructions and information material for the construction of explosives and weapons. According to earlier statements by the authorities, the Syrian had arrived as a refugee in 2014 and had received a residence permit. According to the indictment, he had been involved with radical Islamist ideas since July 2017 and advocated the ideology of the terrorist organisation “Islamic State” (IS). From November 2018 at the latest, he had been planning to carry out an attack in Germany.

In spring 2019, according to the indictment, the accused then repeatedly informed himself intensively about the construction of bombs in a chat group with IS supporters. It was about plastic explosives, parcel and magnetic bombs, Kalashnikov assault rifles and submachine guns.

In August and September 2019, the 29-year-old allegedly bought chemicals such as acetone, hydrogen peroxide solution and sulphuric acid – substances needed to produce the highly explosive triacetone triperoxide (TATP). TATP was used in terrorist attacks in Paris.

According to earlier information, the police became aware of the man in 2019 through a tip-off from a foreign intelligence service. The police then observed the suspect intensively over a longer period of time. Berlin’s then interior senator Andreas Geisel (SPD) later said that the last weeks before the arrest had been very stressful, because on the one hand the police had to gather enough evidence for an arrest and on the other hand they had to strike in time before an attack.

On November 5, 2019, a judge issued the arrest warrant. On November 19, 2019, the GSG 9 special unit of the Federal Police stormed the man’s new flat near the Schöneberg town hall in western Berlin and arrested him. According to the indictment, the chemicals found in the man’s flat at the time included acetone and hydrogen peroxide solution. In addition, he had kept a car battery containing sulphuric acid in a cellar storage room.

The trial will continue this Thursday (9.30 a.m.). The first witnesses are scheduled to be questioned, initially a police officer. Until May 25, a total of 23 further trial dates have been scheduled.

Sudden deaths in sport: Hidden message from German football international Thomas Müller

German football world champion and Bayern Munich star Thomas Müller is asking his 4.5 million followers on Twitter to report sudden deaths in sport. This is certainly no coincidence. In their book “We Kill Half of Humanity”, Eileen DeRolf and Jan van Helsing expose a diabolical plan in Corona’s slipstream.

Thomas Müller is one of Germany’s most popular sportsmen. Unlike many other top kickers, he, the most successful German footballer of all time in terms of the number of trophies won, has always remained close to the people and down-to-earth – just the boy from Weilheim in Upper Bavaria who has set out to conquer the football world since 2008.

Now the national player and FC Bayern Munich striker has addressed the public with a remarkable tweet. In it, he asks his 4.5 million followers to keep an eye on the register for deaths in sport.

Attached is a video in which the 2014 World Champion announces that he is addressing “all athletes” with a “serious issue”. His message goes to all ” hobby, amateur and professional sportsmen and women”. Müller then emphatically points out that the sports physician Tim Meyer, who is part of the medical team of the German national team, manages the aforementioned register.

The register would record “sudden deaths” in sport that are “temporally related” to sporting activity. The whole project, Müller continues, is “really important” because “as sad and rare as such cases are”, it is also “important” to “get to the bottom of the causes” and “let the medical sciences learn from them”.

To do this, however, the cases must first be “reported and evaluated”. The “filling out of a short, anonymous questionnaire on the circumstances of a death” could contribute to saving “lives in the future”.

It is reasonable to assume that the 110-time German national player certainly did not send this message to his 4.5 million followers on January the 31st by chance – and that is how it was understood, as evidenced by the debates about his tweet.

Obviously, Thomas Müller has also become fearful in view of the numerous deaths in his sport. The Bayern star could not openly address the issue of the many deaths after vaccinations, as that would have immediately led to massive trouble with the club’s leadership. His message was understood and certainly made many of his followers think.

Germany: Afghan refugee rapes 11-year-old girl

An eleven-year-old girl was raped by a young man in the castle gardens of Neustrelitz.
According to Andreas Lins, spokesperson for the public prosecutor’s office, the alleged perpetrator is already in custody. The crime took place in January.
According to senior public prosecutor Lins, the German girl received medical treatment after the incident, but is no longer in hospital.
The alleged perpetrator is said to be a man from Afghanistan who came to Germany as an unaccompanied minor refugee and most recently lived in a shelter in Neustrelitz.

The perpetrator is said to be 16 years old. Whether his age is correct, however, is being checked again, as he could also be older.
The alleged perpetrator and the victim were presumably acquainted and had apparently arranged to meet on the day of the horrific crime. Whether they knew each other via a circle of acquaintances or had seen each other before the incident is still unclear.

Disclaimer on Bible quote at Berlin Palace earns praise from Germany’s far-left culture minister

German State Culture Minister and former Green Party leader Claudia Roth was pleased that a quotation from the Bible on the Berlin Palace is to be remade and placed in “context.”

“The inscription is now to be contextualized in the Humboldt Forum. I think that it is the bare minimum. The Humboldt Forum is not the Vatican,” the politician told the FAZ in an interview.

The quote currently stands under the Berlin Palace on Museum Island in the neighborhood of Mitte. The palace was destroyed during the Second World War and only recently reconstructed in 2020, and the quote that historically stood at the famed landmark read:

“There is salvation in no other way, no other name is given to men, but in the name of Jesus, to the glory of God the Father. That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, which are in heaven and on earth and under the earth.”

The federal foundation responsible for the Humboldt Forum had already announced in October that it intended to put up a sign next to the quote that will read as a disclaimer.

“All institutions of the Humboldt Forum expressly distance themselves from Christian claim to sole validity and sovereignty, which the inscription expresses,” the sign will read.

The Humboldt Forum must be “cosmopolitan”

Roth emphasized that the quote contradicts the requirement to make the Humboldt Forum a “cosmopolitan” place.

“It does not work like it used to. I have already criticized the inscription on the dome in times of opposition. The quote has absolutely nothing to do with cosmopolitanism. On the contrary: a claim to dominance is being said that simply acts as a deterrent,” the minister added.

The Humboldt Forum organization issued a press release which quotes general director Hartmut Dorgeioh, who said, “The Humboldt Forum is being built in a special place
with a complex history of its creation that is not without its contradictions. It therefore goes
without saying that we distance ourselves from any claims to authority, sole validity or even
claims to power, which can be deduced from these symbols or inscriptions. Instead the
structural ambiguity is part of the DNA of the Humboldt Forum. Especially in the debate on
the different perception of the historical reconstruction, we see a clear brief for a programme
of a diversity of voices from different perspectives.”

Roth also explained her goals as state culture minister during the FAZ interview, saying she has plans to expand the culture of remembrance In Germany to include decolonization. Further focal points of her work should be the representation of social diversity in cultural institutions and the fight against climate change.

German interior minister plans massive migrant influx

German security authorities have warned against the migration plans of the Federal Minister of the Interior, Nancy Faeser. The minister’s announcement that she wants to forge a “coalition of the willing” among the EU states to take in more regular migrants, worries the security establishment.

According to an internal paper obtained by the German daily Bild newspaper, the security officials shared their assessments with the Chancellor’s Office warning against Faeser’s migration plans.

  • Her plans would have a noticeable impact on the flow of asylum seekers
  • Besides political developments in Turkey, Greece, Afghanistan and other states, German policy would be decisive for the pressure on refugee and smuggling routes
  • Faeser’s “coalition of receptive member states” would directly influence illegal migration. The experts warned against this, citing the “Joint Analysis and Strategy Centre on Illegal Migration”

In addition, the pressure to migrate would increase further if support were announced for the groups that pick up migrants in the Mediterranean Sea according to German magazine Focus Online.

But perhaps the security authorities should not only warn against the minister’s migration plans, but also against the person Faeser, who is obviously a miscast as interior minister and poses a danger to Germany’s security due to her ultra-left attitude.

Antifa magazine’s online archives contain a guest contribution by Faeser, which she wrote last year when she was still the SPD leader in Hesse. Antifa is also the name of the association VVN-BdA for short.

Under the heading “NSU 2.0 enlightened?” Faeser  explained that the “fight against fascism and right-wing extremism, against racism and ethnic ideologies” was part of the “political DNA of my party”. One must stand up “against right-wing ideas, right-wing threats and right-wing violence,” she demanded.

Faeser’s declarations contain the usual anti-right-wing rhetoric from the left fringe of the SPD, but her contribution has a certain explosive nature, since the Bavarian Office for the Protection of the Constitution (the domestic intelligence service) described the VVN-BdA in its current annual report as “the nation’s largest organization influenced by left-wing extremists in the area of anti-fascism”. In addition, they are “openly left-wing extremist forces”. The VVN-BdA regards parliamentary democracy as “fascist” and has vowed to end it.

Similarly, the Office for the Protection of the Constitution in Baden-Württemberg has repeatedly pointed out in the past that “the political course of the VVN-BdA is decisively shaped by functionaries” who are “left-wing extremists or members of left-wing extremist organizations”.

Recitation of the Fatiha, the opening sura of the Koran, and veiled girls, in the choir of the Saint Sulpice church in Paris. Do you find that normal?

Translation: Recitation of the Fatiha, the opening sura of the Koran, in the choir of the Saint Sulpice church in Paris. Do you find that normal?
Translation: Good afternoon, many of you have asked us about a room of silence for Muslim prayer that was set up yesterday at St Sulpice. This room, which was set up temporarily, was part of a meeting between Christians and Muslims. For more information, please visit