Belgium: Muslim politician defends the anti-Semitic smear campaign of the Imam of Molenbeek

According to a statement sent by Sammy Mahdi’s services, the preacher “had been controversial for some time. In 2009, he had still called for Jews to be burned,” the statement said. The video had resurfaced in 2019. Toujgani had apologised for the remarks and spoke of a “slip” in connection with the “war” Israel is waging against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

This news galvanised politicians, first and foremost Ahmed El Khannouss, municipal councillor in Molenbeek (CDH). On his Facebook page, he defended the imam and criticised a “completely unjustified decision”. He then directly attacked state secretary Sammy Mahdi, “who participates in a delusional undertaking to compete with the extreme right and the extreme right in Flanders, who makes hallucinatory decisions and in particular bases them on contradictory information allegedly coming from the State Security Service”. He added: “He is accused of statements he made ten years ago! Statements in which he used drastic expressions. He condemned the Zionist aggression against Gaza (an aggression that caused hundreds of deaths)”.

These remarks immediately sparked controversy in the political arena. MR leader Georges-Louis Bouchez believes that it is a “deeply shameful and unacceptable banalisation of anti-Semitism” and calls on the CDH to take action against it. […] [CDG=Centre démocrate humaniste, Belgian party] Le Soir

Argentinian reporter suddenly collapses during live broadcast from Covid testing site

Argentinian reporter Carlos Ferrara collapsed during a live news broadcast on Argentina’s Channel 9 on Thursday during a news insert from a Covid testing center in the city of Buenos Aires.

As Claudio Perez, the presenter on Channel 9, thanked Ferrara at the end of the report, the reporter suddenly mumbled “Sorry Claudio, sorry,” and a thumping sound could be heard through Ferrara’s live microphone feed.

Claudio looked baffled. “What just happened?” he asked. The cameraman then filmed Carlos Ferrara lying face down on the sidewalk with the microphone still in his hand before the feed was cut.

According to Channel 9 Ferrara collapsed, but his condition is stable and he remains under observation in hospital.

The collapse of Ferrara on air comes in the wake of a similar episode involving of Brazilian TV presenter Rafael Silva, who suffered a cardiac event on-air just a week after he boasted about his Covid-19 booster shot on Instagram. Recently in Brazil, Olympic diver Ian Matos died only months after his jab due to complications while singer Cantor Maurílio died from thrombosis just six weeks after having received his second dose of the vaccine.

Perez’s vaccination status was not revealed fuelling rumours of another vaccine injury, especially because his sudden collapse was alleged to have been due to “heat” which was only 31 degrees Celsius on Friday.

Also on Friday, the career of Bayern Munich football star Alphonso Daviesended abruptly after he was diagnosed with “mild” myocarditis. Davies is considered one of the best full-backs in the world. All Bayern Munich players and staff members were forced to take their booster shot during the winter break, according to German news outlet Sport1.

WATCH: Four German police officers storm public toilet because they suspect an unvaccinated woman in it

According to eyewitnesses, the police were called in because an “unvaccinated woman” had the audacity to enter a public toilet in the town hall. Apparently, however, it is forbidden for vaccine-free citizens to enter it without a test.

Or the woman was considered a “dangerous person” who was about to storm the town hall and confront the politicians there. Unfortunately, the exact reason could not be verified so far. What is evident, however, is the fact that four police officers stormed into the town hall like frightened chickens in order to find the woman and threaten her with criminal proceedings.

Austria: Investigators discover Hitler photos on the mobile phone of an imam

The investigation against alleged supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas is not really progressing well. After the house searches (“Operation Luxor”), the seizure of accounts and the refusal to allow access to files were annulled as unlawful, the suspicion against meanwhile about 100 accused persons proves to be tenuous.

Now, however, a so-called chance find is causing a stir. While analysing the mobile phone of an imam, the investigators found four so-called WhatsApp stickers with the portrait of Adolf Hitler in two chat rooms for pupils. On one photo, “the Führer” gives the Hitler salute, on another he depicts a heart using both hands, and on a third, the word “seductive” is inscribed below Hitler’s portrait. The corresponding chat histories themselves are missing from the file.

The dangerous assumption people are making about the COVID shots

By Leann Horrocks

An awful lot of people are making a very dangerous assumption about the COVID-19 jabs: that the manufacture of them is pristine.  Everyone seems to tacitly accept that every vial of a given jab is perfect and identical to every other vial of the same thing and that it is delivered to the injection site in perfect condition.  I don’t think so.

Bad batches?

There are press reports of localized clusters of bad jab reactions, such as a huge spike in stillbirths in Scotland.  See here and here.  Scotland is not the only place.  The U.S. has the same issues in some areas.

Japan had some real issues with the jab, and there was no way to talk about it without admitting there was a “bad batch.”

Moderna said Wednesday that tainted batches of its COVID-19 vaccine sent to Japan were contaminated with stainless steel particles[.] … The US biotech firm is facing major setbacks in Japan, with hundreds of thousands of doses suspended following reports of foreign substances detected in vials.

Moderna had the gall to minimize this incident:

Stainless steel is routinely used in heart valves, joint replacements and metal sutures and staples. As such, it is not expected that injection of the particles identified in these lots in Japan would result in increased medical risk.

An apology would have been more appropriate — or better, a return to the drawing board.

Distribution is sketchy

Ingredients that constitute the jab itself come from many sources, but it is clear to everyone that these jab vials were produced in a big hurry.  Among other logistical issues, for two of the RNA-based jabs, the completed vials needed to be shipped at -75 degrees Celsius.  The manufacturer quickly invented a solution.

In less than six months, the [Belgian] team designed a thermal shipping box the size of a carryon suitcase that would keep the vaccine ultra-cold when packed with dry ice.

So we are dealing with small batches, manufactured with a new process, shipped to sites all over the world that had no experience in handling anything like this.  What could go wrong?

Even assuming the best intentions by the jab-makers, there are a lot of humans involved in handling this stuff.  There are also a lot of variables in the way the actual shot is physically administered.  Consistent supervision is out of the question at this scale.  Even if the jab vials were pristine and identical to start with, it is at least iffy that would be the case by the time it got to a distant arm.

Africa is having serious problems with distribution, even with the two jabs that do not require excessive refrigeration.

In May Malawi burned nearly 20,000 doses.  At least seven other African countries have destroyed some 450,000 doses in all[.] …

The AstraZeneca shot is viable for just six months — and early donations to Africa often arrived with little time left.  A batch of 191,000 AstraZeneca vaccines rejected by South Africa and reallocated to South Sudan in March arrived there just two weeks before their expiry date; 59,000 were destroyed as a result.

Nigeria destroyed 1 million doses.

Production is questionable

Now it turns out that the Japanese bad batch experience is not necessarily an outlier.

German pathologists presented an analysis of the coronavirus “vaccine” during a shocking press conference in September. A clip of the conference, which has been translated exclusively for RAIR Foundation USA, reveals foreign objects in the vaccine, as well as in the blood of those who have taken the vaccine.

Some of the foreign objects were described as “accurately constructed” and also — shockingly — worms that were hatched from eggs.

This article contains horrifying pictures of some of the “objects.”  These tests were done on “leftover” samples, meaning the bulk of them had been injected into uninformed arms.

More testing is needed.

What if we assume less than good intentions by parties involved in the jab’s creation?  What if this is the all-time biggest medical experiment on the human race?  Would they really not try different formulas in different quantifiable groups?  I’ll bet the vaccine passports include the lot number from which the bearer’s jab came.

Those thoughts notwithstanding, there is enough evidence to realize that the quality of any single jab cannot be guaranteed, even if mounting concerns about the content of the injection were set aside.  This variable alone should exempt anyone from involuntary participation in the jab program.  Due to a variety of factors, the jabbed are woefully uninformed about risk prior to participation.  Considering that getting jabbed is an irrevocable decision, this is just not right.

If you include natural immunity, we are already at herd level.  It’s time to stop the mandates.  We need more testing on the content and manufacturing of these products.  This illness is only 2.5 years old (that we know of) and has mutated substantially from its first appearance.  The unvaxxed are being told to get a jab they don’t want, is risky, and is designed to counter a disease that basically no longer exists.  More importantly, there is no way the jab, including its delivery system, could have been properly tested in the lifetime of a five-year-old.

We need to learn more before we risk butchering the immune systems, fertility, heart function, and survival of our children.

Mahmoud and Abdallah: These are the main perpetrators of the Milan night of rape

According to prosecutor Alessia Menegazzo and deputy prosecutor Letizia Mannella, they were the ones who allegedly chose the “prey” and approached them with excuses or stalking.

(…) They were the ones who triggered the attacks in Piazza Duomo on New Year’s Eve against six of the nine girls, Mahmoud Ibrahim and Abdallah Bouguedra, the two young men arrested in Milan and Turin as part of the investigation led by the Milan prosecutor’s office into sexual violence committed in a group, robbery and bodily harm.

” Brawl over halal meat”: Patrice Evra tells of tensions at meals in the French national football team

Translation: ” 🎙 “Makélélé had taken ten halal lamb chops with him! He said: ‘When there’s no more halal food, you eat fish!”.
🥩 Patrice Evra and Nicolas Anelka talk about the difficulties of working together in the Les Bleus dressing room in 2010, including an anecdote about halal meat.

Germany: CDU politician demands AfD ban, claims rival party is ‘wicked’

The former Federal Government Commissioner for East Germany, Marco Wanderwitz (CDU), has pushed for a ban on the conservative Alternative for Germany (AfD) party. Junge Freiheit reported on this.

“It’s a far-right party, so what is there to wait for?” he told the Chemnitz-based regional newspaper Freie Presse on Wednesday.

He justified his demand by saying that the AfD poses a great threat to society. He claimed that the party endangers the free democratic basic order and is a right-wing extremist party, which is why he advocates initiating ban proceedings at the Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe.

Although the CDU once opposed mass immigration, the party took a sudden leftward turn under former Chancellor Angela Merkel, who is largely held responsible for the 2015 migrant crisis. The CDU has lost a signfiicant amount of conservative voters to the AfD, and any ban on the party would likely benefit the CDU politically.

Wanderwitz claims that the AfD is “wicked.” As an example, he pointed to Saxony, where “right-wing populists” allegedly used the demonstrations against coronavirus measures to further their goals.

Wanderwitz: East Germans have democratic deficit

Last June, the CDU member of the Bundestag had already warned of an alleged “democratic deficit” in some East Germans. Even 30 years after reunification, he stressed that in former East Germany, a right-wing extremist party was elected “to a considerably much greater extent than in the old federal states.”

Wanderwitz referred to the AfD as an extremist party, adding that anyone who votes for it should not expect a “particularly loving treatment.” Instead, you have to “hold the mirror in front of your face pretty strongly,” he noted.

He had previously earned criticism when he attested to “solid non-democratic views” of parts of East Germans and explained this with their “socialization of dictatorship.”

Saxony’s Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU) held Wanderwitz responsible for the failure of the Christian Democrats in the federal elections because of these statements. He also successfully campaigned for his party colleague to be removed from the post of Saxony’s CDU regional group leader.