France: In Tours, Muslims denounce the “radical Islamism” of their mosque

Yesterday afternoon, an unusual event took place on Jean-Jaurès Square in Tours. About thirty worshippers from the Bouzignac mosque took to the streets and confronted passers-by to denounce the administration of their place of worship, which they say is subject to “sectarian and Islamist tendencies”.

Their collective “for democracy and transparency” reports links to an Islamist movement that advocates the establishment of a religious caliphate in Morocco. La Nouvelle République

France: Deputy mayor of Saint-Denis, Abdelmajid Bouhenna, charged with raping two underage girls

Abdelmajid Bouhenna, an elected representative of the majority faction responsible for sports health and inclusion, among other things, was charged with rape on Saturday. Two underage girls had filed charges against him. Le Parisien

The man was brought before an investigating judge in Bobigny and then before a magistrate.

According to our information, the deputy is accused of sexual acts that he has allegedly been committing with two young girls for several months. The two were originally 14 and 16 years old.

The incident happened in November when the older girl filed a complaint against him for assault. “She had learned that he had cheated on her with another girl,” our source said.

Investigators found out that this other girl was even younger. And that he had become acquainted with both of them in the course of his official duties. Actu Seine-Saint-denis

Spain: Highly radicalised jihadist group arrested in Algeciras and Murcia

Spanish security forces have arrested the leader of a strongly radicalised jihadist group in Algeciras, along with another three members in Murcia. They allegedly considered themselves ‘soldiers of the caliphate’, and possessed a large amount of extremely harsh propaganda material.

As reported by the National Police this Friday, January 21, the ringleader, who had found and indoctrinated the other three, has already been placed in provisional prison, by order of a judge of the National Court.

Their investigation, which culminated last Tuesday 17 with the arrests, began eighteen months ago. Experts in the fight against terrorism had detected an individual aligned with the postulates of the Islamic State (IS). He was spreading radical material on social networks, with violent, jihadist content.

As reported by police sources, the leader is an individual known for his extreme radicalism, who had formed a closed and exclusive group. At first, he exercised the functions of a religious reference, but later went on to indoctrinate in the most radical and violent postulates of IS.

He is known to have regularly held clandestine meetings with this group, in which they viewed terrorist material, and criticized Western society.

Officers carried out five searches, four in homes, and another in a freight truck, in which numerous electronic devices were intervened. Investigators voiced their surprise at the large amount of violent radical content that the main suspect handled for his indoctrination work, which clearly represented a serious threat to public safety, as reported by

German authorities seize anti-corona drug Ivermectin

My reader A. G. wanted to order a packet of ivermectin on the Internet as a preventive measure, as this approved drug is supposed to be effective against COVID-19 according to published studies. This drug was available in pharmacies without any problems before Corona, or should we say more accurately, before the studies became known. If one takes ivermectin when the first symptoms of Corona appear, there is a good chance that the course of the disease will be attenuated. For weeks, the market of ivermectin seems to be empty. That’s why my reader ordered it on the internet. Unfortunately, the medicine did not reach him, instead he received a strange letter from Deutsche Post. It said that the medicine had been seized by customs. Enclosed was the seizure order from the main customs office in Frankfurt/Main. He would soon receive further unsolicited information from the Darmstadt Regional Council/Pharmacy Department. Please refrain from further inquiries (see photos below).

My reader should not be able to protect himself against a disease because of which an unprecedented panic has been spreading throughout Germany and the world for two years?

As a press spokesman for several hospitals, my reader knows the data situation first-hand on a daily basis. He knows that in his hospital there is currently 1 – in words: one – infected patient in the intensive care unit. Less is hardly possible.

The seizure took place at a time when it became known that the incidences were only estimated by the RKI and that vaccination side effects did not really exist, but were mainly a ” mind over matter”. This means that all those who suffer from heart muscle inflammation, or even those who have died from it, have only themselves to blame because their imagination was too strong. Could it be any more cynical?Yes, because confiscating a drug that helps against Covid-19 and at the same time forcing the population to be vaccinated with vaccines of dubious effectiveness is the current state of affairs. At the same time, permanent alarmist Lauterbach is once again causing panic by announcing hundreds of thousands of new infections per day. The RKI simply has to adjust its estimates. Since the reasons for doctor visits are also asked for in the surveys, a simple cold is sufficient to get listed in the Corona statistics. I apologise for the irony in the last sentences, but I can no longer think of a rational response to so much absurdity.

The tutelage of politics over the citizen has reached a level unimaginable in the last two years. All criticism of the government is now forbidden by decree. Even walks that pass quietly and without placards are no longer to be tolerated. Even opposition that is only suspected will no longer be tolerated. Thus the Basic Law has been violated in its most important fundamental rights: Freedom of expression, freedom of assembly and physical integrity are suspended. Complaining to the Constitutional Court against this no longer helps, because this court, headed by the Merkel confidant Harbarth, has transformed itself from a critical authority into a body that supports politics. This goes so far that Constitutional Court Judge König, who is supposed to rule on a complaint against ex-Chancellor Merkel, dines with the Chancellor beforehand. Consequences: none.

The currently practised guardianship of the state is not compatible with the freedom and dignity of the person. Whether such a state can still be called democratic is for everyone to decide.

Pharmaceutical dos and don’ts in the age of COVID

By John F. Di Leo

I have a few medical questions…not for experts, just for regular folks like you and me.

  • Should you take antibiotics if you don’t have a bacterial infection?
  • Should you take phenobarbital if you don’t have a seizure disorder such as epilepsy?
  • Should you take nitroglycerin if you don’t have some kind of heart trouble?
  • Should you undergo chemotherapy if you don’t have cancer?

Most likely, we all have the same gut reaction to all of these questions: “Probably not.  In fact, very probably not.”

This isn’t to say there aren’t other uses for each of these medicinal miracles, but they all have primary purposes.

Sometimes they are good for other purposes, too.  Some of our greatest discoveries have been when a drug developed for one purpose surprisingly turned out to have another benefit as well (famous examples include Cortisone, Rogaine, and Viagra).

But still, in all these cases, we are taught to think first before taking them, and even then, to never overuse them, for fear of their switching from a help to a hindrance.  Overuse, after all, can cause a medication to attack other parts of the body besides the target, or can cause a person to become immune to it, so that it doesn’t work the next time you need it.

This doesn’t only go for prescription drugs, by the way.  Over-the-counter (OTC) medications can be risky as well.  Even common painkillers like acetaminophen and ibuprofen can pose severe risks from either too great a dosage at once or usage over too long a period.  There are even some vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to most people but dangerous to some.

On top of all this, when you go in for any new prescription, whether for a preventative measure like the annual seasonal flu vaccine or some medication for a current affliction, doctors and pharmacists ask you a battery of questions:

Are you pregnant or nursing?  Are you currently on any other medications?  Are you allergic to sulfa drugs, or to anything on this list of other ingredients?  Do you drink alcohol, or grapefruit juice, or consume some other food or beverage known to have an interaction with this particular prescription?

They aren’t being nosy.  They aren’t being obnoxious.  They’re looking out for you.

Everyone used to know that any medication, even the best, most wonderful scientific breakthrough, is appropriate for certain conditions and is inappropriate for others.  So all decisions to put any artificial chemical into your body require a thoughtful analysis of your personal situation.

All of a sudden, however, the entire statist establishment — virtually the entire global political left — has decided that one set of “vaccines” (and its potentially unlimited follow-up series of boosters) should be mandatory, not even just to some, but to every person on the planet: young or old, healthy or unhealthy, fat or thin, sick or well.

This is unprecedented.

And all for an experimental therapy — so new, in fact, that it’s difficult to tell whether the numerous reports of dangerous and even fatal side-effects are statistically significant or not, due to what can only be called an unprecedented cover-up by not only government, but also both traditional and social media.

Not only is the product so new that it hasn’t had time to go through the usual years of trials, but they virtually skipped over the period of offering it as voluntary and went straight to — successfully! — convincing countless schools, governments, employers, retailers, and even entertainment venues to make it mandatory, just six months after its introduction.

Even without debating such issues as the real danger (and source!) of the illness that it hopes to prevent…even without debating its cost, funding sources and financial windfall beneficiaries…even without questioning whether any of these entities really have a moral or political right to force such a medication on another sovereign individual…it really should not require complex analysis or advanced degrees to recognize that it simply does not make sense — ever — to give the exact same drug to everyone on earth.  The very idea is completely idiotic.

It ought to be obvious that no one product is universally beneficial, universally safe, universally appropriate for every one of the eight billion people on this planet.

In light of this irrefutable fact, there is a corollary.  Precisely because this universal vaccine mandate is so obviously illogical, it should be equally obvious that we should seriously question the motives of anyone who would advocate such a nonsensical position on something so fundamental, so costly, and so potentially dangerous.

Special instructions about not going walking in Potsdam, Germany, just outside of Berlin

Translation: The Assembly Authority informs
Assembly Ban for Today’s meeting:
in Potsdam is prohibited by the Assembly Authority according to § 15 III 13 Vers G.
This also applies to any substitute meetings.
The reason for the ban is the immediate threat to public safety and order. The police point out that participation in a prohibited assembly is a misdemeanour.
Brandenburg Police

“I’m Over COVID, What the F**k Is the Use of Boosters?” – Bill Maher Goes Off on Medical Establishment, Experimental Vaccines in Latest Interview