BREAKING: Palestinian “Hero of Vienna” now suspected of terrorism himself

The “hero of the Vienna terror night” and author of the book “We are not like that”, the Palestinian Osama Abu El Hosna, was still being honoured with medals from the city of Vienna a year ago. They even wanted to speed up the citizenship procedure. Now he himself is the subject of the official terror investigation “Operation Luxor”.

He became known as the “Hero of Vienna’s Night of Terror” when he rushed to the aid of an injured policeman who had been shot by the Kosovar Islamist Kujtim F. during a gun battle at Schwedenplatz square. Numerous television appearances and a book with the impressive title “We are not like that” about racism and “Islamophobia” shown by the Austrian population towards him and his family followed. Now 24-year-old Osama El Hosna himself is being targeted by the Austrian authorities.

El Hosna is said to work for an organisation that forwarded part of the donations it received to the Islamist terror organisation Hamas. His involvement should also be able to be proven by photos. His lawyer is the daughter of Palestinian immigrants and former Social Democratic Party politician Muna Duzdar. She is outraged by the accusations and considers them racist. “If he had worked for Caritas, this probably wouldn’t have happened. But in an association where only Arabs work, you are immediately suspected of terrorism.

Trudeau Donated to Black Lives Matter and Kneeled in Obedience — Then Arrests Working Truckers, Freezes Their Bank Accounts and Steals Their Dogs who Oppose His Vax Mandates

Queer beer? Wasting German tax money

The Greens have come up with another new revolutionary idea: The Family Minister of Rhineland-Palatinate, Katharina Binz (Bündnis90/Die Grünen), has started the “Queer Wine Rhineland-Palatinate” competition, with tax money, of course. The fact that Binz is also Deputy Prime Minister of the red-green state government gives the campaign a very special touch.

The competition is aimed at gay, lesbian, bisexual and intersex winemakers. According to the official statement, all those wineries where non-heterosexuals “work in a responsible position” can take part in the campaign.

In other words: The winegrowers in the state capital of Mainz who employ a non-binary cellar master should report. Or a lesbian chief grape picker. Trans winemakers probably also have very special opportunities.

Ministry wants to buy 500 bottles

The LGBT online magazine Queer was delighted to explain the campaign, which is sadly “unique in Germany”, in the new “gender German”.

“In a tasting, experts will then determine up to two wines that will be ambassadors for ‘QueerWein Rheinland-Pfalz’. Selected ‘QueerWine Rhineland-Palatinate’ wines are to be presented on May 18, 2022, the state’s constitution day, and sent nationwide to influencers in politics and society”.

The Green ministry also wants to promote sales of the queer wines itself, but they shouldn’t cost more than ten euros: In order to have enough wine bottles available for shipping, the ministry’s top management wants to buy 500 bottles of the selected wines. Which will not be a problem for the ministry officials since the taxpayer will also pay for the gifts.

Criticism rains down

The former Federal Minister of Agriculture Julia Klöckner (CDU) – she was Nahe Wine Queen in 1994 and German Wine Queen in 1995/96 – has criticized the competition organized by the Greens: “Our winegrowers on the Ahr are doing something totally different: Cellars have been completely washed away from the flood, entire crops have been lost.”

Especially now, “sexual identity isn’t the priority”, she added. “Actually, the quality of a wine […] has nothing to do with sexual orientation”.

Publicist Birgit Kelle is clearer – and sarcastic – in the Swiss Weltwoche. The mother of four expressed only disdain for the red-green state. The LGBT scene may be sad that straight wine still dominates the markets in Germany, although “everyone knows what a striking difference in taste it makes when a non-binary winemaker has rolled the barrel”.

Queer beer in the future too?

Birgit Kelle’s acerbic comments continued: “Down with the old white straight winegrowers! Bring on the trans wine queen!” In times of political correctness, film producers “somehow still accommodate a disadvantaged black lesbian” in almost every screenplay […] in order to ensure the ‘visibility’ of queer people”. But now “politically correct rainbow drinking” is also being foisted on wine lovers.

On top of that, Kelle has predicted “queer beer”.

“Isn’t there also a gay lacquer-and-leather beer brewer who has received too little attention from society, who would like to pose with a hairy chest in front of a copper kettle at ‘Germany’s Next Queer Brewer’?”

Wine lovers are subjected to disgusting personal accounts

Simon Maier said “she” has dreamed of wearing a frilly German traditional dirndl and a crown, and of being a wine princess. Simon is now called “Simona Aurelia” and has been elected as the district wine princess for the Kraichgau.

The 27-year-old winemaker told the RNZ about “her extraordinary life”, subjecting unsuspecting German wine enthusiasts to a flood of particularly distasteful information.

The “woman” from Mühlhausen is “struggling with the hardships of the past few weeks” because she underwent gender reassignment surgery in Munich; a vagina has been formed from her penis. “I’m fine,” she told RNZ and “smiled away her existing pain”.

According to Maier’s winning statement, in the “somewhat conservative world of winegrowers”, “she” also experienced a great deal of negativity: “I was accused of only doing it for marketing reasons,” said the winemaker.

Readers also learn that “she” has a handbag that is taken along for visits to the gynecologist. It is not at all clear how this relates to wine, but somehow Green voters find this interesting.

German CEO Behind Kendi and DiAngelo Funds Critical Race Theory Push Into Schools

Behind Ibram X. Kendi’s racist tract, How to Be an Antiracist, is a German publishing giant with a Nazi past. Kendi’s books have been published by Penguin Random House, which after a merger overseen by Bertelsmann executive Markus Dohle, and despite antitrust challenges from the Justice Department, became the world’s largest publisher under CEO Dohle.

Bertelsmann, the German mega-publisher, whose owner had donated to the SS, which, employed Jewish slave labor, and long before Kendi, was infamous for racist tracts such as The Christmas Book of the Hitler Youth, is heavily invested in pushing racism on Americans.

And schools are a lucrative market for inflicting critical race theory on American students.

Now Dohle, in a New York Times story that suspiciously reads like a press release, has announced that he’s donating $500,000 to PEN to create the “Dohle Book Defense Fund”.

The fund by the wealthy German CEO appears to be meant to fight efforts by states, schools, and parents to keep racist hate out of the classroom like the kind purveyed by Bertelsmann which went from the The Christmas Book of the Hitler Youth to How to Be an Antiracist.

The New York Times connects efforts by parents “demanding the removal of certain books from schools” and local legislators working to keep “gender identity”, “pornographic material” and “critical race theory” out of the classrooms to Dohle growing up in Germany after WW2.

Dohle claims to be aware of “the dark times and the dark history of the country” in his native Germany, as if parents fighting to keep racist books out of classrooms makes them Nazis.

Parents already struggling with the disproportionate power of the Biden White House, which attempted to treat them as terrorists, and the smears of the media, will now also have to contend with the world’s largest publisher coming after them in order to protect its profit margins.

Dohle’s move however casts light on the role of Penguin Random House and the former Nazi megapublisher behind it in the war over critical race theory in America. None of the media stories about the Dohle Book Defense Fund bother to mention Kendi or the financial stake that the former Nazi book publisher has in forcing American schools to keep buying its racist hate.

Penguin Random House has aggressively marketed Ibram X. Kendi’s brand of hate to adults and even to children with the widely mocked Antiracist Baby, a board book for babies, and Goodnight Racism, which does for Goodnight Moon what Farrakhan did for bow ties.

(There’s even a card game: The Antiracist Deck. Whatever card you pick, you lose.)

Penguin Random House’s education arm however also pushes Kendi’s How To Be an Antiracist to high school students grades 9 to 12. Kendi’s Be Antiracist is targeted at grades 6-12.

It’s not just Kendi.

Robin DiAngelo’s racist White Fragility is being distributed by Penguin Random House which promotes it for grades 6 to 12. Her latest, Nice White People, is designated for grades 9 to 12.

Ta-Nehisi Coates’s Between the World and Me is promoted for grades 9 to 12. There’s also the latest Coates book being adapted for young adults, The Beautiful Struggle (likely to be translated as Der Schone Kampf in German if Bertelsmann ever gets around to it.)

After all, Bertelsmann had only agreed to stop selling Mein Kampf in 1999.

It’s no coincidence that three of the most infamous racialist authors who, more than anyone, have helped mainstream racism, and have become the public face of the ideas inherent in critical race theory, are on the list of one single publisher. Or that the publisher’s CEO is now going to war against parents trying to keep Bertelsmann’s brand of racism out of their schools.

Previously few conservatives were willing to connect the dots to Penguin Random House.

But Markus Dohle’s declaration of war on American parents and conservatives may change that. The Dohle Book Defense Fund is not defending books, it’s defending the cash that Dohle’s company makes from hooking American kids on hate. PEN, which has failed to advocate for conservative writers being canceled left and right, is thrilled to act as a front for the financial interests of one of the megapublishers destroying the industry. It probably helps that Dohle sits on PEN’s Board of Trustees and has served as the Board’s executive vice-president.

(If you wonder why PEN won’t actually protect writers, read that last sentence one more time.)

American publishing has been carved up by foreign interests like Germany’s Bertelsmann and France’s Lagardère Group (publishers of In Defense of Looting) which have not only destroyed longtime American publishing firms like Random House and Little, Brown, and Company, but turned them into machines feeding hate, violence, and the breakdown of American society.

In the media’s press releases, Dohle neglected to mention his company’s financial interests, and instead claimed that he decided to invest at least $500,000 into fighting American parents because of “the future of our democracy.” Nothing says “democracy” like a German CEO using the world’s largest publisher and rivers of cash to bully American parents into backing down.

But as Dohle and Bertelsmann go to war to protect their racist business model, they may experience more of that “democracy” than they expect. It took a long time to wake up conservatives to the dangerous threat of monopolistic Big Tech companies. Dohle and Bertelsmann may be about to wake the same sleeping giant as Bezos and Zuckerberg.

Penguin Random House under Dohle signed a $65 million deal with the Obamas, and a $20 million deal with Prince Harry. Cuomo’s shady $5 million book deal came through Crown: an imprint of Penguin Random House. Hillary’s book deals came through Simon & Schuster which is set to be swallowed up by Bertelsmann extinguishing one of the last large U.S. publishers.

The Justice Department is fighting to block this latest Bertelsmann cannibalization of America’s publishing industry, but considering how many politicians have made millions from book deals through the German giant, the odds may not be on the side of justice.

If you follow the big book deals of politicians and the big racist book deals, they tend to lead to the same German company which is destroying our society and our culture for its profit.

Dohle and Bertelsmann could have been satisfied wielding their power from behind the scenes. Now they have declared war on American conservatives and parents, and that will raise questions about whether not only Kendi, Coates or DiAngelo’s racist tracts belong in our schools, but whether any Bertelsmann and Penguin Random House books do.

Majority of young Germans annoyed by gender politics

More than half of the 14 to 35 year olds are fed up with gender and annoyed by it. 

According to a study by the market research institute Rheingold, many in the younger generation do not know what gender policy is supposed to serve at all.

The rejection of gendering among the interviewees is also due to the fact that it causes a “linguistic stumbling block”. “You can no longer concentrate on what you actually want to talk about.”

Only 33 percent believe that it should help to include some people who do not define themselves as male or female, while 36 percent believed that gender focus could make women more visible.

Young women pushed the issue of gender the most. Young men, on the other hand, rejected gender focus because this also includes discriminating against males. “Officially gender is used as a sign of modernity,” study director Judith Barbolini warned.  But in private, it is not a focus because it would lead to trouble, she said.

For the survey, the institute interviewed 2000 adolescents and young adults. The study also found that 27 percent of the participants did not identify as male or female.

Older surveys had already shown that a majority of Germans reject gender language . Even among supporters of the Greens, only a minority wants to push through genderless speech.

Despite this, more and more German cities are using so-called “gender-equitable language” in their administration. The University of Kassel recently hit the headlines because a student there had to accept deduction of points for his examination paper because he had not gendered his work “correctly”.

France: The city of Nantes displays a veiled woman to celebrate Women’s Month

It was an advertisement that did not go unnoticed. In Nantes, an imposing poster depicting a veiled woman celebrating Women’s Month caused a controversy. As 20 Minutes reports, the Islamic veil, which is supposed to represent the “faces of Nantes women” and is displayed next to the logo of the socialist city, disturbed members of parliament and citizens. “Promoting the veil is a political mistake, an attack on secularism,” complained in particular Laurence Garnier, the LR leader of the opposition in Nantes. The Women’s Month project initiated by “Visages des Nantaises” would have proposed a photo exhibition in which 50 female residents of the city would speak out in defence of women’s rights. However, the project, which had requested financial support, would not have been accepted by the city of Nantes, according to first deputy Bassem Asseh.

As for the poster itself, it was quickly removed by the municipality after the controversy over the veiled woman escalated. According to the city, the poster was the result of an “internal error of a technical nature”. Bassem Asseh defended himself: “Until we better understand how this mistake could have happened, we don’t have to listen to any lectures on secularism, and certainly not from MPs who supported Manif pour tous”.

Germany: Afghan stabbed train passengers and shouted “Allahu Akbar”

He stabbed travellers with a knife, chased a man through Dresden’s main railway station. But an expert opinion does not consider Milad A. (24) is not a terrorist.

The Afghan had randomly attacked a group of travellers in the main station on the evening of August 13, 2021.

He kicked the first of the three Uzbeks off the bench, the second he attacked with a kitchen knife (9 cm blade) and injured his hand. According to the indictment, he shouted “Allahu Akbar” (God is great).

He chased the third man through the station – stabbing him nine times and injuring his arm and hip.

Only federal police officers were able to overpower him with a drawn weapon.

On Monday, the Afghan made a confession before the district court – but claims not to remember anything: “I drugged myself with Crystal an hour before, I was just scared,” he said during the trial.

According to an Islamic expert opinion of the State Office of Criminal Investigation, there are no indications of extremism in his case.

However, Milad A. has already stabbed once in the train station. As the newspaper BILD learned, three years ago he was sentenced to 16 months probation for a knife attack, among other things.

“Probation is out of the question,” the judge let slip yesterday. He is facing years in prison for dangerous bodily harm and threatening behaviour. The trial will be continued.

Elon Musk Compares Canadian Tyrant Justin Trudeau to Hitler