Month: February 2022
Macron panicked over ‘DNA theft’ and refuses Covid test for Putin meeting
On the occasion of his visit to Russian President Vladimir Putin, his counterpart from France switched into panic mode: Emmanuel Macron refused to take the mandatory Covid-19 test for fear that the Russians “might steal his DNA” because the test would have been taken by a Russian doctor.
Taking the French leader’s DNA posed a veritable security risk, two informed sources said. So the meeting, on the subject of the Ukraine conflict, had to be held about six baby elephants apart. Was Macron worried that the Russians would discover that he had not taken the mRNA vaccine?
Global DNA pool through Covid tests
So while the Covid-19 regimes of the world are picking the noses of billions of people with prepared cotton swabs, conveniently feeding the DNA of unsuspecting people into global databases – France’s Corona dictator Macron is throwing tantrums about his bodily integrity. He probably knows which is now official anyway: a Covid 19 test automatically provides the DNA of the person tested.
Moreover, Covid vaccines could impact DNA. IRP senior investigator Shalini Oberdoerffer, in 2018, for example, identified a novel modification mRNA that dramatically impacted the activity of genes by promoting the production of protein from RNA.
Cordial closeness to Kazakh president
On Thursday, three days after Macron and Putin had their meeting “at a social distance”, Putin received Kazakh President Kassym-Shomart Tokayev. The two heads of state shook hands in a friendly manner and sat close together – separated only by a small coffee table. It is not known whether the Kazakh gave his DNA to the Russian doctor. But perhaps he is doubly vaccinated and boostered anyway.
Six ‘baby elephants’ apart
So there Putin and Macron stood, in Moscow, in front of assembled flags and shouted to each other what they had to say about the Ukraine conflict. At least that’s how it looked in the accompanying photos of the recent meeting. Even in the meeting room, away from the public eye, they kept their distance.
DNA theft is a security risk
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov confirmed that Macron had refused the test. Russia had no problem with it. That is why a 6-metre distance from Putin was necessary to protect Putin’s health. One of the sources told the Reuters press agency: “They knew what Macron’s rejection of the Russian Covid 19 test meant: no handshakes and a long table.” But they had not been able to agree to Macron’s DNA ending up in “their” hands. The “second source” announced that none of this had anything to do with politics, and it did not affect the negotiations in any way.
Everyone in their own bubble
Macron had taken a French PCR test before his departure. He also took an antigen test from his own doctor in Russia. “The Russians have told us Putin must be kept strictly ‘in his own bubble’”. Macron’s office let it be known: The Russian health protocol was not acceptable to France, he said, nor was it compatible with the tight timetable. Because it would have taken time to wait for the result of the test. When asked about the DNA concerns, it said: “The president has doctors who define with him the rules that are acceptable or not in relation to his own health protocol.”
In Brussels recently, journalists booed the French leader and walked out of Macron’s speech. France will hold the Presidency of the Council of the EU from 1 January to 30 June 2022.
At home, Macron is being mocked not only for his ridiculous Covid measures but also as rumours spread that his “wife” is in fact a transgender man previously known as Jean-Michel Trogneux, disguised as a woman. Genealogists are curious about the large number of anomalies, also regarding not only Brigitte’s but Macron’s suspicious family history. That may be another reason why he fears a DNA test.
Gates and Soros interested in harvesting DNA
At least one Covid-19 testing firm which had planned to sell swabs containing customer’s DNA, prompted an investigation from the UK’s data privacy watchdog in November last year.
Cignpost Diagnostics, a government-approved supplier trading as Express Test, sold the information to third parties, according to company documents, to “learn more about human health”, the Sunday Times reported at the time.
The usual suspects, Bill Gates and George Soros, have also shown great interest in pursuing DNA harvesting.
Trudeau is getting dangerous but the truckers still have options
By Andrea Widburg
Tucker Carlson (see below) had a somewhat ebullient segment about the fact that the Canadian truckers represent the rise of the ordinary people, while the response from Canada’s leadership class bespeaks fear and helplessness. I’m sorry to say that I believe Tucker is wrong and that things are getting very dangerous for the truckers. They still have options but, whenever you have to depend on the goodwill of a tyrant, his police state, and his military, things aren’t going well. That’s especially true of Canada because, on May 1, 2020, Canadians gave up their guns.
In some ways, the Canadian truckers have had a huge success. They’ve galvanized freedom-seekers across the Western world with their peaceful convoy and eventual descent on Ottawa, all with the single aim of ending Canada’s exceptionally onerous COVID restrictions. As we now know, because all the conventional wisdom about COVID and vaccines was wrong, every restriction is pointless. They currently serve no other purpose than to maintain the world governments’ unlimited power over the people.
Within Canada, people have supported the truckers in huge numbers and Justin Trudeau, who may well have a genetic legacy of despotism, ran away. For two weeks, the truckers controlled the news, even as the Canadian and American media squawked about the horrors of allegedly “racist” truckers peacefully protesting mandates that were destroying their livelihoods. Everything the media said was a lie, of course.
Through it all, Trudeau refused even to meet with the truckers or to discuss terms—say, a definite end date to all the mandates. Instead, he simply defamed them.
Now, though, aided by Ontario Premier Doug Ford, Trudeau is escalating the war against the truckers, especially because they’ve blocked an essential bridge between Canada and America. (Michigan’s governor Gretchen Whitmer, who cheerfully set about destroying the state’s economy by shutting down everything in 2020, is seen, without irony, telling a CNN host that the truckers on the bridge must be stopped, with force if necessary, because they dared to shut things down.)
In Ontario (home to Ottawa), Premier Doug Ford has announced that truckers face $100,000 in fines, a year in prison, the seizure of their trucks, and the loss of their licenses if they don’t go away. Meanwhile, Trudeau says that, if the protesters don’t leave the bridge, in addition to being subject to all those fines, calling out the army is a possibility. In this, he has support from Biden (another wannabe COVID tyrant, restrained only by our constitutional system):
‘President Biden and I both agreed that for the security of people and the economy, these blockades cannot continue,’ Trudeau said at a press briefing on Friday.
‘Make no mistake, the border cannot and will not remain closed.
‘Everything is on the table because this unlawful activity has to end, and it will end.’
“Everything is on the table” means the possibility of military force of arms to compel the truckers to move their trucks.
At this point, the truckers can stay and face the risks, which would be courageous and possibly inspiring. However, what they really are depending on is that the troops won’t turn on them. However, as we’ve seen in Australia, Austria, Canada, and various jurisdictions across America, police do not side with the people; they side with the ones who write (as opposed to funding) their paychecks and manage their pensions. The same may be true for the military. Hoping for a better outcome than what happened at Tiananmen may be unduly optimistic.
The best option for the truckers may be to go home and simply park their trucks. They’ve gotten their government’s and the world’s attention. Provided that American and Mexican truckers don’t turn into scabs (and they’d have to be vaccinated scabs), now may be the time to show the elites that, without the truckers, the country is completely helpless.
The one thing that’s certain is that the government isn’t really scared of its citizens. On May 1, 2020, just when Trudeau was busy acquiring the tyrannical powers he’s now exercising, the government banned all semi-automatic guns. While I am not advocating for, and do not ever intend to advocate for, armed resistance or a hot civil war, there is a virtue to a government that knows that its citizens are not sitting (and disarmed) ducks. There’s a reason that every 20th-century dictator, as his first act, disarmed all but proven loyalists. As John Basil Barnhill said in 1914, “Where the people fear the government you have tyranny. Where the government fears the people you have liberty.”
‘Fanatical Doomsday Sect’ German Climate Activists Block Pregnant Woman in Labour
Climate Activists in Germany temporarily blocked a pregnant woman from getting to a hospital while she was in labour, according to a newspaper report.
A woman in labour needed to be escorted by police to a motorway exit after she was blocked from getting to her destination by hardline climate activists in Germany.
The eco-extremist group “Save Food – Save Lives” — who have since been described as a “fanatical doomsday sect” — had previously been warned by an emergency services spokesman that their climate protests involving the blocking of roads were putting lives at risk.
Despite these warnings, the members of the eco-extremist group once again blocked Berlin’s A100 Autobahn on Thursday, causing a build-up of traffic in which one pregnant woman — who was in labour — found herself caught up in, according to a report by Bild.
Fortunately, the publication reported that police were able to escort the woman to the next exit of the motorway, allowing her to reach the hospital.
The condition of the woman or her child is not known as of the time of writing, though there does not appear to have been any reports suggesting further difficulties or injuries suffered by any of the parties involved.
Ten activists who blocked the road have since reportedly been taken into police custody. The group has blocked roads some 30 times in Berlin in recent weeks.
Politicians have largely denounced the actions of the climate activists who have been blocking roads across Germany for the last number of weeks.
The AfD’s Marc Vallendar, who serves as a member of the Berlin House of Representatives, denounced the group as a “fanatical doomsday sect”.
“Berlin cannot afford to continue being held hostage by a small group of criminals,” a poston the party’s social media reports Vallendar as saying. “These people want to blackmail us until we give in to their demands.”
Meanwhile, the party of ex-Chancellor Angela Merkel also saw its Berlin members denounce the radicals.
“The motorway blockades must end,” a post on the Berlin CDU branch’s website read. “It is unacceptable that, according to doctors and ambulances, even a heavily pregnant woman was blocked today.”
“These are not stupid boy pranks, but clear criminal offences,” it continued.
Meanwhile, despite the denunciations from fellow politicians and warnings from at least one emergency services spokesman, a member of the German Greens praised the activists.
“The blanket accusation of recklessness is not tenable,” said one party member. “Political protest is part of a healthy democracy.”
“I’m so glad there are activists who are finally tackling this,” the member continued.
The ongoing demonstrations taking place in Germany are similar to the highly controversial “Insulate Britain” protests that occurred across the UK last year.
A number of activists were arrested as a result of the demonstrations, while eco-extremist members of the group justified any death or harm caused by their activism by comparing them to collateral damage in World War II.
Ultimately, the protests are estimated to have cost the UK taxpayer at least £4.3 million in policing costs, alone.
Pfizer suddenly withdraws application to jab small children, babies
Pfizer only made the submission last week to vaccinate children from age four to six months old.
But no doubt due to massive pressure mounting, Pfizer has withdrawn its application to the FDA for authorization on Covid vaccinations for children under the age of five, due to not “enough data”.
Emergency use authorization, the first step in the full approval process, would have meant that almost 20 million children in the United States would have been eligible to receive the dangerous shots.
Surprisingly, a group of “parents” has been pushing the FDA to authorize children’s vaccines as soon as possible. Protect Their Future, had gathered more than 5 700 signatures via to request that vaccines become available to younger age groups, even urging off-label use.
Against common decency: Austrian patient forced to sign “consent” for compulsory vaccination

The next absurdity in the matter of compulsory vaccination! A patient has to sign a so-called consent form when he or she gets a jab – even though vaccination has been compulsory in Austria for a week.
No signature, no vaccination
In the social media, there was the following post by “Gunti1000”:
Apparently there is no compulsory vaccination, was sent away again today for my third vaccination, reason, I have to sign the voluntary (in case of compulsory vaccination?).

Uncensored, the communications department in the Green Ministry of Health asked for a statement as to why this was necessary when Austrians had no choice anyway, since everyone had to be vaccinated after the compulsory vaccination law was passed in the National Council and signed by Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen. But the press department remained silent on this request.
A doctor, who wishes to remain anonymous, confirmed to us that everyone has to sign this declaration. What does he say about this, since vaccination is compulsory anyway? That would be against good manners, he said. The general practitioner from Vienna advised a trick:
The patient could put the abbreviation C.S. next to his signature. This is the abbreviation for the Latin phrase coactus sum, which means “I was forced”. Since hardly anyone knows this abbreviation, this is not usually objected to.
The question arises as to why this declaration of consent is necessary at all, despite compulsory vaccination? Does the state want to avoid responsibility in case of vaccination damage? Or do Health Minister Wolfgang Mückstein and his officials not take the mandatory vaccination seriously themselves?
King Harry Could Take Over From Sick Queen
Neil Oliver on Scotland’s Covid measures and the damage he believes Covid restrictions have done
Human rights activist Sabatina James accuses German public broadcaster of involvement in suppression of women’s rights in Islamic states
A reversal of perpetrator and victim with regard to Islamism is noted by the Islam critic and human rights activist Sabatina James referring to the public youth channel “Funk”. “Racism is the state-Islamic persecution of all other religions and the women belonging to them, but not the criticism of these conditions,” says James in reference to a video of the programme ” Datteltäter”, in which the hijab is celebrated as an anti-racist and feminist symbol. “Those who declare criticism of Sharia violence to be racism are reversing perpetrators and victims in the finest Nazi manner,” the former Muslim woman criticises in an interview with the newspaper Tagespost.
The real pressure is on non-Muslims and liberal Muslims in Islamic countries. This pressure is exerted through sometimes drastic measures such as rape, forced marriage, kidnapping of women and flogging, and is legitimised by state recognition and practice of Islamic Sharia law. “This is the real pressure that is being concealed here,” criticises James, who herself escaped a forced marriage and converted to the Catholic faith. Through the Declaration on Human Rights in Islam (EMRI) and through the Islamic Community of States OIC, such punishments are backed by all Islamic states.
James criticises the video’s lack of criticism of oppressive practices and misses a distancing from them. The video could therefore also be attributed to the oppression of women. “Those who declare criticism of Sharia violence to be racism are confusing the perpetrator and the victim in the finest Nazi manner, just as Hitler and the Mufti of Jerusalem got along perfectly, with the former financing the latter and commissioning him to advertise the extermination of the Jews.”
In the video “My headscarf my choice” of the programme “Datteltäter”, which aims to “change the mainstream narrative concerning Muslim(s)”, women from different backgrounds pose with different headscarves while fast music plays and the light flickers like at a fashion show. A woman’s voice describes the headscarf as an accessory: “My hijab is style, statement, self-confidence. It wasn’t always easy to stand up to the pressure of society.”
Further, the veil, which refers to the headscarf as well as face veils and burqas, is presented as a symbol of anti-racism and feminism: “My hijab is feminism, which stands for freedom and dignity. … My hijab is anti-racism. Because my hijab does not pick and choose according to appearance, language or origin. Of course my hijab is also a projection screen for your prejudices. But what you do with your hate is your thing, not mine.”
“Funk” is a joint youth programme of the public broadcasters ARD and ZDF. It is intended to provide information, orientation and entertainment. According to its own information, “Funk” is financed annually with about 45 million euros from the broadcasting contribution.
Germany: Pakistani man known to police tries to rape woman in broad daylight and insults intervening policewoman in a sexual manner
Late on Wednesday afternoon, a woman walking her dog in Wriezen (Märkisch-Oderland) was attacked and almost raped.
Around 5 pm she was walking in the street Bahnhofsstraße when a man approached her from behind and pulled her to the ground. The attacker threw himself on her and covered her mouth to prevent the woman from screaming.
But a brave witness intervened! He managed to pull the perpetrator off the woman and hold him until the police arrived.
As it turned out, the 27-year-old Pakistani citizen was already known to the police and had a blood alcohol level of 1.95 per mill.
As he suddenly attacked the police officers as well, he had to be handcuffed. This did not stop him from continuing to sexually insult a policewoman, the Eastern Police Directorate reported on Thursday.
Because the perpetrator had previously been travelling with a stolen bicycle, he is now being investigated for attempted rape and insult on a sexual basis as well as suspicion of theft.