Month: January 2022
A German-controlled Europe is coming
“You win with German. Do it.”
A more striking encouragement to learn the German language could hardly have been expressed on the advertising surfaces that prompt learning of the German language and which suddenly, almost magically, appeared on the streets of Budapest.
It is not as if knowledge of the German language is not useful, but so far the importance of learning it has been much more restrained.
It is as if the time had come to shake off modesty. Now, confident male faces — at least I only saw these on the posters — call for me to learn German. It is not known whether the sudden launch of the poster campaign is an accidental or deliberate action and possibly linked to the inauguration of the new Berlin government with the supposed intention of creating a German Europe under the guise of creating a federal Europe. In any case, the coincidence is remarkable.
The essence of a federal Europe was perhaps articulated most strongly by Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the leader of the Polish ruling party.
“Germany is working to transform the EU into a federal German fourth empire. If we Poles agreed to such a modern-day surrender, we would actually be degraded,” he declared. Let us add that this applies not only to the Poles, but also to all other EU nations, including us Hungarians.
It is a utopian and dangerous idea — an attempt that will not hold the European Union together but will shatter it. However, more and more sober voices can be heard in the background of the creation of a German-dominated Europe. Despite Berlin’s campaign against Poland and Hungary, it is likely that the volume of fierce EU and German attacks driven by insane ideological considerations will be turned down. It has already been suggested that the knives of Brussels and Berlin will break on Poland and Hungary.
The new German government must now face the fact that, after the change of regime, Central Europe, which has its own sphere of interest, has achieved a position of economic interdependence to some degree with Germany. At least a third of the supply capacity of German industry is already in this region, a significant part of which is in Poland, which is the biggest part of the region, and a significant proportion is with us, Hungary. If these supply chains were to suffer damage as a result of the ideologically-driven joint affliction of Berlin and Brussels, German industry would feel the same. Especially now, when the epidemic causing a shortage of parts in Germany, factories and plants had to be closed.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán described the Hungarian-German economic relations. The process of merging is still unchanged, but it shows a certain contradictory situation. While economic growth in Germany has slowed due to the epidemic, Hungary and Poland are growing GDP by around 5 to 6 percent.
The good result is due, among other things, to what the European Union and Berlin do not want to see: the two conservative governments will not allow profits to be exported without restraint. It is, of course, very good, in theory, for Berlin that the Polish and Hungarian suppliers are doing well. Yet, in addition to the ideological attacks, low profits are one of the main reasons they are conducting a witchhunt against the two countries, so that their own large corporations can continue to rob these countries
This ts the fate that awaits any country that finds a German Europe a good idea.
Free taxis for asylum seekers…
Poll: More Australians want PM deported than Novak Djokovic

City of Belgrade Assembly, This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. Source
City of Belgrade Assembly – official site
In an epic showdown with the Australian government, Novak Djokovic won six-love, even as a stake was being driven through his tennis career.
More Australians would like to see their Prime Minister, a vaccine fanatic, deported than the world’s top tennis player. This cannot be good news for Scott Morrison just a few months before the federal election.
A survey by Newspoll interviewed a random sample of 5 600 Australian voters, asking who they would like to deport more. “It was a tight contest, but 52 percent of respondents chose Scott Morrison,” said the pollster’s spokesperson Lyle Sims. “That’s 4 percentage points more than Novak Djokovic.”
Even those who do not support Djokovic, have been appalled by the treatment he received from Australian officials. “I’m no fan of Djokovic,” one voter told DBT. “But the way he was treated by the federal government is embarrassing for all Australians.”
“Also Sco Mo has completely dropped the ball on vaccines and rapid tests, just to name a few.”
DBT asked the Australian leader to comment on the poll but he refused. “I don’t comment on polls,” he said.
Australia has decreed mandated vaccinations, lockdowns of unvaccinated, and internment isolation in camps for doubters. The Australian government initially said two weeks were needed to “flatten the curve” some 90 plus weeks ago. The “curve” has since exploded. And forced vaccinations continue, even for those who have suffered terribly from their first jab.
The former penal colony appears to be immune to reason. Lawyers for the Australian government insisted the tennis player “posed a risk”.
Djokovic will be deported after a court ruling banned him from competing in the Australian Open in Melbourne. The government’s lawyers claimed that the tennis star had become an “icon” for anti-vaxxers, even though he has never made his vaccination status public.
The government “doesn’t know what Mr Djokovic’s current views are” his lawyer pointed out.
It is clear that the player does not present a Covid risk but a risk to the Australian government’s ridiculous, fact-free narrative since their decision to cancel Djokovic’s visa was not taken out of concern about him infecting others with Covid.
They could not reasonably argue that anyway, because assuming that Djokovic had in fact tested positive on December 16, his antibody levels would be the same as someone who has been vaccinated.
Rather his “position on vaccination… may encourage others to emulate him by reason of his high profile and status,” the court claimed. “If others were encouraged to take up or maintain resistance to vaccination or to Covid-19 restrictions, then that would present a problem for the health of individuals and the operation of Australia’s hospital system.”
Not only does the player face immediate deportation but also a three-year ban from Australia, dramatically sinking his odds of becoming the best tennis player of all times. A 10th Australian Open title would have sealed his legacy as the GOAT (greatest of all time).
In Serbia, President Aleksandar Vucic said the hearing was “a farce with a lot of lies”.
“They think that they humiliated Djokovic with this 10-day harassment, and they actually humiliated themselves. If you said that the one who was not vaccinated has no right to enter, Novak would not come or would be vaccinated,” Vucic told reporters.
Vucic sharply criticized the Australian authorities’ handling of Djokovic. He said a “witch hunt” had been launched, and the media had created a “lynching mood” against the player. “Novak was used to make an example of how the world order works now.”
Djokovic was escorted out of Melbourne airport by two government officials clad in black uniforms.
Big Pharma CEO Blows a Hole in Vaccine Mandates
By Brian C. Joondeph, M.D.
Vaccine mandates are one of many stifling measures brought on by the ongoing COVID pandemic, a consequence of those trying to “follow the science” and doing anything but or of government and bureaucrat officials using the opportunity to flex their authoritarian muscles. Whether they serve a useful societal function is an open question.
The CDC website cites a book chapter by research scholars Kevin Malone and Alan Hinman that describes vaccine mandates as a means of “drastically reducing infectious diseases in the United States.” Mandates present a challenge “when societal interest conflicts with the individual’s interest.” With vaccine mandates, there is the assumption that “Increased immunization rates result in significantly decreased risk for disease.”
According to the chapter,
Although no remaining unimmunized individual can be said to be free of risk from the infectious disease, the herd effect generated from high immunization rates significantly reduces the risk for disease for those individuals. Additional benefit is conferred on the unimmunized person because avoidance of the vaccine avoids the risk for any adverse reactions associated with the vaccine. As disease rates drop, the risks associated with the vaccine come even more to the fore, providing further incentive to avoid immunization. Thus, when an individual in this common chooses to go unimmunized, it only minimally increases the risk of illness for that individual, while conferring on that person the benefit of avoiding the risk of vaccine induced side effects.
Herd immunity, a term that can get one banned from social media and polite society, is the key. Both vaccines and natural infection can achieve herd immunity. Once herd immunity is reached, the risk-benefit ratio pivots from less benefit for every last person being vaccinated to more risk from vaccine adverse effects. This is the logical way infectious diseases have been approached in the past, until COVID apparently changed relatively settled science regarding vaccines, masks, distancing, and mandates.
The above premise assumes that the vaccine in question prevents contracting and transmitting the underlying infectious disease. Or as the chapter describes, “An important characteristic of most vaccines is that they provide both individual and community protection.”
Are the COVID vaccines providing both individual and community protection? If they are, then a case may be made for vaccine mandates although that is debatable. If not, then such mandates make no sense.
An excellent person to ask is Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer, the largest COVID vaccine maker. In a recent Yahoo Finance interview, Bourla let the cat out of the vaccine bag,
And we know that the two doses of the vaccine offer very limited protection, if any. The three doses, with the booster, they offer reasonable protection against hospitalization and deaths—and, again, that’s, I think, very good—and less protection against the infection.
“Limited protection if any,” is not a strong endorsement. It’s a polite way of saying two doses of the vaccine don’t work as previously described and promised. And with a booster, the protection becomes “reasonable.” He didn’t say robust or excellent, only reasonable, meaning that there is limited benefit. And it’s a benefit to the individual, not to other people.
An umbrella provides “limited protection if any” in a hurricane and a raincoat offers “reasonable” protection but, in both cases, you will get soaked and blown around.
I must add the standard and necessary disclaimer that I am not anti-vaccine, having been personally fully vaccinated. Nor am I offering medical advice, only an analysis of this recent news item. Any vaccine decisions should be between you and your physician based on a thoughtful analysis of risks and benefits, as is standard for any medical intervention.
When Big Pharma doesn’t believe its own spin anymore, though, why should anyone else? Unless, as in the case of corporate media and US government officials, mostly of the Democrat persuasion, they choose to ignore the CEO of the largest vaccine maker, instead regurgitating their own misinformation.
CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said much the same last summer about the COVID vaccines, “They continue to work well with ‘Delta’ with regard to severe illness and death, but what they can’t do anymore is prevent transmission.” In other words, vaccines are no longer stopping one from catching COVID or transmitting it to someone else.
What they still do is offer “reasonable” protection, to use the Pfizer CEO’s description, against hospitalization and death. But is that an individual or societal benefit? That’s the crux of mandates.
Vaccine mandates are ostensibly to protect society by reducing infection and transmission and keeping hospital and ICU numbers at a workable level. Mandates prevent kids from catching COVID, bringing it home to their parents and grandparents, who may be ill-equipped to shrug it off as just a cold, as their child likely will.
But that bit is not working, at least according to the Pfizer CEO and the CDC director, as noted above.
Then it comes down to individual benefit, which there likely is. If the vaccines reduce the risk of severe illness, hospitalization, and death, then there is a clear benefit to the individual. Or rather, this was a benefit but, with waning vaccine immunity and new variants, this individual benefit may no longer exist.
Look at the numbers the corporate media chooses to ignore, “Nearly 75 percent of UK COVID deaths were vaxed, govt’s data shows.” Even Israel, the darling country of vaccinations and booster reports, “Most COVID patients at Israeli hospital fully vaccinated.” In the U.S., too, where NBC News claims, “hospitalizations rising among fully vaccinated in US, Fauci says.”
Assuming there is some degree of individual benefit, that doesn’t justify a societal mandate with exclusion, shame, and punishment for those choosing not to comply due to a variety of reasons, including previous infection and natural immunity, concerns over short and long term adverse effects, or religious beliefs.
Using the same logic, we could mandate the elimination of cigarettes and other tobacco products. “Tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of death in the United States,” according to the CDC, accounting for 480,000 annual deaths. This figure is higher than the number of COVID deaths per year, especially if one sifts out death “with” versus “from” COVID, a nuance only now dawning on the medical establishment.
Mandates could also be applied toward exercise and fitness, diet, body weight, alcohol, recreational drugs, and any other behaviors that increase the risk of individual harm or death.
But I am not going to live longer because my neighbor goes to the gym six times a week, eats a healthy diet, doesn’t smoke, and never drives over the speed limit. Similarly, if the Pfizer CEO and CDC Director are correct in their belief that my neighbor being vaccinated won’t prevent him from transmitting and me from catching COVID, then why make my neighbor take the vaccine if he chooses not to, any more than mandating him to eat right and exercise?
If I catch COVID, then that’s on me as would be true if I become diabetic or have a stroke due to my lifestyle choices. That’s the difference between individual and societal benefits. Vaccines, at least based on current variants and data, provide primarily individual benefits, which itself is diminishing.
One might make the argument that COVID-infected individuals consume health care system resources but, again, that same argument applies to smoking, obesity, excessive alcohol use, and other unhealthy but perfectly legal activities addressed by public health messaging but not draconian and punishing government mandates.
The U.S. Supreme took a step in the right direction by blocking vaccine mandates for large private companies. One opinion explained, “Although Congress has indisputably given OSHA the power to regulate occupational dangers, it has not given that agency the power to regulate public health more broadly.” This is why there are no mandates for well-established lifestyle choices known to reduce illness, hospitalization, death, and cost to society.
Fortunately, the Omicron variant may act as the ultimate vaccine, spreading like wildfire through the world, causing mild infection for the vast majority, and leaving those infected with robust natural immunity. In my state of Colorado, the Denver Post reports, “The virus is everywhere” as “State health officials estimate between one in 10 and one in 15 people in Colorado is currently contagious.”
Eventually, everyone will be exposed and infected, with COVID becoming endemic like seasonal influenza, with a yearly vaccine available based on the best guess of the season’s viral strain and vaccines encouraged for those at high risk, just as we do now for the flu vaccine.
Yet the left keeps pushing COVID vaccine mandates, despite the Pfizer CEO, CDC Director, and the US Supreme Court saying, perhaps in a roundabout way, that they are of no benefit. Hopefully, the Supreme Court’s trend continues, with a thoughtful analysis of our public measures, following the science rather than simply saying “do this because I say so.”
It’s been a long two years of COVID and, at some point, we must heed Dr. Anthony Fauci’s recent words: “We’re going to have to start living with COVID.”
See also: Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Makes Startling Admissions About the Vaccines
Switzerland: An asylum seeker attacks the paramedic who had come to his aid and destroys an ambulance
A 38-year-old asylum seeker from Iran attacked a paramedic. The incident, reported by the website 20Minuten Schweiz, happened on the night of Thursday January 13 to Friday January 14. The city police of Winterthur, a Swiss city about 25 kilometres east of Zurich, were alerted because a patient attacked a paramedic near the cantonal hospital.
According to the media, the rejected asylum seeker was supposed to be taken to the emergency room at the time of the attack. Shortly before he arrived there, he physically attacked and injured the paramedic who was treating him. At the same time, he damaged the ambulance and medical equipment before fleeing. The estimated damage to property amounts to more than 50 000 Swiss francs, comments 20Minuten Schweiz.
Shortly after the incident, the perpetrator was arrested nearby and subsequently taken to the emergency room. After receiving medical treatment, he was arrested. He will have to answer for assault, damage to property and violation of the law on foreigners.
Austria: Somali asylum seeker sets fire to apartment building and attacks fleeing residents with a knife
In Salzburg’s Liefering district, police officers stopped a dangerous Somali man by shooting him after the alleged firebug first started a fire and then attacked people in the burning house and also the police officers with a knife. Several people, including the alleged perpetrator, were injured.
In Salzburg, shortly after 4 a.m., the professional fire brigade was alerted to a room fire in the street Aribonenstraße after a fire broke out on the third floor of a residential building. A large fire brigade was able to extinguish the fire and evacuate a total of 30 residents. Seven people had to be rescued using a turntable ladder. The evacuees were temporarily accommodated in a nearby hotel and were cared for by the Salzburg Red Cross. Three people had to be taken to Salzburg General Hospital, two of whom suffered smoke poisoning, “Salzburg 24” reported.
According to the fire brigade, the fire led to heavy smoke development, and the flat in which the fire broke out was completely destroyed. The cause of the fire was not yet known at the time of the extinguishing work, but in the course of initial police investigations, the suspicion of arson quickly arose – not least because a knife crime took place at exactly the same time.
While the fire brigade was being called to the scene of the fire, the police got more calls saying that a person with a knife had run out of the very same house where the fire was burning, threatening residents and passers-by. The suspect also attacked a person with the knife for no apparent reason, but without injuring him. The perpetrator then fled the scene.
During the immediate search, a police patrol stopped the suspect in the area of the street Linke Glanzeile. However, the perpetrator did not follow the police instructions and attacked the police officers with a knife, according to a police statement. In order to stop the attack, the police officers fired three shots, according to current information. The perpetrator was injured to an unspecified extent in the area of the thigh. After initial treatment, he was temporarily arrested and taken to Salzburg University Hospital.
German government hands out €130,000 to films about transgender people and a feminist documentary about clowns
Film funds in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein will contribute €130,000 to six film projects, all of which must meet a “diversity checklist.”
Among them is feminist docu-fiction “Clownesse” about the life of contemporary “clowns.” It was refunded with €30,000. The film “Ich kann unsichtbar sein” (I can be invisible), a short documentary about a 40-year-old trans man, also received funding of €12,500.
Projects that apply for funding must fill out a so-called “diversity checklist.”
The MOIN Film Fund website states: “Applicants are now obliged to answer a questionnaire on the diversity of their planned project.” For example, applicants must answer whether there are “people of color” in the team. MOIN claims the checklist does not affect “artistic freedom or labor law issues.”
The website also states: “The film industry has the responsibility and the opportunity to portray our versatile, multicultural society, which is common in our everyday environment, in a modern, pioneering and diverse way – without lapsing into clichés or confirming unconscious biases.”
The MOIN Film Fund’s CEO, a White woman, says she wants to “film more diversity” with taxpayer euros. The fund receives €15.7 million, of which €9.2 million are provided by the city of Hamburg and another €1 million by the German state of Schleswig-Holstein. Most of the rest of the funding comes from other public sources, including German public television networks such as ZDF.
“Let us film more diversity and tell stories that would otherwise go unheard: We want to see our diverse, multicultural society modern and in all its facets on the big screen,“ said Helge Albers, CEO MOIN Film Fund.
Albers, along with the entire staff of the MOIN Film Fund, appears to be nearly entirely White European, despite being based in one of the most multicultural cities in Germany. The entire team is pictured on their website.
The MOIN Film Fund does have its critics. Alexander Wolf, the conservative Alternative for Germany (AfD) parliamentary group deputy leader and cultural policy spokesman, commented on the funding.
“The ‘diversity checklist’ is intended to support projects that fit into the absurd left-wing world view. And this is what comes out of it: Tax-financed gender ideologues push through their propaganda, in which ‘clowns’ and trans men are glorified as normal. Ideological minority politics is being pursued here, totally disregarding the reality of life. A new reality is being promoted instead — Huxley says, “Hello” — saying that the ‘Brave New World’ should be colorful, diverse, and migrant. All that nonsense at taxpayer expense,” criticized Wolf.
German authorities upping pressure on Telegram
The German Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) wants to increase the pressure on the messenger service.
According to information from German daily Die Welt (Monday edition), representatives of the authorities have announced in the Bundestag’s internal affairs committee that the service will be flooded with requests for deletion or data in future. Although Telegram has hardly cooperated in this area so far, corresponding requests should be sent without exception to increase pressure.
In response to an enquiry from the daily, the BKA stated its goal to achieve cooperation with Telegram in collaboration with the police authorities of the federal and state governments, the Epoch Times reported.
Politicians and authorities are increasingly taking a confrontational course towards Telegram because, in their estimation, the service is used particularly often “by right-wing extremists and supporters of conspiracy myths”. According to the BKA, Telegram is not interested in “cooperating with the security authorities”.
This announcement will impress Telegram founder Pavel Durov no doubt. What will the tech billionaire do, if not empty the spam folder? Russia already tried to block the encrypted messenger app Telegram on the grounds that “terrorists were using the service”. In reality it was probably more about unwelcome criticism of the government and censorship. And now the German government and the authorities have joined the ranks of the “authoritarian states” they condemn for suppressing opposition and freedom of expression.
Infamous domestic spy chief Thomas Haldenwang revealed the following on the subject of Telegram: “Our virtual agents are on the move on the platforms. I am not allowed to tell you how many employees there are, but they are very successful. After the death threats against Saxony’s Prime Minister Kretschmer via the messenger service Telegram, it was possible to identify people, not least thanks to our activities. But I don’t want to give the impression that we have a complete overview of what is happening on Telegram.”
Speaking of Kretschmer: On 2 December 2021, the old far-left Kretschmer was told off by by an FDP representative on Maybrit Illner’s ZDF talk show, because Kretschmer had used the platform to once again incite the public against Telegram and “extreme right-wing” groups. A few days later, remarks about “assassination plans” against Saxony’s head of government appeared on a Telegram group. Coincidences do exist.
Texas Synagogue Terrorist Came Out of UK Islamist No-Go Zone

As far back as 2013, Pakistani Muslim terrorists had plotted to take “foreign Jews” hostage to trade for ‘Lady Al Qaeda’. In 2022, a Pakistani Muslim terrorist actually went out and did it.
The hostage crisis at Congregation Beth Israel, a Reform Temple in Texas, ended with Faisal Akram of Blackburn, another post-industrial English town where Muslims make up a third of the population and Pakistanis account for over 10 percent, dead, and his Jewish hostages set free.
Back home, the Blackburn Muslim Community page announced that “Faisal Akram has sadly departed from this temporary world” and prayed that Allah “bless him with the highest ranks of Paradise”.
The BMC page had previously promoted a “charity” event to raise money for “Palestinians” by the Human Relief Foundation, which had been banned by Israel over its ties to Hamas.
The town has produced no shortage of Jihadists, including the youngest terrorist in the UK, as well as a number of Jihadis who traveled to join ISIS, an associate of shoe bomber Richard Reid, and a terrorist who played a key role in an Al Qaeda plot that targeted New York and D.C.
Blackburn is one of the most segregated towns in the country and has been described as a “no-go zone”. The area that produced the Temple Terrorist has the highest Muslim populationoutside of London where some claim that flying the English flag has been effectively outlawed.
The setting couldn’t be any better for the media to whitewash the murderous terrorist with the familiar excuses that he was the victim of failed integration in the United Kingdom. His family, in an even more familiar excuse, is claiming that he “was suffering from mental health issues”.
That, along with the claim by FBI Special Agent in Charge Matt DeSarno that the terrorist, “was singularly focused on one issue, and it was not specifically related to the Jewish community”, is becoming the very familiar narrative for covering up the latest Muslim terror attack.
But antisemitism, like Islamism, was part of the air that Faisal Akram breathed in Blackburn.
Salim Mulla, Blackburn’s former mayor and current Labour councilor, claimed that Israel was behind ISIS and school shootings in America. Last year, four Muslim men from Blackburn took part in a “Palestinian” convoy while shouting, “F*** the Jews… F*** all of them. F*** their mothers, f*** their daughters and show your support for Palestine. Rape their daughters and we have to send a message like that. Please do it for the poor children in Gaza.”
Siddiqui aka Lady Al Qaeda, on whose behalf the Texas synagogue attack took place, was married to the nephew of 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and had assorted recipes for mass murder in her possession when she was captured. Despite graduating from Brandeis, a formerly Jewish university, she demanded at her trial that jurors undergo DNA tests to prove that they are not Jewish. And the Aafia Foundation posted bizarre antisemitic rants about the “degree of poisonous venum (sic) within the heart of American mainstream jewry”.
The harted of Jews, like the hatred of all non-Muslims, is a crucial motive for Islamic terrorism.
If Blackburn is a miserable place, the tale of the Akram family may reveal why. The official family statement by the terrorist’s brother, Gulbar Akram, claims that “although my brother was suffering from mental health issues we were confident that he would not harm the hostages” and denied that the FBI had rescued the hostages from being killed by his brother. “Don’t believe the bull#### in the media they were released from the fire exit and Not rescued.”
The Blackburn Community message describes the terrorist as having brothers named “Gulbar”, “Malik” and the “Late Gulzameer Akram”.
Two brothers named Gulbar Akram and Gulzameer Akram in Blackburn had been locked up over stolen cars. Another time, a Blackburn resident named Gulbar Akram almost had his nosesliced off. A Gulzameer Akram ran a massive counterfeiting operation from a Blackburn home. A Malik Akram was locked up for harassing girls. Were all of them members of the same clan?
The best way to cover up a terrorist attack is to shift the context. And that’s what they’re doing. But it’s important to dig into the true context to understand the true origins of the Texas attack.
In his book, Among the Mosques, ex-Islamist Ed Husain described Blackburn as “another global hub for the Deobandis and the Tableeghi Jamaat” where the mosques pray for the destruction of the enemies of Islam and texts declare that “there can be no reconciliation between Islam and democracy”.
The Deobandis, who control many of the mosques in Blackburn, originated the Taliban.
Aafia Siddiqui, better known as ‘Lady Al Qaeda’, is a Deobandi, the terrorist on whose behalf Faisal Akram took a synagogue hostage, and a popular cause with Pakistanis. A few years ago the Pakistani Senate had even named the Islamic terrorist, the “Daughter of the Nation”.
Indian Mujahideen co-founder Riyaz Bhatkal had plotted to take Jews hostage a decade ago in order to force ‘Lady Al Qaeda’s release. British Muslim “charities” were a major source of funding to the Jihadist group as they are for many Pakistani Jihadist enterprises.
While much has been made of the advocacy on behalf of Siddiqui by CAIR and other Islamist colonists in America, top Muslim politicians in the UK also vocally demanded her release, including Lord Nazir Ahmed and Lord Altaf Sheikh.
When Husain visited Blackburn, he warned that, “it is clear that a caliphist subculture thrives here, a separate world from the rest of British society.”
Tableeghi Jamaat, whose mosques are known as “breeding grounds” for Jihad, is closely intertwined with Pakistani Islamism and vectored Islamic terrorism. Quite a number have joined Al Qaeda. It is no coincidence that so many Islamic terrorists have come out of Blackburn.
Nor is it a coincidence that the latest Islamic terrorist attack on America originated there.
Faisal Akram traveled to Texas, where ‘Lady Al Qaeda’ sleeps at the Federal Medical Center, Carswell in Fort Worth. He was one of many Muslim pilgrims seeking to extricate her. Just last fall, the Dallas-Forth Worth CAIR and the Pakistani terror regime claimed that Aafia Siddiqui had been assaulted in U.S. custody in the latest effort of many on behalf of ‘Lady Al Qaeda’.
Faisal’s target, a progressive Reform Temple which happened to carry the traditional name of Congregation Beth Israel despite its social justice activist clergyman’s hostility to Israel, was ideally selected to fit Muslim antisemitic obsessions with both Israel and Jews.
The antisemitic rants, the hostage crisis, and the rapid cover-up are all regular features of life for Jews in Europe. Changing demographics are making them a new reality for American Jews.
Any American city or town can become the new Blackburn. That’s the harsh lesson here.
Pakistani antisemitism and obscure Jihadist movements are not local issues, they are global threats. The poison nurtured in a declining British post-industrial town blew up in Texas. We are all interconnected, and that interconnectedness has made the Jihad into a global enterprise. Ideas, tactics, and organizations that once took centuries to colonize the world can travel around it at the speed of the internet and a terror plot can happen at the speed of a jet plane.
We can either police our borders, control our immigration, and build walls around our nations, or we must be resigned to being hunted, stalked, and killed anywhere and at any given moment.
In Blackburn, Muslims anticipate the Texas Jihadist ascending to the “highest ranks of Paradise” where he will enjoy the company of 72 virgins. More Muslims from Blackburn, marinating in the same hatred for America, for Jews, and for anyone unlike them, will follow in his footsteps.