Pro-Palestine, Pro-Trans: The celebrities condemning Harry Potter and his mother

by Prof. Phyllis Chesler 

The Harry Potter series has seized the imagination of the entire world. But its characters and author are now being subjected to the Thought Crime police. The actors who owe Rowling their careers, livelihood, and celebrity have also turned on her.

Poor J.K. Rowling! Not only is she under attack for her views on the transgender issue—she is now being accused of alleged Jew hatred based on some of the characters in Harry Potter.

Comedian Jon Stewart, formerly of The Daily Show, has just accused J.K. Rowling of anti-Semitism. And why? Because her depiction of the “goblins” who run Gringotts, the underground bank where everyone’s gold is stored is, in his opinion, an anti-Jewish stereotype. He wonders why the “goblins” are the underground bankers… Get it?

Apparently, fiction, even fantasy, must conform to rigid speech code rules. But unlike Wagner’s Nibelungen, Albrecht, (a “dwarf” or a descendent of a “race of dwarfs’) who stole and who hoards the gold which can control the world in Wagner’s four part opera The Ring Cycle—Rowling’s “goblins” merely guard it and release it to its rightful owner—just like the Swiss do.

Call me crazy but once I read the comedian Jon Stewart’s allegation, I immediately thought that Stewart, born Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz, (changed his name, wonder why—nah, I know why) must also favor Palestine i.e. his anti-Semitism is anti-Zionism. Bingo! Even Al-Jazeera mourned his departure and bid him a “fond farewell” as one of the only Americans who told the truth about Israel and “Palestine”.

Stewart, a genuinely funny guy, is one of those “As a Jew” people who stand tall upon their own ethnicity in order to critique Israel. Well, he’s one of those dangerously crazy-funny guys.

Then there’s the actress Emma Watson whose also known and beloved as Hermione Granger in Harry Potter. Oh, Hermione! How can you use your celebrity in such a cheap way? I may never again be able to enjoy Hermione’s officiousness, brilliance, and tenacity. My Hermione/Watson is both pro-trans and pro-Palestine.

Here’s what may be going on. Those who are pro-trans, who believe that identity trumps sex; that a man can be a woman if he says so, and that a woman can be a man—if she says so; who favor the descriptor “queer” over lesbian or homosexual; who are earnestly trying to expand what they see as the limitations of both sex and gender—these are also the kind of people who believe that a country that has never existed—that would be Palestine—is nevertheless the most important, the most persecuted, and the most heroic country in the whole world.

In a sense, the pro-trans actors are supreme fantasists and Rowling is their creator and their competition.

Germany: City of Hamburg wants to house 100 refugees in senior citizens’ home, together with the senior citizens

Do German politicians think that not enough of their elderly citizens are dying?

In view of rising figures of refugees and a growing need for space due to the Corona pandemic, the city of Hamburg wants to accommodate about 100 refugees in a senior citizens’ home.
A wing of the German Red Cross nursing home in Eichenhöhe in the district of Eißendorf is currently vacant, the interior authorities wrote to the district office of Harburg. In the short term, 108 places in 38 rooms could be provided there, the newspaper “Abendblatt” reported.

The German Red Cross, which also runs the senior citizens’ home, is to take care of the asylum seekers. The accommodation should be ready for use by January the 15th.
The social affairs board of the Harburg district assembly will discuss the project on January the 10th.

Number of immigrants in Portuguese public schools is up 47% in two years

The number of immigrants attending public schools in Portugal has increased by 47 percent in just two years, the Jornal de Notíci has reported.

Educational establishments have needed to reinvent themselves in order to accommodate the significant rise in foreign students, including a number of Portuguese nationals who have lived and studied abroad and as a result cannot speak, read or write Portuguese.

The largest contingent of foreign students stems from Brazil, however, there has been a clear uptrend in students migrating from China, Pakistan, India, Nepal, and Venezuela who are seeking education in Portugal.

“We are witnessing the return of many emigrants with school-age children who, being Portuguese, have to attend classes in Portuguese, which is not their first language,” said Cristina Fontes, a teacher and coordinator of Portuguese language for non-natives.

“In the countries where they grew up, they never had classes in their mother tongue,” she added.

A source from the Directorate-General for Education of the Portuguese Ministry of Education and Science told the media outlet that although there are “no hard numbers” regarding the enrollment of foreign students for the 2020/21 academic year, “there is the conviction that there is strong growth.”

COVID INSANITY: Scottish Newspaper Asks Readers if ‘COVID Internment Camps’ Should be Introduced

Macron lobs a grenade at the French, which social media explodes in his face

It was both astounding and to be expected: the President of the Republic, in an interview with a French daily, lobbed a grenade at all French citizens, not just the unvaccinated.

It is quite staggering because a sitting president has never gone that far in an official statement, but not unexpected because Macron has been showing signs of mental fog. It seems that the relentless resistance of antivaxxers, fed by the growing mistrust of the double-vaccinated in booster shots, have been vindicated. Vaccine acceptance has fallen from 80 percent for the first two jabs to 35 percent for the third booster shot.

Even those French deputies, who have steadfastly been behind the vaccination campaign, were flabbergasted.

The advantage of the French president declaring that he “really wants to piss off the unvaccinated” to make their lives unbearable, was first of all to wake up the slumbering Yellow Vests, left stunned for two years by the violence of police repression (2018-2019) and then the pandemic: They will be protesting again on January 8.

That both the antivaxxers and the Yellow Vests are angry with the inadmissible remarks of a President in office, is understandable. What is less so, is the panicked reaction of the pro-Macron sycophant Raphael Glucksmann: “Since the beginning of the pandemic, I’ve been avoiding any easy criticism of an extremely difficult health management task. But a President should never speak like that.” Macron’s minions do not appear as confident as before.

Macron’s childish ultimatum reported by le Parisien will have dire consequences… for Macron himself. It has now become possible to insult the President. Until now, there has been a sort of verbal non-aggression pact between the politico-media representatives and the regime. His provocation has however unleashed a flood of invective on French social platforms, even from the most serene public figures.

“How crazy do you have to be to put your masked mug in a thumbnail?”

“How much did Pfizer pay this scumbag?”

“France is presided over by a sociopathic retarded teenager. Now you can’t say you didn’t know.”

“These people [leaders] are increasingly dangerous!”

“Macron and his clique of Playmobils, like all dictators, are wiping their asses with the few crumbs of democracy that might remain in this ravaged country.”

“He has never even spoken like this about terrorists, drug dealers, paedophiles, criminals… It’s disgraceful, he’s gone mad. Disgusting.”

“The policy of loss of citizenship is now fully accepted at the highest level of the state. A major turning point.”

Are the unvaccinated ‘more dangerous than terrorists’?

Republican MP Eric Ciotti, another vaccine pusher, described an organized debate on this issue by the executive as “ridiculous” citing “administrative difficulties” after a massive blowback in the National Assembly as well as on social media. Ciotti is evidently worried about the devastating impact that Macron’s threats could have on vaccine adherents and tried to soften the blow.

He explained on public broadcaster France Inter: “Either it’s a provocation, or it’s amateurism, maybe a bit of both,” The “provocation”, according to him, were the words of Emmanuel Macron who not only wanted to “piss off” the unvaccinated, but also affirmed that the latter, because they were “irresponsible”, were “no longer citizens”.

Denouncing an “electoral strategy” of “rupture and division”, Ciotti recalled that Macron had refused in 2016 “the deprivation of nationality for Islamist terrorists based on the fact that everyone is a citizen”. “Now suddenly, the unvaccinated are more dangerous than terrorists?” he lamented. Ciotti nevertheless confirmed that he would vote for the vaccine pass.

Florian Philippot was not baffled by Macron’s taunts: “Contrary to what we often read, the number of nonvaccinated will not decrease but will only increase, with a drop week after week of French people who refuse new doses.” He added: “Macron’s comments deserve a revolution of 1789 to the power of 10! This guy is crazy!”

Professor Didier Raoult warned in his latest video against this madness: “This crisis reveals temptations that we have already seen in the past. When one is no longer able to distinguish facts from one’s own opinions, then one is in a dangerous business.”

The government wants to impose the vaccine pass without a vote of Parliament. “We’re looking at all this,” a minister told BFMTV recently. Many in the opposition fear that the government will impose Article 49.3 to enforce the vaccine pass.

Article 49 paragraph 3 of the French Constitution allows the government to pass the text of the law without a ballot. “In this case, this project is considered adopted, unless a motion of censure, filed within the next twenty-four hours, is voted under the conditions provided for in the previous paragraph”, explained the government website.

WATCH: A mob of 30 Muslims tries to rape an Italian woman in Milan

The video shows dozens of men surrounding a young woman during New Year’s Eve celebrations in Milan.

Surrounded and harassed amid the mocked shouts of a pack of men. The serious incident took place on New Year’s Eve during the celebrations in Piazza Duomo and was filmed by passers-by who subsequently posted it on Instagram. Milano Today